, . . v, - " TnisrAPEK . PLEASE. NOTICE. every morning, Mondays ex ceptcl by We win W glad to recclT commdnicatlon from onr friends on any and all . fubjecu pt JOSH T.JAMES, jU.tTOR AXDrROrRIBTOIt. , POSTAGE PAID: general intre5t bnt 1 1 . Tle name of the writer must always fur- uunei o me iJiutor. Cmiuunication!,must be written on only' 4 0C. iuuh" - i fiV One roontti, 35 centa. rtn? one side of the paper. . - 1 Personalities ninst hj avoided.! ioontl" i., i. .K.vercl by carriers free Tlx- l'sl'r rt of the city, at the above A And It U e?ieclally and partkulirly under- . .ti nor weeK. .i iu.r wtw low and liberal. ? TZ rrl-- will report any and all fall- ' . .. i..ifer resruLarly, ptoo.1 that the Editor doe not always endorse lhe views of cxrresiindents"n1iks4 so etated in tin? editorial rolnnin. f . VOL. VI. WILMINGTON, N. C, SUNDAY. MAY 7. 1882. NO. 112. ' ' -- J - ----.--. --t-;.,.--e r '- I -. it I III - . -v II , i - H : ' r II 1 ... I II II II 11,11 II 1 r II '111'.! II II I l II 1 I IV ft II I I IV V I uunmwiDeMUtor. , ; , I - . . . .. t I r" i j riruiiauuts lUOSi W. aVOMieCLl ... jvjnr.PK,rK-()n theH lVofMa. - it i. k'.v Administrator's Sale. J Kibcii Wilmington Shirt Fac lory. .,. W E Davis & Son Buy Ice and Keep Cool. S .1 r.wETT Newspapers and Periodical-. vsto Sale?. MfNus Huos-ToOut of Town Buyers Koiirth Sunday after Easter. . Dav's length, I3 hours 51 minutes. DMressingly warm yesterday. For other locals see fourth page. Strawberries 25 cents a quart. Sunset this afternoon at 52 minutes pat G o'clock. Soma very fine shrimps, in market yesterday afterntfon at 20 cents a quart There were no interments in Oakdale Cemetery this week. There were no interments in Bellevue Cemetery this week. , The receipts of cotton at this port yistenlay foot up only 4 bales. Anything in the hardware line can be found at reasonable prices at Jaco b's. f Steamship Benefactor, Tribon, hence, arrived at New York, May 4th. . m Brig Frances Jane, Bennett, henco, forXavassa, arrived at Kingston, Ja., April 18th. An enricher of the blood and purifier of the system ; cures lassitude and lack of energy; such is Brown's Iron Bit ters. Capt. Smith, of the Mare, reports fair boating water yet in the river, -although it is falling off rapidly. "Rough 011 Rats." Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants, bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, KQphers. 15c. Depot. Thisjs a jump from the middle of Spring Into the middle of Summer. Soda water, ginger ale,- lemonade and sunk out of sigtt rapidly yester day. There were three interments one aduli and two children in Pine Forest Cemetery this week. To Builders and others Go to Jaco 's for S.ash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, BI 1 on can get all sizes and at the l.v...4 iuet prices. Tbe RegiSrTDTSirbsued two -warnaxre liwn spK. . vo 1Ui: "cck, one 01 Nvlnch was for a white couple and the other lor a colored counlo - ., . eiifn-rk5Ar 1 arkcr 1. IIa,r Balsam makes it popu- n .?V ia,rs are impossible with u occasional use. There will be picnic at Mr. J. W. Bordeaux's mill, near Burgaw, on the iHh .mst. The festivities of the dav be brought to a close with a ball at Krw at night. The harpers Will be "i attendance, and a geueral good