T. V 2 j ! 0 y V5 nil"?. It origin ...!.... Il.,nn .oiau be reraov-1 a c;uv ! cftv-ted. ; vy. Kli'M-i ami 'K : i'n ' ' 95 PerOent- ; , nr.- f ri .-.icranftil kidney a and i V;i;. rtt :iv at The root of the j :,..i.!...,j..:f-5 of u-im-h it U coia- , ...!V v u tin- organs, wotn ijKvnKEi:: ait'i by piaciusr ; I It t i tthv ivi:t:m. iinvo di-oa-e and ,n . .iami i,vn i ;:;!: S;SfDK lSi ! iv..rder of Wime ; for j r .,, -r. t.i- ,. f!. l-V.'. it i. sn.-iv-;v. e-jual. lienvare im;fti')":i aivi. curoctiou8 said CI'' -) . jj. i. WAKNER VFE Di-1 ' i t I i:k. all ilealor, If. 11- h W A USER .& Cr5., llochestcr, 2. Y - ! i 11 lm RS. LYDIi E. PINKH&H, OF LYHH, lSJfis G O C3 o 0 5 o o c o c E o c o t" E3 PIIliW378 VTA aa"E COMPOUND. 1.4 t I'ojt'tivf! f'nre n.': M:,.o 'otu;i!:!iit vnii '.Vrnlintiwt : ur i i.t:rt!y Hie worst form of Female Com i r.t rl! c Tirlan trfHi!.lcs;TnntinatJ6a and Ulcer ? i ;L':"mr urn! Ijailaremciit3, ami Ue cor.nitien; 1 Vtr.ki.-ss, cu.l 14 imrtlctiUrly adapted to the ..:.-:ffl.:. it v.::i dis.solv nnocitreitnir9 from the wtru9.r. ta hi'v ft.of eT-loi.mc!t. Tl.otcK.Vr.rytoor.n .m; lIunortUinl cl-clic! very si ct i:5y ty Its ti-c. H r. n.ovcs faint imsm, f.atulonoy. ks rorsall craT.i r.r-t'-nulaata. Bixl reUovea vcatnesa of U:e ttoinnrV.. :.- t.::v9 Bloatiutr. tleadachei ?.rrous rrostratioB.. ivn-ral DeUllty, WeepUrssnesa, Peia-esaion and ladl- -,t frying of hearing dotm, causing pain, Tre.gi:! mlUa"-Bc:i',l9a:way prTinaaent:y cared lyit3ise. V. at all times and under al! circumstances act In liarcony with the laws that coTcrn the female PJBtcm. t :.r cureof KJdnov Coroplaiata of either Sex tlda i:'?:i-ratid Is unBiirpassod. J.VDI.V I.. riXKHAM'S TE0r.TAI.LE COM l,0.r.MH rmrl at 233 ajil 53." Western Avcaao f.nio. Price 5?. Six battles U i Ca- Sent by ruai" SuUif-.rio of pilN, also In the form f lorertgea, Ov rfiyi nf prlo, 1 per box t or rtther. 5Tra. rtnVham f.:jr Mwers all letter of Inaniry. F-end for vamph t. 1 frfTt tn aWre. Mention thia JVflcr. fanji!r fhould 1 without LYDIA E. rnfKnXVS L1VKH nu.'s. Th.y care coustipation, llllouerp3) rad lon-i Uty c-C tbolIVer, 2i ceata per boxv i - Sold by all Drucct. 1E ;- -:i?.X v.v.y a the Lest r.Ji-.-'ivT ri-c i-rvn ara rcrri- - T. . - . . . ,. -.tir-i!fTSalch varied po-.rcrs,- -Z'' '.fUoX Turin . KV' y EC5tsal '.?iM i r.. ..; ., Restorer hvc: -f the t -mach, Dowels," I ling -, I.ivtr & IIdneys, its entirely ditTereatfrom Hair Bnjsam. i" - t. ( l ! --t. sr. . Dittos, G-.jcr i-ssences and ether Tor i pz it re never inuJXica'.cs. liisco.t Co.. ChcmU's. N. Y. - V I 5 rt I.! art Place, L9UISV!LLE,'K 9 nu-fcwf'ti, a Uli T.r. t--; .rcs ail ton ms qf PRIV .1 a?ViIT "T IHCSN1C and SEXUAL .ilis- .' ft I . Su'jrmatorrlioa. Ixnpotencr cf If-bae In vouihi sr .l c. .ts.-..' :n y -f or other emurs, nU i-rtntui-tuc ( we t j. i- r- ; .te: Netrouscrs. iv iuiml t -:.: irm). UlaiufM cf hu:la, Dtu.tnr j,'r'..-v. ; iIU-jiTiPimplrtoo Fc. Jt vctw-n t. U-iv f I : ' -f i-i.m of Mi-aA, lxM cf ixu:.l Power, it., r.-.v r: -. . . .-..n-i. SYPHltIS rv rua . . r SVJ !': GotrcrrliT-! 'enira Has cf ii-tear. twl trTiiirs lin ear. ' A t.-nj persooi to tC crit. WtrTj hi Virr. !, : : 'til c'.iy tor ircitmeut. talWoM c Wn-. j.:tv ,-' t ,iHy by raa.it or earrws nJ-re. - - Cures Guaranteed in -all. C&v' Private corasEiiwv.--. John Werner, PRACTICAL GERMAN BARBER AND TERFUMER, " to MARKET ST., WILMINGTON, N. C. MY MANY FRIENDS IN SMITHVILLE aad In the country are invited to come ee me. Also. Sea Captains and Cotnmer '"11 Travellers. The best workmen rnd the finest accommodations in the city, feb 19-ly 7. iNHaJ Li Ml A The DailRevicv AN ECHO OF BYGONE - years: j Br FOSTER COATES. 