TIII8 PAPER every jmorning, Monday, ex U P cepted by T JOSH T. JA3IES, EDITOR AKD VKOPKIBTOR. crnRIPTIOXS POSTAGE PAID: SLB Itoo Six mouth. $2.00. Three One rear One montnr. cenw. , P; will be delivered by carrier frco , .4 or 10 cents per week. wl1' una nte. low J liberal.. their paper regularly, mi TOjiEV ADVERTISEMENTS. r CHBWT-tep In. Falr ami Garden Party. r ' YxTEHCroquet- s JKWKTT-Paper Hanging. if H Savagk-110 Reward. ul .Kit :gee A Complete istocK, u- K MrKor-Adnunlstrirtor'sSale. & Buo--Chcwing Tobacco. 11 EES ll D comT-CommiHsioner's Sale, j r bkikesm and others-Dilution 01 .o- j -iitaership Swat A MoEKis-Uousebold and KUcheu r;tnre at Auction.:: - 'IjCALyEWS. Vor other locals see fourth page.. ! Two of our force, are sick. ... .'t i-vo liolnpd. - Provok-! in. The receipts of cotton at this port vtcrdnyl)tup3bal. The 4eps leading l the U. S. Coutt ; room have bevn streugthened with iron ; brace?. ' - The winds was from the South yes terday afternoon and we may look for warmer weather now. Tho steamer Passport will be ready to resume Iter regular trips on Monday next. So glad ; rfin1t you ? " Steamship Gulf Stream, Capt. In jr'am. cleared at New York April 29th for this port, aiid sailed . the same day. We are sorry to hear that Dr. Thos. F. Wood is sick. 116 is in bed but it is thought that he will bo up and out in a few days. "TheLittlo Workers'Vill hold a lawn party at the Rectory of St.Paul's Church oa Wednesday evening from 4:30 o'cl'k to 9:30 o'clock. An invaluable strengthener for the nerves, muscles, and digestive organs, producing strength and" appetite, is Brown's Iron Bitters., Messrs. H. 1. Bowden & Co. will open a new harness and saddlery estab lishment on Market street, about the latter part of the week. A little' bucket of icei cream about noon, on a sultry summers evening, is very refreshing. Mr. P. Christ has it. See advertisement elsewhere. Freshwater Perch,Trout and Black-1 fish hooks and lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. t We were pleased to meet on yester day, our quandom friend, 'Mr W. S. O'B Robinson, the newly-appointed District Attorney for this district. Mr Robinson is a young gentleman of abil ity, great energy and sterling qualities. We add a large number of new sub scribers to our city list to-day, composed mainly of those who have subscribed" at previous dates, with the understand ing that their subscriptions should be gin on the first of the month. We will be glad to have prompt notification from them of any failure to receive the paper promptly and on time, so that-, the trouble may be remedied at once. N To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, BKnds and Doors, Glass, &c. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. f High Water. Steamboatmen report that there is a big freshet in Black river, which has existed for some time, as if determined to run in opposition to the Point Cas well and Clinton Railroad. It has been navigable for boats and rafts this season for a much longer time than usual, and la some localities has proved quite a hindrance to farming operations. City Court. Only two cases for adjudication be fore this court yesterday morning: Aaron Jones, colored ; disorderly cou duct. Judgment suspended. Aaron Jones, for resisting police was fined $20 or 30 days in city prison. Took the 30 days. - A verdant youth got a little too much oh! be joyful on board, and was run in by the perlice" Saturday night, Dis charged on account of his fresnness. " To Leave Us. Mr. E. W. McGann. chief officer of the Signal Office in this city, received private information by wire, yesterday that he will soon be ordered to Roches tar, N. Y. Mr. McGann made applica tion for the change some time ago, and we are pleased that his efforts have been crowned with success. We regret to him leave us, but are pleased, on his account, as the clinAte does not Jgree xriih his family, and for the reason that the system of-rotating the offices is to be abolished by the War Department. Mr. McGann will soon be located near nts old home, and the associations and surroundings will be much pleasanter for bin. r VOL. VI. Board of County' Commission ers. ' - - This Board met in regular monthly meeting yesterday afternoon ; present Chairman II. A. Bagg, and Commis sioners Moore, Montgomery, Worth and Peerce. 