BY TELEGRAPH. C CONGKESSIONAL. By Telegraph to Dally Review. , -SENATE. Washington. I). C, April "27.--Tlie Chair submitted letters from the Secre tary of War inclosing a communication from Jas. 15. Ead, member of the Mississippi River Commission, dissent in" from a portion of the report, of that Commission, ncusnuu. Mr Sherman introduced a bill to I Aininir of the standard 1 bilver dollar. It repeals bo much 01 the act of February 28th, 1878 tho coining .of tho standard silver dolar and restoring its legal-tender character, as directs the purchase and tho com to the standord silver dollar, of. not less -than 8'J,000,000 worth of silver bullion p-sr every month. The bill then direct the purchase of bullion from time to time and its coinage .nly when in the opinion of the Secretary of the Treasury the coinage of such dol Inrs a; is demanded for Dublic use and convenience. Referred to Committee on Finance. . Mr. Blair oQereil a resolution grant ing him leave to testify ih. the House Chili-Fejrnviau investigation. Adopted. The bill to remove the political disa bilities of Dr. A. Sydney Gibbs, amend ed as desired yesterday, was taken, up by a vote of 2 yeas to 22 nay s . Messrs. Cameron, of Wis., Ingalls and Sen-ell voted aye with the Democrats. The iMf(iva voto -rtO - rntir" V ItepUWICan. Mr. Davis, of IU., voted no. The biU gave rise to a political discussion tlie ! most animate of the scssiou, in wlijch i Mr. Edmunds, of Vt., champipned the '; opposition to the measure and opposed : an indiscriminate removal oi aisaoiu ties from Confederates. Senators Vest, Garland, Maxey and Hampton respond ed. No action was taken and at 2:15 the Senate again took up the anti-Chinese bill. A message was received' from -'the President in regard to the so-called Cowboy disturbances in Arizona which was read and referred to the Judiciary Coranvttee. - The Conference report on, the Post ollice Appropriation bill waB submitted A disputed item concerning special mail facilities on trunk -lines lixtn the . appropriation at $000,000, and provides j that said facilities be extended, as lar as practicable to. tho principal cities of the United States. Adjourned. .HOUSE. Mr. Townsend, of Ohio, submitted a conference report on the bill to promote the efficiency of the life saving service and to encourage the saving of life in shipwreck. The report recommends tlie adoption of tho Senate amendment t adding a pension feature to the bill, j Adopted. Tho 1 louse then resumed tne consia-1 eration of the contested election case of L3'nch vs." Chalmers. Mr. Hammond, of Georria, submitted an exhaustive argument in support' of the views of the j minority. : Mr. Lynch, the contestant, wa3 then accorded the floor, and as he rose to speak, at the desk, which was formeely occupied by Gen. Garfield, ho was greet ed with some applause from tho galler ies. Disdaining any intention to "dis cuss the legal points of the caso, he said that he would confine himself to the consideration ot .the dteropiitablc s - tern of elections vogue mMisippi. 41 It' Illl'll 1 III' IIHIIIIM r' a?l" ;& IIIfll.a rl f31WzrfluJ Zr: nrl I i j . . . 1. -n AIWA fyu.. .mv. m V V , iier iiiu cieutiuu, iu tut; cuai uiat iiu j wameu a wuiiu iuau uvciuiuuiU in Mississippi, and would resort to any ; m.eans, short of open violence, to ac-; oomplish that object, "Mr. Lynch ad mitted that 3Ir. Chalmers was author!