f BIB PAPER PLSABBlTOTIfJ i " j Ife will bar ltd to recslra aamiasBteftfoii brf every afieraooa, 8wdayi z r 1 from out frUndj oa aay and fall mblaeb 0 jpjlOB ASD PBOPMKTOB. -.mtea pnflTAOK PAID. tfc. 2 SO Three 7 i is t Oa month, 60 cents. 16 W 0B -ill b. delivered by earrierf, fr0 . '. r 12 cents per week. '! rite, low and liberal rf-Sabwribera wiU please report any and fares' to receive thair papers regularly. Advertisements. 4 THE GREAT- SI FOB RHEUHAT neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest$ Sout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swsll was and Sprains, Burns and " Scalds,' General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and -Aches. Pirp'"n f,n 'arth equal St. Jacobs .Oit safe, urf, simple and cheap External KmeJr. A trial entails but the cdmf)aratiTely trying' outlar of 50 Cents, and eTery one.snffer iug with can have cheap and poiitixe proof ti' it claims. VireciioDt in Eleven Languages. BOLD BY ALL DBUGGI8TS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. A.VOGEUGR & CO., Haltimore, U. 8. A MARTIH'S.VACCINE VIRUS, NBTH CAKOLINJL MEDICAX J0UUNAI AOENCT FOR TILE SOUTHERN STATES THRESH AND ACTIVE VACCINE from the renowned establishment of Dr. Henry A. Martin, furnished in large or small quanti ties. This vaccine is warranted to take in sll primary cases. 7 Lancet Points for $1.00 15 do do 2.00 Each lancet point "will vaccinate one per son. Orders by telegraph or mail will receive prompt attention. , THOMAS F. WOOD, 1an'.26-tf nac Wilmington,-. C Soluble Pacific Guano AND Acid Phosphate. 400 in? TOSS HERE, AND FOR SALE by the Subtxribers and the follow- Sub-Agents : A. D. Black, Magnolia and Mount Olive, L, T. Hicks, Faison, D-. Bowden, Bowden's, T.B. Pierce, Warsaw, Whitetllle Wine Co., Whiteville, J. D. Rogers, Fair Bluff and Nichols, R.R. Barnes, Sterling, A C. Melke, Lumbetfon, Clark & Currie, Clarkton, MscRse Brothers, Shoe Heel, McNair& James, Laurel Hill, -L- L McLaurcn & Sons, Laurinburg, G. J. Freeman, Hamlet, I. H. Smith, Abbotteburg mch 2S lw ALEX. SPRUNT & SON. Mattings ! Mattings! CARPETS AHD OIL CLOTHS. Of the above we can show a great variety. LADIES SARATOGA TRUNKS ! In great variety and all sizes. WHITE GOODS ! In this department we can show many new and nice things as well as all of the staples. DRESS GOODS ! CASSIMERE8 and Cashmerete for boys. LACES AND EMBROIDERY! Neckwear in all new things. " R. TJ. In tire. TCRKI8H BATH SOAP At the Live Book Store YOU WILL FWD THIS WEEK a tew nd btsatifil lot of EABTKR CARD?. O.ms and -ook aUhem, at Hil5:BRGEd STATIONERY-STATIONERY ! J3LANK BOOKS, PLUSH CARD Cases, roket Books, JBitheti Wxitlaf Pper In at nvTWODPnnpcia 01 3fc2L?.if 113 H "'"'4 i I y i VOL. VI LOCAL r New Advertiseie T7TS. The Little World J Sam'l N. Caxxox-The Annual MeetlDg Alex. Epruxjt & Sox-f Spirit Barrels J hi Curtis Notise Heinsbekger v aster Cards C W Yates Peep in at Yates' Dr Tnos F Wrooi-Mar4ia'6VaccJne Virus "We gain this month C2 inches of day light. I The receipts of cotton at; thi9 v port to-day foot up 57 bales, 1,18 L barrels. land those of rosin Many a man of forty cold winters has a conscience just as good as new because he never used it. The Feast of the Passover begun yes terday evening at sunset, and will con tinue eight dayss This is the loveliest Spring day we have yet bad thi3 season, and one can almost see the green things growing. - There is no such tiling as independ, ence eaah of us defends upon somo one else for some little1 comfort in life ' Beautify ypur nornes by using the N Y.EnamelPaiht, ready mixed! and war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's!. t : i The Criminal Court! has been engaged all day in the trial of one case, that