TIII3 FAFEI1 1 1JIASE NOTICE.' 11( h every oiornlng. Mondays cs JOSH T. JAMES, lTOK ASI rUOFRIKTOR. - , rjll'TIOVS POSTAGE PAID: i.oo. month, 42.00. Three n.ie mouth. 33 cents. r,"'Jl '.. in L deliver! by carriers free TIir '"'"i i ,.art of tlic city, at the above r v"-' l..u- aud li!ral. Viu-"" r-nrt aur and 11 fail- , , Tl-,ivr their i:m.t regularly, ''n' ip -rgw!Wgw"J--t g i(3X TO HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' ... -.vill H-re Monday. l"iifcTr-Halr MattrasM. M M lMi,!f;-NtW Thing.- V': i a- 'irwrvij-. ' ..- v iio! kin Cure. I1:' Ki:i "---v''tho1'0 Colors, Ac. mi .,,.r;-Kudwct-r Lager Beer. LOCAL NEWS. ; - - - - - -j t,,. m H of cotton at this port vm- i !ti:1v u-.-n- l bales. . . j .li nr rh.rubim, Nelson hence; .;. ... Mt I'hiladelplua May 1st. -an . ,.,. n. r John S. Ingrahnm, hence, w3, at rim-e, P. K.. April 3rd. i. wind is a?ain from the South and f;. .lav has lcn balmy and pleasant. Bsr-nift J'Jmma, (ierber, hence, for lmJoii. was off Folkeston April 21st. The members of the Cornet. Concert !ub are practising every night in order to le in fine trim for Memorial Day. Schooner" Estellc Day, Tracy, hence, grrived at New York May 2nd. She was only three days in making the pas- (Jerman baniue C. L. Weycr, Wenck, "heuce, March 8th, for Hamburg,' has put into Ileliooland, dismja'sted in a gale. I hverving Articles are always Appre ciatnl. The exceptional cleanliness of Parker's Hair Balsam makes it popu lar. Gray, hairs are impossible wifh iu occasional use. , ltcv. F. W. E. Peschau and Mr. H. Ii. Eilers, of this city, are now in Con covd in attendance on the Synod of the Lutheran Church in North Carolina, now in session in that town. There was only one case before the Mayor's Court yesterday morning, that of disorderly conduct. The case was dismissed upon the payment of $10. We suppress name by request. Oapt. Green, of the North State, tells us that the river is again falling off. There is yet a plenty of water, however, there having been 15 feet at Fayettevillo when he left there yesterday morning. Ex-Sheriff Black, of Middle Sound, was in the city yesterday. He reports the tanners in his section as in good heart, and hopeful of excellent crops .thi year, the prospects now being very line. .lack llussey shot yeptcrday a wild turkey weighing fifteen pounds. The turkey was what is known as a bronze, and had a beard ono foot in length. Mr. IIusscy8hothim up the river, about ten miles from the city. Mrs. E. A. Lumsden's grand opening has been a great success. Her stock of pattern hats and bonnets is very fine ana is mucn aamirca by the lauies, In the stock are imported bonnets which are gems and "too pretty for anything." We understand that Mr. E. M. Rob inson, of the State Fish Commission, has brought up from Ayoca and placed in the Cape Fear.Rivej, at Fayetteville, tIO.000 young shad, and it is said that more of these fish will be placed in the Caic Fear at an early day. The fire alarm yesterday afternoon was caused by the burning of the roof "f the residence -of Alfred Johnson, on Fourth, between Church and - Castle tracts. The Water Works were turn won and the fire was extinguished with neatness and despatch. The house was tUmased but very little. Last ni-ht and the night before were as lovely as a full moon and a pleasant atmospdere and the "halm of a thou sand flowers" could make them. The onns men were abroad in force on wenading expeditions, but we trust 'hat none of them followed the perni ttous example set by the moon. ..East over Victim A.kkram to Mr. Emerson; from lostOYcr. on yesterday atternoon.jcad : hxve ibund the body of Miss &mie Henry about three miles down toe river from Uje scene of the disaster. s Lizzio Henry died last night , at 1:50 o'clock. Miss Bates is in a very crtical condition ; her crisis