3 (i collaneous Wt- s ft to day agree by oJsorderert . .' Aiaa si are cufcd tti n c. - therefore tho idnevs l i irer e?t la parftct erdsr, per ect fBVh till b ti;e result. This truth ha c ' fu "sa3'Tvi crtat egoy without hem Klr-lef. 7he ovry of War vie i uuj , . , "J 1 . -1 i i & eimple tr -picai la&i rare vai : k - A in izorae bow of tbeae jrrea T a body-fur T rpU Liver-Head sli- taansic -LTztrea rael e A "ue-tari1 'ever, atd R.U difficai L'clthsKidnejs, W d Uriaary O- w4;efrom I LITD poa. I V,T? for 'hose ho lore nie. 1 - And wait my spirit too; tor ail bnman ties that bind me or the task by God assumed me. or the bright hopes lett behind me; And the good thai I can do. I live to learn their story J W bo've suffered for, myi sabs: To emulate their glory, i Ana loliow In tbelr wake Bards. patrlotD, martyrs, saaea , The noole ol ail agee, i Wbose deeds crowd history's pages, j And time's groat volume make. ' -' j I live to hold communion With all that la divine: To feel tbere is n union 'Twlxt Nature's heart and mine: To pront by sfflictioh liesp truths from fields of notion. Grow wiser from coi-.victlon And fuiail each grand design. I live to ball that season,1 j By gifted miuds foretold. When man shall live for v.-a&on Atiu not aioDe lorgo'u; When man to man united! j The whole world shail ba lighted As Eden was ofold. I I lire for those who lovo me: For those who know me true; ! For the Heaven that smiles! above me. And awaits toy spirit too; For the cause that lacks resistance; For the wrong that needs rcUtauce, A tid the zood that 1 can du. , Bu chers Supporting IIo el Hen, s3 much as tho circus tbe ringmaster." - ksight ouUbiiici It ia probable that tbe young lady celebrated ia those charming - lines ; of : Robert Burns, had tan. moth-epots and ; rrecwes, with other beauty blemishes. For such conditions, Dr. Benson's Skin Cure should be on every lady's toilet table. ' ! Qaartcrly Hcetinzs , For the Wilmington District Methodist E. Chnrch, South. SEOOKD EOT7KD. A TRUE! T05!C WHOLESALE PBI0E3. -sa.Xh t ouoTrisjr qouisoas rtprtssat vfioiesale pries generally, la xsaxxaj p srnali ordars hlherpriess aaro to be a siff i Standard.. 1 C BACON North OaroUaa. WhitevUle . Waccamaw Mission . Elizabeth ; . . Bladen . . Doplin , . . . Onslow . . Clinton . . Coharie Mission . Cokesbury District Con ference at Salem, April 15-16 April 19 April 22-23 April 29-30 May 6-7 May 13-14 May 20-21 May 23 i IRON BITTERS a certain and efficient tonic of the I A PERFECT STRENGTHENS??. A SURE REVIVER. are highly rc-ctrrirnded for ail diseases requiring nic; especially ladfcestiea. Dvspeveie, Intermittent Fevers, Wcjai qfAppetil?,Los3 of Siren gih, ImcI cf llncrrrj,ctc. Enriches the blood, strengthens tho muselesnd gi ve3 hct7 life; to the nerves. Tliey act like a charm on the digestive organs, razeeing ell dysxrstic symptoms, such as Testing the Food, Bdctring,Heal in the SlirmJJccrib-ureie. TliOonly Iron Preparation inat will not blacken tue teotli or give neauacne. cua by u all drdggists. Write fbr the ABC Bxk i?2 pr- of useful and axnusincr read- l4 See th it il! Trrrz Stter3 n m&s by Sxtc- Cuemicj t Co. end b-iro creosod red liaoa on WTajpcr. BET AOX! CI- 13IITATiOS. Biouldsra.p no Testsm saoksd Eajns. Bides, V riOTUdsrs. Drr Saitod I tSHWWNO SW C3 10 14 O O O I O O it, v 8hsoldsrs. p BSK7 Live weight. 