JO80. T. JAMBA, pitor aud i-wpbiwob. .nBHCKIPTIOSS.POSTAOEPAlJD. 8 r ti 00 Six month., $160 ; Thrw 7thi $1 ; Onnonth,60oate. ir will b. delivered bywrien, . rkt. or 13 oenta per wek. L.i-r rates loirs nd liberal W-8abieriberi will pleuoreport mj nd reeeireiteir paptnrcgiTij, ITew Advertisoments. Heuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, i Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sora Throat, Swell ings end Sorains, Burns and Scalds,' General Sodify Pain, Tooth, Ear and Headacne, Frosted Feet and Ears, and ali oihoj Pains and Aches. Ko Piptkwi on earth equals Sr. jACOM.Oii. mlT Vtr' ntiila but the coaiparatiTely tVUics "outtar cf 50 Cnts, and erery one-euffer-in'ff ifll i ' a hsT- f heaP aad P0,iUT0 Proof tf iwciaioa. Pirec tiuns in Kleren Language. CLD BY ALL DSUGQIST3 AUD DEALEE3 IK MEDICINE A. VOGEX.ER, & CO., J3atmortf 21f. 17". 8. A OPERA HOUSE. Monday, April 10. oman CIIAKMS Ii. IAVIS, la hi Celebrated Character Comedy, in Four Acts, entitled, "Ml J8SL1M", The Only True Fepreeentativc of THE NEW ENGLAND FARMER ! Supported by a Full and Powerful Com pany of Dramatic .Celebrities. - IW l-augns in iw iuui, Minutes. Greatest 8ucce of the Ago. Funniest nay Jtver I:..... Thre Wftiira -f nnrnariolis iiburaoiu. """v i ,ir.s z - MARTItS'S VACCINE VIRUS, North Carolina. Medical Journal Aorxcr for ibs Southern States pRESH AND ACTIVE VACCINE from the rcaowuu catablifihmcntol Jjr. Henry A. I Martin. furnl6bcd in large or email quantJ- ties. Thli vaccine Is warranted to take in U primary cases. 7 Lancet Points for $1.00 15 do do 2.00 Each lancet point will vaccinate one per ob. r Orders by telegraph or mail will rcceire prompt attention. iTHOMAS F. WOOD, Un!2G-tf nac Wilmineton. r?. 0 illattinss ! ftViailEIlgS i C&RFETS ASD OIL CLOTHS, Of the above we can htw a great variety. LADIES SARATOGA TRUNKS ! Increat variflty'and all Rizes.- wmitp nnnns i In thU department we can chow many nw and nice things ts well a all of the staples. DRESS GOODS 1 CASSI1IERE8 and Cashmcrets for boys. LACES AND EMBROIDERY! ; Neckwear in all new things. R. rj. T-lclntire ET TURKISH tpl 1 BATH SOAP Stockholders' Sleeting I fTHTC AVVTTAT. TEETING OF THE c. . x , ... , . . r t..i v.n "WKanoiaert or ui6 i.roiinm veu .. .. . roia Company will be held at tno um the torS? .t. Tviiminrton. N. O.. cm- iv.. r-i .l 1 Aanrway tho '7th lniv , ai 1 1 o cioc., . fPiP ill t iLnHMilEuUl, FOB . EHEUfflATISl, HPt 1 att ir' Thrum iuuui JL Jjji0 i Jiy n II Hi :iL , V: JLUUL2..V jljla v v o rr" ' : : " T " i - , ; i i .. . :- - -n ' i ' : . ,. . j . VOL. VT LOCAL'INEWS. , ! (- New Advertisements, 'i l Hein3Eekg er faster Cards Jxo. W. CIoruon fc Bro-fl'ire Icsurance James Vilsx Don't Pay Kent Ai-ex. Si'kunt& Sox Ship Notice The New York jvVeekly World CW YATE3 Peep in at Yates' , l)n TnoH F V'ooI)-Matin'6Vaccine Virus Day's length 12 hours and 57 minuter. The truck gardens hereabouts need ram. , , i . . . . " t No. interments . in Bellevue cemetery during the week. Sunset to-morrow afternoon at half-1 past 6 o'clock. See trained rats and mice at the Tien ken Building tcnighL ' i ITie first April shower we have had this season fell here to day. r ' ' . , County will convene at GmitJiTrlllo nn I Monday. Parents should warn their boys of the danger of going in swimming at thi3 sea, son of the year. .1 There were three children and one I adult intered in Pine Forest uemetery duriDff the weeki ' During the week just closing there y - that oi an adult. , The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 96 bales, and those of rosin 4,342 barrels- i - The largest and greatest exhibition now travelling for the admission of 10 J ;Q Wiii;s' "KrvpUiosL t i,ofrtrp There were two trifling case3 w.w.w the Mayor this morning but both dismissed without r trial. No'marriage licenses have been' issued i i.iL- in fta. a I t j L iJ rru nnnKHH.1 kihi it bulud rt u aiutuuuu i state of affairs. Don't fail to see Mnie. Lorow's Bohe mian Glass Building. Blowers at the Tienken ! '' .r Choral Services, by the children of St. John's Sunday School, will be held in the Church to-morrow afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. The seats will all be .tree on that occasion. ; i I . V I. .