I f - i. I 5 i THIS PAPER ,: PTJ1ART? "vnrrtrT w i i -We will le glad. to riyit tsfttwrwwrtj ; trom our fries d en may a&4 Alt cubjteta vt ccpted bj jOSHT. JA1IES, Emior.'A:porp.WTOiL , r rirTION-3 TOSTAGE PAID: The name of th writer mut abrr b fsx nUhed to the Editor. .. . Communications must be Trrltteaj on wd ox months; $2.00. Three .one side of the paper. . - t 0 , t,f,v one month, 3.) rents. W'V ;n ic doUvered br carriers free nt '?! ' w anr ..irt of the city, at the nbovc -IeroaaliU rnnst Joe ftrohlfOL And U U especially and particularly cador stood that tbo Editor dooa not llinn en don I jlt .til't .. -i v',ll rci'ort aiy .mi nil fa'.l- VOL.. VI. WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1882. -.!-- in tbe'editorial column. .y - .; ! ';'..' frTTi papeg I U. 1 ., ' -.. . . ... v -. i I ,t i. V ci. il v 1 1 ' - -' .. '., ' - - . . . . ,,nx T3 H.W AjVRTI3EMEHTS. " lii;:;K.fv to Keep Cool, ri-i; it.!ti'.acrr, &? prop.-CoairacrcI tl Hold 11. ''v, ;y:.r::--;-ik3, L, Neckwear j iicer. OCA L.NEWS.' i i Madura,-SehuUz-, hence, j .irabur April 23t:j p. f; sir;. of the Wate I at "-. AlduriiiUii, a -ciicrabhi j'cu'l'jr coiuily, i:ui one oiour ;.; trir nus in'th-it county, fa v . j visit 'Ji-f 'ay. io id otiM.rs (itv to Jaco ., -.r. !llmd and Joort Glass, j- - i Y,.n ca:i -t all size and at 1 T " rtie t :;-;,-;, ,ra"(iiv-.ii. Philbrook, cleared i.r'i-.'v lor Maya-ue-. r. with 211,- nvi lumber, sYtpptnl by Messrs. E. KM'1t k Sun". The DiivrtorT" the Vilmington Murker Conipany uu-: in -the hail ofthe N'v AlarK( y s-ciua .uituiuu, aljoumrd without. action to meet on TaufsiUy ai'icrtiuun, at 5 o'clock The Passport was laid up for her usu al sjuimcr overhauling' on Monday. Cai?t. Harper taiuks she. will l;e out abJu: thf TlIi of May just-in time to take the visiting Odd Fellows on a trip d'.wn tiv rivt-r. Th.;:t-a:nhip Gulf S-rAiui,- Capt. ck-areil for Sew York yester V,a ra Tiling, and at about the same bun-the .steamship Ilegulator, Capf Ioane. arrivod at her wharf in this city for Ni-tt York. Cv,)t. R. Y. Price and bride arrivod hero Monday evening, after an ex-tend-c.l trip north, Mr. Price , reojiyed tlie . ivn.Tatalations of his many friendj on y. :tord iy. Hope you will never be married aijaiii, old fel. Thanks, Bro. Stan for your very flat ter::! notice of" our firs- issue as a morning paper. We cordially recipro cate your kind wishes. Here's oar jT Twinkle, twinkle, ireacrous . now u.j know how kind you are. Mr. DanT Qainlivan has been very Ruocussfal in his treatment of horses for the prevention and cure of lockjaw. What he does not know about the disease.- to w hich horses are heir, is net worth knewing. He will guarantee a cure. There will bj a meeting of those per- -ns interested in ths Masonboro branch of the turnpike at the Bauk of 'New Hanover, to-night, at 8 o'clock. The ffi, tin ;i called for the purpose of de . vising son;e plan for tlje completion of the read. We thank s.veral .kind friends iVr repitrts furnished us by them rela .h! t th-sj disasters of Saturday's tornado in their respective neighbor h.J, but the cssjutial facts having l-'een publis'ned by us yesterday v.e do "'t avail ourselves of the correspon-h-nee. M;;. .T. c. Wind.-r, General Manager ' -f llnlci-h & Gas.on. Raleigh & Au ami Carolina Central lines, ar r.veu in the ci'.y .this morning, aec-om-panlvilbyCaul. W. Y. Chamberlain, a i)iveeur on the lines and the Gcuoral Financial Auont. -These gentlemen will remain neiv u:it;! t meeting of the i on Timr . 