1 May 25-28 a. O. Burton, Presiding Eider. a ..fw Tfjitre acd k'eo tae it t. POPlTlVK liBMEDT IT&1 causa "Excruciating Agonies" 158 Constance Street, ) New Orleans, La., March 16, 1881. f II. H. Waeker & Co. : Sirs Your Safe Kidney aod Liver Cure has relieved rrJui Vhn m. rnnrjn.Sht excruciating agonies of kidney and blad. veatcrday, who gate me a curious insight . Himnnlft0flonf, rfti J speaking : ' ' .. : g : g i - i . . . BABHSLS BpLrits Turpcatiat Sacocd uard,aehMM.M. J JTev York.saeB, ctw.m.M X SO BK10K8 WiEiicrton.TJ 21 7 CO who i o u li 14 14 11H M CO 1 TJ 0 CO 1 II 8 00 o a Xi o Olid 2 19 tie .n rrealUat and aafe r sal i lavtiaaoie i jr jueno for fs trol enrM tv;. UmndT-whici has a sj ' doi ron mala tf.itinir of the WonO. ai a Bl.- d Porlfisr it i uneqaUe'l, far the ftram nai hs.b ui'-vu. LidJgjoldbT Dragir "I" and all d-RiCra at 11 25 oer bottle. For Diabetfi, enquire for WiaHKR A?H DIAtfETES 00 tiK. it u t P0filTlVE Remedy r U H WAKBTER & CO.. jw iT-daw-armto Eochestr Nil ia ibe li&ttQfc:.'? HlZfiO on the market "HULBERT BROS, WHOLESALE PRICE LIST. No. Price. riaoj oct., square, rosewood, canel, agraffe 5159 00 1 Piano, uprisht, 7 J oct., cabinet grand 174 00 13 0r,'aD, 4 6Cts reeas, v stops ana grand organ. ... .......... 103 Oran, 6 sets reeds, 13 stops, coupler, sub-bass. .... Oar Pianos and Organs are warranted first-class. 1 Tiolin outfit, box, bow, etrings, complete - .. 3 Violin cremona model, extra fine... 4 ccordeon, 0 keys, bass box,- fine tone 6 Accordeon. 10 keys, 1 atop, 2 seta reeds perfect Mouth OrganaVlenna concert, 24 holes 8 Mouth urgans.Genniue Ricnt- Oce of them said: 'Do vou know that tbe butchers have made the fortunes cf all the hotel men in New York city?' I did not know it. "Why," said he, ''the butchers who sell meat on credit to these hotel keepers ire aDier men taan iney are. iuese tncyhotel-keepers are a very superfi cial class. nd by mixine with men of position and wealth at their counters they often get rank themselves as very able and polished persons.! i mere is! hardly oneot them that! would be on his feet but for the plain, matter of fact butcher, who started his credit. There is not a hotel keeper who ever establish ed a hotel in New York who did not! have to co in debt for beef, which is the S. Guthrie. WIUMINBTQN &. WL COMPAQ Clshop LyinaD's Appointments. Apiil 14 Friday, Windsor, Bertie co. Grace Church, BoxabeL largest expenditure, next to rent, that is I Raleigh. April 16 Sunday, Bertie county. April 17 Monday, April-18 Tuesday, Jackson. North ampton county. April 20 Thursday, Faison. j April 21 Friday, Clinton. April 23 Sunday, Wilmington. ! April 2b Tuesday, Smithville. April 25 Tuesday evening, S t. Mark's Wilmington. April 26 Wednesday evening, Golds- boro. April 30 Sunday, St. Augustine's, r 59 00 