THIS PAPJSB .new "try afteraeoa, Baadajl fz tf JOSH. T. JACXBB, jDITOB AND PBOPBIXTOB. T.W.CRIFTIONB, POSTAGE PAID. Tf5 00 8ix,months, SI 50 ; Thre W thJ fl 55 One month, 60 ceata. iper win dubiiisi wj wKuiKf e, in any part of the city, at the i o ana n.r-vni. t r ate Ed liberal fiilures to rmg"'""" r-r jfew Advertisements. THEGREA&: fieuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backacho, Sorensss of tho Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell- jngs and Sprains, Burns and Scalds,' Genera Sodiy Fains, Tooth, Ear end Headacne, Frosted Fed4- and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Prrarstk.u on p&rtli equals St. Jacoss.Oii ' anil, tu re, simple cheap External !mJ -V tiM entails tut the comp?ratiTely laia "ui!"' Cffnt, and erery one.suffr Irc irh pain evi h&TO cheap and poiitiTe proof r' its !aiiii. . lvf;aE3 !n E'.erca Langnaget. fiOLDFTALLDUTJGGISTS ANDDEALT2ES . in medicike; A. VOGEI-ER CO;, Haltimore, Md,s TT.S.jL. ( MARTIN'S VACCINE VIRUS, Nwth Carolina. Medical Jouknal Aosxcr tor the Southern States -pRESH AND ACTIVE VACCINE from the renowned establishment of Dr" Henry A. Martin, furnished in large or small quanti ties, -This vaccine is warranted to take in ill primary cases. , 7 Lancet Prints for Sl-M 15 do do 2.00 -Eaxh lancet point -will vaccinate one p&r on. Orders by telegraph or mall will rocelve prompt attention. 'THOMA8 F. WOOD, iani36-tf nac Wilmington, N. C Soluble Pacific Guano AND Acid Phosphate- 400 rn? TOSS HERE, AND FOR SALE by the Subscribers and the follow- Sub-Aoets : A. D. Black, Magnolia and Mount Olive, L. T. Hicks, FaUon,, D. Bowden, Bowden'a, T. B. Pierce, Warsaw, WhitCTille Wine Co.. TViteville, J. D. Rogers, Fair Bluff and Nichols. R.R. Barnes, Sterling, A V: Mclke, Lumberton, Clark & turrie, Clarkton, MacRae Brothers, Shoo Heel, McNaIr& James, Laurel Hill,' L. L McLauron & Sons, Laurinburg, G. J. Freeman, Hamlet, I. II. Smith, Abbottsburg.V; mch26 1w ALEX. SPRUNT & SON. Mattines ! PJiattings! CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. Of the above we can show a jgreat variety. LADIES SARATOGA TRUNKS ! In great variety and all sizes. WHITE GOODS ! In this department we can show many new and nlee things as well as - " all of the. staples. DRESS GOODS I CASSIMERE8 and Cashmeretafor hoys. LACES AND EMBROIDERY! Kekwear in all new things. R. fJl. Mclntire VS' TURKISH BATH SOAP .DR. WARNER'S Abdominal Corset. J have added to my line of cor- fcET3 the excellent article "named above. A aple lot Just received Also, all sizes la Toung Ladies' Corallneat $1; Crossbone, T5cenU, and Coraline FlexiMe Hip at I fcave exclusive control of theM ja; their auperiority causes many lmlta rOD Kent ara genuine but those sold s JNU. J. liDHlUA.. rf e&1ir? maw RHEUMATISM, i h HI - VOL. VI LOCAL New Advertisements. Hkinsbeugkk A Happy I aster See ccl To A dvcrtisera J Thomas K Bod Nr Y & W S 8 Co Mrs E A Lcmsden Eafcter Hata Dr Benson's Remedies Jxo'W Goudox tfc Beo, Agts Phoenix As;u-ar.ce "o v I OWYates Veep iuat Yates' Dk Thos K Woou-nMartiu'sVaccine Viru6 Spirits still booms. It Bold to high as C3 cents per gallon. day as chr. Samuel C. Hart, Kelley, nence, arrived at New Bedford April lBt. u j . 13 r. burque Echoi Dyer, jj 'hence, ar rived at New Castle, Kng., April 2nd. Norwegian barque Harmonist J ensen hence, arrived at London April 2nd. Russian barque Aalto, Grapo, hence, for Hamburg, arrived at Deal April 2. Th2 steamship Gulf Stream, Capt. Ingram, hence, arrived at New York April 3rd. 1 Schr, Joseph Souther, Watts, frem Boston, foT this port, I was at Vineyard Haven April Jst. Norwegian barque Hjemmett, Inge mundsend, sailed from Liverpool April 1st., for this port. The "Little World" left; this alternoon for Fayetteville, where the proprietors propose to exhibit it. The receipts of cotton at thi3v port to-day' foot up 168 bales, and those of rosin 1,035 barrels.