published si THIS PAPER . - every morning, Mondays ex cepted by JOSH T. JAMES,1 KDITOK XSD PROPRIETOR.'. ..,'9 Postage paid-. nne vcar v - 4.00. Six months, Z.W.;-. 11UW ' .u. i 00: one monm, j Vr will be delivered by carriers free f, or "cents iH.-r week: r" oT in- and IllieraL . - ' will report any and all fall- w receive their Pair regularly, " LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS See ad. bank notice. . E. Davis Kennebec ice. L1 t An lit tTt- I'xrl'BSIOS ru"- " i I a it. IJoytos They have come. C Mi"Nis -Concord Chapter. vyvl i;i:os-To Out of Town Buyers s , r w K1T XewsiiiHT ami Period- Kkk'-unk!' ts 0 VOL. VI; WILMINGTON, N. C TUESDAY. MAY 9, 1882. NO. 113. W & ' AKiKi: Bums n- Caxdki: linosFlour. KijnEK Cape Fear "drie-. .'Kkuciiner & Sunar, Coffee. MkaixiWS & Tobacco Wrks. Ckom.v & Mokkis Auctioneer's -private sales. X,.w w:n very scarce yesterday . Kor other local sec fourth page. The riM-eipts of cotton at this port yes lenlay fxted up 138 bales. CFMMUXTCATED.l The Congrrefirational Confer- l ! ence. i Tho Conference of the Congregational Church and ministers of North Caroi lin has just closed! its Fourth j Annual Session, having met this year with the chnrch at Wilmiugton. The exercises consisted chiefly in reports of the pro gress of the work iii the various fields, essays and addresses. The j reporti showed an earnest feeling pervadinc all the churches: The standard of holi ness arrived at inj each I is thai laid down in the Word, j The handful of churches, by, their strict morality and earnestness, are remodeling the cities and tow us in which t hey are situated. The reports of Sabbath Schol work ' were interesting, showing the hold i which the truth of the Gospel and the j study of the Word have upon the youths enthusiasm in the The Raleigh great Steamship Jiemdator, Capt. Doane, arrived here yesterday from New York. cause May, thus far.has been a most willful and ca pricious coquette. u'lmn will the huckster nuisance ffllia ' abate ? . 7 Paul Boy ton and the other whale ar med ye.stcrday. ' Two vessels are reported at quaran tine. - There is Temperance cause. Church is sometimes called the "Pro hibitionist Church.." Each church in the State is committed to jthe ...Temperance some having special rules in their constitution, others holding that the plain rules of the Bible need no writte statement, but require a strict absti nence. AH discard fermented wine at communion, and discourage the use of day we visited the Cape Fear Tobacco tobacco, After several eloquent ad- Works, situated on the corner of Sixth dresses, the following was unanimously and Campbell, where we found the pro- New Sleepers. Col. R. R. Bridgers, President of the W. & W. 'and W. C. & A. roads, and Capt. Jno. F. Divine, the Superinten dentof thoaejjines, have recently return ed from Chicago, at which place they made a contract with the Pullman Com panyor sixteen new sleepers, to be com pleted and placed on the line next Fall, in full time for the through Southern travel. These ears will ran all of the way from New York to Pensacpla and possibly from Boston to New Orleans without change, which will be a matter of great convenience to the travelling public, . : ' -'Tr. A Tramway. We have received a communication from a resident of Point Caswell rela tive to the proposed railroad, from that place to Clinton. This correspondent urges a new idea, and in another direc tion. lie thinks that tailing to raise tne neeessary funds to construct a railroad a tramway is in order. Ho gives facts and figures to back his suggestions and we must say that his arguments are very plausible. One of the Enterprises. We contemplate writing up the in dustries of this city, and will "do. em up" each day until we finish. Yester- Young Men's Christian Association NEW ADVEKTISEIENTS. We understaud that good success has attended the efforts to establish a Young Men's Christian Association in our city. The various -business men and mer chants have usual liberality, and a sufficient amount has been raised to justify the calling of a. public meeting forjthe purpose of j organizing the Association in Wiliuing ton, to which tho memkw of the vari ous Christian Churches are cordially invited. The place and time of meet ing