73 00 3 00 9 00 1 00 to be made. When Hank came to New York Iroin Chicago, and took) the St. Nicholas Hotel he could not pay tor his meat. When Dam took the Astor House he had nothing. Walton came to the St. James a broken man. - Breslin had not a cent when ho took the Gilsev. Hotch kiss was worth less than nothing when; he started tho St. James The butchers maintained these men till they could make a business; and although the hotel- keeners have made nrtmey for several i years past, their butchers may have made 1 Oonnty. April 30 Sunday evening, Good Shep herd, Raleigh. , May 5 Sunday, Christ Church, Ra leigh, i I i May 5 Sunday evening, St. Mary's, Raleigh. May 10-15 Tarboro. Convention. May 16 Tuesday, Scotland Neck, May 17 Wednesday, Hamilton. May 18 Thursday, Williamston. May 19 Friday, Jamesville. May 20 Saturday, Trinity, Beaufort er 10 holes-OS 11 Mouth Organ?, Wennine con cert double 24 holes, G S. . 14 Clarionet, genuine Martin, 6 keyn, boxwood 24 1 09 5 00 n Tfifo. in fthonv. German silver ... . , ferulfes 50 16 Music Box, 1 tune, crank, fine 1 10 19 " 8 tune?, wind with lever, large.... 25 00 20 Violoncello, patent, machine head, good........ 1000 22 Double Bass, patent head, 3 or 4 8trings ,r, 23 00 24 Guitar, maple, machine head, fine floisb 4 00 27 Banjo, 10 Inch, 4 brass brackets 2 00 28 Cornet, braes cornopeon style, cae and crooks 9 00 50 Drum, brasi, Prussian, orna mented ......... 9 00 Gold Violin, Guitar and Banjo Strings H Bros 15 Silver Violin, Guitar and Banjo Strings, H Bros... .t 10 Sieel Violin, Guitar and BaDjo Strings, H Bros 5 Gut, Russian, German or Italian, best quality.... 15 Instruction Books, Howe's or Win ners, any Instrument. , SO Uaring just made a good trade lor 100 Singer Sew lug Machines, will sell them for 125 each while they last. Money is quite safe ln common letter il p'alnly addressed. Terms strict'y cash wtth order. Will take stamps. Agents and dealers send for our -40-page "atalogne. n toove net wholesale prices agents can nuke 100 per cant, profit. , Call on us when you come to St. Louis. References: any bank or wholesalo house m the city. Hulbert Bros., is the only General " holesale Music house ia St. Louis. ovs. ' HULBERT BROS., O.wc Street, Saint Louis, Mo 1R May 21 Sunday, Washington. May 22 Monday, South Creek. May 23 Tuesday, Durham's Creek. May 24 Wednesday, Bath. May 25 Thursday, Zion's Church Beaufort county. May 26 Friday evening, Pantego. May 28 Sunday, St. James, Beaufort County. i May 31 Wednesday, Makelysville more." - ; I i . "How much is the beef bill at Ian average hotel in New York?' '"Well, a hotel like thelSt. James may have a beef bill ot $1,000 a month. The Brunswick will run, perhaps, up to $3, 000. There is hardly one of, these hotel men who knows how to make1 any com putation on his beef, end he haB to accept the orices dus at him by niS butcher. You see, the butcher knows what the I Hyde county. beef costs on the hoof.and he can compute j June 1 Thursday, Swan Quarter, from that the value of the cuttings, ribs, 1 Hyde county. I etc. That would