every morning, Mondays ;cx- ' v ' fTTT " 'l ! ! "."-.'H"' ' " ! I : U ' .- , r -. . . "".V i , ' : . .. j ' . - -. " cepted by JOSHT. JAMES, ,,TOK ASwVuOWlWTOn.- , rll'TIoNS POSTAGE PAID: u P- un $.2 00 Three one month, 35 cents. c, m Ml 1 delivered by carriers free Tbe MM, ,',v part of the city, at the above t. - low and liberal. '1V , Virf-r, will report any and all fall- . , rH-. :v.- their lJ priilarly, 7TT!aW ADVERTISEMENTS. r,-It'H.ts Come. I n JlvKi KK-Kur sn.ithvlll.. ... I ,v 11 ..i Price. inr-"i:"Mi'" j OCAL NEWS. , Xo rily C.urt yesterday. " Yvasve?y scarce yesterday. jW. ji:ml i" olir advertisements v ml reliable boy can find employ- ,l:or. ifilavs a line lot of beef lids niuniinir. j weather makes us long for a trip .luuiitli'' river. jt i, thought- Hwt tl,e itowill ponton TueMlay. Or. barque Michael Marr, hence. armed at Stetlin,' May 1st. llro. Molhittte, of.: tjie L-aurinburg i lui c!tv vp4tril!i v Ur. sclir. Mabii Darling, Ranger' wwv, arrived at Nassau, N. P., April Jir.h. Dunlin Court opens on Monday, the !ndinst., with Judge Gilmer on the New skvpers are being put under the bridge which spaus the Cape Fear river :tt Hilun. Steamship liujulator, Doane, cleared at New York May 3rd., for ihis port, . :iwl .-ailed the same day. ; ( apt. Harper, of the Italian, reports string a whale about six miles to sea on u'Merday. It is said to have been .h large fellow. Mr. C. W. Yates has some large sizl photoi of the varions churches and quite a number of private residen ce in this city. . Those handy packages of Budweiser IVrr at Carl Mugge's are just the. thing for picnics, excursions, etc. Some thing new ; look at them. The German barque Erwin is in be low. She crossed the bar yesterday afternoon at 6 o'clock; Wc did not as certain where she was from. Col. F. "NY. Kerchncr, of this city, w as in Raleigh on Wednesday, as was also Dr. S. 8. Satchwell, of Fender county, and Col. A. Pope, of Richmond. Mr. II. A. London, of the Chatham Jt'ironl, whose family arc now on a visit to this city, arrived here yesterday morning and will remain until Tuesday next. Dave Mallet was "run in" yester day. II made a mistake of a day usually taking his weekly quota on" Sat urday the day for which he has letters patent. We understand that the ladies and &iulemen of St. John's Church nave decided to have a lawn party at an early day, probably at the City Hall Park it' it can be obtained. A small l)oy broke a street lamp on the corner of Fifth and Nun streets yesterday afternoon with a brick wlich 'lie had thrown at another boy. The little fellow traveled for home when he hoard the jingle of the glass. The excursion down the river which was to have been given complimentary to the visiting Odd Follow s next week has leen abandoned. The visitors will be taken to the Sound on Tuesday and regaled at Capt. Mannings. The steamer Lisbon came in Thurs 4y from HerriugsvMe, Sampson coun ty, with 400 barrels naval stores, con signftd to Various partiesand left yes terday on the return trip. She reports good boating water for her capacity. v The frame of the Hotel Brunswick, at nmhville. has been erected and the rpenters aretiard at work weather hoardinff it. Pvon- fli ; lnmoin 10 hare the building ready for the re Hion of guests by the first of June. The kitchen' garden attached to the idence of Miss Jane Prew, on Fifth, 'tween Walnut and Red Cross streets, robbed 6n Thursday night of all ,w tables of an eatable size. The is a severe one to Miss Prew and hope that the thief may be caught aid punished. The colored man who was supposed Ul l crazy and who was locked up in "'station house on Thursday night, s sent out to the insane department 4 ,r 1 he County Poor I louse, 1 f his state "nt is to be taken he is a man of fam-Jlv- He claims to have 1,000 children. Til MIL X Kl VIE. ' - ' . 