" ' " ' Vw. . PLEASE NOTICE. We will be glad to receive communicatee ccptcd by JOSHT. JAMES, '..TfONS POSTAGE PA1D:U from our friends on any and all subjects f general Interest but j 1 The name-of the writer must always bo far- - nlshed to the Editor, l- . c;.- mnntha. S2.00. Three Coram unications mast be written on 'only one side of the paper; th 'will lo delivered by carriers free "Personalities must be avoided. v auv j.ai t of the city, at the above ' flu1 And It Is especially awl rartiCTUarly xmdar- Inderal. Stood that the Ed!tar riva im mJl.M r.'i"' low i YOL. YI. WILMINGTON, N. C, SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 1882. ill report nay an V all fail- JN J , 10 U 1 1113 Tlews of MTCipondmt3 unless so stated 1 - . .4 1 t . . i 1 ih if l'lw" regularly, : la the editorial 1 column, : : ; I I IKCtX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. i M . !!!' iivKi: "V IWrv 4 - W11 i.AiM--s-iL V. A. In- ( n am. vV v. 1 ,v . JJiit'Vr. K. K:rrfr--MiHiMrv.. ., . Kt.v lK-nti.-t. rJ.. .!i.iin-o Best lk-t-f. ir'r OJ-uHAMOU AleaL jr. Dlhiiam Dentistrv. . . IT L. Peuky Pnrcell llous4-. southern Dell Tckr0 (.0. . i i.'&A.SiibieR AtShrk-r's.. Cmi. Cakley Co. Xoti.v. . I,M. 3Icls.TinE-iIattings. I,k Oct The Ncxv South. TE. White Step Latiacrs. S'Jewett Window Shades. . T.J. NOrTIIEKLAND To Let. M. .IriHiE Merchant Tailor. M. M.K atz Summer Goods. " Uxxc SiiKitK At a Sacrifice. -J Woolyin Undertaker. C. E. .lrA E.- F.ench Candies. . .I as. Wniox Secure a Home. John S. McEciiEKX--K"otice. D. A. vSmihi & Co. Furniture. AVouth & Woktii Groceries, ,T. II. M.VLLA.KP. A New Card. John L. Boatwkight Notice. 11- Poktxeu Tivoli Lager Beer II at l A- PEAK3ALL -Call on Us. J. 3J. 3IcGoavan New Saloon. , ' F. C. Miller Two Drug Stores. " Ottekboirg The Inside Track. : A. A. Willakd Marvin's Safes. Heinsbekgek How to Keep Cool, , Hvkki&on- t AEEENIfets! Hats! Ckonlv & Morkis Auction Sale. J am es Oorbett Special 'Meeting. John Werner German Barber. C. W. Yatfs School Books, &c. , Edward II. King Attorney-at-Law J. D! Stoljes North Carolina House. CnAS. E. Smitu Peruvian Guano. Parker & Taylor Golden Harvest Y. II. Gkeex Drugs and Aledicines. Brown & Roddick Stock Complete First National Bank of "Wilmington D. L. GoRE--Flour, Meat and Corn. James C. Munds St. John's Hall J. A. Springes Brick and Shjngles 0. Quinli van Lockjaw Prevemed. A. David Clothier and Furnisher. D. Nfwman & Sn Dry-Goods, &c. Brown & Pearson Tonsorial Art bus. " J as. Anders Stockholders' Meet- mg. John ancc. ' Gordon & Bro. Insur- Preston Clmmixg& Co. On GoojT Terms. Ceo. Ii. French & Sons Low Prices. . John Mai npijr Wilmington Mar- bL'Yard. ' . Jackson Bell Prinierp and Binders. J- Fernbergei:, Trustee Great Bargains. v Hart, Bailey & Co Gas Fitting and Plumbing. . ' K. J. Scarborough- Saloon and Ifrstaurant. Kfrchner '& Calder Bros. Tur- lnttne Wagons. Kerchner :& Calder Bros. I'om- mi-siou Mcrcliants. I.0CAL NEWS. The s team dredge boat IViKxtburyhA btn laid u) for the present. Nor. barque Walk Warner, hence, arrival at Hamburg April 20th. Vli(Kner Jlaitic Lollis, Sipple, hence. arriwvl at Philadelphia April 19th. Nor., barque Uamborsamh Neilson, -'nee. arrived at London April 18th." tit-r. barque Jladura, Schultz, hence, fcr Hamburgh was off Tsk of Wight April lth. . f. t There were three 1 nterm ent s t wo adults and one child in Oakdale Cem etery this week. The question of where are you going this bu-mraer is' agitating the minds of Kme o our citbsens. The steamship Gulf Stream, Captain Bgraru, from -New York, arrived in Uiis cilv sf 10-!iA oYlnrV vostordav morning. As