TSI3 PAPEB We will be glad to receive ecmntnlcaUoa from our Crlndj ca aiy lad "all &bjtets;e u '.iUibd ery afteweon, 8Mdeyi cx osh. t. Jan. bb oitor awd ruoraixroa. -OB8CB1PTIOFS.POSTAGE PAID. LrfS CO Six nontfcs, $360 ; Ttrw Laths, f 1 wnth, 60 cent. Daper wUl be delivered, by carriers, JVr.LIf'taw Ptof th.citj,ttth. far.t.,orl3centtprwetk. . rates low and libern --HubteribMS will pleaaereport aay and U failw to receive ttelr papers regularly. rjeT7 Advertisements. day. THE GREAT port iron RHEUMATISM Hsuralaia. Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Qoai, Quins, Sore Throat, Swel ings and Sprains, Bums and Scatds, General Bodily Paifs, Tooth, Ear arid HMadacho, Frosted Feei and Ears, and ali other Pains and Aches. Ha PwjTMi n on Mrth.wji)l St. Jaco3.Oxi. M , MX,..rf, hupl anjl cheap External A trial entAil3 but the comparatively Hf ing ontlat of 50 Cent, and erery ooeraffer lot wiih r'i havo cbeP 1X14 JK)fiiiT proof j)iwfi'ni in Hitmen Lausrage. ' fiOLD BT ALL DEUGGISTS AUD DEALERS IH MEDICINE. A. VOGEIXR fc CO., Haiti more Mds U. S.-A-. MARTIN'S VACCINE VIRUS NRTH Ci-ROUXA MXDICAL JOTJKKJLL AOKJOT FOB THZ SOTJTnXBS STATES -pRE8H AND ACTIVE VACCINE from th rpnowned establishment of Dr. Henry A. Martin, furniehed In large or small quanti ties. This racclue la warranted to take In all primary caaee. 7 Lancet Polnta for $1.00 15 do do 2.00 Each lancet point will vaccinate one per eon. Ordera by telegraph or mall will receive prompt attention. . THOMAS F. WOOD, US6-tf nac " Wilmington, N. O Soluble Pacific Guano AND Acid Phosphate. a ff TONS HERE, AND FOR SALE 4rV U by the Subscribers and the follow ing Sub-Agexts : A. D. Black, Magnolia and Mount Olive, L. T. Hicks, Faison, D. Bowden, Bowden'a T. B. Pierce, Warsaw, Whitevllle Wine Co., WMtevllle, J. D. Rogers, Fair Bluff and Nichols, R.R. Barnes, Sterling, A. C. Melke, Lumberton, lark & turrle, Clarkton, MacRae Brothers, 8hoe Heel, McNaIrfe James, Laurel Hill, L. L. McLauren & 8ons, Laurinbnrg, 6. J. Freeman, Hanlet, I. H. Smith, Abbottaburg. mck U lw ALEX 8PRTJNT b SON. Mattings ! rjattings! CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. Of the abOTe we can shew a great Tariety. LADIES SARATOGA TRUFIKS ! In jreat Taripty and all t lues. WHITE GOODS ! Ib this department we can enow many new tad nice things as well as all of the staples. DRESS GOODS I CASS1MERE3 and Cashmersts for beys. LACES AND EMBROIDERY ! Neckwear la all new thiugs. R. TJ1. rJlclntire. TURKISH BATH SOAP apl 1 DR. WARNER'S Abdominal Corset. 5' have added to mt line of cor ns the excellent article named above, A wapie lot Just received- Also, all sUea la Young Ladle Corallneat $1; Croaabone, t75eent, and Oorallne FlexlUe Ulpat I hare" exclualve control of these toda; their auperlorlty causes. many lmtta- Jfft. Nene axe genuine but those sold aactSo-tf Tut VOL. VI LOCAL NEWS. Nirvr AnVEltTISEMENTsj HEIK3BERGEK aster Cards Ottekbouro Cblldien's Bprius Suits 8oci.vble Hibernian Bene v; Aiio'ii C V Yates rccp la at Yates' Dr. Tnos F WooD-iartln'bVacc!nc Virus . : Full moon at 33 ibidu es past noon to. This the warmest day of tue season that far. 1 m Schooner Samuel C. Hart, hence, was , reoortcd below at iNew ixork Marcn ii. The almanac predicts very rainy weather for to-day, which is a slight mia take; Norwegian barque Gaztllon, Wcrbye, to eleared at London, March 31st, for this I British baTque Aspirant, Stonehouseeither