time ,3Iected. Small annoyances in life are vanish- Skin frsh scientific discovery. In his om' VT- C' W' Benson of Balti iv Ut?;' cntcd a perfect reme the Uor' options and . scurf on it wni ,or clri. Every person using WlU have a clear countenance. - - inePicarnerirtaifAwm raake'anH ()'l3,nP w the river as far as for ?k ?a K to-morrow morning . h ,Wnefit of the hands at work on reUtaUons SKe will make her 1IDEX TO HEWJDVERHSEMEMTS. v M & CcStovcs. Vt,mtiM: Veteran Cor,,s. .' u,Si-Tlic KcstJUiIe, MrsS J Uakkk Millinery r ( Mii.i.t;i:-IV-:irin Mintl. j, A Smith A: Funiitunv I H M i.i.aki A New Lot. U-anuT rasiiK.rt Sehetlule. I ,) V.i knktt House lor sul. V K i v 1 s & s x ,5"i'. T( C IVokiii & Woktii SuiKlries. I u v 1 1 St vie nnl 8tabil il y . sfjim-r Kliabeth For Orton. i; M M Intikk Straw Matl in? IMi:kki: & Taymk Wire (loods. w" I" SrKiv;Kit Co Tools, etc. r M VanOusi.klt inpouamews p . Johu H pugh H rw.M.v MoKKi5-Aucuoneer si r - - f Ym ,mi:,:iM)rw;-(iniudpccialty)cek Association 6f Officer! I Hkou n & KonmcK-Stop and lud. of Third North-Carolina Infantry, H M liwi.RN cc i.opocioi uw M4mftrif,i As-nojation -of Third N. C. Memorial Iay. - he following is the programme forf the services on Memorial Day, Wednes day, May 10th. The procession will form promptly, at 3 o'clock, in three divisions, as follows:, v 1 V FIKST DIVISION. . - In charge of Marshals 'John L. Dud ley, II. M. Bowden and A. G. Hankins, will form on, south side Market Street, the right resting ou Fonjth : I ; Brig. Gen. -M.-P. Taylor and Staff atid ! : Jiriuiery riau. . t Wilmington Comet Concert Clubl j I Wilmington Light Infantry. I j ! Carrbge containing Cliaplain and Ora- j ; Y j : : Tldics,, lemorial Association. Children's lemorial Association!, Schools in Charge of jtheir. Teachers. i Inch of Aslant .Marshals k bECOsn Diviaiox, McL. i Market j vision Infantry. Organization ? from I other Confederate Army and Navy forces in charge ,- of Senior Officers. Soldiers and sailors of Confederate Ar my and Navy. . Civil Associations and Citizens on Foot. TJIIKD DIVISION, j iu charge of Assistant" Marshals Peter Smith and L. H, Bowden: Disabled Confederate Soldiers and Sail ors in Carriages.' . ' Citizens in Carriages. Assistant Marshals Q. HJ Robinson and John White wiii have charge of the Confederate Lot and grounds 'adjacent in the Cemetery. . ' 1 Ministers'of the different churches ar requested to have their bells tolled from 3 :30 to 4 o'clock. 1 The route will be up Fourth street to Campbell, out Campbell to the- Ceme tery. As the head of the procession reaches Campbell street the Cape Fear Artillery will begin to Tire a salute of 3G guns from the hill overlooking the Cem etery. ; - 1 " .. j At the close of the ceremonies a sa lute will be fire by the Wilmington Light Infantry. ' The Memorial Services will be open ed with a dirge by the) Cornet Concert Club. ... j ,( - I - Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. T. Page Ilicaud. I Dirge by jthc Baud. Memorial Ode by the Choir. Orationby Captj C. B. Denson." Ode by the Choir. Doxology. j Benedictioi. ' Call of Roll -of Honor arjd Floral Offer- ings. Decoration of soldiers'! grave in pri- vaie lots will he done in the forenoon. 