1HIB PA FEB 49 lfched every afterneoa, Sundays ex J tadby JOSH. T. JAMES, XMTOB AWD PBOrBIKTOB. gOBSCRIPTIOyS, POSTAGE PAID. 36. year,5 00 Bix mcntns, $2 60 ; Three snntba, f 1 55 ; One xaonth, 60 cents. . The pPr win bd6iivered byemrriere, ffe of cbftrge, in j part of the city, at tt .oor(? rtee, or 13 oenta per week. ,i v ygabscribcra will pieaia report &ay and '.i ftilnrei to receive their p&peri regularly. ffe-vr Adveru8omonts. f 11 i Baih; ;iiisiy " Will beffUd to KCriv obtttfflieai!ai , Tts aasa el tis film suai always be ft 1 Ooauicst:32i eks t-wrllJea cn oml crs Ha or tia p&par, PerfoatJltlai arjt ba avoided Ara It Ij pelal2y and pszHcuIariy sadtr rtd that tha EdlWdoea soitliraji eadort VOL. VI WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 30. 1882. NO. 76 t-a nawsci ccmypcadsnti ual to rtat ia tie eaitorlal colaasfw! -1 'OR tiauraigictf Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Cho$tt Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell jijgs and Sprains, Burns and " Scifds,' General Bodily r y Pains, Tooth, Ear ftnd Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other j -psths and Aches. Ko Prrnrntiom on eartlj equals St. Jacobs .Oil a a safe, sure, sitnple and cheap External mrjTv A trial entaiid but tho-compiiratlvelj TH'Sii e "iiit!sy't.f 50 '-Ceats, and every .one -euffer-inc wtth rain. ran haTe cheap and positive proof lrcciions in Eleven Langcagts. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALUES IN MEDICI1IE. A. VOGEIiBR & CO.; IZaltinuyrc, Md. XT. 8. JU In Addition rpO MY FORME R LARGE STOCK, I have just received the first lot oC Spring Milline ry, Satins, Rr. R. and Porcupine Straws. Freeh Evening Flower's .the "latei t,?- Sun' flowers and Dahlia 8. . Respectfully, MISS E. KARRER, mch 32 ' . Exchange Corno MARTIH'S VAGG1HS VIRUS North Ca.rol.in a. Medical Jouiikajl AOENCT TOR rLKZ EcUtIiESX STATES pRESH AND ACTIVE VACCINE from the renowned establishment of Dr. Henry A. Martin: -furnished in large or-small quanti ties. This-: vaccine is .warranted to take in all primary cases . -7 Lancet Points for $1.00 15 do do - 2.00 Each lancetpoint will vaccinate, one per son. Orders by telegraph or mail will receive prompt Attention. . - THOMAS F. WOOD, ian2ft-tf nac ' Wilmington, N. C Health is Wealth! DBE O "WEST'S Nkrvb asd Braib TaiATiiisT, a cpecific fcr Hysteria, Diz xinw, Oon.yuleions, Kerron Heid&ohe, Mental lUpVeesion, Loss of M'emoij. Impo J) premature Old Age, cased by over txartionp excefses, . or over-indulgence, wbich leads to misery, decay apd death. Ob box will cure recent casesw Each box eontiti8 one month's treatment Oto dollar a box, ;of six boxes for five dollars; ae-: by oail prepaid on receipt of pricoi We fttr. & fCfix boxes to eure any esse, iih ssch crdor received by ns for six bcxes, we will s'sqd the.p.nrohasr.ijnr written agreement to ' retBiV the money 'if the treatment does not ffet .vne Jiuar&ntee issued by WIJ U (jaRI NjTDrggbt, (snccessor to Greea naMc4)J$itici-gton;'2i O. O.-der by mail -wlil receive proirpt atieeiion. FOR ALL TO SELL A HOUSEHOLD ARTICLE. TBB: poor m well' as the icb, the old ae .v we w M J"ft the wife, s well as the hnsbaad, the young maiden ss well as the young man, thttigirl as well as te by, may :t as well earn a few dollars in honest employment, as to sit around the house a-d wait or others to earn It for them. We can aire you emplojment, a'l the time, or during your spare hours only; traveling, or in: your Jwnteighborhood among your friends and oBaintances. If you do not care for emd Ioyaie8t, we can impart valuable informa uoau you free of cost. It w 11 cost. you 4alj oo cent for a PosUl csrd. t write for oar Proapectos, and itma'y be the means of aakiog you a good many dollars. Do not nrgleet this opportunity You do &traYe.to tnve&i a large sum 61 