- - Capt. O. A: Wisrsrins has been selected Kit 4ii T. ad ipr' Memorial Association as ., r ir ;i r J ... i . . . umei marsuai 101 aiCiuvu. . . u:- f 4V, nn nag HlsruiUcU UiO ikVsMUti vauvis v wuv honor tendered hira. Sergeant McGahn, of the Signal Office in this city, returned yesterday afternoon from an inspection tour of the. line be tween here and Cape Hatteras "Ho re- ports the line to be in, fine order. f!r,i Willis with his numerous collec- . ... . im 4t,a tion of novelties opens to-night m tne Tienken Building. . ! f Rev. J. S. Black, of-Erskine Presby- tsrian Church, at Montreal, is in the city,, the guest of Rev. D. D. Dodge. He will preachy the First Congrega tiona.1 Church to-morrow eytning at 8 o-elock. . , i ii i ! ! e Emanuel Moscley, colored, was befor -r a . If :1V- X J , AhnoaH Tin r r- an a5Sauu and battery on T. Smith, also The case was submitted and the" defendant was discharged on paj- ment of costs. The new five cent postage stamp bears a portrait of Garfield. The color of (the stamp is. chocolate. It will take me place of the old fiye cent 'stamp whicn bears a portrait of General Zacnary Taylor. V -i j Mr. Fred. Barr, Mansfield, Ohio, writes as follows: 'After suflering witn rheumatism for eix months and applying a number of remedies without benefit, I procured a bottle oE St. jacods uu irom my druggiss. air. j. - " -&"r am happy to state that after using one bottle, 1 can now oress mjt had not been able to do ior some nuic. . -iT ' indications. TT"- kn Cnntti Allan tic States fair weather, southwesterly winds, stationary barometer and temperature. The WhltCTlllfi umerprlse. We have received'the first number of tht ahnr nnmM nimr. luak I - i ' r star tori ot !. rr Whiteville. in Columbus counij, uy i - - t11 Ravish Messrs. McEachern & LoreiL we.wisa I . .. . ji t i 4hzm an abundant success uu wcicwum WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, APRIL Announcement."1 On or about the 20th iost.. thel Dailt Review will be published in the morniBg-, iastead of the afternoon, as heretofore. 1 This course has been taken at the I earnest solicitation of many friends, and in the belief that success is attainable- Fnll telegraphic reports of the news and of fhn markets, as furnished by the As- sociated Frees, will be published in each igiu(, the Editorial department will be in careful and experienced hands, and espo- cial care will be taten in preparing nume markets as well as those received by tel- ocrra'nh Th local columns will receive I tho mnit rarefnl attention aud it will be n i . r tne coosiani enaeayor u iac x u,.loCi. and the bditor to make every uepan- . 1 i I raentof the paper as perfect as the means attheir disposal will admit. The name ol the paper wm m no way . . . Ml f . f ' be changed, but it win appear in an eu- tirely new dress througnout, me material haviug already been ordered. It Has b 4 a year, $1 for three months, or cents for one month, payment strictly at the ena 0f each month. These very low rate8 will place the paper within the reach of every one. Mr. w amer luearea mu ii.. .nVti-nvintiAn Hcfis anil will I Mr. Walker Meares will assume charge oi mo au-uwF .v, within the next few days, Deginnmg wua Monday next, can, upou an u4 v zens who are not now subscribers to the Daily Review. the wiLJrrVGTOX JOURNAi. snoken of above, which are to go into offecton or about the 16th 1 1 I -rrr '. i iost.. will also affect the Wilmington Journal, which will thereafter be reduced n.;.afpnm to ftl per annum, with a slight reduction in size, but with a ae cieded improvement in other respects i . .. . i These new terms will be stncuy casn. TT,0f iadpiavfid six months S1.50 a year will be charged and if not paid . - . . i 1 1. !J ur v,a nH m the vear z win De u a i.uitm&u. i Personal. Rev. Thos. W. iSrown. lormeriy oi thi3 city, but for a number of years past a res;dent of New York, is expected to arrive to-night on a short visit to his rejatives iQ this city. Rev. Mr. Brown ig a S0Q 0f the late Thos. W. Brown, and taB v recently been ordained as a dea- COn in the Episcopal Church JL-jL A rpmP(iv restincr on the basis ot m- trinsir. worth demands the