f tHI8 PI FEB ' ...hdeTery afteraeoa, Susdavs t ' jOSH. T. JAMBS,..,; EDITOR AIJ PBOFBICTOB. ....in.a unHTARKPAID. -"'f 5 00 Six aonthi, S3 W ; Tire , r ... 0 month. BO cents. :90B ffUl' be delivered by carriers, raws, or 13 cents per wcju .. : rate.- low and liberal r ' drSabferiberi will please report acy and jrcito receiretbeir papers regaiarty; J?ev Advertisements iieuralgia. Sciatica, Lumbago, BackcchQ, Soreness ci the Chest( Scut, Quinsy, Sore Threat, Swell ings and Sorbins, Burns and ' Scalds, 'Genera Bodily Fains, . ' Tooffifar and. Headache, Frosted fast end Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Prc?fiwn r'n ft&i"1 eqfla!3 St. J a cot 3 .Oil ii & sifr , f v.re. siwjiCo ani rheap Externa! ttH, A trial enlaila but tha coniparaUvely trfli i. utiavcf 50 (onis, Rnd cTery one.suffer j, -, i'.h i-jia h xvchAp and positiYe proof 'iVyi;,i: ;o E!eTn Laugnagft. 0ilJ E I ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS Hi MEDIO IKE, A.VQG5L2R & CO., iSmltimrtre, ZI2. 27. -4. In Addition rpO MI FORM K LARGS STOCK, I have just received the first lot of Spring Milline rv. Safins. Kr. R. and Porcuninc Straws. Y rcsh fcvening Flowers, the "lateffjSun- Jlowers and Uauli9e. . . Respectfully, MISS E. K'AREER, mrti CJ Exchange Corno The Landmark, PUBLISHED AT. 8TATESYILLE, IUEDSLL CO., N 0, Is tbe Leading Sewipaper in Western North Car oiinR. It is tbejonly Democratic.Papcr pab iihed in Iredell coenty one cf the--largest and wealthiest ooanties in the tat9 nd has at tained a larger local circulation than any paper erer heretofore p-ublishtdin tha couoty Z IU circulation in Alexacdor, Wilkes, Asfce, Alleghany, Tad in, Darie and Iredeil, is larger than tat o' ?ny two papers in the State combined; and it rapidly acquiring a string foothold in Foraythe, Surry, Rowan and weBterD.Mocklenburg. - It ie tL cnlj paper in Western North Car olin that emplojs a Regular GasTassing igent and is thus kept constantly before the pecpl. Under thia systcra a tapidly incj eas teg cirenlatira is tbe reait, masiujg tbe a.TBs Best AdTertiriifj Medium in Westj f rn North Carolina. icdresi, MARTIN'S VACCINE VIBU rx Noutu Carolina Medical, Jockkal aoexct fok the sol'therx states pRESH AN D ACTIVE -VA-CCINE from tbe renowned establi&liraentof Dr. Henry A. Martin furnished in large or small quanti ties . This vaccine is v? arrauted ? to take in all primary cases. 7 Lancet Points for $1.00 1 do do 2 CO Each lancet point will vaccinate one per son. Orders by telegraph or niaiLwiU recciye prompt attention. o THOMAS F. WOOD, un,t-tf nac Wiimingt3n. k. C Employment"" FOR ALfc TO SELLA HOUSEHOLD - ARTICLE THEpooraswli as the rich, thooldaa well as the younr the wife, e well as 'o hiubasd, the young maiden sa woilas w young man, tbe fiirl ad well ai tie bey, a7 ct ib weU eara a few Cellars in bontet 'aployment, as to sit around thecoma a-q lt r Wtiera to earn it (or them. Wo' can cVeJn employment, a'l the tine, or daring jour iptre hours only; trarelic gt or in your wa reihborhood, axeng yoarfiiends an? "Joaiot&Dces. If you do not care for emd 'wjsjest, we can impart raluable informa QoaJo yea fr?e of coil, It wli cost you M pfiecenti'or a PrtUl cird t write for Y frospsctcs, and it may be the means of a"l!V you a good many dollars. , "0fitiifglectthij opportaiity You do t0 est a large sum o! money, and J great rbk of losing it. Yen will readi. J fctt it win aa eMy no tier to make jjc 10 to HP, a weex, and establish a bu e i01 iadepsadent bmincss, honara inVk.'tfwdand profitable. Attend i jlSratlfr fO' tewe ia MONEY 4 " for H who tnage with ts. wiU eT you d JM' Tlll wonder why you nlLjrot6 t0 tt before. Ws exSn t vtx. ticulam ta. Address nPf9T Miewi, Ohio. p4 tzf ess wte I 'mar mm Fir f W&m&mM?h ?iyill M spate sab FOB . iMIIiTISI, r 4 VOL. V I ; I WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, MARCH , 29. 