1 ' ' , '-i ; A ong comes lack f rbitf the bygone years . Whose melody never .grows old. . ( And 1 lib ten again, .through my smiles and tear. --" j . Though the singer !av dead and cold, 'Tib a song so sweet, by a voice so rare, Far purer than any other; And I. hear it again, though troubled by care. The lullaby sung iue by mother. - .. ..-.-.....-. i , There are times it seenis, when all alone. The singer Lj by my side, And I hear her voice- in a monotone, Like the rise and fall of the tide, t While tuo days go by. till the end of time And the struggle of life U ended. May the tiujrer never forget her rhyme Till her blis.s and mine are blended ! A Piiitly Story, of Ole Bull.i Christine, a Swedish servant n u well known Boston family,! nari i the folio wins: incident 'in: the life of Ole Bujl, told her by the parties intcrel -loI, who were of her friends'. Ou re isit- liis u-itivp lind the rrrtiit. vtnlinicf met in a larire.citv a vountr ueasaht wo man bathed in tears. His tender heart t sought the catise of her grief am learn-. el that her husband had beeji aided in emigrating to America thfe laud of pronii.se-, while she niU3t await the h . ,,-!, hU nnninfr eonld -hlvifttf- lier p7 5 r ? , also nereis the ocean.. His open hand ;uid heart were not appcaeti to in vain. "(liTcme your shoe," said he softly. Taking from this the sinew used in it lacinir; with it he replaced the four trinis of his viol, and placing - s himself at the cathedral doors he . drew from one chord, consecrated ! to pity and charity, such charming, touching and piteous strains as' only I the large heart and masterly hand of! Ole IJuil could improvise and oxecute. His extended i hat was riilled. Ponring the treasure into the woman s lap," he only asked to see the sacred string (swan-like m late) reduced to ashes. Is it strange that m e loved hi nouie andv poetic nature? Boston Transcript. There is no worse enthralment for tormented man than the exactions of a morbid nervous condition.- The over taxed brain gets norest from tranquil sleep and needs the -pacify jng influence of Dr. C. Benson's Celery and Chamo mile Pills. I CUangrc of Creed by a Pair Boots.' I of A correspondent of the .London Spec tator tells ..the following story: A tew years ago a tnencl ot mine mere is no narm now in telling this' story, as the .unerstition referred to in it is explod ed, if hot everywhere, certainly amoiig your readers was taking a country walk with a friend; a clergyman, when the latter suddenly wheeled around, his face toward home, with the remark: j "Let us go back, I'm tired; was call ed up in the middle of the night to bap tize a child that was dvmg." "Were you in time ?' asked my friend ".Inst," was the reply : "another half minute and I should have been too late.'' "And if vou had been, what then?" Why, then, I suppose the poor little thine; would have been lost. 7 "Eternally?" j "Well. ves. according to our belief. "May I ask what sort jof boots you wearr ' said my friend. , "Boots ? Elastic side, lalwavs." "Now, suppose you wore laced, and they had taken two minutes to put on, the child would have been! dead, and lost eternally, eh?" "That's a peculiar view of the ques tion : I must think over my position. T wo days after the clergyman metihyj lnend and said : "1 have thought tha matter over, and must alter, my view. The boots did it" i Rescued fromi Heath AVilliam J. Coughlin of Somerrillo Mass.. says: In the fall of 1676 I was takeir with bleeding ol the lungs loilow- cd by a severe cough.