PLEASE NOTfrr ! T ! every truing. - Monday ex- CptOd Iff We will be glad to receive communication St 1 vwr niriiujvu any ana au subjects of ' JOSH T. JAMES, spITOB AND FBOrBlKTOR. . n niirv 1 - w """ t .lu writer mnst always be far- lihH to the Editor. " Communications mttn bV-writtcn- 6n only v slx months, $2-0. unreo $4.00. One month, 35 cents. one side of the Taper, "-" - ' Personalities must .lie At$ -7 Bn 11 be delivered by carriers rree ur irt of the city, at the above r. orM afld liberal. fberTiU report any And all faU- ' Anl it U esiocily and )artlcularly under stood tlit he Editor docs not always endorse VOL. VI. WILMINGTON, N. C SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1882. NO; 10& tne views or correspomlcnu unless so stated i i I In the eih?rtsl yhmtTT9.h - THIS PAPER J,IM " f.i intlcJpatton run.ixn-rYBh Stocks. . mviu -j - . VpwLot li Katz Summer Goods. 1 KhinfrlftS. ilrn " " Kivo - ... a. 7 A t ! f0 1 3 ;e I III) AT" Ki" 1 , MCIXTIE-New Laces. A - taylok Cook Stoves. Fau . rm.Wta Stock. Hlfff Sew .South. 4 BROS .ioj""j k Ladies Underwear ii-u'iTT in Board m Switzerland. " . stokv sect' v-IItorlcal ami Scientific Ki;.KOL-r.H-Saloon axwl llestaur- r. ouko Men Competent to ''muxw J. Scct'y Stockholders MB". K. A. LfMSDEX-Grand Opening of Y. C. Millkb, Scct'y-Howard Relief Fire Engine Company, So- 1- Ko City Court asain yesterday. For other locals see fourth page. Day's length 13 hours and 38 mm- UtC3. ' Sunset this afternoon at 48 minutes past 0 o'clock. The market was well supplied with TCfeUbles yesterday. . The receipts of cotton at this port yesterday foot up 25 bale3. This continued cool weather is not very stimulating tothe crops. Xo interments in Bellevue or Oakdale Cemeteries during the past week. The next stock reports will be publish edMay 1,6, 13 and 20 andJune 1, 10, 17 and 24. Schooner Bessie E. Dickinson, Dick inson, cleared at Baltimore April 27th for this port. There were two interments, both children, in Pine Forest Cemetery dur ing the week. Col. A. Pope, of Richmond, and Mr, C.McRWinslqw.ofthe.U. S. Navy, registered at the Purcell last night. The Register of Deeds issued rhar riae licenses to four white, and two colored couples during the past week. The steamship Benefactor, Captain Tribon, from New York, arrived at her wharfin this city at 2:30 p. m., yester day. The annual meeting of the Wilming ton Gas Light Company will be held at the office of the Company to-morrow morning at 11. o'clock. .Rev. Chas. J. Curtis, of Durham, N. C, is expected here on Monday night on a week's visit to his relatives in this oity. He will be the guest of Dr. A. J. DeRosset. To Builders and, others Go to Jaco w's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c. You can ffet all sWoa ami t. tli lowest prices. j The Central Executive Committee of the Democratic party, Capt. Octavius Coke, Chairman, will meet in. Raleigh on Wednesday, May 3d. During the month just closed 11 ves sels of foreign bottoms, witli tonnage of 4,291 tons, arrived in this port and S3 with a tonnage of 7, 104, sailed for for eign ports. , The indications are that the-Arionl voneert club will be greeted by the largest audience of the season Several ladies whose musical talents -are well known will render vocal gems. In order to giro their clerks a little tiae for amusement, the grocery estab lishirits in this city will, on and after Monday, JIay isU close their doors evenxC Saturdays excepted, at T o'clock. Mr. Kemp P. Baltle LL. D., Trcsi- oentof the University of North Caro- una, will deliver, the Cominehcement address, on the 9th of June, before the Alpha and Delta Societies of King's Mountain High School. ' A number of gentlemen in this city, Commenting on the article published by tjs yesterday relativo to the steamship line spoken of between this city and Baltimore, have suggested thatit will be of vast benefit also to the W. & Wr. and C. & A. Roads as well as to the Carolina Central. TERRIBLE