passes to morrow. Exports Foreign. Dutch baroue lfrndritk Robert Iem w. Capt. Uentana, cleared yesterday Ior Rostock, Germany, with 2,132 bar " rosin, valued at $5,150, shipped by -Meshrs. E. Peschau & Westrmnn. r, cleared yesterday witU ?10.363 feetlum -.uiPpeti by Messrs. E. Kidder ii .11 ii 1 1 J it if i ii ii j ii n ii ..ii j 1 ii ii 'i r VOL. YI, To Rebuild. Mr. Wni. Bonitz, of Goldsboro, was in the city yesterday, getting plans and specifications for the rebuilding of his hotol in Goldsboro, jwhich was destroy ed by fire a few days ago. Mr. Iionitz tell us that he will enlarge his building, and will have it open for the reception of quests on or about Septemler 1st. j For Europe. Mr. Leopold Brunhild will leave here to-morrow morning for New York.froni whence C will sail "on Wednesday next, 10th hist., on the steamship Main, for Bremen. He will visit relatives in Gcr mauy, and travel on! the continent du ring the summer. We wish , him all that is lucky and . enjoyable during his tour. - -- I : - " ' ' Anything in the hardware line can be found at reasonable, prices at Jaco- iii's. t Park Bread vs. Show. Fountains in the City Hall would do very well, but if jthe city has any money to spend, it had better be put on the wages of the police. Let the authorities figure the; prices of provis ions, etc., and see if they would like to pay house rent, servant hire, groceries and butchers' bills out of $1.40 a day ! No, gentlemen, let the fountains alone, until the men in your enough to live on. I employ are paid An invaluable strengthener for the nerves, musclesand digestive, organs, producing strength and appetite, is B rowns Iron Bitters. Kitchen Markets. ! The following are the prices charged in this niarket: Meal, 33 cents V peck; hominy, 50 cents V peck I spring chick ens, 80 cents tf" pair; grown fowls, V0cj $1V pair; eggs, 165 ients y dozen turnips, 5 cents v bunch ; greens. 20 cents tf- peck ; cabbage, I5&20 cents v head ; Irish potatoes, $W peck ; green peas, 40 cents V peck ; bjeets, 20 cents lor lour ; onions 0 cents w bunoh ; snap 1 ' tr r- i , . i t . i i I oeans Ajiwo ceuiD v quart; sirawDer- ries, 2025 cents V baskel A New Industry, Capt. James M. McGqwan has caused to be started in this city Ian cntSerprise which bids fair to be one of the leading industies of the city. Needing an im proved ice box he concluded to keep his money at home and give the "boys" a lowing. Mr. C. Klein built an im proved dry ice box ancj Messrs. King & Co. put in tlio zinc andj tin. Since then these gentlemen have put up several of the ice boxes at a much cheaper price than the same thing could be gotten for at the North. The Twentieth at Charlotte. ! i The celebration of the 20th at Char lotte promises to be a grand affair. Many troops will be there. Oyer 30 fire companies have been invited from Virginia, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina. The Governors of North Carolina, GeorgiaJ South Caro been invited lina and Virginia I have to meet Senator Bayard at Charlotte and the distinguished visitor will be ac: companied on his visit by several mem bers of our Congressional delegation. The Governor of North; Cai-olina will have a splendid opportunity to say something to the Governor of South Carolina and the Governor of South Carolina can very frequently reply to the Governor of North Carolina!, j 1 . To Builders and others-fGo to Jaco- bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. State Medical Society, j The 29th annual meeting J of the Med ical Society of the State of jNorth Caro lina will be held in Concord on the pth day of May next. The North, Carolina Board of Examiners will meet in Con cord on Tuesday, the 8th of May, and remain in session day by day until all the candidate's arc examinctl. On the morning of the 14th of May the North Carolina Board of Health will meed in joint session with the State Medical So ciety . : j j Drs. W. W. Lane, F. W. Potter and G. G.Thomas are thej delegation from this city;. Judging by the anriounco ments of the papers already presented to be read before the Society, the litera ry work of this year will be of unusual excellence. The various railroads have reduced their tariff to three cents per mile for the round trip for-those at tending the meeting. 