.woivoSS vlitsQ orfT THIS PAPER ex- U PH copted by- JOSIIT. JjVMES, BpITOtt AXDFKOPIWETOtt. .n--iMPTIOS3 POSTAGE PAID: v Six months, $2.00. mree One Jr i no one monm, v ro -in be delivered by carrier free Tb in any part of the city, at the above V, or 10 enu per week, . r8t !' , h,ir rate low and liberal. DXwin report any and all faU t revive their paper regularly, TQJEW ADVERTISEMENTS. tV Y4Ti.s-Croquet. ( -lattrnac. , lf M. Hvr'N-A ard. ;",;.KKK.;KH-Parlov Organ. ' nifos-A Majority Say So. a sMsT-B-k Beer-Bock Beer Uii' 'j'iN-iMi-Pijr Fih and Oysters. ' Vrr iloLLiswswoKTH Uvcry and LtaMcH and Cart Houe. LOCAL NEWS. . .... . rm i'l ininutfH ot lavlight thw r very scares and high jAVorthr Grand Lodge -Will be. held rnrThnweiler (who always is suiefb), l !(et. ' : i this f''- " -r'. .1 ..... .t:.,c LI. ...nrmnifr 9 I i 111 inilU' ' in S f R-t 3 o -lo-k. . i Ba3 that it will be cold Th" almanac wlar. with shower T ro:pipts of cotton at thia port foot up fri Daie. This month has five Mondays, five Tug-why? and nvejv wiiqu. The ovsteThas been shelved for the ' Mason, but thefestive turtle fills the gap. FrhwtrrPcrch,Trout and Black ftb hooks and lines. A full assort mf nt and lowest prices at J acobi's. t Mr. WiuT( lenaust has placed a water motor in his bottling establishment, and now acour out his bottles by water power ... . Tll0 -iJttie Workers" of St. Paul's ( hurch will hold their lawn party on j ti,e green at the rectory this afternoon" audevening. ' Beautiful girls, greeiv fields, pic-nics, fishing parties and swinging on . the gates until the moon goes down ia the order for llowery Ma". An invaluable strengthened for the nscles. and digestive organs, producing strength and appetite is Brown a Iron Kittera. A meeting of the Children's Memorial Association this (Wednesday) after noon, at 5 o'clock, at the school-house of Misses Burr and James. Kev. .1. B. Taylor, of this city, has ac cepted an invitation to preach the ser mon before the graduating class of Chowan Baptist Female Institute. Two little white boys and two colored boys were arraigned before the Mayor yesterday for throwing rocks and fight ing. They were discharged with a se vere reprimand. Some of our young men think it is about time that our "City Fathers" should designate whore they may go in swimming in the Cape Fear river; and they are right, too. The movement to shut up the stores at 7 o'clock, inaugurated by the grocers m Monday, will soon be followed, as it ought to be, by the dry goods' houses, and perhaps by others. The steam tug Italian was on the' Black Fish Grounds on yesterday for about two hours. Capt. Harper says they had only two lines on board, but w Tr tn.A ! V .tUiLUli If L bJL AV. V4 PVllt0 Wa. L UVAU fc UVl i tbev were as nice as we ever ate. The House Committee of Commerce j have boon engaged on the River aud j Harbor bill for some time and may not report Fame under two or three weeks when their-work will be known. Our i reDrompntativo TTnn w ci,.v0i '! lord, as we are informed, has been un ceasing in his efforts to procure what was desired for his district with a pros pect of good results. To Builders and others Go to Jacc ui's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, c. 1 ou can get all sizes and. at the j lowest prices. f j IVre are manv inouiries here as to t . . .... . "civsuu oi ine municipal election in Ka.v,tteville on Monday, but our readers forffMthat Fayetteville is no longer a municipality, and could no election. We forgot Qt all about it by telegraphing there : for news. Col. Gardner, tho veterau railway ngineer, was in the city a day or two Ho. He has just completed his survey f the route from Goldsboro to Fayette - Tule on behalf of the W. & W. Rail- fod, and the Messenger learns that in few days he will start on a similar pedition fromGoldsboro to Greenville, under instruction from the same com pany. Exports Foreign. German brig C7ara, Capt. Garrel, cleared to-day for Rostock, with 2,470 barrels rosin, shipped by Messrs. Pater son, Downing & Co. 1 H. YOL. VI. Goiner to Charleston. The Howard Relief Fire E ngine Com- panyJiave received art invitation to visit Charleston, S. Cl, And the ' boys " have received permission from the authorities t faL-r tVioii onffin oni a Caw rtrn :. of hose with them. Before accepting I the invitation th asked permission of the authorities to take their engine, and j as their request was granted, th?y will determine on what day thy will lave , here. . : ! - iH-; I Grand Iodjje Odd Fellow. j The affcmal meeting; of the Uight j city, commencing Tuesday,'the 9th (was the best effort we ever heard by j up xc TI14 LlrtirfAi.. t'! tKfit. Acomnli.sheti lad v. Mrs. Watters s r.mni'1 rlnd'-m will lJs at the Ptircoli ! - !.., ni u J. . . fi'- ""1"" ' ' House. The Committee on -(Entertain- j - - I..". L ment. dofiirous of not interfcrinffvith ! i : f ii.. n l.i t .i ine UUMIluss Ul Luo jriaiiu jnac, n noil ; """vi o j - in session, have invited the members of I Miss Cazaux'a charming contralto. It that body, and their families, to be pres- j was peculiarly sweet, smooth and flexi ent and participate in an excursion to be j ble, as were all the other female voices, given in their honor, ou Tuesday next, i The solos were all well and scientifi The party will leave the Purcell House tcally rendered,! and if the programme . v iu. jJ.. . ittilo ! wrtrtli th. nrice of admission (and - .Si 4 vine oounu ana 1 uan&s, rewinuus in . . . J ' t. I time to reach the city at o:ju p. m. ine ' , , ,1, urana ixago win mcei nvp p. iu. J , Deserving Articled are always Appro- j ciated. The exceptional cleanliness of Parker's Hair Balsam makes it popu v v -w- i i - i i lar. Gray hairs arc impossible with its occasional use. I - js The Fire Yesterday Afternoon. Tha fire alarm was sounded yester day afternoon, about6 o'clock, caused by the burning ofj two small frame buildings on Seventh, between Bladen and Harnett streets, j The fire Was first AirA twrnf nf th bonaniana ueepiy " l anrWonnifidhvMr Hill Terrv siastic in its delight! at the entertain- health and vigor, eures DyspepsiaIm wned and occupied by Mr. llill lerry. Those potence, Sexual DebiUty. $1. Depot TVio Vn lfl njr was soon enveloned in mBul uuu WC1A CJ . . lrr KkUnAa The building was soon enveloped in flames, and the fire spread to the adjoining-building, owned and occupied "by Mr. James Ellis. Mr. Ellis saved all of his furniture, bull the building was badly damaged. ! ! A house on Harnett, between Sev enth and Eighth, caugh.t fronir spark, but the flames were soon! extinguished by the water works. MrJ Terry's loss is covered by insurance; but we regret tlotAfr Villa Tmrl nO insurance. TVi fir is suDDOsed to have originated -m...f 1 ! from a spark. j U. S. District Coiirt. 