of a party charged with keeping a disorderly house. Every man should ask! himself this question:' Should this turn out to be a false step, shall I be able to gt back again? Eagle Island, opposite the city, is fast donning its beautiful robes of srreen. It i is refreshing to the eye to glance in that direction. The peach crop hereabouts is looking very promising. If there is no more cold weather there will most likely be a full crop. . Spirits tnrpentince advanced toj and sold for GO cent3 a gallon in this market to-day, which is the j highest figures reached since 1872. Some two weeks ago we gave the par ticulars, in the KeviewI of the new hotel building which is to be erected at Saith- viHe, and we now hear that work was: to be begun to-day. Mr. Norwood Giles having resigned as a'member of the Board of Audit and Finance, Mr. W. R. Kenan was yester day elected to fill the vacancy occasion ed by Mr. Giles' resignation. Mr. T. ErPedrjck, who livesj within a few miles of the city, caught this morning about five miles above the city,'in Smith's Creek, a fresh water stream, a large stone-crab. We do hot know that we have ever heard of a similar instance. Mr. Junius Young,' a ycupg Wilraing tonian who some years ago migrated to California but who has! been recently at tending a course of medical lectures in Philadelphia, is here now on " a visit to his relatives, I Steamboatmen inform us that there is plenty of water in the (ape Fear and Black rivers, and that, there are an unus- nal number of rafts of timber, and nayal f stores in both river3 on thoir way to this city for a market. , i Unmailable . i Unmailable matter, addressed as fol lows, remains in the Postoffice in this city: j i Rev.,D. Smith, Pender county, N. C; Clara Smith, No. 6 James St. New York ; 1 white stamped envelope, with no address. 11 . , i f j Mr. Fred. Barr, Manifield, Ohio, writes as follows: After suflering with rheumatism for six ponths and applying a number of remedies without benefit, I procured a bottle of, St. Jacobs Oil from my druggist, Mr C. W. Wagner, and am happy to state that after using one bottle, 1 can now jdress myself, which I had not been abe to do for some tioe. i The ramored enquir and recent sales of re"l estate in onr city is another evi dence of its growing prosperity. We hear of several transactions, and at ad vanced figures and are glad to note the "boom", which so extensively increased in the Northern and .Western narkets, is now extending Southward, more per ceptible than at any period since the June of 1873. i 1 - r- 1 To Builders and1 others Go to J aco Bi'a for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c. Yon can get all sizes and at tht , lowest prices. I . fi t WILMINGTON, N. C, Sew Postoffice Wanted. A petition for a new postoffice in Brunswick county, between Shallotte and Little River, has been received here by Col. Brink, who will forward "it ; to Washington City with his endorsement. It asks that the office be located at Mr. D. B, Stanland's house, with Mr. Ste, phen O. Frink a3 Postmaster. They will probably get it. j How the hearts: of a crowd swell and throb with pitiless hatred against the man who coughs daring the performance at a theatre, when they know he ; is too stinir? to invest twenty hve cents! in a bottle of Dr. Bull s Cough byrup. New Mill and Railway. Messra. Jas. H.