THE DAILY REVIEW. JOSH. T. JAMES, Editor k Prop'r WILMINGTON, N. C. THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1SS2. Entered at the Fostoffice at Wilmington, N. C, as Second-Class Matter. Beecher has been indilging in charac teristic face tiouiness over Lent. He ays that it is a care for the jprevions six months dissipation, aod a preparation should be publiehed in the papers or a tion of things must be remedied before the association can command the respect, encouragement and sopporti of the eon; nunity. j It is admitted that members are at fault for allowing our presedt uopro?per ous condition. Oar policy has been to leave everything to be done to the di rectors and we have failed to appreciate the importance of making every member feel an individual , and direct responsi bility in the Lfprijv's mmagement. This could be partly accomplished by having tho officers i elected directly by the members, at an annual election, to be held during an entire diy.j The re tiring officers should be required t0 re port tally upon what has "Dee n done un der their administration and jthe report for the saeceediog five months of dissipa tion, and that it is a kind of "moral watering place" for man s recuperation, j If ail reports be true it is a great pity that Mr. Beecher could not hit upon some plan by which he conld arrange for : a sort of moral recuperating place of his own. II would, perhap?, prove ct mnch benefit to his moral constitution. printed copy mailed to ejrery member, at least ten days in advance 61 tjfce annual meeting. At present nsemberp'generally are as much in the dark about what is being done from time to time in the Li brary as outsiders. Steps should be taken to keep before jtugm such infor mation. Tho ladies should he induced to become members. An acctS3ion ol their numbers would almost guarantee our future prosperity. No effort' has been madp to secure this desirable result and our policy has been negatively, j at least, to keep them out by rendering bur rooms unpleasant for them to tretfoetlt. Miscellaneous C'OT'I Oft P AO 1 OKI KS. There are in this State eighty facto ries engaged in the manufacture of either It would be wtll, at the.proper time, to cotton or woollen good. Although, the manufacturing of cotton and woollen fabrics was carried on to some extent before the war, it had not reached near the importance which it now holds among tho industries of the State. . Those which did exist were suspended during the continuance of the war, or were operated ion such a limited scale that their Droducts were hardly worth reck oning, and all were completely closed for while immediately after the cessation of hostilities, and remaiued so for many months. Consequently, we may safely say, that the factories how in operation have sprung into 'existence ' inee that 'time. None of these mills are of more than moderate dimensions and capacity, and miny of them are very small ;.but nil are worked with profit to the owners. But we artglid to know that, others are projected, aud quite a number, of iargtr dimensions and capacity, are beiug erect--ed and pushed rapidly forward towards completion, showing that the people of our State are awaking iu earnest to the importance and wealth which such enter prises richly promise. . A Pratltioner s Test. Mariox, S C, March 15, 1880. ' H. U. Warn En & Co: Sirs I haye been trying some of your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure in my practice, and find it to act like a charm. N. C. Murpht. M. D. i " L . i m t r . elect a secretary ana ireasurerj witn a supervisor of the rooms and a librarian to bs present during the day. There is do reason why' ithe Library cannot be made an institution of great usefulness. Whenever the present mem bers put some life end energy into the institution they will t0 sweorned by the commuuity at large, add receive an in creased membership sufficient to support it well. There arc gentlemen iu this community, who, whenever it lis properly conducted, will contribute books and papers toils collections, and there are few mea who will not gladly contribute the annual due3 of si. v dollars to keep up a well organ ized institution of its kind. Let its members corno together in a gen eral meeting, rii.