1) - f I , . ,- t , ,"T - " sBewaeawaaEassssssBssssBS?1 . I PJJSA3E ffOTIOS. ! rmiLxr I will fcrrlad m i-r ? t -m. rosv on frleadj ea atj asd. all.fabjssU 'ffsexUtetsrrii tat - . , tf? ; i - - - .Ill I I II I Mi.H .V JOB" - tfin . - i . .m j - .. . FBOF TnSB.POSTAQE PA1T. i ,-st&. h.deUveredy carrier. rf P,pl ,.6J5J part oC-ifce city at the j ... o' 13 cent? pr ve. - j r -Jew sr.d libera-, ,i,.rlW 15' ' - - J , , jfeW A dTortiseiaentg, V-' FJBUliffe iffl. Heurrfqto, Sciatica, Lumbago, gackache, S-srsnesS' of Aho Cnesi, Gout, Quinsy, Soro Thrda i, S wait inqs and SominSi Burns dad ' Scalds! General Bodily Pains, Tcoti'i, Ear end f 'eadachs; Frostct jQ3t and Ears, and cf other Pains end Aches. Pra" oa ,&n1 Plal St. JACOBS Oil ir"tv taLurr,sn.p? and rJeaj Extcrar. ifr.ifCj triii fntaila tit tfc cojnrmVativtlj M'iur "ctV f f "' Teats, and evcry onc.sffer in ifh j siu .n Iiava clicfcp CO'l lK)Sitiva proof i-itctior.3 la Hcrea Lntcgt?. gOXD PI ALL DEUGGIBT6 IJHiJiEIJiEBA IN IiiU.UUJ.Iiii. ... & CO., MARTIN'S VACCINE VIRUS Noxtb Carolina. Medical Joukkal AGBJfCT FOR THE fiOUTBEIiJJ STATES JjIBESH AND ACTIVE VACCINE from the rrnowuetl establiehmentof Dr. Henry A . Martin. fomUhed in large or ( mall quanti ties. This racclie is warranted to take In ill primnry crws 7 Lancet PotntB for $1 00 15 do do 2 00 Each lancet point -will vaccinate one per oa. Orders by telegraph or a ail wUl receive prompt attention. - -.THOMAS F. WOOD, an.26-tf nac ' Wilmington, Xi. C i Mattings ! Flattings! CARPETS AHD OIL CLOTHS. Of the above wc can show a great variety. SADIES SARATOGA TRUNKS ! Iu creat variety and all tizes. WHJTE GOODS. 1 In this department we can f how many new and nico things as well as all of the etaplea. DR ESS G OC'OS i OA6aniBKS and Cashmerets for boys. UCES AMD EMBROIDERY! - Neckwear in allnewthlcg. R. tVS. rcintire. fc9? lUUivlBH BATH SOAf DR. VARHER'S . Abdominal Corset. T HAVE ADDEDJO MY LINE of COR- oTS the excellent article named above. A tample lot Juit received Also, all tizes in Toung Ladiek Coral Ine at 81; Crosbone, at 7 cent, and Coraline liexitle Ilip at II3V. I have ercluitvc control cf these tocda; their luperiority causes many lurta- ttoca, Nans are genulae but those 'sold Jae. ; JNO. J. HEDRICK mch25-tf - New Restaurant . j f -.nr v" :i vi i i 'S jftvj: Tar cdTftticed 124 cent .I-"t? today. ' ril green is th ?i35 K:v ' -fcouna parties andtfsbia?t parti rSZ UNDEB3IGNED "wjould respectful lj aanouuee that he has jest fitted up a No. 8, Granite Row, South Front St., a & tauraatfor Ladiea and Gentlemen, wher. meal aad reXreahmenU may bha4 at a:l kours of the day. Everything la new and ftrtt elaa. , PoUte waiter andccuxteoua at tendanta. EJGame ana oysters In season. Tin Wtoes, Liquors and Cigars. Q J. W.l r. A. BW3ITmB,.Ptpji. 1 " Cf 4 yOL. "VI LOCAL NBWS. New Advkbtiseicemts. J B-KARRAHnrnch Ofucc C W Yate3 Decker Wood d JlMtsVTiLEOJr-ecure a Llorao OlTEEBOUKG DbYoU n the Cbun- j 1 - try ? ' Q'eVacclwe VIru3 3 in this market e fashionable color for mm- es ore being organized how.) The receipts of cotton at this part to-day foot up 61 .balea. Scar. . Vineyard,' Rosebrbok, hene, arrived at Boston Ap. 13th i E Steamship Regulator) Dome; becce, arrived at New York Ap. 15th. ! Hciss no more spirits than you can corjaredown, say at four swallows. : Have patieBtB with all things, but jhkfiy have patiecce witn yourself. cb o spend less than I If jou kcowhov7 you get, you, have the philosopher's fetone. Ger-bargne Btrnhard