1 This Court convened yesterday at 10 o'clock, when the following named persons were drawn as! grand jurors : A. A. Hartsfield, W. J. Kellogg, Jaa. W. Cox, Morris Bear, .fno- B- Latta, Geo. W. Carroll, F. W.jFoster, Edward McCabeJohn.G. Wagner, C. H. King, B. W. Price, Henry E.j Evans, Thos. Lewis, Duncan M." Bryan, J as. W. Telfair, Edward Howard and E. H. Keithley. ' .1 ! : . His Honor -Judge Seymour deliver ed a clear and forcible charge to the jury, fully instructing them as to their j duties, and dwelling ou such cases as might come before them, j The court then adjourned until afternoon;, when the following cases were tried : U. S. vs. James Godwin and Black- man Godwin, retailing liquor without I license. Guilty, U.S. vs. Geo. W. Bla v6, re-filling tobacco boxes. On trial. Home Fiffuresi Tii follnwine fi-zures are taken from A. A. a v AW-. - " tM Capt. Savage's report ioi me uai ver endins Aiarch 31st, lbWA wmcn was reaa oeiure, vvvvv. j , - Board of Aldermen at their last regular meeting, held Monday evening : nints from licenses &b. $ 29,b8.ttt Real and personal tax, "81, - vjiiorito 81, Sale and exclvge of londs, P Total receipts for year.. 208,933.14 The expenditures for the same time ! re for current expenses. f , nnrl fnr bonds anU coupons, . . . j The following is a statein j of the -city, April 1 1,188. ling Fund holds W0 tor oaDt of ! the Sinking Fund of the euy.; Of h ! bonds, 321,300, are 8 per cents, and j j 247,300 are 0 per cents. Taking into consideration fhat in june, 1877, when the city gov j went into the hands of the Democracy ; the debt of the city in bonds past due coupons, and floating clainvwas SoT3,- 000. this is a good showing, j All coupons are now regularly paia at maturity. The city now owns only one steam fire engine, the Cape Fearl le other two belonging to the companies, and the authorities are talking about dis posing of it. .therefor hold , " i.j '- Af r Sam'l Northrop. ! !N. C . a i i -xr a i ninniin in inuvi vuv . it too, but found ! $571,000, ana no noaung u . ! . . amount inc v.uiiiiiii""" . th i miis nam iu vici WILMINGTON, N. C. WEDNESDAY. MAY 3, The Opera House. The V Grand Musicale", given at the Opera House last night by the Ariou Society, was a complete success, iu every j feature. The musical efforts were of Ti:f ritvlai and vroro ivinal it lint i superior, to some of those given by pro- fessiunals who have visitetl this- city, j We were agreeably surprised at the thorough 'training manifested, and the smooth, harmonious blending of each voice with the several parts. Where all did well it becomes unnecessary to particularize, but we may; be permitted to, say; that the second lo-.bMrs.- acquitted herself admirably in the olo, l - . as she also did in the quartette, a un- - . , . ...... . ? ... 1 I'-P ferent selection might! have shown to uttoT ilri nt "-- th Dossibilities oft :f ot aacnr-rllv xrfm1! thpn each Der- j1 wwv..j , - t. ncf fcoif dollar, -is son piwcm m. , Lw - iCallflprfiachmece. which - - s in Arv instance cratmea. 1 The comic ducU, ' . "Reuben and Roohel M bv Miss Greenwald and. Mas- 7 r t T.