-cuss its present condi tion aud outlook, aud devise and work upon some plat: to build up the Library. It is a sad cemmenury upon the aspira, tion and pluck of our youug men .fit be shown that this is not to bo done. This article is written m no spirit of carping criticism, but wi'h a lull r cog nition of the valuable services that imny gentlemen have rendered to he Library, and in the belief that publi discussion of the difliculties oyer, which we have oeen stumDUiHr win lead to tneir r nioval. From Andrew's American Quecnt CLEOPATRA OB THE Queerf of Sheba's Beauty WAS BUT SKIfl DEEP. The renowned Queen of Sheba, with all her royal pomp, magnificent apparel, and brilliant retinue, woald never have appeared withm the presence of the grand est of the mouarchs of the (past, had she notao possessed that which is the crowning glory .of tba female person a sfctn unchallenged for its Oriental eott nesij and-its aiw.ost .transcendental purity Cleopatra, holding emperors nt bay, and ruling empires by her word, Ld qutckly If st her charrn nd power by. one attack of blotches, or of pimple, or of horrid tan freckles. ! WOilAN BULE3THEVRLD. j by ker beauty, not less than by her puri ty oftnracler, loveliness of diaposit:on and ucsjifish , devotion. Indeed, in the estimation of ptrhaps too many men, bean ty in a b-jdy tikes preceienco over every ether comideraiion. B?auty thus forms an important art of voffiar's "wcrkiDg C4piiH!,' without wiiicn too many, (if no: bankrupts in what relates to influ ence vithia tho circle where they move), are powerless for jjreat good. Hence we see not only the propriety but the duly of every lady preserving with zealous care that which to her is essential to success, and iudueaco, and usefulness iu life. And, since 'beauty is (but kin deep,' tho utmost caremd vigilance are required to guard it against the many ills that iksh is heir to. Among the great and annoying enemies of beauty, . or ; ei thee er.x ; . as e!l as of comfort, happiness and health, are these pestitVrous arAl horrid f.kin diseases tetters, humors, eczsrua, (salt rheum), rough aud scaly eruptions, uUvrs, pimples, and all diseases pf the hair mm tcaip. j 'or the cure of ail sh-JEC Dr. C W.-TJenton, of Iiiitinoorcj after yen of patient fctudv and investigation devoted to. di-eases of the s-kin, at last hr.-.oybt forth bis! celebrated Skin Cure j'hich has a resdy by its marvelous cures, o'.abiishrfd irsel a the great remedy for ail diseases of tho kkio, whatever be their names or character. Irs success has been ifiifpeusc aud unparalleled. All drug rs'S have it. It is elegautly put pp, two bottles in one package, I Interuarand ex ternal treatment. Price $1.00. Miscellaneous. tmRLQr MiscolianeoTif PURE mm C5DR 27 Stops, 10. Sets Reeds, $90 Caao. 50rtavcs,Metal foot lIates.fprifrht Bellows. Stoel Srnn(rs,.Lamp Stands rocket for Jlaslt. Handler end toiler lor inovmsr, ttottT's Patent St-on Action a. ?el22?JPcrta,nSr- Factory workinj- D VV and by 320 Edison's !ectrra Lights ct KIGIIT To fill orders 2SPrIw. TJoxct!, UeMvorcd On board CiStf -i? .. Can here, tstouU Book. &e.. onlv vt)U JjaJttrfiiMiKar'ar.tti'marert'Xeritifficdritrtr Orient a, id I tali vromif.y nfen.1 the j.w.tfy viik tn'mj, nothing can lx falrrr v-oir.e tai examine ttie Instrument. JLcave xf. Y. City. IJarclay or Clirutopher Sr. Ferric. fi.S n. in. or 1 n. m! tfrtre. excursion onlv iS.2k.TIl Ipval'c! m-.i . t 6.SJ p. m. arrivjnf? tn'N. Y. at S.SO or 9n. m. sam la v(f or Beatty's Kxeurpion Bout Circular.") gSuJ lowed to oar Free Clt?Ii vtthoontoi i:ttrn(tanlamrit.ll ..i Lfantlful li:utralel (ta!o;ao frcv. AiUhvs or coil Tipou DA2HEL F. BEATTY, WaMstos, Ke Jerse liQot3.vaJLlHandCeilrnniii r'.aooof ulaster. Sam. j mailed t reo. W. H. T AY.Cmmden Jt. J or plS6 aad cataloxu1 it in jn t tfnnitrni frtj 2f3. pvckasTo 'naK 5 iraUous. cf "... (je!ie3oas, me, 5pirs:ci? tens perance bsver.'