b AugusteA Steen, hence, arrived at Liverpool Ap- 15th. evcr despise a man who wears a paper shirt front; hemay have no mother ,. i n I to siipnort uun. Steumship Zenacor,!Tribon, cleared I Wfr Vnrt A n 1 fit hi fnr thia Wort, . ,r. , r-i mv . v. f I e v, h-ww, lltynburg for disport, was spoken Mar J 2Sih,near St. Catharine's Point. Steamboatmen report a slight falliog otTin the Cups Fear, although there is plenty of water forj boating purposes The weather is once more balmy and PleaS?t and there are reasonable hope, tn r m i r n t t r am tc hi nu fin wixr itm i'i 11 i mniiiM. owwi..v, ... ... We understand that. the firm of Love - .-. . ,r.rTrl J. . JJ , u L J i & amitn,ai larneei. nasDeen aissoivea, i Mr. L. B. Love continuing tho business - ; I I ' Tho slang expression Uafify! was probJ ably v coined from the word epitaph,1 which generally expresses the same thing. Vrtn rnn nlwftvk IpII the fftstidionsman l ,7 . .. , , , a. A . J oyms senaing ayc , collars to the laundry, accompaniea oy a i single shirt. . 7Ttl TT.J j iiir. ii. ijarrar pas mureaseu ui i business, aud will, in the future, have musical instruments for1 sale. See adv. elsewhere. " i ftfM. E.S. Warrockhas accepted tho c 1 1. .:Lc. i -r-i,: , m, u. j ladie3 of this city. j Nor., barane A. M. SchwezaaardA Johnsen. cleared at this port to day for Crenstadt, Russia, with 3,741 barrels rosin, shipped by Messrs. Pateracn! DowniDg & Co. . j Rev. Dr. Bernheim, latelv Pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, f has been in the citv for several days past. He nreathed liistnisrht at St. Pauls (o a I , - . " : ,.. , large and iotcrcstcd congregation. AVe bear that Prof. Kitman's concert, at Fayettevillp, pa Tuesday last, was : . . - . .1 very saccesslul. A repetition has been called for. and the concert is to be repeat ed, by request, on next Friday evening At 12 o'clock to-day there were bat five seats in the parqaette not taken oa the diagram; for Dr. Talmage's lecture, Thursday nighL The 1 drees circle1 ha8 been taken almost entirely for the first five rows from tho front. The ordinance of baptism waa Adminis tered to four persons 4hree ladie3 and ono gentleman-iat the Firstj Baptist Church last (Sunday night and .they were admitted to membership in the Church. The pastor, Rev. James B. Taylor, effi- cuted at the ceremony. , V i i i iTwo young men, strangers here, are going about the town to day "taking pho tographic views oj various points of in terest, among; them a number or rest dences, which are to be inserted in an advertising production shortly to btis. W- "'' n .... WILMINGTON, N. C, Oakdale. The lots, arennea and grounds of this lorely "city of the dead," hare nearly all been cleared up and the Bhrnbbery and pftinta thoroughly pruned, presenting a beautiful appearance to the large throngs who pay a visit there on each Sanday afternoon. . . Removed. Prof. Lee,Vitb hia'Haanted Castle," has rernored h'g exhibition to the room on the first floor of the Ticnkin building, where it will remain during thi3 week. It is a very fine exhibition, and come ot the jllcsions are marvellous, exciting the most profound wonder among the visitors Go and see it. Personal v - We are glad to hear that the condition of L.eat. Smith, of ihe Reveaae cutter Cofax is now considered very ranch im proved, and that the -sick gentleman is able to sit up a little each day. Engineer Hall, of the cutter, ia quite gfcfc with bilious fever, but we bopo to Rpfihim nnt in a few