1 J Miss E. Karrer, at Exchange Corner; has an unusually attractive array of Spring millinery hats, bonnets, etc. All of the ajsthetic styles and shapes can be found in her establishment. Her stock of artificial flowers is certainly very handsome and varied. WILMINGTON, N. C, Fallen Kid. j A pet Sir William Goat, the property of mine host Schlosa, tried to walk across a sky light in the office of Mr. J. C. Stevenson on Wednesday, but failed to accomplish the feat. The glass broke under his weight, letting glass and goat down on the heads of the proprietor and book-keeper, who were at work at i the desk, jit is a mooted question as to I which was the woi8 frightened, the goat or tho occupants of the oflice. The Fire at Bingham's. There 'are some additional particu lars gained from Messrs. Gilbert Greene and;DuBrutz Cutlar,.two of the "young gentlemen, from this city at Bingham's School, in, regard tp the. destruction of the buildings of the'school. It was iu Messrs Cutlar and Greene,s room that the fire broke out. They were at reci tation at the time and thought that they had thoroughly suppressed the flames before the- left the room. They lost everything, watches, jewelry, and clothes, all except what they wore at the time. U. S. District Court. The following cases were disposed of in this Court on yesterday : '! TJ. S. vs. Geo. W. Blaney, indicted for robbing mails or embezzling a letter and money. Defendant convicted, but not yet sentenced. - -" j . S. vs. Samuel Kornegay, same of 1 fense as above. On trial. t Libel case of steamship City of Sail Anionio against German barque Aug ust Compromised. . The Court will probably adjourn to morrow evening for the term. FUes and Bugs. Flies, roaches, ants, (bed-bugs, rats, mice, gophers, chipmunks, cleaned out by "Rough on Rate." 15c. State Conference of Congrregra- tionalists The State Conference of Congrega tionalists held a meeting last night at tho Congregational Church, on Nun, between Sixth and Seventh, streets, in this city, preliminary to their regular organization, which will take place this morning. The meeting last .night in cluded only ordinary religious services, with preaching by Rev. Mr. Connett, of McLeansville, in this State. " j The Conference will meet a 9 a. m., this morning, commencing with one hour devoted to religions exercises, af ter which a permanent organization will be made, followed by a narrative of the different churches in the State for the past year. Toj-night the servi ces will be chiefly devoted to a discus lion of the temperance question. The Whaler and the Whale. A representative of the Review yes terday met Mr. S. C. Freeman, the ad vance business manager of tho Inland Whaling Association, and questioned him regarding the attractions he pro poses to bring here next week. "We have two of the most distin guished marino wonders in the world," said Mr. F., "the Prince of Whales and Mr. Paul Boyton".. j w - : . "Where was the whale caught ?" "He is what is known as the Right or Balcine Whale, and was' killed some thing over a year ago, off the ; coast of Newfoundland. He I was towed to Boston, where he was taken out of the water and started on the first inland whaling expedition that was ever in augurated. Since then he has traveled somewhere in the neighborhood of 20, 000 miles, visiting the principal cities of