willbju announced in our issue to morrow. , They Have Come I The Xucky Man Congratulated- The announcement that ticket No. 74,414 in the March drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery had drawn the capital prize of 30,000, and that half! oi tne tlCKet uau Deen soiu in oavauuau created considerable excitement, and many were inclined to think that there was some mistake. We are pleased to state, however, that there was no mis take, and that the lucky person was our well known townsman, Mr. Eugene B, Philpot, of the firm of John Sullivan 6s Co. During the day Mr. - Philpot re ceived the congratulations of numerous friends, who were rejoiced to near ot his good luck. It was a big return on the mvestment of $1. Savannah News, March 16. He sent to M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La. The hext drawing will take place on May 9th. Messrs. W. E. Davis & Son are ex pecting a cargo of Kennebec ice. - adopted ; Resolved, That while we reaffirm our former testimony as! to the duty 91 Christians to abstain from the beverage, we would also renew our uncompro mising adherence to the principles of day, which amounts legal prohibition, prietors, Messrs. W. L. Meadows and Grier Kidder.hard at work. This factory employs seventy-five hands, and pays in a tax of 16c. on 1,500 lbs, of tobacco a to the neat little and our purpose to 1 onm f doin lv fci fiftn tiprweek. Fish arc said-to be biting nicely at stand by the same until it snail pecomei , vpr Mr ivipadows . I ri U I U W 111 I I1M .11111 lllllll IV I'l I I. II! 1 w -. - New Inlet. Fires and blankets were again found comfortable last night, May 7th, 1882. The Champion Cigar full blast. Factory is in with The market is well supplied Spring lamb, stall fed beef, etc, Th steamship Gulf Stream, Captain Ingram, arrived in New York yester day. " Macalistcr, the magioian, is perform in-r his wonders in Charlotte. He will , not visit Wilmington this season. Some interesting reports of work done in county schools, with windows of oak boughs, and disorderly children who have become tamed and now are in thorough sympathy with the work, and some of them earnest Christ ians.- ' ! I ! f ! City mission work was also an inter esting subject. It was shown how very many kinds of work a single devoted woman could find to do. I , I wtinTinji ohftTP-tt f the. meo.hanical work were maae " - . , , , . - ot tne iactory, nas naa iweniy-eiguu vears experience in tne manuiaciure oi tobacco in the western part of this State and on the Virginia line. He thinks the climate of this section of country superior to that of his former field of j labor. All the tobaccos manufactured in this factory are bought in Granville county (in the i golden belt ") by agents of the factory, who are always on the Aything in the hardware line can le found at reasonable prices at Jaco- I m's. ' . . f t-apt. .j.jj. btanjy will leave tor a -Southern city where he proposes to erect his patent tar machines. . An ox attached to a cart enlivened r i i . uungs on fiancee street by running away yesterday and spilling the driver out. . I A I All nrnrlna sV nhrnirinnr ortfi rhroo frrflilAa I'nVin nrna ovominod 1 onl nri lo l nrl rr I j-,.. c3 o fi,rt oi ;;QfW I I ! of smoking tobacco are made and sup , . .VV !,. , . L oli, olied to the trade. Mr. Charles Cono- Kn si. Tn.rUnP rd nd UT is the traveling agent of theestab j , , y ' ' lishment. and will start on a tour in a day schools. In the latter, manners, A1&cut . ,77 - , mnrs k t.pmrwr!iiiw nnd rftlitnon are a iCY Vi- "i3 & . part of the training, j These schools are sending out teachers into the counties others the same around', who carry to principles and rules pf conduct they have learned. Thus, silently but surely, luck, knowing that they can supply the trade-both domestic and foreign with the best grades of tobacco at low prices. To-Night. ' The Literarv Club will meet at the the great work of progress goes on, and jjt)rary rooms to-night at 8 o'clock. "H 'H At . A? I ' 1 -1 J 1 I J ...... will, till the entire' people are elevated. Mr. E. T. Hancock is having a bay window and tower added to his resi lience, on the corner of 6th and Prin cess streets. The design is entirely new ml much admired. To Builders and others Go to