THIS PAPKE Cvrr tnorniiyr. Mondayn ex Li rep ted b? JOSH T. JAMES, r.DiTon o p.ormcTOB. . r:irTIONS POSTAGE PAID: .'wf months, ir2.00. Thrto j ill be ilelivaroil by carriera frep ! rf nf the ritv. at the Above ! a urn pa v- . ' d ltltfrLl. .-i ;-.r." r:i.' - --" - ' I .i.'-ri!x-rVlll r.-port nnyenml sll fail- N0EX TO. MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. i . s-- Sal ' M' 1 - Jl A. J fi rr This Wrek. r;.!:-N Totisorial. ,i i:,,;.i:-Ko'.v U 4'hM. ', 1,"-I-V1 Ji t :--:.f !iVf. .'-!- -i'.iHlL.-,. ; v,Ji"i . A . , ; ; m ; ! .trir-. :Ti'i Tf. :;; , k r.n5 U"r::l..u'l: -iTii'iip .. 1 LOCAL NEWS. ' t vesterday . . ! r. rvc ifls ot eoiton at tins jxrt to-i L '- yu, -i-. :.Kr vs.riu.P-. live ineh.. in length, were ; : ii vk l .-tM-.lM , n t.xli fr ri"'y 'ents jt-i r' r:.i.w Wini'-rrv Ovster.s at Carroll's I :! I.k " tlx1 seasttii. ' iH M.v.urnv.-.I at Fhiladelphia April 23. 1 - - i ArnthiP.n ni in naruare one .van iV.iniil at rrasouable price at Jaco- t The wharve at the foot of Chestnut street and in front of the Custom House nro being repaired. M?ry Jane 2IcClennon, the "man woman" wa5; put on tlie Northern train on yesterday and the city was cleared of a nuisance. Mr. John E. IJppitt will soon remove f .Vow" York where he hopes to estab lish himself in business. We trust that !t. will do well in his new -home. j ;ormantamiue IIefman"nT Captain j Witt, cleared to-day for Stettin, Ger many, with 2,825 barrels rosin, shipped 1v Me-sn. E. Peschau & Westerman. We are pleased to learn that IIr. Jame M. Brown is doing well in his now venture in Now York. Mr. Brown i" Mid to ho "the Worth" of that city. Messrs' Brunhild -& Bro., have sold out their interest in the Cape Fear To bacco Works, to Mr. Grier Kidder. The w orks will hereafter be rim by Messrs Meadows & Kidder. Mesr3. Brunhild & Bros, are to em bark on an exteusiue scale in the man ufacture of cigar 3. They propose mak ing all qualities and competing with Northern markets for the tr5de. "Tho oldest inhabitant" says that the Souths were never so full of stone crabs a- they are this season. An amateur crabber wnt out one day last week and caught forty-ihree crabs on one tide. A wind mill on a tower sixty feet high cod a tank of 50,000 gallans capacity js bcin constructed at Fiemington by the Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta K. K. Co.. with which, to supply the trains vith water. Thanks to a subscriber to the Re view at Jacksonville, Fla., Mr, 11. II. Tate, formerly of this city, for a copy of the Jacksonville Times containing a full report of the shocking calamity on j E. A. Yates, II: T. Hudson. Tho lay th burned steamer Sanford. ! delegates are W. M, Bobbins, R. T L F. Martin continues to receive let- ! ay, N..M. vvrence, Julian S. Carr, u of inquirv' and' from different ! W. C. Doub and Dr. T. M. .Tones.j I The parts of the country. We were shown j General Conference will be very impor two letters on vesterdav from railroad ! tint, as four or five; Bishops are to be men in Michigan whwh were verv en- chosen. The names of several mem-eouTa-in-in their tone and evidently bers of the North Caroliua Conference mean business " ! are prominently mentioaei in connec- Uv reference to the the advertisement of Mr. Thos. E. Bond, it will be seen that the dates of the departure of steam ers from New York has been changed. The Gulf Stream will sail from that port April 29th v Regulator May 3rd., and Santo Domingo, May 6th. The Good Samaritans of this city 'will visit F&yetteville on Wednesday next. They to for the mirnosft of . .. i i j ticipating in the