the country. Last summer ho Was thoroughly embalmed at a cost of $10, 000. It took seven weeks for the pro cess, during Wiiich time we were camp ed on the Bay of Saginaw in Michigan. He has since been visited by over 3,000, 000 people." g4Is Captain Boyton going to give an exhibition?" ! "Yes ; there will be two excursions down the river, on the steamer Passport, and the Captain will give hisffiterest ing exhibit of the wonderful dress in which he has accomplished so much, He will build a raft, cook, fish, smoke, blow up a model vessel with a powerful torpedo, and make other startling ma neuvers in the water. During the week the Captain will exhibit his dress, the Baby Mine, flags, sails, paddles and the case of beautiful medals which j have been presented to him from almost every country in the world, in the whale pavilion every day,1 We regret to learn that Dr. J ames E. Kea had the misfortune, day or two ago to fall and break bis arm. , The Doctor will be unable for several weeks to attend to any professional business.! 1 i British barque Architect, Webber, hence, arrived at Bristol, Eng., May 2d. FRIDAY. MAY o. 1882; What We Think! In view ljf the success attending the recent musical entertainment given by the.Arion Society at the Opera House, and the superabundance of niuslcal talent of a rare order in the city, bh vocal and instromeuial, we would sng- gest that n. line Choral Societv might , . , ... , , be organized which weiild reflect credit upon tho city. There arc vocalists and instrumentalists enough with which' to establish such a society, and there is evidentally skill enough to grapple with and master almost any of the standard musical compositions so popular in other portions of the oointry. This is thrown out merely as a su"' gestioji, but it is one which we are. confident-might be put in execution .with pleasure and profit to those engaged, and would be a source of pride to the city. If once fairly started there is not a shadow of a doubt of a successful re sult. Wo are glad to hear that Dr. Wood is better. He was able to appear at his oflice for a short time yesterday. Steamship Gulf Stream, Capt.- In gram, sailed for New York about day light this morning. - STATE NEWS." Newbern Journal-. Tho Neiv Berne carried out yesterday 1,743 boxes of peas, 353 boxes of cabbages, turnips, strawberries, &c. j I Newbern Nut SJiell We are glad to note that the young men of this city have succeeded in raising $7G0 towards the erection of a gymnasium. Greensboro Buglet Col. McMahon's spoke and handle works at this place turned out daily between 4,500 and 5,000 spekes and handles, besides 40 or fifty sets of rims. Durham Platit : The amount of rev enue paid in by the Durham manufac turers for the month of April aggregat ed $57,700.82. There has been a very perceptible increaso in the sales the past week or. two. Raleigh Visitor: . The revival at the Second Baptist church continues with unabated interest. The congregations are very large at , each service. There were several penitents at, the altar last' night. At Person Street M. E. church the revival also continues. Largc; con gregations are present at each service. Goldsboro Messenger: Maj. J. B Yates is to leave the Midland Road. Mr, Appleton Oaksmith will be his suc cessor.) The Atlantic Hotel j at; Morehead City was sold under a labor ers lien on Tuesday John Gatling, Esq., became purchaser at $30,000 for the buildiag and some . $5,000 for! the furniture.; Dr. Blacknall will have chorge bf the property this, season. News and Ob'scmer: "Governor Jar vis will go to Charlotte to the celebra tion ion the 20th. - Gov! Holders improvement is marked. It is expect ed that he will be able to make his ;ap p'earance on the streets in a couple of weeks. We are glad to; note signs of a revival of interest