- To morrow is known; in the Lenten Calendar as Maundy-Thursday. It is commemorative of the Last Supper. The steamship Benefactor, j Tribon, from- New York, arrived at her wharf in this city at 10 o'clock this; forenoon. Beautify your nomes by using tha N Y. EcamelPaint, ready mixed! and war ranted. SoM only at Jacobi's. t The annual meeting of the stockholders Of the Carolina Central jR.i R.. bo held at the Company's office, in this city, on the 27 th inst. Mr. R. W. Gause is reported as resting easily, and strong hopes are entertained that there will be no secondary symp toms in his wounds. i To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c. You can get all (Bizes and at tha lowest prices. We understand that a concert under tho auspices of tho Arion Concert Club, will be given in the Opera House some time in the near fatnre. j , . The regular meeting of the Historical and Scientific Society will be held this evening aY7 o'clock, on which occasion Eugene S. Martin, Esq.,! will deliver the regular address. The public are invited. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black, fish Hooks and Lines. A full assert ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. ft ftlaelstrate's Court i Hannah Tamer, colored, was brought before justice Millis, charged with an assault upon Harriet Oatland, also colored. - The warrant was withdrawn and the tosts paid by the prosecutrix. The said Hannah was then arrested on a peace warrant sword out by the said Harriet, and this was dismissed at the cost ot the latter. j ! " City Coart. . Scipio Hill, colored, jwas brough' be fore the Mayor this morning, charged with being drunk and down, j He was found guilty and was given one day in the city prison in which to sober off. Charles King, colored, was next ar raigned, charged with the larceny of a- coat and other articles. He was ordered to e ive bond in the sum of $50 for his appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court, in default ! of which h was sent to jail. 1 Mr. Fred. Barr, Mansfield, Ohio k I mm W writes as follows: After suffering with rheumatism for six monthaj and applying a number of remedies without benefit, I procured a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil from my druggist. Mr. Cfi W. Wagner,, and am happy to state that after using one bottle, I can now dreas myself, which I had not been able to do for some time; Brain & Serte. Well's Health Renewer, greatest remedy on earth lor impotence, leanness,. sexual debility, &c 1, at dmggistt. Depot Was C. Munds. TT WILMINGTON, N. C., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5. 1882. NO. 81 Strickeu with Paraljsta. We are very sorry to learn that Mr- B. D. Morrill, a venerable citizen of this place, was stricken with paralysis ut his t. b la.t H;a loft regraucvauuuu-, sidered very critical. We trust that we I may aoon hear more favorable reports as Valedictory Sermon- j Rev. Mr. Baldwin, who has been as- sistins Rev. James B. Taylor, pastor of the First Baptist Church, in the series of meetings which are being held there, preached bis farewell sermon to an immense congregation. last night j He is au uie, c.u4uCuw vw-: r.. A.iv-tAmT' n n n caca T-nfa i. x t ii'h. Kri . uiki i A "l 1 J I we are giau w ivuuw iu .w been crowned with success. i : New Enterprise. I .! . . r. t u-:i, into me manuiacvuie ui fbv i . . , . m i :r.n I scale, mdj. uraui nas mucu eapcucuBo in the business which ho proposes es- nii-Wnir here and turns out a brick 7 . i Tv,;iri0inV,in hrilr almost equal to the Philadelphia brick in appearance.. A year or two ago we t visited Goldsboro and found all his prarl . ui 4 i nf ttiA UtPst and moat im- CUlUCiJf i proved kind Rev. Fathers P.Moore, of Hickory, r "R WViitft. of Raleitrh: Jas. Reilly, of v. - - ' r I Newbern; Julius Pohl, of the Benedic- inn Mnaaitrv at Gaston, and Gore of 1 Charleston. S. C arrived here) yesterday I nnA will tn-mnrrnw take nartl 1 i . . a. oi. rwM-- in the grand ceremonial ai ow ww Northern thgb and way Churehat 9 o'clock A. M.,.on which oc- maila v 5..40 a. m. casion theie will be celebrated Pontifical Raleigh i 6:40 a. m High Massandthe Blessing of the Holy Offices between, Hamlet , and . Oil, after which there will be a proces- 'S:kZ'" ' P' m ion to the Repository, which has oeen and routes supplied there erected in the basement of the church. from, Including A. & N. O. : Railroad, at. 6:40 a, m. and 6.30 p.m. The C. Y.V. R. R. Southern mails for all points Wo have never had an abounding faith Sou'haily.S.OO p. m and 7:46 a. m. in the promises made by lr. Lanedo, relative to the purchase oi it o is ruu, i onj axprosaed our clonVWaa to hisl ability to carry out to the letter the terms which he, himself, made in regard to its completion and the proposed pro Ion cation of the line so as to connect with this city at iU Lastern terminus wuu "i l J . , . . ana at, uincinnana West. His propositions were very fair and could they iave been carried out .ould have resulted in UcaUalable ad- vantage to thejeountry, along tho entire proposed route and would have necessa rily made Wilmington one of the moat bu8ine8,like and thriving port, on the SOUtn AUauiWivuuBt. Dr. Canedohas notified liov. Jarvis nthia inabilitv to comply with the terms of the contract at the time sPecined' gives the assurance that he will be awe todosoina short time, ana mkb ir c- lav to i enable him to comply wun in term J of agreement. , The matter will probably come up at mpetinir of the stockholders of the Company, which takes place to day, and lQeyw1uuur rvr- what action shall be taken in the prem- ises. rr oooTna tn ns that, since Dr. Canedo O.W OWV" w v and the -company failed to "come to time," and since there is no definite assurance,save is Dar? aay- .t. ;H he 1 able ftO fulfill their part of the contract, it would be eminently wise, just and proper to let thA nnmnanv represented by Gen, J. D. Imboden take the road on the same termg .! x.j n. Pa.o "We as taosa granveu 1.0 xji. .. - learn that the people along the entire route are eager to have the company) represented by Gen. Imboden take bold of the enterprise, and we also learn that his company is both willing and able to carry out every part of the contract to the letter. 1 Enlarged. The Lumberton Kobesonian comes to us this iweek enlarged to a 32 column paper, it having heretofore contained bnt 28 columns. Its publisher, Air. W. W. McDiarmid, has been for some years wishing to enlarge the size of the paper, but from one cause or another has not put hia desire into execution until now. The Eobesonian will continue to be pabliihed at $2 per year, as heretofore, which, on account of the increased amount of reading matter, will be an important gain to its many readers, as well as an inducement for others to gubicribe. Success attend yo enter prise, Bro.JJe. 11 (j iU V 11 11 J V V o Easter Cards. faster