- I lost my appe tite and flesh, and I was I confined to mv betl. In 1877 I was admitted to the Hospital. The doctors said I had a hole in my lung as big as a lialfi dollar. At one time a report went around that I was dead. I gave up hope, but a friend told me of Dr William Hall's Balsam for the lungs J I got a , bottle, when to my surprise, I commenced to feel better and to-day I feci better than for three vears past." 1 i 1 1 "1 write this hoping every one afllict I ed with )iseased i4uug3 will take Wil ! li:im Hall's Balsam, and be convinced that Consumption can be cured. 1 can positively say it has done more good than alf the other medicines I have taken since niysickliess., 1 Parting-Friends; Thirty-five years ago, employed by the government in hewing timber in the vast oak forests of Maine was a! compa ny of men at work, ambng them being one Pat McGlarkin and a Jimmy Ma gee, both fast friends. Jimmy took a leverand Tat, learnkig jthat his friend was given up by the doctors, , paid him a parting visit to hear his last words be for shutHing off this .mortal coil, when the following colloquy ensued : l'at "Well. Jaimyt I understand the doctors have given ye up," Jim "Yis, Pat, it is most over wid me. ' I - r i Tnt f'jiflor a oause) ell. ye ve not been a great sinner: ye'll goto the good Jim "Oh. vis, Pat. T) be sure, J sthole a bit of the government timber. Pat (taking Jimmy's hand and as suming a diplomatic airWWhen ye "reaches the good place' tell them ye are well accniinted wid Pat McGlarkin' , Here Pat startetl for the door, bnt as if suddenly thinking of Jjimm's dishon esty in stealimr government timber, he wheeled around to his friend and seri- onslv and earnestly exclaimed. "But, .Taimy, if anything happens to vA tht v chnnld rrn to thd other place. Inst. firtVtPm vp tum know a divil of word about meP ! I AiriPna -thft danffhter of the chief of the Algerian revolt, is the groat beauty of the Arab tribes. She appears to be io Hitin(niishpd above all her rivals. not dnlv for her loveliness, but j for her ahcomDlishments likewise, being a poet ess of no mean order, and for her cour age in the field, where she takes her rYnrv hv hfr father's side and gallops fearlessl v on her Arab courser, as fleet and powerful as his own. The picture is wortliy bf Hoare Yernfitt, the Frencfc men say who have pcrsned thbi flying h5t under Bou Ainena'a command t the chief with his white borhous - flying behind him,i and red. and purple tas. sel3 of his horse's gear dancing in the wind; while the dark bine and white striped veil of the girl; with its gold bordertflashes in the sun as it floats out beyond the long streaming tail of her flying steed. s ' ' i Quarterly meetings V For the Wilmington District of the ilethodist E. Church, South. i SRCOND KOUND. , Bladen 1 . : April 29-30 Duplin. May I 6-7 Onslow May 13-14 Clinton. ... . . . . . .! May 20-21 Coharic Mission May 23 Cokesbury District Confer- , enco at Salem May 25-28 - It. O. Burtox, i " Presiding Elder. ' .Lydia E lMnkham's Veetablo Com pound hai done thousands of women more good than the medicines of many doctors. It is a positive cure for all female complaint. Send to Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham. Bishop Lj-man'S Appointments. April 20 Wednestlay evening, Golds- oro. . April 30 Sunday, St. Augustine's, Raleigh. April 30 Sunday e-cning. Good Shepherd, Raleigh. I Mav 5--Sunday, Clirist Church, Ral eigh.- - I. I May 5 Sunday evening, St. Iary;S, Raleigh. May 10-15 Tarboro. Conventions May 16 Tuesday, Scotland Neck. 1 May 17 Wednesday, Hamilton. May 18 Tuesday, Villiamston. j May 19 Friday, Jamesvillc. ' May 20 Saturday, -Trinity, Beaufort County. . i i May 21 Sunday, vashington. lay 22 Monday, South Creek. May 23 Tuesday, Durham's Creek. May 24 Wednesday, Bath. i May 25 Thursday, Zion's ' Church, Beaufort county. . i May 26 Fnday evening, antego. May 28 Sunday, St. James, Beau fort county. May 31 Wednesday, Aiajjeiysviiie, Hvde county. June l Thursday,! Swan