.-e. Aek .vour drniiist or sent by for .253.1 C. 15. HIKES, 45 N. Dela. Ave., Phila. mch 22-lw KE VV AKI) ! for any case ot Jilincl Kieediqs, Itcli- ia, clcir&i-ci, or hrofcraui -ir i'lLkti thai v s ril a f 'it, t; ii U il i f i is to care Prspr4i by J P. MILL U, hi. D., 9i Arc i t. rmla. n$ srsauing witacut bte s:goata e. v 'ead for c:rcuir, oUl bj draggiatJ acd country etares, $i. mch 23 M. . There are political outbreaks so popu lar with the whole people tht the state dare not interfere. The breaking out of pustules, pimples, tetter and the like on the face, cau be pleasantly cured by Dr. Benson's Skin 'Cure. Also good for the hair and scalp. m m m - - ' For the Review Tho Wilmington Library Association deeded Ke forms. The Wiimintrton Library Association is an mstitation, which, if conducted EVERYONE I'EAISES. Kick headachej nervous headache, neu ralgia nervousness, paralysis, dyspepsia, sleeplessness aud brain diseases, positive ly cured by I)r C. V. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills. They contain no opium, quinine, or other harmful drug. Sojd by all druggists. "Price 50ceats per box. $1 for two, i$2.60 for six postage free. Ur C. W. lienson, Baltimore, Md. G. N. Cbittenton, New York, is Whole sale Agent tor Drj C. W. Benson's reras digs. j ! apl 5-lm A printer should alwajs marry a good type ot girl. ' How a man decides where he will build his house By lot. , , ' . Frozen punch will be the only stick to GOLD MEDAL WDW "THYSELF; HKlh-VJ Vu '(IV A .s-,"Tf :t "! ';u- a.! v'ork w.irrn!;. t.bvsioai i fccr.o tv;r, in : :':r.'U-;;;Iia to wrerv in;m. fruit tue Sci"-iCf o'i I a bu'.:r.1 in linest ir'rc-n.-h muslin. eifb'jsiffd.fiii sUt.Z-X pHf'u.icntii : r.n bfftutiki! jstee'j easr::vins, i--r proscriptions price r-"y $ 1.25 .s tit by icall . illuslrat-4 s-ynot:, 6 c. ; fiend row. A ! Ir.ES Peahoil Mciii cal institnteor Ire. W.H.Pai. JvEit. r.o.4 Buhi:ic3it. Boston consistently with its pretensions, wouid' be had at the north pole. greatly contribute to our educational imprnvauieut and merit vnnd command the active support of our citizens ot large. It is not now properly organized or conducted. This is the irenerai senti ment of members and outsiders, which the .writer has had forcibly brought to his attention in a personal canvass for new members, and it may be stated with out any reflection upon its present ofBcers. It ia due to the efforts of these gentlemen that the Association has been kept going at all, and to the work of President Alexander Sprunt that greater interest iinow being takea in the institution. The formation of the Literary Club nnderauch bright auspices within the Liibrary and the engagement of Mr. Ta Image to lecture here at uu 'early-date go to show that there is enough enter priser the association to constitute a nucleus about which to gather sufficient strength to place the Library upon a Sirmanently higher plane of usefulness, ut there are reforms needed iu its man agement, which will have to be made before, we can comraaud aud retain a Urge membership. Tne constitution and laws should be revised and made to provide for the proper keeping of the.rooms, the books, the accounts, the prompt collection of dues and a tomplete reorganization ol the association. The rooms should be made to present an appearance of neat ne&s and comfort, however simple their lurmture. smoking should be prohibited in:, "them, and talking restrained, and books and papers should be carefully