- ; zed to speak for tho Bourbonism of; Jlississippi : bathe emphatically denial liis authority to speak lor the Conserva- ; ti-o white people. - He also denied eopie. ; lie a so aomea ) prejndices had anything j fraud and violpurn in thn i that the race to do with the fraud and violeuce in the Southern T1 I iourDons party antipa or anv other Republicans carrying Iississippi as Gen. Garneld feelings ot deep mortincation and pro- 3 i T. 4. : . i .. ' i of the contestee in this case the country to riffSh? Ilol bndmfiHUU1 I to4 ?f hlt justice: .though that gentleman had cc. i oupiedaseat on this floor lor the last live vears, yet no one knew years, vet no one knew better 1 1 il L f il... i I vtvtju .(u.w .. . ,7a f, inff rA TPnrlinrr f i purple nc am noiKuow. no ai-, more active at fc?17.50aS 17.75 ; ;r;v -,vrr.-"to. " so stated that Auditor Mclircw and his rt-j 1 .2.aOiR.r. rtirion ir. - . , toi nicum a rrvcii irii-irv v rrm vnvi rro i a 1 i i j . i 1 1 State. The antipathy , of Sn5SiSSSi& ! y 12-56a 127; Angptf jlS-TOa 12.71; w as iios a race ami paiuy, out i pnnA ('nmmiiftnpr, nn.l r,irn i ir oepiemoer i.w a .us.m .ccoDer thy, and Bmce, Langstou, I KendaU and G. P. Shklon. rPrfrPn- ! a 12:71 - YemAJi i1-50 a -11,53; Do- mtellieent colored man as i ofU -c -rtf ir,.in t.,i- . .cember ll.50alI.52 Januaryll.61all.63. can debate lor the Fresi- aM.-n - v. .fr.Q. Rat.ttmohe. A'nril 27. KiVTifLnoo than himself that he had never, with possibly one exception, received as many as one-third of the votes cast in uuy election in winch he had been a ixindidate. The providential acts committed by his friend nd asup porter, and which had resulted m His being returned to a seat on this floor, had bom received by hitn with either silent acquiescence or pub lie approval. In the further course of his speech, Mr. Lynch characterized Chalmers as a maligner of his section, a tradncer of the most respectable and intelligent portion of his people. Re ferring to what he termed the bourbon method of election, he declared that the Republican party would contine to wage - an unceasing war upon the metliod un til the right of every American citizen to cast his ballot for the party and the man of his choice and have that ballot honestly counted should have been ac quiesced in from one end of the country to" the other. Applause on the Itenub- lican "side. Mr. Chalmers, the contestant, was the next speaker, Referring to tho speech just delivered by Mr. Lvnch, he asserted that it ' was but a repetition of what had been said time and time again by the. contestant and his co-conspirators, who had, through the public press of tho country endeavored to destroy the reputation of the wliite people of Mississippi. The noticjiof contest was filletl - with -just such generalities as charges of fraud, violence and all man ner of conniption in Mississippi ; and yet when these charges came to be tried they could not be substantiated. The contestant had undertaken to arraign him personally before Congress, but iic (Chalmers) challenged the gentleman lo find in the record a line or syllable, fcaaubeg'mning 4o end, that cast any. tt ai record, and which failed, his claimed, to nrovc anv act of fraud or violence. In m m f v m stead of having made his 'contest with rifle and shot gun, it was: a matter Of ! history that he nad made it with a brass Dana 01 coiorea musicians in a paj.riuti wagon decked' in rod. white and bluo. In conclusion, he sai$: "If reason and shame have fled to brutish beast :! it a Dtnnrrfltk ia to la made and I am to be tho first victim, thenlj oe t ne nrsc victim, men 1.1 ! Youlhave the power j to cxenasc it you will re- S1V n -hpad S ????? 