this pafkr . morning. Bioooart ex- . it.faa'l JOSH T. JAMES ' . ,.-, mi rv- srB: Iioo Ms month, $2.00. Three Ono mouth, cenw. ...nth-?. '-W 1 delivered by carriers free any part of the city, at the above 10 ci.Du er wee, n'-' . rat - low anl liberal. . Jv,uni , . Rml ii foil. 'r" ive tl.eir iaTer regularly. ,i,.-n-B -i . - u'lii in-FvraB mm-j 7jojiEWAPVTlSEMEIITS. tt- VAT--'roUCl- ' ' rar TobHC' 0 Works. ,,U f MtfTos--J00ftwanl. J,,,,F nvoslmerum Camphor. . ,,s-Tonsorlaf ArtUts. od of j. c. niTr-LO fui 1 of II I""1 -UraftH, Xotea. KeclpU and Or- tmHAL NEWS. Xa pa the advertisement offering two iia . . iuts of cotton at this port wsffrOay foot up 13 bales. 'homborscind, Neilsen, hence, arr;TtHl at UndoApriljK)di. ....mshin Rcatdator, Doane, hence, ivnl at New. l or iia m-r 1 If 14- j i k . . A r. . 1niuu1 lir. '', i . .. . m . ,i . ! st Philadelphia, port. April xytn, lor inis ior Rrouc Enrin, LangDinncns, sauea fmm St.' Vinmit. C. April 4th, for this port. - . , T.pmiau barque C. L. Weyer, from .Ms nort for Hamburg, has been towed into Eider dismasted. Yes 3his is the month of flowers, the merriest month of all the year, full of ire i-rcam and bock beer. j Kn-shwater Perch.Trout arid Black- tiah honks ami lines. A full - assort ment and lowest prices at JACOBi's. t The State Conference- of Congrega- L tionai Churchea will nom us annual meeting in Christ's Church, this city, . n m m m t 11 commencing Thursday night and con- tinning doing the week. 1 he meetings will De puDiic. colored man applied at the Station House last night for lodging, but his action and conversation , was so much like a crazy man's, he was taken into ru-tody. His mental condition will be i inquiml ink. this morning. The lawn party gi van last night at the rectory of St. Paul's church by the 'Little WoTkonf of that parish was in very way iuitc a success. The net re (eipu were cncoivraging and the even ing wa spent in pleasant vis-a-vis by t bos who attended it. . A Good Idea. . At the request of the merchants who rloe their stores at 7 o'clock p. m. dur ing the summer month, the Mayor has directed that the city beil shall be rung at that hour, com menciug this evening. We gi ve notice of the fact, fearing that some might think the" ringing of the bell at that hour was for an alarm of fire. . Decline of Man. Nervous Weakness, Dyspepsia, Im potence, Sexual Debility, cured by " ell's Health Renewer." $1. Depot Jai.C. Munds. . One of the Victim. The body of Miss Mattie B. Henry, who was killed and blown into the riw at the terrible disaster oh the Wateree river, near Eastover, S. C, on Saturday last, was recovered yesterday. Mi Lizze" Henry, Miss Minnie Bates, and Mr, John E. Eson, who were thought o be mortally wounded by the same accident, are reported as getting letter. We received this information through the courtesy of Mr. Emerson, Co1- Pope's office, in this crty. This Paperr We are aware of the fact that the paper ou hich the Review is now printed is of a very dingy color, although fair in .juahty. We hope to have this reme died within a few days, and in the meantimrhust beg for a little further indulgence from our kind subscribers. have made a large order, which is now. being fiUed, and as fast as it is ttwufactured it will be shipped to us. hope to receive the first installment fttttweek. '' Personal. Geo. M. Crapon, as all who have Ihe advertisement are aware, re Jn4oathe first instant the position JWMhmentof Geo. Myers,'in this city. CrPon desires to enter .into busi js for himself, and in a few days Pw to perfect e necessary arrange-ut- We most heartily fwish him IIe is a dever gentleman, a t salesman and has had an experr n of many years to guide nim. S mall dr S- ti;:: ba created a perfect rerue- nd senrf on using inr th! annov.ftn in life are vanish K through scientific discovery. In his r 1 VOL. VI. WILMINGTON, N, C, THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1882. NO. 109. TJie 2 ew Uniform. Messrs A. & T. Shrier having receiv- j ' the contract to fnrnbh