and neatly arranged. The books should bo catalogued, whether the catalogue is printed or not, and in the purchase of new ones oaly books of a durable binding thoftld be bought. There should bo a proper system of loaning books, and the system should be adhered1 to. The Li brarian should be required to show no preference in loaning them nor allow them to be kept anywhere in the rooms except upon their proper shelves. It should be a law that boeks borrowed must be returned within a given time, or, if retained longer, the member retaining uwoi w pay a cwiaia amount lor each weekorpsrt fa week they are kept overtime. The Librarian should be made to-notity promptly members when ik "time'allowed forkeepiog a book, without nne. nas exnired. and renaimri Ul9 fine for books kept overtime, without option o nis own. These- are rules necessary to the sue turn, wnico wa have disregarded in tha past few years, and, in consequsnce, our 'memtseriuiptas greatly decreased, our iocomo relatively so, and our rooms, 4a stead orderly wading resort, have become, merely a lounging place, where aabkiDg: and talking are unrestrained, ti4&eit&er lady nor stranger would find sptslal pleasure in visiting. Thisccmdiv A sign of indigestion "Gone to din" ner ; be bask in five minutes." A baby born on Christmas ia appro priately styled a holler day gitt. aJ at ' ! . 1 aq vice to wives aian is very; like an etrtr : keen him in hot water and he is bound to become hardened. ftfork much he Is e w the barkeeper absent reply is When a member "of. tj Legislature is. asked by what he will take, thei "$1,000." It i3 now asserted that a fewipots o1 flowers in a sleeping room are not1 injuri ous to health. Neither aire a fewjbarrels ot flour in the kitchen. An exchange says the Nihilists threat en to put Alexander III; ''m a hole. Wouldn't that bo Czar chasm ?;l 'I'll make a note of this,?' as the "sharper said when he got a farmer to write his name on a piece of paper! Michigan produces mora salt than any oiner oiaie in me union, and yet the ..... - . i - i average Michigander 13 pretty fresbi Beacon says : "Reading makes, a fall man." That must be the Reading in Pennsylvania, where the brewery is lo- cavea. H ; ; : I , The shoe worn by a horse is a wrought iron shoe, put when thejhorse loses j jthe shoo from its foot it becomes a cast iron ! shoe. Partteular Notice.! i All the drawings will hereafter be tinder the exclusive supervision and control ol GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD and JUBAL A. EARLY. A SPLENDlb OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. I Fouith Grand Distribution, Class 1), at New Orleans, Tuesday, April 11, 1882 USd Monthly Drawing. Leuisisiia State Lotttry ciipy. Incorporated in il863 for 25 reira hv the Legislature for Ediicatioual and Charitable purposes with a capital of 81.000.000 tr Vhich a reserve fund of over SSnO'oon h since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the. nrpspnt State Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D., 1370. I ' Its GiujfD Single Number Dsawtnos will take place monthly. It never scales or vottpone Look at the following! Distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE 30.000. I I 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars Each. JUALF-1ICKETS,UXE DOLLAR. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize of - - $30,000 A'N0PEKSI0a ATTORNEYS, land paten is. oii iaimu and special attention given to coc tested pre-emption, Homestead, M in eral and Timber Culture Entries. Highest pric paid for Land Warrant and Scrip, of all' kinds. Pensions Pro. cured for Soldier and Sailors disabled in line of duty. Pensions increased if rated too low. 13oiWity, back pay and new dis charges ontalaoH. Send two 3c stamp? for blanks and "Circular of Inf jrmatioo' Address STODDA UT & CO . 