yet no1 risible dTorti hare been "ade to rebuild the Quarantine Hos pital, uear Sraithville, which was de tyud by fire a few weeks ago. LoM-a tennis has not made its appear- ee here as yet. .When the fever does oreak out we nredict thnt it will nrove great an'epidemic a3 the vaccination lever. - -- - - There was but ; obe -mtennciit that of a child -in Bcllevue cemetery this AVi? . ask the attention of our many readers to the attractive array of adver tisements. I The flower gardens in this! city are looking very handsome and attract more than casual attention. I 1 . There weivj fivo j interments three adults and two children in Pino For esfC'emcterv this week. . , TJjpt,jo put z'ctWeJ0SaU get : thelrfpapet wUljConTer-, aj iavor by notifying us of the fact.L Fourth street, between Nun and Church, has been very, much improved during the past week, thanks to Capt. Brock- . ' 'I . ' . ! The reffister of Deeds issued five mar riage licenses this week, two of whict were for white and three for colored couples: j - Mrs. Smith, the Mormon emissarv. who lectured here on jMonday-night last on "Injuns," got "busted" and feft sev eral little unpaid bills behind her. The Clarendon Water Works Com pany are laying new pipe in many por tions of the city, and Mr. Chase is kept busy trying to fill orders promptly; j The Water Works Company la had aTorce of hands employed for the last few days in laying pipe along North Water street, between larket and Chestnut,. The river from the mouth to the city is being surveyed under jthe supervision of Mr. H. Bacon, II. S. Engineer in charge of the River land Harbor Im provements, jj The family of Mr. McGann, Chief Of ficer of the Signal Office in ihis city, has moved among us and .is stopping at Mr. W. H. Sterlings. 1 We wish them a pleasant sojounii, I 1 The steamer Clinton, Gray, arrived here from Banncrmian's Bridge, .on the Northeast river, on Friday evening. She'will run regularly hereafter between that point and this city. Capt. Wicks, of the schooner Minnie, which went ashore on Frying Pan Shoals, speaks very highly of the con d ict of the clew: of Life Saving Station No. 25, at the mouth of the river. Capt. Brock was out -estrday after noon with a section of hose washing Front street and flush-ping the gutters. He says it beats "threes" or even "two nairs" of brooms . v e straight eued c out and left. Tho steam tug Ital van commenced operation on tho river yesterday. Since her arrival she has been undergoing some little alterations which were 'Rah thought advisable by her owners. for the Italimi Harpers. Bisliop "Lyman. ! Bishop Lyman reached thii city in the course of his visitation of he Dio cese On Friday night, and, is the guest of Dr. W. G. Thomas. The following are his appointments 'j for this city: Sunday, April 23, 11 a. m., St, John's; 5 p. m., St. James'.; 8 p. m., St. Paul's. Tuesday, April 23, 8 p. m., SL Mark'js (colored). The Bishop: expects to visit St. Philip's on the morning of Tuesday. Iler Siunmer Dress, j The steamer Passport will be laid up to-morrow and thoroughly overhauled, preparatory to resuming her Summer schedule. Captain Harrjer proposes to make her as comfortable as; possible and will spare no pains or expense to accomplish his ends. The handsome little craft will do double puty his Sum mer. As soon as the Tip tel. at Smith villo is completed she will make two round trips a day. I New Saw Mill, Railroad, etc. X large and very ; handsome sa-w mill is being built at Black Crceki on the W. 6 W. U. R., for Messrs J. W., U. J. & R. R. Taylor, with the latter gentle man as manager.