anniversary celebration I of a" i0 of the Order in that town, The steJ'OtT Vesta has been chaitercd j . for the oeca;noa d will leave here on Tuesday next. Rather Old hut Still Good. ' .r . ' I Ihat was rather a good one perpc-; a Sontlenian in the Auditors ; V! hut hut rAA k... JU 1 1 P & inac- j Anniversaries. Yesterday. April 26th, was the sixty-! third anniversary of American Odd ; Fellowship and the niuth anniversarv oi Urion Ixxlgc of this city. The occa sion was duly celebrated last evening in joint meeting by Oron and Cape Fn: .Lodges with ritualistic ceremonies. Mu-nioon. Some ono remarked -in. his - u wmplctil tiI0 . organiza-as successful as it was elegant, and the . v -".. v.. ...... ...v j ;ou (r work aim oe aoie w uo i " u- h..; , uv n , Vj . its of the Kkview in the afternoon; . .x-t. mnnv rktr.-m i who were the hosts and managers for j HO reillHl ViS It li :lt lllirllt ; ... . ... i. itlm n-niirr tn !: fniffi whom t mV 4 . . - Wo hive met WllU luueu.tawuusi.--i p- . I it m t low in th Hinrnin-r". Hathori - v c av . . i . 'i i . entertained, will not soon bo forgotten. "II: II: II N lFi ' A "T7""TT" TTT ..' ' oION hx-ri-Tr-K-Hr- iinn'-r'.' 1 1 i '. 1 1 II 1 II. II ; y . ".. 1 f il Jl " I J ' . I i : A , . I jewtxl ln;t Ul : . I II II II II I II 1 T llMri . II" i: . I I I 1 I If 1 i IU II 1 1 V i , 1' niM t th- r.l;f; - - r mm mm m m ii -- r m m s. a a a w i mm mm mm -r m m - m m m m w mm mm m a a r v ""w r . - 1 1 II 1 II I : I I - if . . l.i 1 - 1 1- " " 1 1 I I'Va 1 1 I II II 1 1 I ' -1 -VI- - t v;: m m i a i mm . mm. mw m - m . si - a ' . . .3-..- .mb- a mm m m m mm m m a. " i ; , , - - - 1 ' 1 i . ' ' ' . ; , , i , i-! . Z : " . . 1 1 . ' ' VOL. VI. 3Iasouboro Turnpike. 1 Tho frif-ntls -of the Masonboro Turn i p'ke inet in the Bank of ew Hanover i last evening and discussed the matter i or '" conipletin the road. ISo definite ' a-tion u-i-j t Ken, and the ine?tiiir nd- : I juzirned until Friday evening. to meet I ; ?t the same place and hour. . Acciiri-ntaU v Shot. i - " M -Un yesterday a man named Vincent, i I who was a passenger on' th W on the taair . Ifavc, was accidental! v shot in the rtrm j by a companion who was examining -a 1 . , ' . . , , t P13tQl - Mr., inc-nt .rwe,ived a sbzht i was d rcHofthbar To ImUders-And otlwrs to .Tagc- m tor Sash. Blinds and Dors.j 'Cfe, ; &c. Viu c m el aU sizes ahd ' at the 1 s lowest !ree.- j John Maunder -has 'just com-i Mr. PetC(1 ;lt his marble yard .one of the j aanusomesi monuments wo nave ever i j seen. The design is new and very pret- ty. Wilmington should feel proud of the Wilmington marble yard as ono of the enterprises, of the city J Mr. Maun ders work cannot be surpassed any where in the country. Tho handsome new monument is to be shipped to Ons low county Ill I "Betty and the Baby: We have received from Messrs .j Leo & Walker, 1,113 Chestnut street, ijhila delphiu, a song and chorus witlij the above title. Of course every one knows to whom the subject belongs. It is an easy, pretty and singable song which will be popular aud pleasant for awhile or until every boyj iu tho street cau whistle it. The words are ;by George Cooper and the music by J. 11. Swcuoy. Price 35 cents. Frcshwator Ferch.Trout and ; I B ack- fish hooks and lines.!' A full assort- rnent and lowest priced at Jacobi'S. . f : : ' : Confirmation. j. The rito of confirmation" was con firmed with appropriate services at St. J Mark s (colored) Episcopal " church on Tuesday evening, the' 25th inst.,iRt. Rev. Bishop Lyman lonieiating. There were twelve candidates, five of whom were males and seven