in the Raleigh Light Infantry. .The company has lost in the past three months sixteen of its most active members, all having left Raleigh to live in other places. Laurinburg Enterprise: The election held at Shoe Heel, last Monday, result ed in a victory for tho prohibitionists. Mr. Wm. Gibson, an aged and highly esteemed citizen of this county, died at his home near Gibson's Store, last Sunday, after , protracted illness. We regret to learn of the death of Mr. James T. McLaurin, a native of this town which occurred at Benton, Mississippi, the 7th of April , ultimo, iu the 54th year of his age. Mi. McLaurin was a brother to our esteemed towns man. Mr. L. W. McLaurin, and left this place in 1846. Charlotte Observer : Bishop Hood, of the African MethodistLpiscopal Church, preached last week in the Court House in--Shelby5.: to a crowded audience, in cluding one hundred white men. A1! were pleased with his sermon, which showed that he was a fme puhoit orator. His words were given in classic diction, and he did not use his text as a pretext for ; saying something else. After his sermon he showed the rapid progress the colored Methodists in North Carolina-had made without resources and with few preachers, and criticised : the Lcondacti of the ; Northern 'Methodist Church in trying to supplant the A. M. E. Church. Wilson Sittings: The - case of the Thompson heirs vs. Gen. Joshua Barnes which has been on the docket for sev eral years, has at last, been settled by compromise. The plaintiffs get judg ment for ft 15,000.: -We learn from a private letter that the Rev. Mr. Gattis, a Methodist preacher, while pnihis way to fill an appointment, in Chatham countv, was met by a band of j negroes wholemanded of him his watch and money, which he gave them ; they then demanded that he get out of his buggy and pray, after which they probably in tended to murder him. lie' did as de manded, but fortunatclv prayed so lorldJ 1 . .1 7 -. Ti... .1.1 . 1 1 as was nis cusiom, mai 11 airxacieu me attention of some parties, passing by and he was saved. " 1 V " Small annoyances in life-are vanish ing through scientific discovery. In his Skin Cure, Dr. C. W. Benson of Balti more, Md has created a perfect reme dy for tetter, eruptions and scurf on the face or scalp. Every person using it will have a clear countenance. :;1 NO. HO, XEW ADVEKTISE3IEXITS. Hair Mattrasses, "ITrELLi MADE, FROM PUKE HAIR. AT t V 40cv 'C, 50c, Soc. bOc, and socrnU er puiind; made up tu order. 'We -also maVe Moss and Strarv- Mall raises or d- over anv kind ul oldoncH-, Ml JKWETT'S, ' ' 27 N. Front Street. Tho ftl:ice. Ij lt.iva voiir tuilpr fiir ITuhol- LerV- Paper iLniSmjr, Awnin-s. winOow hadej. Canet laving and the lite. ,roav5 i i , : . Budweiser Lager JBeer. JJAXDY PACKAGE FOE PIC SIUS.' Ctc t our bottles "of th L eclelirateil Beer" a glass and ' corkbcrew in convenient, package no trouble to carrj- it. for l, for first box. Box ca u -be used any number of time and refilled for 80 cents, at ; j CAUL MUGGE'.S, .: nwyWwk Under Telegraph Oftlec.1 Aesthetic Colors and Shapes. r rEECElVED JJT QTEAMSniP 'GULFf feti-eam ' a lai-gt invoice orMiliiuery, au Uie new -''- i . '1.1 ! .. " new Straw, iEthetlcTrfmmlnga, ridvrers.&c" I have on hand a beautiful assortment of Fancy Goods, Neckwear, FaflSattd Satchels, Ladies' ....... Ii - ' ; and Children's Uudcrwear and Hosiery. Respectfully, " " - j " MISS E. KAItREB, may 5 . " i " Exchange Corner. They Will Be Here Mo nday j THE TWO AQUATIC WOXDERS! THE MONSTER WHALE, 00 feet in length, weighing 80,000 pounds, and. Capt. PAUL BOYTON, whose startling- adventures on t?ea, River and Lake are unparalleled in the annals of history. . The "Prince of .Whales" la the only genuine Arctic Whale ever taken en tirely whole from the vrater and is the great est natural curioeitv