11 joucjioose fTPtit mnrathin i vnn mav onvc tub hv fhrrft anrl tilaco anoth - er in itbut whenever you look at him yon wiil le reminded of this iday's out - tKof tnt fi in :tipp lrrwrwre immolated and that it was 3-our own high priests! thnt nfnHatod at the unholYisacrilice." ; Applause on Democratic side. The bill went over without action-. m Mr. Dermottc. of Ind., closed the day's debate with an argument in favor of Lynch's claim to the eeftt 1 and then the matter went over, question will probably o'clock to-morrow. - I The previous be cdllod at 2 The Sneaker laid before the House a message from the President respecting outlawry in Arizona. Attor a briei speech by Springervof 111., relative Ito tfm irnrrfanrnfimmriate action the message wa3 referred to committee on Military Affairs -rritlr any time. Adiourned. VIRGIN tAJ The President and Cabinet at Fortress Monroe. (B7 Telegraph to Daily Review. ( Fortress Monroe, April27 Kijrht. The President and party arrived here at 1 o'clock to-day, au the shore pro gramme was carried out. The troops were reviewed and thH fort j inspected, and exhibitions of heavy artillery prac tice wore given. To-night the gradua ting exercises of tho artillery school will be held, and to-morrow the naval review ana conciudins exercises win 1 utx GEORGIA. Tlie Colored Element in Cau ens." '; .' ' j j By Telegraph to Dallr Review. Macon, Ga., Ajjril 27. Night. A convention of colored) men from every part of the State, met here to-day to discuss matters, political aud general. There were 216 delegates. Nearly all of the session was taken up in selecting a chairman. After - mucK iwranfflins W.J. White, of Augusta, was chosen. A committee to report busincjss was ap- pointed and will report at the meeting to-morrow. STAR ROUTE FRAUDS. How they, wore Botight. By Telegraph to Daily Koview.J Washixgtox, D. C, April 27, Night In the Star Route examination to-aay Inspector Woodward was upon tho stand, and upon cross-exaihindtion said that Kuddell, whose indictment is sought, had told him that the Srar ! Route combination had ,, postmastcr General Tvnor U, 000 shares of mining stock to in Jllf influence his .m a A . . oflicial simila action.- Handell also said a similar amount had G. Gibson, but for THjK vikgixia bonds, A Supplementary Injunction Qbtained. Dy Telegraph to Daily Review.' torney General Blair; on behalf of the j Commonwealth, to-day obtained liom t..j ir. j . T ... tnem to print bonds 1 for the State Tho Attorney General iiiefu iua-1, as a. law omcer oi inc 11 , J l J3C r ii. . aS 3 Shidon to saidPPCoWissioilersf and tbat ere was coUusion between them to flwnfn miltrfl,.f i -rii 'Wi ordWlnin? .Sw.r De,nmt(irv'rn lh(, n' :11(Vi ; uays ago, wnicn was deemed Dy many to be inoperative for the reason! that it was not served after the contract with Kendall & Co., had been confirmed and signed by a majority of the Board ,1. " , . , i . . .. of Commissioners and ample security had been given by the contractors. I FOREIGN X 3ETVS. England. By Telegraph to Dally Kcvinr ! Lontxws, April 27. Night. Dr. Lam-i son will be hanged at U0 o'clock toil morrow morning.- Manvood jAvill bo me execuiioner. ur. JLamson nad larc-, At - a T-V this evening. I . 1 j . j The maariage of Prince Leopold to Princess Ilellen, of Waldeck, I took place at St. George's Chapel, in Wind sow, to-day, the Archbishop of Canter bury officiating. jj ; Berlin, April 27 Night The ! Em peror's speech to-day at the opening of the special session of the Reichstag strongly advocated a tobacco monopoly as the best substitute ior oppressive direct taxes. Russia. St. Petersburg, April 27. Night. The Herald says that handbills are be ing circulated calling upon the Jews to join tho Nihilists. It is worth rememberinrr that nobodv enjoys the nicest surroundings if in bad 1 health. There are miserable people about to-day with one foot' in thesxave, when a bottle of Parker's Ginger Tonic would do them more good than; all the doctors and medicines ther have ever tried See adv.. , , , v, T : aspersion on uis cnaracrer. tie muu I entered into an exhaustive revision of ! tho. fnrts of the case as exhibited by the rages and if conscience oenot a canjeer s means w iuuuchw! j.iumfi ui in your breasts, in the stiilncb of night j contract for printing of the now State it will haunt you with the recollection bonds, was heard yesterday in tho Po- ffiSSS ! ?nt had receive and dirided cor-J new mcks Mav S18al9:f5; miuMuuij iwmuuj, uvuifcuiiiuwuvva wi ana weak, an a Tinrea wnn v 1 -i .i i ii i TTiJ & v I'M nr l Knnn nmnnrQ tt in " " Atnai"i'u41' ivihvj. . v- - . 