413 G St, N. WiiWashinton,,D. C. rnch 22 4w GE FACIEI & CO. lTiaiiuiactnrers or fateut rortable Circular SAW 31ILT.S STEAM ENGINES 5 K. SCHEOZDEE ST., " t SOMETHING TRA 1C Pitt up by a Private Family State of New York. And Bought direct from them EVERY FAMILY I ! In our city. I" Should et come of it in oder to sea what Pure Vinegar realists, FORlrPICKLIG IT IS ALMOST INDISPENSABLE. cuncq piTSi i .1" VI B in tho rjfoF2-4&fiti'' D Ls.l i ' II I. .11 i I 1 1 II II VI 1 AJ W UU1 OYSTER CRACKERS' SEVERAL DIFFEHENTi VARIETIFS. I From 10 qects to 20 cents per pou rid. Send in vour orders. O umb. but U earth hw. ihf M $tJ 8.1MABITAX r J. M4ti ft ure eure of a r... - ... . 1 Is I. B0ATW8IG.HT, IV. Tronc St oat 'I Grtet and Hoar 'Mills, Water Wheels, Wood WdrMna oena lor Cataloffue. Employment FOR ALL ! lew York, 1881 TBt; HUxN for 1882 will make iU farteeatb ftcuAl reroloticn aider the present ma seme5t, chining, as KlMjt,Ut big and little, mean aad grciou3,contentel and ua aappy, Republic i nd Lemocrat, depraved nd irtuocc, iotelligent and vbtntfl. Tbe Hu'8 litfht is fur raan k led aod womankliid of every ssrt; bit it genial warmth i for : e srood, while it poars hot dwijnmfort on he blistering back ot t nereis ten tly wicked ''bb Sew of 1868 waa a newspaper of a new una. It discarded inany nf t e forma, aad i multitude of the superfluous words . aad phrases of ancient journalism. I,t undirtJi s report in afresh, succinct, aDconventiooal ay all the iiewa of the world, omltticg no 5veot of human interest, and ecramenting ipon afftra lfith the feariessnsss of abs slate Biepeadence. The eccceea of ttrs expari sect was the sacessof the Ban. It effao'd pormaneot ohane in the style of AmeacD iiearepapers. Kvery itoportant journal es- faDiianea ia tola scuntry in tie dcaan year b&st haa been modelled after tho sua, is. very mportact joaraal already exietiajr has been modified and bettered bv the force of tha fiav's parople. Tua Hcs of 1882 will be the same outspoken, crath-ieUiaff, aod inte eetioe: cewipaper. Bj a liberal use ot the osns wfcich an ib cdsnt p neperity affords, we shall mkt it better than ever before. e shall piict all the news. luttincr it in c ad&ble rkape. acd x&Aasurimr ita imoor. tance, net by th tra itional jarJttioK. but bf it r6l Jctdrvt t ; the people listnce from frintm Uoasd Irqaare i cot the first con'iep-ati6n with the fiun. Whenever nv- t'MKg heppen worth reporting we get tht "iiT,lBr, whether it hinnam in Hrnnkl.n Iupiuuc3 we have decided opinion!: n are accustomed to espress tem iu language that can be understood. Wo say what we think about men and events. 1 hat habit is the only totret of tse un's politioal course. Thh M kbklt tfusgithers into eight pages the beai aatter of thetevm daily iMuea. ab eric -l' ural Departmeu t of uneauall d it, f 11 ma-ret reports, and a liberal proper- f'ni mara'y, eoienuno, ata eomertioio tllizence complete the Waeklr Han. make it the best oewsbaner for the f armada household tb at was ever printed. vv no coes not Jtnow and read and like the Sunday fun, each number of wMo Is a Goicooda of interesting literature." with the best poetry o' the day.prose every line worth reading, mwg, humor master enous?h to TVs the means of mWmr m ... . . SAMARITAN 3tERmn Cared mi. of thma, afwr im.,,. ' 1 emcr doctors . R. Hobmt. Sew a " Effoctuallycuredmeof apam. AM AB ITAX 31 EETl'ir Currd cur child of fltt after air m. .. . family phyaldan. It .having or 0 AA1HTA.H XEalTlVE Cured lue nf jcmfnii .f...., .ur, .uurnnj PVftii-fcJ BAStASITAWnTiti ' SAMARITAN Vtnrrr. Coird nif permanent I v of dIIpikic . , . C'Hred royron ot fits. ftr hamsbidiMs Jf niontha. Mks . E. Fobm. TV.VpoW.fJ Cured me of eptlfpfy of ninf Miss Oblka MambTt? f Graaby, Seaioaft,! lAHABITAVmnnl I KapcrmaaentlycTirednie of epfinnf J-J duration. , JCQB8cnOTSaffi SAMARITAN XEBTETX Cured me of bronchltft, aithtna aad tvnl Olitir Mtxh ImtM, rr a 8AMAniTAN lYERTm Haa cured me of asthma; o croral.