-Chadbourn & Co., of this city, have established a very pros' psroas young settlement at a point on the Wilmington, Columbia' & Augusta R. R., about midway between Peacock's and Grist's, in Columbus county. The settlement contains about two'4lhundred inhabitants, and has been named Chad bourn. A large steam saw mill is being erected there and, there is a railway eight mtles long now in operation, which pene trates a rich section of country and not only supplies the mill with timber but has a good freighting business otherwise for points on the Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Rr R., for which through freight bills are giVen. The incorpora tors are known as the Chadbourn Mill and Railway Company and they have applied for a postefilce at that point which will almost certainly be accorded them. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black, fish Hooks and Lines.! A full assort ment and lowest prices at J acobi's. t Board of Aldermen. The Board or Aldermen met in regular monthly session at the City Hall last night. i a. communication faom the Board of Audit and Finance, enclosing the appro priations for the fiscal year ending March 3L, 1882, was read and adopted. Further time was granted the commit, tee on Fire Department on the removal of a steam fire engine to the north side of the W. & W. Railroad. The committee on Public Buildings were granted further time on a sale of the Ninth street Bucket Company house. Alderman Northrop moved that the eommittee on "Water Works, in connec tion with the Chief of the Fire Depart ment, be instructed to loeate the thirty five fire; hydrants, as provided for in the appropriation, at a cost not to exceed $1,500, -or fifty dollars per year leach, and make a contract with the Water Works Co. Adopted. A petition from the J uvenile I Hose Company was referred to ths committee on Fire Department.) I The resignation ot Capt. W. H. Good man, of the Police Force, was read, and Sergeant D. S. Bender was elected as his successor, and Mr. J. M. Nelson was elected Sergeant of the jforce. I ' ' A motion that the Finance Committee confer with the Board of Audit and Finance for the purpose of making the tax levy for 1882 was adopted. The contract for attending to the lamps was awarded to George Batson, on his bid of $84 per month being the lowest. The contract for printing was award ed to Mr. S. G. Hail; hi3 being the low est. The contract for keeping city mules and carts was awarded to Capt. T. J Southeriand, at S32.50 per month for each team. The contract for furnishing lumber was awarded to Mr. J. W. Taylor, at 14 per thousand feet. . The contract for feeding prisoners was awarded to W. W. Mints, at 10 cents per meal. , . y Mr. W. M. Hays was appointed City Scavenger, under rales and regulations of the Board. ' On motion, the contract with the Gas Company was continued for the present year, at a price not to exceed the pres ent contract. I I The license tax paid by the late Mr. O. S: Yarborough wa3 ordered to be refunded, on petition of Mrs. M. A Yar borough, the Board of Audit and Fin ance concurring. ( ' 1 The report of Chief of the Fire De partment for March, and his annual re port, were receiyed and ordered on file, and on motion the Board adjourned. TUESDAY, APRIL Sales at Auction. Messrs. Cronly 2c Morris sold at auc. tion to-day, for cash, the two-story brick store on Market street, near Front, belonging to the estate of tho late Thomas W. Brown, for $4,G50. Also, 70 shares stock Great Falls Manufacturing Company, of Rocking. ham,! for $103, par value $10, . Also, 11 shares stock Bank of New Hanover, for 26.25, par value $25. The Firf. At about 1 .o'clock this morning, a small one-story frame dwelling on the corner of Sixth and Wboster streets, the property of" Mr. J. Wilder, ncd occupied by a family of colored people, was dis covered to be on fire. The alarm was given, but the flames did their work so rapidly that, the building was entirely consumed before the fire department coald be made available. We learn that i i the family losfnone of their