1: steamship liytthi'i?, Captain I), ...... . . . . , uin iori, irom jsi'av inrK.- :..!otrCa;H3 Henry at noon on S;ra- t '' .an. had the mUlortuni to carrv .uy ner loremast head. It was blow- a .i 11" breeze at the time and there j a heavy sen, causing the steamer to r.-0 ' :. M.- " lj " .i -..Lit;uii, resuiiin in mo aeciMv?t we -einent:oned. Tne vessel sustained ! further damage. Unmivihiblcs. The following is the unmailable mat- ter remaining in the iostouice : John S. Robinson. KtlarTown.Dnk.s Mass.; Mr. Wm! AVaddoll. No, -T. pavld Hill Ave.; one stamped en- K-( !-e. with no address. Quick Trip.. Tho steamship PufHlaior, on her last trM out, made the quickest trip she has vor made. She lclt Vw Vnrlr oil Sun. oock on yesterday morning, making trip from dock to dock in 53 hours. Heretofore the quickest trip made by fie Regulator was CI hours from dock to dock. Fought Him. A little colored boy, kohn Laboo, was detected in the act of stealing a butich of turnips on Monday and was captured by a policeman who gave chase to the little rascal. Labdo fought manfully to free hhnseii from the grasp of the of- Sale of Ueal Estate. Tlic real estate, unimproved lots, ad- j vertised for sale m. t he. Kfa'iew, were j Isold by Messrs. Crorily S: Moms on esterday. The prices brought were on-1 a great adduce on lyha they Tronld j- Tiave bronirht two or three montns ao, jPa"i estate is evidently hai!ng a boom resist now. - CoiiJirmation. Rishop Northrop, accompanied by the Rev, Father Mark S. Gross, has been nn fi visitation during the palst week to somo of the outlitie missions of the church which have but recently been established. . . -T- , O ' son county. Bishop Northrop confirmed '25 persons, three at admission in Duplin county, and five in Pencler countjy. Anything in the liaruware line can be found at reasonable prices at Jaco i r.i s. i t City Court.', . ' . Cephas Finch, for disorderly conduct. was fined $10. The fine was paid and he departed. J. II. McWeill,, also colored, charged with the'same offence,'.' .was discharged. Mary Jane McClennon, the "man woman,1' charged with disorderly eon duct, wos dismissed upon- her promise to leave the city. John Laboo, aged about 8 years, was sent below for 5 days for resisting the police. Whiskey Inspection. Mr. John W. Betts, Revenue Inspec- t r, who has beeh in this city for the past two weeKS testing me prooi oi whiskey, finished his labors on Thurs day and returned to Raleigh on j ester day. Mr. Betts seized thirty ' packages of whiskey and the cases fwiM be adju dicated at the next term of the U. S District Court. He says he did not find f - j as much whiskey here below proof as he expected to, or as much as he did in cmoi w r1fio; whp.ro he has been. A 1 great many packages were badly water ed and barely came within 5 per cent o the required proof. Alliquors falling 5 1-2 below proof were seized. Mr.' Betts made many friends (here by his gentlemanly conduct and conscientious discharge of his duties, j U. S. District Court. I The following 13 he list - of jurors drawn to serve at the next term of the U. S. District Court, which convenes in this city on Monday, the first day of May, next : I W. L, DeRosset, John G. Wagner, Edward McCabe, Alex. Johnson, Jr.. Edward Howard, John R. Latta, Henry II. ILil, A. A. Hartsfiuld, H.C. Evans, Jas. Anderson, R. W. IVice, J. H, Jones, Gabriel Reave3, AV. J. Kellogg, E. II. Keathley, Robt Sweat, Morris Bear, John