Quarter, Hyde county. June 21 riday, fruntv. Fairfield, Hyde June 4 Sunday, St. ueorge s, nyue v -. TT .1. count v. I June 11 Sunday evemng, Jtayetco- villo. June 18 Sunday, Pittsboro. Holy Communion at all morning ser vices. ... I--- - .. Collections for Diocesan Missions. PARTICULAR NOTICE. All the drawings will hereafter be imder the fixr.lusire uterrUion and control of GL.ii.K ALS G. T. BEAUREGARD and JUBAL A. RARLY. A SPLTniD OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. Fifth Grand Distribution, Class E, at New Orleans. Tuesday, May , its 144th Monthly Drawing. Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated In 1SG8 for 25 years by the Leg islature for Educational and Charitable pur poseswith a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve runa oi over jwu,wv uaa suico wwu Added. By an overwhelming populai vote its fran chise was made apart of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D., 1879. Its Gkand SIXGI.E Number Drawtnos will take place monthly. It never scnies or postpones. Look at the following Distribution : CAPITAL PRIZE J30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollabs Half Tickets, One Dollar. Each list or riUZiKS. 1 Capital Prize of....... 1 Capital Prize of. .... 1 Capital Prize of... 2 Prizes of $2,500.... " 5 Prizes of 1,000.. ...... 20 Prizes of 500. 100 Prize of 100........ 200 Prizes of 60 ..$30,000 .. 10,000 L. 5,000 . . 5,000 .. 5,000 .. 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 000 Prizes of 20.......... 1000 Prizes of 10. . L . .... . . ........ APPROXIMATION nuzi-i). 9 Approximation Prizes of $3002,700 9 ADtroxlmation Prizes of. . 2001,800 9 Approximation Prizes of . ..... 100 900 1857 Prizes amounting io. . . . .$110,400 Responsible corresponding agents -wanted at all points, to whom liberal compensation will be paid. - ' . , , For further Information, -write clearly, giv ing full address. Send orders by express or Registered Letter, or Money Order by mall, addresed ONLY to - I - M. -A. DAUPHIN, .. L. . . Ner -Orleans, La. or M. A. DAUPHIN. t T,; .127 La Salle Street, Chicago, Ills, or M. A. DAUPHIN, b07 Seventh. St., Washington, D. C. The New York Office is removed to Chicago. IN. B. Orders addressed to New Orleans will receive prompt attention. ' The particular attention of the Public is called to the fact that the entire number of the Tickets for each Monthly Drawing is sold, and conse quently all the prizes in each drawing are sold and drawn and paid, apl 14-we4-sun-4wd-w Kerchner & Calder Bros., QOMMISSION MERCHANTS, i AJO Dealers in I GROCERIES and FERTILIZERS. j GENUINE GERMAN RAINIT apl234f ON HAND. The Twft Drug Stores BY ME ARE jIN TDX HANDS of Registerea Pnarmacaswi. ' me diwiijd Branch will be supplied with a complete stock of Fresh Drugs ana Medicine. I keep a full tock and have Ingredient to fill any prescrip tions. - - r. C. MILLER'S, Stores Cor. 4th and Nun St., apl 23-44 Cor. 4th and Hanover St. Eeduotion - of Expenses IS THE MAIN ROAD TO WEALTH. Lota for sale on the instalment plan." .iMifttMl on the folio wine street in this city, viz : Castle," CbnrrW Xnn, Ann. Orange, Mulberry, jRea Ctom Rnt!n: - nwmnr ' Sixth. .Seventh, m-ht, xinth TMriiMon.. Tenth. Wooi, Efeventai Bar, tAartotte. Twelfth, Thirteenth, anxl Fourteenth. Money loaned to those, wan- lug to build. Arpiy uv apl 26-tf JAMES WILSON, 1 HAcQ)n Hrf' .lon. r 3IISCEIXAXEOUS. From Andrew's American Queen. CLEOPATRA Y OR THE - Queen of SheWs Beauty r WAS BUT SKIN DEEP. ' ; The renowned Queen of Sheba, with all her royal pomp, magnificent appa rel, and brilliant retinue would never have appeared within the presence of the grandest of the monarchs bf the past, had she not also possessed that which is