Jaco- i m's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c. You can eet all sizes and at the lowest prices. Mr. J. Wy Barnes, ;the trucker, is We are requested to ask the ladies to come, early so as to obtain favorable seats. The subject of debate is whether President Arthur was right in vetoing the Chinese bill. Messrs. Rob't McKoy Wm. Jones and others will participate in the debate. The Second ISrigrade. Gen. M. P. Taylor, who recently re- ajain ahead. This time it is a cucumber, signed the position of Brigadier General ine lus of the season, crown bv him in iha K.! Tiviin 1ST n. State Saturday evening, pursuant to call, and the opeu air, which is, we believe, the Guard, has been again appointed to adopted a constitution and by-laws, ap -arhest we have ever known here. The Bar Association. The WilmingtonBarAssociation met t he tin for the Hotel Brunswick, at Smithville, was carried down on the steamer ioort yesterdav. Mr. E. G. Policy, who has the contract to tin the building, says he will finish the workin a day or two. the position, j The tender is made m a pointed a committee to seieci oracera very handsome letter Ifrom Adjutant- and report at a meeting to be held at the General Jones, who. Salluding to the Court House next Saturday at 4 o ciock pleasure it frives him in behalf of the H6n. O. P. Meares presided and Mr. Governor to tender the! appointment to Jonn D. Bellamy acted as Secretary savs : You can be of The Bar was well representee: ana con real servnee to the State GuardJ which uderaWe interest was mamiestea in tne is becoming more and more a serious object of the meeting. The steamer Passport made her first business, as instance the Plymouth riot, not un- and means nvcr. She presented a fine nmarance to the public.?' Gen. Taylor has con- i . 1 ... - ... . a n ner new dress. eluded to accept tne appointment. - -v.uivi jmssport made her nrst w"01"3? aa maiauw my regular trip of the season yesterday, an( men are needed wlio are taking a colored excursion down the willing to give of their time an Small annoyances in life are vanish- s 1 nrougn scientific discovery. In his Lure, J)r. C. W. Benson of Balti Sudden Death of 3Ir. Smith. I . ! : ! Mrs.-W. D. Smith, wife of Mr. W. The objects contemplated by the As- anriation are. the collecting a legal li brary, encouraging a more-lraterna feeling among the members of the Bar, and the preparing a system of rules o practice,fixing a uniform rate of charges or agreement on a fee bill and the ele vation of the professional standard. The THE TWO AQUATIC WOXDEKS ! TITE MONSTER WHALE, CO feet In length, rct2hlnjr 80,000 poumln, and i'pt. PAl'I BOY TON, wlMwe bUtrtlinflr ailvenlnres on Sea. itiver Rnl are nniiarallolc! in the contributed With their. J tj,e ouiv genuine Arctic Whale ever taken eu- urriy wuoie iroiu inc vau.r ana is me preai est natural rnrlnsltv on earth. He will lie on exhibition tlU Fill l AY only in tlie Whale- PavUliou on Nntt sjreet, near the Wilmlng ton WeMou Freight lepoU Capt. Bovton will be in the Whale PavUlion tLilly, to ehow his wonderful tlm, hU companion ilu voYasre. the Baby Mine," in which he carries supplies when maklna his lonely voyaire; his &AiU, paUllet, flag;, etc ; alo the beautiful cobc of metiaJU that have been presented to lihu by crowned heads and governments from every quarter of the globe. Admission 25 cents. Children 15 cents. Doors open from D a. m. to 9 p. m. may tKSt PLEASE XOTJCE. We will be glal ,to receive communications from our friends on any and all subjects 1 of general Interest but v The name of the writer must always be fur nished to the Editor. Communications mast he written on only one. side of the paper. Personalities must be avoided. Anl It Is especially anl particularly uniler: stooil that the E.litor loes not always endorse the views of correspondents unless so stated in the editorial columns. " NEW A'IVEUTISE3IENTS, Auctioneer's Private Sales W. L. MEADOWS. The Odd Fellows. The Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows will meet in this city, this evening,' at 8 o'clock. Sixty-eight delegates arrived last night and registered at the Purcell. They will be taken to Wrightsville Sound this morning and will spend the day on the beach. Capt. Manning will serve