! I Tins PAPER j, published every morning Mondays ex cepted by JOSH T. JA3IES, EDITOB A'D "ROPRIETOB. t r-CRIPTION'S POSTAGE TAID: iifin months. $2.00. Three? months. 5l.w; une ,UU!U" . s . .1, sismfi,c T'. 'j-an r will be delivered by carriers free r rKr? in any part of the eity, at the above j or K' cents per wcetw dvestisinff rate? low auu iiocrai. j snb-rribcrs will report any and ail fail-J .rs to receive their paper regularly, '; IND-X TO N-W ADYERT'SEMENTS. 5. jewkti When. iinissBruoKK-Ko- to Keep Cool, r v.. V.mj-- Books, Stationery, Ac. .1.' .'!. Maw-Alto A NewVard. 'VanAmWSGE Lecrnl rd. . . I.' '.s .utnocK Toh Prm'nif. .!..;,. 1 l!:i;of.f. Co. :'i'''l.r.!:ua IVir. ', ' '.. , v.". i.soixv-Tu My 3-rn. r cut: oil at uj.;is bah. port in ..,...r,v,hir, P.rarj.or, Capt. Tribon. ; - ' ' " 1 in X".v York lo-day. :.rn . F; if row picked r.?ii'' ils 2 n rd i i. c.terday . 1 1 'Ml .,. Horace Scudoer.. Sears,; sau- 1 ll I I t-li .ivas-a. Apni inn, lor uus -V--d at Philadelphia, April 21st, for I. J". tint.-' ' 7 . thi-; jort. ' ' Steamship Regulator, Donne, cleared at New York. April 22nd, for this pert, and sailed the same day. Mr. John Carroll will receive, on Thursday next, the last Winberry oys ters of the season. So sorry. Mr. J. W". Branch eat snap beans out of his garden on yesterday. He dug Irish potatoes on March 20th. Early. The work of constructing ' a steam hoisting derrick for work on the upper t ape Fear river will be commenced to-- to-day. Glad to see Mac. of the Lumb. Bob. here to-day oh his way to the P; C. and a big I), at the Fisheries. Gluck oldfel. -II ic ! Tin stockholders of the Wilmington Market Company will meet in their hall the New Market, this afternoon, at .3 oYloek. The Health Officers are making a j rigid examination of the city and are-4 determined to get it in a line condition". Good. sa'tiit irv I Some of the truckers hereabouts were apprehending a frost last night. We sold one of them 1,000 "old newspapers with which he covered his jrardens. , r Messrs. Cronly & Morris will sell at auction to-day, at 12 o'clock, a large numborof very desirable building. lots situated on various streets in the East ern part of the city. Stockholders of the Bellcvue Ceme tery Company will bear in mind that their annual meeting will be held at the Hall ot the Litt.0 Giant Engine Co., at o'clock this evening The barque Horace Scudder, brig CV.ivi ind .inrmnv T .7?n V TTni .nnri t Flla J. Barter arrived at Smithville j yesterday ad were on their way tip thel river when our report closed. 1 here was a severe gale at Smithville j yesterday, the wind blowing at one f time at thc rate of ,0 miles per hour, ) .which was 1 ne iorce 01 a nurncane. rhere was no damage reported save an ! mtcmiption to tne telegrapn hues ana ihose were repaired yesterdaj-morning. To Builders and others Go to"jA(.o r.i's fr Snsli. Blinds and Doors, Glass. &e. You can get all sizes and at the lowest price. t . Tlx kc of our friends who had pulled down their stoves and pulled oil" their thick cloth; felt a little sorry yesterday momhw. Fires and blankets were not merely n lunury they were a necessity. s.'iee the charter of the Cape I'car Xaviiration Company has been surren- lored and other beats r.ut on the' onn r... - " , --' - I i - J U J A-I . .L JUwS W U river the freights o?i rosin,tar and crude ! Freshwater Perch.Trout and Black turpentine have been reduced to 12 1-2 ! fish hooks and lines. A full 1 assort- ents per barrel from ariv point. I Skinny 3Ien. -'Wells Health lestorcs ! health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia. Im- 1 potcrec. Sexual Debility Deoot i llas. C. Munds. P i Jiierewas a lroe light on aterfherc. Wc are glad to learn from him s'.rcot Sat unlay nJirht bet ween the males 1 and females, muchly mixed. The irirls swung cornci-s all round.. and made barber poles of each ; otiier laces, and paid the cots in court j Ut-dy- The ,l7s. -Undo'rliift:-' ! dge about fhrco years ago, Vhen Parsley's wal aiul wood yard was des troy ed by lire, and was towed to the West side of the river, opposite the foot ofCastle street, where she sank and has since remained. n 1 -1 1 - .rAccnt of the Associated Railways, spent tne engine, boiler and machinery of i , . . , e . . 