furniture or personal effects. We were unable to learn whether there was any insurance on the building or not. j A Tramp on His Travels- Our friendA., writing us from Armour, gives us an interesting account of the capture of a thieving tramp who had been committing depredations in that neighborhood. He says : "A tramp, giving his name as Alford Melvin, of Little Sugar Loaf, Bladen county, made his appearance in Black Rock neighborhood, Bladen county, on Saturday evening last, and on Sunday broke into and robbed the dwelling of Sam Larkins and J, S. Salter, colored and later the house of S. B. King. These parties and families were absent at chnrch. At each place he seemed to have made a thorough search for money, but appro priated a lot of clothing, &c, and sue ceeded in getting $25 or 30 in money from Mr. King. Onl Sunday night he was captured by a party of colored men. at Melville, on the Carolina Central R R., with a lot of the stolen property in his possession, j He made a desperate effort to avoid capture, and consequently was handled pretty rough, receiving a severe and dangerou3jvound in the head and forty -four shot, four buckshot and the balance: small mixed shot, in the fleshy part of his ihigh. The wound in his forehead is said to have been caused i by his falling on a sharp lightwood stump while trying, to escape capture. Dr. A. B. Lucas, who dressed his wounds, says the shot wound is not dangerous." ..j-- 5 1 : 1 f List or Letters. The following is a list of the letters re maining unclaimed in the Qity Postoflice Wednesday, April 5, 1882: ! A Rrchard Ashe. i B Bessie Bond, Bryant Bdney, An drew Barden, Dolly Brown, Clara Bow ens, II J Bennett, J E Barnett, John Best. J F Boone, Gabell Baggett, James Bland, D H Brown, Mary E Beasely, Margarret Bridgers, . Margarret Boone, Oscar F Bergman, Rosa Battson, Sinie Boney, W II Bryant. Ct-G F Cashier, Edward Craig, Nancy Cowan, Rebecca Craig, W K Coyill, M Chapman. ' D -D J Douglass, Virgil Deanes, (2), E Winfield S Eitiss. , F Betsey Fergas, T Fountain, J .B Fennell. G Anna Grainger, lEagene Griffin, Joseph Gay, Mollie Garsoa, Wm Gaston. H Almirah Hawkins, E O Heeth, E Hansley, Louisa Hill, Martha Hill. J Josh Jones, Eliza Johnson, Eliza Jane Jones. K M C Kiney, Laura Kudley, Sarah King, W A King. , L P Linaham, (2). i M Lucy Ann Middleton, Lee Mc Dnffie, Lilla Morrison, Lizzie Mitchell, Maggie Mills, (2); Mary Jane .McBride, M F Moore, Maggie Murray. Moore Murrell, W Z Morton, W H Mills, Chancy Murray, (2); FD Moore, Edward F Manson, Eliza McLouchlin, Henry McDaniel, (2); James Mills. "O Josephine Owens. P David Pearsall, W J Parker, miss Jane Parker. 1 R R W Rutherford, Lizzie Robert son. S John H Shaw. John Smith, Joseph Smith, Madison Spicer, Louisa Smith, WEN Sellers, Henry, Scott. TC Thompson. 1 W Wm Brew Williton, M C Watson, Emma A Whitehurst, John Warters, W W Wiidee, W S Whitt, Sandy A Williams, R K Walker, Melvina Wrat kins, Lizzie Monroe Wilkin. I Per oons calling for letUrs in above list will please say "advertised"; if not claim ed in SO days will bs sent to dead letter Office, Washington, D. C. E. R. BRINK, P.M. Wilmington, New Haaavar County N. C. ... ' i Steamship Regulator, Doane, hence, arriYcdat New York April 2nd. 4. 