- The mill will have a capacity of 30,000 feet per day. In addition to the saw mill will be a plan-in-' mill and irrist mill' A railroad of about ten miles and a half in length. runingtlirough a fine original forest, has been surveyed. Three miles and a half pf the road have been graded and the ties were laid on Friday. The rails will will be placed in position as fait as the tics are laid. A "handsome, new engine, the "R. J. Taylor,'" has been purchas ed and will be ready to be put on the track as soon as the rails are laid. 1 4- We wish the gentlemen all success in their enterprise. We are requested to state that owing to the nightly practice of the Arion So ciety for their Concert on Tuesday, May, 2nd; there will be no rehearsal for ihc opera of Billee Taylor during the incoming week. Exports Foreign. Norwegian brig San Juan, Bache, cleared to-day for Hull, England, with 325 cask3 spirits turpentine and 2,325 barrels rosin, shipped by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son; Swedish barque Come ten, HaUigrcea, cleared -for Riga, Bus- Bia itli 4,"C371?arrel3 roslivshipped by the same parties.?;! i 7 uw Haudsoine .Car.' . ; i A handsome U.' S. Postal railway Tear has just been built at the shops of the; Wilmingtou & Weldbn R. R. in this city. The car is now receiving tbe finishing touches and will be ready for use in a few days. . it is very hand some ,and reflects much credit upon those who built and painted it. Magistrate's Court. Ely ah Adams w as brought before Justice Millis on a peace warrant, sworn out by Mary Adams. The com plaint w"Bs withdrawn; and the coss paid by the prosecutrix. Joe Chadbourn was then brought up, charged with an assault and battery upon Eliiah Adams. The defendant submitted, paid the costs and was dis charged. v ! Martin's Railroad. , E. F. Martin had $1,495 subscribed to his Sound railroad to-day. He is claily in receipt of letters' of tangible en couragement and feels sanguine as to the successful result of his labors. were shown several letters received by him, written evidently by business men. at the North and t ielsewhere giving him encouragement and' taking stock in his enterprise.! Martin is the only colored man in the country who has undertaken so great an enterprise, and we trjflst he may succeed. This Issue. We apologize-of course we do. Can the initial number of any paper be pub lished without it? It was our firm in tention to give our subscribers some thing to read in this, the first issue, but the fates and our advertising patrons hare very nearly decreed otherwise. We beg a little indulgence fpr a day or two and then we will be all right, with a much better miscellany of reading matter and a fuller telegraphic report than we can find room for in this issue. We will do better, if our advertising patrons will let us ; if they won't, and continue to persecute us, we will do better any how, by enlarging, and that at an early date. - " What we "Drink. We have received tho " Annual Re port of the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, for 188L" It is a I carefully compiled report, and shows that much patient labor has been be stowed upon it in order to secure cor rectness. In a perusal of its varied con tents, we were astonished at the .fact developed that there was hardly any pure water in Wilmington. Out of 40 samples sent from this city for analysis. there were but two .which were pro nounced pure, one of which was taken from the tank of Mr. H. Westermann, and the other from the well of Dr. J. C. Walker. The water from these two places was pronounced remarkably pure The water from, the