blush of shame nor twinge of eleared at Boston, March 31st, for this I port. Rr.hnnnpr David Pier son: Summer. sailed from Baltimore, Mar j 1 ch 3l8t. for tnis port.. Steamship Benefactor, Capt, Tribon, sailed from New York April 1st., for 1 tuis port ii I All oassions are eood! when one mas- ters them: all are bad when one is a slave to them. ' Marvie frk ho rpnrlArpfl rp.p.nnp.i lft - . , , . . k inenas wnom services renaereu ;uave ranged. ! There is many a j man whose tongno might govern multitudes, if he could but govern hii tongue. Barque Candacs, Johansen, from Sillisand for this port, put into Portland, Eng., March 20th. j Beautify your nomes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready njixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacob rs. T The cat is the great American prima donna. If bootjacks were bouquets, her I nine lives would be strewn with roses. I a rAJnn t .T.rJ fl for Sash, Blinds and boors, Glass, BI You can get all juka and at the owest prices. The Dan. barque Elenc, Olsen, clear- edtc-dayfor Hamburg, with 4,280 bar. reli rosin, shipped by Messrs. E. G Bar- proving this fine 1 weather1 to the utter- most, and the plantations have Decome beehives of industry, j Miss E. Karrer has returned from New York with a large assortment of xnilli nery and fancy goods which she will have ready for exhibition in a1 very few days. h . -J A man who wants his wife s to love and respect him will never smake the mistake of putting hisfeet into her slippers. Years of devotion will not wipe out the I m insnlt. -f-f- ' 1 ' We can no more Jiave back old times by gathering the. same people in the ame place than we could have back a dead friend by seating his skeleton in his accustomed place. M ! i We are requested to state that the Thursday night meetings, at the First Presbyterian Church, will, until further notice, be held at 8 o'clock, instead cf at 7:30, as heretofore. , When a dark and gloomy crisis in your life is reached, and destruction seems to overwhelm you only remember that u uiaoi-oct fiprwkt storm nasses auick- bUC WM-w-, - X i est, and the earth is always the brighter after it. ' r- ' Our lives should be like the days, more beautiful inhe evening, or, like the spring, aglow with promise, and like autumn, rich with golden sheaves when good works and1 deeds have1 ripened on the field. As will be seen by reference to our ad verting columns, trains Nob. 42 and 45 on the Wilmington, Colombia Augus ta Railroad, and trains Nos. 45 and 42 on the Wilmington k Weldon Railroad, have been discontinued. 1 , ! . York (f ) IH;y Our fellow townsman Mr. Adam Cro mer, East College( Avenue, York, Pa., atates the folio wine : I had an attack nf Rheumatism so severe that I was un able to move, Unless by assistance. After naincr different remedies. I purchased a bottle of 8L Jacobs Oil. which gave me great reliaf, and after wing the third botue, i was aoie to uo b; nwi DAM I WILMINGTON, N. C, The iron out of which true manhood i3 forged is the power to reaist. She cooed; he wooed; the old man said they could if they would. No cards. Quite a number of strangers are in the city in attendance upon the Criminal Court. A. philosopher observes thatjtberc are two periods in a man's life when ho looks to tec if his hair is coming out at twenty,' whsn he inspects his upper lip at forty, when he inspects the top of his , The best armor i3 