females. All the Episcopal clergymen, save Rev. Mr. Morrelle, who was detained at home oil account of infirmities, J , were present, and the services were extremely! inter esting. The house Was j:rojrded to its utmost capacity, and the music for the occasion was exceptionally fine. The General Conference. The Conference of the Methodist Epis copal Church South, which is held every four years, will this yeajr be held i at Nashville, Tennessee, beginning May 2. The North Carolina Conlerence is entitled to 12 delegates' clerical and 6 lay. The following are the clerical dele gates: Revs. N. II. D. Wilson, Baxter Craven, L. S. Burkhead, W. S. Black! tion witn tne vacant positions, anu ic is thought probable that one I of them will be chosen. It is likely that, several gentlemen in thia city will attend. Skinny 3Ien. 4 Wells Health Renewer" - restores health and igor. cures Dyspepsia. Im potence, Sexual Debility. I 1, Depot Jas. C. Alund Only a Few "Words. We will cet straight after awhile. There h:i -or to xs been au enormous amount ot be done, invisible to an out sider, but plainly visible to thpe femil iar with tho mechanical work of a news- Our force hasl been; weak In Pa?r - point of numbers, although powerful m nd i has also been le- Bct wiU have 1 mcnt on tre. Our subscription list increases rapidly, both in town and our.try, and the big'ns of a till further very large in-" crease are manifest everywhere., At the present ratio it will not be Ion-, we think, before we can suvf me ery I M largest circulation ever attained by any daily newspaper published or circulated in North Carolina. . ' f r ali SiaCS 1 IU yui i j T i tVmnlr IrvrlU-frlnitl v LOrtnin rPII. 1 S - - . . . i i . - - 1 1 . ' . - :-- . .... - . . ; WILMINGTON, N. C. TETURSDAY. APRIL 27. Wcddingr Bells. -The beautiful synagogue on the corner of Fourth and Market Sts. was crowded to its utmost capacity yeterdag nfter- nooa at 6 o'clock, by the many friends of the bride' and firooni. to witness the marriage ceremony of Mr. I. I. Macks and Miss Adelaide Greercwtl The interiorof the building was taste-j fully dressed, with evenrreeu and the 5 0n.. 1 i.:.t. i tiOWers. from the unr'ffht chandeliers j I ou either side of the altar wa an arcb, i.,-,if vwi &nH u-m maue ot red and white r mlre of which was su- roses, from the jpeuded a wed- jdinsbcll. - IIandsute vases-andbeantU' (d and delicate flowers wer tastefully j placed about and on the aitar A few ; minuM's after the 'appointed Jtour for ' tlit ifremon v. thp orrsn'bnrt i'nrt iha joyous peals of Mendelnsohn.s Wedding Maroh ati1 f, linlnart,' i.rr.t-,wi :.nd; marched slowly up the aisle in the foll6winr'" order The ushers, Messrs E. Strouse, Saml Bear, L. Blumenthal and- Jos. B. Aaron; next -came tho waiters, Miss Louis Rosenthal and Mr. Jacob Grecnewald ; Miss J ennieWeill and Mr,! Isaac Boar; Miss Amelia Macks, Balti more, and Mr. Fred Franks, of Wash ington, D.C. ; Miss Miriam Greenewald and Mr.Leopold Brunhild the niece and nephew of the bride, bearing baskets of beautiful flowers ; and then the bride and the groom. Arriving in front of the altar the waiters separated, - the ladies filing to the right and the gen tlemen to the left, thus bringing the first waiters to the side of the contract ing couple who stood under the wedding bell. Tho Rev. Dr. Mendelsohn made a few well timed and appropriate re marks bearing on the solemn contract which was about to'be made. , 7 At the conclusion of the reverend gen tleman's remarks I thc impressive mar riage ceremony of their religion wa3 read and the blessing of jehqvah in