money, and nn a great risk of losing it. You will re adl 7 se ihat it will be ao easy matter to itake ir.jn $10 to 10 a week, and exUblish a curative, and infiaptndent bu&i&ese, hen :-ra-firalgkiforward and profitable. Attend o this matter NOW, for tbere ia MONEY i' it for all who engage with us. We will sarprisejou and yon will wonder why you never wrote to us before. Ws sxbd 'AanevLAas vaax. Address w BUDKKYfi M'f'G CO.. "toelMs paper.) dlaaioir, Obio. eptllm , v: V; . GEO. F. TILLEY. . H. HINTZE lORTH SECOND 8TR ET, next to cor J er of Markets A lot of EXTRA FIN Z MOUNTAIN-BEEF on sale for .the naxt w aya.aufn xaiJat. - aaea LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVEUTI8EMENTS. Chosly cc Morris Fruit it Auction IlEiNshERr.EB-Parlor Organs Pianos C W Yates Peep in at Yatea' -Du Tncs F Wooo-Mama'aVacciue Vims Don't Sisters. fail to see the wonderfal Seven "-. it Crab3 have market. mad? their appearance in The receipts ol cotton to-day foot up 121 Lales.l at this port -F- The prices cf shad and other fish have raDged UDuscally higti this season. f N : ' The markets wa3 bountifully supplied with early garden truck this moraing. Norwegian barque 1 Thecse, Hansen, hence, arrived at IIarflbur& March 28th. Steamship Biefactor, Cupt. Tribon, hence, arrived at New Yort March 28- Of all shares, plowshares, most reliable. They always are turn the up somethin The vexed question of a watering cart for sprinkling the streets has been settled by the water works. : j : m The steamship Regulator, Captain Doane, left her wharf" in this city j early this iriorning for New York. I ! Beautify your nomes bjy using the N Y EnamePaint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at JAboali's. t W. T. Martin, coloied,! was brought before the Mayor this morning, charged with disorderly conduct, but was dis .charged. ' 1 j The great attraction5 in our city is the Seven Sisters, on exhibition! on Market1 street, opposite Masonic Hall. f l v J It isn't because a woman i3 exactly afraid of a cow that she runs away and screams. It is because gored 1 "dresses are not fashionable.! I A -true man never? frets about fcis place in the world, but just slides into it:by the gravitation of his nature, and awing there as easily as a star. A traveling printer, who, for want of employment at his trade went to work on a farm, came in one day to ask his em ployer if a hen should be set solid. - A doctor says a whole mince pie eaten at "bed time will not harm the most deli- cate system, down a coal nerves. If is dreaming of t falling mine jwhat upsets one's Schooner ThomaslSinnickson, hence, for Philadelphia, went ashore at Goose Island, Mareh 27th, but got off on the afterioon of the same day, and proceeded on her voyage. I 1 "Can there be happiness wherej i there is no love?" solemnly jqueries an author in a book on marriage. Not much! hap piness perhaps, but, if the girl is awfully rich, there can be lots of fun. Hundreds of ladies attended the mati- ; i ... i neo of the Seven "Wonders. (i No matter how jdeep a young man's pocket may be, a colored silk handker chief will inevitably float to the top and flop over, while a solid linen rag will sink to the bottom like a brick thrown into a mud puddle, j . . There is nothing that so takes the starch out of a yountr man who has been wedded about a year as to have to gQ to a store where there is a girl clerk that he use to keeD comDanTi with, and enquire for those large sa fety ipins. Freshwater Perch, Trout ; il and Black full assort fish Hooks and Lines. A1 ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's: t Steamboatmen who arrived from Point i - Caswell on the John Dawson, last even ing, report consideroble swell in the Black Ilivtfr though it has not yet reached the magnitude of a freshet. It will be somewhat