cards this year have special de- signs, in which crosses, passion flowers, doves, &c, play an; important part. Twts nfRrrmtriro WA.jtPTVr(Pti ncro. nr I rr ' r -V-:- 7 i J Episcopal or Catholic Easter service?, generally adorn; these cards, some ot prices. Carda with design, ofv.nous i v j " "3 I siuQa inaei or "cards ' or saun.emDroiuer, ed or hand-painted, are the novelties in this line for the coming Easter .holidays which begin with next Sunday. (Sales or Real Estate. The Messrs. Latimer have purchased about one quarter of block 127 embracing the residence ot Air. . iN. Uannon, ou . t . - . i Q corner 0f Third and Orange streets UKr hnnap. vacant lot and old Itenement Kl . r, , , j house aajommg, on Orange streets and Rlflwin. The new owners of the DroD ptIt too nnrWst.anrl inrp.n1 Tinlnnc down j. r- o the buildings now sianomg and erecting in their stead three handsome dwellings for i their own use. The contemplated w. e Jj L.! r n l i ii l n rra i im u i i. i imiii i 1 ihmihm i. e r J mecuy. j ti,. v;niat;nn ofnf ndfnrA'a iwa a.uw wwxi. v w " i hnncs its warnincr dv tne ieeunar oi dis.i 'JJSZXJrS -r " - .... , throat diseases, consumption, etc, all nf whir.h icive warninsr bv 1 a trouble- some COugh. Use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup in time and remove both the " i - c j ri. cause ana easci, oi yuur auoutiorL THE MAILS. The malls close and arrive at the City . . r i . Podt Office as follows : Northern through mails...... 6il5 p. m. (Qicept Sunday). .......... 5:00 p. Mail for Caera w & iariing ton 8:00 p. TO MhriSES! 8.00 Favettevill bfigegg cn p m Cape Fear River, Tuasdays, , and Fridays.......... 1:00 p. ra IqaV 7 'on I daily, except Sunaays -7.E0 p. m. Onslow O. H. and intermedl- 6t0 0fiCes, every Tuesday and r'ciday at COO a. m. UJ ' .' days)........' 8.80 Malla for Easy Hill, Town a. n ' Creek, Shal lotto and Little 1 OPEN FOB EELT7EBY. jorthcrn through and way I mails... ...... 7:30 a. m. and 9.00 a. m. .10:30 a. m. stamp Office opsn from 8 a. m. to 12 m ; Bnd. f,0 2 to 606 p. m. money urae? ana ivegiswr ieparnucu . f . . , . A f boxes every .0. stamps for sale In small quantities at general delivery when stamp office is , , General dellvery 6 from dayngnt U d md Sundaya from 8:30 t to :ov u. ui. 1 ' rv.A M 1 -.r -sH th Wilmington District of the f ;, ine 0L , SECOND ROUND. ffi? , . . April 8-9 . April lo-lb . April 19 , April 22-23 . April 29 -30 . May 6-7 7accamaw Mission Elizabeth Bladen Duplin Onslow . May 13-14 . May 20-21 clinton Coharie Mission . May 23 Cokesbury District Con- J j ference at Salem, May 25-28 r R.O. Bukto.v. Presiding Elder. Rescued from Death. William J. Coughlin 1 of Somerviilt Mass., says; In the fall ot 1876 I was taken with bleeding of the lungs follow ed by a severe cough. I lost my appe tite and flesh, and Ij was confined to my bed. In 1877 1 was admitted to the Hospital. The1 doctors eaid I had a hole in my long as big as a half dollar. A 4- An ima r vonA.t nnt O r AH Tiff that I was dead. I gave up hope, but a friend told me of Dr. William Hall's Balsam for the Lungs. I got a bottle, when to my surprise, I commenced to feel better, and to-day 1 feel better thaa tor tnree years past. 1 , ,. . 