well ofMr.Walker Meares was prononnpeu - good, as was that also from a cisternoT Mr. Ai K. Walker. The other samples ranged from fairly goenf . to dangerous and abominable. , -'. ,j : Frank "LesHe's Popular Month ly for May. The decided merits of this periodical literary and artistic have made it so popular, that the name is by no means a misnomer: and the excellence of the present number is so pronounced that f. rsi : i 11 can aCareeij ,ihu iu..uu;rauMs it-s i- ready great popularity. So abundant are the srood thimra. that space will only f permit us to glance at the contents. "Giuseppe Garibaldi," "Inside Kair- HEevnt." etc.. etc are profusely illus- 4rated, and are the contributions of some of our best writers. Xn the ae- partment of fiction are a new serial, The Letter .'S; Or, The JocelynSin" "Ethel," a charmingstory by Spencer W. Cone; "3lrs. Desmond's Ambi 0; 4Miss Henderson's Ring," by D. Kerr; "The Last QavrreUJ etc., etc. There are interesting articles by C. F. Gordon Cummin, G. Manville Fenn, Dr. Andrew IV llson, . Robert J ames Mann, etc; some 1 exquisite poems by favorite authors, many of them beauti fully illustrated ; and a large number of brief articles. . paragraphs, anecdotes, etcf etc. The colored- .frontispiece, "Why Don't He Corned is gem. The price of a number is only 25 cents; the yearly subscription $3, sent post paid.. Address, Frank Leslie, 63,5 and 57 "Park Place, Kew York. NEW ADVERTISE3IENTS. WILLIAM H. GREEN, . ...... . XfTBOLESALE AXD KKTAIL DEALER ji rare Drugs,, Medicines, Clears, Tobaroo, Toilet Article,, Ac, aplSJ-lt . MARKET STREKT.V Oil Meal. LEST AND CHEAPEST FEED that can be furnlahed for cow. It In cheaper than peaa and' better for milk. Cora, Meal, HofaiWy, Flour Douse aud.&U ktola of f eed. yrwh and &lnrar-re&dr to delivery freoof fapfa-lt-J - WjTr OLDHAM. - p Golden Harvest. I . nnnE best cookdjg stove for tlte money. Come and see It. : , HOUSE EURKISirrSG GOODS A complete assortment aplSJf Wilmington Marble Yard, JOHN MAUNDER. 1 ---- , . - - - apl23-lw. , j , THE BEST BEEF VER OFFERED FOR SAXE HERE WILL .1 . . be on exhibition and for sale all of thlaweek. Ctme and see It. Leave orders early. What I advertiae 1 have. THOS. H. JOHNSON, apl S3-2t. N. E. Con Market and Second st. DR. JAMES E. EE A, 1 . . JENTIST. OFFICE CORNER FRONT and Market street. His large and Increasing practice Is a aufflcien evidence that hia work 'has given entire satisfaction during the past 30 years practice In Dentistry. Terms Moderate. years' pn api z3-i m. Notice. rriHERE WILL BE A SPECIAL MEETING I of the Hibernian Benevolent Association at the usual place, to-morrow. Monday eveninff; at 8 o'clock, uy oraer or tne rresiaent. apl 23-1 1 -.. JAMES CORBETT, Secfy. On Good Terms. Q 6H. P. ENGINES AND BOILERS, 6r 1 18 or 20 11. r. Engine, 7 x 30. 2 Large Wagon Mules, 2 Medium Farm Mules, 1 or 2 good Work Horses. For sale at right flgurea, - PRESTON CUMMING & CO., I apl 23 Millers and Grain and Peanut Dealers. Notice. - i ! ' I fJIHE SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders of BelVerue Cemetery Co. will be held at the Little Giant Engine HalL corner Fourth and Princess Sta., Tuesday 25th Inst., at 8 o'clock p. m. All lot owner are invited to attend. JNC S. McEACHERN, apl 23-lt j Secretary. Step Ladders, DiDOW SHADES, PAPER HANGING, TTTrtinbitertair. Handsome AWnings made to or der. Mattresses, and everything nice in the Housefittmg line. (Talent, ha, ha,) .It takes elbow grease put In by BEN WHITE, apl 23-lt The Paper Hanger, on Market St Kerchner & Oalder Bros. Commission merchants, XST ;- I" f Dealers in GROCERIES and FERTILIZERS. GENUINE GERMAN KAINIT an!23-tf ON HAND. To Let. HORSES, BUGGIES, . CARRIAGES. Pboo- tons, Wagonets, Road Wagons, at lowest pri ces. Prompt attention to all orders. : - T. J. SOUTHERLAND. I Omnibus and baggage One to and from rail road, apl 23-lw This morn Is born the "Daily Review," 1 -1 . - . ' Who approves of everything stylish and new, . - 1 -1 - Comes forward to tell you, what to buy. To purchase the latest, with prices not high, - . I ! 