1 1 -. Owners of carriages are requested to direct their coachmen mot to allow their horses to stand in the circle surround ing the Confederate ot. This being a legal holiday, it is to be hoped that all persons j will close their places of business in order that every one may have an opportunity of joining in the commemor atioii of those who died for right, truth and justice. 1 O.A.WlGGINSj Chief Marshal. ! The Crops. We arc glad to learn, as we do from a reliable source of information, that the crops in the interior of this State are really magnificent. ! JL gentlejoaan who traveled recently thrbughChatHam, Randolph and Alamance! counties, says that everything is growing rapidly. The wheat not only promises a large yield, but an unusually excellent quality as well. The fruit crops,apples, peaches, pears and cherries, promise an abund ant yield. Iving1 Cotton. 1 The receipts of cotton at this port from May-1st, to May 6th., this year, foot up 723 bales, as against 203 bales for the corresponding year, May 1 to Mayjo, period of last an increase tips lay of 520 bales, the receipts for the crop year to date foot up 131,766 bales, as against 114,932 bales to May 9th., last year, an increase this year of 19,- 834 bales. Freshwater Perch,Trout and full Black-assort nli hooks and lines. A ment and lowest prices at JacobTs. f ; ' j i Tlie only case before His Honor yes terday was that of David Malett,charg cd with committing a nuisarioc. Dave was fined $5 or. ten days in the city prison. Ho .took the latter; and as he was marched off by the janitor, he heaved a sigh, and said : "The same NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.1 and READ! BROWN & EODDICK, 1 ' j 5 and 7 North Front Street. -.. . v - ' w : . . I1 SpeClaltiCSfOr tUl8 Week! LINEN TABLE DAMASK, j I TOWELS, NAPKINS, JXJILIES. I . . ; - I ' - Wc are making a specialty ot the above Dc- j 1 - - partment and can show the best value In Scotch 1 r: i ' ' i 1 and German Linens that has ever been in this eity. This is no side tauj ;we have got the goods i - - ' ' ! Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Dressing Combs 1 -------I Brashes, Tetler'a Celebrated Swan's Down, (best In the market.) Tooth Brushes, &c. &c. If you really want any of the above, you can save jnoney by giving us a call. We Ask No Fancy Prices. PRINTED LAWNS, FIGURED & STRIPED. - J'- - j !' White, Figured Stripo, Plaid And Lace Muslin, also Fine Lawns em- , bracing many novelties- ' Mosquito Nets and Bars. I They have arrived, be prepared. BROWN & RODDICK. may 7 Summer Goods! 1 ' ' TENT'S LOW TIES, QENT'S LOW BUTTON, lADnSS MISSES' and CHILDREN'S SLir. ! t - PERS, and Low Shoes in geeat variety aad latest styles at LOW PRICES at GVA. R. FRJ:NCH & SON'S, ' may 7 S9 North Front street. Keep Cool JEAVE YOUR ORDERS EARLY TO-DAY for ICE at the corner of Fifth and Orango I I streets, and have it delivered frctf: WALTEIC FUKLOSG, . may 7 It Cor. Fifth and Orange streets. Wifehoods! pOR CUT FLOWERS, SUCH Ai j CROSSES, Anchors, Ilearts, WreathA, Stars, Broken Columns. Horse Shoes, Pillars. B32ST WHITE l OIL, At PARKER A T AYLOR'S. may 7 tf : On the 8th of May J WILL OFFER SOME GREA T BARGAINS In medium and low price Dress Good'. Worst ed Dress Goods as law av 12U -cent. Colored ! I -' I iwns as low as 6 cents. i The usual