discretion; the best adviser, justice; the . best act, t&ay prompttd by charity; the best ccmpan who is not afraid ion, the frank friend, tell us of our famts; but the truest friend is the gold earned and saved by one' self, the sight of which brings conscieuw. iu - jrives 10 man unaiiing -vucuicutc. In erery house there should bo a little nc - ok in which a lew simple remedies are kept. Among them snouiu oe extracts of irioeer. peppermmt, chloride ot pot- , bicarbonate of soda, sweet oil, pare g0ric,camphorf arnica, cotton, old muslia for bandages, some sticking- plaster, a box of ground, mustard and some ready. made mustard plasters. Always strike a light when you go to get any of these in the dark, and be sure you have the right one Flics & Mosquitoes i Up hftv nf"Rmirh on Bats ' Will keep a house freQ from fiies moSquitoes, rats and mice, the entire season. Drug- gists. City Court The cise of the party who wa3 the principal in the shooting affair of yes terday, was 'postponed until the 13th inst., on account of the inability of the young man who was shot to be present One young man was up charged with disorderly conduct, for which he was fined $5. We suppress name by request Two others were charged with being drunk aild down, but they were discharge ed. They will not have pleasure o seeing meir names m v ,u MU. . Kite ol Baptism irSZu Z t "c"s uwu - ; - Ioaptizeu ana aumineu w mcuiuoiomjj the Church yesterday morning. We learn that the meetings will be conducted regularly until lurtner notice, auu win not probably be concluded before the close of the week, A cold in the head is one of the best things that can happen to a lady with a lace handkerchief, and Dr. Bull's Cough Syrbp is decide Jly the best remedy to cure the cold. I A sail Afifair. '' A shooting scrape occurred yesterday about mid-day at a " private residence in this city. The parties are young men, both natives, and aro of families cf the highest respectability. -The cause t the altercation was a matter of great delica cy, in consequence of which we suppress the names'. The shootiDg was the result of a demand made for reparation of a fou injury done to a relative cf onp of the parties which reparation being refused, hence the shooting. The wounded party is not dangerously injured. Unfortunate" ly the aggrieved party was the person who was shot. Harbor Master's Heport. i According to the report of Captain1 Joseph Price, the Harbor Master of this port, there arrived here during the lnontn of March a total of 31 vessel, of all Snotinnalitipft and classes, classihed 83 follows: .VMERICAN. Steamships, . . 8 . . . t?,019, tons. Bardues, . . . 1 . 312 tons. Brigs, . . . 1. ..... 239 tons. Schooner3, . . . 14 . . 3,742 ton?. - " ! ! Total, 24 12,312 tons. KOBEIOX. Barque, J .11 4,283 tons. Brigs, . . . 3 . . 809 tons. Schooners, . . 3 ! . . 327 tons. Total For'n, ' 17 5.419 tous.j Total Am., 24 12,312 tona. Grand Total, 31 17,731 tons. i The Tradesman, published on the 1st. and 15 th of each month, at Chattanooga, Tenn., is for sale everywhere in the South by news dealers. Illustrations of Mechanical Novelties are a featurea thi3 progressive journal. I i , MONDAY, APRIL 3. Countj commissioners. The County Commissioners met ic regular session this afternoon, with a fall board. 