surprising if there are nqt big freshets in both the Cape! Fear and Black rivers, as, from the informa tion we have received, tjie rains were quite severe in th3 up-country. I .The State Baptist Sunday School Convention meets in Raliegh today. Revs. James B.Taylof and .G.S. Jones and Mr. M. C. Waltorj, are the delegates from this city. The first named; gentle man, Rev. Mr, TaylorJ will not probably, be present, as the very interesting ser vices now being condacted at the church ol which he is the pastor, will ecgags i hii entire time and attention. Since the Cape Fear Navigation Company surrendered its charter to the (J. S. Government, thereby making the Cape Fear and its tributarie a free river, three new steamers have been put on the river between this city and the head waters of the streams, and we hear that - other steamers will be built for the. upper Cape Fear during the summer. ; The young gentlemen . who have re cently organized a hose reel company asauileryto the fire department think that their project will meet with success. They have applied to. the city authori ties for the reel and feel much encour aged by tc kind manner in which their organization is looked upon by the city fathers.- High Standard Mr. J. CJ White, the courteous and energetic Manager of the' Telephone Exchange, has worked the Exchange up to a degree of usefulness seldom if ever exceeded. Subscribers to the Exchange can now transmit telegrams to and from the Western Union office free of charge. 1 , : To be li scontinue Trains Nos. 42 and 45 on the Wil mington & Weldon and Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Railroads, will be discontinued after Sunday, April 2nd. The trains in question have been leaving Wilmington at 1 o'clock, p. m., on the W, & W. R. R and'at 7.20 a. m., on the W C. & A. R. R., and arriving here at 7 a. m. on the W. & W, R. R. and at 11:40 a m. on the W., C. & A. R. R. i - , ' What is heaven's best gift to man?" she asked sweetly smiling on him. "Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup," he replied with prudence. He had I just been cured by it of a bad cold. . C. & P. C. Railroad. i Messrs. F. W. Kerchner, Roger Moore, R. W. Hicks, J. C. Heyer,. Owen Fen nellj Jr ,-and H. A. Bagg, the commit tee selected for the purpose, will call on the members of the Chamber of Com i merce, the jProduce Exchange and' the basiness men on Water street, in the course of a few days', to solicit subscrip- i it . i V iii lions to me siock oi ine proposea uiin ton & Point I Caswell Railroad, while Messrs. A. Adrian, J. C. Stevenson, H, Brunhild, W. B. McKoy, Preston Cum ming and Hon. W. L.Smith will canvass Market and Front streets and the city generally for the same purpose. By this systematic arrangement the entire city will be canvassed more promptly, effi ciently and, without doubt, successfully, than it otherwise would be,and we expect to hear a very favorable report of their efforts to carry, through an enterprise which is of so much importance to the prosperity of Wilmington. . "Bnehnpalba." - New, quick, complete cure 4 days urinary affections, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, kidney diseases. $1. Druggists. Depot Jas. C. Munds. Good for Point Caswell. The steamer John Dawson took, as a part of her freight to-day, the machin ery for a steam saw mill which is soon to be in operation at Point Caswell. Mr. W. fj. Monroe is the proprietor of the mill and it will be operated under his im mediate supervision and control,and we have not a doubt that jit will prove a profitable investment of his time, and money and will materially increase the prosperity and wealth of that thriving village. There is an abundance of tim ber in that section which can be made available, some of which is of magnifi cent dimensions, and this new