the police j xurc-e wun summer umiornis, uiey were cation to Mr. j. M. Hardwicke invit buy yesterday in taking the measures whim with th ,nmwr f the members of the force. The work I be cora- making the uniforms wi menced at once and finished with dig- patch. .The new suits are to be of blue yacht cloth, warranted sfast colors, and will be in every respect first class, j ; Anythins in the hardware line can found at reasonable prices at Jxcb- Oolden Days. The May number of! this charming periodical for "Boys and Girls," has been received. Its standard of! excel- lence is fully kept up in reading mat- ter, illustrations and ty pographical ap pearance. It is indeed a , first-class marravino anil iltWrricrK ?f Xa rstckriikt ,i . sa. i r tnejuvcimus, it coiuains iuuua oi interest to the older folks. Published in monthly parts at $3 per annum, by James Elverson, Philadelphia, Pa. To Builders and others Go to Jaco- bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. I , t Tbe Minnehaha. We learn that Capt. Bisbee will leave for Boston in about a week! for his new steam yacht, the Mi?inehaha. She is about the size, ana resembles very much in looks, the steamer Passport The steamer ElizabcUi has been sold to a nartv inl Charleston. SjlC who will . h iff on the ioth instil An enirfi neer, representing the new owner of the FJi fJl jifl now inhe citvJ Itlntil the j :.i Minnpimh(l arr;Ye. the mail will be car- by the Passport An inviiluable strensrthener for the nervs, muscles, and digestive organs, producing strength and appetite, is urown s iron itfucrs. Martn's Scheme. w nWib AnhhA triiWl Tifr nf thia issue, an article extracted from the Philadelphia .ift&?, relative to E. F. Martin and thef road which he is, trying to build along the coast. If Martin -is 1 correctly . reprcaeutcd there he was doubtless talking for buncombe as well as for money. We would be glad to see him succeed in building the road but he musn't lay out too much on ;he color line when he begs for money. j-4- f Deserving Articles arc1 always Appre ciated. The exceptional clealiliness of Parker's Hair Balsam makes it popu lar. Gray hairs are impossible witn its occasional use. j The Bed Ball. The gold medal won jby Mr. B. F. Swan, of the ;C. M. Stcdman Fire Co. No. 1, for having gotten the red ball upon the alarm of fire the greatest num ber of times during the I year, was pre sented to him last night jat the Truck House of the Company, by the presi dent, Mr. G. V. W. Davis, jin a few well-timed remarks. Mr. Swan re ceived the medal of honor with becom ing modesty. The badge is vej-y hand some, being scroll-shaped and bearing the following inscription : C. M. S. No. 1,-to 6. F. Swan, Red Ball, 1881 to 1882. Quick Dispatch. . Barque Horace Scudder. Sears, of Boston, left Portland, Mel, March 3d, for Gaudalouoerwith a full cargo of croperage, where she arrived in 12 days from the time of her departure from Portland. She, discharged her cargo and, after taking in ballast, proceeded to Navassa, where she took ini a cargo of 421 tons of phosphates for the Navassa Guano Co., of this city, j She arrived here, discharged her cargo and took on board 2,000 barrels of j rosin for New York. She was consigned to George Harriss& Co. The time consumed was just two months yesterday, which is very quick time. In a Split Stick. Levi Walker, colored, has gotten himself in a snap by getting goods un der false pretenses. ! He gave an order to Capt. Thos. Beck, on the Wilming ton, Columbia & Augusta R. R., for the amount of his wages for the month of May, and then wishing to raise more "grub," he applied to Mr. L. H. Bryant for provisions, exclaiming at the time that his wages were not in "chancery.1 Mr. Bryant let him have the groceries asked for and took an order for the pay on the W. C. & A. R. R. When Mr. B. went to file his order with the railroad officials, he found that CaptJ Brock had also received and filed an order Xbr the same amount, thus leaving him out in the cold to.; whistle for his money. A