1 The treasurer submitted hi3 monthly report for March : General fund, bal. ance oa hand, 27,8S8.S1 ; Special fund, balaifce on hand, $-124.14. Sixty two coupons amounting to $108 were exhibited and destroyed in the pres ence of the Board. I'jducationsl fund, balance, $13,647.1,"). The Register of Deeds submitted his March report: Marriaee license feea 10.95, 1 The following persons were appointed to take the tax lists: Wilmington Township Jas. G. Burr. Harnett Township A. A. Moscly. Masonboro Township. .Jas. A. Mont- i gomery. , ' Federal Point Township J. H.IIorne. Capo Fear Township Iredell Johnson. I Eetail liquor licenses were granted to 4Vio fillrinrr nstmprl finni !rir.t?5. to Wlt 1 t.,. "11 i-a r Trtr.Baii t? it I uyuu vduuu, . . Hnrdcaux and J. W. Duls. v 4 P ,J.i it,,, witli Applications to supply the Jail with J water and to have a hydrant placed in j front of Court House were granted. I3X levy under ; ftcueamc i ana v, , r , 1 l -r 1 - I same as last year. In reference to the ferry across North 2ast lliver, the Chairman and Colonel East Roger Moore were appointed a commit tee to confer with Mr. Parsley. The Board then adjourned. Criminal Court- fill 1 nnnmnl . .-. TOiylllHf 1 term at 10 o'clock this, morning, at tho Court Oouse iu this city, His Honor Judge Meares presiding. The hours of Vif mnmiflfT Rpssion were consumed in drawing and impanelling the grand jury, and in the delivery of the charge to them. The following compose the grand iury Wi Alderman, Aaron Kellogg,William Mose- ley, B. A.Hallett,W. C. Orr,1 J. M. Branch, J. T. Foreman, Thomas 'Beefc, eorsre Brooks. W. E.l Davis, J. H. :ewlett, D. L. Gore, J. A. Everett, B. Hollis. E. T. Hancock, W. A, Eckel, P. Aaiini mereuau uBeuuuTO uiCu nu,u . - i -l i J T,r our report was closed, tho omcers ot tne court being engaged m preparing tor regular work to-morrow Bishop Lyman's Appointments. April 9 Easter Day, Ldenton. oril 11 Tuesday. Plymouth. pril 13 Thursday, Holy Innocents Berne county. i lh 14 Friday. Windsor, Bertie co AtMI 16 Sunday. Grace Church, Bertio county. -A nril 17 Mondav. Roxabel. i w - April 18 Tuesday, Jackson, North ampton county. April 20 Thursday, Faison.. April 21 Friday, Clinton. April 23 Sunday, Wilmington. Anril 25 Tuesday. Smithville. April 25 Tuesday evening.St.Mark's Wilmington. I . Aprjl 2G Wednesday evening, Golds- boro. t April 30 unday, St. Augustine's, Raleigh. April 30 Sunday evening, Good Shep herd, Raleigh. I May 5 Sunday,) Christ Church, Ra leigh, i ( May 5 Sunday evening, St. Mary's, Raleigh, i May 10-15 Tarboro. i Convention. May 16- Tuesday, Scotland Neck, I May 17 Wednesday, Hamilton. May 18 Thursday, Williamston. May 19 Friday, Jamesville. May 20 Saturday, Trinity, Beaufort Conntv. I May 21 Sunday, Washington. M ay 22 Monday, South Creek. May 23 Tuesday, Durham's Creek. , May 24 Wednesday, Bath. I May 25 Thursday, Zion's Church Beaufort county, j May 26 Friday evening, Pantego. May 2b Sunday, St. Jame3, Beaufort County. May 31 Wednesday, ' Makelysv ilie j Hyde ccuntyi June 1 lhursuay, &wan quarter, Hyde county. Juno 2 Friday, Fairfield, Hyde rnuntv. 