tnem up a dinner at Piney Grove, which will be rich in Sound fare, and will do all in his power to add to their pleasure. You are in good hands gen tlemen. G. KIDDEIt Cape Fear Tobacco Works, . WILMINGTON, N Ci JJ AVIXG PUltCHASED THE ENTIRE IX- tercst in the CAPE FEAR TOBACCO WORKS We are prepared to 11U orders as formerly. We nave constantly on nana tne most vanea as sortment oi a.11 graaes or Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, which we offer to the trade at Bottom Figures, also a largo stock of Old Tobacco manufac tured last summer. Mr. V. L. Meadows, who has had twenty-eight years experience in the manufacture of Tobacco, will give the bus.ness nis personal supervision, ana win continue to keep his weU known Brands up to the Standard. CAPE FEAR TOBACCO WORKS, may 9 MEADOWS & KIDDER, Propr's. - M. CKOXLY. Auct'r. Iy CRONLY &'9IORIUSi' . : ' -.1. ' i ' "yyE OFFER AT PRIVATE! SALE. OS accommodating term?, the fallowing Rca Ex late located hi the buaines centre, viz : Tliat Valuable Brick Store S. E. Intersection r Water with Princess btrect. That VRluable Urlrk Sitrtrc South of and ad- joining above. . That Valuable --Brick Store upon Princes street, East of and adjoining above. Warehowsc South - . ! .!---. That Valuable Wharf and of Prinects Street iwk WITH ! That Valuable Brick Store and Wllart l tween.Market and Princess streets, boundetl by Smith's -Alley opon the North aud Oablg's Alley upon the touth with office over latter. CRONLY & MORRIS, Auctioneer Election of Officers. The Wilmington Light Infantry held its regular annual meeting at their ar mory last night, and elected the follow ing officers : Captain J.-L. Cantwell. First Lieutenant R. II. Beery. Second " Geo. W. Doyle. Junior 2d Lieut E. A. Oldham. Ensign R. M. Capps. Several new names were added to the roster of the company. v Mr. N. Jacobi was presented last evening with a P. R's. badge by Corne lius Harnet Council, No. 231, Royal Arcanum. It bears the folllowing in scription : "Cornelius Harnet Council, No. 231, A., to Nath. Jacobi. DIED. Ity on the 7th inst.. after a linsrerine illness. JOHN T.. son of Capt. C L. and Lucy A. Cowles, aged 23 years, 3 months and 25 days. The funeral will take place this (Tuesday) morning, at 9 o'clock, from the residence of his father, on Fourth, between Nun and Church streets, thence to Oakdale Cemetery, Friends and acquaintances are invited to at tend. OLDIIAM MITTIE A., wife of. Alexander Oldham, aged 42 years, 7 months, 5 days, at 11 o'clock p. m., Monday, Aiay utn, issa. Funeral from the First Baptist Church at o'elock Wednesday morning. The friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Grand Excursion and Exhibition I OTEAMER PASSPORT. THURSDAY. MAY O Hth, at 2:30 P. M., Capt. Paul Boy ton, the famous Aauatie Vovaeer. will give bis Won derful Nautical Exhibition for the first time In North Carolina. : Tickets 50 cent. iflay 9-2 SSr0 "F10- D. Smith, of Fayetteville, died suddenly objects of the Bar Association are gen- ?kV? mtT' ,cpUons and scurf on " , f. rn:nX fr miih orally the same as those of merchants1, the face or scaln Fvorv rsiv iicTntr at that place thi3 mormng. Mrs.hmitn J . . , ; it will ? cry person j usipg , 'J...u...r fUi(,faU;a n viz: An interchange of views m order j --- vicui vuuiiicnance. t vi. wa a " - - . There wUl be no business transacted by the Banks of this cltv on Memorial Day. 10th in slant. A. K. WALKER, Cashier First National Bank. S. D. WALLACE, Cashier Bank of New Hanover. interesting: Services. Tho ladies connected with the Fifth street M. E. Church meet on one or two afternoons each week for the purpose f prayer and praise. The services are held at the houses of different members of that church, and are said to be of uuch interest. Lady members of other j utiles join with them when opportu-; nty offers, and pass an hour quite pro fitably, in prayer and praise to God. Exchanging; Places. Sergeant Andrew T. Sherwood; of the United Sutes Signal Service, will relieve Sergeant Edward W, McGann, ow on duty at this place and- in charge f the Station here. The latter will pro feed to Rochester. N. Y., and relieve former, who is now on duty there, and who will therefore remove to Wil mington and take charge of the office here. I