1HI3 FAPSS zied every aftaracoa, JOSH. T. JASIKHi EDITOR ATTI PEOFKUETOH. . '-ttKSCBIKTIOKB.POBTAOE PALD. S5 CO 8lx nnaths, S3 50 ; Tfcies ,riU b delivered by carrier?, The paper .-v-. tnr cartof the city, ettbe 0I ?:::.. . or 13 cent per wei 'tdrartiaicp ratj low end liberal -8abicribftr8 will plewe report tny ltd ,Ti!0rei t reeeive their papers regularly. Hot? Advertisements. THEGBEAT FOR tirurc'cia. Sciatica, Lumbago, 0 a creche. Soreness of tbo Chest Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Sive nqs and 'Sprains, Burns end Scalds,' Genera! Bodily Pains, J oath, tar end fieadacne, Frosted Fee end Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. y . rv 'a-.o n i''fi artl equals St. Jacoss Oil vV, tare, simple and cheap Extern. . A trial entail but th comparativily c wWiNv f .0 Cents, aal every one euffr , - t if' ctri bavo cheap end positire proof ; tis in i'levcn L&nfuagts. Y ALL DSUGGISTS AND DEALEE3 SOLD IN MEDICINE. A. VOGSIiBR & CO., Ualtitnore, Zld, IT. 8. A. OPERA HOUSE. rionday9 April 10 The Great Comedian CIIAUMS li. DAVIS, ' Iu Lis Celebrated Character Comedy, In Tour Acts, -entitled, Hat mm tacit f DIM AM r r 5 The Only True Representative of THE HEW ENGLAND FARMER ! Supported by a Full ami Powerful Com pany of Dramatic Celebrities. 10 Laughs in ISO Minutes. Greatest Success of the Ape Funniest Play Ever Witccsml. Three Hours of Uproarious Fun Usual Prices. Seats at Dyer's. apl 0 ot MARTIN'S VACCINE VIRUS. Noktu Carolina Mkdicai. Jouknal Agexct rou the Southern States pRESU AND ACTIVE VACCINE from trie renowned establishment of Dr. Henry A. Martin, furnished in large or email quanti ties. This vaeciue Is warranted - to take in a' rirnarv cases. 7 Lancet Toints for $1.00 15 do ' do 2 00 ; Each lancet point will vaccinate one per son. Orders by telfgi-aph or mall wpl receive proip' ?.U Tti!l". THOMAS F. WOOD, itQlCivtf iiiic VTilrxiington. N. C Mattings I attfngs! carpets mm. CLOTHS. Of the above we can thow a great variety. LADIES SARATOGA TRUHKS ! In crcat varirtynd all izes. WHITE GOODS Ic thi department we can t how many new and nice things as well as all of the etaplet. DRESS GOODS 1 CASSIMERES and Cashmeretsforbovt. LACES AND EMBROIDERY! Neckwear in all Eew things. R. SV1. frlclntire. ET TURKISH BATH SOAP 3 tpi 1 Stockholders' Meeting rpHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders of the Carolina Central Bail road Company will be held at the Oflce of the rompany, at Wilmington, N. C, on Thurtday, the 27thinst . atll o'clock, a. m. JAMES ANDERSON, P Mm . Im't and Trtas. f Hk HM till I8M. mimmti HUB v ta U 191 r 1 Li H VOL. VI LOCAL NEWS. l: ; , Lj , --j ; ; New AdvsrtisemzntsJ 1 y 1 Geo Sloax, ?ec'y-r Annual MectiD. HElsfcBEROEa Drumming ;W Tates Peep laa; Yat?s' - Dk Tnos FWooD-5IartinJoVaccJne Vira The storm signal flies to-day. Strawberries have been this market this teason.) Tory scarce in The fire department expect 2,000 fet of new hose in a ftw days. The to-day reccipis 01 coiion ax mis foot up 162 bales Nor. barque Thercse, HaDsen, sailed Irom Hair.burK April 7th fir this port. Steamship Regulator CaptainlDoane, called hence thi3 morning for New York. Schr. . Toh 11 A; Gritfin, Rice, cleared at Philadelphia, April 8th, forlhia port. I3r. barque Frederick, lloop, from Liverpool for this port, was spoken March 23rd, lat. N., imperfectly given, Ion. 32 W.. To Builders and other3 Go to Jaco bi's for Sa3b, Blinds and Do0r3, I Glass, &c You can lowest prices. get all sizes and; at the The Steamship Gvlf Stream, Capt Ingram, from New York, arrived at her wharf iu this city, at al little after noon to-day. Steamboatmen report about a three feet rise in the Capej Fear since yesterday morning, and for the