DISASTER. Fearful Loss of Life on Wateree River, S. C. Steamboat Ex-1 plosion List of Killed and A terrible steamboat disaster, A 1 - J t't it .1 J 11, I benueu wun me toss oi several lives, oc- cunrea at about a o'clock presterday iiuji iiiiiir on liih v nurBH nvpr. annul i nine miles from Eastover, S. C. The Agent of the Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Railroad at Eastover furnishes I the folio wingnarticulara relative to the I catastrophes - .j i Iv j A party of ladies aTid kentfenien,-c sisting" of 25 or 30 persons,, .at BateTa landing, this morning, went bn board the government steamer Marion, which is engaged in clearing out ihe Wateree river, for a short excursion J After get-J tins fairly under way the boat was hail- ed and returned for some passengers who had been left. Getting these on board, she again started oil her trip, When she had gotten a short distance, steam was shut off in passing a sharp bend in the river, and ""7 & 0 ( t . captain rang the i bell to go ahead, wV.nn tno nnrrinoPT- tnmfirl nn thft QfParT, J when the engineer turnea on ine steam j . -i ' lmi terrific boiler explosion, mjtantly kill- Mattie E. Henry, Messrs Orville Street I m 1 I k. 11 I ana lorn xvicnaruson, nau muriauj wounding Misses Lizzie Henry, Minnie ' raies, itiessrs o onn xj.xuuun auu vv iuib Tremble and John Williams, colored. Misses Jessie Stock, Nettie Rawlirison, Carrie Bates, Lue Tremble, Mrs. Sam. Garner, Air. Willie Williams and sev eral others whose names were not as certained were slightly, wounded. Tha bodies of those who were killed had not been recovered when the report closed. The boat is a .total loss. 1 A rrvtViintr in fhp Vm.Tfiwarfi UnA ran j 0, - -"i be found at reasonable prices at Jaco- Bl'S. I The New South. Mr. OldhAm'a nanrJtlu4 New Rnfjfh A . , . t , -i, 1 win appear DngnL. ana earry Aionaay morning. Among the articles will be a contribution from Hon. Edward At- Kinson on an industrial supject, a nana- owpM uisiwiu. -- trial North Carolinian1, accompanied by t . i . i ir.i . v - a biographical sketch, written by a gen- tleman in Raleigh, and a number of; in teresting articles on a variety of sub jects. Flies and Bugs. Flies, roaches, ante,1 1 bed-bugs, rats, mice, gophers, chipmunks, cleaned out by "Rough on Kats." lSc., Capt. Paul Boynton. We received a call last evening from Mr. C. Freeman, who is here ar ranging for an exhibition of the aquatic skill of Capt. Paul Boynton, who is ex pected here to-morrow week. It is now the intention of Mr. Freeman to charter steamers and go up the river thirty or forty miles and let Capt., Boynton swim back to this city. Capt.j Boynton tray els in his own car and has ( with him a mammoth whale measuring- 60 feet in lenuth and weighing 1 80,000 pounds, which he exhibits, j ' The exact date and location of the wlialft ra.r will be announced bv adver- tisment as soon as a suitable place can be decided UDon 1 Freshwater Perch,Trdut and Black- fish hooks and lines, j A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. f Atmlversarv of the Bier Fire. If. ! To-dav is the 39th anniversary of the great firevhicli swept througn a . large and populous portion of the town jof Vi limingxon, on ine juu uay ul April, iaii A trArrifrtfk Vicn in thfl fact that it occurred on Sunday. It broke out about 10:30 o'clock, ! while the peo- pie were at church. and within two hours the disaster was 'comple. The A r i fm th nre cauguii i w u: r aU jpfirw irr TUnTrl uiuuiuvj i w" T: - (now National Bank; building, which fell upon 'the rotten ! shingles .t l - -1 I fho niio-r iiist in nar ot ine ouuamir now occupied oy uuerwurgo uuvumo; I t cfroof The wind was! ii - , . . -j blow ms: very fiercely at the time, ana nearly due South., The town Iwras swept hy the flames, all Iorth of Frin- ' . . , . ' t, - ffc uu.u..iuuu.cuuuu. :r i!ai siuo oi x ront sireei, no" ui x iu- cess,9iaving been reduced to ashes. The fire was a very disastrous one ana