II. Ilanby, J.'D. IL Inlan der, Jas. Sprnnt, Chas. H. Burr E. G, Barker, W. K. Price. Th'os. C. Lewis, Jas.W.Tellair, Duncan MJBryant.F.W. Foster, G . II . Kelley 'and S. AV.Nobles.of New 'llanover county; beo.AV, Carroll, Jas. W. Cox and A. IL King, of Du plin county; Wm. Walters, J. II,; Brooks and Wm. Brooks, of Bfunswick1 county. ' Although t'tc Court will cjnvene on Moudav, the lt day of Mayl the jurors are not required' to appar until the dy following, which will ori Tuei- the 2nd day of May. Fiies and Untrs. t?i: nt'i ll-lif: m.tq. mitv. -ophers. chipmuhks, by "Rough on Rats."- 15c. cleaned out Another Vessel Ashore.- ! u. tn'th 1 milroad iron, and bound from Philadel phia fortius port, went ashore on Fry-in- Pan Shoals Monday morning about 3 miles to the south'ard of the wreak of the schooner "Minnie." The crew ! the tVTrtindy" were rescued by Life Savin- Station, Xo.H25. on Bald Head. The wrecked schooner broke in two I about midships, on yesterday, i The canro, as well as the vessel, will prove a total loss. The iron was consigned to the Carolina Central Railroad. It is worth reinemherinsr that nobody eniovs the nicest surronndlncs if in bad health. There are miserable people about to-day with one foot in therave, when a bottle of P.arkerGiiiirer-Tonlc would do them more cood than all the doctors and medicines they; nave erer tried, bee adv. At jNewton urpve, widcuu"ij , Aid for the Sufferers. Oar venerable friend, Mr. Owen- derman, of Boint Caswell called! in to see us yesterday. He gave a heartrend ing description of the , terrible cyclone r which passed to the North of us on Saturday Jast. Mr. Alderman's "home was only about a quarter . of a mile fr.im tho nath "of the calc.'bilh wai Un- iniured. IIo was among the first to arrive at the wreck of the once pretty an comibrtable abode of Mr. G. w. Woodcock. He says Jhe apeetecle pre- sented to lib view beggar dfictinii, Voodcucka pratalsea. "were levelled to the sreuna, anatnc lurnuure, .-ocuuiug etc., carried and lodged in trees a half riile off. Mr. Alderman- is in the city aski ug aid for the sufforers Toy the storm, among whom Mr. Woodcock's, case stands prominent in thcforeground." In three minutes the workand accumula tions of 18 i years of hard labor was swept from him. I . T . ! . -w - -L i 11 antiltrr T TIIA I .flT lllVIIHrN 111 I . Bellerue Cemetery. The sixth annual meetingof the stock holders of Bellevue Cemetery Company was held at the Little Giant Hall last evening. t The Treasurers report showed a good balance on hand. There were 41 interments and one re number thirteen were under one year of , , ' age and five under two. the remainder being between three and 77 years, The following officers were elected for the ensuing terju: ; ' President Cant. E. W. Manning. Directors-Jno. D. Bellamy, Jr James Alderman, P. H. Smith, S. H. MortOD S. W. Holden. H. Borneman, J. W. - , lay lor. The thanks of the Stockholders were . .. i j tJ ivr;,, f-r' flip progress made under his administration and for his personal supervision of the cemetery without remuneration. , Immediately after the adjournment of the above meeting the new directory met and reelected Mr. Jno. S. Everett Vice-iPresidcnt and' Mr. Jno. S. Mc- Eachern Secret.ary and treasurer. ThoXiterary Club The entertainment of the Literary Club of the Library Association last night, held in the looms of the Library Association, was well - attended, the 1 idles testfying their appreciatiou of tht - - efforts of the young gentlemen by g gentlemen by their presence and smiles Mr. Iredell Meares deirveTed: an origi nal oration ori the life of Sargent S. Prentiss; Mr. R. D. Jewett declaimed Mr. Prentiss1 speech on the Mississippi contested election cases, and Mr. Geo. Dvcr read "Poor Luttie uen. ae Dtmtlemen acquitted themselves hand- r ' e somciy anti to iub eumc sawoiai-wuu Vnv tha next "reaamz wmca win take place on the fourth1 Tuesday in f- ir- TTrrlr I.. Meares wasian- fxj, r. - . pointed orator, 4urr w . r . x axa. er anu air. vz. x . Tht next debate Will take place on- the . r nfV, r IV a rf evening ui mc tt jjiujjiuv. s v much gratified to see so great an "inter est manifested in the Literary Club by nnr rmiTi? men. as there! is i nothing .so v O ' A . , -..i.l ; -1 develops the lateni laiem, anu inieueciuai abilities as a friendly rivalry, such as is practised among the members Of the UlUD. Scaflfold Breaks-Two 3Ien In jurecl. Yesterday afternoon, about 3:30 o'clock, a scafToldon which were two men and a boy, broke and the men fell to the ground and were badly hurt. The scaffolding was erected in order to repair the roof and chimney of the store of Capt. Beck on the corner of Sixth and Red Cros3 streets. Mr, Thos, S. Tolar and John Bradley, tinners, were on the j scaffold double seaming the eaves of the roof when it broke throw--ing them to the ground. Mr. Tolar, in trying to save himself, fell bn the limbs of a tree which broke his fall but scar red him very badly about the face. John Bradley fell from the scaffold head first and was very .badly hurt. Dr. A D. McDonald who was called in thinks that Bradley has sustained some inter nal injury ; of an 0 alarming ' nature. When the scaffold broke a colored boy who was carrying' mortar to a mason on the roof was on a ladder leaning against it, but was uninjured either by the fall or by falling timber. The scaf fold was about 30 feet high. We trust the injuries to Mr. Tolar and Bradley are not as severe as .they were thougl t to be upon a hurried examination-made immediately after the tall. They were, placed in Vehicles and conveyed to their homes where their injuries could be ex amined and recehro tbo riroper atten tion. - ; . . j . ryiMMERMAN'S OVERSTRUNG AWNINGS interment in the cemetery aunng the wltn latest improvements. Warm weather fiscal year closing April 25th. Of this ! lJl?x one don,t walt but NEW AbvmTISiaiEXTS. .---.' - - . HOUSE PLUMBERS ."TTrE HAVE IN 8TGCK FOR SALE A IULL. , : and Lead Pipe, plain nutated and nickel plated, . . ,,MU vni.a, vvw, S nVo llTao, Prlo Waff), fl lrtalfa lrkt IV'fllPr Wash Hydrants, Hose Pipes, Portable Fouttalrs, - . : ...... . - : I .gj .Tl Estimates made when desired, cither for complete nousc pmmoing anu k ", character or wort m our une HAKT, BAli. apl 23-tf Awnings. I cn1 rAiir nrrlftra to - 27 North Front Street,. A d - vourWiVC9 down to see jthe Win- dow Shades with cord or spring fixtures. l : . . Reduction ofExpeilSeS K Ire situated on the following streets in Vv. J iffiSMbrWffl 1 n,ntin i-wvnn Sirth. Seventh. .lson, whth ' x-in?h ' nii-Jrinon. Tenth. Wood, Eleventh, Bay, Charlotte, Twelfth, Thirteenth, luu ruunetuui. yi.tJr ing to build. Apply to api '-xi-ti .TAMES WILSON. SAMARITAN NERYI N E, THE, GREAT NERVE CONQUERER, The onjy known specific remedy for Epilepsy. SAMARITAN NERVINE I f c, SSSfSSsFL s St. Vitus Dance, Nervous Prostra- Uoa and General Debility. SAMARITAN N E R V IN E i. . tof it eouaiizes the circuia- tion, repairs iu, waste, and gives tone and vigor tJ the system. 