uaruner, ior so uiunj jiais icnw the Bank of Cape Fear,! and was a na tive of this citv. The sad news was conveyed to the family here to-daj-, but there are no particulars.! ( A Hen town Republican.) The Experience of an Editor's Wife. I consider it proper to put in a good wrrd for St. Jacobs Oil, which I do from my own experience. My wife had Rheumatism for years, and suffer ed very greatly ; she used very many remedies without relief.! ! A few months ago I bought a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil and the success which attended its use leads me to recommend ! this articlo to all similarly affected. The first appli cation acted like made, and the occa sional use of St. Jacobs Oil has prevent ed the return of this great trouble with its almosi .intolerable! pain. I con sider St. Jacobs Oil a great ben efaction, and advise all who suffer with hrheumatism r other painful diseases to try this remedy, and they will see for themselves that I have not said too much in its. . - JE. E. Rccx, Ed. to restrain any unprofessional conduct, and to facilitate the transaction of bnsi nes in court. The rule of practice is the code of civic procedure, but there are innumerable minor points that cannot be covered by any fixed rules, and which necessarily depend on the circumstances of each individual case, and these have to be agreed by the members in order to avoid misunderstanding. 81, L Croquet. 50, $2, $3, PER SETT, 8 BALLS, S MALLETS, BABY BASKETS, Straw Hand Bags, Lunch, Work and Fancy Flower Baskets. , JAPANESE GOODS Parasols, Fans, Mats, &c., &c, at may 7 C. W. YATES. 'Flour, Sugar, Coffee. X 000 B1S lour' a11 &rale9- 5 5Q Bbls Golden & Extra C Sugar. -00 Bags Rio Coffee. Will be sold low by may 9 KERCHNER C ALDER BROS. may " Stock and Real Estato Brokers. 7-2t-7-p, - . - , f State of North Carolina, ) j . Superior Court. New Hanover County. ) I In pursuance of a decree of the Superior Court ol New Hanover Countr, at December Term, 1881, in an action- pending therein: be- tween John L. Wescottas plain tiff and Thoxna m. rnompson ana others as defendants, tuo undersigned, as Commissioner, appointed by said decree, will sell at public auction for cash, at the Court House door. In the city of Wilmington, on Monday the 5th day ot June, A. D., 1882, tho following doscriled lot of land said city: Beginning in tho Eastern line of Second street at a point 132 feet South of Its Intersection with Dock street, thence running Southwardly with said lino of Second street tti feet, thence'Eastwardlyand parallel with Dock street 165 feet, thence Sforthwardly and. paral lel with second street w rcet, ana thence tcsi wardly and parallel with Dock street 1C5 feet to tho beginning, Excepting, however, j life feet on the Southern line of said lot and known as the .Northern one hair or Mci-ean'a auey. O. RICAUD, may 2-oaw4w-tues Commissioner. Sundries. 750 Boxes Soap Jumbo, Taylor's and other Brands, 100 Boxes Starch, 100 Cases Lye, 75 " Ball and Can Potash, 50 Boxes Candles, 100 Cases Soda, 100 Cases Snuff, 25 Bbls " 100 Boxes Tobacco, all grades, ' 100 Cases Oysters, 75 Boxes & Bbls Crackers & Cakes. For sale uy may 9 KERCHNER & CALDER BROS. STATEMENT Showing the Condition of the Swiss Lloyd Transport Insurance Company: December 31st, 1832. ASSETS. Value of real estate and ground rents owned by the Company (less the amount of . incum brances thereon,) $ Loans on bond and mortgage (du ly recorded and being first liens on the fee simple,) Account of stocks and bonds of the United States, and of this and other States, also all other stocks and bonds absolutely owned by the Company Interest due and accrued on stocks and other securities. ... Cash in Company's principal of fice and belonging to the Com pany, deposited in Bank. . ..... Cash in hands of Agents, and in transitu .......... Premiums or assessments unpaid Premium or assessment loans and notes 4,000 104,800 2j0,0G7.99 3.9G3.15 220.G15.50 000,313.02 50i,02t.yy 87,235 State of of North Carolina, ) I Superior Court. New Hanover County. ) i Jane MeKenzie and Aun Andrews, Plaintiffs. Against I A. Adrian and H. Toilers, trading as Adrian. & Vollcrs, Chris. Filers and wife RclecCA C. S. Ellers and Catherine Koch, Defendants. It being made to appear