1 . ' v0med every afteVneoa, : Sudtyi .f Jtsdbr . JOSH- T.. J A.MBB, BDITOX AKD PKOPKTrTOK. -OBSCKIPTIOSS.POST AQE PAID. e4r,f5 00 8ix months, SJ 60 j Three fjofitna, fl 25 ; ca moata, 60 oent. Tte pPr wiU b deUTered by earrlen, ,f6 of sharge, in any part of the city, atihe fi0re rater, or 13 ccBto. per weak. ; ldT6rti6infr rate? low and libera srSukribre will pleaaareport iaay and H rlilnres to receive their papers regularly. 5ew Advertisements. wast. THESR nib fiDurcfijia, Sciatica, Lumbago, BacracnQ, Soreness of the Chests 5 out, Qmnsy, S or o Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds,' Genera' 3odiy Pains, Tooifi, Ear and Headacne, Frosted Feet end Ears, arid alt other Pains and Aches. V.j rf.-MT."'i". earth equals St. Jacobs Oil "ofi; 'irr. simple aud cheap External f.-miv. A trial ntaila but the comparatively frfliujr' "t! v f 50 Coni, and every one suffer I-- ) piri cn baTo cbrap and positive proof iMrectimi ;a Eleven IanguagtS. - 80LD BY ALL DEUOSISTS AND DEALEES 4IU HEDICniE, A. VOGEZiER & CO., Salthnoret TT. S. JL In Addition mo MY FORMBR LARG S STOCK, I have I just received the first lot o7 Spring Milline- rv. fiatins. Rr. K. and Porcupine fctrawa. Fresh tveniDg Flowers, the "latent" Sun lowers and Dahlias. Respectfully, JMISS E. KARREB, mch 33 Exchange Come MARTIH'S VACCIHE VIRUS, North Carolina Medioal Jocknal aoenct for tiie southern state8 jpRESH AND ACTIVE VACCINE from the renowned establishment of Dr. Henry A. Martin, furnished in large or small quanti ties. This vaccice is warranted to take in all primary cases. , 7 Lancet Points for $1.00 15 do do 2.00 Each lancet point will vaccinate one per ton. - Orders by telegraph or mail will receive prompt attention. . THOMAS F. WOOD, ian 2C-tf nac Wilmington, N. C Health is Wealth! DRE O WEST'S Nekyh akd Bbain Triitmhi, a epeoifio for Hvteri, Diz xlnesj, OoDvuleions, WerTOus He&daohe, Mental Depreiion, Loss of Memoiy, Impo tacej, l rematar Old Age, caused by over nertioc, exoeases, cr over-icdaigdnce, which letdi to miser j, deea r.sd death. One box will cure recent ca2es. 'Eaoh box contaLas one month's treatment. O&e dollar a box, or eix boxes for fire dollars; cest bj nail prepaid on receipt cf price. We suar. & e jiboxes to cure any. case, CVith ech order received by us for six boxes, we will ind the purchaser cur written agreement to retara the money if the treatment does cot effeet a cure. Guarantee iseuet by WM B UhKkN, Droggiet, (successor to Green Fla&ner) ilnci' gton, N O. Orders bT maii will receive prcnii t attectioD. mob llAw.U .oyment ; . -V FOR ALL TO SELL A HOUSEHOLD ARTICLE. THE poor mwcII ai the i icb, the !d as .w we,i"hyi"ff, the wife, ts well as , tff hugbaod, the ycuaif matdpn ts well as the youni' man, h airt as we!! as t:o b )y, may .ust as welt earn a few dc lUrs in honest , employment, as to !t around thehouce a'd wait or others to earn for ihcm. We can cve yon employment, a'l the time, or during jour spare hours only; travela?, or in your own reijthborhood, among your friends att5 acquaintances. If you do not care foremd cloy meet, we can impart valuable informa Uonjo you free of cott. It w 11 cost you only one cent lor Postal cird U write for or Proipectoi, and it may be the meats of aakiBjryou agood many dollars. Do aot nleet this opportacity You do ootbAve-tb lnvest a large sum o! money, and .ran afrVlat risk- of losing it. You will readi- tt y .'aat it will be an easy matter to traxe Vrt $15 t0 j10f a wee. and esUblish a -latTe ladepeudent easiness, hon ra , .i',::?traithtforwaTdad profitable. Attecd - -tothli -nrsitter KOW; for there ia MONKY 1 it fdr all who gage with us. e will arprUe you and you tU1 ocder wljy you sever wiota to us before. Wb sxk t utt 'AiTiccxA&i raae. Address w BUCKhYK liPF'G CO;, (amet'ispap9rt) BUaio. Ohio. Ptllm