1. th tM11 i- t c tt t 1 h 1 , last 1 wday and Saturday m the cit . Mcanier.I.b. Lnderhill have been . T , ( t .. 1 , - , , Gen 1 Joseph E.Johnston arrived in ukeuhom her bv a wrecking schoon-i , . . f' L - i j; e- if ivm 1.-. 1 ,1 ; this city on Saturday imght, spending it win 00 rvmcmbvretl that he . , . ; , , ,U rr rnd..rfctii 1 1 ..... ..v. I Sunday and "Monday wuh us. He I I . -ak.. a B H A II F I Jl It A l I! 1 1 I ' I! M V !3 R i U If -rryT -Trrr Jj, -j . . CYCLONE. 1 Dwellings,! Barns and Out- Houses Blown Over One Cliild IGllecl anfl Others -In juredGreat Destruction Forests. , " to A cvelone passed to the Northward ofthiscitvonSalurilav'afJeniwja and was terrible in its effects, carried overytlTin2 before it I (it w met m it:trac I. which w,i- obt.nt halt a inilb in width. Houses and tr?ps were taken up bodilv onf carried ?om!e dist'nnoo from rrhoro. ! i i f " thev formerly mtid. This section was, m-ve-r -before veiled by winds o sr-vere i a-id damag'ng, Tjjc irnle camel from tlu wetl takin' 1 a (Uif easrorsv cotin-e. On thr Hlack River the first evidence of the i storm. was at a poinx lhr 4 miles j,boVO tlio "Three Point Capwel), know ; . Sisters." The wind then tKivelled on, striking tne plantation 01 ir. jt,. v. Ilawes, blowing down his warn, out ra house and chimneys of his residence. Mrs. Fiora Colvin lost heavily y hav ing her barn, corn crib, ' stablep and out houses demolished. The house of Mr. William Lewis; was bjadly damaged. The doors and windows' were blown in and the furniture and clothing were ta ken up by the wind and J carried before it for some distance. Some of his bed clothing was found ja half-mile from his residence after the gale passed over. The house of Lcjuis McAllister, col ored, was completely destroyed. Mr. G? W. Woodcock was possibly the heaviest loser in that locality. His sta bles, corn cribs J barns, out-houses and dwelling were leveled and his chickens, hogs, etc., were ;picked up by the gale and carried some distance, kill ing most of them. Onej o Mr. Wood cock's horses had an Oyejput out by a piece of timber striking ! him in it. At Rock Hill, seven miles north of this eity, fifteen houses and a church were blown down. Here the only loss of life occurred that we have hea d of. Robk Hill is a little colored settlement near 1 the "Hermitage1 and) Was made up jof small log cabins. Th0 house of Rachael Pugh, Mary Risbonj and Hester Wil liams were blown down and the in mates more or less hurt: A baby of Hester Williams was killed by falling timbers, and an older chilij had his collar-bone broken: Mr. John St. George was damaged by Ithe loss' of his barn and out-houses. I At Long Creek the storm was very severe and seemed to prain impetus as 1t traveled. v A limb pf a sycamore tree was blown nearlv four miles. The vdlin. bam5f 0t rouses, corn-cribs, Bordeaux, Sam'l 'etc., of Messrs. Dan' m. Playqr and I rank San- clcrs were completely! oemoiisncu. Air. Player's meat was blown out of his smoke-house and carried over a half mile from his dwelling. Mr.lThos. Wil- tfae m'achi. mc wlui damaged, Thc lrack of thc stQrm wa3 milcs gomh ()f B aml that thrivi I villi""" wfis xct d.imnrrv!i i Ac It prnssed th Vvr;iltlhltrfon lx,. Woldin Railroad. stones from the banks were thrown with j! such force against the. telegraph poles; us 10 imucii inemseivcs m inem. ine wires were torn from blown up iti trees thirty feet high An ! apple tree was twisted up bv the 1- roots ... ! u.i 1 .u . i l.: Tlie residence of Mr. W. 1.1. Brown w.as blown over and imprisoned his wife and children.' Thevj were extri cated from the debris without having sustained anv very serious iniurv. The forest through which thc 1 s,1 rm passed was badlv damaged. ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. f Pe;-on;l. IIm. A, II. VanBokkolenJ who ha ! been absent for more tl 1 1 1 1 vi nd who s.visited A than a month past ashimrton; Xew i York and other 'cities, has returned ihnr tho urosnpcts for an annronriation fn thn O Vonr River and Bar works. I antiicient in conduct fully, arc very good. Senator Ransom ; charsc of the matter in the nil U wpII now. ! . ! ; Sjenate, Haas, Esq,; deneral Freight came on business connected with the Home Insurance Company of TCew York. The sturgeon fisheries have proven quite a success. Large quantities of thc llsh are shipped north, j WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1. o. o. f; The Right j Worthy Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, i of the State of North Carolina, will timM ;ia j Hall of the Cape Fear Lodged No? 2, in jthis city, commencing at & p. ra., on ;A . y . ' , , ' I Thw, w the suprome tribunal in thej j i ! no lodge of Ats branch of t he Order can ex,sl- tu3 State without its sane tion- u Psesses tne ngnr pi granting cnaners. oi buspen.Jin-or inKins- awa . ; J? i.Lf . li! thc Sftmo Pn l,roPer cau30' tn rt'co,vc i ana near appeals, io .retiress grievances"! aU1 complaints arising in the several -1S to ongmaHiami n?guia means fhr its OW11 ?"PPort, and do ail .-other i acts as.. arc-promotive oi tne interest 01 I tne orcr' All Past Grands (V. f. past presiding officers) of Subordinate Lodges are ex-officio representative, but the rule requires eacli Lodge to elect a representative on the first meeting night of April in each! year. The voting is by Lodges, or by ypas and nays, but in all questions, whenever the vote by Lodges is called for the representatives only have the right to vote. In voting for officers every Past Grand present is entitled to one vote. It was organized in the Hall of Cape Fear Lodge, in this city, on the 6th day of January,"' 1843, by representatives from the only three Lodges then in the State, to wit : Weldpn, No. 1Wcldon. Cape Fear, No. 2 Wilmington. Washington, No. 3 Murfrcesboro. All of which were then working un der charters granted by the "Grand. Lodge of the United States: now called the "Sovereign Grand Lodge." Thc first Officers elected were: John Campbell, Grand Master, WeP don. R. H. Worthington, Deputy Grand Master, Murfrcesboro. W. S. G. Andrews, Grand Secretary, Wilmington. ,1 Alexander MacRae, Grand Treasu rer, Wilmington. MacRae1; Grand Warden, Wil mington, j A. Paul Repiton, Grand Chaplaint Wilmington. Its annual meetings were regularly held in WRrnington up to and including the session of 1848. The sessions of 1849 '50 and '51 were held in the city of Raleigh, when it again returned to Wil mington to meet in lSS- and '55. The session of 1856 was held in Greens boro. It came home again in 1857. Since then it has been visiting I the dif ferent sections of the State, where its subordinates are located, but making Raleigh its permanent headquarters. And now, after years of absence, it is to return from its wanderings and visit the old home again, and we bespeak for its members a pleasant sojourn 1 among us in our little 'city by the sea.11 j The present Grand Officers are : Charles M.1 Busbee, Grand Master, Raleigh. ' Junius Slocumb, Deputy Grand Mas ter, GoldsboroL J. F. Payne Grand Warden, Mon- J; Litchfbrd Grand Secretary, rrK R.iIpio-Ti. - ,. 