present there ia plenty ot water. r The Little Giaat Company are to have the house repainted and their hall repair ed "regardless of previous color or con dition and future expenses.? Good. Mr. J. W. Taylor has ordered ioo feet of new hose for,hiis own use jn case of fire in his mill yard and will organize a fire company amang his hands who will act promptly ia case of fire in his neighbor hood. 1 1 Oysters linger in the lap of green peas and strawberries. iThey have three weeks more of a month fwith an in it, although there are some who assert that they are better in Mayl than in any other month.' ( 1 Some rascal broke into the work shop ol Capt. R. H. Beery, at the ship yard in the lower part; oft the city, on Tues day last, and stole there from, $40 worth of tools and ropes. There is no clue as yet to the thief, nor have any of the arti cles been recovered. ' That nasband or Mine Is three times the, man he was before he began using "Wells' Health Renew, er." 1. Druggists. Depot Jas. C. Munds. 1 ' Annual Elections. The following officers of the Produce Exchange, to serve during the ensuing year, were elected to day : President James Sprunt. . Vice President--H. C, McQueen. Board of Managers A. Martin, R. E. Calder, R. Moorl, B. F. Hall,! W R. Kenan. 1 Inspectors of Election R. W. Hicks, J. D. Woody, O. Pearsall. ( A Cool Spell. There was a sudden change in the weather last night, and this porniog those who were yesterday sporting straw hats and light coats, awoke to a realizing sense of the fact that blankets and over coats and fires were not uncomfortable. The wind has beeajfrom the North to day, but the little coojness which has arisen between the cath and the sun is not likely to last long. So far, there is no damage done1 to a nythtng. only a little delay in the growth of the green . 1 1 tnings. ! WIlmlnstoB Cotton Mills. At the annual meeting cf the stock holders of the Wilmingion Cotton Mills, held in this city thi3 morning; the follow ing officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year, viz : ( President Donalcl McBae. Vice President iWm. A. Frenoh. Treasurer Walter G. McRio. Bookkeeper Edward S. Tennent. Directors Edward Kidcler.-F. W. ITprrrtrter Jas. H J ChadbOUm. J W. Atkinson, B. G. Worth. No other business of a public charac ter was transacted. . , Beautify your flomes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint,' ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at J acosx'i. t - - . . ' " . ;'".!.- !? WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, APRIL Crockery. Mr. IJjerly, of Virginia,, who visits our cjity periodically, with .a large invoice of crockery, which i3 sold for him at auc tion by Messrs. Oronly & Morris, 13 here to-day. He tells us that he brings on this trip invoices of an unusually large and carefully selected stock, which is ex pected to arrive here in a day or two, due; notice of the sale of which will be given in the columns of the Review. ThroTvn Open. Messrs. Merrltt & Holhngsworth have thrown" open their new hvery and sa:e stables, comer of Fourth nod Mulberry streets, aad will make a formal announce ment of the fact in a day or two. They have large, commodious buildings, with roomy grounds, upon which are arrange ments for the accommodation of horses, mules and cattle. There is a cart house extending the eutire length of the sta bles. a house for the accommodation of cartraen and a large stoc& yard. Opera Houso. 