confidence of ii -r-cii ni Hrmr is known nil - - atisfactornv throughout and USed mOSt SailSiaClOriiy tuiuu5uw I ir nun h uuuu r I' : o the land, as is attested by its great sales. Your druggist keeps it. More Moonshiners. From all we can learn there is a regu lar organized band of burglars in thi3 city which bids fair to out-do "the moon, shiners in their palmiest days. The gang has been at work for the past two weeks pa the outskirts .of the city and have stolen a very large number of chickens, etc. Mr. Taylor, at the National Ceme tery, has been visited two or three times by these midnight marauders and has no1 only io3tall his fancy breed chickens but the last one of a lot of common chickens which he bought to somewhat supply the places of the first which were stolen from him. Other -fcrsons ia his neigh borhood have suffered in a like manner. Spiritualists and scientists confounded by Miss Mary Heller the wondenui sec ond sight lady. Willis' Constellation of Novelties. The entertainment given by Col. T. E. Willis, in the Teinten ouiiamg, ou i Front street, is well worth the price of admission. In lact. we do not wcu uu . . .ii.. dersUnd how so much show can be given or so little money. The first object to attract your attention is the lady glass blower. She handles the brittle sub stances with wnicntue wora.a uvvj and converts it into all shapes, making many pretty little articles.. The fat boy is a wonder. Miss Heller, a3 eeconu sight medium, is unsurpassed by any one in her profession that we have ever seen. Xdison's talking phonograph never rails to delight and astonish an audience. Sig. Femini, with his troupe of trained house rat and mice gives a very pleasing little show. His white rats and mice are quite a cariosity. " 7 Boosh on Hati Clean out rata, mice, roaches, flies, anU. bed-bugs, skunks, cbipnnnkJ, Bnrslarr. J The fresidence of G. -P- Rourk, on r Brunswick, between Sith and Seventh streets, was burglariously entered last night and robbed. The thief effected an entrance by prying up a window on the first floor of the house. Fronx the pantry all of the household supplies weic stolen, and the thief then turned his at: tention to the chambers of the house, and took from them all the clothing that he could find. Luckily for Rourk, the iota aucu 10 una an oiu s.uAi, wuwu uu been cast aside and was oil that they left him as a little memento of their visit. ; iinilnnl r.nntt. -WW f4llow:nr ftaaM were disDOsed of , o t(V3av: st t Tg; Ca?iu Blount, A and B. N .j. Plca of former COI1viction sustaincd State vs. Buford Reed. Larceny. Continued. State vs. Ilerbert Thompson. As sault. Contained. State vs. Richard Ganse. Assault. Continued. State vs. Hilley Williams. Larceny. Guilty. gtat0 vg Bellji Fisher. -Disorderly . ... I State vs. Bell Fisher. 'Disorderly Uouse Uaiuy. state vs. Tuekner Townsend. Lar- cenyl Dcfendant discharged on account Qjhig youtll ftnd previoils confinement in '.mil.. .. . j - i . i The Court will wind up its duties for j the present term on Monday. The Grand Jury were discharged on Thursday. I Alvln Joslln. I The sale of reserved seats for Mr. Chas. L. Davis's rendition of the char acter of Alvin Joslin at the Opera Mouse on Monday , evening m -mm- n commenced j yesterday morning, xne aiagrum io nrettv well marked up. Wo think that Li I ' l l 1 those- who have bpught seats will have nn canso to reffrQL meir acuon. xieai hwtftt the Free Press says about Mr Davii: , The. audience which greeted the this nitv of the . rx- . . T , - ination oa Saturday evening, was one 0f the largest ever assembled in the opera house. Before the commencement of the K'1. 