1 , - , In the L . S. Circuit Court at Charles- ton, SouthCarolma, yesterday the case of the United States against John T. Hogg and 33 other defendants, chargea with obstructing qualified voters in .'Barnwell county, wa still oa trial, and wili probably continue the rest of tho week. No ineresting devel opment as yet. Kaiph w aiao Jbmerson aica at ttoston r 1 1 1 a. 1 A . I i at 9 o clock last riignt George Bette mid Jim Brown, who eoro awiw uiowu, w, Shot and killed Sheriff Campbell, yj tarday at Lake City, Col., were tak en i lruui uic iau win iuia morning by ! masked men and hanged. I tho case against George H. Kendall, : charged with having used improper lice Court at Richmond aud Kendall was discharged. ! In the Malley trial at ew Haven, Conn., vesterdayf rrofiassor Chittenden testified in reference to the chemical analysis of a portion of Sennie Cra mer's body, and that he had found in the internal organs more than a grain of white oxide of arsenic. Dr. E. N. Woodward, a dentist of re spectable standing, in San Fran cisco, California, yesterday shot 1 and danirerouslv wounded a woman known O i -! . - . ' 1 . ... , i as mouio v ooawara, wim wnom no had l)een living, and then shot nimself dead. The cause was jealousy on his j part and a refusal-on the part of the wo- j I The jury in the casp of Michael and 1 Davo Hemiessy, on trial , at New Or leans, since Monday for the murder of ; Thomas Deyereatix, on Oct. 13th, 1881, ; l-eturned a verdict of not -guilty. Indications. I I For tlie South Atlantic States, partly cloudy weather, occasional rainf proba bly followed by-cloudy weather, south west to northwest winds, stationary or higher barometer, 'stationary tempera ture. ! 4Bucliupaiba." Quick, complete" cure, all ahneying Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases. $1. Druggists Depot, James Mnnds. DOMESTIC MARKETS. (By telegraph to Daily Ecvlew. Xi:w York, April 27, Night. Cot I ton firm,, holders asking higher prices ; j sales 341 bales ; uplands 12 1-4 ; Or j leans 12 1-2 ; consolidated net receipts i 4,313 bales; exports to Great Britain 8,328 bales; to France 941, to Conti nent 748 bales ; Southern flour steady and quiet ; common to fair extra $5.75 a $6.90; good to choice $6.95aS8.50. Wheat opened l-2a3 4c higher and firm, afterwards weaker andiost most of the advance, then the decline was l-4al-2c., closing heavy at inside rates. No. 2. Spring $1.44; ungraded Red $1.45a$l 47 1-2; No. 2,v red April $1.4(5 1-2; Mav $1.40 3-4a$1.47 1-2; j Corn, cash ancl April, 2a3 cents lower, dull and de pressed, subsequently weak and lost advance, and closing l-2alc lower, trade fairly active, ungraded 81a$5, No. 2, April 82a83 l-2,May 80 l-8a8-2 18; Oats lal l-2c higher and fairly active, closing weaker, No. 3 at 61 cents ; Hops quiet and Steadily held; Cofleo dull and low er, low ordinary Rio May I5a25, Rio cargoes 8 l-2al0 1-2, job lots8 1-4all-1-1 ; Sugar dull, . weak and nominal ; fair to good refining 7 3-8a -7 1-2; re fined dull and easier, standard A 9 1-2 ; Molasses unchanged and quiet ; Rice fair demand and firm ; Rosin 3.47 1-2 a$2.i2 1-2; Spirits quiet at 58a59; Pork new S18.