1882. NO 75 LOCAL NEWS. New Adtzrtisemexts. Heinsberoek Hegant t aster Cards C W Yates Peep in at Yates Dr Thos F Wooi-iIarUn'6yaccine Virus The receipts of cotton at this porl. day foot up 10 bales! ' British brig' Blackwoodi Phillips, hence, arrived at Queenstown March 26. The 8 tin, which has been j obscured eincc Sunday, made its appearaace to-clay and it was a welcome sicrht. i XorwpgiTn"' barque1 Hjemratt, Ing raundsen, entered for loading at Liver pool March lltb, for this port.- ' ; : . ; i Beautify your nouie9 by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready raized and war ranted. Sold only at Jacob i'r. f AVater color paintings are becomioff very popular in this country. ( But a cer. tain class of men still cliog , to the old fashion of coloring their frontispieces with whiskey. They take no stock in water coloring. We are glad to notice tbat'jttie street brigade are taking steps towards repair ing the condition of Bock Spring, on Chestnut street, just opposite this office which has been ia a very bad condition since the storm commenced, rendering the water utterly unfit for drinking pur poses. Freshwater Perch; Trout and 'Black fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at J aoobi's, f i Petitions are being circulated to-day to have the line of pipe from the Water Works laid upon all the streets ranniDg parallel with the river, up to and includ ing Eighth street. The petitions are re ceiving many signatures,-especially from citizens owning property or ' residing in that section of the city. 1 ' Brain & Kerrei Well's Health Ronewer, greatest remedy on earth lor impotence, leanness, sexual debility, frc.f$l, at druggists. Dep6t Jas C. Mundg. I The Oleander. I All parts of the oleander arc deadly. A very small quantity of the leaves has been known to kill a horse. The flowers have produced death in thoie persons who have carelessly picked and ate them. The branches, divested of their bark and used as skewers, have poisoned the meat roasted on them, and killed seven oat of twelve people who partook of it. A gentleman in Warren, Pa., Mr. F. Baltzinger, suffered so with rheumatism that he was unable to put his feet to the floor. A friend recommended St. Jacobs Oil, and twenty minutes after applying it, all pain had vanished. The use of less than two bottles performed a perfect cure. He says he would as soon be without bread as St. Jacobs Oil. Tho steamship Gulf Stream, Captain Ingram, arrived here from New York at 4 o'clock this afternoon, but as her usual wharf was occupied by, the .Regulator, which is not yet loaded, she was com" pelled to make last on tho 'other side of the river. The Regulator is taking in cargo very rapidly, and t, will probably leave early to-morrow morning, when the Gulf Stream will take her place at the wharf of the Company, on this side of the river. i 1 Almost a Disaster. . The British Bchooner Edwin Janet, Capt. Roberts, which arrived here yes terday, from Harbor Island, laden with fruit, when about 10 miles from the bar, at the mouth of the river, on Monday last, was struck by a tornado whieh came near causing u very serious 'disaster,- if not the Iots of the vessel and crew. Cap tain Roberts saw the igale approaching and hastened to shorten sail,, and had succeeded iu stowing his jfore and main sails when the vessel was struck. He had not and that bons in time sail an to take was . iorn instant. in his jib, into rib Had the schooner been carrying j ail sail at the time, the probabilities are that she would have been capsized and some, if not all of her crew lost. Captain Roberts states that the tornado was fearful in its vio lence, blowing from the Southwest,1 and that for a few moments he thought the vessel would certainly capsize, notwith standing, after the. loss of nis jib, he had not an inch of canvass spread. . To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, , Glass, && Yea can get all sizes and at tU lpwwt price. 