1 i Treasurer Hewlett submitted his re- port for the month of 'April, showing yo.ji, fcpeoiar 1 una, paianco on nana $39074? anj exhibited ' coupon 109 for $15 and; six coupons, of, S3.0Q each, huml5er3:23j ,Slr'e2.aud InrMchi- were - burned ; inhe presence of the. Board;" Educational Fund, balance on' t hand, $12,918.44. j The Register of Deeds submitted his report for the month of April, showing ! the amount received from marriage li- censer to bo 1235 . Th snmfc m turned over to the jl'reasurer and receipt ed for. Hetail liquor licenses were granted to tho following persons in this city : Teter Mohr, Mrs. A. K. Heyer, C. F. Von Kampeh, E. W.Doscher, Geo. Myers, H. W. Bryant, Carl Muggo, A. C. Wes fall, J. G. Oldenbuttle, W. II. M. Koch; D. Steljes, I). Otten, J D. Steves, M. C. Williamson, M. O'Brien, B. II. J. Ahrcns, Jno. F. Stalter, A. Deume landt, H. A. Glameycr, H. Leob, T. F. Rulf, P. H. VonKampen, B.J. Scar borough, C. Wessell, John Haar, Jr., John j Bremer,1 C. Schulken.iL. Vol lers. Geo. E. Berden, Sarah Myers, N. Hullen, F. A. Schutte, H. Lotgen. The firm of A. A, McLean & Co., having dissolved, the license granted to them was transferred to tho surviving partners. 1 The following persons were drawn at the regular venire for tho special term of the Criminal Court: D. M. Fennell, A. A. McLean, DeLancy Evans, W.J. Kelloy, D. B. Mitchell, Charles Rob bins, S. Behrends, M. F. Bcasly, Geo. A. Chestnut, S. J. Sneeden, Geo. H. Kelly, E. P.Bailey, Jos. H.lHanby, X W. Woolvin, II. W. Bryant, C. W. .Yates, R. P. icDjougaU, I A. S. Win stead, Jnoi C. HeyerT Henry XBrown, Josh G. Craig, C. 'jM.1 Harriss, J. D. Nixon, Jacob Greenwald, Fred. Rhein stein, Jno. A. Hewlett, Emanuel Jones, Stevo BowenV W . Genau'st, Harding Johnson. ' t The following were drawn as Jurors for the Superior Court : First Week Wm. G. Craig, George Chadbourn, James II. Carraway, L. J. Otterbourg, W. F. Corbett, j Alfred Mar tin, Jno. A. Hewlett R. M. Fowler, S. R. Birdsay," Evander McBnde, Galloway, A.-Wehrhahn. - , Second Week. J. G. Barrentine, James H. Taylor, W. I. Gore, A. Fv Davis, Wm. Hardwick, WiUiamson Hurst, John M. Brewer, W. K. Bell, J. M. Forshee, Abram Jones, T.B. Yopp, A. B. Cook. Adjourned. The Board resolved itself into a Board of Education. It was reported to the Board that the colored school in Har net township had been abolished, and tliat there has been no white school in the township for the past season for the want of money. 1 On motion the matter was referred to Chairman Bagg and Commissioner Pearce, and the Register of Deeds was ordered to notify the School Committee to appear before the nexi meeting of the Board. Adjourned. , Harbor Master's Report. 1 Capt. Joseph Price, the Harbor Mas ter, reports the arrivals of vessels at this port during the month of April to be as follows. ' , ; , AMERICAN ! Steamers, . Barques, . Brigs, Schooners, 7, aggregating 6,221 tons. 792. 1, 19, ' 248 5,149 ' 4 4 Total Am. 29. 12,410 4 - FOREIGN. Barques, Brigs. 11. assregating 4,244 tons 6, f,924 i it Tot! F'rn. 17; Gr'ndtrtt'l, 46, 6,168 1 S.578 The New South. " u The first issue of the 'Sew South made its appearance bright and early yester day morning. It is well gotten up edi torially and typographically. - and pre- isents a variety of reading, matter, in i structive and interesting. 