- cAA 41H middles, dull nominal : Lard opened about 51 cents higher., but closing weak with the advance, lost, ; light sales, prime steam soot; 11 3-5; i May 11.30 a 11.32 1-2; refined quoted 11.40: Freights to Liverpool firm; Cot- ton, steam, 3-32d a l-8d: wheat, steam. 1-Sd New York, April 27 STight. Cot osed dnll with sales of JTV1 bHo 12.29 a 12.2 prii 12.29 a 12.30; May 0"iet lower ; Southern 55 a 58 ; Western, white, 50 a 53; mixed 51 1-2 a55 ; Pennsylvania, 55 a 58. Provisions. firm and unchanged. Coffee quiet; Rio cargoes, ordinary to fair 8 1-2 a 0 1-2. Sugar, quiet : A Soft 9 7-8. Whiskev firm at i$1.22 1-2 a 1.23. Freights dull and nominal. - ., j f Chicago, April 27 Night.-Flour steady and unchanged. "Wheat unset tled and generally higher at $1.39 1-2 a $1.40 cash, $1.40 April, $1.29 1-2 a &1.295-S May. Corn in fair demand and prices higher 71 1-4 a 71 1-2 cash. 71 1-2 April, 71 1-2 a 71 5-S May. Oats active; and firm higher at 51 1-2 a 52, cash. 51-1-4 Mav. Lard -sfceadv snd in good demand at 11 a 11.05 cash April, ; 11.02 l-2all.05 May. Bulk meats steady, fair and in demand, shoulders 7.50, j Short Ribs 10.30, Short Clear 10.65. : Whiskey steady at $1.19. NAVAL STORES. Rosin, steady and inactive demand at a &1 95 B h2 05 C 2 10 Ti Dints auiet nnd firm oi 60 cents. Charleston, S.C., April 27 Night Spirits, sales at 49 cents ; Rosin, Strain ed, $2 a $2.10 i COTTON MARKETS. April 27. Niffht. Galveston, steady at 11 7-8; Norfolk, steady at H- 13-16; Baltimore, quiet at 12 1-8; Boston quiet at 12 3-8: Philadelphia quiet at 12 3-8; Savannah quiet and firm at 11 3-4 ; New Orleans firm at 12; Mobile, firm at 11 7,-8: Memphis, steady at 12; Augus ta, dull at 11 1-2: Charleston, . quiet at 12. I ' T :. . , FOREIGN MARKETS. By Cable to Dally RoTlew.J London, April 27, 5 46s a 45s. Gd. P. 3kl. Spirits Liverpool, April 27, 5 P. M. Cot ton, American, sales 7,600: Julv and i August 6-40 W ; futures quiet. " - 1 mi tti rf maw- . .. Father and Son: Columbia, S. C, Fob. 16, 1881. H. H. WARJfEK & Co, : SirsI cured myself of a kidney . disease,' ad my son of Brfeht's Disease, by the uso of your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, when every other remedy j had failed. : " v.- Jorix Agnew. COMMERCIAL NEWS. WILMINGTON MARKET. . v . April 27. fi P. M. SPIRITS ' TURPENTINEQuoted firm at 51 cents.' Sales of ISO casks at 51 cents market closing firm. r6sIN Quoted firm at $1.85 for Strained and $1.90 for Good Strained. Sales of. 2,000 bbls. at these figures, market closing firm. I TAR Quoted firm at $2.05 per bbl of 230 lbs. . j CRUDE TURPENTINE No offi cial quotations. Sales of receipts at &2 for Hard and "$3.50 for Soft and Virgin. COTTON Quoted steady. Sales of 50 bales on a basis of 1 1 3-4 for Middling. Tho following aro the official quota tions: Ordinary. ... 9 1-16 Cts. 9 1-16 10 7-1C 11 5-16 l 3-i 12 1-8 Good Ordinary Low Middling. Middling. ...... Good Middling DALLY RECEIPTS. Cotton. .... j 201 bales Spirits Turpentine. ! 173 casks Rosin 1050 bbls Tar. - 303 bbls Crude Turpentine 133 bbls MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. . Steamer Elizabeth, Bisboo, Smith ville, Master. ; Steamer North State," Green, Eav etteville, Worth & Worth. ' - - Steamer Vesta, Love, Fayettevilie, DeRosset & Co. Steamer Lisbon Phillips, Lisbon, S W, Skinner. i j; Nor barque Bjorntrad, 01sen,Huelva, C P Mebane. CLEARED. Steamship Regulator, Doahe, New York, T E Bond. ' Steamer Elizabeth, Bisbee, Srnith ville. Master. " Steamer John Dawson, Sherman, Point Caswell, R. P. Paddison. Steamer North State, Green, Fay ettevilie, Worth & Worth. Steamer Vesta, Love, Fayettevilie, DeRosset & Co. .Steamer Lisbon. Phillips, Lisbon, S W Skinner. Schr Joe Souther, Watts, Thomaston, Me, J H Chabonrn & Co. Br brig Signal, Williams, Bristol, Eng, Alex Sprunt & Son. Nor barque Hektor, Tellefsen, Stettin E Peschau & Westermann. . Exports. . COASTWISE, Nov YorkSteamship Regulator 463 bales cotton, 318 casks spirits turpt, 2,535 bbls rosin, 52 do far, -40 tos rice, 10 bales yarns, 160 bags peas, 37 pkgs mdse,; 67,582 ft lumber. Thomaston, Me Schr Joe Souther 342.78$ ft lumber. 