industry will furnish lucrative employment to quite a number of hamds. In Pontiac, Mich., a young lady call ed at the Drug Store of Messrs. Wells fc Co., for a bottle-of St. Jacobs Oil a few days ago. Being asked how it was liked, she replied that it had cared her. mother of Rheumatism,! and and when eyer any of the family had an ache or pain, St. Jacobs Oil was immediately applied. These gentlemen also say that St. Jacobs Oil is the best sslling article they have in their store. Mr. Joaephas Daniels, for a number of years an attache of the Wilson Ad vanct, will begin the publication of a paper, to be called the Free Prjss, at Kinston, on the 6th of April next. He is a yoing man of energy and talent, and we wish for him an abundant sue .cess Lovers of nice frnits are reminded by advertisement .of Messrs. Cronly;& Mor? rris, .in tnis issue, inai we csreo -v oranges &c or the Schooner . jiaoei J)arUng, will be sold by then to morrow at the wharf nearly opposite their 'sales,- 'Dangerously III- , AYe regret to learn of the serious and alarming illness of Lieut H. D. Smith, of the Revenue Cutter Jolfaz. He ii ly ing in a very critical condition at the residence of Capt. John L. Wooster, on the corner of Third and Dock Streets. Lieut Smithl contracted pneumonia- at sea on, the Colfax while she was on one of her cruises. .. The Seven Wonders. Crowds were gathering this afternoon to look at these wonderful sisters, and to listen to their peculiarly sweet vocaliza tion. They are certainly objects of wonder and deep interest. We under' derstand that Mr. Donaldson, the Man ager, visited the schools of the city this forenoon and distributed many tickets. Ladies and children should j remember that the sisters hold "a 'maitnee every afternoon, from 2 until G o'clock, for their especial benefit. The .wonderful Seven Sisters' fine quartette. Miss Naomi has a resonant bass voice. i The Little World Those who have seen the Strausburg Clock can have only an imperfect idea of this Little World Tof Wonders, now on exhibition in the Tienken Building on Front street, with its Steamboats, Railroad trains, and in fact all i the in dustries of life being performed by those little people, only four inches in Height, working as natural as if theywere really human beings. Should you fail to see it,' you will fail to see the curiosity of the 19th century. Special matinee from 1:30 to 6 P. M. for ladies and child ren. Open at 7 P. M. Admittance 10 ... - cents. . i American Newspapers In 1882, The American Newspaper Directory which will be issned next month by Geo P. Rowell & Co., of New York, will contain the names of 10.611 periodicals in the UnitedStates andTerritories,which is a gain of 344 in the year just passed. The number of daily papers has increased in somewhat larger proportions.and is now represented by a total of 996 against 921 in 1881. The largest increase has been in New York 10 dailies, 29 of all sorts. Illinois and Missouri show a percentage of gain which is even greater, while Colorado leads all others in the percentage of in" crease, both in daily and weekly issues: California, Nevada, Oregon, South Caro lina, Vermont and West Virginia have fallen behind 1881 in the total number of periodicals issued. In Georgia, Maine and Massachusetts! the suspensions have exactly counterbalanced the new yen tures. In every State not mentioned above, and in the Territories, there has been an increase. . f t Notes for the Ladles. The following rules are worthy of be ing printed in letters f gold, and placed in every household : First From our children's earliest infancy inculcate the necessity of in stant obedience. j Second-f-Unite firmness with gentle ness. Let your children always under stand that you mean what you say. .1. Third Never promise them anything unless you are