1 We must confess to a feeling of disap. pointment in the play of Alvin Joslin. It1 is a one man play, and without plot, thoueh Mr. Davis impersonated the leadin? character in a fine manner, br course he was the particular star around O 1 . I which the lesser-lights revolved. There 1 was nothing in the other characters which required any skill, and were only such characters as a very weak company could perferm. The character of Alvin Joslin, we think, lacks originality, and could be much pnproved npen by being rewritten. Mr, Pavis gave his promised 180 laughs in 180 minutes, and worked his character for all it was worth. I Chnrch Elections. r ! Elections "for Yestrvmen were held m vesterdav and last evening in St John's, St. Paul's andSt. Mark's Episco pal Churches, resulting as follows, the result ia St. James' haviner beenmub ished by us yesterday: ( sjj 1 6T. john's. Vestrymen J. A. Willard, C.( D Myers, Jno.L. Holmes, W. H.Green Gabriel Holmes, W. J. Gordon, Jno. C James, H. G. Smallbones, J. Er Lippitt, A. H. Green. ' ST. PAULS. Vestrymen DuB. Cutlar, R.,G. Ran kin, F. H. Mitchell, R. B. Wood, Sr. R. E. Heide, W. H. Bernard, W. G. Mc- Rae, H. A. isurr, E. H. King. Senior Waroen DuB. Cutlar; Junior Warden R. G. Rankin. Delegates to Convention DuB. Cut ar, W. H, Bernard, R. E. Heide, F. H. Mitchell. Alternates R. G. Kankin, H. A. Burr, R. B. Wood, Sr., W. G. McRae. , SX. MARKS,' (COLORED.) Vestrymen J. G. . Norwood,, Samuel Reed, C. W. Avant,. J. D. Nixon, S. W. NashiJohn H.Davis, John O. Nixon, Josh Holland, William Hunter. ' Delegates to Convention John O. Nixon, John H.Davis, John G. rsor wood, Henry Sampson. Alternates E. F. Martin, Jos. Sampson, Samuel Reed, John G. Gyer. Miberntan Association SoclaDie. TheSiztoeuth Aonail Sociable of the Hibernian Asiociation took place in Germania Hall last eyenins and w3 in. deed a very enjoyable affair and a com plete success. Much of the success of the entertainment was due toi the excel lent management of the committee, Messrs T. Donlan, L. Brown, James Corbett, M. Carroll and ra. Sheehau, with our old friend, Mr. T. Donlan, as 1- . . 1 chairman. On an arch mice 01 ever greens, which stood in the centre of the refreshment table, was the old Irisb Jegend Caed Mille Failthe," which interpreted into English means ono hundred thou sand welcomes. I he young as well as the old got the maximum of pleasure out of the fleeting hours, "ins grey- head set" was pronounced a complete success; the staid old heads whose locks have been bleached by the frosts of many winters completely routed the young folks and put them to blush. At the conclusion of this set the universal opin ion was that "there's life in the old land yet." Messrs M. Judge and Geo. P. Lamb added much to the pleasuie of the company by giving an old fashioned Irish reeL Those in attendance will long re member the Sixteenth Annual Sociable of the lliberaiaa Association and those who were absent will ever hare cause to regret a lost opportunity of real and rart J pleasure, - R WW V JLu; 11 A I 11 11 a V V 0 Produce Ixchanee. The annual meeting of 'the Produce Exchange was held at the rooms of that body this morning The meeting wai called to order by the The 1 minutes of the last annual meet" ing were read and approved. Tho Secretary acd Treasurer's annual report, properly audited, was read and received "and ordered spread upon the mmutea. , i The President read.his annual report, which exhibited a very satisfactory state of afiairs in commercial circles here. The report was referred to a commit tee of three, consisting of Messrs. C. H. Robinson, John T. RankmJ and vVm. Calder, to make arrangements for having it printed.! On motion of Mr. C. H. Robinson,! the thanks -of w. the Exchange were ten' dered to the retiring officers, j The following resolutions! were, on motion, unanimouslv adooted. and the? Board of Managers requested to secure 4 the joint action of the Chamber of Com merce in carrying out the views of the Exchange: Whereas, We believe that the com mercial interests of the conntry demand the repeal of certain taxes levied upon national and other banks, and known as "war taxes:" therefore. Resolved, That this Chamber of Com merce respectfully petition Congress to repeal the laws levying First The 2 cents stamp duty on bank checks. 