supply of handsome 'Xace Good, I . -, '- Lisle Thread Gloves. Ooraets, etc. - ' i- may 7-tf JNO. J. BTB DRICK. Style, Stability and Low Prices. SO ft ft roRMcrs jY0CTirs iall. .JU WOOLPAKTS, At A-PAV ID'8 fs.00 for Men's and Youth's all wool Cheviot Salts at A. David's. $10.00 fvr Mra'x and Youth's Cassimere SniU, light and dark col ors, at A. David'H. . $120 for Men's MidtUe mx Bine Flannel 8niu, foil Indigo, at A. David's. $-V.OO Soitii on broken lot tables At 7. $9. $10, $15 and $14.00. TMrty-flveper cca. less than original price, 7 . , At Jw.DAvnys. i - May -tf Cor. Front A rrtneess Sts XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Attention Veteran! Corps u Wil. Light Infantry ! rpiIE MEMBERS OF ! TUB .VETEIJAN CORPS are requested to paraVlc with- tbe W. L. I. on Memorial Day,- and will report at the Armory at hour named in the J.'ompanvV rail. WMJ L. DeHOS.KT, PresifKnr. CJIAS. I). MYKKS, Scct'y, wy 7 S" YOU Need Some New Clothes Ion't YOV - ! ' I- 99" VQU Don't w.m't to Ik? Cheated, di YOIT? 3 TbU Want your Money s. Worth.don' t YOU YOU Had Better Come Hen- Then, I 1 hadn't YOU? j T YOU Should See Onr t-k, " ""f j H win yny ji YOU Can Select Clothes to please YOU. A- YOU Will Not be Urged to Buv f Wc Assure YOU. T" YOU Will find our Suits Stylish, Durable, Economical and Ex ! I actly to Fit YOU - i -' ' Par Y'OU Will Find Our Prices to Suit YOU. YOU Should Read,; Consider and Act ' as we Advise lOU. YOU ! YOU ! YOU! Grand Specialty! Week in ! Children's Suits. 1 OTTERBOUEGr, may 7 ' CLOTHIER. Special Notice. - TTTE WILL OPEN THIS EEK, AT NO. 40 Market st., a Wholesale and Retail Saddlery and Trunk House, where will bej fount! every article In the line stock all new and direct from the factory and prices in the reach of everv ion' MR. I B. J. JACOBS, so long aud favorably known in the business, is on deck again, and will be glad to see old friends and new ones also. We manufacture and repair. Our $U Harness and $2 Saddles can't be beat for tlic monev. i i uiay 7-tf II. M. BOWDEN & CO. House for Sale-. A NEAT ONE-STORY FRAME HOUSE IN GOOD CONDITION ; 5 rooms; good well Of water on premises. Everything in good order. Will be sold cheap for cash. J. J. BURNETT, ! may 7-2t Photograph Gallery, Market St. Millinery. 1. . . J WISH TO INFORM MY PATRONS.! AND the public generally, that I have removed my entire stock of Millinery to No. 30 Market street, up stairs, and will be pleased to furnish them new and fashionable Goods at reasonable terms. MRS. S. J . BAA LK may 7-2t su tu Newspapers & Periodicals. DAILIES, WEEKLIES and MONTHLIES , can be at S. JEWETTS, 27 N. Front street. merman's improved Overstrung Awnings put up by the inventor. No Imitations equalthem. may 7 I Important News ! jg-AVING EMPLOYED MY SON, CLLNTON M. VwORSDELL, to assist me in Operating, I can safelv promise First-class Work to nil my Patrons. "Give me a call as we will use every endeavor to please you. Respectfully, I CM. VA.VORSDELL. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. may 7-lt Mules and Horses. IAKGE AND WELL-BROKE, $ j to S years old, 14 to; 17 hand high; 'for sale. Can be 6een for next four days at Currie's Stables. imay7-St JAMES NOLAN. Steamer Elizabeth, OR ORTON and KENDALL. The Steam er ELIZABETH will leave on to-morrow (Monday) morning, at 0 o'clock for Orton and Kendall plantations. Regular trip to Muith villc. Leave wharf at U o'clock, may 7-lt j JOS. BISEEE, Master. Bear in Mind rjMIAT I KEEP FULL AND COMPLETE Stocks of Drugs and Ilia tc ingreIients to fill AN Y PRESCRIPTION. Fultstocks of Patent Medicines. Prescriptions compounded anyj hour of thenisrht. F.C.MILLER. Stores : Fourth and Nun Sts., Fourth and Han- over Ms. may 4-tl SfpaTTT TVTcjfflTIO'Q I (WHITE AND COLORED). I -pROM LOW PRICES TO .VERY FINE. I Ulsters ! (In linen and mohair), all sizes.) SUMMER SILKS, SHUDA & NUN'S CLOTHS. j LACE BUNTING And something new every day or two. LADI.ES, GENTS & CHILDREN'S Summer Vests! The season for selling Toweh and wc have them verv cheap. LACK MITTS for Ladles and Misses, Car pets, Lace Curtains, Oil Cloths, all widths. A COMPI PTK fcTOTk' Upholstering, Paper Hanging, Frame and Cornice making promptly and neatly done. Window shades of all kinds and prices. Zim NEW AD VISgTISEMKNTS. For SmitHville. o N AND A ITER THE bTII INT THE Steamer PASSPORT will resume her reynlar trips fur smitlivil lc,leivinjrAV ha rf foot of Mar ket Street, at J a, 111., -cxeept n Saturday avIm-h will leave Mnithvlue at T.: ;x. rii., and Wilmington at n. u. , ,1 l. W. HARPER. may 7-lm i - 31 aster and Agent. Budweiser Lager Beer. TTANhV PACKAGE FOR PICNICS, etc. four bottles of tliis celebrated Beer, a gUv and corkscrew Sn conentenl package no tronhie to carry it, for gl, for lim box. Box! an iHVTiieu any number of time? and reutteu for cent!, atr .CARL MUGGE'S, may -lwk ; Under IVJcyraHi Qihce. Aesthetic Colors and Shapes. . j J RECEIVED STEAMSHIP "GULF i j. Stream" -1 kirge invoice of Millinery, alt the new j new Straw-, .Efthetlr Trimming, FlowcrssAo. I liave on liand a beautiful assortment qf Fancy GooiLj, Neckwear, Fans and Satchels,' I JAdieS' and ClUldrcn'a Underwear and Hosiery. - Respectfully, j MISS E. KARRER, may 5 Exchange Corner. They Will Be Here Monday ! THE TWO AQUATIC WONDERS ! THE MONSTER WHALE, GO feet in length, weighing SO.OOO pounds, and Capt. PAUL BOYTON, whose startling adventures on Sea, River and Lake are unparalleled in the annals of history. The "Prince of Whales" is the only genuine Arctic AVhale ever taken en tirely whole from the water and is the great est natural curiositv on earth. He will ue on exhibition FOR ONE WEEK ONLY, COM MENCING MONDAY, MAY S, in the WThale PaviUion on iNutt street, near the Wilming tdn & Wcldon Freight Depot. Capt. Bovton wiill be in the "Whale' Pavillion daily, to show his wonderful dress, his companion du voyage, the "Babv Mine," in which he carries supplies when making his lonely -oyages; his sails, paddles, flags, etc. ; ateo the beautiful case of medals that have been presented to him by crowned heads and governments from every quarter of the globe. Admission 25 cents. Children latcnts. Doors open from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. may 5-5t Buy lee and Keep Cool ! "pOR THE CONVENIENCE OF THE CITI- zeus we have established; depots at" the follow- . . ! ing places : ' - . - - ; . Fourth Street near tho R. R. D. C. Davis.' Corner Mulberry and Nutt st Garson. ' " Fourth' and Red Cross Sikes. ; " Fifth and. J'rincess Farrow. ., " Fiitii and