11 A-. Ir.Uldnam. the publisher, aims to make the New South an organ by which the material interests of this State and section may be fostered, its educational interests ad vanced, its political! welfares jealousy guarded and its prosperity wealth and influence established on a firm and sure basis. He is an 'earnest worker, and we wish him the success his enterprise and energy richly merit. ! s WILMNGTON, K C., V j '. " , '. Cotton. ; '"""'- ; The receipts of cotton at tkis port foot np 2,374 bales for the month of April just elosed, against 1,079 bales in April of last year, an increase for this April of 1,395 bales. The receipt$ tcj date this year foot up 134,043 bales, against 114, 729 bales to same date last year, an in crease this year of 19,314 bales.' Deferring Articles are always Appre ciated. . The exceptional -cleanliness of Parker's Hair Balsam makes it popu lar. . Gray, hair are ' Impossible with its- oQC3io&S nserrte?-? f. : JThe U. S. District Court for the Dis trict of the Cape Fear, met in this city yesterday. His Honor Judge A S Sey mour, successor to the71ate lamented Uudge Brooks, on the bench, and Mr. W. S. CJ'K . Kobmson. the newlv ar-1 pointed District Attorney, at his post, j There were no admiralty ; cases ready i for trial, and the Court adjourned until this morning at 10 o'clock, at which hour the jurors are. expected to appear, Don't Die In. tiie- House. "Rough on Rats," Clears out rats, mice, roaches, bed-bugs, flics ants moles, chipmunks, gpphers-.l 5c. Coinplinientary Reception. Mr. and Mrs, Nathan Mayer , gave a reception complimentary to Mr.. Leo pol4 Brunhild.. jon Sunday evening, at their residence m this icity. . Mr.- Brun hild is soon to leave uS:7or a trip to the Old Country and his many friends were gathered together to wish him "'bon voyage" and a speedy return. There was an expression of sentimen exchanged, showing in what high esteem Mr. B. is held both by his many Jewish and Christian friends. The affair is one which will long be remembered. Name Wanted. Ehrich.& Co., of New York, say that they have received an order from a lady of this city who' forgot to si$n her name to the letter, and if this notice meets her eye she will understand that it will be necessary -for EhricJX-to have Jier ad dress before she can cet the stoods. We publish this notice gratis, not to oblige Ehricb, noryetto oblige the lady, but to save some poor hard-working fellow from having to pay twice for the same goods. We must say, at the risk of oC- fandingsome of our lady friends,that we can feel but little sympathy for the losses of those who pass over our mer chants liere at i home and order their gOOds from tbc North, - paUkg jxiot M much and often much -more than the same goods can be had here at home for with the advantage of being able to in spect them before buying. The Elections... Special telegrams tor-the Daily Re view announce the result of the muni cipal elections to-day at Laurinburg, Magnolia and SmitHville. i . At Laurinburg the dry ticket carried the day, prohibition liaying oeen votea by a majority of four. The white ticket was elected by an overwhelming ina- jonty. At Magnolia theiDemocrats, as usual, swept the field.' Jas. T. Carroll was elected Mayor and J. D Wilson, J. H. HeathJ. W. Brinkley, A. H. Morris, H. E. Newbury and B. C. Barden, Commissioners.! At Smithville Iewis , A. Galloway, was elected Mayor' and II. R. Ruark, William Swain, Arthur Pinner, Bryant Morse and James W.'Mints, Jr., Com missiohers. m The cold winds have interfered very seriously withrthe fish market. - Those who do not attend the, Arion Society entertainment at the Opera House this evening will miss a rare musical treat. Hon. Jesse