1 June 4 Sunday, St. George's, Hyde County. i June 11 Sunday, Rockfisb, Consecra tion. I June 11 Sttuday evening, Fayette ville. Jane IS Sunday, Pittsboro. , Holy communion at all morning ser vices. I Collections forlDiocesan Missions. There are no friends so dear, as true and trusted friends, and no love so pure, so sweet and so fragrant, asj the first love. 1 jNO 79 I Booming. Spirits of turpentine still are booming. Oar last quotations reported them at 57 cents per gallon, but to-day they took an advance to 58 cents offered and 50 cents asked. The Nor. baiquo BrocJcka, Neilsen, cleared to day for Glasgow, with 2,050 barrels rosin, and 030 casks spirits tur pentine, shipped by Mems! Alex. Sprunt k Son. j Horrible freckles thi3 month you know girls, if you expose your pretty faces too much to the rays of the euj. Be cautious. . i Sociabie. nnHESIXTEENTH ANNUAL SOCIABLE L : I. - ot the llibiirEian Benevolent Aatociation will take place at Germanla Hall, on Mon- . ril 10 Music by Italian Band and Dancicp:. Kc freshmentsat eitv nrlcest Ticksts For Gentleman, 50 cent?; Gen- tlcman aad Ladies, 51; Children, cents. fiaiCat Messrs. John Dver & Son, J H McGirity, L. Flanagan, or from members otirL7 Brrn. June. cUctt. M. -, , - - - . . uarroll. Win. Sheehan, commmce. fp moa ill ca CHltOnEK'S SPH1NQ SUITS In the well known SAILOR SUITS, NORFOLK SUITS, WALKING SUITS, TTjirrtriffi l)fsi7nsin till Miae ci uwuimg; as wui u.. uCW I styles x,f our own that ara bound to win , nnnniaritv I i " I uuu f umbiu?u rARTMENT will be found the most .J tbe d I -r O.V. e TTKATTTJTT? ZINC COVERED. TRUNKS, for Ladies Id Geuts,use. VALISES, all sizes and prices. MEN'S SUITS irom ?t to iu in an ae- ft?roh1P ppasonai lft fabrics, and cast from I I v'b ' ' a ' . . ... v,ur WOrk, is second to none in tho whole! country; and owing to their elegant fitting qualities 'are often judged to bo these made by special measure. You can tell 'cm by the hang of the cloth. OTTJBRBOURG, CLOTHIER. apl 3 At the LlVe BOOK StOre 1 OU WILL FIHD THI3 WKE.K a new and bsautlfal lot of EASTER CARDS. C:m5 tad iook at them, at HiINrBSRGER'3 J STATIOHERY- STATIOHERY I T3 LINK BOOKS, PLUS 3 CARD Casss, Pccket Booki, I -boxps at Esthstie W.ritisg Paper In UE1N8BERGKB8, Lire licok ax Mmio Store apl 3 3EMDVAL-HEW SALOON 1 -VfO. 3, SOUTH FRONT STREET has just been fitted up for me. jl an prepared i b furnish my customers - with the best o Liquors, Cigars, etcat my New Saloon. apll St - k M. McGOWAX; avn V TILLEY. H. HINTZ'- v - 1 Tiiley & Hintze M0! RTH SECOND STR5XT, neit to cor. MOUNTAIN BEEF on eaie lorxnc nv fw days. Call and inch EJotice. - - 1 . unrT At" ffiTin T3i wA -t ?1 flnrl it tn thfir ail- at reasonable ra.vs, " vanUgc W call at the commercial iiutci. llespecuauy, I M-SCHLOSS, Proprlttor 3T First Claw Bar attached. ' Notice- Ylf XXJ- Ulbli fib U.AJUr A J. . .a i mnu TtrTT T Tw ir nv if A the next aesalon of the General Aeaenu biyof'orar . . Clinton, Point Caswell & WllalfltWm R saeh law5w 1882. Tie cist cf ti writs! Dill always bt f ilihedto iU Editor. I j Ocsalsat!caj &ast b. wrlttca; on oaly oae aid of the paper. Personalities sot be avoided - And it Is especially tad psrilsiUrly sadti stood that the Edltardoee cot always eadort viewi ct eorr9posde&ta ftalen to itat is tie editorial eoltusas. Hew Advertisements . 1 State of North Carolina, County of Xew Hanover. I Superior Court Virginia B. Matthowa, Piaictitf.- i .