lor a lisrJ.ssK the of Schooner Thos. II. Pillsbury, Pitcher, hence, arriveU at Thomaston, Maine. April U3d. ! I - Broken Ami. Win. Swansen. a seaman on the Revenue Cotter Colfax, fell down .the hatch on Friday, and broke his arm just aboye the wrist. Dr. Irving was sent for and reset the bone.; The un fortunate man was nlaced in an anibu at-JUnce and conveved to the Marine Hos- pilai where he remain until he is . at,i0 to go to work again New Gas Macliine. Capt. B. F. Perry now has the Pur cell illuminated with gas of his own manufacture. He has placed a Lay gas iwacninft in tnebacK yarn oi tne duiw- "ght for the iirst Tune vwith the gas. makes d strong, steady light and seems to give etirt satisfaction. The machine j has a 20Q light capacity and generates gas witiwtrt heatorfire bvt by the pressure of air. from a pump and tank. The patentees assert that the of manufacturing the gas will not exceed $1 per 1,000 feet NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Historical and Scientific npuE next eeGULAR MEETING OF THE I , i Historical and Sclentlnc society will be held 1n thJ Tjenken HalIt on rront street, at 8 o'cik. The public are Invited to attend, api30-it s. A. story, Sec. ATrcas. .j lO-iwiOr TO W i rruTE NEW SOUTH WILL MAKE ITS1 AP X pearance. Sinrf copies for sale by Book- stores, ews Stands ana Newsboys, at 5 cent. Subscribers leave names at office or with Mr. Sam'l Davis who has charge of city circulation. EDWARD A. OLDHAM, i Editor and Proprietor. Office cor. Front and Princess Bts. apl30-lt Stockholder's Meeting. HE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK- holders of the Wilmington Gas Light Corapa- ny win be held at the Conmany'sOfE ce on mujn- v chard jones. apl 30-1 1 Sect'y and Treas -fc f "V PIIUM b fanO Uuen I flff 0T lYI 1 1 1 1 fiery . mWKTiTC WTLTJ "RE A GRAND OPENING rpHERE WILL BE of fine French Pattern Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, etc. at MBS. K-.A. LUMSDEN'S on Wednes dar. Thtrrsday and Friday. The ladles are re spectrally requested to attend. - apl 30-lw " " . - . T7 oi A Majority Hay O0i tjite started the soda water bnom. No doubt about that. Others follow. ed, but we still draw the best glass of Soda for o cento irom our nanusome i uuiiumi, uiut iiin bought in this city, a majority say so. ice Cold Fruit juices JTTesn ayrups. jnow open everyday for the season. MUNDS BROS., Brooklyn. apl 30. I Fresh Stocks re kept in my stores. INGREDI- ents for compounding iall prescriptions. My stocksare as complete las inoi P A oay Drug stores m tne cit ItV. GARDEN SEEP, AT A SACRIFICE. F. C. MILLER'S. Stores, Cor. 4th and Nun St., Cor. 4th and Hanover St. apl 30-tf Ice Ice ! HE UNDERSIGNED BEGS TO INFORM his friends and the publie that he has open ed an ICE HOUSE on the corner of Orange and Fifth streets and solicits pi SJftff 85$ffi atronajre. will be morn.nir. ice (le ers left in tune. WALTER FURLONG. apl 30-1 1 Cor. Fifth and Orange sts. Howard Relief Fire Engine Company, No. 1. IMPORTANT MEETINti. HONORARY and active members are hereby requested to I . m . V 1 4.1 1 EtfL. T STT" busmess ot importance wui De sransacveu. F. C. MILLER apl 30-1 1 - Rec Secretary. A 1 Notice. MrrrE. the I undersigned. HEREBY Iff BgTW HI CHWC uur icsmo u9 ui business at the hour of (seven) 1 o'clock, p. m., lBt. 1882. inclusive. Saturday excepted: West gijwattgj . John L. Boatwright. rre Mrers. j. u. sievenson. uas. d. miux- Jas. B. t n ww. gins, r. Agent." i. P. L. Brldgers A Co., Chas. D. Myers, j. aiyer apl 30-lt A Ciryn RnarH in 5swit7PflanH A S" Boara in owiizeriana eads repairs inG wtth stage COACH." --'It means, repairs executed with diligence. That's the way new work and re- pairs are executed at S. JEWETTS, 57 North Front Street. Headquarters for Upholstering, Paper Uang- lnf;iM,Un M Mm"ns- fTW-i im rw tin a 'l1rktfIa jl ui uuij.lx.uu xuuio "iULLERS.xIACKERS. DIPPERS. WHET- ters, Picks, Hackweighto, Trnse noops. Joint- crg Adzes. Axes. Coopers' Planes. Punchee, Kwa goods and prices puaranteetL t " I WM. E. SPRINGER A CO. uowvcgvi t3 m uv, vvu . v., . 