fjji'-ijJAJ ,) a ' y i ' ' LIIW r lip. ii n mm .i . i " tu - ' ! Tail ! Biny , v BmkiL THIS paper FL2AEB1TOTI0S, i '. i 1 . We vlU be glt& to rscsirt coaacaleatloii ,TerT eftenxoa, Saadsys fron our fries 4s oa amy aad all rctetrta e feseraltetertet but u ' T9 uai cf &a vrlUr nut al wart be f slched to fh Xiltor. ' v , .ti. T. J AMK. earKlFTiOK8, POSTAGE PAID. Ci: no fllx months, $550 t Three Ooxsxasaleatlosj xsxsi bs ; written: oa oalj 15' 1 2S. oe month, 50 ceatt. oae side of the paper. . FersosaHtles must be avoided 111 D ttCmOtW MiviP ft FV rtof thecitv.ettfce And it Is espeslally and particularly endar rate lew andjiberal WILMINGTON; - N. i C, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1882. stood that the Editmdoee sot always ecdort NO. 82 A4T . olafte resort aai -Mail) XT i VOL. VI theriswiot co rrerpen dents unless lortat In the editorial eolsaca.; ' : i : jf6 Advertisements. 4 jgrenu .aaA.-.- I fit. 'uraloia, Sciatica, Lumbago, zckich3, Soreness of the Chsstr Sout, Quinsy, Sdre Throat, Swell inqs and 'Sorains, Burns and " Scalds,' General Sodiiy Feins. Tooth, ar and Headacno, Frosts d fwi and Ears, and all other Pains and Achas. V , TrTire:i.-a on parth equals St. Jacoss Oil safe.fur. simple and cJieap External kwijv V tritl entails but the comparatively tPfl.ur'.KtUv i. W Cents, and every ono-BUfTer-Jr3 m:b ta havo cheup and poflitiyo proof i.:rri!un3 In Eoren LangnsgvS. S0LDBYALLDEU6GISTS AND DEALEB3 K MEDICINE. A. VOGELSR &; CO., MARTIN'S VAGGIHE VIRUS North Carolina Mkdicav Jouknai. Agenct for thb Southern States jpRESH AND ACTIVE VACCINE from the renowned establishment of Dr. Henry A. Martin, furnished in large or email quanti ties. This vaccine is -warranted tot ako in all primarv eaaes. 7 LaicctPolnta for Sl.GO 15 do do 2.00 Each lancet point will vaccinate one per iw. - Orders by telegraph or mail will receive prompt attention. THOMAS F. "WOOD, ian'.2Ctf nac Wilmington, N. C Mattings ! flattings! CARPETS AUD OIL CLOTHS. Of the above we can shew a great variety. LADIES SARATOGA TRUNKS V In great varietyjand all fizes. WHITE GOODS ! In this department we can thow many npw and nice things as well as all of the Etaplca. DRESS GOODS ! CASSIMERE3 and Cashmerets for boys. UCES AND EMBROIDERY ! Neckwear ia all new thiegs. R. TJ1. rcintira. l TURKISH BATH SOAP apl 1 OR. WARNER'S Abdominal Corset. j nAVE ADDED TO MY LINE of COE XISTS the excellent article named above. A sample lot jast received Also, all ize ia Young Ladies' Coraline at $1; Crossbone, t 75 cents, and Coraline Flexible'' Hip at 11.23. I tave exclusive control of these pods; their superiority causes many iraita tioju. Kcne are genuine but those sold bj me. JNO. J. HEDRICK. mchSo-tf Wew Restaurant IHE UNDERSIGNED would respectful' 'Jaaneuuce that he has Just fitted - up a 5, Granite Row, South Front et., ej fcunatfor Ladies and Gentlemen, where and relreehmtnta may be had at ail rartofthed7. Every thiue is new and t rt claw. Polite waiters andcourteous at i-J IHEUIATISI, tendinis. KTGaiae and Oysters Ineeason. Fin , Liquors and Cigars.: ' v F. A. SWHVTra, Prop- LOCAL. NEWS. . NEW ADVEliTISEMETTTS. Mis- EKiR KEnMlilinery , fcc OrxnA1 Douse "Alrin Joslln." Ja Axderhon', Scct'y StockhoIders, Meeting Carolina eolral. liaiiroad Sec local adif. Willi' Novelties Heinsberqek A Happy aster CW Yates Peep in at Yatci' L)r Tii.