the crowning glory of the female person a skin unchallenged fori- its Oriental softness and its almost transcendental purity.Cleopatra holding pmnerors at bav. krul nifiiifiH em niri's bV . her word, had ouicklv lost her 1 - r i . i ri who suppose tbeinseirea aajicteu Tiin, or ui- charm and power by ope attack of S2S:disiMof tho-throatorlungs. Aa blotches, or of pimples, or of hornd tan dr&s dil j. ii. schexck & son, guo Arch freckles. - I St., rhlladelpbia, la. F. Q. Ilox ,4w j- WOMAN KW.ES TIIE WOULD. by her beauty, -not less than b v her puri- r ty of characier, loveliness of disposition and unseliLsh devotioa. Indcoi, in the estimation of perhaps too many men, beauty in a bony takes precedence over every other consideration. IJeauty thus forms an important part of wo- man working capital, wimout which too many, (if not bankrupts in what relates to influence- within the circle where they move), are powerless for great good. Hence we bee not only the propriety but the duty of every lady'i preserving with Zealous care that rhich to her is essential to success, and influ ence and influence in life! And, siucc lUnnf t 5a lnf ut-irt rlrusn "fVirt fi"vrcf tJLlUl lO J IA.V POlU VLIV 4,L'IAV C care ana viguance are renniroa 10 guard it against the many ills that flesh is heir to. Among the great and aunoying enemies of leautY, OF EITHER SEX i as well as of comfort, . happiness and health, are those pestiferous and horrid skin diseases tetters, humors, eczema, (salt i rheum), rough and scaly erup tions, ulcers, pimples, ana all diseases of the hair and scalp, t or the cure ot all these Dr. C. W. Benson, of Balti more, after years of patient study and investigation devoted to diseases of the? skin, at last brought forth bis celebrat ed Skin Cure, which has already by its marvelous cures, established itself as the great remedy for all diseases of .i i t-j. r ii. tne Skin, wnacever oeiiueir names ji character. Its success1 has been im mense and unparalleled. All druggists have it. It is elegantly put up, two bottles in one package. Internal - and external treatment. Price $ 1,00. EVERYONE PRAISES. 1 Sick : headache, nervous headache, neuralgia, nervousness, paralysis, dys- oeDsia. sleeplessness and brain diseases, positively oured by Dr. C. W; Benson's Celery and Uhamomue nus. ney contain no onihra. Quinine, or other harmful drug. Sold by all druggists. Price 50 cents ner - box. SI for two. for six:, nostaire free.-Dr. C. W. Benson. Baltimore. Md. C. N. Cuitten ton. New York, is Wholesale Agent for Dr. C. W. Benson's remedies, apl 5-lm. r tTUIE GEEAT S0UIHKi! A BESIEDY for the cure of Scrof ula, Syphilis, Scrofulous Taint, Khea nuUism, White Swelling, Goat, Goitre, Consumption, Bronchitis, Nerrous De bility, Malaria, and all diseases arising: tfrom an impure condition or mo BLOOD, SKIN, or SCALP. 1 CURES SCROFULA 3 Cures Rheumatism. Cures Syphilis. Cures Malaria. Cures Nerrous Debility. I CURES ERUPTIONS. ni tiratrvfifl that exist, and la an lent Blood Purifier. r BOB A"PTT old by an Druggists. Genuine Peruvian Guano JjIRPXTT IMPORTATIONS.' A CARGO OF THE VERY HIGHEST GRADE Just received and for sale for CASH. Warranted pure, j THE ONLY GENUINE PERUVIAN ON WHICH THE STATE TAX HA8 BEE PAID, apl 23-lwk CHAS. E. SMTTIL. Call On Us For v lORN, MEAL, FLOUR, SIDES, SHOULDERS. ! SUGAR, MOLASSES, COFFEE, CRACKERS, ' I - SOAP, POTASH, LYE, c, 4c. AT BOTTOM PRICES. HALL & PEARS ALL : Apl ti -! - : Stockholders' Meeting. fJIHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK holdm 'of the Carolina Central Railroad Com- fpanv will be bcM at the Office of the Company. but., at 11 o'clock, a. m. .w. ? JAMES ANDERSOX, I apl 6-tdm Sect 7 & Treas. A thai lta Ingredients published , on every BackajraTBhow it to your phyclan. ana SIISCEMiAXEOUS. Hires IMPROVED 'ROOT BEER, 23c. pacKs tnaxc & gallons ox a ueu- ox a tYtr. Ank tour dniKrlst. or sent hr mlr lor ; 4 f REWARD ! for any casr ot S3 I HV J Blind. lilccdljr.ltehlnsr. LI- eerated, or Protruding PlLi tliat DEm.Nti'a PILEItEMEDY fall to ciire. Prepared by J. P. MILLER, 3L-P. SIS -Vrch St. Pnila.. Pa. 