davs. k Visit. Messra. H. A. Bagg, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners a g. James, Chairmanof the Be nd Jno. Board of Magistrates, made an official visit thi8 J morning to tho county roor wouse ana 8peaK in me mgnest terms oi vne cieau- linPM and vervirenerai cood order of the . ' - a ,fi nnnht gunvMMWAuwi - - O th right man ia the right place; A Mlce-Catcninz Hen. . . . ' , . u I sirccL owes a uea iuab is cuuu tuiwi- . . m, . . .. i tnrr mio inn nnrrc-r nr. Tnn ra 1 1 rnn n i office threw a live mouse into the strce I f a Hnv from n. trxn nrl thA hfin. on hand. ji ' - -ri ' I turo uiuc, uuu ou vu wci;i fironbied nn tne uttia varmint oeiora il l - - . . jI h d t t fi f et as nice v and flfl ?Ant?fillr ftBft vternn rnonafrr.onld do it. Board of Medical Exam'.ners. The next meeting of this .Board will! bo held at Concord. N. C. on Monday, Uo ftf , ooo it. w:n ha necegsarv f)- 8ppIicanU for lamination to brinK r . c i i satisfactory evidence oi gooa morai character,. and that they jhave arrived at iL OI Wifknnt a 1!an9B meugo oi .i. jctti.. n Wuu to practice from this Board no pbysiciau, who has commenced practice since . 13th 1859 collect his fees by .w I uiver, o. v., evorjr j.uca- iiev nr. Auurcnsi Rev. John N. Andrews, D. D., of . . . . . Goldsboro, preached yesterday morning .g. ohnrch and at fa Fifth street church to very , Brw. " ;.Tr. .r";; jjr. narews was at, one uidb eiauuueu lQ this city, and has many warm mends and admirers here now, who were glad yesterday ot the opportunity for hearing htm once more. He is a powerful and eloauent preacher and an earnest and zealous worker in the vineyard. Tho Scotland Neck R. R uapt. Joan uarry, wno nas ueeu ca- gaged in building the Scotland Neck R. K., is m the city today; ue tens us that the road is now about completed, -w. . -and that trains run all the way from un 3 FTAlifA to Rr.otla.nd Neck, a distance of Hrtnt iq m,W ThPr ftrfl unniQ f0- makers yet iu wo irugcu, uunC.c.( after which the road will be turned over to the Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Co.'t and by them declared open and a eched- . - . A. A l , 1 ale established, api. iarry xmu I will take place about the first of May. . . . . . . i't- it.!i.. it:. Bey. T. Be Witt Talmase. It is ,ery eideat tht oo Northern lecturer or nreacher is more deservedly popular than Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage. - a j At Raleigh, he was greeted Jay a large mdience, and at unanesios, as wo leam ml , i 1 fromtheivewt and Courier of the 15 th inst., there was hardly standing room, bo Immense was tne tnrong. iae acau 7 of Music, in which the lecture was delirered, was crammed to its utmost capacity, and notwithstanding the dis- COmiOri vo waicu uiauj mciu Buujivtmi the entire audience remained patient, attentive and interested listeners to the dose. The Areio and Courier further remarks that Mr. Talmage may always be sure of a welcome and a crowded honse whenever he may Ttslt that city. John CarroU treats his patrons now to A . fl tinted ; "f 'Jrti " S. i .., MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1882. City Conrt. Tho Mayor had quite a large court this morning. William Sullivan, colored, was -fined $5 for disorderly conduct, but in default of the filthy Incro, he was sent below for 10 days. , Emanuel Smith was sent below for 10 days for disorderly conduct in default of 5 fine. 4-aron Jones was drunk, and he .was sent below for five days to partake