1 j f Mm "Golien Days." The April number of this most excels lent and interesting magazine for "Boy and Girls," has been received, aDd is fully equal to the preceding numbers. I We consider it one of the best of its class, and that is saying a! good deal. Nearly all the reading matter is of interest to the "grown folk" as well as to the juven iles, and may be read with- pleasure, in struction and profit by ail classes .o1 people. Published monthly! at $3 per annum, by James El veraon, N. W. corner Sprnca and Ninth streets, Pa. j- Philadelphia, Four Lives saved Dr, Bull's Cough Syrup relieved four of my children of ai most alarming at tack of Whooping Cough, form which their throats and necks became so swol len as to prevent them ferm swallowing. Nothin would give them even tem porary relief, until this Syrup wns tried. One bottle, in one night, saved their lives, I verily believe l i GEO. W. EAR HART, Captain of Police, Baltimore, Md. Moles front the Country. From a gentlemen who arrived in this city this morning, from Chinquepin, in Duplin county, we learn that the rain storm with which we have been visited, extended inland as far as the place nam ed, and that an immense quantity of rain tell, flooding the lowlands and swelling the streams to an unusual height. At one ereek, the name of which we have forgotten, he was compelled to stand up on the seat of tho buggy and his .hor3e had to swim a considerable distance. I He also informed us that there are large quantities of tar in the country readv for shioment. besides which a j . mt ' . great many kilns ' are being put up, some of which are ready for burinng off- Farming operations, which had been vigorously commenced, are of necessity entirely snspended and will continue so for several days, or until the waters have subsided. A Trat In Store. Rev. IT. DeWitt Talmasre. cf the Brookly (N. Y.) Tabernacle, has been engaged to deliver a lecture before the Library Association of this city. He is one of the best lecturers as well as one of the most distinguished divines in the country, and his oratory, whether in the pulpit or upon the rostrum, is surpassed by but few. Mr. Talmage is one of the few Northern ministers who have had only kindly words for the South. We have read much that he has said concern" ing this section, and know that his great big Christian heart throbs with sympathy and love for our land, and that, in conse quence, he will receive a cordial welcome from our . people. His lecture will be delivered on the evening, of the 13 th oroximo. and will be for the benefit of the Library Association. The latter is to be congratulated upon the success of its effort in securing the services of this accomplished and eloquent speaker. The Sutherland Sisters. These ladies, seven in number, are now giving entertainments on Market street, and they are certainly objects of curiosity and wonder, on account of tho abundance and remarkable length of the hair with which they are adorned. We visited them for a few moments yesterday, and found them frank, though modest ; polite, though dignified; courteous, though re served, and each crowned with a luxuri ant mass of hair, such as' we never saw on human heads before. One of them has a head of hair seven feet in length, and as she stands erect, with a height of 5 feet 8 inches, it descends to the floor and extends out upon the platform more than a foot. Among them is a quartette club of vocalistilwhp discourse very sweet music, one of the ladies sing ing a melodious bass. They are indeed a wonderful family, and are well worth the, trifling expense incident to a visit to the exhibition Seeadvertisement in another column for price and hours of admission. The True Story or a Hatter's Fate. He was a hatter living at No. 366 Kent Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. He was out of work for the nonce, having been with Dunlap, the Broadway hatter, for years. His - name was Axicnaei uoyie. He bad a mend who bought for him half of a ticket No, 95,78$ in the February drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery by communicating with 21. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La, and he received $15, 000 cash. He had bought tickets for four years before. At last luck cane to his door. He vas at hose. Who is the next to do likewise befcxt . April lltb, the dj of tha wxt dramas? Celery. Celery requires a great deal of moisture, and if the soil is not naturally moist it may be necessary to furnish some water. After transplanting, cultivvate often enough to keep the soil loose and free from weeds. About the middle of August the process of "earthing up'' should begin, when the soil should be drawn up to the plants enoughHo keep the leaves upright, and when cool weather comes the blanching may bo finished by taking soil from the space between rows and banking up to the tops of the plants on each side of the row. " The "earthing up" should be done when tho plants are dry. I Bo careful to get you seed from reliable sources, as old seed or that grown from inferior stock will be sure to disappoint you. ! Thi Little World. Such is the name applied to a series ot 52 mechanical wonders which are now on exhibition in this city. They consist of men who have the perfect use of all their limbs with none of .the -awkward and grotesque movements which usually ac company automatic figures; steamboats plying upon a lake; railroad trains; wo man running a sewing machine, and other curious and interesting evidenee3 ot a wonaertui mecnamcai skui and in genuity which appear lifelike, natural and real. The "Little World" is the result of years of untiring toil and mar vellous ingeuuity, and is the handicraft of Mr. W. H. Robertson, a native of Fifeshrre, in Scotland. It has been vis ited and admired by many thousand peo pie in different parts of the world, and has been but a short time in this countrv. It was seen by thousands at the i Atlanta Exposition, where it was exhibited by the inventor. While it Iwas at Atlanta a young gentleman of the South, seeing and appreciating its astonishing beauty and financial possibilities, entered into negotiations with the proprietor and finally became its purchaser. It is, as! we have already stated, on exhibition in this" city, on the West side of Front, between Market and Dock streets, where it may be seen for the trifling sum of 10 cents. There will be a special matinee for the benefit! of ladies and children, commencing at 1:30 and closing at 6 o'clock p. so,, everyday. It is well worth seeing. Literary Club. The inclement weather prevented a -large attendance of visitors at the meet ing of the Club last night, but there was a full attendance of members. Mr. E. A. Oldham, who is well known to our community as a young man of lit erary culture, delivered an cration on "War," which was well received. The declamation, by Mr. B. G. Empie, ot an extract from the speech of Wiliiam Wirt upon the trial of Aaroa Burr, was admirably done. The energy, fire and brilliancy of the language of Mr. Wirt upon that occasion, found their full ex pression in Mr. Empie's delivery. Mr.G. P. Macindoe, formerly a Char- l63tonian. but now a resident here, ren dered, upon special request, "My Uncle's Story" with striking dramatic force, and,; upon its conclusion, received the hearty applause of the audience and a vote of thanks for the pleasure he con tributed to the entertainment of