1 ' i It tells the place to every one, i The Tailors and Furnishers" DYER A SON. apl 23-lt ST. JOHN'S HALL. I Wilmington, N. C, April 23d, l&ii S rpHERE WILL BE AN EMERGENT MEET- lag ot concord Chapter, o, 1., iu x.t vo- morrow, (Monday) evening, at 8 o'clock, for work in the Paet Master's De in the raet Master's JDegree. By order of the M. E. High Prieat. pl 23-lt JAMES C. MODS, Sect'y Diamond 5 Cent Cigar, yvUKES CIGARATTE AND I CONSOLOR TOBACCO, l- On sale at; . aplS- ... XASPROWICr, , , Dentistry. TAM DOING PLATE WORK, USING CEL- lakHd and Rubber a a base plate. Terms: m ot leumoia 30. Rubber . Sa n sfactlooraaranteed. j. u. w tit t a xi. vet i treet, -between Front and Second. apl 23-1 m. ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. , Genuine PeruvianGuano DIRECT IMPORTATIONS. A CARGO OF I . I THE VERY HIGHEST GRADE just received I and for sale for CASIL Warranted pure. WHICH THE STATE TAX HAS BEEN PAID. . --': pl StlWK, -. -- . r CnAS. E. SMITIL LOW PRICES I BUYERS OF BOOTS Sc SHOES . WILL FIND A Large Stock ! COMPLETE LINES AND , LOW PRICES! , ' I AT GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS', ap!23--6m I 39 NORTn FRONT ST. How to Keep Cool. QOME TO HEINSBERGER'S and get ono of those HAMMOCKS, all prices. WHAT THE BOYS LOVE Base Balls.Foot B - Balls, Bats, &o., &c, FOR THE LADIES ELEGANT lot of BASKETS, JAPANESE PARASOLS, FANS, PANELS, PLAQUES. JET AT LOWEST PRICES. At apl 23 I HEINSBERGER'S. Salt. Salt. i KrfcTONS AGRICULTURAL SALT. - 1 .1 15 0009ACKS LIVERP00L ALT' i '200SA(KS FnsE TABLE S"VL1- enn sacks coarse alum salt. Fine Table Salt in small pockets, New Crop Cuba Molases. ; innillidg, Tierces and Barrels New i 1U A f Crop Cuba, Porto Rico, Old Crop Cuba and jneciar oyrup lor saie ac kw prices, apl 23 "WILLARDS Marvin's Celebrated -pLRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES, AU SUes and Prices, from $50.00 to $3,900.00. i Acknowledged by the best authorities to be the BEST SAFE MADE, t Extract from Scientific American editorial of Feb. Uth, 1882: "We are also asked as to the best Are proof safes. JVe say MARVIN'S." ' A. A. WILLARD. apl 23. - j Agent at Wlhnlngton. At ShrierV Yu WILL FIND THE LARGEST As sortment, the beet Goods ;and the LOWEST PRICES In the city for Men's, Youths and Boy's Clothing and Furnishing Goods. A call and an examination is respectfully solicited. - A. A I. SHRIER, apl 23-lt Market Street. Call On Us For piORN, MEAL, FLOUR, SIDES, SHOULDERS, "-- SUGAR, MOLASSESr COFFEE, CRACKERS, ' ' SOAP. POTASH, i " LYE, Ac., Ac ..AT BOTTOM PRICES. HALL & PEARS ALL apl 23 ( The Old Reliable Clothing and Fnrnishing House. JF YOU ARE IN WANT OF A GOOD suit of Clothe, a pair of Pants, Shirts, Collate Cuffs, Underwear, latest : designs hi Domestic and Imported Percale hhirts, Plain and Fancy Hosiery, ecawear, umurwuas, j.run&s, i.ra elling Bags, Canes. Hate, or anvthmg tn 3IEN. BOYS' AND CHILDREN 'iTWEAR, ai moderate price. . Call at the old Reliable Clothing and Furnishing House of I 1 A. DAVID, I ! Clothier and Furnisher. P. S. The Best Unlaundried Shirt. -$1. THE PEARL. Inferior to none. Superior V all. apl 23 - jrARGEST STOCK COOK STOVES IN THE btate aad lowest price. Call or write for Cat NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Turpentine Wagons, ffIMBi;B WAGOXS j ""J " ROAD WAGONS 1 I- j I iKu.ths, CARTS Jt WHEELS, '!.'