-ts F Woor-MirUnJ6VACcIne! Vlrns This weather sires thesoda water trade a boom. Miss Karrer's millicary Store, at cx change Corner.will be closed to-morrotr, . H . The public offices, the bants and the Produce Exchange will i all be closed to morrow. To morrow being Good Friday, do paper will be that day issued from thi3 office on Stearnboatmen report the river as fall in rapidly, and getting disagreeably low oq the shoals. The receipts of cotton atjthis part ta-day foot up 167 bales, and those of rosin 1,512 barrels. j 1 ' ' - j An interesting communication rela tive to the Library Association, yrill be found on the 2nd page of this issue. IS! The Kentucky fat 1 baby 31 years of age, weight 165 pounds, arrived and vf ill exhibit to-night at the Tienken Build ing. I . t At 12 o'clock to day the thermometer in this office stood at 68 degrees, which is two degrees above Summer he&t. - 1 I Bn brig Zmgu Burnes, cleared at this tort to-day for Barbadoes with ..... 193,045 feet lamber shipped by Messrs E. Kidder fc Son. The electric fire alarm which is to re attached to the fire'al arm' bell on Fourth batween Market and Dock Streets, is expected to arrive some time nest week. - : -H ,. ,'' To ;Builder3 and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blind3 and Doors, Glass, &c. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. f We are pleased to learn of Lieut. H. D. Smith's improved icociition. "VTe hope ere long to see him at his post again'. We understand tblat Captain E. W. Manninsc ii making eome extensions to his house at Wrightsville, and is building two or three neat cottages in the pine grove. ."' ' . The members of the W. S. Fire En gine Co, No. 1, contemplate taking a trip North this Summer in a body. The boys would no doubt (have a pheasant time, and we think they deserve some pleasure and recreation of this kind, j Mr. Fred. Barr, MarJsfieid, Ohio, writes as follows: After jSuflering with rheumatism for six months and applying a number of remedies withput benefit, I procured a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil from my druggist, Mr. C. Wi Wagner, and am happy to state that after using one bottle, I can now dress myself, Which I had not been able to do for some time. Real Estate. The property referred to by us yester. day as having been recently purchased by the Messrs. Latimer, situated on and naer the corner oi inira ana urange streets, was purchased through Messrs. Cfonly & Morris real estate agency here. The property runs 142 feet on Third street, 132 feet on. Orange street, 208 feet on Hoskins alley; t (running from Orange street South), and 40 feet ion Northrop'a alley, (running through from o - ' I Second to Third streets). The residence of Dr. Baldwin, located on Third street, was not included in this purchase, as stated by us yesterday, i Salcido and Dspepsjla. A most remarkable cure for dyspepsia "Wells' Health Reaewer." The great est tonic, best bilious and Liver Remedy known. 1. Dnggists. Depot J as. JU.UUU3. nt J - i i Put In for tioal The steam yacht Emilie CapL Ch'arles Wright, bound from Florida to Philadelphia, came the river this morning for a supply of coal. She is a beautiful craftnd is most elegantly fur nished and was visited by quite a! number of our citizens during the day. She will leave as soon as she has received a sup ply of coaL She belongs in Philadel phia, and is the Drover tv of Mr. R- H. w , I Packer; I Greensboro Newt. The mail bring U3 this morning the first number of the Greensboro Morning tfeics, a 16 column daily, well gotten up, lively and newsy. It is published hjv a company of four young men, who in the salutatory, btate that they all have daily employment and that the prepara tion of matter and publication of the A fitcs will be performed at night while oil their regular duty, buccefs attend them. ' -- ' 1 I The