the evening; The following appointments were made for the' second regular meeting, in April: Orator, Dr. Thos. F. Wood; Declaimer, R. D. Jewett ; Reader, Geo. R. Dyer. We are asked to state that membership in the Library Association is pre-requis. ite to membership in the Club, but persons, when admitted in tne uiuo are admitted into the Library Association without payment of initiation f iee or further application. There are no ex penses attached' to membership in the Club.1 These are paid by the Library Association. Contentment. "He is well paid that is-well satisfied." Contentment is a precious jewel, hard to find, but harder still to be won. No art can counterfeit it; no friendship borrow, and no riches purchase it. It may be stolen, but it is of no use to the stealer. It is poor in riches, but rich in poverty. Having nothing, it lacks nothing. It cemes from being and not having. It supplies wants by enjoying possessions. It fears not the future, nor weeps oyer the past. It drowns the ills o( life by remembering the good, It gratifies desires by subduing pusiosj It increase t wealth by diminishing wants In every affliction mercy is reflected: It dwells not with the rich, nor yet often with tho poor. Its companions are health and innocence. It is -not small-hearted, but roomy room for every joy. It is. not good for nothing - "the busy man ne'er wanted woe." It performs duties and "accepts. Providea- ces. It is the Saviour's command, and Heaven's greatest blessincr. Fashion Kotes. I Little silver cats on slides are the latest fancy in laco pins. Plaided and striped whi c mull mus- lina will be much worn. T Tinted mulls will not be so fashionable as cream and white. Shirrings will j bo used on new light woollen aud cotton srood. ' Poofs in -the backs of dresses grow smaller and lees bouffant. Dotted and plain' mulls are both brought out again this season. Feather hats and bonnets are mori bund. Paris has condemned them. Evening dresses are trimmed with em- broidered ruffles and Cloth and eheviot tabliers. costumes are rarely made of two materials combined, - ,Tan, chaudron or copper shades," and buCfarethe leading colors in gentlemen's kid, goat skin, and chevretto gloves In spring costumes there is a tendency to use lengthwise tucks in: clusters in the place of kilt plaitings and shirrings. Embroidery in bands come on many of the nuns' veilings, batistes, and solid colored ginghams. Bishop Lyman's Appointments. I April 1 Saturday evening, Camden. April 2 Sunday, Elizabeth City. . April 3 Monday, Newcegun Chapel. April 5 Wednesday, St. Luke's, Washington county. April 6 Thursday. Columbia, Tyrrell county. April 7 Good Friday, St. (David's, Washington county. April 9 Laster Day, Edenton. April 11 Tuesday, Plymouth. k April 13 Thursday, Holy Innocents ertie county. j April 14 Friday, Windsor, Bertie co. April 16- Sunday, Grace Church, Bertie county. April 17 Monday, Roxabel. April 18 Tuesday, Jackson, . North ampton county, ij April 20 Thursday, Faison. April 21 Friday, Clinton. April 23 Sunday, Wilmington. April 25 Tuesday, Smith ville. April 25 Tuesday e vening, S t.Mark's Wilmington. April 26 Wednesday evening, Golds- boro. April 30 Sunday, SL Augustine's, Raleigh. April 30 Sunday evening, Good Shep herd, Raleigh. May 5 Sunday, Christ Church, Ra leigh. May 5 Sunday evening, St. Mary's, Raleigh. May 10-15 Tarboro. Convention. May 16 Tuesday, Scotland Neck. May 17 Wednesday, Hamilton. May 18 Thursday, Williamston. May 19 Friday, Jamesville. May 20 Saturday,: Trinity, Beaufort Connty. ' - May 21 Sunday, Washington. May 22 Monday, South Creek. May 23 Tuesday, Durham's Creek. May 24 Wednesday, Bath. May 25 Thursday, Zioa's Church Beaufort county. May 26 Friday evening, Pantego. May 28 Sunday, St. James, Beaufort County. ' May 31 Wednesday, Makelysvilio, Hyde county. Juno 1 Thursday, Swan Quarter, Hyde county. June 2 Friday, Fairfield, Hyde county. Juno 4 bunday, bt. George's, Hyde County. , June 11 Sunday, Kockhsb, Consecra tion, i . , June 11 Sunday evening, Fayette Tille. I Quarterly Meetings For the Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church, South. SECOND fiOUXD. Topsail, at Rocky Point, April 1-2 SmithviIIe, at iu0 p. m., April Brunswick April 8-9 Whiteville Waccamaw Mission . Elizabeth . . Bladen, . Duplin . - Onslow . Clinton . . 