1 t J , ' ; - 1 u. : - - - - - : : i - ; r i . ., , ! , - ;i VOL. YI. xport Foreign. Nor, barqurc ' fti.qai Caht. Johnsen, cleared, yesterday for Riga, Russia, with 4.0GG -barrels fosin, valuetl at $10,-2-18.52, shipped ly Messrs E. G. Barker & Co. , : To Reniovc. AYe are sorry to hear that Mr. Jas. A. Willard, who has for so many years been identified with the interests of otir city, will remove hence.. He goes Ito Baltimore where we understand he will engage in the fruit business, as an importer. He expects to remove with his family in July. - Original English Chatterbox. We have received the Jannary num berofthe Original tinglteh Glmttcrbox from the American publishers, Messrs. Estes & Lauriat, Boston, Mass. This is one of the best children's magazines in the world; containing 32 pages, and 1G lull-page illustrations each montli. It has a world-wide reputation,1 and ine re than a million children in Eng land and America read its Charming stories. Published at $1 ri year, with a beautiful engraving to every new. sub scriber. New Church at Farmer's. I A neat little Roman Catholic Church is to lie erected at Farmer's Turnout, a small station on the line of the Wil mington, Columbia & Augusta R. R., in Columbus county, 14 niiles west of the city. Tho new building, which is to be of w'ood, will be 25x50 feet, 14 feet clear in the interior and will seat abouttwo hundred persons. Tile frame, which was made by Messrs. dolville & Co., of this city, was tegim last Tues day and was completed and put on the cars yesterday. It 'will bo a plain build ing, as the congregation is. small as yet, trie principal ornament on the exterior being a cupola surmounted by a cross. Mr. C, I). Morrill, of tjiisjcity, has the contract for erecting the building, work on which is to be begun at once. The building is to be dedicated on the first Sunday in June, just four weeks from next Sunday. ; A Dangerous Neighbor. Yesterday forenoon Mr. I)ennis, who has charge of the Hilton bridge, crossed the Northeast river and went into the rice fields which adjoin the railroad, where ho came very rlear being bitten by a rattle, snake. lie was within , a yard of the snake before it was disco v eredrand it may safely be presumed that it took but a moment to increase the 'distance by a hasty retreat. Se curing a piece offence rail hejadvanced and killed the snake, which bad 13 rat- tlos and a button, was 5 feet long and 2A inches in diameter. A Masriiifyiujr Class The Honorable Jesse TJarper, of Il linois (by the way, is he an? Honorable?), who spoke here to a very muchly mixed crowd on Tuesday night, was in Raleigh Wednesday, when he told a News a?ul Observer reporter that be spoke in Wil mington to a crowd numbering at least 3,000. This is a 4. well, a mistake, and that, too, by a veryJarge:mftjority. There were about 300 persons in attend ance that night, and the ' addition of an1 ought to these figures is j simply a magnification. The glass which Mr. II. last held to his lips iere must have have been of at least ten diameteers ! Bread vs. Water! We doii't want tojbe understood from what we said yesterday in a little piece headed "Bread vs. Show," that we are in any manner opposed to the putting up of a fountain in the City Hall Park. On the contrary, we most heartily fa vor the proposition and hope that it may be carried out ; but at the same time we must urge upon the city au thorities the fact that the miserable pittance of 10 cents per day, although a very small amount to men with large rl ic vpt nf PTP.lt importance to individual members of the force. It is for the Democratic members of the Board of Aldermen to look at this thing through tlieir own sixctacles, and not through the glasses of others, especially if those others should happen to be of the opposition. This can be done