on earth. He wiU do on exhibition FOR ONE WEEK ONLY, COM MENCING MONDAY, MAY S, in the Whalo Pavillion on Nutt street, near the Winning tort & Weldon Freight Depot. Capt. Bovton will be in the Whale PavUlion daily, to enow his wonderful dress, his companion du voyage, the 'Baby Mine," in which he carries supplies when making his lonely voyages; his solid, paddles, flags, etc. ; also the beautiful case of medals that have been presented to him by crowned heads and governments from every quarter of the globe. . ,- Admission 2T cents. Children 15 cents. Doors open from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. may 5-5t NEW THINGS (JUST IN.) V - ; COLORE!) NUVrt CLOTHS, - I - - . BLACK U-J t k'CLOTIIS; ' FRENCH! SATTEEN, EMBROIDERED WHITE ; FLANNEL, SOMETHING NEW in Neckwear. WHITE MARSEILLES. SPREADS,' .; - i . " . - ':' ' Attention is asked specially to these?- WrIIITE AND FANCY MATTING, ' Carpets, Oil Clothe, Mats, &c, ' ' LADIES TRUNKS, 32, 51, 35 inch, NEW BUTTONS. may , rm. mcintire; 1 - From the Home' Journal i 1 ; A. Remarkable Iiscovery. v A REAL SKIN CURE. THERE IS oNLY ONE , V AND THAT WITH SIMPLE NAME. Beware of imposterg,- pi rates,: or any old articles which now suddenly claim to be best. They have been tried and found wanting, . while tliis j lias ' been proved a remarkable success,. , t r NO POMPOUS NAME. r. This curative neode no : pompous-: ot mcomprenensiDie iiiie 01 4 vreex - .or Latin to sustain it, but its simple ' Eri' glish name appeals directly t6 the com mon-sense ol the people." And the peo pie are signally manifesting their appre ciation of this frankness by selecting and using Dr. Benson's Skin Cure in preference to all other professed remed ies:" ' Dr. C. W.Benson has long been well known as a successful physician . and surgeon and his life study has beoq , the diseases of the nervous syterxr : antj' of the skm, smce he. has been; persuaded to put his New Remedy and Favorite Prescription as a "Skin Cure"., on. the market, various things' have spiring up into existence, or have woke up'-from the sleepy statein. which .they were before, and now claim to bd Tie Great Skin Cures. f - . 1 "Beware of imitations, or the var ious articles which luive lx?en advertised for years or struggled along, having' no real hold or merit on the pnblier that now endeavor to keep berid nbo ve water by -'advertising themselves as TJie Great Skin Cure:1; None is genuine and reliable, x4)r.-i.-YT Benson's Skin Cure. Each package and "'-bottle bears bis likeness. Internal and exter nal remedy, two bottles In one package. 1-rice 5l.w get at your uraggists.: - Kelief for all Overworked ? Dr. C. W . I5ensdaTs Celery and CJiam omile Pills Are valuable for school chi dren .who "suflerirommin ous headaches causejl by an ovcrvvorked. brain in their studies,' and Tor aU elates ofhard brain workers' whoseovcrtajBkedrk'ousbcn ters need repair andsedation. Nervous tremor, , weakness; and v paraTvsi are being daily cured by these: pilU. They, correct costivene&s, but axe not( purga tive. "Price 50 cents or six .boxes v for $2.50, postage free, to any address. For sale bv all druinnsts- Depot, Baltimore, Md.. wh;re theDoctor can bcaildress-1 Letter of inquiry freely answered. C5 ' NJ :Critteiitonr;2ew lYork'Ts wholesale agehrfor, C WrBehso'nV remedies 1 ;lgeactaFtcrcU1uY J r t ' ' K ? t Tameo tbc tcrnratt' aiwari'bd fur t . i otbea to iha taii''f :: t .'V. . I . 4 - ComiuIcaUoi must ht written- 014 only one eide of tbi rancr:. ... , , - . : ' si-TersonaJiUes must be avo!Joit. i -And It Is eepccialljr. ami uartlcnlarlr under-. wuifciuc x.uiot o( not alwoy endorse tho ylcvYa of tarrcspfiadcnLJ unlcs so: stated fai the edlUaLhiias. , . JSEW AD VEimSMlENTS. Boc31;3ock-Beer 1 rpiH FIRST Oi; THK 55UA.SOX AND BEST of all; ?v !;. .,-; ,' r - - BERGNER & ENGEL AG A IV All v. ' j ' I- I1 " .We. received our lirst instalment of;iKCK HEVJt yestenlay la onr refrigerator car ' ?T C.VN'T BE BEAT . "Wr.;GEXAt:bT, it 7" I . -:- ; - - Agent. m.ij- C 2wks 1 ; Pig; Fish ,and Oysters. IaiinowprepIvred to' Furnish Pig Fish and1 Oystfcr to my guests at Pino G ro vcf Wrights villa iJound. 