(rt but standlns- ISAaa JtwiLt, CortJi . SAMARITAN NEKVIXS SAMARITAN NZRTOX Cured a friend of miae wfto bad dripewia w Micbak, O'CoMoaEWni SAMARITAN NERT1NZ uaa permanently cured mo of etflratta fttr i Datib Tbxxblt, Oct Mobf it SAMARITAN NERTETI I Cured my wife of epllppey of S3 yean tuadtsc I j HisxTCiAia TtuteZi! SAMARITAN NEBTETl i Cured my wife of a uerroni dlaeate of uk kl , B. Qtaaa aorta Haa n SAMARITAN NESVUX I Cured my son of fits. He baa sot kid tth four years. JoHsDna TVoodbura. itAcomd Ci SAMARITAN HERTI! IS FOR SALE I B Y AXiL DRUGGISj Or may be had direct from na For fttnharr tlon Inclose stamp for our Illustrated Join t evidences of cures. Addrcu I on. s. a. iticnvoxs rr World Epileptic Iatft J I , ST.J0SWU THE NEW I0BK WEEKLY HEBAIR Women are Everywhere TJsiug and tq coaimeadins Parker's G rjger Tonic; be- canso tney nave learned from experience inat n speedily pvercomes despondency. indigestion, paia or weakness m the back ana ktaneye, ana other, troubles peculiar to too sex. nome Journal. See adv. - i - Qaarterly Meetings 1 For the Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church, South. . SECOND BOUXD. TO SELL A HOUSEHOLD ARTICLE. rptifei poor atwdl as the rich, the old as Af 7"?"" e wife, sb well a? ji.uug taiTuen as well as uip young man, tn girl as well as tto boy may mat as well earn a few dollars in honest employment, as io sit around the feouee and i an or oxaers to earn it for sbem. We can Cive you emoloyment, aU the time, nr rfnrfn . 7 . . I I a.-o ,. , ' . v Approximaaon Prizes of f300 2.7nol t "k irToicgf or in ycer 0 ADDroxiiaation PHzpc nt nrti no own t eignoornoqd, among your fiienda and 9 AoproxlmaUon Prizes of ICO- ,flfl?Stai!C?. If7cu do DP4 c foremd r. -? " . "uyai ir rtuasais laiorma 1 Capital Prize of 1 Capital Prize of 2 Prizes of $3,500 " Prizes ol 1,000 S'J Frizes . of 500 100 Prizes cf 1G0 200 Prizes of 50 50J Prizes of 20 1000 Prizes of 10 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 10,000 - 5,000 - 5.000 -, " 5,0Q0 i .10,000 - 10,000 - 10,000 - 10,000 10,000 nil a good-sized boos:, and infinitely mora oriiWaTj" en,ertft,aifir thaa book, big ii our idea of what a newspaper I hou!4 be pleases you. tend for the Sua. Our terms are as follows . For the daily us, four-page sheet of twentyeight columns, the dtIc brmtii pest-paid is 65 cents a month, or 9.50 a year: or, inclu diner the Bund eighvpago sheet of fiity six columiw,the price '8 65 cents per month, or 7.70 a ge paid. .TfAe oundsy aujtion of the 8an is also fur aihed separately at $1.30 paid. . ' ' r"" " The price of the Wesklv Hnn ... flfty-fix columns, is $1 a year, postage paid! for club of tea lecdintr 10 we will d extra copy free. Address novl F f feCn Noir York CitJ'' Brunswick . ' i Whiteville . . 1 Waccamaw Mission . Elizabeth. . . j Bladen . . Duplin . Onslow . . , Clinton . . Coharie Mission . Cokesbury District Cor jerecce at Salem, 1857 Prizes, amounting to - - tllO.400 Responsible correspondiacr amenta wantfiri at all point, to whom liberal compensation Ytui ue paiu , ior iurthcr information, write clearlr. giving full address. Send orders by express or Registered Letter, or Monev Ordr hv mail, addressed osxt to fil. A. DAUPHlPf, Hew Orlaans or ill. A. DAUPHIN, 1X7 Lor Salle Street. Chfcasr saw a - arm arr v - w m m fiOT Sevpnlh ?r Uathii. " - mfc mJm Kj The hew York Office is removed tsc.hie(m B. Orders addressed to NpwOrfpana will receive prompt attention. i uen to you ires of cost. It tv n .m I RnniiriA. -t tt enly one' centio? a Poetal c,rd , Jr"u. "tZ?: F'ZL'LZ lZ T.nE0Ter UOunty. . n " - - ii a ik a km iiuiua ii. s nru ir KiainTin our rro8Dfictn. anrf if tv,. . i . , u.. - uif uicaiis oi uiMjpcjoa a goon masy dollars ijo uoi nfffiect thin opportarity You do " to mvoit a large sum o.' money, and ifV.. . 