of ten cent meals. ' James Durant, a colored urchin, was sent.below for 5 days for throwing rocks. Cornelius Moore was sect below for 10 daysHecauso of his disorderly con dact.. v ' The little ones are already making vast preparations-for their May Day fes tivals.! Anger ventilated often hurrieB toward forgiveness: anger concealed often bar dens into revenge. It seems that the j men who arn't wanted here are the men who- arn't wanted in the other world. Three cows were pat in the city pound to day. Officer Griffith, No 13, says it's bully; he wants 'em all pounded before they can get a whack at hira THE 32 AILS. E5 WiC O" Bau 1 The maiLj close and arrive at the City 0et Omce as loliows : CLOSE. Northern through mails 5 15 p. rxu Northern through and way mails 6:40 a. m. aleigb. ...... 5.00 p. m. and 5:40 a. m. Offices between Hamlet and t-i , - k no n m iwiugu.,.....................'w , n . r . vt tsi and routes supplied tbere- IfOIB, IncIadiOg A. & H. U. r-!i-...j c.An , Southern mail for all polnta o.u ah onn n rv ....... , f Western mails (G OR vidailv. (except Sanday) . 5:00 p. m Mail for Oberaw & Darling1 ton i 8;00 p. ra. Mails for points between lo r&nce una ; Charleston 8:00 p xn Favetteville. and officea on Cape Fear Elver, every Fri- day P m ... . t i a. ZXZZZ'. 6.09 p. m - . QDei0w O. H. and intermedt ate offices, every Tuesday I and JJ TlQaV &l O.W . U QTT,iv,wUi rr, hr steam. . ri sun. fays) 8.30 " Mails for Easy Hill, Town a. b I Creek, Shallotte and Littla i aj kqq rriuuj w 1 OPEN . FOB D2LITEBY. Northern through and way maii9 8:30 a.m. 8outnernlMalls.. S.SOa.m Carolina Central Railway 10.80 a. m. M.; and from 2 to 5i 0 p. :m. . aQj jjgter Department open M Btamp office. Mails collected from etrest boxes every day .j. at Keccrelrdilvery when staap offioe b c!osd. ' General deHTcry open from daylight to dark, and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:80 a, m That Uusuana 01 Jltne i8 three times the man he was before neoegan using v eit'a The color and lustre of youth are re- stored to faded or gray hair by the use nf V-nL-oi-'a Q in Ralcarri n. - lfl.rmlpffJ I . . . - - - - w dressing, highly esteemed for Its pertume anj purity. - - , I . , - rora cad indiscretion of youth, nervous j weakness, early decay, loss oj manhood, &c.J I will send a recipe that will cure yen, free or chaboe. Ibis great rem ,""1333 I 3 Jl..niuu) kn a m iacirrQ 11, tn I anVfnna i riTnr .Jnawn T. Ivwijc. 5ia- I WW w A w aW w " 1 y Uion . New York City, deod w6m i e- QACaeAnian H , "V nBUgHSD VJER Y Wednesday, in i r- . ' w. Mmik - ---m . ... has large8t cicn and the largest i - I advenisiegpatronsge ofany country paper T. U. bers In Robeson county alone, besides ta general ckcubtlon rn the counties cf Moore 0 fiixden, Ofehxmbos, BScb- 1 nond tbe oonntle, Marten I NO.91 Henry's Carbolic Salve Is ths BEST SALVE for Cute ' Braises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Chip ped Hand, Chilblains, Cores and aU kinds cf Skin .Eruptions, , Freckfefc and Pimples. G-t HENRYS C A PiBQLlO SALVE, as all others are "counterfeit. Price 25 cents. - " Br, Greeu'a Cxygecatcd Bitters V the best remedy for Dvspepsia, Billion? cess, Malaria, Indigestion and diseases of ths Blood, Kidneys, Liver, Skin, etc - ; DURNO S CATARRH SNUFF cures all afTjcticra cf the mucus membrane, of the head and throat. . Dr. MOT S PILLS aro the best Cs thartic .Regulators. .' LT P y I TT DAVT8 A t 'Grace Church, Camden, 8. C. Awil lth 16S2, KKANK B