1 w Come inrahd try tliem.- " mAvS.lm v w E.AV. MANNING, Prop. . ; : , A: Card. T Z?E -THIS METHOD TO JNFORM MY ,u ,.l M .1HYQ "cvereti my buslnoa con- . nectionvwlth Uu firm f Geo. Myers, m and ex- . ifc mj uinu ui snort umc & llrft-rLas m. eery ana jobbing House. My friend will iMauo uulc notice, "x ncy, ' due time as to the location. - be informed may 3-1 wk. GEO. M. CUAPOX. Fear Tobacco iWorks. rpnE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PURCIlAi- cd the Interest of Messrs! II.' Brunhild & BroL In the above business, will continue the nuuiu facturo and sale of Tobacco under the firm K CAPE FEAR TOBACCO WORKS.' 7 r -r ,W, L. MEADOWS, may 4-1 w. GRIEU! KIDDER. To Subscribers one " Exchange; ; PLEASE ADD TO YOU1S LIST : - -- . " " . . .. i 1 . No. 37 A. Y. Wilson, Saw Mill. may 4-1 1 J. C. WHITE, Mauager. Brown &Pearso n I i . ' " 1 i r - 1 npHE TONSORIAIV ARTISTS PERSONA L- iy in attendance at the Barler iShop, Xoi.'-83. Front Street, next to Mr. Mclntire's Dry GootU Store. . All Y.ork guaranteed and done only In artistic style. . f may 4-Iw. Sime's Gum Camphor! SOrefniNG NEW. ' AN ELEGANT PRE paratioTi of rc lined Gam Camphor in ounce blocks, the neatest and most convenient thing of the kind; 5 cents per ounce block; Warner J Safe Kidney and Liver Cure.; fresh' lot. fcim-, mons Liver Regulator, genuine, in 25ci packa pea; Simmon' Liver Regulator, genuine, in K Utiles.- 3Iarlinique Limo Joi r , connection with mrr iSoda Fountain.' makjng one ox mo newest ana most nenciouA hummer Drink. M UN DS BROS.. may 4 I' j I Brooklyn. Livery and Exchange Stables and Cart- House. WE HAVE COMPJ4ETED A i LARGE buildingwith ull conveniences for a Liv ery and tiale tetableH and Cart iloune, and offer accommodations for man. and beast, j Horse .ami Buggies for hire on reasonable! terms. Everything first-class and new, Ambulances and Wagonettes for Excursion parties, t ' : MERRITT '.Jb llOLLINGdWORTH. j Livery and Bales Stabler, i 1 - Corner Fourth & Mulberry streow. may 3-1 ruxliw r-'r-i r I J 1 S 'A NewLbt r fV JIAUNESH JUST RECEIVED AND TOIt j . - r " ill sale low. ITiavc full lincy of Trnnks and Ya- Uses at prices to suit the llmeH: 1 42" Eepairtog executed neatly and with dr- patch, f. if. mallard;! Successor to Mallard & Bdwdcn, if ap!30tf No. 8 Front Street. Parlor Organs. Some and -examine my 1 xstru- MENTS. j WARRANT every Organ for FIVE YEARS. Sent guaranteed. A out on test trial. Satisfaction ; 7 HEINSBERCER'S. Roller- Skates; f j UST RECEIVED A N INVOICE T HAVE of WvATKS all tlzcii and prices At T : may I HEIHSBERCER'S. ' Chewing Tobacco. E RES PECTFLEEY O FFER TO dUR .7 patrons and the trade gcncmUv. all rac'cs of ".-' "'- ' " ' . '.'.. t CbcwIusToUacco of pur former manufactme, of 'whicli wc hoU a largo stock", anl which e will icll at rciiinAbW prices. ' Wc'sttall cbtf- ' - '- iX;.;,'.rn. :"'', I tiiu:c lh Tobacco Buainoo la ail It branch- . i- ,'f ' - ... - 4 . . r csffuvl s'hali ai-i a Cigar Factory', which will iknowa as the CHAf3inOII CIGAR FACTO 2 Y aad Ihcrcby be cnablcl to sell FirsClass Goods . t';":'.-y Jj ir-M'i( '. 'r-i'- -: v' at lowest price anl to comictc with any cur- .V.' . . - - ..- .; .1, , rs'K'irtjji ' .i ill i -DOilXC VAIL.TO VJLLL UPON VS FOR. - "I ' 1 : ' . CHEWING TOBACCO, and our kakwincn will from tU(CrcaB fp tdb. lo: soJiplt ,ir- r! ; n; BRCXHrLD a beo. ; CAS GET AiKKBrnCMB,AM LniEEAL ..-,' '--'''.' . T ... ... wagcWapprjliattlvUotSce,

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