break the head of al- June 2 Friday, Fairfield, Hyde most any hotel man to compute it. There county. ; V are butchers in Washington Market June 4 Sunday,1 St. George's, Hyde worth a million. They studied the hote County. business with as full reference to tha I June 11 Sunday, Rockfish, Consecra- hotel man himself, to the situation he J tion. occupies, and the trade that will come to I June II Suuday evening, j Fayette (J?iO 0 OaaL oVPaaiEtMroas ! I WUmlnsto, If. a, April 2, 1333. ? CHANGS O SCHEDULE, ' ON AND AFTER APRIL 2 1832.. at 6 10 A M, Pacaeager Train on the V ainsrtoa Weidca Baiiroad will raa u follows . DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TBAIJT dsll' Ko3. 47 Nertn and 43 South, Leave Wilmington, FroatSt. Depot st....o.. ... .. S 40 A a Arrireat Weldanat..-.. 13 W g Leave Weldon.......,.....-..t 3 37 H Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot &t ...... v oo r ai Fast Thronirh Mail and Passenger Train Dailr Nos. 43 Aorth and 40 Soatfc. Leave Wilaiington, Front 81 Depot &tM. Arrive at WeldonM 1.05 A a Leave Weldon 6.10 P M Arrive at WUmington, Brontsi. Dsrot.... Train No. 43 Norsh will stop only atBootty Pont Burlaw, Magnolia, Warear, Mount Olive. Dudiev, Goldsboro, Wilson, hocxj iioaat, Boflald snd B si) fax. - Train No 40 South will atop ody at Bocky ifonnt, Wilson, Goidiboro and Magnolia. Train No. 47 makes eloej coaaec?ioa at Weldon for all points North dailr. All rail via Richmond, aad daily except Banday v:a Bay Line. , Train No 43 rnas daily aad makes wore connection for all points North via Rick- mond and Waahingtoa. All trains na olid between WilminKt n and Wazhington, and have Pullman Pala e Sleepers Attached, , , vonir r. oiriPZS, aaaor&l iV A, POPS, Gen'l Pass. Agaat doe 1 1 ' , NEW YORK & WILMINGTON STEAMSHIP GO. GAEOLLVA CENTlt AL - RAILBOAD COMPANY. Omoa Sviteaix. 8?aiKTtaat97( Wllalairtoa. H. 0M Mkrch S5,v1652,; f CnANOK 07 SCHE3)UX.K fXS AND AFTEB Ma-ch TC. 1882, te fal- J loving Schedule wiu be operated on tvia Baiiroad : passenger, mail and express TRAIN, DAILY. Leave Wilmington. (.Arrive at Ohariotta at M.. 7. 40 Leave Charlotte at...MM. 7.65 Arrive at Wilmington at. 0.63 So 1 I No a P M A W P U A B 7o 5 i Ne 6 1 Trains Nca I and 3 stop at regular stations only, and points designated ia the Qcxnpa cyrs Time Table, f " Train No. 1 Daily excapt Bui dav Do. No. 2 da do Saturday PASSENGER AND VBEIGOT Dallx except Bandy f Lsava Wllminrtoa at.. 6:10 A (,Arri7e at Charlotte at 7:5 P M f Leave Charlotte &'(...M..M 6:25 A U 1 Arrlveat Wilminffton a. 7.60 P ii 8AELBY DIVISION. Pi 83ENOEB.UAIL EXPRESS AND F EIGHT. Dally exce.t Butdtys.- Leava Charlotte et...... ........ ..........R:40 A Arrive at Hhelbv at........ 12 40 P M Leave Shelby atM.M.M.