voked. The bride wore diamond orna ments and was handsomely dressed; her dress being made of white satin and damassce en traine, -profusely .rimmed with white Spanish lace, Marie" Xhti nctte style. The bridesmaids wero taste fully and appropriately dressed and the gentlemen wore the regulaton black. The bridal party presented a very hand some appearance as they stood around the altar. From the Temple the bridal party drove direct to Germania Hall where a reception was held. This was an nouncd for 7 o'clock and soon after the rooms were filled. , The large hall was beautifully decorated with evergreens and flowers and at the western end five long tables were spread with a tempting repast for the guests. The bridal couple, with their attends ants, took position at the eastern ex tremity of the hall, under a beautiful floral bell which had-been arranged for them, and there received" the guests of the evcningr At 8 oclock, to the sounds of some exquisite music rendered by the harpers, the guests, some three hundred in number, took their seats at the long tables. A delightful collation and a J generous flow of sparkling champagne was fol lowed by a short address from liev, Dr, Mendelsohn, who stated that as the newly-wedded couple would leave s ou the Southern train there was no time left for speech-making, but, instead, he would read to the company a number of telegrams receive' by.- the bride and groom from various parts of the coun try, from friends "who were unable to be present. There were some forty of these hi all and from all part9 of the country, from Maine to j California, At the conclusion of the reading the bridal couple arose from the table and were followed by all others. ? The musicians? attuned themselves to the exigencies of the moment and the hall was soon alive with an attractive pan orama of beautiful, active life, Mr. and Mrs. Macks then icf on the Souths ern train for a visitf a few weeks to yj0, in f lorida and thetyoung folk were ieft possession of the halL and the music. Fhe reccbtion at the hall was an 4 Let us thank, fodividuatly. certain cen tlemen whose courtesies served to make fhe occasiou a memorable one to us. 1 v i . -. i 1 1 i It is worth rernembering that nobodv onjovs the nicest surroundlnss if m bM health. There arc miserable people about to-day with one foot inj thegrarcy when a bottle of . Parker's Ginger Tonic would do them 'more good than, all the doctors and mdicinea-they have erer tried. Se dr. NmV AIVEKTISE3IETS. HOUSE PLUMBERS vr4Vli "TK IIAVK IN STGCtf FOR SALE A FULL and Lead Pije, plain finished and nickel plated, Sinks, Wash Bowls, Water CloscU, Hot Water Wash Hydrants, IIosc Pipes, Portable Fountains, Water Filters, &c., &c - . -. Estimates made when desired, either for comploto house plumbing and gas fitting or any character of work, tu. our line. . HART, BAJLiE-y cSc CO., aplS3-tf I 1 15 and 17 SOUTH FKONT STREET. ' . . Personal. . - Mr. Ferd. Frank, formerly of this city, but now of Washington, D. s O. ; Mr. arid Mrs. I. Macks, of. Baltimore ; Mr. and Mrs. A. Wieldman and son, of Danville, Va. ; Mr. and Mrs. M. Ise man and Mrs. H. Hartz, of Marion, S. C, are in the city in attendance upon the marriage of Mr. J. I. Macks. Messrs. F. p. Young, E. W. John son, J. G. Diokson, W. II. Bethea and W. J. McKerrall, of Marion, S. C, are registered at the PurcelKHoue. It .is said Mr. Young ii here to .rob Wil mington of one of 'her loveliest daughters'.- : "... ' ! . Messrs. A. Borden, of Goldsboro, and R. S. Tucker, of Raleigh, registered at the Purccll last night. ! 