quite sure that you can give what you say. - Fourth If yon tell a child j to do something show him how to do it, and see that it is done. , .Fifth Always punish your child for willfully disobeying you, but never pun ish him in anger. ; Sixth' Never let them know that they vex, you, or make you lose your self-command. j Seventh If they give way to petu lance or ill temper wait j till they are calm, then gently reason with them on the impropriety of their conduct. Eighth Remember that a little pres ent punishment, when the occasion arises, is much more effectual than the threaten ing of a greater punishment should the fault be renewed. " Ninth Never give your children any thing because they cry for it. Tenth On no account allow them to do at one time what you have forbidden under the same circumstances at another. EleventhTeach them that the only sure and easy way to appear good is to be good. .... ; Twelfth Accustom them to make their-iittle recitals with perfect truth. , Thirteenth Never allow tale bear ing. ,. j. j . -- Fourteenth Teaeh then itlf-deniaL not i tlfiodttlgeace. - 1 t The Guano Elevator on the West side of the river i3 completed. The finishing touch, a coat of paint, was put on a few day3 ago. i ' ' ' - i ! , Capt E. J. Pennypackeri the newly appointed Collector of Customs of this port, will enter upon the discharge of his duties on Saturday next.- The Seven Sisters possess the longest suits of hair on earth'. t The " brig Francis Jane, Bennett, cleared to-day for Kingston, .Ja., with 155,491r feet lumber and;30,000 shingles, shipped by Messrs. Northrop . & Com- miBg. ' ; ' . ' 'ij - ' ' . . Sad Accident. We are pained to hear of a painful accident which befell little Teddie Clark, yoange3t daughter of Mr: F. W. Clark of thia city. Little Teddie was skipping along from school a few days ago, when she tripped, falling faea down on the pavement and breaking, her nose. The little one was taken up and carried to her home, where her pains and bruises were soothed by loving hands. Her physician 'states that the dislocated nose can be reset, but that it will be a painful and lODg tedious operation. We. trust ere to see her smiling face again on the streets. The little sufferer has our sympathies. Memorial Day Orator and Cliap- f- . ,. . I ' - ' - i ' lain. IWe learn that the Ladies' Memorial Association of this xity have extended an invitation to Capt. C. B. DensorJ, of Pittsboro, N. C, to deliver the address at the annual celebration on the 10th of .i - May next, and that he has communicated his acceptance of the irritation. We congratulate the ladies of the Associa tion, upon securing . Capt. Den son's lerviees as the orator for the occasion. I He is a gentleman of scholarly attain ments and of fine cultivation and an at tractive orator. . . We also learn that the Rev. T. Pag Ricaud, of thij city, has been invited to act as chaplain on the occasion and ho has notified the ladies of his acceptance. Bishop Lyman's Appointments April 1 Saturday evening, Camden. April 2 Sunday, Elizabeth City. Y April 3 Monday, Newbegun Chapel. April 5 Wednesday, St. Luke's Washington county.. April 6 -Thursday, Columbia, Tyrrell county. April 7 Good Friday, St. David's, Washington county. , : April 9 Easter Day, Edenton. ,j April 11 Tuesday, Plymouth., , Y April 13 Thursday, Holy Innocents Bertie county. u Apxil 14 Friday, Windsor, Bertie co. April 16 Sunday, Graco Church, Bertie county, - j- April 17 Monday, Roxabel. April 18-Tuesday, Jackson, North ampton county. , ! April 20 Thursday, Jbaison. Y April 21 Friday, Clinton. April 23 Sunday, Wilmington. Y April 25 Tuesday, Smithville. April 25 Tuesday evening. St.Mark'8 Wilmington: Y . 