1882. NO 80 The "Little World," a monument to human patience, skill and ingenuity, is still on exhibition in the Teinken build ing, on Front street. It is a wonderful combination of automatic figures moving in perfect action, forming a whole which it is delightful to look upon. You can see it in operation at a cost of only 10 cents. We thank Col. John L. Cahtwell for a copy of annual statement off stocks for the" year ending March 31st, annual exports destination of exports, &c., compiled and published by hitn. It is something of much interest to shippers and others, and cai be had in quantities to suit by making application to Col. Cantwell. . i I Catarrh of the Bladder. Stinging,! smarting irritation of the urinary passages, diseased discharges, cure4 by Buchupaiba. Druggists. I Dept Jas. C. Munds. Bishop Lyman's Appointments. April 9 Easter Day,1 Edenton. April 11 Tuesday, Plymouth. . I April 13 Thursday, Holy Innocents Bertie county. April 14 Friday, Windsor, Bertie co. April lG-j-Sunday, Grace Church, Bertie county. April 17 Monday, Roxabel. April 18-j-Tuesday, Jackson, North ampton county, j April 20 -Thursday, Faison. j April 21 Friday, Clinton. April 23 Sunday, Wilmington. April 25 Tuesday, Smithvilie. April 25 Tuesday evening, St. Mark's Wilmington. April 26 Wednesday evening, Golds- boro. i . 'April 30 Sunday, St. Augustine's, Raleigh. April 30 Sunday evening, Good Shep herd, Raleigh, j ' . May 5 Sunday, Christ Church, Ra leigh. ! May 5 Sunday evening, St. Mary's, Raleigh. May 10-15 Tarboro. Convention. May 16 Tuesday, Scotland Neck, May 17 Wednesday, Hamilton. May 18 Thursday, Williamston. May 19 Friday! Jamesville. May 20 Saturday, Trinity, Beaufort Connty. . i ' May 21 Sunday, Washington. "May 22 Monday, South Croek. May 23 Tuesday, Durham's Creek. May 24: Wednesday, Bath. May 25 Thursday, Zionj's Church Beaufort county. f May 26 Friday evening, Pantego. May 28 Sunday, St James, Beaufort County, j May 31 Wednesday, Makelysviiie, Hyde county. June i Thursday, Swan Quarter, Hyde county. June 2 Friday, Fairfield, Hyde county. j June A Sunday, St. Getrge's, Hyde County. ! ! June 11 Sunday, Rockfish, Consecra tion. June 11 Suuday evening, Fayette ville. i June 18 Sunday, Pittsboro. Holy communion at all morning ser vices. Collections for Diocesan Missions. New ' Advertisements. The Annual Meeting fF THE MEMBERS (Policy Holders) of the Wilmington Matual Insurance Compa ny, will be held at the effice of the Compa ny on Wednesday, April 5, at 8 o'clock, p.m. ap!4-2t SAM'L N CANNON, Sec'y Spirit Barrels. 1000 CHOICE SECOND-HAND SPIRIT BARRELS, Palmer's make, nowilandirjg irom Bilg San Juan, and for sale in lots to suit pur chasers, by ALEX. SPRUNT & SdN. asl 4 3t Notice. 1 A! NT YOUNG MAN OR BOY who can furnish recommendations for sobriety, hon esty and industry, can engage in a lucra tive busiaess in Wilsaington, by addressing, for particulars, Ac, 1 ep 4-lt J. E. CURTI3, Greensboro, N..C. The Little World. rpH03E WHO STAT AT HOME! AND fall to see the Little World while ia our city, will miss one of the grandest pieces of mechanical science that kaa evsr been in this or any other country. Kemesaber it will be with us only this week. Admittance 10 cents. Open1 from 1.30 to 6 for Ladies and Children and 7 p. m. at night, apl 4 it . Notice. APPLICATIOXi WILL BE MADE AT ! the next eessioa-of the General Assem bly of North Carolina for a Charter for the .Clinton, Point Caswell & Wilmington R. R and 8teamboat Company," . mca iawow T5 caaa cf tha writer ri alvsri b r tlibid to taa Editor, . " I , ;' ( . OooLEisaiaatSosj tssit bt; vrlttsa: ea only oze slda of tLt papor k ' ". PcnonallUef cost be avoided 1 1 f f And It Is cspoaUlly aad partleaLariy iadar stsod that tha Editcrdoes not always eadors tee views ox eorrtspon dents nwt so ttat ia ue ecitorial eolaans. Now Advertisements SUto 'of North Carolina! ! County of New Ilanover, ! Superior Court. Virginia B. Matthews, Plaintiff. David R. Murcisoo, Francis O. French Arthur B. Graves, James S, ,WbWbee, and Androw V. Stout, Committee and Trustees of th First Mortgage Bond holders of the late Carolina Central Railway Company and William F. So- rey, also such Trustes by