Harper, of Illinois, And Col. Jno. R. Winston, of this State, registered at the Purcell last night They are to deliver political speeches to their Greenback friends to-night at the site of the old Market. ' , 1 Henry's Carboliq'Sfrive ... Is the BEST SALVE for Cute Brnisea, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Tetter, Cliap tA Martrls. Chilblains. Corns . and all kinds of Skin Eruptions, Freckles and Pimples. Get HENRI 0 UAKUULiu SALVE, as all others aro counterfeit. Price 25 cents: Dr. Green's Oxtgerated Birrots j is the best remedy lor dyspepsia, liousness. Malaria, Indigestion and dis eases of the Blood, Kidneys, Liver, Slrin, etc. I " DURNO'S CTARRH SNUFFcurses all affections of the mncus membrane, of the head and throat. I DR. MOTFS PILLS are the" best I Cathartic Regulators. TUESDAY. MAY 2, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. r ! Fair and Garden Party. rpiIE "LITTLE WORKERS ' OF ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHUBC U, Will ylT a Fan- and Garden Partyj at the Rectory, WED- 105SD AT EVENING from 4 V lo 9 o'clock. mayS-lt Dissolution of Copartnership TWr COPARTNERSHIP EXISTING. BE tween II. BrunhlM & Bro. and W. I Mead- r soia Care l ear Tobacco' Wt. - render the oll nop&vt aeraaip ara payat bla to the undersigned, wh will Trn in - liqul dation. v; T n. -BBUXIIILD BRO. ' - may S-lm. : 5 Stop In' TlEFORE DINNER OB SUPPER AND GET 1 M. IIilI. . t A J 1 delicious ICR CiIKAM. and make uc wnoi au Ice Cream earn sal loon. PHILIP CHRIS may 2-1 1. Dissolution of Copartnership THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing by the undersigned trading under the name of A A. McLean & Co., has this lay been aissoirea oy nrutuai consent, lae business will be continued by W. Hunroe & S. Behrends under the name of W. Munroe & Co. All indebtedness to the former firm Is to be valdtothem. . iJKUKKrtuo, may?-3t . - A. AvMcLEAX. , Paper; Hangings, j : "TTJST RECEIVED A LOT. OF FINE FA sj pers which added ta my cheap- stock- makes a nice assortment.' Call and examino -is ana also look at my line of Window Shades' with corn or spring nxtures, at S. JEWETT'S, 7 North Front Street, Mr. Zimmerman is now ready to put up an Awning for you on his Improved plan. may 2 10 Dollars Reward. fJIEN DOLLARS WILL BE: GIVEN FOR the apprehension and delivery at, tne county House of Correction, of one CHARLEY KING, colored, who escapexLfrom me on the night of the 22d AnriL Said Kinar is about 18 years old. coal black, five feet h.gh, and weighs about 130 pounds. J : ! JUliri It. 9AVAUA, oupri. county l House Correction, isew Hanover Co. may 2 25-lt Administrator's Sale. N PURSUANCE OF THE DIRECTION IN tne last will and testament of the late Martha Huff, I will sell at public auction, at the Court House door, the Eastern half of lot 4 in block i . ' 73, In the town of Wilmington, said lot front i i ' ; ing on Second Street, being C6 feet front and 165 feet deep, on Monday, May 8th, 1SS2, at 11 O'clock. j W. B. McKOr, . may a-tda. Admr. cum teatatem annex. XhftTvinff Tobacco- E RESPECTFULLY OFFER TO OUR patrons and the trade generally, all grades of ' 1 . i Chewing Tobacco of our former manufacture, of which we hold a large stock, and which we wlll'sell at reasonable prices. We 'shall con tinue tha Tobacco Business in all Us branch es, and shall add a Cigar " Factory, which will be known as the CHAMPION CITY FACTORY. and thereby be enabled to sell Flrst-Class Goods at lowest prices and to compete with any mar ket. ' ' ' . ' DO NOT FAIL TO CALL UPON US FOR CHEWLNG TOBACCO, and our salesmen will from time to time call upon you to solicit or ders. Respectfully yours, 1 I may Mm H. BRUNHILD & BRO. "A Majority Say So. E STARTED THE SODA WATER vJJim ' 'n donht bant that. " Others follow ed, but we still draw