-t, w, n nlP.isant feature . ' a ,.tori mili mpr. riment The instrumental quartettes were well . A ! Mr. Ed. J. Thorpe presided at the rHnr and accom- IJlCLLlVJ AO AXA UOXVa x. www. A , aa 1 i pariist; a position which heablyhiiea The audience was large, appreciative i a i ;nfnufaii ann pn i nil- WHO 1 clilviinjvi aiu nuiuv ' . . musical treat. ! " Wfi learn that the entertainment last night is,but the first ot a j series wiucn i . i i iaAiiui.opv- :JL Thv are worthy mwiuiauvi wvv- - -A wa AnSt ViP.liAVft in iwiu -ueMtJivma, "w " . :f 0fMnvafnr nnr nmsic when guiuswo-uov-", we can obtain just as Suu., ui .1 right here in VY Umington. The Arion Society is composed of the - -m. r - -r 1 T following gentlemen: mv. x. o. Thorpe, Musical Director; Messis. i. Mayer and W. Tilley, 1st tenors; K. o Myers and D. B. Mitchell, ana tenors; J.M-Chadbonrnand Geo. P, Welsh, 1st basses j R.-H-: Grant and E M Fre- mont, 2nd basses. TUe Firo X-ast Night The alarm of fire last evening, about 10 o'clock, was caused by the burmn nf the residence of.Geo. W. Price, Jr., on the southwest corner of Sixth and Ann streets. The fire was first discov ered bursting through the roof of the L of the house. At tlie time of the dis- ot the house, a rnverv none et rnce s lamuj were at home and the doors were forced open . Thacnonnd storvofthe house was fonnd to be in alightblaze. The rapidly until the arrival of the fire Ue- partment, when three streams from the engines and two from the water works were turned on the flames and soon ,-wked its headway, fnce anu iamio Slv were out spending the evening, ani ' there is no definite knowledge as to the jtnerew uu origm, thougn ine "T" ick Rhew, R W Rutherford. -kerosene lamp, which had been len spaniel Sanders, Ellen Standence, burning in one of the chambers, ex- a A St Elmo. . . Plode4 and communicated the flames to bedding and other mnammao.e terial. The upper story pi iae WaddeUf Emma Whelden, Melo bnilding, which! was a beautiful two, nia white, Mary Walker, Charlotte story man sard roof structure, was ceedetlin saving most of the furniture on t V ' - -. .- Km ill - Itot. the lirst noor, ui m a icij- tcred coudition. i tu -oa o ivirtiii insurance on me 3.300.06 ! .toostlrely consm ana johiTwebber, R P Walked Minnie I nurf ,00, (.ww-v.v . . iomoorfri rn sue- wi, fn ' .1 vniinm. adiuc xj u r VPrv iiaun iuiun t .w uiidi t tt,iP,i,Pnt of thcihon- in a company reprebemeu uv . " i-J I... Messrs. John Wj (lonlon A; ro.. ana Harpc I Joto B. winston, G, ir and Col. John Greenback orators, ! nA Vi. i-qmrmim last nibt at toe -UdiVU f O 'old market house site. There was Jouite a crowd in attendance, three srnment i . , - u1s a Fourths ot whom were iwjiuuuwuj, one-fourthDemocrats and the remainder r Af r TTsrTWr lrd on. DUt . - mhlin-r. and hcfremient- j , unlimited freedom from - . . to bis subject, but complained that newspa pers, who claimed to be fair and just. never spoke of them until they made such a noise that the papers were com pelled to do so. . It was the same old story the outs want to get in. in?ntvd in a company Mr. Wm. Genaust received on yester- ! day the first shipment of the season of Bock beer. The lovers of the beverage welcomed it with much warmth ofjfeel mg and quaffed it off as it wa,,oU so 111C6. Capt. E. W. Maiming hud the firs;t ; pig fish o f tlte season on yesterday, at F Snm the public general can always count i ou -ettimr iisr nsh at lme Grove. s A party of boys. Who are old ehougltj wtAr Invo Iwpii !n ilir "habit i for tWpast two or three dfty of amusing j themselves by hurling darts at the fafcej y- nf the clock in St. James Church aud ;.; then trying : . . . i . , - . -,i I tfknixk lhem down with j rocks. ?ome steps shot itci e taken ujrM: the instalment plan i orange, Aiulberrv. Iiert Cross, Rankinj Gwynn Anything In'tlio hardware lino, wujgj aE-fe.. be found at reasonable prices at JACO- lottc, Twelfth, Thirteenth, and Fourteenth. , j 1 Money loanetl to those wishlne to build.- Apply BI S. 1 ' ! .raay.3 tf to . JAaliis WILSOS. . A Liberal Offer. Messrs. B. F. Perry, P. Heinsberger, F. AY . Foster, J . G. VV right, lhos. H. .., 3 t-v -t v. ff.j Smith arid A. D. Brown have offered d ;h L . , , . . A f,.lirr- to furnish a fountain and; water troug . oif0 kf t nlrl mnr w w ket and have asked the (authorities to appoint a committee u ueuumwo it" them as to tne location oi me iuucu. , mi i . a a.-a.a . w . t- n i w n.nd.drinkin2 trough. It is the desire of theentlemen named above that the old site should be enclosed and a grass plat made. The offer is certainly a very liberal one and we have no doubt but that it Will De accepteu oy tnu autnun ties. Skinny Men. "Wells Health llenewer restores Im- Blackberries were in market yestcr- I J... uy . JList of Letters ThefoUowing is the listof unclaimed 1 , . . -..i -l-i... T letters remaining m u e -".y "m. r , nr. o-J 'iqqo. W eanesuay, jity oiu, . Awn A-lo,c .T-rtM Arlrlisnn 21 BJane Brown, Bella Brace, Bryant Boney, B II Buford, Kebecca Bradley, Doctor Britt, C S Brown, Jennie Bry- ..,tTTnr.nnli T? n fi l a A 1 Allien TtnKSfJvrl . - CA H Croom Ellen Cowan; Helen costm, John Carroll, John T Cowles, Mary 1 Clipper, vv unus, n n wjMpou S Ujvddo, JoW 13 iUviIoy A T)pal. Lewis Davis, M L .Dye, juonimia x Uavis,' Jxian.ua, xuuiej, a.ccajjia-ji. Dudley (2), Betsey Drake. E Maud i.stus. F Tuly Floyd, Wm S Freeman. G Siloma Grady, C E Green, Fio rina Gie, Johnson Green. m H Birtha leaves, Jave nopKins, Arlinsrton Howard. Eliza Howard, Gil bert Hadley, Elsie Howard, Ella Hill, H Houston, James Harriss, . Willie Hephnie, SarahiHines. f j Franlyn Jones, Aimy Johnson, M ToVmn K-Iatilda Kennedy, Mary Kierman L -Kichard Lea. i . .GM&?g j0hn Martin, Kate McKoy, Miue Martin, Thomas D Murray, E Moves. ' - -Jamea D Newton, Jane orman, ,0 jnr Tpv R Pearsall. Benj H phillyaw, Tom Prayer, APeog- ney.-. f . kFlcnn Rnss. Alvin Ross, Freder- lTn"A wiUiams Lillie Williams, Ho- Williams, in nion L Hams. Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say "advertised ;v if not called for within ten uays win oc scu j a; ot AVo,infrton to me utrau AVI1:. "JV-V " o u. u. Ed. R. Brink, P- M. Wilmington, New Hanover county, Henry's Carbolic Salve Is the BEST SALVE for Cuts. Brniscs, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter,Chap TIr.,le f 'VilKlnirx: f Vim and all I vlrvnc VrwrtMi anil Pimples. GeTUEXRY'S CARBOLIC AT.YF n .i others are counterfeit, Price 25 cents. - j Pk Green's Oxtgekated Bitters il the best remedy for Dyspepsia, Bil liousness. Malaria, Indigestion and dis eases of the Blood, Kidneys, Liver, Skin, etc. DURKO S CTARRIl SNUFF curses all affections of the mucus membrane, of the head and throat. DR. IMOTTS PILLS .Cathartic Regulators. are the best -m T 4.1- . i. liMC I'hll 1 1T1 WW I ! H4 IIJ - IUU1UUC) II "! I NO. 108. NEW . AI VERTISE3IENTS. A Card. TAKE T1IIS METHOD' TO INFORM MY f rlcnd.