1 . ,! April 26-r Wednesday evening, Golds- boro. April 30 Sunday, St. Augxistine's, Raleigh. j ' April 30 Sunday evening, Good Shep herd, Raleigh. May 5 Sunday, Christ Cnurch, Ra leigh. ' I 1 May 5 Sunday evening, St. Mary's, Raleigh. May 10-15 Tarboro. Convention. May 16-Tuesday, Scotland Neck, May 17 Wednesday, xi am ii ton. : May 18 Thursday, Williamstbn. 4 May 19 Friday, Jamesville. i May 20 Saturday, Trinity, Beaufort Connty. . .. . May 21 Sunday, Washington. May 22 Monday, South Creek. May 23 Tuesday, Durham's Creek. , May 24 Wednesday, Bath. May 25 Thursday, Zion's Beaufort countyvi JY-l Church May 26 Friday evening, Pantego: ' May 28 Sunday, St. James, Beaufort County, c. e". j- --?r.xY 1 1 -May 31 Wednesday, ' Makclysviiie Hyde county, y. June. 1 Thursday, Swan H vde countv. v :Y - C . i-: S Quarter, June 2 Friday, Fairfield, Hyde county.' r "Y". -June 4 Sunday, St George's, Hyde County; 1 .':' '' ! j June 11 Sunday, Rockfish, Consecra tion.' -" ' V1- ' t'. 1 '' lr' , June 11 Soudaj evening', Fayette Tille. " ' ' n , June 18 Sunday, Pittsboro. , Holy communion at all morning ser vices. K ., Collections for Diocesan Missions. s3 X' ' An Agreeable Dressing; for tha Hair. that will stop iU' falliog. has been long ought for, Parker's Hair Balaam, dis tiagniihed for its purity fully mpplles ttus want. Kow Advcrtisemonts CHOICE' WEST INDIA LFfUJIT AT Y AUCTIOH ! iY u, . sr., acr cargo of 4 Uii&AUJcS, BANANAS, PINEAPPLES ORONLT MORRIS, mch 50-lt Auct'rs. Ill B. anc- TirBTOCK.AT yCS FOLtoWlNQHan. uiactarerV prla.-i-S, $75, $S0, 5100, $125 snd $C0, ; V ; Piancsi Piato At (ha following pricss. $2t0?375andf4V. ! vou are respectfully invited to call and Ea.T, If you do not wieh ta bur eoae acyhow and look Rt then, at mch SO Live Uok and llmio Btort Soiulde Pacific Guano Acid Phosphate. : A 00 I0? HERE, AND FOR SALE JJ by the 8abcrlbers and the follow- ififf - . . )- . Sud-Agents : I . 5lack MaSBolia and Mount OUrt. . L, T. BIcks, Faison, I D. Bowden, Bowden's. i Ti B. Pierce, Warsaw, ! Whlteville Wine Co., whltevilla, J. D. Roc-era. Fair Bluff R. R. Barnes, Sterling, . l , A. C. Melke Lumberton, CIatk& turrle, Olarkton, ! MacRae Brothers, Shoe Heel , . McNa!r& James, Laurel Hill. I 7T icu oons, ijaurlnburjr, G.J. Freeman, Hamlet, ' I. II. Smith, Abbottsburg, - j j i mch 23 lw ALEX. 8PRTJNjT ibON. Peep in at Yates' OF PjANEIB, rpHB PBETTIS3T IOT Eaator Cards, Faaey Photographf. Faaals. Fraiacs, Ao , la the city, i Bookf, BtaUoA' e.y, Ao,, at lowcit ptlcdj. Bookealler anj- Btationsr - . t , . - mh 17 DR. VARNER'S Abdominal Corset. J HAVE ADDED TO MT LINE of COR SETS' the excellent article named" above. A sample lot just received.. Also, all size in Young Ladies' Coralino t $1; Crossbone, at75cent3, and Goralitte Flexible Hip at $1.25. I have exclusive control of theae goods; their auperiorlty causes manjy.lmlU- tions. None arc genuine but those gold" byme. . JNO. J. 1IEDRICEL. mch25-tf OlULlfc FOR.-. : ,j 0 0 IS 2 IN THE COURSE OF A F&W DAYS. Will be in the market for two weeks from thia date, Any SPECIAL ORDERS .'left at my Store will be aent forward and will rf '' ' "V 1- !:"-.. ' ' celve careful attention. ' ' r Some BARGAINS may NOW be had to make room for NEW GOODS. " Respectfully, ?-. --e, STALER IN FINE QROCERIEjJwine, now, Tobacco, Clars j ite., NoJ. North Water street. Goods and prlj guaran teed to suit. Give me a cslL A, firtclies Restaurant Is attached where meals cao be obtained at all hours, j v i - mth'5-lm H P . U1TD 11 HTEW MA 5TA OS MF5J' c. .;) 3. L PERRY, .U - ..Prop Lat3Prcpri5tr Atlcatlc'Hotet fs-y .t . i h at rJotice.1 PARTUS IN SSARCH OF GOODUosrd, at reasonabla rates, will find it to their ad vantage to call' at the Commercial Hotel, . - , Ret pectf ally, , - ' . . L 8CHLOS4, Proprietor rri int cists du stuchea, Sih a : J at 10 o'clock. A. M , fcp .will lell-on board Kr- Schr. Mabtl Dartf!! IBW 4 V

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