1 Second The payment of the tax of 1 ner cent on bank circulation. Third The wavment of the tax of one-half of one per cent, upon all deposits in bankmcr institutions. ; Resolved, 2d, That our Senators and members of the House of Representatives be rea nested to vote for the bill to re charter the national banks, whose char ters are about to expire. Resolved, 3d, '1 hat the secretary be instructed to send a copy of these reso lntiona to onr Senators and members of Congress, with the request that they use their influence and give their votes in favor of the repeal, of these burdensome taxes upon the commerce of the country. On motion tho Board of Managers was instructed to take some action looking to tho abatement of the tax on manufac turera of this city and ask for a suitable Custom House and Po3t Office in1 this city. 1 The Board then adjourned. Mormon Emissaries, A few days since a man came to Mag nolia, in Duplin county, accompanied by two ladies, one of whom he represented as his wife, and the other as his daugh ter. He gave his name as Mr. Gaylord Smith, of England, 1 and introduced himself as desiring to lecture upon the "Crimes of the Government against the Indians." The people, being a little suspicious, refused to allow him to let" ture in either of the churches, but he secured a hall and delivered his lecture on Saturday night last. W e learn, from intelligent gentlemen who were present, that the entire discourse, instead of being devoted to the Indians, their wrongs and grievances, was in lauaauon nu of Brigham, Young and the prosperous and happy condition of the Mormons in Utah. It was tho opinion generally rft ilirifft who heard him that VS 1 ho was an emissary of the Mormon Church, and that his object was to introduce the tenets of that faith and to pave the way for the dissemination of it? doctrines. Mr. Smith (a convenient name) did not profess belief, in Mormon- ism. un tne conirary, wu uaimc uc ex pressed himself as of adiffercnt faith; but he spoke in the highest terms of Mor mon honesty, hospitality, kindness, in dustry prosperity and wealth, and it was presumed that his object , would be sc- complisbed when the minds of the people had become kindly influenced towards tho Mormon3, when ho would leav and a genuioe, professed Mormon wculd be sent to proclaim the doctrines acd try and gain converts to the Mormon faith. If these eurmises should prove correct we expect Mr. Smith will find that he has tackled a very large hornet's nestf with all the hornets at 'home, before he gets through. 1 1 Unmailablfi. ; Un mailable matter, addressed as fol lows, remains in the PostoEce in, this city: 1 ' Mr. Dumont, No. 30 Temple street, Hartford', Conn. ; Lawrence McNeil, Sonthington,care B T Davis, box 13. Schr. Wiiliatnine. Scott, hence, for Boston, arrived at Vineyard Haven I April 7th. 11, 1882. NO. 86 Announcement. I On or about the 20th inst., theJDAiLT Review will be published in the morning, instead cf the afternoon, as heretofore. This course has been taken at the earnest solicitation of many friends, and in the belief that success is attainable Full telegraphic reports of the news and of the markets, as furnished by tho As sociated Press, will bo published in each issue, the Editorial department will be in careful and experienced hands, and espe cial care will be taken in preparing home """"'""I MJ '"v-" l eraph. The local columns will receive 1 the most careful attention ;and it will be the constant endeavor cf the Publisher . it auu " " V P a" menioi tne paper as per leccas tne means! at their disposal will admit The name of the paper wfll in no way u -1 J I,..