. . . . ..... 1 J ! I" arc gvnia ior i.iMU, ChUUS X Co., and can flUortlcrniitKhort nJi . , -' r - - - tMauuMVUlvl uet iprlccs. These celebrate! Wagons take the lead for Durability and Eay Ihrrtfl, being pmpcrly lronetl, xuade f the best material, ana perfectlj ailjusUHi. , , Send for Ttrico Hat tA - ' apl23-3t KLKCHNEU&CALDERBROS. WOTICE. yrE INVITE ATTENTION TO THE 3-0 BRAND OF COOKING OIL with which wear now. supplying the trade. It is prepared especially for culinary pur- poses from SELECTED SEED, Is DOUBLT - . - , I 1 1 REFINED, and contains none of tho ACIDS - 1 I and A L1C A LIES used In refining cheap oils. It will be found & clean, wholesome ' and cconov mlcal substitute for Lard and Butter In mixing with Flour, Ac, In making Bread, Pastry, ! - I 1 Cakes, &c It is especially desirable for fry ing Fish and in greasing griddles and waffle Irons, as It emits no disagreeable smoky odor. I - I . i- 1 I 1 i M- CHESSCARLEY COMPANY, apl2t Wilmington, N; C First National Bank of Wil- . " r mington. r . h ;-.' .... ' ! .) ' '' CAPITAL STOCK......,, 1 250,000 8URPLU3 FUND. 66,000 Deposits received and collections ma do om all accessible points In the United States. DIRECTORS : I E. E. BURRUSS, T. O. WORTH A. MARTIN, ! t a atmnw I I . 1 JAS. DAWSON. . OFFICERS: E. E. BURRUSS President. JAMES DAWSON Vice prealdaoS. A. K. WALKER. Cajbhler. I- . W. LARKIN9. apt 23-tf Ass't Cashier ILL i The Inside Track. TTTE HAVE THE INSIDE TRACK, Thanks ft I to the encouraging favors of tho public! our own ' untiring tfSorts, and are st every nerve to hold our place. If redoubled i . . - 1 1 j . efforts on our part, and the introduction of Styles to satisfactorily meet all demands mad on us by the people can augment our present very satisfactory patronage, then jwo shall en- Joy.a large increase of TRADE this Spring Our many well-wishing friends, to w,hom w have spoken on tho snbject, have given us the heartiest sort of encouragement. 1 I " You are bound to lead, and you dttervt f,V they tag. The HEX'S WEAR DEP IT ha broken down high prices that rukd in Wilming ton beore ii advent, its adrantaget ana facUi- ties are greater than oVier Houtet, and it Stock, throughout of a more tatitfactory nature. The people are bound tfi endorte the St EX'S WEAJV DEPO.T 1 We are certainly doing all that Judgment, taste, correct buaincss method, experience, and fair dealing can suggest, and wo feel that we shall continue to hold the inside track. . t i j: Along with our elegant display of CLOTH ING, we are exhibiting beautiful and eaon- able Gools In Gauze, Balbrtggan and Open Work Underwear. 1 landsome line of colored bordered Linen Handkerrhiefa, Neckwear, ear,' id a Collars, Cnffs, Percall and Dress Shirts and full line of Celluloid Good. i OTTERBOURG. apl 23 j Clothier. Great Bargains' ! yRE STILL BEING OFFERED BY US t The balance of tho stock In etoro must be sold ! out. There Is etill.a largo variety. Jobbers as well as retail purchasers will find M to the! Interest to call and examine goods and get prices before purchasing L?cwhere. Dry Goods, Fancy Good, Hosiery, Neck wear. Underwear, Uple floods, Linen Goods, Clothing for Gents and Youths .ane Boys and a fine assortment of Boots and Shoes. All mast be sold. . j ( 7 The attention of the trade Is respectful ly Invited. '.. ' ' ' .'. J. FEENBERGER, Trustee for SOL. BEAR A BROS.; spltl- t and raining ' - i. v .1 i t 4