Governor of North Carolina said to the Governor of South Carc!ina: "jir the best remedy in the world is Dr. Bull's Cough Syrap'' and tha latter seconded the assertion. or wood Giles, Ksif. - i .We publish elsewhere in jthis issue a communication relative to Mr. Norwood Giles' resignation of his position of Chairman of the Board cf ' Audit and Finance and Commissioner of the Sink ing Fund, a position which bo has filled for five year3 past, and with general ac ceptability. We regret the pressure of private business affairs, which has cans ed his retirement, but are glad to know that he will be succeeded by so worthy and so able a gentleman as Mr. R. J. Jones. Mr. Giles is a Wilmingtonian, born and bred, and we are none the less proud of him on that account. , Spiritualists and scientists confounded by Miss Mary Heller, the wonderful sec ond sight lady. t CM. Stedinan Fire CornDanj- At the regular annual meeting of this Company, held last night, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President G. W. W. Davis. j Vice President J. P. O'Sullivan. Treasurer-G. W. Mitchell. Secretary A. B. Schriver. Foreman E. S. G riffith. 1 First A ssistant M. M. Parker. Second Assistant F.Swann. i - Axemen J. F. Lanier, B. Craig, C Mints, G. C. Dew. . i i i ii bp I n i it . - Col. Willis with his numerous collec tion of novelties ionsna to.nipht in Ito Tienken Building. 1 t Wilmington Mutual Firs Ids, Co. The members (policy holders) of this organization held their annual meeting at the rooms of the Secretary last night, for the transaction of necessary busines3 and for the election of officers for the en suing year, i The books of the Secretary show that the company has paid out, on losses by fire during the insurance year ending April 1st., instant, only 23.47. Notwithstanding this very trifling loss there has been, during the year, a Constantly increasing business. Tho company has been very cautious in the selection of risks, in consequence of which its affairs are in a healthy condition, i the net assets of the company at the present time being about $15,000. i The following Board of Directors were elected to serve for ihe current year: W. A. French, J. K. Brown, Wm, Larkin3, E. E. Heidc, J. H. Freeman, LI. Von Glahn, R. ,E. Calder, W. Oldham, H. ii. Bowden, R, S. Radcliffe, Col. John MGRae. ' I" Mr. W. A. French, was elected Presi dent, and Mr. Samuel N. Cannon was elected Secretary, to serve year. . during tho Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black, f 8b Hooks and Lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at "J acobi's. t 1 Police Record. The Police Report for March shows that during the month there were 30 ar rssts made by tho police for violations of the law and the city ordinances, clas sified as follows: For disorderly con duct, 11 whites, 7 colored and 1 female; colored 19; drunk and down, 1 1 white and 2 colored 3; fast driving, 2 col ored; larceny, 2 colored; receiving stoleii goods, 1 colored; resisting officer, while in the discharge of bis duty, 1 white; sleeping on the street, 1 ing rocks in the street, 1 colored; throw colored. Daring the month 81 persons, all whites, have applied for lodgings at the guardhouse, j Of this number 24 were adult males and 57 were females and children. I Ten places of business were found open by the police in the nlght.aod after they were supposed to be properly closed. Don't fail to see Mme. Lorow's Bohe mian Glass Blowers at the Tienken Building. 