the best glass of Soda for 5 cents from our handsome Fountain, that can be bought ta this city. A majority say so. Ice Cold Fruit JuicesFresh Syrups. Now open every day for the season. BBog apl 30. . Brooklyn. A New Lot 1 o F HARNESS JUST RECEIVED AND FOR x : ' . sale low. I have, fun lines of Trunas ana a ntes at prices to suit the timea. - ' Repatrinjf execated neatly and with dls- patch. I J. IL MALLARD,, dcoMor to Mallard & Bowden. , -.. - . - . apl30-tf - No. 8 Front. Street New Laces ' OF MANY DESIBABLE MAKES. I New Neckwear. TORCHON LACES The finest tn this market. Colored Silks At the cket flgnrea. Everything In the way ot " - DRESS TRIM-MTNGSi light aad dark shades of Sacqnmg 1 lrseilles Quilts. Soom real good bargains. CarpeU, MtUng aad Oil Ootaa. A lrge srtmenf Knxs- AH are respectfully lr toebml we treoffertng. R. M. McEvTIRK. apt 30 owo, i oiasolTca, toe unuersinea navui$ lr Jatntin Xbe Cane Fear Tobaeeo W A.l " "occjato : lao-'sakl 1882. NO. 107; NEW ADVERTISE3IENTS. State of Narth Carolina, 1 J Superior CourL New Hanover County. J I Ir. pursuance ot a decree of theSnperior Court of New Hanorer Count v. at December Term, 1I, In an action peilin$r therein be-"? tween Joan l. vv escottaspiainuuana Thomas M. Thompsoami other as tlefendaot, the untiersigned, as Commissioner, appointed , by said decree, will sell at public auction for c-vsh, at the Court House ioor, in tltc city of Wilmlnjrtou, on Monday the 5th dav of Juna A. D., ls&, the following descrled iot of lanu in eaid city: - Beginning in the- Eastern line of Second street at a point 132 feet Houth of it9 Intersection with Dock street, thence running South-wardly with said line of. Second Mrcet Oi feet, thence Eastwatdlyand parallel with Dock street ICS feet, -thrnce Northwardly and pami LjI with Second stroct C3 leet, aad theace Wet wardly aad parallel with: Pock street 1C5 feet to, tho beginnings Excepting:; howeverflve feet on the Southern line of s.iiI lot and known as the Northern one-liaitof Mc Iran's alU'T- A. t;: ricaud; i niay"S-oaw4w-tue3 , j . Commissioner. . Superior Court of New Hanover County uurua.i. lucicer.Piaimin,' -v ; ' ' vs. ' D. F; Cowan, Executor of SI. E. Brinkley .r . D. S. Cowan and wife Saran S. T..C. Mell- ticnny, C. M. Stedraau, ami Margaret Repiton uettMMiants. - f - . . --r a . This action "3 brought for tho forccloMlro of a mortgage, dated April 12th, 1ST5. executed to said R. S. Tucker by said M, E, Brinkley, : to secure a scaled note of said dato made by 6aid M. E. Brinkley to said Tucker, upon a Jot of at the Southeast intersection of ThlM .and Mul- bcrrv streets: f rontinz SI feet on Third street and running back Eastwardly the same width. witn Muioerry street uV4 feet, to a ones wau, being part lots 1 and 2, in block 193; ant for 'a judgment against said D. S. Cowan as Execu tor ot said m. -BnnKicy, tor any resiuue . 01 said mortgage debt voniau&ng unsatisfied after a said of said lot ' 1 The defendant Margaret Repitlon Is" There by reauired to appear at the next Term of said -Court to be held at the Court House in Wil- mington, on the 13th Monday after the 1st Mon day in March, 1883, and answer or demur, to the complaint, which was filed therein at De cember Term, 1881, of said Court. - S, VANAMBIXGE. men 23-lawGw Clerk Superior Court. State of of North Carolina, ) I Superior Court. New Hanover County. ) Jane MeKenzio and Ann Andrews, PlalntuTa. . Against Al Adrian and H. Vollers trading as Adrian & Vollers, Chris. Eilers and wife Rebecca C. . S. Eilers and Catherine Koch, Del en lan t3. ' It being made to appear before me that the defendants. Chris. Eilers and Wife Rebecca C. S. Eilers and Catherine Koch, are non-residents and can net alter due diligence be! found iu this State, and that a cause of action exists in