Orange Furlong, j Seventh 'between" Chestnut and Mulberry W'hiteinan. Corner Seventh and CastleKing. . -i -" Seventh ami Castle Canady. . " Ninth and Market-fCole. may 7 It W. I-. DAVIS & SON. By Y YOUR ICE FROM j WB E, Davis & Son r - o t istotice: HAVING SOLD OUR ICE HOUSE AND business to Messi's. W, E. Davis & Son, we ask for them the patronage so liberally be stowed upon us.l d. E. LIPPITT & CO. " . may 7-3t-7-14-21. j Wilmington Shirt Factory (the only ont in tho StateJ No. 27 3farket St. J. ELSBACH, Proprietor. THE ABOVE FACTORY is ready now to offer to "the public great inducements in White Shirts at the following low prices: The "Congress" Shirt open bark 7."c; do. open front, 75c. Of these 1 popular Shirts we have sold hundreds of dozens in the city, as well as In the country, and therefore is well known to Cotton Drawers from 25c. upwards. Hervy Jeans Drawers, double lined on the Beat, 50e. Shirts and Drawers made to onler at low fig ures and a good fit always guaranteed. Country orders strictly attended to. These articles, which we now offer for sale are made up at home by well trained and long experi enced hands and no northern ;mako can equal in sizes, fit ami quality. These Shirts are all reinforced and cnt lentghways the cloth, thor oughly examined before leing put in stock. Every Sliirt is guaranteed to tit, and war ranted as represented or the money will ba re funded. Come and &ive money and buy your Shirts at t ie factory. Verv Respectfully, 1 J. "ELSBACH, Manufacturer. may 7 Auctioneer's Private! Sales r .51. CRONLY, Anct'r. Jiy CjRONXY & 3I01JRIS. TE OFFER AT PRIVATE SALE ON accotnmolatbig term-, tlie following Real Es tate iocated In tli: business centre viz ; That Valuable Brick Slort; S. E- hitersettion WaUr with Princess street, That Valuable Brick rc South of and ad- ' joining al:. . That Valuable Brick Store npon Prince j j street, East of and adjoining jabore. . j That Valuable Wharf and Warehouse St jut'h f ori'ruicetstreeiDnK . ! WITH ! t That Valuable Brick Store and Wharf be- j tween Market ami Prince street, bounded bv Smith's Allcv upon the North and Gahle.s! Alley npon the. sooth with office over latter. CRONLY A MORRIS, Auctioneer.. Stock and Real Ketatc Broker, t - IX ! 1 mav 7 -it T O To Out of Town Buyers ! IrpO PHYSICIANS AND DE.U.ERS IN -) I Tmnm. on our Railroad ami tn the coun the public, ami need ho comments, me "liov al", a Wam.ntta Sliirt, With 21K) linen front, 9()c. Boy's Shirts all sizes, 7.X-J Night Shirts 75c. Cof. Drerw Shirts from 25c' and upwards. try, we offer a splendid stock of Drug. Chem icals and Patent Medicines Our prices always as low. often lower thanclewBere In the city. Send us an order or write Ibr price and wc guarantee satisfaction. . - i f MjT We make speelaltic of Quinine in ounces and In bulk. Morphine and Opinio, i MUNDS BROS.. Drnggist.! rosy 7 WUmmgWn,N. C. XKW AD VKirriBKkliKTS: Bock Beer-! Bock Beejr ! nniE first W the season and best tr: all ' j BERGXER A EXCEL, AGAIN AHEAD! 