1 t Last Sight's Lecture. Mr. Eugene S. Martin lectured before the Historical and Scientific Society last night. Aside from th3 members ot the Society, we learn that there was a good attendance of visitors, ond that i all wero 'instructed a3 wella3 entertained by the lecture. The subject selected Wis the "Nebular Hypothesis," a theory advanced by Laplace, which supposes the gradual formation of planets from nebulous matter. Mr. Martin has de- ... i voted much time and research to astro- nomical science, I as was manifested by the scholarly and familiar manner with which he treated his subject. Astrono my is - one of the most interesting of the sciences, and one which but few speak ers could discuss more understanding than did Mr. Martin last night.; 9 ' j See- trained rats and mice at the Tien. ken Building to-night. 1 - Varioloid 5oi Small Tox. Yesterday morning it was reported that there was a case of small pox on board, the brig Cora Green, lying in tho stream opposite Messrs. Kidder Sc Son's mill. Drs. Walker, Wood and Schonwald,Jr., were promptly sent down by Mayor Smith to investigate the matter and thev rcuorted it as a case Ot varioloid. The vessel was at once order ed down to the quarantine ground and the patient taken to the hospital. Various conflicting and exaggerated rumors have been in circulation relative to this case, during the day, but these are the facts as fiurnished us by Mayor Smith, and we gladly give them to tho public in order to allay any alarm which may have arisen in the matter. The Mayor alsoiaforms us that the brig will be kept at the quarantine ground until all danger has passed. Dr. Schonwald, Jr., i3 treating the case at the hospital, and he reports to day that the patient- is improving and his case is progressing as well as could be expected. The largest and greatest exhibition now travelling for the admission of 10 cents, is Willis' Novelties. j f ' j , u The SiuklBSFand. Mr. Norwood Giles, who has recently resigned the position of Chairman of the Board of Audit and Finance for the city, this afternoon turned over to his successor, Mr. E. J. Jones, the- bonds belonging to the Sinking Fund, amount ing to $41,853. The Ohairman of the Board of Audit and Finance is by yirtue of his office Commissioner of the Sink- ing Fund. Tho bonds as' iollows : Maturing j referred to aro Februiry 1st., 1892, $2,500; do. January 1st., 1897 $3,300; do. January 1st, 1899, $1,000; do. January 1, 1901, 10,000; do. Jan uary 1, 1904, 825,000. I These, with $55 in money, make up the fund, $41, 855, all of which has been accumulated since tho establishment of the Board of Audit'and Finance, in 1877. And not only has this fund beehj. accumulated within the past five years, but within the same period the debt of the city has been reduced more than $100,000, the Uqense taxes have been materially re duccd and the tax on real estate has also been reduced one fourth of one per cent., notwithstanding the 'fact that the assessed value thereof has been reduced $637,S32.yThi3 will show the tax payers of the city what a Democratic adminis tration of affairs has done for them. Frank Leslie's Sunday Magazine for ; liar I ,: Has even more than the u3ual number of highly interesting and edifying arti cle. The editor, T. DeWitt Talmage, D. D., contributes "People I have Met," with reminiscences of the late Rev. Dr. S. H. Cox, Rev. Dr. Dowling and Rev. Dr. S. H. Tyng ; also an article, "The East Wind," an essay, "Saving Men," and "The Home Pulpit," has a sermon by him, 'The Vacant Chair." "A Tourist in Tanis," by Ralli Stenning : "Organs and Organists," by Alfreton Hervey both finely illustrated will be read with great interest. The seriaL, 'Weighed and Wanting," "Prudence Winterburn" and ; "Margaret's Enemy" arc continued ; and there are short sto ries, sketches and essays by popular writers, The several peems possess very great merit, and the miscellany will be found remarkably entertaining, and re plete with useful irifowiation. The number is handsomely illustrated. As regards ita literary and artistic merits, this publication must be placed in the foremost rank. A single number is sold for 25 cents : vearlv subscription, $3 : six months $1.50, and four months $1. Sent postpaid. Address. Frank Leslie. 