18 bbls pitch1. 1 do tar.". , : -. L -1 KOKEION. j I Bristol, Eng Br brig Signal 500 casks spts turpt, 2,065 bbls rosin. Stettin, Ger Nor barque Hektor 3,910 bbls. rosin. , ". V WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON. HAND APRIL 22, 1882. Cotton ashore, 1,36 1 ; a float, 553 : total, 1,917. Spirits a sho.e, 422; afloat, 177; total, 599. . Rosin ashore, 110,034; afloat, 6,221; total, 116,455. Tar ashore, 5,100; afloat, 65; total, 5.465. . Crude ashore, 219, . ; RECEIPTS FOR THET WEEK ENDING APRIL " 22. 1832. ' . '.'. Cotton, 830; spirits, 866; rosin, 2,557; tar, 1,524; crude, 637. EXPORTS FOR THE WEEK ENDING APRIL ; 23, 1882. j DOMESTIC. : Cotton, 466; spirits, 391: rosin 1,342; tar, 2,785; crude 21. FOREIGN. Spirits, 633; rosin, 10,863; tar, 6,593. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Kerchner & Caldef Bros., Q03LMISSION 3IERCHANTS, .. - , 4ND " Dealers in GROCERIES and FERTILIZERS. " GENUINE GERMAN KA1NIT apl 23-tf ON HAND. Eeduction of Expenses IS THE MAIN ROAD TO Wealth. Lots for sale on the Instalment plan, rsdSs? situated on the following streets mrtlASf thia city, rlz : Castle, Chnrch, Nan ,sfiS?ia Ann Orange, Mnlljerry, Red Crtfe-s.t''Jl Rankin, Owynn, .Sixth, Seventh, v:hon, Li-htb. Ninth, Dickinson, Tenth, 'Wood. j ' 3 r '-unriotic, a wen in, xuirteenth, aaa Fourteenth. Money loaned to tnoc wish- apl Sft-tf JAMES WILSON. To Let. gORSES, BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, Phco- tons, Wagonets, Road Wagons, at lowest pri ces. Froaapt attention to all onlem. ; " .rw ,v , v T- J SOUTUERLAND. . Omnibus ami baggage line to and from rafl- r031- i - apl 2Jdw Dentistry, - j J AM DOING TLATE WORK, XTSbfG CEL- 1 uiold and Rubber 3 a base plate. Terms: For Celluloid- . . " Rnbber ... . . ' . $ 30. 25. . Satlfactkn ruaranteed.1 J. IL DURHAM, Dentist, Princess street, between Front and Second. ap!23-lni. t WILMINGTON, N. C. , INES, LIQUORS AND GIGAK.. J. M. McGOWAN, it SON, rrojir. apl 27-lwk. - , A White Woman Q AN GET A GOOD HOME AND LIBERAL wages bv applying at olllce. Silks, Laces, Neckwear. JXTST IN TODAY. I - i . - IN E W BUTTONS! Ulsters IN BOTH LINEN AND MOIIAIK, A LARGE ASSORTMENT, ALL SIZES. Straw Mattiligs ! - - - r. ? LADIES TRUNKS lzo 32, 34 and 3& Respectfully, ' aplSG M. Mc INT I RE. Wilmington Marble Yard, JOHN MAUNDER. apl 2J-lw. New York & Wilmington Steamship Lino. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. STEAMERS -WILL SAIL FROM :s ETC YORK EYEDT WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, I at 3 o'clock, P. M. GULF STREAM.. ........ .Saturday, April S9 REGULATOR. ........... .Wednesday, May 3 SANTO DOMINGO. . ...... . .Saturday, May 6 Through Bills , Lading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from Points in North and South Carolina. For Freight Engagements apply to THOMAS E. BOND, Supcrintendant, Wilmington, N. G. TIIEO. G. EGER, Freight Agent, 35 Broadway, New Y'ork. WM. P. CLYDE A CO., General Agents ap!27-tf. CONSUMPTiQH Cnrcs Consumption, Colds, PnenmO' nia, Influenza, Bronchial Difficulties, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Asthma Croup, "Whooping Cough, and all Dis eases of the Breathing Organs. It soothes and heals the 3Iembrane oi the Lungs, inflamed and poisoned hr the disease, and prevents the nteht jneuts Bnu 1 1 guineas across ine cnesi jThich accompany it C0NSUMP' flON is not an incurablo malady. It is only neeessarr to haTe tho right remedy, and HALL'S BALSA2I is that remedy. JJON'T DESPAIR of RE LIEF, for this benign specific ivill cHe??D evea ttiongh professional aid fails. 