'otu aenttin without his Mi'rnaturc. send for circular. fcoM by druggists and cotrati try sures,: plRMw WORTH SENDIN-POE. pi. j II. SUIIENCK, of ' PWLnlelphia, ha justpubllhcl a book on "DISEASKOKTHK LUNGS AND f!OW THEY CAN BECCKKD. -which is offered F kkk, TKMtpaid, ti all appll- canU. It contains volume itfortnation for all 100t-lNEN. iARD COLLECTORS ! SS? iChroino l!ard- HnmorOTra.rltrnuwcuve. 'DiA3tos Shibt Factobt J.O.Box A3ltiiaoaro GSOKCE PAGE & CO. rxannlkctTircrs or iriftt imd TTonr MiHs. Water Wh-els. Wood Workirtj nd BsnM3neiry. Bhiiw?-k Mffls, CiwmlarJBajTS Ii3 Ameiicaa Popular Dictionary, $i.Q This ttwnil end eli Jsrant ralam U a con Spiets lyibrtrr aa twjinia m uq ucr u:a Dounc li I out. It cob vIaqvact., with its tny KJi?'38poUin2"and nroaooa r)fJ"';VQ.J cUUon end m van ly&'4.ZM!&&A amount of absolatel . .".si nocftrr infoi-natloj OCX, feifHTTRpbT. Ann erlcan History, laws etc.. beuii a tterted I Library of rafrenc iweostors uictioaan costs ?9.C3, and tbi 'Amer oon pod loan, POD uior oost son- teQ time t'ae moccy .' --N.Y. Atlas. "T mv never ecn Its eqnal eUhnr In prica, finlsa .r eon enta." The Advocate. "A perfect Dictionary and llbran t reference Leaue's l'jus. iM?s.-r. x. ctb copy o v.o AmirlMB Poculftr liictlonarr .ftJlustrRted). the tcrrat at and best boolc ever published, post-paid to any andrsc, in reoelpt of S I lople postpi tnod for 60 d n.riA. at nnra ayscp.ly. f.nu wul nover m in a to :a:n.. &: opies lor ivo uouara. " "V J"- nA Uh vn of4 vnn vat. TUB, Dull DMtt 1M. U Vttla Han-I&OTlimiB CO., IZU rtaesaact., iw xo uur Teauers wm iuuv tun VJonderful booh tlio cheap ist XHctionani gmblisliecl. Thi Information it contains is tvortn many times the amount asked Sot iU and it should bo in thi possession of everybody, Wit$ his boolc in the library for 'refer price, many other much more ex pensive works can be dispensed, with, and ignorance of hU tountni history business, laws ttc9 is inexcusable in any mar? ote the price, &l9 nostpaia. j Sale of Real Estate. VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF TIIE Probate Court of New Hanover county, made this the 9th day of March, 1832, in a cause wherein Batter and Bird are plaintiffs, and Mary E. Myers, et ala., are defendants, the un dersigned Commissioner, appointed for. that purpose, will sell by public auction, to the high est bidder, for cash, at the Court House door, in the citv of Wilminarton. at 12 o'clock M., on Monday, Mav 1st 1832, the following described pieced of land: First All that lot of land and premises situate in the city of Wilmington, on the east side of Front street, between Market and Dock streets, and bounded as follows: Beginning in the eastera line of Front street at the southern line of an alley, which ' runs from Front 6tret to h-'econd street, and separ ates this lot from the London lot on the north of said alley, and running thence, with said Front street-southwardly about forty three feet to the line of a lot belonging to Lovi A. Hart and Stephen P. Policy, thence with Hart and Pollev'sllnceaatwardly ninety-eight feet to n.irt nnd'Pollcv'a other line, thcucc with said other line, northwardlr thirtv-four feet to the southern line of said alley, thence with eald allev weatwardly ninety -eight feet more or less'to the begiunlgg. I . I Second All tbat lot of "land eltuate in the citv of