QEO.tF. TTLLSY. JJ. HINTZE Tilley & Hintze, JOKtH 8ECOND STRAIT, next to eor- MarkaL A lot of EXTRA FINE uTA!N BEEP on tali for kthe next Ml, vf RHHDIATflU, " way. Aaii &na txaialnt. sacA - j - - Www- VOL. VP- LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. UziN&BKHc, eu Parlor Orgjan Pianos )W Yates Peep In at yjttes Dr. Tiios F Wooi-rtiaiVacclnc Virus Just one week Friday. from to-day is G0od Steamboatrjaen report a rise) of 8 feet of water ia the river." fcchr. rAeclrtG L,ijldy unasc, peuco, arrived at la!timore March 29th. I The whisper of a beautiijil woman can be heard farther thau the loudest call of Cer. barque Soli Deo Gloria, Meyer, sailed from Hamburg March 28th for this port. i ' 01 all thiorrs that man possesses, woman alone, possessed. takel plensuro in beiug If you fail to Eee the Seven. Sisters you will always regret it. do not exist. Their -equals ''Timo works wonders," as the woman i "said when she cot married after a t'hic teen year's courtship. Cer. briar Kronprnvi 'vonJrrusscn, Klein, from Liverpool, for this port, sail ed from Holyhead March 15th. A lady says that it' takes many men a whole life time to learn to carry a $10 bill homo without changing it. Hanging a man in effigy is a good deal like kissing a , cow owned by the father of a young girl. It don't hit the case. J- Snecial exhibition of the "Little World" to-morrow -for the benefit of ladies and children. Doors open at 9 o'clock. - - t The Sw. barque, Gesion, Borgensen, cleared to-day for Hamburg with 4,149 barrels fosin,-shipped by D. B. Murchi son & Co. 1 The Nor, barque Joseph, Torjesen, elearod to day fo flrnnstadt.' with 3.600 barrels rosin, shipped 1 by Paterson, Downing & Co. , ( Beautify yournomea by using the N V. FnamelPaint. readv mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. t Men are so fearful of wounding a worn an's vanity that they rarely remember that she may by some possibility possess a grain ot common sense. The Seven Sisters will hold a levee to morrow morning from 9 to 12 o'clock for the benefit of ladies and children; usual levees afternoon and night. t To-morrow (Saturday) morning the breakfast bell will be rung at 7 o'clock and turn-out bell at 8 o'clock, which will be. the order until further notice. The idea ha3 become prevalent that the young ladies who practice tight lac iog are fast. . This is an error, as they are really the most stayed araonjr their sex. ; - ' Advice to a young woman: Soubrette "How is the prettiest way to hold the hand?" Why so that the other side can't sco what qards you've got. If you want to employ a white washer, contract with 'Kim to whitewash the floors, the furniture, and 'everything bu the ceilmsr. Then he may cet some on the ceiling. i , " : : . ; r-U March steps out with today and A pri stpna in with to-morrow, and the two r - . steps are taken so nearly there is not a second of March and Apriji together that time between Mr. Evans, of the Fayetteville Exam iner, made us a brief visit this forenoon. He had been in attendance at the Supe rior Court ' in 1 WhitevUle, Columbus county, and was! on his return to Fay etteville, for which! place helleft on tha boat to-day. j , At a recent party1 a young lady was annoved by theimpertinence of a young man, and becoming tired of it. turned toward him rather angrily and requested him to cease his impudence. The young fell replied, "Please do not eat me." She replied, ,4Havo no fear, sir, pork does not agree with me." 1 1 ! Peoria National Democrat. There is no medicine in the world that eauals St. Jacobs Oil. Thousands of testimonials are received daily from re sponsible parties who speak in commend able terms of it. I In a later issue the same iournal remarked: St- J acoba Oil i is eomething no family should be without. WILMINGTON, N. C Personal. We bad