without detriment to the prospects of the proposed foun tain. The city of Wilmington owns but this one little lot (of enclosed green sward, and it should be? ornamented. The cost would be very light, and; the gain in attractiveness will be very grcat. Small annoyances in life arc vanish ing through scientific discovery. Iii his Skin Cure, Dr. C. AY. Benson of Balti more, Md., has created a perfect reme dy for tetter, eruptions and scurf on the face or scalp. Every x?rson using it win nave a near coiiiu ensure. WILMINGTON, N. C, There will be a meeting of the mem bers' of the liar held in the Court House this afternoon, at 4 o'clock, for the pur pose of completing the organization of the Bar Association of this ; citv. U. SJ .District Court. i ne oniy case ineti yesterttay was that of the U. S. vs. Samuel Kornegay, indicted for violation of section 5,469, abstracting money frpm U. S. mail. The jury returned a' verdict of not guilty. The Court having finished its labors it adjourned for the term. To Builders and others Go to Jaco- bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, j Glass, &c. You can get all sizes lowest prices. ' and at the t To Resume. The repairs to the steamer 'Passport having been completed .she will resume J her regular trips on Monday. The handsome little craft looks as pretty as ever and Capt. Harper is stepping as high as a peacock or Roscoe Conkling. It is the opinion of some of his friends that he is in need. of a. mate but they are undecided whether it is a male or female mate he is zomz to take. Sentenced to Albany Geo. W. Blaney, colored,! who was i i .j convicted in the U. S. District Court on Thursday of robbing the mail, was yes terday sentenced to 2 years' imprison ment in the . penitentiary at Albany, N. Y. It will be remembered that Blaney was employed as a porter in Col. Pope's office in this city about 12 months ago, and that he was caught in lhe act of embezzling money from the mail. Since his arrest he has been in the county jail in this city. Deserving Articles are always Appre ciated. . The exceptional cleanliness of Parker's Hair Balsam makes - it popu lar, i Gray hairs are impossible with its occasional use. ; What We are Told to Do. A news roporter should be a man of immense size and of herculean power. He is expected to "pitch tin" to every body and everything, and' if he does not he's "frightened," "owned by a ring," etc., etc. The first thing yesterday morning after we started down town a worthy citizen button-holed us, took us to tho edge of the sidewalk and told lis : "The newspapers should pitch in to these baby carriages. ' Suppose," said he, "one of them should be rolled on my favorite corn, what could I do?" "Holler," said we. "Ah, you are afraid to say any thing about them," he said as he walked off. j Yes, we arc afriad to say anything agin baby car riages and their occupants. We own one ourselves, a carriage we mean; be sides, we don't want to bring down the wrathful indignation of every mother n town on our innocent head, because a worthy citizen is afraid of having his pet corn hurt! We are frequently told hat we ought to pitch into the city au thorities, butchers, hucksters, railroads, steamboats, drays, turnpikes, and fire department. If we pitched into every thing, we would soon fie " pitched into the river! " and that would end our ca reer. No, sir; we don't care to be made food of for little fishes. Skinny Men. 