- vs. David R. Murchison. Fi ancia O. French jarinur u. u raves, da,mci a, wneabee, and Audrow V. Stout, Committee and Trustees of tho First Mortgage Bond holders cf tbe iato Carolina I Ccotral Railway Ccmpiny, and William F. Bo -rey, also suchTrustes by substitution, and against John M. Itobinson, IX C. Hoffman, and Williatn! W. Caambtr lalnr v. bo cUim to have been substitu ted for the siid Stout, Graves, and French or Sorcy, respectively, and against the Tha Carolina Central Rail Road'Company, aad David B. Murchl . son, Kenneth M. Murchison, William F. Sorey, partners tradingunder the name and style of Murchison & Co., and D. 11. Murchison, styling himself President and' Director cf said Company, and J. Brandcr alatthews, Charles M. , Bled man, M. P. Leak, David W. jOatei, James S. s Whedbee, R. C, Hoffman, ' William V. Chamberlain, Rufus 8. TucS'er. John p.. Winder, ,and Joan M. Robinson, styling themselves DU rectors of tho said Company, and against Tho Farmers Loan I and (Trust Company, of Now York, Tho Seaboard 1 apd Roanoke Rail Road Company, and against R. A Lancaster and numerous other persons claiming to bo Stocks holders of the eaid Carolina Central Rail Road Company, and. The Union i Trust Company, of New York, Trustee, and J. Brander Matthews and Charles H, Roberts, Trustees, Defendants. ' y At Cuambers, Wilson, N. C.. 11th day of March 1882. The conrplaint in this'action, duly veri- tied according to law, with i the amend ment thereto- also duly j verified,, being eshibited before mo a all affidavit, and It being moved thereon by Messrs. McRae & Strange' and Russell & Ricand, tha Attorneys and Counsel for the Plaintiff for an injunction and the appointment of a Receiver as prayed for in the complaint, It is therefore considered and ordered that the defendants f in . this action ihow caueo before mo at Goldsboro, at Cham bers, on tho 12th day of May, 1882, why the temporary Injunction as prayed for in tho complaint shall not be granted,' and why a Receiver as thereia prayed for shall not bo appointed, j j It ia further Ordered that thoj Plaintiff may file any additional affidavits and ex hibits on or before tho 5th day of April, 1882, provided, tho eame shall be served upon tho said defendants, or their Attor. ' nevs, by that date.' And tbe said defendants may have I k UCIKOI loi ku uio wuuin auwa, i tha Ah rlrtv nf Mar 1R82.1 nroTided. the 8ame shall bo served upon the plaintiff, or her Attorneys by that date. And that Qanever coanty ahall issue copies of this order to be served upon the defendants, i rnp i :fTK ni iuu ounerior uuurb ui xiaw according to law. 1 JOHN A. GILMER, Judge of Third Judicial District. State of North Carolina; . i New Hanover County, ! ' Soperior Court. I. 8. Van Amrlnse, C.erk h Suptrior aforesaid , do hereby certify that the fore going is a true copy from tne original on file in my office I Given under my hand and official seal at Wilmington, North Carolina this, the lGth March, A. D., 1882. 1 ft. sA S. VanAMRINGE, Clerk Superior Court, ,New Hanover County, North Carolina. mch 16.1aw4w. Post; copy I 81 r ! Peep in at Yates mHE PRETTIEST LOT OF PANELS, Easter Cards, Fancy Photofraphi,-Fatek, i - L ' Frams, Jto,in.the dry. Booki, 8tatfoav I.I. " " ery, Ac, at lowest pileei. ' ' I G. Wl"YATSSt.:;' mh 27 Bookstller axd SUtiear Wanted. ' C)r flOO UKUs-'iiia, 0X3, feet long. For further particulars enquire ol COLTLLS & CO, jaa33-tt Jo L. Oroom, HTaALER INFINEGROCERIES, Wines, Llqu luors, Tobacco, Cigars, !Ac. No. 4,Nort2t Water street: Gooda and Drices guaran teed to suit, Give mc a cillJ A first elaas Restaurant Is attached where meals can d obtained at all hours. I J i 1 5-1 PUR CELL HOyS C5Dls EW KAff&OKUZST, if . u iEnilY, Prop wProprlat.r AiKQ first Clau la all itarasociatOfala, Tsrsa $7,satj flyer car. i U5eu