a very pleasant visit from Mr. J. M. Hyde, the General Agent of the "AWin-Joslin Comedy ComDany," this morning. He is in the city preparing for the appearance of the Company at the Opera House here, which is to be on the 10th proximo. Mr. Hyde is a clever agreeable gentleninn and understands his ba8ine6S in all its details. J Library Hours. The room 3 of the Wilmington Library Association will be open during the fol lowing hours; from 9 to 11 a. m; 12 tol m., 3 to 6 p.m; 8 to 1C p. ra. Stran- gers, are invited to visit the room when in the city, where Capt. J. L. Wooster will be in attendance to render them any assistance they may need in searching af ter desired information, and will receive them with characteristic courtesy. Disappointment in matters of pleasure is bard to be borne, in matters affecting the health it becomes cruel. Dr. Bull s Couch Syrup never I disappoints those who-use it for obstinate coughs, coias, irritation of throat and lungs, etc. The Seien Wonders. The Sutherland 'sisters continue to attract larsre audiences to witness, ad mire and wonder at the marvelous wealth of luxuriani hair with which they arc crowned, and listen to their superior singing, l hey are to remain in the city but a few days longer, and we advise. all who have not yet seen and heard them, to give them acall.- The price is so small that it is within the reach of all. Matinee for ladies from 1:30 to G p. m. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks 'and Lines. A fall assort meat and lowest prices at Jacobi's. f Sot Concluded. At the Superior Court of Columbui Court, which ? has been Lin session at Whitevilleduring the past week, the case of Gillaspie Buie, charged with the mur der of his brother-in-law, Edward F, Camp, ia Bladen county, came ftp for trial, but was continued to the next term otcoeri'. nn account of tu .tiion nf an important witness. The case was re moved from Bladen county to Columbus and will not now be heard until the next term which convenes in December next No other cases of importance were heard during the term . J udge Shipp presided and he will hold Superior , Court for Brunswick county, which convenes at - m r Smithville on Monday, April 11th. A Possible Postponement. There is a possibility that the lecture to be delivered by Rev. T. DeWitt Tal-, mage, may not take place, as previously announced, on the 13th proximo. He has notified the committee,in this city,haviag the matter in charge that he is to speak in Raleigh on the 12 th and in Charleston. S. C, on the 14th of April, and that con sequently ho will not be able to 'address our citizens until on his 'return. The committee are anxious that there shall be no postponement, and are in corres poudence with Dr. Talmage in the en deavor to make arrangements for him to speak here at the time named, and with strong hopes for success. Should the committee fail,; however, in their oQorts to secure his services for the day named, the postponement will be but for a very few days. ' The Little World- -Throngs visited this wonderful mechan ical exhibition yesterday, and ; all ex pressed the same opinioir that it was a perfect marvel of ingenuity, tasteand skill. This is the fourth place in which it has been exhibited East of the Rocky Mountrins, it having been brought from SanFrancisco to the Atlanta Exposition. At Atlanta it was visited by1 more than 200,000 people, and was the wonder of all- The figures are perfectly natural and lifelike in looks and movements, and even the lilliputiaa conductor, who comes to the rear of the car and waves his signal, looks and acts the character to the very letter. Go and see it. Ten cents will admit you. Matinee every afternoon, especially for 'ladica and child ren, frcm 1:30 to 6 o'clock. There will also be a special matinee for the children to-morrow (Saturday) morning, commenc ing at9o'clock and continuing until soon. Don tDIe In the House Aek druggists for "Rough! on Rats.'1 It clears out rats, mice, bed-bugs, roach es, vermin, flies, atits, insects. 