1.. u iiiumgLoii. Rprtnro .Tfivnor. Grand Chaplain, TT T ( II. U. Steiner. Grand Marshal Greensboro. J- A. Spruill, Grand Conductor, For1 Harding. J. S. Mclean, Grand Guardian. Lin colnton. j jReprcscntatives to Sovereign Grand Ixlge-Richard J. Jones, Wilmington ; Nathaniel M. Jiirney, Goldsboro. Wc understand that the fratcrntty here are alive to the importance of maintainingthc otl-time hospitality of the Cape Fear bf-otherhood, and are making preparations to treat their guests to a sniff of sea breeze, pig fish. raccoon oyster?, cither at Wright Uii R.;tl,llo-from the talk amonir tbp initi.itpd.t a Sound frolic seems to be thc choice. Time. Tueskay, 9th of 3Iiss Bigrhee's Readings. The Hall of the Library Association was crowded la$t night to its utmost capacity to listen to the readings of this young lady. She was introduced in a happy, manner by Col. "D. K. McRae, and gave selections -from different au thors, among which were the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet, Ppc's Raven, and others an poetry and prose. She is young, attractive and pleasing in appearance, and in some of her efforts was quite successful, and bids fair with hard work and thorough training, ;o be an accomplished elocutionin. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HOUSE PLUMBERS 1 ! a . . .W'i lit E HAVE IS STGCK FOR SALE A FULL SUPPLY OF PLUMBERS WARES, IROX and Lead Pipe, plain finished and nickel plated, Basin and Bath Faucets, Bath Tubs, Kitchen Sinks, Wash Bowls, Water Closets, not Water Boilers, Rubber Hose of different grades. Street Wash Hydrants, Hose Pipes, Portable Fountains, Water Filters. &c., &c. .Estimates made when desired, either for complete house plumbing and gas fitting or any character of work in our line. - ' HABT, BAILEY Sc CO-, apl 23-tf We Blush. i We publish, below a very neat and a very pretty and a very flattering little poem addressed to the ! Daily Review on its appearance as a morning paper. It is the production pf a gifted gentle man resident among us, for whose kind ly thoughts, so beautifully expressed, we tender our most hearty acknowl edgements : I j a wi8h of success to the "daily (mok3- ixg) Review." What see I there on thc morning air That gleams so bright and that shines so fair, And casts abroad its svrcct rays of light Like goldens beams from the shades of night ? If I see aright, in the azure blue Xt's our old friend, "The Daily Review" Which, erstwhile, shone like a silver bar, And now, Venus-like, is a morning star. Its goldenj fingers, all through thc night Were busy kept to Inform us right. And drive black error, back In dismay . As truth, like a sun, brings on its day. Long shine thlsj star. In the daybreak's hour, Increase In age In wisdom, in pow'r. To- oppose the wrong, defend thc right, In the golden hours, of day or ni-rht ! . April 25, 1SS21. Review Ra.vuiiJi. Rev. Dr. Hawthorne. Arrangements have J been made to have a lecture from- this distinguished divine, on the evening of next Monday, May-ist. The subject of the lecture is "Eloquent Oratory We learn that Dr. Hawthorne is a most magnetic speaker and attracts great crowds wherever he lectures. The Cape Fear. J Capt. Green, of the steamer North State, tells us that the river was slowly falling when he left Fayetteville last Saturday morning. There were about four feet of water on the shoals at that time. The North State did not get much of the rain above Elizabethtown, although the clouds behind her appear ed very threatening. At St. Mark's. Bishop Lyman will visit St. Philip's Church af Smithville tomorrow and St. Mark's in this city to-morrow eve ning. He will administer the rite of confirmation at St. j Mark's cliuroh. Thc services will commence at 8 o'clock. The scats are all free for the occasion and a general invitation is cordially ex tended to all. .. Hotel Burned. About 2 o'clock yesterday flames were discovered bursting through the roof of the Bonitz Hotel, at Goldsboro. Most of the furniture on