1 IDH1I'g"' x ou will readi jr ec uiH is wm ce an easy matter to make .r.m iutoiut, a Week, and ettablisaai I ! JAMES GORDON BE5KZTT, I, PfiOPBIETOB. Tae Eeitfasd .Cheapest ITevipipw ed. Postage lrrsa. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAB, bV CEtlTS FOR SIX UfilTII An Extra Copy to erery Oab ofitsw Wew York Herald I Pnbliihed aver tj frmt' POSTAGE WKkJ, , , 10 pays for one year, BiVES ?8 pays for one year, witbottB S6 pays for six months, flaadsyi fp $4 pays for six months,, witkotitl $2. pays for obo year for uj ipw",! i of the week; ' ttutc $1 pays for six moathi for aaTelM, ( I of the week. a riod than three Boatafc - tl TO BUBOPE-lBelal Umuj ..............r,r VS. D. S. Co waa. Executor ftf if. w. flrftu. I Repiton, Defendants; ' "c" NEWSDEALERS . vrf-- Wim frMnTwo aaJebalf eti ai.r J7r.. Four cast, fm " April 8-9 April 15-16 April 19 April 22-23 A ril oo A ML I J; " TJ particular attention of the Public U w n : I Vvi, , V "Juciy-aiie entire number of the M ay 13-14 I Tickets for each Monthly Drawing is sold, and May 20-21 iJi, in drawing are - T I hfA .T.J . . w ' " C3 O UiJIU 14U1. l r i .1 ..turn i runvuiiorwaia tnd nMfih' ..jirntixifntii,P o . . . . j -' tothii matter SOW. for iw i.'MnMi"v I rh7w ' M . .V M. E. , lilt.. IN it for all who cngaae w Fhs " .n, 3 Jre.A eaIf5. D..t0 of . ' ISJ?""??-- onderwhy you I TuckerTunSn a lo ;r:7.:r " u" S-. WE "bull Wilmington, In said S'tZZ i ' - w mammnm &uurrn Sunday ltd tti oa. Add re S3 May 23 May 25-23 R.O. BiTBioy, Presidinc: Elder, i A card To all who arc sufferinsf Irom the er rors and indiscretion of youth, nervous weakness, earlv decay, loss of manhood. tc, I will send a recipe that will cure you, or charoc. Ibis crreat rem edy was discovered by a' missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to Rst. Joseph T. Ivjcak, Sta tion i, Ktw York City, deod-w6i. sold and drawn and paid men Ji-wed-at4wdAw estauranu COSMOPOLITAFi BAR AND RES' fAURANT. JOHN CARROLL, Prop. South side Mark Street, .Wilmington, V.C. T,H?AR lt. 6nPPd with the best lvcisjues, nines, ifcer, Champagnes, i fee. Cizara of the finest rradi .t.. hand At the Restaurant UNDERSIGN En vnnM any residue of said mortxrare debt remain. I Tinnrtonpn n?RY Wedw'' X .-iuoji MDfr unsatisfied after a sale 5f said wTT I K r - ' - ew ly annouuee that ho has Just fiUed up a No. 3, Granite Row, South Front et., a es taurant for Ladle aad Gentlemen, where meals and refreshment may be had at ail hours of the day. Eyery thing is new and first class. Polite waiters andrcourteou at tec dan t s. : east intersection of Third and Mulberry streets, frontine tl feet on ThiM Jr ?P "wOJy . the same width, with Mulberry street U9U feet to a brick wall, beinir part lota 1 anrf 2. in km km. an aa Executor of said M. E. Brinklev. for Weekly Editioa. -J n H Sat less ina " V""" , newsdealers at wboleiils We allow no comaUJU5", Hons to Dailr Bditi-m -A'iWestB.. dee 3 Broadway aai - The Robesoniani t"Oam ana Ovstera ln.,. r. . wv luiuiuue " -JVM. AJJ finest Ojstsrs broajcat to this market, whiahf vri- ti . are served ia aixriSvle SSi 7anS W - wppltad. . . . . : ilaalT I nev21I ' a rajtittW The defendant Manraret Ronlfnn i ; I - . n r .tr McDi5 by i required to Ppe"I, "the nt "xlmTf r,Bt,trt00, " l'-'07 v. l said ourt to be held at tr Cnnrt vr. i I . . . . -and Wilmington, on the 13th irnniTJ Tv " I luc largest circui J"!1?:111 March, 18S2, and answer or Advertlainff atronase of any W 830 fi demur to the complaint, which was filed Bfc "fccmwr Term, 1SS1. of said Court ' . a. VAA.fTm&v t Clerk fiupcrior teurt men. 18-lawCw Wotice. A PPLICATION WILL BK Vinn a-r u tb 'Stale. It now has of hpra In Unhann eonntV alOSS, general circulation In tba eenntiei Ooberland, Bladen (Colum' . . biy of North Carolina for a rrh.-f x- UlintOT, Point Caeiren A fiKLT B. aud fiteainboat OoiDa '"TT?? Jiarlboro aud DarUugtou, Ia mehMawtw ' " f j pa Una, t i