'lJ.r rZ " " me nan wua uuuuuicu, auu uc ewia who came late were unable to obtain ad- mittance. The play is of an extremely ludicrous charaeter, and judgiag from the continued buzz of , merriment, was fully appreciated by those present. Mr. the Yankee farmer abroad, was, nf nonrae. the centre of attraction, his rlrnll Ravines and general "make-up" beiner of a most amusinzr character. The n i other members of the company sustained their parts well. Some ct the scenery was entirely new that of pier 20, East River, with the moon . and stars aoove reflecting in the water, and New York City illuminated, in the distance, being very life-like. The Kentucky fat baby 3 AjJgglSS? age,' weight 165 pounds, arrived and will exhibit to-night at the Tienken Build ing. The Library. Editor Review Believing that your correspondent u., is desirous only of promoting the success and prosperity of the Wilmington Li- brary Association, I will make a few remarks in reply to his communication, which may be useful to others taking an interest in the Library as well as to your correspondent. The welfare and best interests of the yoang men of" this city are undoubtedly objects of the highest aim and the deep est concern to the officers of this insti tution. Show the Directors of the As - sociaucu ia r ha w r tmmoted. and they are with you. With regard to improvements in the Library Hall, c, fcc, the Directors have in view securing premises of several nnartmonts. one of which Will bo Set apartlfor smokers, so that ladies and readers may not hye any cause of com plaint. It will be some months before this change can be effected. Meantime itis very desirable that at least two of the young members of the Literary ninhwho also are members of the Li brary Association be elected and added to the Directory, should the Directors at their first meeting so resolve. ThomfftrQ lot. thA vnnnc men under ctn.l that thft nrftsent officera of the In- .;n;n h3M A,ro. in mAnnnolizft its government but would, on the con trary, welcome to tjiat position younger men who could assume duties and carry out improvements that would commend themselves to the general uoard ot li rectors. In the meantime, and previous to the r 4Ua TtnarA lot th Rnh km uo J "J . : ao oar eaueaTor vo prevcu now fairly aroused from troing to sleep again. V 8. 1882. NO. 84 a Jionsier taiusn. Mr. Wm. Wigic3 caught a monster catfish on Thursday,oppo3ite the city and m front ot tfco guano warehouse, which is the largest we have, ever heard of hereabouts. It weighed, Air. , W iggins soys, 42 pounds and measured mches between the eyes. He sold it to some one on the steamer North State, who took it up the river. j3eatllif7 yoar nomea bv usinir the N Y. EnamclPaiat, ready mixed and war rante(j oniy at JACObi's. t 1- . Kaster. - The Lenten fasts closes to night and to-morrow will be Easter Day to be ob served in commemoration f the Resur rection. As near as the calculation can be made with any certainty yesterday was really the anniversary of tho Sa viour's death and to-morrow will bo. that of His resuf rection. The habilaments of sorrow and of fastins aro how to be laid aside and the joy of the Resurrec tion will be shown in the glad yest tures with which the Churches will be adorned, Easter flowers will be in pro fusion this year, l V Sixteenth Annual Sociable. The sixteenth annual sociable of the . ... Hibernian Benevolent Association win be given at Germania Hall on Monday, the 10th inst. There will be music and dancing. Our good friends who' know bo well how to temnt the appetite, have not . forgotten to make an abundant supply of nico .. delicacies for , th6, v well-being of the inner man. lnoscoi our citizens who have heretofore attended one of the sociables need no word of encouragement from us to go again, but to those who have never had tho pleasure of attending a Hibernian sociable, we would say, go, for you will enjoy it. i ; : i Thanks to Col. A. Pope, General Freight and Passenger Agent of the AsSociated Railways, for passes over his roads on the route to Elizabeth City, on the occasion of the meeting of the Press Association on the 26th inst . KfTiiTiTniTYr--"- Kew Advortisemonta. j ; : Easter Cards. FEW OF THOSE BEAUTIFUL JEaat- A A er Oaidj, at Reduced Pticze, at I HBTff BSRQSa'3 THE MA800T (Opera) With or without Mafic PATIENCE (Op-ra) , j With or without Maiic -gILLEE TAYLOR (Cpera) With or without ilaic HEiNSBEROER'd, Live Book and Muiio Store apl 8 Fire Insurance. Asseta $33,000,000 PhocBix Aisurancp Co., of London. 1 r AsscU $5,500,000 Fire Association of Philadelphia. 