-.mM..M 1:4) V U Arrive atOh&rlotte stM..m.....N..H 6:49 P IS Trains Nos l and 2 make close eonaeotlec at Hmlet wl h It A A Trains to and front (Uieigh, and at Charlotte wi h Bhelby Li Tision Tram. Throun tilesclng Cars bevn Wilmlntr ton acd O'ar otto and itirr aad Charlott. Train No. 1 ntekes eonntctk-a at Charlotte with A , T. & O, R., for tmtesvllle, nirriftfitincr thre vrit W, X. O. U, tv. rui all points on salt road Xraira Ncs 1 and 6 make concectlon at Cha lotte wt'h A A C R R for trpirtan- baror. Greenville. Athens. Atltnta and all points beyoae. Northern 00 EUTTES NorthUaroliaaa l O Northara, V C. ..,. SS O CANDLE3 ypenap 2 25 j Oj TallOW, yl - - -, .in,; iii 10 ; Q Adimantiaf.'gfct s- 11 O CHEESk ! Northern Fattory. Sa. 14 O Dairy cream, yt ! 14 0 State, V .. 19 O COrrEE-java,V P.. 24 O bio, r Dm. O l Laynyra, 7? g 14 O CORN MEAL V tmahel..1 CO O 1 COTTON TIES f New TJbdl 160 Ol 1 Fleeed 1 15 0 DULK5TIf- Bheetiag, 4-4 V yard.MMM Yarn, V baach m.m,m 1 CO FLOUR Fine, V bbl.. 0 00 Super, Northern, V bbl. ft 25 Extra do " V bbU. 6 00 Family pbbU. T 60 City MlllEzBapar V bbl T 00 Family l bhl. T 40 E. TmllvdbhL ICQ nU Nacrcrsl, No. 1, V bbl.ll 00 OSS CO So. l.VK bbU..-. 8 T5. O10 60 Mackerel, No. 2, V bbU..12 60 O 00 CO No. 2, V K bbl M 6 00 O 6 60 Maekerel, No, 3 bbl .00 CO O 26 Mnllata. 9 bbl.. 8 60 O 3 75 N. a Herring, Pke2. 6 10 Q CO DryOod, V ,m.,m 1 1ERTILIIESB- i ' ' PtravianGaano,pS000Ds.C0 CO OT0 CO Carolina Fertiliser " 00 00 O40 03 XavaMaOaano, " " 00 00 O40 CO Complete Manure 00 00 OCT CO Whann's PhosohaU " CO CO QiO CO Wando Phosphate. " 00 00 00 CO. Wilcox, (iihb A Uo, toa- ninnlated uUXLOmmmmv J O a a o o o o o 11 IS 15 11 SO w IS' 10 TO 1 60 I 10 00 6 10 6 60 8 CO T 25 T T6 GLUE 3? Zb GRAIN Oorotore,9 66Ibf Cera, cargo, p 56 xh OaU, V bushel. Oil 11 O 93 O 1 6 O ; 00 a 65 O 95 O 4 O 10 o 00 o 10 10 eo 00 io8J co UXO 12H 12XO 13 1 tO O ! CO 14 CO 90 CO TO CO ii 80 16 that point, etc. Frequently a hotel is in debt $10,000 for beef already eaten; There is not a butcher who has given credit to hotels that has not immensely prospered, and the hotel system, in fact, is based on beef." ; I "Have all the hotels been making money of late ?" j I 'Every one of them in New York. -There is not one of the large hotels that has not cleared $60,000 a year for two years past." I ! 1 I asked how the hotels ranked in money-making power. j j I "Well, the Fifth Avenue Hotel clears more money than any pNew Yorki Next to that comes the Astor House. Third come3 the Windsor; fourth, probably the Brunswick ; fifth, I should think, the Hoffman House." j I Among the market men I heard refer red to by these hotel folks was one vho deals in poultry and is a rich man-pat the same; time a capital Treacher, preach ing for nothing in the Baptist Church on Laight street. He handles thousands of pounds of chickens, ducks and turkeys in the roost worldly style, and then takea the pulpit and lays down tho moral law as eloquently as Peter's rooster. Gath in Cincinnati Enquirer. ville. June 18 Sunday, Pittsboro. Holy communion at all morning vices. Collections for Diocesan Missions. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE8 ser- - I ! TELEPHONES-TELEPHONES. TELEPHONES. HE SOUTHERN BELL TELETHON ad Telegraph Co., is the Solh Licrxsaa of the AKERICAN BELL TELEPHONE .COn toiapDlying Telephones ia theSUtes ef Va.t W. Va., (South of the B. & R.), N. C, 8.C, Gan ila-,and Ala. PRIVATE IjIIVES ctrueted, Equipped with: , Telephones and Ranted- particulars'address OUTRERN BELL TELEPHONE dr.TELEGRAPH COMPANY, Bt 1W Broadway, l?b 33 New York. It is worth remembering i that nobody enjoys the nicest surroundings if in bad health. There arc miserable people about to-day with ono foot in the grave, when a bottle of Parker's Ginger Tonic would do them more good than all the doctors and medicines they have ever tried. Sec adv. Particular Notice. All the drawings will hereafter be under the exclusive supervision and control of GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD and JTJBAL A. EARLY. 1 A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. Fifth Grand Distribution, Class E, at New Orleans, Tuesday, May 0, 1882 144th Monthly Drawing. Louisiana Stats Lottery CoaDaty. Incorporated In 1883 for 25 years by the Legislature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of $1.000,000 to which a reserve fund of over 5550,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A.D., 1879. t Its G&akd Sikols Numbsk Dhawikos will take place monthly. It never tcalet or poetpon Look at the following Distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars Each. Halt-Tickets, Owe Dollab. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prixe of 1 Capital Prize of 1 Capital Prize of 2 Prizes of $2,500 5 Prizes ot 1,000 600 100 50 20 10 20 Prizes of 100 Prizes of 200 Prizes of 500 Prizes of 1000 Prizes of to $30,000 10,000 5,000 5.000 6,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 IMolice. A fUCATION WILL BE" MADE AT t7rt ntIt session of the General Aasem 0r Carolina for a Charter for the a bL. Caewail A Wttmlaftj It "Gath." Brewster In his Den. "Why, it is as good j as a play," he said" to go up into the Attorney Gener al's office and see Brewster, j He has takea out the desk that used to; be there, and put a table in the middle of the room, on which are a large number of wax candles blue, red,:white and all the colora and the" floor is 1 covered with Persian rurs; and there! Brewster re ceives you with the magnificence; of a Grand Vizier, his shirt-bosom inn 01 ruffles, rofSes at his sleeves, his sack and vest of velvet, and his tro sers of whita cloth or flannel, andTow-quartered shoes. His fingers are fall of rings I think there is a ring on almost every) finger. The old fellow is either trying to .estab lish the fact that he is the last remnant of the aristocracy, or he is in his second childhood. He writes a good many let tsrs telling what tbe government is go ing to do, and nobody seems to have tL! A. 1 " 1 A I. AM! njiuiusgTiiu8fc nim; uufc ik m ""-11 Th partUmlar attention of the PnWie is caricature ot the vouncr widower ad-1 called to thtaet lhat th entire number of the ministration. Arthur has been good SHiii iTS 1 fti j.:-.