- ' : I uctuuugtu, uuut win up pear m au cu i tirely new dress throughout, tho material haviug already been ordered. It ha3 i - hppn thnnffht hppt tn rpdur thfi tiico to I ' U a year, 1 for three months.! or 35 I cents for one month, payment strictly at the end of each month. These very low rates will placo tho paper within the reach of every one. Mr. Walker Meares wilt assume charge of the city subscription lists, and will, within tho next few days, beginning with Monday next, call upon all of our citi zens who sure not now subscribers to tho Daily Review. - , THE "WILMINGTON JOURNAL. : - i I The changes spoken of above, which are to go into effect on or about the 20th iiost., will also affect the Wilmington Journal, which will thereafter be reduced in price from 2Tto$ I per annum, with a cieded improvement in other respectsj These-new terms will be strictly cash If payment is delayed six months 1.50 a year will be charged and1 if not paid before i the end of tho year 2 will be charged. List or Letters. The following ia a list of the letters re maining unclaimed In tho City PostofFice Wednesday, April 12, 1882: A Philis Avery, Alice Alexander Charles Armstrong. ' B W Bakman, Nancy Brown, M C Bowser, Jimmie Burns, Junius Bell, Henry Banks, Llattio Belumba, , Elizi Brown, Dollie Brown, Betsey Ann Barns, Anna Brown, A Brown, Mealura Brad ley, Nannah Blount. C Guilford Clantar, Augustus Cobb, John Craig, J J Cox, W A Gotten; Mrs Reuben Coleman, 2. . ' . 1 D Benjamin Dudley. i E Sidney A Ellis, D P Evan3. FM. C Frederick. G Charles F Griffin, Agnes Gibson. H W T Harris,. William Harddy, Valentine Howe, Thomas Haywood, M E Hyams, Hanson and Davis, J R Hardy, Jackson Henry, George Hall, C W Heath, Clinton Howard, Clarrisey Her rin, Alfred Harriss. J Jack & Holland, mrs A A John son, mrs E Jackson, K W H Kenyon, J H King, miss Sarah King. Li Benjamin Long, A E Ledbetter, Augustus Lynch, H L Ixionard, Aaron Lockomy, Jonas P Levy, mis3 Laura Long Richard Lewis. Thos A J Lovett, T R Lewis, Squire Lewis. N ilois Nickson, J H Nordyke. O Maggie M Owens. P Daniel Price, Emeiice Pope, Laura A Price, R M Pickett, Tho3 Philips, S J Pegram,Samuel Purdy,Silas Pamley Rev. W H Payne, Randolph Peters, Benj H Pilgaw. R Pagan Robinson, Jane Rose, Joseph ReddingV Harry Ready, Chancy Roberts. S T B Smith, Westly Stevenson, John A Sneeden, J B Simpkins, J Stokes, Jno T Stickney, A T Stackhouse DavcSpicer, Ceney Smith, H S Saun ders. 1 T Thcs H Tait, Tiller Turner, C S ,H Thomas, C has C Tieke. r Y Wittkowsky &L Bnrch, Minnie YTestbrook. Rev J W White, Emily Williams, Ellen Wells, Charlotte Wil kins, Clarrisey Wagner, B D Wirick, Jas A Williams, Jennie Wilson, Jaine Ward, mrs J A Walters, James Wilkin son, Minnie E Westbrook. Pompey White, Thos A Wkik,rars WW AVeid, John Weed.. - Perons calling for letters in above lift will pleaee cay "advertised"; if not claim ed in 80 days will b3 scat to dcd letter Office, Washington, D. C. , , E. R, BRINK, P. 1L , Wilmington, New Haiiaver County, N. C. . Tha departure of four river ileamers, the Wave, Governor Worthy Bladen, and John Daxcton, at nearly the same time this afternoon, made the harbor look quite lively for awhile. f The first three vera bound for FayetteTiile acd tho last for Pcbt OtitrelU PLSJLSEITOTIOS. V 1 W will teglid to reealv oajatakiJIca from orr frits dj cn tir and all rcljsstl' r gcnerallrttrat fcn " The aane of the irrtisr ssnrt always hi fa ilited to tfc Editor. ..,,.Li . Oottngnteitfoaa cut btjwrJtta: ca sly cssrids of the ptpar. PartoaaUiks xasst t avcLUd ;? Aad It If wpMUHyaad Fn!eulxly anker the riiwi of eomfpeadeiii Stales to til - ia ta editorial eoiutta.1 ; 1 1- i Kot7 Advortisomontii Annual EVleetirier, rpHE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock holders of ths "VYlIminirton Chrarwt an A iVarho,u 'Company, will be "nel4tat th ff ffA APrU GEO, SLOAN, 11, 14,19 Sec.