15c. ' per box. . 1 " - To-morrow is positively the last day of the Seven Sisters exhibition in this city.1 ---- .--j t FRIDAY, MARCH : Thermometrtcai. The range of the thermometer is sin gularly, uniform to-day throughout the South. At 6.56 this morning, according o the official bulletin received irom the Signal Office in this city, it stood at Wilmington, 53; Norfolk, 50; Nashvillei 50; Montgomery, 55; Memphis, 50; Lynch" burg, 49; Charlotte, 54; Cape Ilatteras, 51; Augusta, 55; Atlanta, 55. Dcfinl'lon of A Haby It is composed of a bald head and pair of lucS. One of theJungs takes a rest while theotherrnns the shop. One of them ia always on deck all the time. The ba by is a bigger man than hi3 mother. He likes to walk around with his lather at night. The father docs most of the walking, and all of the swearing. Don't fail to see the wonderful family, the Seven Sisters. f Fire So. 2. i About 10 o'clock this forenoon a fire was discovered upon tlie roof of a one story frame building on Chestnut, between Eighth and j Ninth streets, occupied by Mr. William Shcehan. The alarm was given, and the lire department were promptly on hand, but the fire wa3 ex tinguished before they could get to work. The damasre consisted in Quite a number of large holes being burned in the roof The house, we learn, is the property of Mrs. McDonnell, and is not insured. An Explosion. About 2:30 o'clock, this afternoon, the workmen who are engaged in makin the excavations for the extension and addition to the Carolina Rice Mills, caused the explosion of a rock which ws ia their way, and which they had, drilled into and charged with powder, -brag ments of rock flew in every direction but fortunately, no one was injured which is somewhat remarkable, as there were many people in the vicinity at the time who had no knowledge that such a thins- was to be until : they heard the d m report made by the discharge, and, were aiucied oi iboir paril by the descend ing fragments. We suppose it is al right, bat would suggest that a little more caution or some warning in future like operations would be desirable. A Disappointed Goat. Ludicrous incidents well occur, even in the midst of misfortune. The only damage done to the furniture at the fire on 1 Chestnut street this forenoon was to a looking-glass, and that was in a mancer Entirely unlooked for and unexpected' The glass had been take nfrom the house and carefully leaned up against the fencef where it stood unharmed during all the confusion and alarm occasioned by the fire. But a goat happened to come along and spying a reflection of himself in tho glass, he gazed for a moment, shook his head a few times and mounting on his hind legs, he went for that other goat in a hurry, and only found out his mis take after the looking-glass was smashed into smithereens, and no goat was to be rr i r J r ! i. seen, ue seemea coiaiusea ior a laumeui, stared a little, shook his head a little, and then walked quietly away to make a breakfast 'of any old piece of tinware or. DroKen crocKery wmcu migut uc icn. lying around loose. Thla Morning?! Fire. The two story iframc dwelling house, on Sixth, between Princess and Chestnut atrects. was discovered to he on nre at about 6 o'clock this morning. The! alarm was given at once and the fire de partment was promptly on hand, and sue ceeded in extinguishing the flames, though not until the lower part of the house was destroyed. The house i3 the property of Louie Dawis, colored, and she had furniture stored 1 in the lower story, (although she does not live there) which was badly damaged by