'Wells Health Renewer" i restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Im potence, Sexual Debility, j $1. Depot Jas. C. Mnnds. , Frank Leslie's Sunday Magra- zinc.' The June ncmber abounds with bril liant and -highly ! interesting contribu-J tions by the, editor (Rev. Dr. Talmage) and other talented writers. The open ing article, "Henry Wads worth Ixmg fellow," is by the editor, also an. admir able a ticle, ''Brightening Prospects" and the "Home Pulpit" contains one of las characteristic sermons, "Shall we Know Each Other in Heaven?" "Milan and its Cathedral," "The Philosophy of Starving," by Dr, W.C.Gray; "The Pilgrimage of Gottlieb and Irrgeist," aire among the prominent illustrated articles and deeply interesting. "The Regicides in America,' by the Rev. J. Y. Lewis, with its five illustrations, will not fail to attract great attention, as willTikewise"Grub Street. Jjondon' by Frances Hays. The sketches, essays, etc., are by well-known authors; the serials " Weighed and j Wanting" and "Margaret's Enemy" are continued, and the rjoems are numerous and of great merit -manv of them arc beauti fully illustrated. "Resides an abundant miscellany, there are the following interesting features: VThc Collection Basket" "Information for the Curious," "Religious Facts and Fancies," etc., etc. A single copy cosis 25 cents only, and the annual subscription, is $3. postpaid. Address, Frank: Leslie, 53. 55 and 57 Park Place, New York. Anything in the !hardware line can be found at reasonable prices at Jaco- SATUItDAY. MAY C. ( The New Ollicors. The impression made by His ('Honor Judge Seymour and the new District Attorney, Mr. W. S. OT. Robinson, during their first term of Court in this city, a-e very flattering. His Honor took a firm stand - against professional jurors and has succeeded in break i mr up the association (of partisail jurors. Mr. Robinson i handled bis cases with much ability and' .despatched the busi ness of the Court. Floral trophies were presented to His Honor and his able District Attorney as tokens of appre ciation of tlieir uniform courtesies to !,thosc attendant upon Court. Young: Men's Christian Asso I ciation. A number of prominent business gen- Clemen met by invitation of Mr. Geo, Chadbourn. at his residence, last even- ing, to meet Mr. T. K. Cree, and Mr. L. D. Wishard, of Yew York, Secreta ries of the International Committee of Young Men's Christian Association. Mr. Jas. Fa-rie, Jr., of this city, wras first introduced by Mr. Chadbourn, and briefly explained the purpose of the meeting, viz.: To confer in regard to lhe advisability of organizing an Asso ciation in ! this city. He heartily testi fied to the value the Association had been to humanity both in this country and England, and then introduced Mr. Wishard, the College Secretary of the International Committee, who said : It was my privilege last July, while in Iondon, where I went to attend the World's Conference; of Associations, to meet and converse writh the founder of this movement. I went one day to a large business house opposite St. Paul's j and, ascending to the third "story, sat down to dinner with Mr. George Wil liams. In the midst of our conversa tion, he remarked : " Mr. Wishard, this room is very dear to me because of some early asso ciations. Thirty seven years ago I was a clerk in this business house. This was my bedroom. One evening in Julie, 1844, some of us young men as sembled here to discuss what could be done to lead our fellow-clerks to Christ. In order that our work might, lie done systematically we organized a, society, and called it the Young Men's Christian Association. That was the beginning of this work. There are now not less than 2,500 throughout the -world 1,300 in the old world!, 1,200 in America. I The last .World's Conference was presided over by such men as the Earl of Shaftsbury and Sarauel Morley and the Earl of Aberdeem arid Sir John Kennaway, who left their seats in Par liament during one of the most exciting discussions which' has j agitated that body for years, viz : trie consideration of thej Land Bill because of their deep desirej to participate in the discussions of this important assembly of young men. One of the