1 ! SAMARITAri Ti Tf T T P ij xv V X IV u CurM spermatorrhoea, Seminal Weakness, Im- wntencv! svDhllis. Scrofula and all Nervous and mooauiseasos. SAMARITAN NERVINE The greatest tonic known It aids digestion, Uures good appetite, gives tone and vigor to t ie svstem, guarantees sweet and refreshing sleep" raid restores enfeebled anl nervous con stitutions to robust health. cy- SAMARITAN NERVINE; Safe, Certain, Sure and Speedy- It Js invalua ble to Ladles wuo are experiencing the change incident to advanced years, by assisting nature at its important period, retaining the vigor anil tranquility! of early We and carrying them with ease and safety through. (SAMARITAN NER V I N E is the only honestly guaranteed renietly placel before Jky& public We guarantee every bottle to give aatUfaction or return the moneV. Lead ingphrlctuu tesUfy to Its being harmless awl gixl, eminent divine declare it excellent and me uinalott and oeonle everywhere bear cheer ful and voluntary testimony to lu great virtue. -.1 SAMARITAN NE R VINE 11 Is nnfalllng and infallible in curing Alcoholism ' xalcxl scbsUtute for Lard aad Butler la raiting and Opium Eating. To come before toe public . with u absolute cure or a speciac to remove ' with Flour, Ac, In making Bread, , rastry. the declre for alcoholic atimulanu or the nabit i of opium eating, seems to many, we have no Cakes, Ac - It Is epsciaUy desirable for fry dottut an atMordity, such lathe case Deverthe- - - lea, ami before onering oar medicine to the ing Flh and la graasinj griddles and wade pubuc we thoroughly convinced oorselre by - , -actual cxpfTiencB that It would do all we claim irons, a it emits no dlt&xrccabl smoky odor, for It. - ,.. , . R3 tAU- BT Alt CSTl I. CIIiuxuXT coiipant. . NEW A1VERTISE3IENTS. i AND GAS FITTERS I " ' . tq ' ttJAV SUFFLI UJT VL.vsLUiuua- w Amw,;- Baaln and j Bath Faucets, Bath Tubs. Kitchen v.. i, ,T lriMn mtoiliu MrPeL I liOlierS. liUUUCr UIWO Vi UliiUlVii. Siv., , . . - . Water Filters, Sc., &c. . . : j & CO., 15 and 17 SOUTH FROST STREET. Silks, Laces, Neckwear. UST IN TO-DAY. NEW BUTTONS! Ulsters Ii BOTH LINEN AND MOHAIR, A LARGE ASSORTMENT, ALL SIZES. Straw Mattings ! LADEES TRUNKS slzcsi, 34 and 30. , Respectfully, : apl 25 , . It. M. McINTIUE. DR. JAMES E. KEA, TTwENTIST. L OFFICE CORNER FRONT and Market street. Ilia large and increasing practice is a sufficient evidence that his work has piven entire satisfaction during the pa9t 30 years' practice in Dcntiatry. Terms Moderate. apl 23-1 m. 11. II. Grant & Co., LUMBERS AND G A3 -FITTERS, HAVE reoccupled their . old tniaxtcxs, Arlthincreased facilities. The public are,refit;ested to consult them tieforc makintr contracts for work In their li.ie. Special attention paid to connecting resi dences and other buillings with -the - watea Works. - - aoi Wilmington Marble Yard, JOHN MAUNDER. apl 23-lw. Kerchner & Calder Bros., QOMaHSSION MERCHANTS, j AST) Dealers in ' GROCERIES and FERTILIZERS. GENUINE GERilAN KA1SIT i " i ' apl 23-tf ON HAND. Scarborough's Saloon and Restaurant;! TVERYTIIING FIRST CLASS. MEALS AT 1U ' r - ail hoars. Clean Lc-lgings. - Everything guar ntced as good as 3 .n'tas city. Bar is supplied with the best of Liquors. ' . . -. -. . -i ' Board by the manth $15 00 Board by the week...................... 5 U) Boart by the day.. I H And you can get your men Is any hour of (he day. - I IL J. BCARROROCGH, apl 23-2m No. e, South Water St. . WOTICE. E INVITE ATTENTION TO TIIE W BUAND OF COOKING OIL with which we are now supplying the trade. It is prepared especially, forcoUaary pw posee from SELECTED SEED, "Js DOUBLY REFINED, and contains none of the ACIDS and ALKALIES used la reflalag cheap ollaT It will be found a clean, wholesome and ccono- J AI VERTISEJIEKTS. . . , Comiriercial Hotel Wilmingtonj U. C.