rough handling in its removal. The only oc cupant of the building was Washington Howe, a young colored man, who slept in thesecondstory. When he awoke the room was full of emoke, and he came near suffocating before he could - raise a window for fresh . air. An . examination developed the; fact that kerosene oil had been poured around the building in sever. al places and then ignited, showing con clusively that the fire was the work of aa incendiary. i , The house was insured to the amount of $400 in the Star Insurance Company of New York, represented 1 in this city by Messrs. DeRosset & Northrop. : The receipts of cotton at this port 1 toj foot up 7X bales. i - .. - ... . -, 31. 1882. NO 77 It is a popular error to snppose that ivy growing ontne walls ot a house makes it damp. The attachment cf ivy o walls, so far from injuring them and causing dampness, is an advantage. If the walls arc dry when planted, ivy will eep them so. If damp, as the plant overspreads their surface the dampness will disappear. Where, dampness pre vails i?y sucks out tho moisture, and its thick foliage will prevent the access of rain to the structure; and thus it is not only a remover, but a preventive, of dampness. The :only danger attending the planting of ivy on buildings is where fissures occor in the walls, ia which case the shoots and roots will enter, and, if left undisturbed, their growth will soon begin to tell upon th8 building- and will, by increase of growth, push against the sides of tho opening, thereby enlarging it, and eventually so weaken the walls as to cause it to tall. Where the wail is sound there is no such danger, for the plant does not make fissures, although quick to discover them. There were three parties brought be. fore the Mayor this morning charged with disorderly conduct, but they were all discharged, i . Bishop Lyman's Appointments. April ! Saturday evening, Camden. April 2.Sunday, Elizabeth City. April 3 Monday, Newbegun Chapel. April 5 Wednesday, St. Luke's, Washington county. April 6 Thursday, Columbia, Tyrrell county. ! April 7 Good Friday,. St. David's, Washington county. April 9 Easter Day, Edenton. April 11 Tuesday, Plymouth. April 13 Thursday, Holy Innocents Bertie county. I Ajuil 14 Friday, Windsor, jBertie co. April 16 Sunday, Grace Church, Bertie county. April 17 Monday, Roxabel. April 18 Tuesday, Jackson, North ampton county. April 20 Thursday, Faison. April 21 Friday, Clinton. April 23 Sunday, Wilmington. 1 April 25 Tuesday, Smithville. April 25 Tuesdayevening,St.Mark,s Wilmington. 5 " April 20 WtJoooJ- vi'ug, cruiua- boro. ' ' April 30 Sunday, St. Augustine's, Raleigh. v April 30 Sunday evening, Good Shep herd, Raleigh. May 5 -Sunday, Christ Church, Ra leigh. - May 5 Sunday evening, .St. Mary's, Raleigh. May 10-15 Tarboro. Convention. May 16 Tuesday, Scotland Neck, May 17 Wednesday, Hamilton. . May 18 Thursday, Williamston. May 19 Friday, JamesviHe. May 20 Saturday, Trinity, Beaufort Connty. May 21 Sunday, Washington. May 22 Monday, South Creek. May 23 Tuesday, Durham's Creek. May 24 Wednesday, Bath. May 25 Thursday, Zion's Qhurch Beaufort county. May 2G Friday evening, Pantego. May 28 Sunday, St. James, Beaufort County. May 31 Wednesday, Makelys ville Hyde county. June 1 Thursday, Swan Quarter, Hyde county. Juno 2 Friday, Fairfield, . Hyde county. June 4 Sunday, St. George's, Hydo County. June 11 Sunday, Rockfish, Consecra tion, o - . i ., June 11 Suuday evening, Fayette ville. June 18 Sunday, Pittsboro. -Holy communion at all morning ser vices. , j Collections for Diocesan Missions. An Atzreabl8 Dressing for tho Hair, that will stop its falling, has beeni long sought for. Parker's Hair Balsam, dis tinguished for Ua parity, fully supplies this want. Wanted. 25 000 CKOSS-AlKB, 6X3, 3 feet long. , For farther particulars er quire of ; " COLVILLS & CO, 1 I : jaa Ztt . 