Wilminsrtou ; beginning oao hundred and ninety-five feet from tke comer of Caetle and Fifth 6treets, on the west tide of Filth street, running eontb along Fifth street sixty, three feet to an allev: thence wctwardly along said alley two hundred and twenty feet; thence northwardly one hundred and twenty, elx feet; thence oastwardly one hundred ana tiiirtv feet; tbence southwardly sixty-three feet to the beginning; the same being parts of lots Nos. S3 and 200 under letter Bin the plan of the town of Wilmington. Is -- . - Third All that tract or lot of land in Rolx--son county, adjoining the lots of Griffin Oxen-' dine and R.R. Jones,, on Trade street, in the town of Lumberton. being the same lot on whlhJ- T. Bullara's store is situated, and bounded a3 follows: Ueginning on the eaid street, at the wet-cooner of Griffin Oxen dina's lot, thence ranning along the said ttreet 15 feet, thence at a right angle to said street 30 feet, tbenco esstwardly 18 feet, parallel with said street, theae along said G Oxen dine'a lino to tho beginning. , . Fourth All that certain lot or tract of land situated In BLukn , county, ' rtcftcribed and bounded as follow, to wit: Beginning at a .r.Va hir . A&aA Tine tree. Priiizen s cooner In the line of the Anoerson Jana ana ruo eat with the Anderson Jlne, 17 chain and 60 links to William Kelly's hoe. Mnth n, xetCL with Kellev'i line JO'JminsHiJuia to hUcorner.thence south 40 et 15chalM tohi corner then north 50 owl, 17 chains jma.m to the Anderson Kite, thence ifmia w,pi " " ami, wen soa , - - - ink a iiuta north 65 weit . i tr rth 25 rAt 11 chain anl OU links, thenee north 60 eait ";1'A1 and Pridgen's line 25 chain to the besuauing containing 20o acre. KI- -L 1 ComxnlMloaer. This 13th dayof3Iarch,lW-i. . March 13th, 20th, 27th. April i. lOta Lth. 23d. 23tb, - ' - ' ' , Dentistry. SAM DOING PLATE WORK. USING CEL kld and Robber as a base plate. m Terms: For Celluloid.. ............ ....... t 30. . Rubber.. 23. SatisfActlonCTaranteed.j - . . 1 . J. H. DURHAM, DentUt, prlncews street, betwvea TtqmI csd Second. apl23-ll8U j ; f - 5 J Patent Portable Corcuizr saw rapiir 5 H. BCHS0ED23, ET., J , J Lijv. BALTDIORS, y . m, nrw- -i ar y -mm ijWO mmmifiji ljS& i525 J ;i?B? KAIlitOADSi miniington & fWeWon Railroad Company. Office of GENEaAUSaPtuixrioitarr, ! - Wllmhljton, N. a. ApTlt , 1S8I. Change of Schedule. 0: N AND AFTER APRIL 2. ISg- AT . . M., Pa?.enri'r Trains on the limine tonJt Weldon lbiUroad will run as follow : j DAY. MAIL AND EXFRKSS TRAJNJ DAILT, Nos. 47 NoKTil AJCD 49 SorTU. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, C40 A. M- Arri vo a t Wc ldun li.50 P. it Ixiavc WeMoa. .J. . 1 5.37 P. M. Arrive afc Wlun'gton, Front St. D'pt, 8.53 P. M. FAiT TuaiirGu Mail & Passkxgex Tkaxxs Daily 5Tos. 43 North ax d W SotTn. 1 1 Leave Wllminjrton.Front St., IVpot, 6.15 P. M. Arrive at Weldon 1.05 A. M. Leave Weldon. . i 6.10 P. M. Arrive at Wllm'gton.Front St. D'p 10.55 p. M. Train No. 40 South will stop only ait Rocky Mount, Wilaou, Goklsbom and M.ignoiia.1 . Trains on Tarboro Branch lload Leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at li M. and 7.15 P. ,M.,. Daily, lieturnuigj leave Tarboro at J.00 Al M. ami 3 P. M. Dally. - ,i . ' Train No. 47 makes cKso connection Kt We doaforall points North Dnllv. All rail vift Richmond, and dally except umlaj - Tla Bay Line. - , ( I . 1 .