warrant was issued for the arrest of Walker, and he waS sent -to jail, fn de fault of bond, to answer to the charge of obtaining goods under false pretenses. A Matter of Interest. ThA Tlnrrtl nfM.n.ra nf tr.i P. duce Excoange have mt a commani- the Exchange at their rooms, at an early a date as may be convenient to him and give his views and the results of experience in the cultivation of to bacco in this vicinity. Mr. Hardwicke has been quite' successful in this depart ment of agriculture, ' and it is expected that he will be able and willing to im part much valuable information re garding tobacco culture a-s a suitable enterprise for tnis locality, aud one which promise very favorabia results. The letter t Mr. Hardwicke was for warded yesterday and we hope in a few days to be able to inform . our read ers of a favorable respone. Took Him in and was Taken in. ! Capt. Brock was notified on Monday night of the larceny of a watch and chain from theTesidence of, Mr. Baily, at Meares Bluff, and asked to keep a look out for the thief who was supposed to a be young white boy about "14 years of age and who was thought to have come to this city, j Mr. Bailey, who is keeper of the bridge, says that the sus. pectedboy came to his" house Snnday night and asked for lodging, which he gave him. On Monday morning, while Mr. Baily was attending to some out door call and his wife was busy getting breakfast ready, the boy disappeared and the watch and chain were missing. Some section hands who were at work on the railroad track betweeu this city and Meares Bluff saw the boy com ing towards town and noticed that the chain attached to the watch was hang ing out of his pocket. They asked him the time of day when the young rascal put out in a run. The boy was next heard of at Hilton where he spent the day with a colored picnic party. Tuesday night a white boy, answering to the description of the accused, was found asleep on the piazza of a residence near the City Hall and was carried to the Station House where he remained during the night. Officer Mintz telephoned Mr. Bailey and told him of the boy, but as the watch was not found on his person Mr. Bailey concluded to take no action in the matter, and the little rascal was re leased from custody. The boy said he was originally from Leesburg but had not lived with his parents in two years. It is now thought that the boy disposed of the watch at Hilton. The Bingham School Disaster. The young gentlemen of this city who were students at Bingham School re turned on Tuesday night. From them we learn that the fire was the result of carelessness, or rather thoughtlessness, and was discovered about 9 o'clock on Monday morning. The flies seemed to have ljeen very annoying in the barracks and an attempt was made to smoke them out in one(of the rooms in which was suspended from the ceiling a rope trapeze. The ropes were-covered with flies, and a lighted newspaper was ap plied to burn tjiem off. The flames were hurriedly carried by the loose shreds of the rope to the hole in-the ceiling. where they must have seized fresh fuel and ignited the building between the ceiling and the. roof. In two hours after the fire was discovered bursting through the roof all of the buildings of the school, sixteen in number, which were wood, were totally destroyed. Much of the furniture was consumed, and the personal property and clothing of the students were destroyed. Messrs. Aaron Greenewald, DuBrutz Cutlar and Marcus W. Jacobi, of this city, lost all of their clothing, but Mr. Gilbert H. Green was foatunate enough to save most of his effects. Messrs. Cutlar and Jacobi were compelled to borrow clothes to come home in. Col. Bingham, with his usual vigor and prompt action, commenced hauling material with which" to rebuild before sundown of the day of tJc, disaster. It is now expected that the' new baracks will be finished and ready for use by July 1st. We understand that Mr. W. T. Blackwell used strenuous efforts to get Col. Bingham to establish his school