L1FPI1T, cf thi - city, aad Jiiid MAiII M. ua via, ot CAiKtlea.. , - C A N T W f LI -Tn ' h rleton H. C , April 16-h, 1SS3, PA I KICK K.N RT? CANT- WEi.L, aaed 43 vearn hrothtrr of 'John L. Cautwcll, of i his city. , ' ; Hew iidvertiaooaoti Branch Office: OFJ L STONE' ewinc: Machine n4 -MU'ic Bou. rf Kaieigh, N. i. A-neW lot of tho I'eli. hlfal. Liht Kuaning, New Home, will coon arrive. .Conce nd tee the Orguinette?. Ke4pectrullr. ( Liv for Heaven ) J. B FARRAR, ap!17-3t I 2t Market St ecure a Home. B1 E YOUR OWN LANDLORD. , Uuitdincr Lots for tale rn the instalment plan, situated on the follow ing streets in thia city, Aiz: castle. Church, Nun, Ann, Orange,. Mulberry, Red rosa, Rankin, wynn, Hxth, Seventh, Wflson Eiwhth, Ninth, Dickinson, Teuth. Wood. Heseuth, Bay, ( harlotte, Twelfth, Thir tecnth and t'outteebth. Money loaned to those wiihfog to build. Apply Vt apl 17 tf JAMLis WILSON. , ! Decker Woods. rjIHE DECKER PIANOS AND WOODS ORGANS are standard. r Ak Ty fint tiaes nmicuu about thef&T "DotWm"Pil&a-- rfrU;Ies in my line. C. W. YATES, ap 17 Book Store Pianos and OrganSi o N EASY INSTALMENTS, - At ' HEIN3BERG SR'3 A T LOWEST PRICES Blank Book?, , . . i Letter Books, 4 ' Fami'y Bibles, Eteel Pens, Worcester's and Webster's Unabridged Olctiona-ics. a-1 17 . Live Book aud Music fctore DO YOU LIVE IH THE COUNTRY? THERE IS ALWAYS & CERTA1N amount of embarrass men. in tna experi ence of a straoger vlji-ia f'lothing s.ores in a city. The treatment they loceive iu somo instances at the bands cf the frater- nitv is neither commendable or praise wortlv. There is too much of the n-sb and burr? in the compcsUion of the a7cr age merchant of to-day, and particularly Clothiers some of whom I-nsgioo that their natrons should buvthe first gatrne-U or garments feho vn tbeon; that . wlut the merchant thinks Hast the very thing," ought to be purchased withe ut tgard to individual likes or dlsUires, etc. ro,uca treatment U wro?t cnfaJr. Utterboarg'a ni.es kmc been esublhb' d fancier an,eu' tirely' different bztis. Oar patrons fare never nufilUED FOECED to stock ol Be and complete indea COiTPLETE T TliaT ! extest that no anxieiy is f-lt on our praxt i8 to tba result cf Xiinnatlonxf,our s'oclr. terbour?:. can satisfy the jic-t c MPUCA.TED tastes.ar.d when cur friends express a tietire to fry the msiket,(wbjeb is extreicely Uliotny,' we acccrd tu U.f'm Ihat privilege which justly bt longs tot tern. We find i; an easy inilTer lo'acB our Salts at.tr tie siccus of U.e dty have bsea lok. ed into STOCKS uica cpoug.i ia their vay, but lackins that ft 1c, make fia IXiUH which Las given Otto bourg Men s wear lion.- tliA nctibiA renataUotf is'Tbw.cci jbva. Mivery aaleanian we emjloy Is ttrlc.- ly epjDtned to mase ixuuwui rrprcruto. tion,- to polite. afcomnJCdatltg ard tient; toshow g-ods wiiaj ine iw.s aen. tion to th mere sLcper a to, tteactnsi tnyer.: " . - ' , ' ' . The question, "Do yea Ilro In the conn. trj?' is esked for the rcajou that ttr. bonrs wishes to call ait-mioa to the Lets -cAd- and. after tha;. to leise the etrar ger i the Uiy the es-luub'ri cf t!r qaestiOD, V UCltx. r.ix.M.u 1 UiiT 311 22, 24, 20 and 28 Nortb Front Street ju iuui dc wu-. tous-oatorwasr throitsb tilo.l t., ien make a pn -cbase Utter boua rti quite arc 1 can nielse thtm even :W ?.farta finthin? is so lar'e ! t thi fplen-i.