1 53, M aad67 Park Place, New Xork. . I For the Review Mr. Norwood Giles, M e. Editob : The retirement of Mr. Norwood Giles rom the position he has held so long and so acceptably, as Commissioner of he fcinsinjr Lund and Chairman of the Board of Audit and Finance, was learned with real regret by his many friends, notwithstanding the fact that his sue cesaor, iir. R. J., is in every way worthy to wear the mantie. Mr. Giles, although a young man, is, in my humble opinion, one of the best business men in the State. He has been; able, active, zealous and conscientious in the discharge of his public duties, and he and his Board have stood as a bulwark against anything like extravagance of expendi ture' m city ailairs. 1 he tax payers owe mm a meed ot gratuuuo. Let us render it to him. I M. Bisbop Lyman's Appointments April 9 Easter Bay, Edenton." j April 11 Tuesday, Plymouth. April 13 Thursday, Holy ; Innocents Bertie county. ! A pal 14 Friday, Windsor, Bertie co. April 16 Sunday, Grace Church, Bertie county. April 17 Monday, Roxabel. April 18 Tuesday, Jackson, North ampton county. April 20 .Thursday, Faison. April 2li-Friday, Clinton. April 23 Sunday, Wilmington. April 25 Tuesday, Smithville. April 25 Tuesday evening, St. Mark's Wilmington. 'April 26 Wednesday evening, Golds- boro. i April 30 Sunday, St. Augustine's, Raleigh. April 30 Sunday evening, Good Shep herd, Raleigh. , i . May 5 Sunday, Christ Church, Ra. leight I May 5 -Sunday evening, St. Mary's, Raleigh. I May 10-15 Tarboro. Convention. May 16 Tuesday, Scotland Neck, May 17 Wednesday, Hamilton. May 18 Thursday, Williamston. May 19 Friday, Jamesville. . May 20 Saturday, Trinity, Beaufort Connty. 1 May 21 Sunday, Washington. . May 22 Monday, South Creek. May 23 Tuesday, Durham's Creek. May 24 Wednesday, Bath. May 25 Thursday, Zion's .'Church Beaufort county. May 26 Friday evening, Pantego. May 28 Sunday, St. James, Beaufort County. I I May 31 vv ednesday, MakeJysvilie, Hyde county. Juno 1 Thursday, Swan Quarter, Hyde county. s June 2 Friday, . Fairfield, Hyde county. June 4 Sunday, t. George's, JJyde County. - 1 . June 11 Sunday, Rockfish, Consecra. tion. June II Suuday evening, Fayette ville. ' "I June 18 Sunday, Pittsboro. Holy communion at all morning ser vices. Collections for Diocesan Missions. Kcscued from Death. William J. Coughlin of Somerville Mass., says; In the fall of 1876 I was taken with bleeding of the lungs follow ed by a severe cough. I lost my appe tite and flesh, and I was confined to my bed. Ia 1877 1 was admitted to the Hospital. The doctors said I had a hole in my lung as big as a half dollar. At one timo a report went around that I was dead. I gave up hope, but a friend told me of Dr. William Hall's j Balsam for the Lungs. I got a bottle, when to my surprise, I commenced to feel better, and to-day I feel better than for three years past. - i . f 'I write this hoping every one afflict ed with Diseased Lungs will take IWiL liam Halls Balsam, and convinced that Consumption can be cured. I can posi tively Eay it has done more good than all the other medicines I have taken since my sicknss3. John Werner, PRACTICAL j v GERMAH BARBER AHD PERFUMER 29 Market Et., Wilmington, N. O. . Mv mmv friends In Smithville and in the country are invited to come and see me. Also, fcca Captains and Commercial Travel lers. The best workmen and the linen ac cornmodations in the city. fab 10-ly The) Robesonian, 1 --. !