1 Assets f 4,500,000 Niagara of Nw York. AeteU $1,750,000 Roch.ater dCrman, of RocheBtcr, N: T. , . s Assets f 590,000 Virfinia Fire &Mariae. of Richmond . Assets 5600,000 JNO. W, GORDON & BRO., Agts , apl S-It- I '24'North Water St Ship Notice 4 LL PERSONS are 1 hereby jcautioned and forewarned "Z";" 7c t,. anv of the crew of Br. brik'ne c '8IGNAL", Capt. Williams, as neither tha Matter or Consignee will be reepbnsibla for any debt contracted by them. I apl 8 -It Coniigaees Don't PavRent. I FIGURE YOUR RENT three or fire yean and see how much money you are throwing away. Building Lota for sale-cn the instalment plan, situated on the follow ing streets in tk is city, vizi Castle, Church, Vnn. Ann. Oracire. Mulberry, Red Cross, Rankin, (Jwynn, fiixtb, fieyentk, Wilscn, Eighth, Ninth, Dickinson, Tenth, Wood, Eleventh. Bay. Cnarip, iweiiia, xuir teentb and Fomteeath. 'Money loaned to I those wUbtDg to build. AddIv to apl 8 tf JA3LES WILSON. EVlillinerv, &c. - itt STOCK OF WELL SELECTED, IV I beautiful Millinery and Fancy Goods, I now open and ready for my customers I tr whom I am very rrateful for their irener " i ter this season. BefPectfully, MI3 E. KARRF.R, . (- Exihiat Conttr I spl 17s will bsglid to recslTt soxaxMalcstlca froa ra? frteafii oa aay tai 'all ' Rbjti' 0 (taertilatertsi bt I: , d . . . .... ... , .. . Tio caa of tas wrllw cut alwiTf beta aixaed ElUor, ... . Ooinrcnlaatlaaj cast bs;wrttsa! a caly atddeeftht paper ' ... i .... - -PeoQal!tif mut ba arolied - i . . . Aad It Ii espIaDj and part!slarly sader itooi that the Editnf doe not alwayi eadon riaws ot ccrrwpoadeati ktalesr ta tt&l in the edllorial colaxca.: ' , - : ; . si Kow Advortisomenta Year's Readihe THE NET YORlj: ; WEEKLY WORLD ! HEW PRESSES, WEV TYPE. UE7 BUILDIfJQ, NEW APPLIANCES; AND NEW LIFE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. S1.00 A YEAR. POSTAGE PAID. - -( . . . t 50 CTS. FOR SIX MONTHS. A COMPLETE FAMILY PAPER. BrlASOKTS Should Read its Special MASONIC DEPARTMENT. Edited by 'one of the Host'Renowned Free Masons, With Contributions from tho, Pen of DIs tingcished Masons; , 1 The WEEKLY WORLD la the only leading newspaper in the country that, has a special department devoted to Ma sonic interests. Other Excellent features; All tho News, Complete and Intex tercsting, 1 . i, ... :- The Farmor'i World A fall page of Agricultural and Farm News. The Literary World A fqll page of Long Stories and Short Stories, Comic Ballads and Serious Poems Fairy Tales and Sailors Yarns. The Housekeepers Columns- What 4. Every Woman Wants to Juiow. 5. Ihe Veterinary Depatttnont TVith prescriptions free for all Subscru bers, and full instructions for tho treatment of live stock. . G. The best Chess Column in tho world , for Amateur players. 1 7. The best Checker Department In the world for both amateur and . f professional players, i 8. A Corner for tho Young Folki Bid dies, Charades, Pazzlcs, Enig mas, Acrostics, Sec, 9. Complete Market Reports Unri valled in detail and accuracy. 10. Answers to inquiries. 1 Each department is perfect of its kind. and all combined make- tho best Weekly V Newspaper ever published. , The. New York World has nd superior oa either sice ot the Water as! a Live, Brifliant, Perfectly Appointed, Progressive' Newspaper. UNEQUALLED, OFFERS To ChigentW : SPECIMEN COPIES SEfiT 1 FflEEi THE NEW YORK WORLD, World Building, Now York. Pl 8 .. I I Sociable. " - I-: II ! rjlEESIXTEENTfl ANNUAL SOCIABLE of tho Hibernian Benevolent Association For $ . I l.-. - I : . will take place at Germania Hall, oa Moh day evening, April 10. ' Mvuic by Italian Band and Dancing. Rc- i ..- t - - " frehmcntsat city price. .j . . Tickets For Gcntllcman. 50 cents;. Gen tleman" andLadlei, Children, 25 cent. ' For eale at Messrs. John Dy er A Eon, ' J II '. McGarity, L. Flanagan, cr from members - of the Committee. T. Donlon.L. Brown, Jamea Corbott, AT - Carroll, Wm. Shcehan, Committee. , v rj 3-3: moa th t Peep in at Yates rpaE PBET7IE3T LOT OF PASS 18. i -'' " . t Easter Cards, Faacy rhotojr?U, liulx, Frazaf, Ao , la te city. Booli, SUtloa .. ' -' '' '' ' '.. ' '-' ' V ' e.-y, Ac, at lowest pilcei. r , -. ' ' ' ' ! .; ' ' O. W, YATES, aa 17 Booknllsr a Bur.:r - y t JAMES ANDERSON. 1 gophen. 15c ymgguw. ie-tdi 8WjimdTrft. to tba fraternity. 'S I!..

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