- that I bare severed iny business con- neotion wiih the liriu of f.- Mrer. and ex- ' iect to open in a saort time a nrst-clasa Gro- t e-ery nd .Jobbfijj Ilwwe. Mv friend will Twexso tak notice. , ruey wui io uiionueu iu tue linie as tf the location. mays-iwk. OEO. M. CBAPON. -Pig Fish and Oysters. y am -now irkpaiieo to FCKMSH pi2 Vigu -and Oysters to iruon at; Pine p Ih5 , - Cwoovs ii and Ur tbem. "j ' -i'.,.t FigureYour Eeiit:1 I wn? bovr much, money rou are rmMiMFW- OR FIVE YEARS NL) ' (.ituHll on the lollowiox streets It Mattrasses. XirE MAKE TO ORDER HAIR, MOSS OR Straw Mattrasses and do over old ones, make Picture Frames, Window Cornices and the likfi. Ilancr Whidow - Curtains and Shades. IT ffl.ff'.K-V. V"Wi,t fJUbOlMC Ul lUQlUUl VpUVUWt - AAMaa" - - .. - Alt flL T a? 4- a1MAot any little thing you may want done around the nouse, au jt o. uuituh , 27 North Front Street, Best workmen only employed. may 3 Livery and Exchange Stables and Cart House. I "TIT'E HAVE COMPLETED ' A L-VRGE f V buildiner with all conveniences lor ! a Liv ery and Salo Stables and Cart House, and offer rrnminoaa.uoris ior man ana ocasi. iwmts and Bucrsries for hire on i"easonablo terms. Evervtlnnz flrst-cliiss and, new. Ambulances and Waffonettes for Excursion parties. MERRITT &.HOLLINGSW ORTH, Livery and Sales Stables, Comer Fourth & Mulberry streets. may 3-lm d&w ; . . Bock Beer ! Bock Beer ! rpiIE FIRSV OF THE SEASON AND BEST OF ALL BERGNER & EGEL AGAIN AHEAD ! We received -our first' instalment of BOCK BEER yesterday in our refHerator cars. ; IT CAN'T BE BEAT I WM. GENAUST, may 3-2wLs j i Agent. Parlor Organs. r(OME AND EXAMINE MY INSTRU- MENTS. I WARRANT every Organ for FIVE ... - - - .' , I YEARS. Sent out on test trial. Satisfaction HEINSBERGER S. guaranteed At Koller Skates. X HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN INVOICE of SKATES all sizes and prices At . may 3 HEINSBERGER'S. Dissolution ot Copartnership the name or ia, a. cu;an & wo., um, u. att fiiflftolved' bv. mutual conwnt. Tne imainess will be continued by W . ... . 1 1 nf if Manroe & S. Ttphmnds under the name oiv. Mnnroe 4. Co. All indebtednes to the former firm ito b paid to them.. . ; buikwus, 1 . W. MUNROE, may 2 3t A. A. MCLEAN. A Majority Say So. tTTR STAETED THE SODA WATER KTn Vo doubt about that. Others follow ed, but we sUU draw the lest glass of Soda for n mnti'fmni nnr handsome Fountain. ' that can be bought in this city. A majority say so. Ice Cold Fruit Juices Fresh. Syrup. Now open every day for the seaeon. . 3 f s MUNDS BROS., ; a pi 30. , . f Brooklyn: Administrator's Sale. TN PURSUANCE OF THE DIRECTION IN the la.t will and testament of the late Martha Huff. I will sell at public auction, at the Oourt ' "... i ... -. the Eastern half of lot4 in block town of Wilmington, nH lot front Ing on -Second Street, King W feet front and ; 165 foct dccp on Monday, M ay feth, at 1 j o,ctocll W. B. McKOV, Admr. cum tetatem annex i ; . mayp- tdi . . - r , r , , flinwttr ' !Vtljio.p.n fE RESPECTFULLT OrFER TO OUR I natron and the trade gBeraIly, aU frradef ' Chewing Tobacco of wr former aaanufaettire, I 1. i i- -. - - . of which we hoMa