- v-k;- I eonearuentiy all th prize tn eacAOravHnffm utrai vnuicu ior uim irenuc umuij wwiw i mm anaaratctt ema oata Laadaddrtsr, batBrtwsUr oatrbisfi hialciapl 13-wtd-sawwdaw STEAMERS WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK 1 - Ererv WEDNE8DAY and SATURDAY at 3 .o'clock, P. M. REGULATOR,... We Jceaday, March 22 GULF 8TREAMf....8aturday, March 25 BENEFACTORiM. ......Saturday, April 1 REGULATOR WedneBsSay, April s i I GULF BTRSAM,.....8aturday, Arril 8 BENEFACTOR ....aturday, AprU 15 REaULATOR......Wdaesday, April 19 nrtTV M :.atnrdT. April 22 firoarh Bills LUlaz and Loweet TSrftnffh Ra.tJHi irniranteed to ana frcot Points In North and 8onth Carolina. For Freight Eagajsiaaats apply to TOOS, C EOrfD, Bnp't, WCmimrton, N. C, TBSO. a. E02R. Freltrht Arent. ' i -I SS Broadway, New Yorx. WM. P. CLYDE A CO., i ( Gen'l Agents men Q-tf ' ' SIGN PAINTING, BRONZING, &c APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $3002,700 9 Approximation Prizes ol 2001,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 1C0 900 1357 Prizes, amounting to - - $110,400 Res pons! bio corresponding agents wanted at alL points, to whom liberal compensation 1 will be paid For further information, write clearly, giving full address. Send orders by express or Registered Letter, or Money Order by mall, addressed oxx.x to ai. a. DACpnm, N aw 'Orleans, La or M. A. DAUPHIN, 127 LA Salle Street, Chicago, Ills.. or M. A. DAUPHIN. 607 ScTenth St. ashf nston D. a ! The New York Office is removed to Chicago. N. B. Orders addressed to New Orleans will receive prompt attentien. mHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD re. X . . . : . ! epectfuJy say that until farther notice he may be found at his (residence, corner Third and Market streets, prepared to exe cute all orders in the above named branch, es. Room 5eL Tin War. Ac, oeatly repainted and varnished. Jan34-tr ' O.E. BURK. ! John Werner, PRACTICAL GERMAH BARBER AND PERFUMER 29 Market as., WOmington, N. C. My mmy friends in SmlUiville and in the eonntrr are Invited to coma ana see me. Also; Sea Captalas and CommerciAl Travel lers. The best workmen and tkt fiasitae: oaaodaUcss la tii tSXj, u 19-17 mch 25 Gaseral Sanerlntanieist Wil., Col. & August Railroad Go. Otttc op Geskral 8cp't, Wilminkton, W.O., April 2, 1882. f m 4 IBM I ..W CHANGE OP SOHEDULS ON AND AFTER APRIL 2, 1882, fa. 7.20 A M, the following Passenger Hchtdule will be ran on this road 5IQ1IT E5PRE83 TRAIN B (Daily). Nob. 48 Wost and 47Eat. Leave Wilalngtoa... 10 15 PA Leave Florene3.MMM.M. 2 21 A Xi Arrive at CO and A JuaenonM.M 6.65 A M Arrive at Columbia. 6 10 A H Leave Columbia. M..MM;..MM.MM.lu oof K Leave O G and A A Jasetion.MM.M10 29 P M arrive Floreneg................ 1 3b a d Arrive at Wilmington. 6 20 A 11 NI62T llAII. AJT3 PASSIHSSa TsAIB, DAILY, ;No. 40 Wzst, xd Dat Mail isd Pas. " ssaesa Tbais, No. 43 East. Ivjt VVllmisirton ai 11 10 P 1! Arrive at FlorecceM...M..m.M.M 2 47 A il Laave Florence............. 