in Durham, and offered as an induce ment $5,000 in cash and as much land free of cost as Col. Bingham vtould re quire. For reasons best known to Col. B., the offer was declined. It was a liberal offer on the part of Mr. Black well. Kidney Disease, Pain, Irritation, Retention, Inconti nence, Deposits, Gravel, &c., cured by "Buchupabia". $1. Depot James C. Munds. ! We are requested to state that the next rehearsal of Billee Taylor" will take place at the Music Hall in the new market building, on Friday evening, at 8 o'clock. A full attendance is desired. A Change Mr. Thos. E. Wallace, who for some time; past has been in charge of Mr. K. Portner's depot, in this city, leaves us this morning for the home office, where he will assume the duties of Assistant Superintendent of the brewery. He will be succeeded by Mr. J. L. Ieins, a gentleman of good business qualifica tion and a pleasant address, We trust Mr.-Leins' sojourn here may be along, happy and prosperous one. ... i ; 1 ' ' Caught in a Maehine. Mr. Deems Pugh, who is employed at the sash, blind and door factorv of Messrs. Altaffer, Price & Co, had the misfortune on yesterday to have the index finger on his right hand caugnt in a tennoning machine and split open its entire length. A piece of the knuckle bone was taken out by the ma chine. He received proper medical at tention. His injury is in no way dan gerous to loss of life or maimed finger, but will incapacitate him for work for some weeks to come. U. S. District Court. ' -1 The U. S. District Court convened yesterday morning, and the following cases were disposed of U. S. vs. Martin O'Brien, failing to cancel stamps ; not guilty U S. vs. Leonard Long, information; not guilty. U. Sj. vs. R. B. Lewis,, information; not guilty. U. S. vs. Geo. Williams, information ; not guilty ! U. S. vs. Stephen Jones, information not guilty. i U. S. vs. Crawford Williams ; judg ment nisi. ! , LT. S. vs. Wilson Williams, distilling; judgment nisi. ;U. S. vs. R. J. Walters, perjury ; alias capias. TJ. & vs. Wiley Moses, 'retailing liquor; guilty, j v U. S. Vs. W. W. Sheppard, retailing) tobacco; not guilty. i Henry's Carholic Salve Is the BEST SALVE for Cuts, Brnises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter,Cliap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Kinds of Skin Eruptions, ! Freckles and Pimples. Get HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE, as all others are counterfeit. Price 25 cents. Dr. Green's Oxygerated Bitters is tho best remedy for Dyspepsia, Bil lioasness. Malaria, Indigestion and dis eases of the Blood, Kidneys, Liver, Skin, etc. I DURNO'S CTARRH SNUFF curses all affections of the mucus membrane, of the head and throat. . i DR. MOTT'S PILLS Cathartic Regulators. are the best THE MAILS. v i The malls close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows : CLOSE. I Northern through mails, fast.. 5.15 P. M. Northern through and way mails. . . .5.40 A. M. Raleigh 5.00 P. M. and 5.40 A. M. Malls for the N. C. Raih-oad and j routes supplied therefrom includ ing A. N. C. Railroad at 5.40 A. M. Southern Mails for all points South, daily 8.00 1. M. Western mails (C. C. Railway) daily, (except Sunday) ......5.00 P. M. All points between Hamlet and RaN elgh.. 5.00 P. M. Mail for Cheraw and Darlington Rail road i. 8.00 P. M. Mails for points between Florence : and Charleston i 8.00 P. M. Fayettevllle and offices on CapoFear River, Fridays .-. i 1.00 P.M. Fayettevllle, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays i 5.00 P. M. Onslow C. H. and Intermediate offi ces. Tuesdays and Fridays .......6.00 A. M. Smithville mails, by steamboat, daily (except Sundays) .8.30 A. M. Malls for Easy IliH, Town Creek, Shallotte and Little River, Tues day! and Fridays ..6.00 A. M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails.... 8.30 A. M. Southern Mails 8.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad ....10.30 A. M. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 3.45 P. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5.30 P. 3L Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. Stamps for Bale In small quantities at general delivery when stamp office is closed. General delivery open from -daylisht to dark and on Sundays from 8.30 to 9.30 A. M. Silks, Laces, Neckwear. JUST IN TO-DAY. NEW BUTTONS! Ulsters IS BOTH LINEN AND MOHAIR, A LARGE ASSORTMENT, ALL SIZES. Straw Mattings ! LADIES TRUNKS iic S2, 54 and J8L " Rwpeetfally, PE . - M. McrXTlRE. '4 NEW AOVERTISK3IEXTS. Cape Fear Tobacco Works. rpHE UNDEKIUNED HAVING PURCIIAS ed the iut'eree t of Messrs. H. Brunhild & Bro., in the above business, jwill continue tue-manu- facture and sale Of Tobacro under the lirm CA t'K FE A K TO B A COO W. I. MEADOWS, URlKli K.IDDEU. j name of "TIIH VVOKKs." inav 4-lyr, To Subscribers Telephone Exchange. TJLKASK ADD TO YOU11 LIST : So. 37 A. Y. Wilson, S:lw Mill. may 4-lt J.'C: WHITE, Manager. Drafts, Notes. Eeceipts and Order Books. inn IN A BOOK FOR TWENTY-FIVE 1UV oenta. ; Awnlmrs, Mattrassea, Wimlow Shades. Uu holstering aul Pa pec Hanging done to order at S. JtWhTFS, may; 4-" 2T North Front Street, Brown & Pearson. rrillE TONSQRIAL ARTISTS PEESOXAL- ly in attendance at the Barber Shop. Jso. 23 Front Street, next to -Mr. Melntire's Dry Goods More. An work guaranteea ana aone only in artistic style. may 4-iw. Sime's Gum Camphor. SOMETHING NEW. AN ELEGANT PRE paratlon of refined Gum Camphor in ounce blocks, the neatest and most convenient thing of the kind, 5 cents per ounce block. :Warner8 Safe Kidney and Uver Cure, fresh lot. Sim mons Liver Regulator, genuine, in 25c packa ges. feimmons' Liver Kegulator, genuine, in doc bottles. Juartinique Lime J ulce byru un, in aklng connection witn our ootta Fountain, ma one of the new; est and most delicious Summer Drinks. . may 4 MUMDS BROS., Brooklyn. S200 Reward. T WILL PAY THE ABOVE REWARD TO any butcher in the! city of Wilmington, who will for the next ten days show as large a quantity, as great a variety, and of as good quality of STALL-FED BEEF, SPRING LAMB, VEAL, PORK, and who will give as much meat, of the same quality, for as little money, . as I wUl. The competition to com mence on the 4th and to closo on the lithof May. - The award to be made by three disin terested parties. You hear asked why it is that MELTON does the largest butcher busi ness in the city ? WU, MKLTON keeps the finest quality of Meats, and the largest Assort ment. In fact, he can supply your demands. If you order a piece jf meat you get what you order. MELTON has experienced men to at tend to your wants, and you can alwaj's find them at their post. Prompt and I free delivery wagon. No mistakes made as to the right house. Leave your orders one ' day for the next. Don't forget, If yon wish the best, to go to MELTON'S first, the leading butchor- of your city. Respectfully, r, , JNO. R. MELTON, Northwest Corner Market and Second ts'. Successor to the Butcher Company and Pro prietor of the only Steam Sausage Factory In the city. ! V Printer's ink is cheap, but ft takes money to buycowe. I may 4 A Card. T TAKE THIS METHOD TO INFORM MY JL friends that I have severed my business con- nection with the lirm of Geo. Mj vers, and cx- pect to oren in a short Ume a iirst-elass Gro cery and Jobbbig House. My friends will S lease take notice. They will be informed in ue time as to the location. mayS-lwk. GEO. M. CRAPON. Livery and Exchange Stables and Cart House. WE HAVE COMPLETED A LARGE I building with all conveniences for a Liv ery and Sale Stables and Cart House, and ofler accommodations for man and beasti Horses and .Buggies for hire on reasonable terms. Everything first-class and new. Ambulances and Wagonettes for Excursion parties. MERRITT & HOLLINGSWORTII, Livery and Sales Stables, Corner Fourth He Mulberry f-treet. may 3-1 m dAw ; Parlor Organs. QOME AND EXAMINE MY INSTRU MENTS. I WARRANT every Organ for FI VE YEARS Sent out on ttit trial. Satisfaction guaranteed At HEINSBERGER'S. j Roller Skates. ; J HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN INVOICE of SKATES all sizes and pnees At may 3 ' HEINSBERGER'S. Dissolution of Copartnership THE ! COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existmg by the nndcrtilgned trading undir the name of A, A. Mcleau & Co., has tld- day leen dissolvel by mutual consent. Tlije business will be continued by XYj Munroe it S. Behreuds under the name of XV. Mirarpe & Co. All indebtedness to the former firm Is to be paid to them. S. BKHREXDS, XV. MUNROE, may 2-3t A. A. McLKAN. ClieAving Tobacco. t ' ; - E EES PECTKtTLLY OFFER TO OUR patrons and the trade generally, all grades of Chewing Tobacco of our former manufacture, of which we hokl a large stock, and which we will sell at reasonable prices. We shall con tinue the Tobacco Business in ail its branch es, and Khali add a Cigar Factory, whk-h will be known as the CHAMPION CIGAR FACTORY, . i ! ' and thereby be enabled to tell F1 rst-CLa Good . - S- at lowest price and to compete with any mar- . I - ket. - VO NOT FAIL TO. CALL UPON US FOR CHEWING TOBACCO, ami our alemcn wul from time to time call upon you to solicit or ders. Eefpe-ctfoHryottrsf may S im H. BRllXITILD BRO. i : n - , ,. . ; PLEASE NOTICE. wmilglarto"recelvocommunlc-tioB : . r from our.frienils on any and'.ll subjects of 'general Interest but " 1 1 .1 . ; ! , The name of the writer most fur- nbhed to the Editor I Commnnlcatlonafainst bo written on only. oae side of the aper. : Personalities mast be avoided. And It li especially anl particularly under stood that the Editor does hot ararays! cbdorae the views of correspondents unless s4 stated in the editorial column.1. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Bock Beer ! Bock Beer ! fJUlE FIRSTOF THE SEASON AND BEST OF ALL BERGNEi: l!NGEL AGAIN AHEAD I We received our first instalment of BOCK BEER yterlay In our refrigerator car. IT CAN'T BE BEAT ! ' -L WM. GENAUST, mav3 2wk Agent. I UliHinerv. I WILL RECEIVE BY kTRAUw "BE i :!": - ...... I . i '!', nefaetor" a large invoice of Milliner r, all the ieM Straws, Trimming,' Flower, Ac. I have j i. .' "T. on hand a beautiful afortmentof Fancy Gools, Neckwear, Fans and Satchel, Ladle and Children's. Uudenvear and Honlerv. I Resiectfully, MISS E. KARREU, apl SO- Exchano Corner. A New Lot' QF HARNESS JUST RECErVED AND FOR sale low. I have full lines of Trunks and Va Uses at prices to suit the times. I I Repairing executed neatly and vltk dla- patch. I J. II. MALLARD, Successor to Mallard & Bowden, apl SP-tf No. 8 Fron Street. New Laces 'A OF MANY DESIRABLE MAKES. New Neckwear. I' ; .., TORCHON LACES The finest in this market. Colored Silks At the closK-'t figures. Everything in the way of DRESS TRIMMINGS. j igni ana uarit hnaues or acqmngs Marseilles Quilts. r Ai Some real good bargains. CarpetsMailing? aim on oioms. jy mrgu aKortnient oi; icnjr. are retfpccuuny invncu to ee wnat we aro offering. 1L M. MclNTIRE. f apl 30 Ladies Underwear BROWN & TiODDICK, 5 and 7 North Front Street. XTK HAVE JUST OPENED A FULL IT I j line of Ijadieji made-up Underwear, and will guarantee our prioes a low as they canb bought In the count ry. ' ' NIG Hi" DRESSES, Chemise, Pantalettes, Walking Skirt, Underskirt' and Corset COT- era. Ladies Neckwear. We ofier the largest assortment of Indies Neckwear that has ever been exhibited in this city, embracing many rove)tie.. Children's Hose. We will offer some dH:ldcd Bargain.? In th alove, in order to clear out some broken llneg. li . NOW IS YOUR TIME TO SELECT. -o- Sunshades and Parasols. Our rtork 1 the largest w i have ever shown. We can SUIT ALL TA8TL. Our lrU-e are "i i.-l r jk - - popular. J' ! i Novelties In Japane Sunshades and Fan Jttat arrivel. Call and look them over. Dress Goods r" To thbj Iepartment we have jglven mHrcIal attention tht season. Onr assortment w cer talnly tlouik; Uul of any former season and w have added a mnrh finer elas of g omit this season. Always to show. GlreusaealL BROW & RODDICK. , apt SO f . t I ft? t t

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