1 - - 1 . e received our ilrst instalment ef'.BOCK BEER yestertLiy iu our refrigerator! car, j, . IT CAN'T RE BEAT ! I M M. GEXAlT, i''' ! - 1 Agent. i. mav -iwko 4,- (; T3 TV t J r M 1 ! XltT r jsn flTm I I7HrPlCJ , O AOiA WX1U WJ a j Ayt nqY PREPARED TO FURNISH I1111 autl r at w 1 ,-. ... Grmv,, WrlghUviUe onnd. lXXING Prl. Come in and trv them. mayS lm E. W. M,VX A Card. I TAKE THIS METHOD TO INFORM MY mends that I have severed mv business con. nectlon with the lirm of Geo. Myers, and x w vinzu m a guon tin eery and Jobbing Hoi please take notice. They duo time as to the location i Mir friends will Informed In please take notice. They will bo iiu nine as vo inc location. i maya-lwk. GEO. M. CRAPON." Cape Fear Tobacco Works. rjMIE UND felRSIGNED HAVING PURCIIAS- ed the intci-Ost of Messrs. H. Brunhild A Bro.. in the above busincss.will continue the manu facture nnd sale of Tobacco under tho firm r.amew,of.."TA1K CAPE FEAR TOBACCO WORKS." Wr. L. MEADOWS, may4-tw. GRIER KIDDER. rown& Pearson. rjMIE TONSORLVL ARTISTS PERSONAL. lv In Jit ten(lnnr of tlm Ttnvli ci.... k Front Street, next to Mr. Mclntire's Dry Goods Store. All work guaranteed and done only in artistic style. iay 4-1 w.( Croquet. $1.50, $2, $3, teu sirrr, ' S BALLS, R MALLETS, J5ABY t. BASKETS,' Straw Hand Bags, Lunch, Work ami Fancy ilower Baskets. JAPANESE '(UOIs4l4rasols, Fans, Mats, ''''.'' J I 1 -, ' - ; -.: &c, &c, at ' .-' ' 1 . i iay 7 C. AV. YATES. Livery and Exchartg:e Stables and Cart House. !, ;iirE HAVE COMPLETED A LARGE IT -building with all conveniences for a Lit ery anl .Sale Stables and Cart House, and offer accommodations for man ami (beast. Horse .nid Buggies for hire on reasonable terms. Everything first class and- new. Ambulance and Wagonettes for Excursion parties. , MERRITT & HO LLINGS WORTH, Livery and Sales SUbles. ' . Comer Foui th & Mulberry street! . Itlil I 111 IIAV . A New Lot , i! QF HARNESS JUST R EC EIE D AND FOR nale low. I have full lines of Trunks and j"a- li.es at prices to suit the times. j i - . - Repairing executed neatly and with dis- I I ' J i i patc4i. j ! -I I J. II. MAuJiRD, ! " i Successor to Mallard & Bowden. 1 - " - I I i i- ' may . tf No. q Front Street dieting Tobacco. TfE RES PECTFULLY OFFER TO OUR 1 patrons and the trade generally, all grades of Chewing Toliacco of our former manufacture, ' i .1 of which we hold a large stock, ami which we - . - 'il''! will wll at reasonable )rices. Wc nhall con tinue tlie Tobacco Business In all itspiranch es, and fdiall add a Cigar Factory whlchflll lc known as the CHAMPION CIGAR FACTOR f and thereby be enabled to sell First-Class Good at lowest prices and to co:ajele with any mar ket.; r - ' .. !" IK) NOT FAIL TO CALL UPON US FOR , . j. CHEWING TOBACCO, and our salesmen will from lime to time call upon you to solicit or- dcrn. Ree ctf ully yours. yours, IL BRUNHILD may 2-lm A BRO. At Lowest Prices. JNVELOPES, . j COMMERCLIL NOTE rAPER, LETTER PAPER. I fools c.r. OFFICE BASKETS, JAPANESE PABASO B.VSK BALI. I ' - ACCORDEO.V In large varieties at mav 6 1 HCIRSBERSm. - Turpentine Tools V pULLERS, HACKERS, DIPPERS, WIIET tens, Ilcki, I tack weights, Trnss Hoops, Joint er. Adze. Axes. Cooper' Planer, I'onrbes, Clibels, Accjr Largo amount of the abovw good imw W stock ami on tho way. Good goods and prices gnaranteel. J , WM. E. SPRINGER A CO. Successors to Jno, Iaon A Co., I?, il A 23 Market tU, -I 1 i old, old 6tory." may 7-tf K, M- MCfNTIRE. may7-ly WUmlngjon, N,1 c,.

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