8IGN PAIflTlflOi BR0NZifJ0 &c. i rjlUE3 UNDERSIGNED WOULD re. fpectfully say that until further totice ha may be! -found at his reildencc corcer Third and Market streets, prepared to cxe i i ..." cute all orders In the aboTe 'named branch es. Room Sets, Tin Ware, Ac, Neatly repainted and varnished. 1 jlD-tl 0. 2. CUKJ. PLEABBffOTIOS; TTe xlll be glad to rtcalvt tcnmuslsxtloa froa test Crfcadj ca a?y a4 all ; ixbtots a a ctao cf the writer; alvtyt bt fa allied 9 iU Edltcr, j OdZassJaati3 tstsi ts ; writtsa' ci oUy oae cda cf tat pspsr , Pertcatl3fl Rt b avcldtd i ... . , i Asd It U eipftclally and pirtlliiy tadn itood tUt tio Edlt-vdoea cot alwavs eadon m t. w , tha Tiew3 oi ccrrsercsdeats unless to ttat la tke: editorial ecluav I, j ;, iow AdvcrtisQmonta Parlor Organs. TK STOCK AT TGS FOLLOWING Itaa-nfae!sre:a''-rT;e.a-$fi; UX JCO $7J, $$0, 5lOVSl55 aad $:C0. Pian OS. Oaj Ton ;arorp43t!ul? invited to call atd !n T,8?n f tfc abovoi" . ltsrumeuU. TiK.JJ 4 LAy, If yau da riot wish t3 bar coaie asf how and l.Kiic at theb, at A .j, , - KEiNHHMtar-R'a', a. ; PCh SO Live Ftos txd Mn;i 8tor . if : r . Soluble Pacific Guano AND I j ' innT03 nERE' AND FOR 8ALE rbJJ by the Sub-cribers and the follow- inff - . l Sub-Agexts : A. D. Black, Magnolia and Mount Olive, L. T. Hicks, Faiion, If. xj. owaen, liowden s, T.E.Pierce, Warsaw, Whiteville Wino Co.. WhiterU J.jD. Rogers, Fair Bluff and N chols. i. lisrncs, Sterling, . Ai C. Melkc, Luuxbcrton, . Claik & Currie. Clarkton. MacRac Brothers. Shoe Heel. McNair& James. Laurel mil. L. L. McLauren & Sons, Laurinburg, O. J. Freeman, Hamlet J i j i.a.cmna, ADDOtUburg, mch 23 lw ALEX, SPRtJNT & SON. Peep in at, Yates rpHE Pi!ETTIE3T LOT ,OF PANEL8, . - ;: I-r-'-v - , Easter Cards, Fancy Photographj, Xaiale, Frames, Ac, in tho city. Books. BUtloa e:y, 4c, at lowest prieej. rah i7 Bookseller and , Htatiener ' DR. WARHER'S Abdomirsai Corset. SETS the excellent article named- above, A sample let just received Also, all Bizet in Young Ladjes' Coralihe at $lCroaabone, at 75 cents, and Corallrto Flexible Hip at fl.25. "I tavo.. exclusive control of theso goods; their superiority causes many imita JL. tions. None by me. mch2.5-tf are- genuine but- those sold JNO. J. UEDRICK. FOR 0 D S I IN THE COURSE OF A FEW DATS . Will be In the market lor two weeks fronV this date. Any SPECIAL ORDERS 'left at my Store will be sent forward and will re ceive careful attention. ' . Some BARGAINS may NOW be had to make room for NEW GOODS. Respectfully,.', ' ' P J. L. 5room, J-EALER IN FINE GRdCERIE'S, Wines, quors, Tobacco, Cigars &c., No. 4, Nortk Water ctreet. Goods and prices guaran teed to euit. Give me a call. A firit clasa' Restaurant is .attached where meals can be obtained at all hours , j mchS-Im PUR'CEiL ilOilSE," UNO2i SEW UANAOESlFjr?, Os l iEURY, i .. -i' prop Latrreprisior Atiaatte'lietel. " Tl? (Imi in U itrtkcpMsinorl'tf, Turn : .5 : A3 t-t " t . . -trflw.fr . V Oar Belovqd 1 C A R F i' k l D And lis Faithful Cabinet. . An elegant Cbromo Lithograph of car lata Pre ideat, xsakir 8 nil urt portraits, printed in 10 colors ca heavy paper with rich old border. Size, lBxU 'inehtM. Tb sale of this beaatifnl work of . art haa beta sioply anprecedcntjd at $1 per copy, Ia order that every family ssay be ahle to pot seas this beaatifoi and tonchis? aoavezJr of oar late President aad kiJ Cabinet, we will mail it for only 60 cents per copy Wa caa forsfsa this s acta subjfct, printed la 8 colors, red need t Call iaciies, for only 15 cents. AGENTS WANTED thatlmd tor arents to reap a rich! tarveat with these beaatifal portraits Nothiag tUa like theta. Stad fcr terosa aad bay samples to work with, i CO SAN X & CO ub iorlWax 7 Vvj ft Ktw Xork 111 - t J !

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