substitution, and against John M. Robinson, III C ' Hcffman,and William Wl (Chamber lain, who cUira to havo been stibstitu ted for the slid Stout, Graves, and Erench or Sorey, respectively, and . -ftgainjst tho Tha Carolina Central, Rail Road jCompanv. aod David 15. AftirchU son, Kenneth M. MurchisonJ William F. Sorey, partners trading under the' name . and stylo of Murchison & CoL and I D. R. Murchison, styling himself President and Director cf said Company, and J. Brander plattbews, Charles M. Bted. man, M. P. Leak, David W. Oatee, Jarnea S. Whedbeo, R. C, Lioffman, William W. Chamberlain, Rnfaa B. Tucker. John O. Winder, 1 and Joan M. Robinson, styling themselves Di rectors of tho said Company,! and against The Farmers Load and Trust Company, of New York, The Seaboard and Roanoko Rail Road Company, and s against R, A. Lancaster and numerous . 1 ,. . i. i. uiner persons claiming toi be ptOCII holders of tho said Carolina Central Rail Road Company, and fThe XJnioa Trust Company, of New York, Trustee, and J. Brander Matthews and Charles H. Roberts, TrustecsJ Defendants. - I I I At Chambers, WiLson, N, C. 11th day of March 1882. Tha comnlaint in t hi g 'action . Anv -vmrlm fied according to law, with the amend ment thereto also duly verified, being exhibited before me as an affidavit, and it being moved thereon by Messrs McRae & Strange -and Russell .-A .Ricaud, the Attorneys and , Counsel for the Plaintiff for an injunction and the appointment of a Receiver as prayed for in the complaint, It is therefore contidercd and ordered that tho defendants in this action show cause before me at Goldsboro, at Cham" bers, on the 12th day of May, 1882, why the temporary injunction as prayed for in the complaint shall not be Igranted, land why a Receiver as therem grayed for shall not bo appointed.) I ( , 1 It is further Ordered that the Plaintiff may file any additional affidavits and ex hibits on or beforo the 6th jday of April, 1882, provided, the same shall be served upon tho said defendants, or their Attor neys, by that date. And the said defendants may have thereafter to file counter affidavits until tha fith Aav nf Mar 1RR9 rtnv?4w1 tK' same shall bo ecrved upon tile plaintiff, or her Attorneys by that date And that the Clerk of tho Superior Court of New Hanever County shall issue copies of this order to be served upon the defendants, according to law. ; j JOHN A. GILMER, Judge of Third Judicial District. State of North Carolina: New Hanover County, Superior Court. I. 8. VanAmrinro. Cierk Surerlor Court, in and for the County and State aforesaid , do hereby certify that thp fore going ia a true copy from tho original "on Given under my hand and official seal. at Wilmington, North Carolina, this, tho 16th March, A. D., 1882. S. VanAMRIKGE, Clork tiuperlor Court ; New. Hanover County, North Carolina 1 mch 16.1 a w4tf. Poet copy. im,. m r- tm il i I - w rt mm WWII -jJyTO. 3, SOUTH FRONT STREET haa just been fitted up for mc. I am prejiired - - if ; to furnish my customers with the, best of Liquors, Cigars, etc., at tnj New Saloon. apl 1-St J. 31. McGOWAN. Peep in at Yates' TEE PRETTIE3T, LOT OP PA5LS, Eaatsr Cardf, Fancy Photographs, Tuls, Frssifs, Ac, la the city. , Baokf, Btatloa ery, Ac, at lowest prlcoj, 1 1 C. W. YATSS, nh 17 Bookseller and Etatieatr 2 Notice. f PARTUS IN SEARCH OF GOdD Board at reasonable rates, will find it to Ihelr ad vantage to call at the CoramerclsJ Hotel. Respectfully, I M. fiCHLOSSi Proprietor - "Flrst Class Bar attached; , , GEO. F. TILLET. j H. HINTZE Tilley & Hintze3 19 -vrORTH SECOND STR?rT, next io eor: ier of Market. A lot' of EXTRA FINE MOUNTAIN BEEF on salefortUe next few djs.CaH and examine. txih. ' Live Book acd Hwio Stor