favor of plaintiffs, against the said defendants, the said action being for the partition of certain real estate in tne city or w iimington : These are then to notify the said defendants. Chris. Eilers and wife Releeca C. S. Eilers ancLCath erine Koch, to appear at my office in the City of Wilmington, on the 1st day of June, 1882, to answer or demur to the complaint ln saia ac tion. or the iudenient will be ranted accord ing to the prayer of the complaint which is this day niea in my omce. . , S. VANAMRrNGE, Clerk Superior Court of New Hanover Co. apl 18-law6wtues . Stato of North Carolina, ) . Superior Court. New nanovcr County. ) Susan LeRoy King, Administratrix of J. F. King, deceased, Plaintiff, - I. I Against Samuel Davisj Peter Davis, Chloo Davl?, Thomas Davis, John Thompson and wife Polly; Thompson and Horace! Davis, De fendants. " jj It being made to appear to me that Peter Davis, John Thompson and wife Polly Thomp son, defendants in this cause, arc non-residents, have property in this State and' cannot after cause of action exists in favor of- the plaintiff's against said defendants: These are therefore to notify the said Peter Davis, John Thompson, and Poftv Thompson, to appear at the next term of this Court to bo held in the City of Wil mington, on the 13th Monday after the 1st Mon day In March, 1SS2, to answer or demur to the complaint of the Plaintiffs for tho foreclosure of a mortgage on a house! and lot in the City of Wilmington, made by Samuel Davis.the father of the defendants,! or judgment will be given according to the prayer of the complaint which is this dav filed In my. office. S. VAXAMRINGE ' Clerk Superior Court, New Hanover Co. apl 18-law6wues - State of North Carolina, ) ; Superior Court, i New Hanover Countv. ) I W. B. McKoy, Administrator of Wm. Porter, l agaiust Mai vina Porter, George Porter, Henry Clay Porter, LaFayctte Porter, Charles Porter1, Thomas Edens and wife Rebecca Edcns. It appearing to my satisfaction, that the de fendants George Porter, Henry Clay Torter, LaFayette Porter and Charles Porter, are non residents, can not after due diligence be found hi this State, and have property in this State," and that a cause of action exist? In favor of plaintiffs against the said defend ants, and that the purpose of this action if to subject the real estate of the said Wm. Porter, to wit: A plantation near the City of Wil mlngton, on the Turnpike Road, lto the pay ment of the debts of said Wm. Porter. Now, these are therefore to notify the said defend ants to be and appear at tbe next terra of the Superior Court or New Hanover County, td be held on the 1st Monday in June, 1&2, to answer or demur to the complaint in this caue now tiled In my office or judgment will be granted accord ing to the prayer of the complaint. This 22d April, 1882. - I S. VAXAMRINGE, Clerk Superior Court New Hanover County. . apl 25-law6w-tues. 1 Commissioner's Sale. TiURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF TnE XT Superior Court of New Hanover County, at the December Term. 1S81, the undersigned, aa Commissioner, under the decree of said Court, will expose to sale at public auction, at the Court House door bf said county, on Mon day, the 52d day ofMay, ISs!2, at ia o'clock, M-,! the following described lot, piece or par cel of land lying, being and situate In the city of Wilmington, aforesaid, and bounded as fol. lows to wit: Beginning on the North shle of Princess street, ninety (90) feet from Front ht., Ma rii-nr nf the.