most enjoyable sea sons of the Conference consisted in a reception given the delegates byr the Lord Mayor of London, who when greeting them, stated that in all the pe riods-of his Mayorship; he had never welcomed to the Mansion House so im portant abodyns that which represent ed the youngj men of the world. One of thel most interesting and im portant branclves of the work in this country is-the college work. . College, associations began to be organized twenjy-four year -j1 ago in the University of Yirginia and Michigan. One speed ily followed in-the University of North Carolina. Through the earnest efforts ot the lateueneral .Lee, uunng his l'resi- dency in V ashmgtoii College now Washington Iee University, a vigor ous association was organized m that institution.which was followed by their formation in other institutions until there 1 are now associations in nearly titty colleges of the South. The object of a college association is to do in asys matic manner the Christian work of the college. j : j These 1GG college associations, con tain a membership of 8,000 students.! During the past five years over 3,500 students have professed faith in Christ as a result mainly of the work of these associations. North Carolina is prom inent in this college work, there being six College Associations in this State. This College Young Men's Christian Association movement has been en dorsed and materially aided by such inch as Dr. Carlisle, of South Carolina, Dr. Curry, late of Richmond College, Bishop McTyeire and Dr. Somers, of Nashville, DrJ John A. Broadus and the late Stuart Robinson, of Jxmisville, Kv.t also by ex-President Hopkins, of Wil liam College, Presidents"' Porter, of Yale, McCosh, of Princeton, Porter, of Union, and Anderson, of Rochester Union and manv 'prominent ministers ami professors iu Thcoloirical Semi- nanes-l . '"The ilcvelopment of the work of the ssociation in the-. United State and Canada is entrusted to an International Committee, the headquarter of which New York. The Committtee is composed of such gentlemen as Hou. Cephus Rraiuerd, Chairman, a well known lawyer, Cornelius Vaiulerbiir, of the New York Central fc Hudson River R. U., Morris A. Jessup, a prom inent banker, R. R. McBarney, who Has lor many years been identified witli the work, and Wni. E. Drnlge1, Jr., a leading merchant. In addition to these about sixteen1 other gentlemen, repre senting all parts ot the country, are connected with the committee. Among these arc Col. Munford. of Richmond, Mr. Sniyth, of Charleston and Mr. Hardie, of New Orleans. The com- 1882. NO. 111. miltee lias orjjanizell- work anion" railroad 'men, (Jorman spaking young 'men, college students, coinnierciaT I Imvellersml have secretaries who tle- vote all thtur time to these classes. There are now over- 1,000 Associa- Thev own (u hnildir,''s. -vnluml fit j 3,iioo.oOO. and employ 205 stxretaries i who give their entire time to the work. As to the newt lor a local .association Mr, Cree said there are many stranger I young men in your city who need the j assistance such an organization would give. Theft; are very many young men ouside of the church'whom the associa tion would try to reach, and with a free reading room and library, open to all the young men of the city, with an active religious work for young men and moral and social work, much coed could le done. A work for boys is part of would .)rovii!e employment and recoup I mend boarding houses for young men. 1 hat the previous, associations failed w but the history of every association in a city that tried to carry 'on a Young Men's Christian Association work with out an efficient' secretary, trained to the work; They arc proving a success in Richmond, Petersburg, Charleston, Atlanta and the other leading cities of the