&Treas.. ap 11- 3t Offico Clerk & Trcarareri City of Wilminrtonm, C. Notice- rrK T TP.TTT?Q TtTTT ittwa I . I '' u ' i attht cui" l. THURSDAY, June Ist,lS82, at daya thereafter, for ho purpoie of Wceir- . - .-. ' phi cjty, upon all eubjecti ofi taxation . . J " ...... I i " wnicn arc to be iistea for city purposes. HENRY SAVAOE, Clerk & Treasurer aplO-St UllOtlier XJlUg SlOIOa HAVING SOLD OUT MY DRUG . Store to F. C Miller, a competent PrugjUt, 1 ask for him a continuation of tho trade to liberally bestowed upon me. 4 1 1 J. W. CONOLET. Having pu'ehased the DruW Stock, Fur- riiture aiid good will cf tho Drug tBusloeas heretofore conducted by Mr J. y. Conoley, corner l ourth and Hanover atreets, Brook" Jyn, I will here fter conduct jthe tu&ioess ln all of its branches under the fname of MILLER & CQ I I ask of the public a continuation of the t-adeeo liberally conferred upon the lata Proprietor . .My urua: tjtore, corner rourtn and Nun atreqts, will be opened as usual, both establishments beloff In the hands of competent .Apothecailea.l i ap 10-2t , F. C, MILLER. I QQn f Yates' rjIHE PRETTIEST LOT OF PAH ELS, Eas tor 'Cards, Fancy Photographf, Tajik, France a, do., la the city. Bookf, Station cry, Ac, at lowest pilcej. ' . O. W. YATES,, 1 ' . 1 " mh 17 ' - Bookseller aad 8thtlner 1 ! I I '.' Proft Lee and Family, ON MARKET 8TRYET, OPPOSITE the Masonic Hall, to-night, in their pleas Inr, amutiig, InstructiDg and mysterlQua performances. All should see Madam Lee; che Mill raUo demons, fplrlts, fpritea and " mirth-Drovoklu?gho6t3. It is really woo derful. General admisfion 10 centt. Matioce lor benefit of ladies arid childrta from 1 to 4 o'clock, Niht lrom7o 10 o'clock.) apllO-lwk Orumminf y A 8 A HUE ART. P18H5Eks 1&2Z Uctmlsjr. Der drnmxer Is the x&oit Jtno cjLt ai cn the rca J, Bebsesa.' Piiea Half a Dollar, at HEIKSBEBQIK'S. RU8TI0 FBAMEP, aU Bxsf; EUk Vlvtt Framse, Ploxh Caid Ce, Firit-Claes Fla&o aad Organ, at ' , j,- ; i HEinSBEBGSB'0,: pi 10 Live Book acd Ha?Io 8brt Don't Pay Rent FIGURE YOUR RENT three or five years and ece how much money you sra throwing away. Building Lot for aale on the instalment plan, situated on the follow ing atrcetsla this city, vizi Castle, Church, Nun, Ann, Orange, Mulberry, . Bed Cross, Rankin, wynn, t!ixth, Seventh, WHson,' Eighth, Ninth, Dickinson, Tenth, Wood, F-leventh, Bay, Charlotte, Twelfth Thir teenth and Fourteenth. Money loaned to' those wiihlng to build. Apply to- ' aplStf JAME3 WILSQy. i t Millinery, lc. MI. STOCK OF WELL SELECTED, beautiful Mlillcery and Fancy Goods, i4iiow45pen and ready for my cuitomeri, to whom I am very grateful for thelrgener ous patronagd through tJie. laat f eaaoa and I feel quite e are I can pleai them even bet ter tht teasoo. ' -' :-f.. Beapectfully, . ... MLS3 E. K A RRER, -apl 6 v Exchange Corner i .i . DR. VAriliEH'S r1 A b d o ni i n a ( Cprriet. J HAVE ADDED TO MY LINE; cf COB bET8 the excellent article named above, A tample let Jaet received. I Also, all lUes la Toung Ladles CoraJIne at t Ij Crossbone, at 75 cents, and Coraline Flcxltie Hipa $1.25. I iavo exclusive control of these goods; their superiority c awes raaay 'tolt tlons. None are genuine but (those, fold by xae. v JNO, J. nilHICS. ' i

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