1 25 P II Arrive at Wilmington, ft 65 P M Ncs. 43 aid 47 stops enly at Brliklej'f, hiteviile, Flsmingtod, Fair BlufT, Marios, Florence, Ttmoionsvilie, tujator, Camden Junction and Eartover. Passenjrera for Columbia, aad all polats os G. A C. B. R C, O. & A. R. R. ytations, Aiken Jasction, and! all points bsyoad, hould tae 48 Night Erpresa. Beparate P oilman Sleepers for Charlertos aad for Aujrxuta on train 48. All trains ran solid between Charlertca aad Wilmington t john F. DlYIEE,eatrsl BrL A POPE, GeaT Pass. AgeaU ' nov 24 I X C (MJ www;, HUtUQltl RID 8 Green, V lb MMMM Dry HAY Eastern, V 100 Xba. North River. V 100 Ibs.. ROOP. IRON iS toa.MM. LARD Northern V o.m. North Carolina V m... LIME "S bbl.... LUMBER dtv steam sa'wd 8hipstuff,resaved,Mft.l8 00 Oil CO , Bough ed plaak. V Mft.W 00 019 CO 1 West India cargo, ateord- M i in; to quality, ? M ft... IS 00 Ol CO Dreued flooring,aaond.l5 00 Q2S CO Scantling and boards, eoa- mon, V H ft. 11 92 uolaooeo Ottua.nnaVgl 40 Cuba, bbls., V gal Basar bouse, aads. 73 gal. 2T it f bbli.V gal 20 Orleans Choleebbla. V gaL 00 NAILS Cat, 2Mto4d,k'g,baslf OILS Kerosene, V galM.M. 12 Lard, 9 gal w n 90 Lmseod, V gal.. .m I CO EOSln, V KU.MM.M.N.HMM 25 PEANUTS V basheL. 1 24 POTATOES Sweet, V bus. 00 Irish, Northern, bbL 4 00 PORK Northern, city mess. 23 00 Thin, bbLM....M..kMMm00 00 Prime, V bbl ( extra) ....00 00 Bump, v PDi .... ......0 j uu lauuij'i y kw. ........ RIOS Carolina, P IbM.M.. Rough, pbnsheL BAGS Country, p S City, 7 i&MHNlHHMIIMM HOPS NMHMMHHMIMHMtM ...... M....MMM.M Manilla........ ......... J.. SUGAR Cuba, ? 2. Porto Rico, V u L ! CO o IS mil u o o on O 09 O I ft O o o o o I-tt. O Ti O B CO coo 00 coo CO coo CO 4700 00 T o ti... CO TO 76 00 The Rofoesonian, pUBLISHED EVERY Wednesday, ln Lnmberton, N. C.,by WWMcDiaimid, has the largest circulation and the largest advertising patronage of any country paper n tbe State. It now has over 800 subscri bens in Robeson county alone, besides la general circulation in the counties of Moore Cumberland, Bladen, Columbus, Rich mond and tb adjoining counties, Marion IaarlbOTO and DaiiSogton, !n South Carou Una. r J PyBGEtl HOUSE CNDET. NSW laANAOEliFNT, WiiaiaaToi-, 17. C - ; B. I. PERRY. - - Prop Lsta Piojirictsr AtUatl;EcteL! 1 ftzn ClafS ia all tUS9Piatsaat2 Tera flW to 14 fer cur l" U9 M BZ 09 Z),iMmtMn Oruabed 9 XX SALT Alum, 9 isoLm. Liverpoolft? gaek.MMMM.a American y sack m.. Marshal's fin, 7? aaok. Cadis V saek.M HOAP Northern. Xb. BH1NGLE3 Contraet, 9iSi 0 00 Common, M. 2 00 STAVES W. O. bbL V M.12 60 HO hhd. 7J E..M.00 00 TALLOW V P-...... ft TIMBER Shipping y 21.14 00 i Mill, extra per lC10 00 Mill, prime perM ,...10 00 1 KU1. fair per H M.M.MMMM 8 00 Common, per uu Inferior to Ordlaary,per M 4 CO WHISKEY North'npar gl 1 2 North Caroiaa, per gal 2 00 WOOL Uawaahed,pera. 23 Washed dot ... 25 Bnrrr wool, per tb.M..M. 10 MHO 14HO txo 10O io a o o o o o o a o 00 o OT Cf 9 13,1 CO 9K 00 CO CO 35 CO oia o GOO 03 O i CO Ol6 CO OU 00 Ol2 CO O 9 CO fj T OO O ft CO o CO 02 43 o co a at 12 JOB PRIITMi! AT THE LOWEST PEICE0 1 ASCERTAI I MY 1 PRICES BEF0I1E HAYINQ YOUR PRinTinQ DONE ELSEVIIRREI! ' Satisfaction Guaranteed pSINTlNO; CAREFULLY JIJCECTJTIS cr i ericas raldlxg oat of tat dry aadje ; o tbca by aaafl tin cf pocttga, : E. B. WAESOCS " Corr Cirtant ltd Tf ttSI.C trst latktEiTlrirCiUdirjf i.

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