19. tl AS Market St.. I apl30-ly ' Wilmington. N. Ci The Cheapest ' Mftntl Best r COOK STOVES I p i P ATtTTRR & TAYLOR'S. I apl NEW ADVERTISEMNTS.n A New Lot QF HARNESS JUST RECEIVED AND FOR sale low. I have full lines of Trunks and Va lises at prices to salt the times. I W Repairing executed neatly and with dla- patch. 1 - f j I J. H. MALLARD, Saccessor to Mallard A Bowdea, . apl 30-tf '. No. 8 Front Street. Croquet. 0 1 yLS)t PER .SETTy rj . ;i 8 -BALLS,' S MALLETS, BABY BASKETS, Straw Hand Bags, Lunch, Work asd Fancy Flower Baskets. i - .i .- . JAPANESE GOODS Parasols, Fans, Mats, Ac, Ac, at . '- s - apl 30 .. C. W. YATES. LOW PRICES ! BUYERS OF ---- - WILL FIND - - - - A Large Stock I COMPLETE- LINES AND LOW PRICES! . AT GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS', apl 30- 39 NORTH FRONT ST. A Complete Stock. j BLANK; B90KS,' I- I " FANCY BASKETS, . JAPANESE GOODS, i ' POCKET BOOKS, ELEGANT BOUND POEMS, - -. u PIANOS AND ORGANS, On the the easy instalment plan.1 JSS At Lowest prices, at j apl-30 HEINSBERGER'S. New Laces OF MANY 7 DESIRABLE MAKES. New Neckwear. TORCHON LACES The finest In this market. ( Colored Silks At the closet figures. Everything to the way of - ( " DRESS TRIMMINGS. ! Light and dark shades of Sacqulngs Marseilles Quilts . Some real good bargains. Carpets, Mattings t. j .- and Oil Cloths. A large assortment of Rugs, i .. . ' , All are respectfully . invited to see what we I are offering, apl 30 R. M. MclNTIRE, FRESH I T?VERY STEAMER BRINGS US NEW AND FRESlt SUPPLIES OF I ....-. j FAMILY GROCERIES . I IWINES, CHOICE LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Every article wo sell is strictly as represented. Ours is the oldest established grocery house in Wilmington, and wo are determined to keep up the high reputation it has enjoyed for more than a quarter of a century. i I t Ve respectfully invito an examination of stock. GEO-MYERS, S r - I apl 30 11 and 13 South Front Sf AEG EST STOCK COOK STOVES IN THE State and lowest prices. Call or write for Cat- jogne. - apl 30- F. M. KING & CO. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Fits. We'll give jovifitt though fitful you be, Fit for a urince or a kiiur. Then fitly fitted you will pro-fitd see, A counter-etf will forfeit for attempting to pun. In Anticipation o F THE LARGEST SPRING TRADE WE have ever had, we have marked our goods j Tins SPRING, 1b all departments, within the reach of alL With the largest stock and the choicest goods lot the city to select from and, with the Induce ments we offer In prices-no one can lev vc our store UNSUITED.r , A. DAVID. apl 30 The Clothier. Extra Special. "1XTE WOULD ADVIIsE - ALL THE LADIES WHO REALLY WANT . A BARGAIN, TO CALL ON BROWN & RODDICK, MONDAY MORNING. They will find a lot of Dress Goods that cost from 30 to 35c pCrfyard, selling for 12c; the biggest thing wo have seen in the Dry Goods business yet. apl 30-lt ( BRICK AND SHINGLES ! ! 60 000 4"I"ch smNGLES 275 t3'25 QQQ 5-Inch Do. $3.75 to $5.00 50 000 6"InCh I0' fc6-00 to $7.50 - ' i . " " I ' Decidedly the best assortment of Shingles on tho market within 12 months. v inn Onn BRICK TO ARRIVE May 1st, and a superior lot they will be, at prices low ad a 8u r thane apl 30- er tnan onerea lately at SPRINGER'S, Coal ane Wood Yard. Ladies Underwear BROWN & RODDICK, 5 and T North Front Street. yTE' HAVE JUST OPENED A .FULL line oi lAtiies made-up unuerwear, ana win . . ... i- guarantee our prloes. as low as they can be bought in the country. NIGHT DRESSES, Chemise, Pantalettes, Walking Skirts, Underskirts and Corset Cov ers, i , - Ladies Neckwear. We offer the largest assortment! of Ladles Neckwear: that has ever been exhibited in this city, embracing many novelties. Children's Hose. We will offer some decided Bargains in the above, in order to clear out some broken lines. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO SELECT. Sunshades and Parasols. Our stock is the largest we have ever shown. We can SUIT ALL TASTES. Our prices are popular. I i . Novelties in Japanese Sunshades and Fans, just' arrived. Call and look them over. Dress Goods. It this Department we have given special attention this season. Our assottmeat Is cer- ! talnly double that of any former season awl we have added a much finer class ojf good lhL season. Always to show. Give os a calL BROWN- & apl 30; '. i-' RODDICK. House Wanted. COMFORTABLE DWELLING within 5 minutes walk of the Post- ofice. Akdresj, plSWt P. O. HI BGXwu. Men C6mpetent"to;Judee JECLARD EMPHATICALLY. TIUT OT TiiRBOURG'S Iron FrontCiothlng noise . j... tains the lai-gest and by far the handsomest stock of Stylish made Clothing ever exhibited In Wilmington ,1 ; , ; j j OTTERBOURO pronilscdeihe iieople of thl section that their wants, should-be supplied, and he has kept hi word. From all over the are pouring in iy everv lualL Orders for Dress Suits, onlers for. Business Suits and or ders for Men's Furnishing liood and Novelties! OTTERBOUUCi-S ClotWnjr has mined' a! r. markably wltles prealrepuUtUon for Brilliancy and Style; all the improvements that scientific research and knowledge of the trade can do --, ic n, ire ivuuu hi VHUI1U17 SOHl IIV : iijnijui.uu. inn nioiio. "ine immut hn gerves ins customers; the letcr he serves him- self," has proven a strong arm In the battle for . repiitatioh Thousand of licads will fo-div i and . thousands of ores will look with ad miration uiton the manv beautiful suitjt nnll iv OTTERliOUltG. . , l i' . ........ .... , j : OTTERBOTKG has reached tho cm d 1,U ambition and deservedly so. The people! ap prcclate 3crit, ami by their patronage havo placed him there.1 . , Let the STOOd Work sro on. addrcsa all order to the "Kinar Clothier." " . . LOUIS J. otteuboui:g, apl 30 Wilmington, Nj C. Millinery. X WILL EEQEIVE BY pTEAMSlUP "BE- nefactor" a large Involco'of Millinery, all tho new Straws, Trimmings,' Flowers, Ac 1 1 liavc on hand a beautiful assortment of Fancy Goods, i j Neckwear, Fans and Satchels, Ladles and Children's Uuenycar and Hosiery i ... i . . llespect fully,' 1 MISS E. KARRE1L ; ' j 1 ' al 30-. Exchange Corner. Scarbordugh's Saloon1 and j Restaurant ! i ! EVERYTHING FIRST CLASS. MALSAT " - - Hi. - all hours. Clean Lodgings. Everything guar- ntced as good ay.8 .n the oity. i ' Bar is supplied with the best of Liquors, j T, .1 , 1 1. . - ... uuani uy inujuuuui. 1 1 , .l 4.1. 1- lMjttiu iv tnu wcck.... ....;. .-.,-)- .ion Boardby tho day..;. U... ...... i....L... 1 25; Arid you can get your meals any hour of the day.i : I I ' i IL J. SCARBOROUGH, apl 30-2ni No. 8, .South Water tit. . , outn water GOODS ! SUMMER AT Rfl. M. K A T Z ' S. ... - - i ! ......7 Ill :e!t. 36 MARKET STREE Extraordinary Bargains ! DRESS GOOS! LL THE I.ATEST NOVELTIES IN SAT. I ln, Surrali and Brocade, Silks, .Moire An tique, Tinsel. Eoule, Nun's Veiling, Bcngahno Buntings, all wool Beiges, Lawns, JSecrsurkeni, Pereals, tc. Ever so many styles and shades with rrimmings to matcl. j White Goods Ih every style, texture and quality possible. Pique, Tucking, Linen and Linen Lawns. Embroideries In Cmbrics, aXinsooks aml'ScvIssfls passed in Workmanship and Price. unsur Laces Imported from almost every count bought and sold as special jous. GLOVES ! HOSIERY! CORSETS ! HANDKERCHIEFS, COLLARS, SCARFS, K!IllONS, i I , VEILINGS, CREPEIXG , i & CREPE VEILS, I! I FANS, PAlLViOLS In endless variety and &trmL!dng Inr Price. . : i "'"'':'' "''r. ; ! Housekeeping .Goods ! ! UN EX A. COTTON SHEETINGS, DAMASK.S, Napkins, Towels, .... . .. , . . ... MEN and BOYS' WEAR, " ' . " ... - V , j I ' LADIES GENTS & CHILDREN'S GAUZE ME1UNO UNDERWEAIL In short everrthing desirable for an outfit, and at Prices that defy competition, i - Call and save money by patronizing i rj. rj; icatz, np!30 3G MAKKET ST.

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