the first floor was saved,. but in a damaged condition. Mr. Bonitz left for the North yesterday morning. The origin of the fire is not known. Wc could not learn whether or not thc building and furniture were insured. Confirmation. Bishop Lyman, whose arrival here on his regular visitation was announced by us on Suncfcvy, visited t. John's last Sunday morning, St. James' in the af ternoon and St. Paul's at night. He he administered the rite of confirma tion to five persons, two males and three females, at St. John's; to eight, one male and seven females, at St. James' and to five, one male and four females, at St. Paul's. The sale of the block of goods offered by Mr. Isaac Shricr, at No. 47, Market street, b n genuine one. The ladies are assured, in all good faith, that some re markably nice bargains may be had there. Attention is called to the ad, vertbement in this paper- 1882. NO. 101. NEW AIVERTISE3IEXTS. AND GAS FITTERS ! 15 and 17 SOUTH FRONT STREET. Vessel Ashore. From the Signal Office , we learn that a vessel went ashore yesterday morning on Frying Pan Shoals. Tugs have gone to her assistance but up to the hour of our going to press we could get no particulars of the disaster as the tugs have not come in. The supposition is that they are lying by her to pull her off at a favorable moment. The Iiiterary Club: ... The Literary Club of the Wilming ton Library Association will -meet at the rooms jof the Library Association this evening, at 8 o'clock. An oration will be delivered by Mr. Iredell Meares, declamation by Mr. j R. I). Jewett and Mr. Geo. R. Dyer will give a dr i matic recitation. The public )arc invited to attend. I .. . Will Remain With Us. We are glad to learn that Mr. James W. Conoley, of this city, who lias re- I cently sold his di; business on Fourth f street to Dr. Miller and who contem plated a removal to Mr. Olive, has con cluded to remain here. He will take a position with Mr. John K. Mcllhenny, at his drug store on the corner of Front and Market streets,; 'as per announce ment in this issue. I . The New South. ! ' The New South, Mr. E. A. Oldham's paper, will appear on the first Monday morning in May. The printers arc now at work on it and we are promised a handsome, ! live paper. The first number will contain a handsome en graved likeness of a prominent gen tleman. The new sign - which Mr. Oldham has raised at his office Is a very handsome one. It is the workl of Mr. C. E. Burr, of this city. 1 ; ; Anything in the hardware line can be found at reasonable prices at Jaco- bi's. f Tcrrihle Hail in Bladen. A subscriber writing to us from Jar- vis, in Bladen county, giving us a graphic account of a fearful hailstorm which visited that place early on Sat urday afternoon. As our friend wrote lie says that the storm had ceased and that his children had just brought in to him como of tho LoloUmca which he AS- serts were as large as oranges; He adds : . : -- I; ' "Really the storm was the most dis tressing I ever saw. Some of the time the children were weeping with dis tress, and some of the grown folks look ed wild. Hail commenced falling at the hour of 3 o'clock and continued for the space of fifteen minutes, literally de molishing the window panes on the west side jof the buildings. The grow ing vegetables in gardens and farms are evidently entirely destroyed. I am 52 3-ears old and never have seen such a storm before. While writing I look through the window at the roof of a building before me and see several shingles that were split by the hail a few minutes ago. When I gather further particulars I will write again. As I conclude this, at -1 p. ra. the balls of the largest size are yet on the earth. I have just had several walnuts." exhibited as large as It is worth rememberinar that nohodr : u . . it i ciijuj s uirat ui ruuiiuin II in uao