- National Bank Lot. thence Northwardly With tbe line of the NatlonaM Bank Lot, sixty-sir feet toEdwtn 1. inr txlm" line, thence Eastwardly with his line for ty-two (42) feet ten CL0) Inches to his corner, thence North with bis back line ntncty-nine (90) feet to the line of the lot belonging to the estate of EU W. HaU, deceased, thence East wardly with that line seventeen (17) feet two (J) inches to the corner; thence Northwardly with his back hoc sixty-nine feet ft-j) feet to Mrs. Mcares line, thence Wetwardly with Tier line fifteen (15) feet to thee orner. thence North wardly with her line thlrty(30) feet, thence East twenrr-nlnc () fet two (2) Inches with her "line thence Southwardly one hundred and nlnetyight ; (1W) feet with the back line of Mrs. Cowan's and Mrs. Whiting's lots to Sherwood's lino, thence West wardly twenty -nine (2) feet two (2) Inches to Sherwood's corner, thence Southwardly with his fine sixty-six (GC) feet, to Princess street, thence with the line of that street to the begin- ! ninr. Terms Cash. ' ! A. G. RICAUD. t apllO-lawCwAds Commissioner. f T PER WEEK can be made In any wimind ininusea waat iuv LjdU locality. Something entirely new .. 1 ' for agents. $5 outfit free, G. W. ISGUA- offlce. Akdrtss, . ! HAM CO.VBoeton, Mass. aplK4ir pl5t h r.O.B PLEASE NOTICE. We will be glad to recclvo commuaSeaQoac f rom bur friends oa aiy and all subject geueral Intereat but 1 . The name of tlic writer tnnt always be far- ! aishetl to the Euitor. , Communicatioas must be wrUteik oa caJj oue s!da of the paper. TersoualJUcs raun be arolded. I Awl It Is eypeclally anl particularly tradar stood that the Editor does not always andors a the viewa of corresjKndents unless so stated In the editorial colc.mis.1 i . ; : NEW ADVmtTISrENTS. Tuesday, May 2, 1882. ? Grand Musicale : . . AT THE ' ' : v OPE It A HOUSE, , . BY. THE K AH 10 IT so gil:'y. Assisted by several Ladies and Gentlcmea. Eeserred JSeata onlv M cents. . Box fch.t open to-day (Filday) at Dyers'. - A iapl 2S Household and I rd Kitchen Furniture 'VT ' AUCTIOS. os tuesdaY-Vsest XJLMay 24. at 10 o'clock. A. M.' we will sell, at the Residence, West side of Third and South of. Chestnut Street, nil of the Household- ana Kitchen Furniture therein contained. CRONLV Jt pIOlUtlS ; l , Auctioneers. apl2S-td Millinery. J WILL RECEIVE BV STEAMSinP MBE- uefactor" a largo lnyoico of Millinery, all th - j - j new Straws, Trimmings, Flowers, .&c.. i hare on hand a beautiful assortment of Fancy Goods, i i . - Neckwear, Fans and' Satchels. Ladles aod Children's Uuderwcar and Hosiery. I . '! I Efiapectfully, MISS E. KARRER, 1 ' - apl 30- Exchange Corner. XComplete' Stock. BLANK BOOKS, i FANCY BASKETS, JAPANESE GOODS, 1 POCKET BOOKS, I ELEGANT BOUND POEMS. IANOa AND ORGANS, On the the easy instalment plat JKff At Lowest prices, at ! 1 apl-30 TrEINSBERGEira. Ladies Underwear BROWN & ltODDICK, 5 and 7 Xorth Front Street. I HAVE JUST OPENED A - - line of Ladles made-up Underwear, and will guarantee our prioea as 'low M they canbe bought In the country. NIGHT DRESSES, Chemise, Pantalettes. Walking Skirts, Underskirts and Corset Cov I ers. Ladies Neckwear. Wc offer the largest' awrrment of Ladles Neckwear; that has ever been exhibited In this city, embracing many novelties. Children's Hose. . We will offer some decided Bargains lD the above, in order to clear out some broken lines. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO SELECT. - Sunshades and Parasols. Our etock is the largest we have ever shown. We can SUIT ALL TASTES. 1 Our prices are popular. 1 1 t ; ! Novelties in Japanese Sunshades and Fans, ! Just arrived. Call and look them over. -- ' Dress Goods. , .-.''..- I-'''' V" ' i To this Depart xent we have given ipecOal attention thlt season. Our itasortmect Is ccr- . v.. n. . , : talnjy double that of any former season and w i- ; have added a much finer class of goods this season. Always to show. Give us a call. v BROWN & RODDICK. , apl 30 J House Wanted. 1 a COMFORTABLE DWELLING S.3 t -I j 1.

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