South. i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Smithville. O N AND AFTER TITE STII INST THE Steamer PAssrOUT will resume her regular trips for Smithville, leaving wharf foot of .Mar ket Street, at 9 a. m., except on ISaturdays, wnen sue win leave mituvlile at 7.30 a. in., ami Wilmington at 4.U0 p. m. I J. W. IlAKl'KU. mayG-lm Master and Agent. It Has Come ! T'1 AT RED HOLLANDS FOIi WINDOW SHADES id now here ami we are at workjon iti. Will serve you now at ehtirt notice with Up; White, Brown, Buff or Edru Holland or otlit-r shades in a variety of colors and figures with cither conl or iving fixture, at S. JEWETT'S, " 27iN. Front Street. Where 3-ou may lind competent hands to do your Upholstering or make for you an Awning, Mattress, Frame or Cornice. may 0 At Lowest Prices. pXVELOPES, ' m COMMERCIAL NOTE llAl'ER, LETTER TAPE!:, j FOOLS CAP. OFFICE BASKETS, JAPANESE PAKASOLS, BASK BALLS, i I ACCORDKONS. In large varieties at may 6 HEINSBERGER'S. Ice IceIce ! I WOULD liESPECTFULLY NOTIFY THE citizens and public generally, that I have laid in a full supply of choice ICE and am now ful ly prepared to" II 11 orders to all points on the Railroads and Bivers at low prices, and hope to secure a reasonable snare oi patronage. B. II. .J. AHRENS, Prop., vpl 28-law-5w-sat New Ice House Budweiser Lager Beer. JJANDV PACKAGE FOR PICjNICS, etc. Four bottles of this, cerebrated Beer, a.glasa ami corkscrew in convenient package no trouble to carry it, for $1, for lirst box. Box can be used any number! of times nd refilled for SO cents, at . CARL Ml'tJGE's,. mav r-Ivk Under Telegraj)!! (Juice. Aesthetic Cofors and Shapes. J RECEIVED BY .STEAMSHIP "(iULF Stream" a large invoice of Millinerv, all the new new Straws, yKsthetie Trimmings, Flowers, &c. I have on hand a beautiful assortment of Fancy Good s, Neckwear, Fans and Satchels, Ladies' and Children's Underwear and Hock'ry. i . Itespcctf ully, MISS E. KATtTiER, mav .i Jt,xcnange corner. They Will Be Here Monday ! ! riJHE TWO AQUATIC! JL MONSTER WHALE, WONDERS THE CO feet In length. weighing pound-, and Capt. PAUL BOYTON, ..-whoso ..startling - adventures on Sea, River and Iike are unparalleleil In the annals bf history. Th Prince o WhaleL" is the only genuine Arctl., Whale ever taken cn-tiix-l- whole from the water and is the great est natural curiosity on earth. He will lie on exhibition FOR ONE WEEK ONLY, COM MENCING MONDAY, MAY s, in the Whale Pa villion on Nutt -trct, near-tie ' Wihning ton t Welrhjni Freight !-iot. I Capt. Ikvton will .Ik? in tiif Whale P;:vilIio:i huly, to show his wonderful dress, hUHnpiinioii du voyage, the "Baby Mine," in which he carries supplies when making his lonely voyages; his sails. paidles, flags, cti. ; alsj the "beautiful case of meluLs llit ltavebeen presentext to him by crowned heads arid goveruments from everj" qnartorof the glolie. Admission 2. cents. Children 15 cents. Doors ojwn from a. m. to 'J p. in. may .V.H NEW THINGS (JUSTIN.) 1 COLORED NUN'S CLOTHs, m BLACK " CLOTH. i FRENCH SATTEEN, EMBROIDERED WHITE FLANNEL, SOMETHING NEW In Neckwear. white Marseilles spreads. i - ! Atteutlon is askcl icelaJly to thec: WHITE AND FANCY MATTING, Carpet?, Oil Cloths, Mats, LADIEH TRUNKS, Si, 4, 3J hieh. NEAV BUTTONS. niav . i u aic i i -T- -PLEASE NOTICE. yswUlbcglaa jr ,wcje communication from WuVfrlendi on any Vnd nil Wbjec'u of general Interest hnt j 1 The name of the writer Wt aW-ara l fur. nlhetl to the Editor. ,j j l' 1 ' ' ' CoramnBicaUom mnst be written jon only p:ie Me of the paper. j ' JVrvortn lities raut lc avoided. j , j I And It is especially and particularly under- stoM that the Editor does not hlwnyrndorse the views of correspondent unless J !state in lhe eihorlal' columns,! NEW AlVEKTIsiiEXTS. L.. Grand-Opening of Millinery. rjlIIERE WILIj BE A (JIIA jI HPENl.t? ot fir.cFivnch Pattern Hat's, IVnueH, Flowirs; ele.,at MKS. E. A. LUsDN'S on Wednes. day, lhursday and Friday. Thela.'