- M. SCHLOSS, Prop: TrnsT-CLAss is eveux: respect, r w-nwt-ciftM Car and BILLXACD SJL LOOS ATTACHED, i - 4. . ar-1 17 Cosmopolitan Bar. "gfcST W1XE3, I LIQUORS, CIGARS,: C j Tnarsday tic xt, will rwclvo the laat tTCEfl. I E Y. O.YSTERS : : ' T - ;i't ,2 McGbwati's Sftlnnn ! jgVEBYTUIXG .Ffl!5T .CLA8sl A KISS liKm tn second storr. - Our etork of Wlnca, Liquors, etc, are proof. You UetU they aret npl2a.itrk. -j No. S, South Trout 81. ' ' ! .11- Nor th Carolina , Ilouse ! CJTILL BOOMS ! BEST OF LIQUORS ASD I'll: A U4. A nnllta an.T wmnMan U.V , 1( i . i w.... i,wuw nuu wwivtl.u, w- hind the bar. Stop fn and aoc a man at Rpl 234vvk . . . j i. . STELJES,1 . A New Card. .A gUMMER TRAVELLERS WILL EZtX consult their Interest by calling and v"("" examining my stock of Trunks, Yallaos, Can ncss, Saddles, and la fact, anything from a Ladles' nnd Basr to a Sole 'Leather Trunk. from an ornament to a full set of Harness. Repairing executed neatly and with dis patch. - j . . . J. H. MALLARD, , Successor to Blallard 3b Bowden, apl 25-tf . No. 8 Front Street. " Job Printing I J OW PRICES ! ; I ; GOOD WORK f . ' PROMPT! 7 Ascertain prices at my oflce before bar- Ing your PRINTING done elsewhere. . , ': - -. - i A3Work carefully done for persons reeldlng out of the city, and sent to them by mall free of postage. . E. WARROCIC,' i 1 . ' Job Printer, . Cor. Chestnut and Water St., Wilmington N. C. r. O. Box 402. aplM AT A SACRIFICE J Ail NOW READY FOR CUSTOMERS. The large and rsrled Stock of Mr. V. Ii. Good man, la tht store on Fourth street, In Brook lyn, has been, purchased by toe and romoTod tm No. 47 Market street, where it aust be sold Regardless of Cost The Stock consists of a great rarjaty of bow and excellent Good), such as V '.- r iv LADIES' DRESS GOODS, MILLINERY and WHITE GOODS,' ' , 'V HATS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, UNDERWEAR, AC. ' - , 'i k- .: A fuU line of DomcsUc Goods; of all gradssL LINEN COLLARS, CUFFS, HANDSSSr CHIEFS, TRUNKS A VALISES, ' ! SATCHELS, &C.V. ' t' ' ': A fine assortment of Kid Gloves, Lisls Gloves, Mitts and Hosiery for Lai lu, Chlldrta and Gentlemen. . -..;,"".'.,; Kid Gloves which were sold for tl 25, slight Ijr spotted, for 20 cents. Spool Sir-, excellent quality, for 5 ctnts, formerly 10 cents. - -r - i -- I - " s .; i 1 t Boots and Shoes for Geata Ladles and C3- I . drea at Half Cost. ;; . , . Collarettes for cU'Am 3 cents, WDrta ts, A full Une of Alpacas 25 cents to ia cents, cot Zi cents to CO cents. , j ; " . ' . Neck renin;, at 7 cents, worth IS cents tad upwards. " "'' " I - . . ?. ; ".: Large rarlety of Buttons at- cents on VSM J Ladies and Chlllren's Hose at Tarfom ' prices. - .. . t . j ; ..... i - - u ' Black Lace Scarfs for ZZ cenU, cost 73 eeais. . ; .. -.-.. ' In short there is a large stock to be sold oct . t ' :- - ; v- . ; , . at prices away down below prime cost. It 14 s bona We tmslness, and no trtrzabftg. . Th ) OMds tanst be sold. - ' f ?, " 1 1 : ' f j ; ' : V ISAAC SnBIERj apl 23-lw f t?ob7UKXnet i

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