1 Coharie Mission . April 15-16 April 19 April 22-23 April 29-30 May 6-7 May 13-14 May 20-21 May 23 Cokesbury District Con ference ot Salem, May 25-23 j R.O. liUKTOX. Presiding Elder. i I ESotiee. APPLICATION WILL BE MADE AT tbe next session of tho General Assem bly of North Carolina for a Charter for the Clinton, Point Caswell & WDjalngtaa R, 1, aw Bvwmtwmm vm..; , Ws will bar; ltd to rteslve tosaaarlcaoa froa c friends ou wy as&'aUitbfceif e Th2 Hncf t2rwrm;mailvsvsbf j rlConiannkaiJsss exsi be ; tmui ea ai r " PcrrcralltlM tost be avoided , Aad It Is perfally and rcaUrlyuader & that the SaiVnddiea'Bof always eedoxs the views c! eorrsirpoa deals zslia aa etat la tie editorial eoismc,;,' - - New Advortisomonta fcoiuble Pacific Gudno AND Kacid PliosphateJl 1 'tOfl IS nEUE' "AND -FOll SALS ftVU by. the Sulncribcrs and the follow. 5!f.-' J.10" JJount Olive, 1. Howden, Bovrden's, T. B. Pierce, Warsaw. "Whitcville Wine Co . XVfcitejrille.l i.oyer?, Jt air Uluuacdr Xlcli'o s. iv.u. irnc8, btertict A C. Mclkr, Lurhbcrtoh. ClatkiS; nrrie, Clarkton, SIscRae Brother, Shoe ITeel. cair4.t Jimes, Laurel Dill, 1 X L .McLauren fc Sons, Liuiinburg, (t. J. Freeman, Hamlet, , xi..cniun, ALOoiL&bur?. I ., - , - il. mcU2Slw ALEX SPRTJXT &' SOX. AIJ. LADIES V 7 WONDERS OF sit the ; f THE VQRLD ! THE CELEBRATED 1 . Sutherland- Family' Are now on exhibition on Market ttreet opposite Masonic Hall, j 7 BEAUTIFUL LONG-HAIRED SISTERS! will bold a grand I f DAILY LEVEE AND CONCERT I In your city for a short teason. " Do not fall to spc those seven wonderful musical prodigies. Admission 15 and 10 cents. Doors ooen from 1 .HO to G P. M. , 7 to 10 r. M. - , men ai-ti JLEGAN7 EA8Tiii CARDS, . -fit L'EI5SB2BOERa EASTE3 OarD3, tho Largest Assortment ' i - .- At - HEIKBBKSGISR'S JpiRST CLAS PIANOS AIJD Orgars, At II SIN S D EK GERB JJ-RS. HA.ViiUGILL3 WOBK3, ( I At HEIKSBERGER'S fJ!30B5 APiRS, by Kate Thcr mch 27 t LiTolicokand Mii Store Peep i bit at YateiiT - 1 ;f 1 ;' r :--v- rpflE PiiETTIE3T LOT OF PANKLB, Eastsr Cards, Fascy Photograph Ftsek, Ermcs, Ac , in the city. BooxjJ Btatlon '' r-',, . e-y, Ac, at lowest pHcej. 1 - - . C WV YATES,' ph 7 Bookaallor and B'tatloaer DR. WAHFaER'S AbdoirsinaS Gorset. J HAVE ADDED TO Mr LINE of COR SETS the excellent article named above, A sample lot just received. Also, all size In Young Ladies' Corallneat $1; Crossbone, at 75 cents, and Corallno Flexitle Hip at $1.25. - I have exclusive control of these goods; their superiority causes many Imita tions. None are genuine but those sold by me. JNO. J. 1IEDRICK. mch35-tf , -' FOR IN TOE COURSE OF A FW DAYS. 1 Will be In piQ market for two weeks frcra this date Any SPECIAL ORDERS 2eft at my Store will be sent forward and Will re ceive careful attention. i ' j i Some BARGAIK3 may NOW, be rad, to oaice room lor nzw GOODS. Respectfully, R. M. rcSntire. inch U - - ; I' ' COSMOPnLlTAF. BAR AND IRES- fAUSAHT. JOHN CARROLL, Prop. South sideilark treet, Wilmington, K.C rpjIE BAR is supplied with the' best I Whiskies, Wines, Beer, Champagnes, , c- Cigars of the finest arrades always oa hand At the Iiestaurant can be frm&d tha finest Oysters brought to thia market, which . are served In any style desired. JamUiea supplied, ; i ' I Jan 17 MEW

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