.ieA are iv s'lHMrt fully re.jnestcd to attend. aid 30-Iw " Joseph Denck, Piano Tuner, "riLL REMAIN IN WILMINGTON A ,M '.TwweekA to Tune and Repair llanos. Melodians, Reelatul Pii Organs; at Ahvlerate I rices, and possesses everv fjicllitv for the prompt execution of all work entrusted to him. Orders left at Mr. HclnsUTger' liook ami Music1 store will meet with attention. . , apl 2S-iv I i Bock Beer,! Bock Beer ! rpHE FIRST OF THE SEASON AND BEST OF ALL i i BEIKNER & ENGEL AG i i i1 I ' MX AHEAD! Werei-eived our first Instalment of .BOCK - . 'i ' iirtu yesterday in our refrigerator oars. IT CAN'T BE BEAT 1 J WM.GENAUST, may 3-ihvks Agent. Big Fish and Oysters. 1 J AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH Pig Flab, ami Oysters td my guests' at Pint Grove, Wrightsville Sound. i1 Come in and tVy them. ! j il may3-lni- E. W. MANNING, Pnjp. .A Card. I TAKE THIS METHOD TO INFORM M V friends that I have nevcrcd mv business con nection with the linn of Geo. Myersl and ex pect to open in a short time a llrst-elassi Gn eery and Jobbing ' House. Mv ifrieml- " please take notice. Tliey win W iiifornie in due time as to the. locaiion. I i may J-lwk. j i ;Et). M. CRAPON . Cape Fear Tobacco Works . rjMIE CNDEItblGNED 1LVV1NG PURCHAS- el the intent of Messrs. If. Bmnhlld Bro., in the above business, will continue the maiiu fa'cture and sale of Tobacco under the linn name of "THE CAPE FEAR TOBACCO WORKS." w. L. MEADOWS, . may 4-1 w. . G1MER KIDDllR. To Subscribers Telephone -- Exchange. J LEASE ADD TO YOUR LIST : No. A. V. Wilsoh, Saw Mill may 4 it J. C. WHITE, Manigcr. Brown & Pearson. riUIE TON(.)RlAL ARTISTS PESOS'AL- 1 v- in attendance at the Barlxer Shop, No Front Street, next to Mr. MelntlreVDry g1kU more. in work guaranteed ami done only. In Sime's Gum Camphor. 003IETHLNG NEW. AN ELEGANT 'pRE O paratiou vt relhied Gum Camphor in ounce blocks, the neatest and most convenient thing of the kind, r cents per ounce block. Warner's Safe Khlney and Liver Cure, fresh lot. SShi moils' Liver Regulator, genuine, in 25j; packa ges. Simmons' Liver ltegulator, genuine, in yOc bottles. Martinique Lime Juice Syrup, in connection with our Soda Fountain, inaking one of the newest and mo;t delicious Summer ; Drinks. MUNDS BROS., may 4 Brooklyn. Livery and Exchange Stables and Cart House. "tin: HAVE .COMPLETED A LARGE V bnil.ling witii all conveniences for a Ltv- cry and Sale stables and Cart HonVe, and offer aceoiiinioriations lor man an! insift. JIopmm and Buggies for hire on reasonable iterm. Everv-tjlrlng first clap and new. Ambii,lanccR and WagonetU'H for Excursion partleo. V MERRIIT A HOLLINGSWORTII, ' Livery anl -Sales .suibles, . ) i Corner Fourtli V Mu!beiT3' htreeis. may 3-lm hxw j : A New Lot O F HARNESS JUST RECEIVED AND FOR I sale low. I have full lines of Trunks ami a- lise at prices to suit the limes. . i CjJ" Bepairing executed neatly and wrth L'- patcji. -' J. IL MALLARD, I Successor to Mallard A Ikwdcn, apl :V) tf No. 8 Front Street. Clicwin Tobacccj. ri RESPECTFULLY OFFER TO OUB patrons and the trade generally, all grades of Chewing Tobacco of our former manufacture, ' j I . . ; '. of which we hold a large stork, and which we will sell at reasonable price. We thall con tinue th Tobacco Bu-lne.v In all its branch f , anl hall add a Cigar Factory,! which wllj in? known, m the CHAMPION CICAR FACT03Tp anl thereby be enablcI to ecll Ilrhl CUa.h Geo jt at lowest price anl to comictc with any market.- ; j.: - - ' I . IM Ntrr FAIL TO CALL UPON US W)R CHEWING TOBACCO, and our salesmen wU from time to time call upon vou '--- . I dcrt. Rcspcetfully your, to solicit or ! - - - may 21m If. BRUNHILD & BRO. A White Woman c AX CUT A GOOD HOME AND LIBERAL wages bv applying at this office.