( Train No. 43 runs daily nndmakes close con. , -nection for all points Ntrth via Richmond and 1 Washington.. No. 47 makes cKwe connectloa 1 tur Ta: inrrvr. - - j . t- AH trains ran tol.d berwwn"Wllmlhgtn a'noT" Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached. I JOHN F, DIVINE, -General Surintcndent. A. POPE, General Passenger Agenti I apl4-tf . , . ' Lj' Wilmington, Columbia . E. do. & Augusta R Office or General ScFExntTEXDEXT. KXT. ) i I Tnimlnaton, N. C. April 2, 1882, I Change of Scheduld. QN AND AFTER APRIL 2Np, 1SS2, AT 7.20 A. M., the foUcnrlng Fassenger Sclittrate will b run on this road i: NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS, DAILY-No. 4S Weet and 47 East. j Leave Wilmington.......... ........ 10.15 1. H. Leave Florence.. 1.50 A. M. Arrive at C. C. & A. Junction 5.55 A. M. Arrive at Columbia............ 6.10 A.M. Leave Columbia 10.00 P. M. Leave C, C A A. Junction 10.20 1 M. Leave Florence... 1,52 A.M. Arrive at Wilmington I . . . ,20 A. M . NIGHT MATL AX PA8SEKGEn TRAlK, DAILY, No. 40 West, and Dat . Mail axd Pao bexger Train, No. 43 East, j Leave Wilmington........ .... ..11.10 P. M. Ai-rive at Florence 2.47 A. M. Ijeave Florence 1.25 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington. 5.53 P. M. Train 43 atom at all Stations. No. 4 stops only at Flcmington, WhltevlUo, Fdr Bluff and Ration. Passengers for Columbia and all points on O. & C. R. !., C, R. R. Stations, Aiken Junc tion, and all poinU beyond, should take 4a Nicht Express. i'l Separate Pullman - Sleepers .for Charleston and for Augusta on Train 47. jU - All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. s , JOHN F. DIVINE. General Superintendent. A. POPE, General Passenger Agent. 1 . api 4-tr Carolina Central It. ' 11 J i Company. Office of General Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C, March 23, 1832. i , 1 I i Changje of Schedule. r QN-AND AFTER MARCH W, 1882, TUB following Schedule will be operated on this Railroad : j I . - PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN. ! . DAILY. - , , -). ' 'I I Vo, , ) Leave Wilmington at. ...... .5.45 P. M. r0' Arrire at Charlotte at. . ; . . . .7.40 A. M. Vrt ' Leave Charlotte at ...7.65 Pi. M. 0' ' ) Arrive at Wilmington at. .9.50 A'. M. Trains Nos. 1 and 2 stop at regular station only, and points designated la the Companx's Time Table. Train No. 1. Daily exeept Snnday. Do. No; 2. do. do. Satttnlay. PASSENGER AND FRE10IIT. Daily except Sundays. L-A e ) Leave Wilmington at.. &- Arrive at Charlotte at ...C.10 A. M. 1....7.45P.M; v- n I Leave Charlotte at.... ...... 6.25 A. M. 0' "' i Arrive at Wilmington at.... 7.50 P. M. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, .MAIL, EXPRESS. AND FREIGHT, hi Daily exoopt Sundays. , ) Leave Cliarlolte &.40 A. M. Arrive at Fhelby. , 12.40 P. 2C Leave iShlhy... Sl.40P.3I., Arrive at Charlotte. , 5.WP. M. Trains No. 1 and 2 make dose connection t Hamlet with R. A A. Trains to and from Rai egh, and at Charlotte with Shelby Division Tram, I Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and CharWte. Train No. 1 makes connection at Charlotte with A., T. &O. R- for StAteTlllo, con necting there with W. N. C. R. R. for all poinH on-sakl roL ! I . Trains No. X and 5 make connection at Char lotte with A. & C. R. R. for Spartanburg, GreenviUe, Athens, Atlanta and all points be-, inch 25-tf General Superintendent. lJew Reotaurant. rpHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RXSPLCll- j f tDrvomce that he has J-jit fitted up at No. ,. V , i urukt S, Granite Row, South Front St., 1 tor Ladiev and ientlcmeuj where mealJ ad ' I1 j j-freijmeuU may be had at all brani of -the p Vo- aay. Everjthln 1 new awl nrl V.tA mttr nrul rortrtetvai at Aidant.. 4r9"Game aivl Oysters in season. Fine Wines. Liquors and Clears. so 1 A. RCHUTTE, Pnjp. Tivoli I PoSrTNER'S iTIVOULAGER BEEB Is the Best. ' - ' j Everybody eays so tzd everybody drt&ka . ' ; .- I - i the TlvolL FamillM supplied. Lea to order at the Depot on SeoosJ ttrctt, spl2S4t I - BESS

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