-- ' - U5- aaaM t? ta Editor. OoraausIastlsajEirfl bt wrlttsn cx otlf 9a fldi of tiaspf y; f -- PencaUt!AatstbsET6tisd j Aadltlegpetailaad rtIalarl7cadT ctood that thdlWioM net alwaji adon .. la Tivwsof orrespcBdeata iless" ttat la tfcg e'orq" na. -1 .." . j '. ' ", 1 1 .1 MQHDAY"EVft!RG. APRIt 1T 4 , llJL tugJsh lecturer in all'KnJlish land and explorer of the Urea American Desert; wlil Lecture, Subject:, I I CRIMES OF THE GOVERNMENT ' Uaui i V - AGaTINS" f IIETlNtJAN3. " . . ' . . - . ; -i' Rescrrcd Scats 50. ccaU.ri On c sale j at apr14t6ar- A T 9 I-EltA ilpTJS E , A PRII 20thlt S.SVrP.M., U,esryed4SeaU 73c, jCenertl' Admissioa J'Oc; t Tickets for sale at Dyef'i, . commencitg' Eutiirdiyt Apriniftn tiUtr lz& ?-.3j;; "t .r4tzi f - he Hillrle detnona.iililt:.i,nriiv!.aji rr una mirth urovo iurgh its? . ltii,ieiifv.V6n derlul. i en e i ul ml minion 10 centi-I ; Milrree. or . bent lit oMadi-s id cbl drtn from X. to A o'clock Mht Ir'nh to10 o'clock. tJ -ajllOllwfi' , . , 1 , . ; t . - Stockholdei &' Meeting ."V .;:t 'j ..... j : ; T - ' - ' , fpBE ANNUAL MEETING OP ,TE Stockholders of the Carolina-Central Rill road Company will bo held at the Office of . " Jf J 4 Maso1itc-na1i:J'to:.fahtln thHrplrai in?, amuri-griraifidtr. gan.l mtneiidus ;he Tompany, at Wilmioston, N. C,4)n- " Thursday, the 27th i t tt Uo'clock, a. ex. v JaM 1 3 A N I) E USO H, apC tdtn Sic'? and Treasr 1 V FOR ALL" v ; TO SELL A HOUSEHOLD ARTICLE. T3fS poor Hi wtll a the jlch, tbeolaa web as tho v orir. tfco" wia. i wlt jh hostacd, tio tu3j,r m dn wei a iuo 7tBi man, m sin es wen ai fe ppj, empiovnieji?, a ro snr -. wait or tnera to earn it for thm, Wean ?ivo yon emulojEunt, a 1 tha tlae, or daring . your epare hoard OLjy favel-rir,1 or in yomr -"' own t eizhbrhood, aon your fi ieit.de end , tcqufti' ttcea. If yen dj not care! for emd ptnj Bier-1, w oxrx . imp a: t jralaaoie , iof .-rma-tioi lo'yon frro cf cot. It w 11 "cost joa ; onlr rno cent ior rjtal crd t wUf for -ou Projpectre. nd It my b9 the meaaaof inti-p you a f6oi manydoUare 1 ' l'o tsot o' gleet thw oportaiitj . iXati o not ' a.ve to tnrg t a large earn o joosey and ran a e-'at-HL-k f iittgU YfiaVilr rradl. It e hat it i!l be an efV mat er tvaake fr m fl0to$.0', a week1, and e:tb'iia a lacatlve. 1 de?ednt bnineii. hoaVra- -be auat;h:fi rwatdand proQub'O. Attend totnu ihtuer sow , for, tbsre la MOSS i it for all who n?aae with ni Ve whl norprke yoq.aodyoa x-i reorder, why yoa narer wrote to us befo-oi Wa iiso IVU, paanctTLiBs rate. Add ft as " ' (Wamef is paper.) lliaioa, caTo. S I Dff P AI m I C. , B R 0 ZIH Qi ftc." rjlHB-UNDERSlONED -WOIJLD re- spectfuHy say that OTitiL frirlheIECUce bs f. i" ": r ... ?f ir 'it nu ' may bo fpmd ct Lis reaueucei' earner 3 bird aad Market rtrcits, preparcd,to cxe cute ill orders In the above n art 3d brabcb- es. Room Sets, TIo Wa. pesily repaintcd-aad yajnkhed.r 1a y. Wi slli n erv, - &c.t TlfY 8TOCIT OF -TfELTj 1 SffltCTrD, 1X beautiful 5fHJlorj (Vfeafiy (Jeoda, i ii-.w open, aDd realy for my customers, to whoa I am Very sfratfuf far ihefrffener- and bet- . 2 L-Ets7ectfuI3y,tA ;i ri.a 'tl5 tJorter UST TtECEITED, 'fun nne c? fine fj French Candle, warttatm fpuri and !rgb I. list. low-idei- 4ndlrA. Frtiltn. rpABTUfl B2ARCJI, OE-CQOaBoard btfstiinanffTste. will fled It to twr "ad viatage to cal .th 1 Jt mttercUl Hotel. 4. m. ' 'GTTlrstaiasljaJ- fctueht;?t m ti4h a iii-a -rj'-.s a ,t,v - -I .m -m .rr - m Pro? tU Pr&irif i r AU&atlCBl- t .8 f i I I j i I J 1 i i t i futd in New York. , tsthUin. . . . . tea- JC3 ..... ; - ' ' .1 -J-2S J.Vt? '! - . I i

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