4tT r;a 4 Vila tinninfr erpnr QT.ft auilCt- edwithiDiseased Lunga wiU Uke Wil Ham Hall's JJalsam, and convmcea mat Consumption can be cared. ' I can posi - uveiy say iw nas uuuc, iuuo n ht ntv.p mffrinpa I have taken .;n.flM eioirnMa I Bishop Ljman't Appointments. Anril 11 Tnesdar Pirmouth I April 13 Thursday, Holy Innocents Bertie county. Apili 14 iTiaa CO. April 16 Sunday, Grace Church, Bertie r.onntv. April 17 Monday, Roxabei. April 18 Tuesday, Jackson, -North- Vri! ifZpHrfil"' ClintjDn ' r April 23 Sunday, Wilmington. (April 2o Tuesday, Smithville. i April 25 Tuesday evening, St. Mar k'i Wilmington. April 26 Wednesday evening, Golds-1 boro. 1 i 1 April 30 Sunday, St. Augustine's, I Raleigh. April 60 bunday evening, tipodtohep- herd. Raleish. alay Sunday, unnst t'hurcn, lift- leiSn- . Mayo Sunday evening, bt. Mary, j i b' ay 1? Wednesday, Hamilton. May 18 Thursday, Williamston. i I . , , -r-i - , V ... i aiay iy unoay, oamesvine. May 20-Saturday, Trinity, Beaufort Oonnty. . amy. ouuuajr, aouiuKtuu. May 22-Monday, South Creek. k May T6 Tuesday, Uurham's CrgeK. May Wednesday, Bath. , I May 25 Thursday, Zion's Church 1 KeaUIOrt COUntV. i aiav zo rnoav evemncr. jranieiro. 1 -r x i MajSS-Sanday, St. James, Beaufort Counv ' , . , Hvdeountv Jrn 1 m. r-l -k i 1 ialig x inursuay, wan quarter, uyae county, j , J une z Friday, u airheld, nyde I county. . -i! i . nnr June 4 Sunday, St. George's, Hyde County, . . I June 11 Sunday, Rockfash, Consecra- tion. I June II Suuday evening, Fayette ville. I 1 J une 18 Sunday, Pittsboro. ; Holy communion at all morning ser- vices. I Collections for Diocesan Missions. NW AdVOrtiaoniQlitB. N. Y. & W. S. S. GO. mHE WHARF AND OFFICE of this Company will be closed on Good Friday. THOMAS E. BOND, apl 5-lt Sup't. Easter Hats. JU8T RECEIVED AND OPENING thla day a large and beautiful assortment of EA8TERHAT3. j The ladies are invited to call at once and make selections. I i Respectfully, j MRS. E. A. LUMSDEN, ap 5 It At Misa Moore's oa Market at To Advertisers, THOSE WI8HING TO ! ADVfiHTISE in a line of papera can find the cheapest rat pa rvn rrnr1 ftTrnlTfnc at rnom 2J. j commercial Hotelf Hotela, Restauranta, advantage. By addreealng the above a good patent rQn neM 1. apl 5-lt hauU..:v A..MMA I-IIU3IIIA urcait M4a-aM . ui ESTABLISHED 1783 THE ORIGINAL PHCEFJIX. Aaeeta - - - - $5,564,504.44 - - - - $5,28S,36.80 I , Surplus Loaaea paid over - - - - $64,000,000 00 JOHN W. GORDON & 3R0. , Agta, apl 5-lt 24, North Water fit, A Happyj Easter T THE LIVJ5 BOOK AND Music Store. Mty be who gvards ihianest from 111 Thy hope tb's Easter .tide falfUl. An ixraanra atiditaaect cf BEAUTIFUL hABTES CA6D3,.II" ENDLESS YABUTT.'at HEIN8BPROSli'a, Live Book. and Huip Store apl 5 Peep in at Yates" rpHE PETTIE3T LOa OF PAJTELB, A . oArdi, Fasey Photograph-, Eaaels, . yriaf i 4o $ fa city. Books, BtaOoa - ery, Ao.t at loweit prleei. YATES, 1 1 VJ m I xaa i Bcokielier aad BUtleaar pjusAsuiroTioa. W will tg!i to reoa'Te oatttrlsatloi from our Wand ca axy aad fatrts! o tsaerailsUreet bat TS ats; of lis trrlKt awl alvari bt fi &UaS in tat Editor. CczassnUatle&i scut b;vrlttoi: oa oily G9fldt of too paper. i ' 1 I . PmooaaKai must bt avoided , - " Aad it Ij tstltUjtud pirilcaliily ade stood Ural tao Editoidoet sot ahrsyt eadon the vitTrsot tcrrfpcsdeata ,uale to ttat la ti "editorial czlmrnt.' ' 1 ifoTr Advertisomenta FromvlnJrcw's American Quetn. OLSQPATRA OS THE 1 Queen of Sheba's Beauty WAS BUT SKIN DEEP. I The renowned Queen of Sheb3, with ali her royal pomp, magnificent apparel, and brilliant rctiaue, would never have appearea wumn ino presonco oi toe grand est of the tnoaarchs cf the past, had she not also possessed that which is tha crowning glory of tho female person a stin uncballenffed for its Oriental Boftl nesa and its atnvost transcendental nuritvJ Cleopatra, holding empprora at bay, and rcang empires by her word, bad quickly lest her charm ftnd nower brnaAt -of blotches, or cf pimples' or of horrid