health. There are miserable people about to-day with one foot in the grave, when a bottle of Parker's Ginger Tonic would do them more cood than all the i doctors and medicines they have ever ; rJSASEflcoTIC3ftr, We wnrKj tliwl (to receive communlCAtloa from our frlenda on ay anj ; n itibjecu cC. general Interest but I - 5 i - 1 1 -' . . i The name of the writer must aitrays be f nlshod to the Editor, Communications most be . written on calr -: I ...... ... J one side of the, paper. , , . ; PcrsonaJitlea mn-t be avoided. i Audit Is especially and partlcnlarly under stood that tlie Editor does Borahrara endorse- ll3.Tl.eJr? ?f correspondent? nnlesa , bo aUted in the editorial column. ' . ' ; i ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. When Y0C! Wa:;t A MATTlUs.3 MADE OB Uocc ow, an AtrnJn-' put p, or Paper Racr. or anything la the UphoUicring1 line, cnU at S. dKIV.ETT'S, 27 Xnrth frant St-Ao Where you Trill And competent workmen and got yor work kne right. 1 -pi 23 To My Friends. ACCKPTKll A SITUATION AT the Drag Store oX Mr. J. K. Mcllh-nny, I will bs pl-ascd to tee all of them In my new qar- tsrs. JAMES IT. COXOLKY. apl25-U ' '. -!'- Cosmopolitan j Bar. JJEST WINES, LIQVOKS; CIGARS, ETC. Thureday next, will rccclvb thc last WINBER. RY OY.STEUS. npi JOIIX CARROLL. A New Card. : gUMMER TRAVELLERS WILL consult their interest by calling andSc""' examining my stock of Trunks, T-Jlaes, IUr ness, Saddles, and in fact, any thing from a Ladies' Iland Bag to a Solo Leather Trunk, from an ornament to a full aet of Harness. Repairing executed neatly and with dis patch. ; f j it'1,'. J. IIJ MALLARD, Successor to Mallard & Bowden. i 1 - ap!25-tf No. 8 Front 8treL Job Printing I jrow prices i I GOOD WORK I ! PROMPT! I S Ascertabi prices at my ofilco before hai i' ln$ your PRINTING dono elacvlherc. f ! 1 r . i I - ' ' f y Work carefully done for persons residing out of the city, and sent to them by mall free I of postage. E. S. WARROCK, J6b rrinter, j Cor. Chestnut and Water St., Wilmington N. C. " f P.O. Box 402. J t apl 23 j AT A SACRIFICE T AM NOW READY FOR CUSTOMERS. . . !;:'. The large and varied Stock of Mr. V. D. Good. . i - - man, iu the Ptore on Ponrth -treet, hi Brook lyn, ha3 been purcliascd by tne ar d removed to No. 4? Market street, where it m u j t be -old Regardless of Cost. The Stock consists of a great variety, of new and excellent Goods, such as LADIES' DRESS GOODS, '.'!' j MILLINERY and WHITE GOODS, nATS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, I FLOWERS, UNDERWEAR, AC. A full lino of Domestic Goods, of all grade. LINEN COLLARS, CCFFS, ijANDKER- CUIEFS, TRUNKS & VALISES, SATCHELS, AC. " I A line assortment of Kid Gloves, Liite Gloves, Mitts and noelcry. for Ladles, Children and Gentlemen. ' j Kid Gloves which were sold for 1 1 23, slight ly spotted, for 20 cents. Spool Silk. HTfellcnt quality, lor 3 cent, -formerly 10 cents, ;". j Boots and Shoos for Gcats Ladies and Cbil-" dren at Half Cost. t ' . , Collarettes for children 5 cents, worth 29. A full line of Alpacas 23 cents to 49 cents, cost Zi cents to 60 cents. ....... ',::'.'" "'p V Neck rninias,at7ccatj, vratth 12 cents aad upwards. - Large variety of Bcttoas at SO cesU eta the dollar, r ''.'!;. Ladled and Children' Uoe at various prices. Black Lace Scarfs for 23 cents, cost 73 cents. 1 - i In short there is a large etock to be sold out i prices away down below prime cost. It Is a bona de buslnei, cd4 no hnaibug. The G jo1s mast be sold. ! I " . ISAAC SHEIEB, -- i i . apl 23-1 w No. 47 Market Street. McSowan's New Saloon ! EVERYTHING FIRST CULSS. WINE Hoom la second story Oar stock ef Wines, Liquors, et-., are proof. You JSetts they are Bcrgner A linger- Beer on Draught. 1, J. JL MctiOWAN, plC-lwk 'o. , So Trout Sk .. i. i .V ! - I

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