1 Flat Set Adrift. v A "flat, loaded with wood, which was mooted to. the wharf between Market and Dock streets, yas set adrift last night about It o'clock, by some un known person. The flat drifted and fouled a schooner at the foot of Dock street. There was no damage other than the loss of about a half cord .of wood. It is hard to surmise what was the object in setting the flat adrift. NEW j ADVERTISEMENTS. The Best Beef JgVER OFFERED FOR SALE HERE, WILL be for sale jCO -DAY AND ALL THE WEEK. Come and see it. Leave orders earlv. What I advertise I have. THOS. H. JOHNSON, ' apl 27- ' j' - Cigars and Tobacco. rpirE LITTLE STORE AROUND THE COR- ner still offers an elegant line' of Tobacco and Cigars and Cigar Goods. Our goods are of the best and our profits are very close. Try some of our many brands of onr Five Cents Cigars. N. GREENEWALD, . South Front Street, apl 27:lwk Near Exchange Corner. Brown & Pearson rjIHE TONSOEIAL ARTISTS PERSON ALr ly in attendance at the Barber Shop, No. 23, Front Street, next to Mn MclnUre's Dry Goods Store. AU work guaranteed and done only in artistic. style..). ; . . . -; . . -j, ,aplJ7-lw- If e W York A Wilmington Steamship Co, SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. . STEAM E US WILL SAIL FROM JNEW YORK EVERT WEDNESDAY AND SATCBDAY,. j at3ocVck, P. M. GULF STREAM.. . . . ..... .Saturday, April if KEGULATOR..t .if. H7idl SANTO DOMLNGO. ..Saturday, May 6 Through Blltsr- Lading awl Lowest Through Rates guaaanteed. to awl from PoinU - " - , -1 v - In North aud South Carolina. , For Freight Enagemcat s apply to . ; THOMAS E. BON D, Superintendaat, . AAA 'a WUaiington, N. C. TIIEO. G. EG Ell, Freight Agent, 35 Broad wayr New, York WM. P. CLYDE A CO.t General AcoU. aplST-tf. - j - 1882. t N JEW AITERTI SEMEN TS. AND CtAS; BITTERN ! 1 : SUPPLY OFIATMBEICJ WARES, IUOX Basin aud Bath Faucets, Bath Tubs, Kl cn Boilers, Bobber Hose of different grades, S A White Woman . i - - - - - QAN GET A GOOD HOME AND LIBERAL wages by Applying at this office. j ap!27-3t - :. . ! Silks, Laces, f - : .; Neckwear. JUST IN TO-DAY. ' NE W BUTTON S ! Ulsters IN BOTH LINEN AND MOHAIR,. A LARGE ASSORTMENT, ALL SIZES. Straw Mattings ! LADIES TRUNKS sizes 32, 31 and 30. . - - i . .- - Respectfully, apl 26 ! . R. AL McINTIRE. DR. JAMES E. KEA, "PENTI3T ; OFFICE CORNER FRONT I .. - . -i and Market street His large and increasing practice is a sufficient evidence that his work has. given entire satisfaction during the past 30 years' practice in DontlsSry. Terms Moderate: apl 23-1 m. . .- . j K. H. Grant & Co., jpLUMBERS AND GAS FITTERS, HAVE reorcupied their bid quarters, withincreased facilities. The public are requested, to consult the"tn before making contracts for work in their line. Special attention paid to connecting resi dences and other buildings with the water Works- ? - - : . . , aulSG Wilmington Marble Yard, JOHN MAtJNDER. apl 23-lw. Kerchner & Calder Bros., QOMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND. Dealers in i GROCEBIE3 aud FERTILIZER. GENUINE GERMAN KAINIT apl23-tf ON HAND. ' ScarboionghJszSaloon and EestattfantJ, 3 EVERYTHING FIRST CLASS. MEALS AT all hours Clean Lodgings. Everything guar - nteed as gool as -s n the dry. . : - - . Bar is supplied with the best of Liquors. 0 Boanl b the month. ................ J. .. $15 CO Board by the weok....fc,'..,. - i 00 Board by the day. t. . I 2i And you cau get ;6f ipeals an? boor of the day. i i -; - --r J ; R. J. SCARBOROUGH, apl T-lm , So. ,bmitb Water t. The Two Drug Stores QWNED BY MlJ'AUK llf TKE ilANIS m. Ktgi4ercu-.nirrmAcW- The Brooklyn "Braoeu wHl liesappHed with a complete fto-k of Frclilirugi and Mcdfefue. I keep a full fiuek and hae loKTe-iicnt to fill anyjrrecriu tioas. r. C. MlLLE!r, - . Stores Cot. iliL&cA Sun tu. . . apt 23-U - - Clov41! and ILuio vrr Jit. aBedubtion of Expenses IS THE MAlKltOAPTO vTaAXlU. Louforealuntlieinftalatent plao.cxTEcr etroated oit the folWwinjr tln-cn iaLiJ. till- cur. vis : ,54tlc. Cliorrh, Non.frvi Ann. Oracrr liukln, owynn, Jntb, Neventh Eighth, pth. Dickinson. Tenth: WooL Evtuth. Biv. Charlotte. Twelfth. Thirteenth. mad Foarteeoik," Money ktc&ea to ttoe wish in te bulkL. Apply to i :( t i c p --t&Z JX&S WILSON. rLEAB noticbT A1 m mi ... . f ron car friiods on anr. oxA all' subjecu of The Hum of Uie writer tuvl vrijt U far. ul-b.t tu the Editor. - S - -a wmmBnicanoai owt1 1- written ou . 9 one K1 of the paper. . ' Pcrxudltie must U And It ij e-pecun pftriicuUrl uajftr- j stood that the Editor tU not alwayt fcodorae i XKWAllVEnTISKMEXTk. : Univqijsalist Sermon. T1IE Kl CLAYTON, Editor. tbo I "Atlanta Univpral!sC -! lyn 11'aM, thl-t.fThiirMlay " J at oVlk. . Tia iuUiki will preach al r.rook - ) evcnlns' Aiil-lLTlh. 4 : apt'x) 2?lt, ; HiUkiarc lavttl to attenJ. It r .Marbles - ;1P08 THE BOVb, A "I- " - J t T RECKI VET), ' 1 . " AwQlno. Murass Window halrj,- j snu t raiOr at . 4. WKVtTTJi. aVl I roujc work anil well Uone. IJIcGo wan-s Saloon ! No.. a, cnt Kcort Street : MiTOX, N. r 11" T lilt ii . V X is : U This Week ' " -ITfE WILL REGEIVE THIS WEEK AND t ? haye ready for Saturday's Market some beautiful bTAXL FED JBEEF fnrtti the famous4 ampson County pastures. Don't, make iirf your orders until yotf see it ! . : i r apl 27-5t f . . T1LLEY & IHNTZE. BROWN & EODDICK, 5 and 7 North Front Street. TE HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM THO Northern Markets to-day per steamer and have no opportunity to wrMe an ad rertlsn ment for L this Issue, but our patrons may rest assured. that our STOCK IS COMPLETE ! In all tho various Departments. Every one who watches tho market in our line must bo - - i. . i . . r i 1 1. fully aware thafwo haro certainly gained by. ' - . : ..... being a little life' la buying for thlt Seasoa. You wUlfind us fully alive to all the Changes ' . -. . ' j as well as Price. We arc determined that nw Uouseorth or South, will undersoil iu, either i i r Wholesale or. Retail, BROWN &i RODDICK. tn P S. We will close out ca Monday 54th - - ' a .-A y 'j-. April a lot of Dress Goods carried over from last Season at 7 cents, per yard. , " . '', '''- " 'J' 1 "'1 -. ' ' b Bargain. They are "apl 2TJy.. North Carolina Honso ! gTILL BOOMS t BE3T OF LIQUOR JkN CIGARS; A poUto- add competent clerk be- hindr the Jbar. . Stop in and sec & man at apl S3-lw1c J," D 8TELJE.V. AW gUMircE Travellers will consult (heir Interest by calling andvi eismlalng toy stock of Trunks, VaJIsesj Har new, aatfdloa, and la. far.t, aoythiag Troa Ladles ntd Bar. to a S5l Leather Trunk, from anornanaeutto X fall rt of Harney. i-psrisgexccil seally and with dis- patcn.. -n.:-. v , - n J. If. MALLARD, ! . Succesaar to Lvllanl h Bowdea, apl SUf 7 T., sr. .'':KoJ 8 Front fitreeC GRAND OPENING Twice a Week ! RECEIVE THE LATEfcT PAKISIAX. f European and Northern Novr Itics In MUlinery , ad Hair Goods twire a week. My stock U si v ' ' -.. r ways new and fresh and of the latest tyJci qsdie-t are especially. lavltMl to exa in Lne mj Uck. - -...- Unirer&al Paper Fashions. Altraj reliable economical aad latest sty le.' MfcH k. KABRXB. plS-la. ' SJ EehaS Corner. ! .. t r W' -A ..(IS '- ' - . I. - j I A i

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