tan trec&ics. , 1 woman rules the weaib. Lv h, hnt. t ip.. w EL L.; ty of character, lovolinesa of disposition m w w w ' w w j J . j estimation of perhaps too many men.beau- ty in a body takes precedenco over every V.lua .i maw ovuw vwi sibij ether consideration. Beauty ! thus formi an important part of womans "working capital," without which too many, (rf no; oanKrupta id what relates to innn ence within tho circlo where tbev niove. - : - - aro powerless for great good. Hence we seo not only the propriety, but tho dny of every lady prleserving with zealous care tKof. whh tnlrric MBntlat in.o. i v- 1 -ni nflnfr.rn. onri itofh nra . in nr Und( sioca' is but Atodi7 I the utmost care and vigilance are required to guard it against the many ills that flesh ia heir to. Araonff Itho creat and I : o j annoying enemies of bsauty, of eithek ex Qa wen a3 0r comfort. baDDlneis and health, are those pestiferous and horrid .kfa diaeagea-itetters. humorsL eczema.. I (salt rheum), rough and scaly eruptions. ulcera Dimpies. and all diseases, of tha I hair and naln. For tha rnr nf all thefta n- n. W.llienson. of Baltimore, after I devoted to dUeases of the ekid. at last brought forth hia celebrated StiK Cukk, pRraw;.hPii ifif . thn. ar-at rftmsdv for all diseases of tka 6kin, whatever be their I names or character. Its success baa been immense and unparalleled. All drug gists have It. It is elegantly put up, two Douies mono pacaage, internal anu ex- ternal treatment. Price. $1.00 TEUTONS rAISE3! 1 Sick headache, nervous headache; neu ralgia, nervousness, paralysis, dyspepsia, aleeplessnces and brain diseases, positive ly cured by Dr. C. W. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Fills. They contain; no opium, quinine, or other harmful, drug. Sold by all druggists. Price 50 cents per box. $1 for two, $2.60 for six, postage freo. Dr. C. W. Benson, Baltimore, Md. C. N. Obittenton, New York. ls Whole sale Agent for Dr. C. ' W. Benson's reme dies. apl 5lm The Ldnnual Meeting QF THE MEMBERS (Policy Ho ders) of Compa- the WilmlnsTton Mutual Insuraneo ny, will be held at the ofllco of the jCompa- ny on Wednesday, April 5, atj 8 o'clock, p.m. apl 4-2t ! ... SAM'L N. CANNON, Sec'y I . .111.- ,1 1 1 a 1 Spirit Barrels. 1000 CHOICE SECOND-HAND - i 1 : - SPIRIT BARRELS, , ;. t Palmer's make, cow landing irom Biig San Juan, and for eale la lota, to lUlt pur chasers, by a.l 4 3: ALEX. SPRUNT & SON. I Our Beloved GAR F I ELD 1 And hit Faithful Cabinet.. iin eleffaat Ghrojso Lithograph of mr late Pro-Ideat. xaakisg 9 f tut length portraits, priattdfn lOoolora cn heavy paper with a rich ffold border, alas, 18x20 'lachef. The ealecftblj beautiful work of art hai bam imply nnpracadentid at $1 per copy; ' In order that every family mey be able te poi eesi this beaatifal and touchiasj son vealr of onr late President aad tia Cablfcet, we Will mall it for only 50 ceati per copy. We caa fnmlaa thla uma iabjct, printed i 8 eoldrfi rodaeed ti 9x12 incbes, for onlj 16 ! eefite. AQENTS'f WANTED the time for aeoU to reap "a rich harreet wiih theee beautiful portrait. Nothing Mile like them. cna for terrca aae cay i ampiee to work with. oua at 4 cu rasa. nor 22bi 7 1)ey at, New York Notice. PARTIES IN SEAKCH OF GOOD Board at reasonable rates, will fiad it to their ad vantage to call at the CommerclaJ MOtex. Respectfully, 11" ii- 8CHLOSS.' Proprietor rFlrt Claw Bax attached;, .-jj.. eh 4 '!''. flKO . r.TTLLET. H. HINT215 Tilley & Hintze, -JVTOBTH SECOND STREET, next to eor" ier of Market. A lot of EXTRA iJTNE MOUNTAIN BEXF on fait .fortha nert fw fiTL-call and ezaauae,