- ' - PUBLISHED EVERT Wednesday, in Lumbcrton, N- C.fcy W.'.W. McDiarmld, has tb-5 largest glrculitiDn-and Xhz largest advertisieg patronage of asy country pajer n tho SUte. It now bsa ova: SO0 eabicri' bers In Roteson county z.o'J5, besides ta general circulation in ths coautka of Moore 'rnmiwtriind. Blxdec Columbus, Rich- mond and the adjoining counties, Marion Marlboro and Darlington, fin South Carou Una. ' 1 Jao 23 I How Advortisemontg I, aillinerv, &c Mr STOCK OF WELL SELECTED, beautiful Millinery and Fancy Goods, is now open j and ready for my customers, to whom I am very grateful for thQirgener ous patron'age through the last season and I feel quite eare I can p!ca?a them even bet ter Tins ceison. - Respectfully, K. KARRER. apl j -Exchange Corner Stockholders' Meeting rpHE ANNUAL MEETING OF' THE Stockholders of the Carolina. Central Bah- - i 1 1 roai Company: wiU be held at th Offlcj Wf the Company, at Wilmington, N. C. oh j , -. .u,w ""nu JAMES ANDERSON. apl (Milm Sec'y and Treas. OPERA OUSE. f h April RJ5 16. The Great Comedian i CHARLES Ii. BATIS, In his Celebrated Character ComeiyJ in i Four Acts, enUtled, ' J 3 The Only True Representative of THE MEW ENGLAND FARMER I Supported by a Full and Powerful Com- i i .ii- pany of Dramatic Celebrities. ISO Laughs ia ISO Minutes, h Greatest Success of the Age. Funniest Play Ever Witacsscd. Three Hours of Uproarious Fun. Usual Prices. Beats at Dver'js. i apl GGt . . - ., . . ' '--i : Sociable, i IJtEESIXTEENTH ANNUAL SOcjlABLE of the Hibsriiian Benevolent Association "111 take place at Gerraania Hall, on Mon- day evening. April 10. ! Music by Italian Band and Daacing.l , Re freshments at city prices, .'. ( ' i, , Tickets For Gentleman, 50 cents; Gen tleman and Ladies, $1; Children, 25 cents. For sale at Messrs. John Dyer & Son, J H McG'arity, L. Flanagan, or from members of the Committee. T. Donlon, L. Brown, James Corbett, M Carroll, Wm, Shechan, Committee rj J-3; mon th sat Peep in at rpHE PHETTIE5T LOT OF PANELS Eaatdr Cards, Fasey Photographs. ; Kaiale, Frames, Ac , in the city. ! ery, Ac, at lowest pzicej. Bookf, BUtloa- it '-.I- I. ;W, YATES, nh S7 roo'usller and Station 5r A Happy Easter A T THE LlYiS BOOK AND Hnsie Etors. Mty he .who guards this seit from 111, Thy hopes Ih'a Ewtor-'icU fa BUI. ; I An irsmMire aortmcnt of BEAUTIFUL FASTER CARDS, I3T ESDLES3 VARIE.TT, at i : J i nEIN8BFROZR'a apl 6 LtvevBoox asd Hoiio Store Spirit Barrels: 1000 CHOICE SEO0KD-HAND t SPIRIT BARRELS , ajnding Palmer' make, now 1 rrom Biig San Juan, and for tale la lots ; to iuit pur chasers, by ALEX. SPRUNTot SON. a.l 4 St - 'i . i Wot ice. 1 "p ARTIE 3 SEARCH OF GOOD Board at reasonable rates, will find It to their ad vantage to call at the Commercial Hotel. :' Respectfully, M. 8CH LOSS J Proprietor rSFirstClaasBar attachtd. . , f GEO. F. TILLEY. H. HINTZZ 1 Tilley & HintzeJ jfORTTI SECOND TR -XT;ncxt to cor: ner ofr Market. A lot of EXTRA FTJTE MOUNTAIN BEEF on sale fotj the 'next few days." Call and laralae. I fcjach French Candies. J UST RECEIVED, a1 full line f fin French Candies, warranted pure and fresh. Also, Homo-Made Candies, Fruits, j C, JEVEN3, fieoond Street, 3 dooxa below PosWc ol If 4

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