1l3w HENRY'S c sm the Most Foiverf4il nettling Oint ment and disinfectant ever Discovered 7Tenry8 Carbolic Salve lieals burns, lleniru's Carbolic tia.lti Uvnry's Carbolic Salve allays vain. I Uenry's Carbolic Salve cures eruption, xlenry' Carbolic Salve heats pi m pi 01, Hen ru9 Carholle Salve honls bruises. Asfc for Henry's and use no other. BEWARE OP COUNTERFEITS, -era Genuine Peruvian Guano TyiRECT IMPORTATIONS. A CARGO OF THE VERY HIGHEST GRADE Juet Weired and for sale for CASH. Warranted pure. THE ONLY GENUINE " PERUVIAN ON WHICn THE STATE PAID. TAX IIAS BEEN apl 23-Iwk cn,vs. e. SMiTn. Call On Us For QORN, MEAL, FLOUR, SIDES, 8IIOULDE1LS. SUGAR, MOLASSES, COFFEE, CRACKERS, V ! ' SOAP, POTASH, ' " LYE, Ac..! Ac. At BOTTOM PRICES. HLL&PEARSALL JIcGowan's Saloon No. S, South rr.orr Street, .... . - 1 1 . .. , i CAM BE CORED I ATA 1M KOW EEADY ror. x no large and TarleU bik of Mr. v t. r4 maa, la the atoro oa Fourth lja. liaa bcea purchased r No. 4T 3!arke Btreet,!, Regardless of Cost, ! Tti0 SUyk o a aud cxcoJKnt GohI?, sur4j M LADIES' DRESS GOODS A -filll linn rkrv.As.i . ..... .tu- wJla, ot Jn!lj . - ' ii COl.tAKS, Ct.'FFS. RANI)f , CHIKFS, TKV.NKS A yAuK ATCHMLs, assortment of KM . 01. Gloves, Mitu aacl H.vlory forL-vLV, nxul Gentleman. . ' i .KiifOlotvs which we &r,lj for j. ly ppotte1, for 20 cents. i Spool Silk, exoftUcut quAlitj-, for 5 ttA formerly 10 cents Boots 2nd Shoes for Genu LaJlw .aj cli-enatnalf Cont. Collarettes for children s tenta, worft jq. ..11 .4 11 Alpacas cenu to 40 cost U5 cents to CO cents. Neck rufllln, at 7 coat, wortb i feIUu4 upwards.' j Large variety of Buttons at 50 ceau on a dollar. Ladlea and Children's Ilosa rtrlou prices. Black Lace Scarfs for 25 cents,' cwt 73 entt lii short there Is a large stock to bo eoW n "I I ' ftt pricea away down below prime cost It k a bona fltle business, and no humbug. T Qootla must be soW. i ! ISAAC SHRIEK, apl 23-1 w Xo. 47 Market wt The Best Rule JN TIIE HARDWARE TILV.DK CAS BE found at JACOBI'S Ilardware DcimA. Itl- to sell at small proflt,aiKl therein b the seem of our lncreasetl trade. We keep one ot U . ' i fullest onl best etock In the Stato laibeW lowing lines: j j : i ! . GENERAL J I AKDW ARE, BAR IRON AND STEFX. BUILDER'S HARDWARE. CARRIAGE MATtSuLS, MECHANICS and FARME LS' TOOLS. I QfevtnkSiil Brushes Laci Paintd. Whlto Lead and Paints and Varnishes, WINDOW flLASS. ALL MZES Manufacturer's Agency for tho foUwiD goods : ATLAS AND STONEWALL PLOWS, HAIMAN'S UNI-EESAL PLOW, JACOBI PLOW, NEW YORK ENAMEL PAUTS, COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, From two of the best fadonei DOORS, WINDOWS AND BLISDS, j A etoek of each of the above always en M gAll who nave not yet dono 60 arc solicited- gire us a triaL Correspondence attended to promptly. I N ATIIANU. . . ww . Stl ar!23-tf " 10 Sonth Fru St Telephones ! Telephones! Telephones f 1 SOUTHERN BELL TEIXPnOSt T,lE and Telegraph Company l SOLE LICENSEE OF THE AMERICAN BELL TELEPHONE for supplying Telephones la toe Sttfc of Ya., W. Ya., (South of the B. O. R. R.), N. C, S.C., Oa.. Fla.. and Ala. PRIVATE LINES rvtnrn.tiwi rnriit)Ted with Telepooe Rented. For pflrticulars oddrM SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH COMPACT 1S5 Broadway, Tfrt feb ATI T ARC EST STOCK COOK STOES I J State and lowwt price. Callorwrlip ' - . J - ksuc. aplSS M. KEG Jttv. PER WEEK can locality. Soroethinz w'sv fnr 0ntit- S5 ontflt free. V7a ... I . HA31 ft CO., Boston, Mass. siu7;

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