lanfeatoc-E. ana wpru I n ; -ti . Mam&ila urirew). - Wf hail-en- j TocBaiIac f .jilt, brantW i untuJ louc ' -. ,U ,aa a TJear FactoTT. which WrJll be known aV the CHAK3PI0M CTTT FAXTCRT, and thereto be enabled ton nwChwiiGoodti at lowest prices and to compete with any mar- ket - - , v - ----- DO NOT FAIL TO CllLI. tJP05 r0 1882! itiafia . t aW " CltEWING TOBACCO, and oar aleimen V11 . . . ... . front time to time call npon you to olicit or der! Respectfully yours, nay S-la IL BRUXH1LD BH0. - PU2ASE fcOTICE. We will be glad to recelTA commaiQMlios from mr friend oViiny aid all. reb.' U o t general Interest bat -1 - Tho.name of the writer niust altmy b f qr . nished to tie Editor. v ' 1. --: Communications must be rrtten on oa!y PersonaUtics wust be nvckL4. ;-: , And it cfpftf: 11 ,Aid xticalal ruder- stooattot tb Iiiorior not aJy ndor XYts view ot corveopondtnt- anleas' M in tlie'editori.a, -olunuw. i ; ' I (UUd NEW i ADinEKTISEMENTS; rwlillinery. v. 4 J,. I WILI4 RECEIVE BY. nefactor a large inrolcc STXAMSIIfP "BB-" of Millinery, all the new Strawa, Trimnilnsa, lowers, Jtc, ,ILto .: .; , , .- - - 1 "V . ou banl a beauUfol avortroeut of Fancy Gooda, ' 1 1 . Neckwear, Fant and Satchel. Xadl amdf .',-. Ispipctfnlly, MISS V KAREF.R. j x change Corner. ;A: Complete; StpcKr on -a ( Blf K BOOK?, ' v - , r, faxcy isKiprrs, ' . - : -'.vrASESE XSOODS; . tr 4 i . . - i ' POCKET BOOKS, . . I- , - EIAXTBOUXIX POEMS, . PIANOS AND ORGANS, On the the easy instalment plan. 43 At Lowest prices, at aplO r nElNSBERGKR S. A New Lot O V IiARXEbS JUST RECEIVED AND FOR elow. I have full lines of Trunks and Va- "at prices to suit the times. A& Repairing executed neatly and with din patch. . . v .. . - J. H. MALLARD, 4 Successor to Mallard & Bowdcu, apl30 tf No. 8 Front Street. New Laces OF .MANY DESlRABLKi MAKES. v .New Neckwear. LTOKCllpX IvVCES The finest In this market. Colored Silks At the closet figures. Everything in the way of I DRESS TRIMMINGiS. . i ! , t I i Light and dark sliadcs of StttqtlUfH Marseilles "Quilts. Some real good bargains. Carpets Mnttlng ana Oil Cloths. A large assortment or iwiigs. f All are respectfully invited to Mm mat wo are offering. ,: R. M. McINl UtE. apisu ........ Ladies Underwear DRO WN & RODDICK, 5 and 7 North Front Street. HAVE JUST. OPENED ; A FULL L Ladies made-up Underwear, and will , . , , - r " NIOHr DRESSES, 1 Chemise", Panulettef, Walking Skirts, Underskirts And Corset Cov ert. ' Ladies Neckwear. T We offer the largest assortment ot Ladlea Neckwear: that has ever been exhibited thl city, embracing many novelties. Children's Hose. Wa will offer some decided Bargain- la th , ... . ... . ... , m ,- .- . . t'p f i abore,' in order to clear out notne broken 12ne, . 1 :-t f NOW IS YOUK TIME TO SELECT. c ! Sunshades and Parasols1 Our tock l the larjet we hare erer nw. We can SUT:A1.I TASTES.- Our. prfCM mr of ; popular,, i V ' f; Norfltle in Japaneae SudJuuIe)lanI fan, I W ' w -.a I , Jasi amTju. vai ADM mwaao J i ; . Dress '. Goods. To this Dcpartmeat we have given -pecuii attcntloo this iealon. Ct assortment, 1 ccr tahdy double that ot any former ceaMn and wf haTC added a mocfe'" 'finer .tUia. of fW thii j - .:.- -v r , reason. Ahraya to bow. Cite ne a call. BROW & RODDICK; - i 1 ? r 1 , !a '. 1

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