before mo that the defendants, Chris. Liters and wife Rebecca C. S. Filers and Catherine Koch, a re non-residents and ean not after due diligence bo found in thin State, and that a cause of action exists in favor of plaintiffs, against the said defendants tho said action being for the partition of certain real estate in the City of Wilmington: i These are then to notify the said defendants,-. Chris. Filers and wife Rebecca C. S. Ellers and Cath erine Koch, to appear at my oflico in the City of Wilmington, on the 1st day of June, 18.H2, to answer or demur to the complaint in wilU tion, or the judgment will Ins granted accord ing to the prayer of tho complaint which is this day filed in my omce. 1 S. TanAMRINGE, Clerk Superior Court of New Hanover Co. apl 18-lawGwtues ill ' State of North Carolina, Superior Court. New Hanover County. Susan LeKoy King, Administratrix af J, F. , King, deceased, Plaintiff, j . Against j Samuel Davis, Teter Davis, Chloc Davis; Thomas Davis, John Thompson and wife Polly Thompson and Horace Davis, De fendants, i It being made to appear to me that Peter Davis, John Thompsonand wife Polly Thomp son, defendants in this cause, are non-residents, have property in this State and cannot after due diligence be found In this State, and that a cause ol action exists In favor of the plaintiffs against said defendants: These are ! therefore to notify the said Peter Davis, John Thompson and Pollr Thompson, to appear at the next term of this Court to lie held in the City of Wll-v mington, on the 13th Monday after the 1st Mon day in Starch, 1882. to answer or demur to tho complaint of the Flainlifrs for the foreclosure of a mortgage on a house and lot in the City of Wilmington, made by Samuel Davis. the father of the defendants,, or judgment will be given according to the prayer of the complaint which is this day filed In my office. r , . VanAMRINGE. Clerk Superior Court, New Hanover Co. apl 18-lawCwtues I , Total assets 1,472,232.65 LIABILITIES. . ' 250,000 300.000 5C0.835.42 Kennebec Ice. rpnE SCIIR. ELLA M. IIA WES SAILED May 4th from Bath, Maine, with 400 tons of Kennebec Flint Ice $1,170,835.42 200,000 l,53S,OS4 035,030.73 ; For us. may 0-2t W. E. DAVIS JL SOX. Freshwater Perch,Trout and Black fish hooks and lines. A full assort-, ment and lowest prices at Jacobi'sI t Therr were only two cases before the Mayor's court yesterday morning. A little colored boy, charged with disor derly conduct, was reprimanded and discharged. A little white boy, who was arrested for larceny, was dis charged because there was no affidavit xnado against him. ST. JOHN'S HALL, WrLMrscTox, N. C, 9th May, 1882. QOMPANIOXS : There will be an Emer gent Meeting of CONCORD CHAPTER No. 1, K. A. M.. this (Tuesday) evening, at & o'clock, for work In the ROYAL ARCH degree. By order of the M. E. High Priest, " JAMES C. MUNDS, Secretary. Losses unpaid, Including those resisted Reserve, as required by law..... AU other Claims.... Total liabilities....... Capital Stock paid up. ...... Total Income .. Total Expenditures Manager for United States, HCGO MENZEL General Agciit. M. S. WILLABD. of Wilmington. STATE OF NORTH CAROLTNA, OFFICE SECRETARY OF STATE, INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, KA LEIGH, N. C, Cta Mayi In compliance with Sec. 8 of "An Act Con cerning Insurance, ratineu aiarcn l-in, ic,, I certify that the aiove is a true extract irom the sworn statement of the Swiss Lloyd Trans. pOrt lllBUiOllCC XsUUMtmMj vtM wvtiuuci wmm, 1881. now oo file in this Department, and the State of North Carolina, ) Superior Court. New Hanover County. ) W. B. McKoy, Administrator of Wm. Porter, against Mai vina Porter, George Porter Henry Clay Porter, La Fayette Porter, Charles Porter, . Thomas Edens and wife Rebecca Edcns. It appearing to my satisfaction, that the de fendants George Porter, Henry Clay-Porter, LaFayette Porter and Charles Porter, are non residents, can not after due diligence be found In this State, and have property in this State, and that a cause of aetlon exists" in favor of plaintiffs against the said defend ants, ami that the purpose of thi action Is to' subject the real estate of the said Wm, Porter, to wit: A plantation near the City ! of Wll . ufington, on tne Turnpike I toad, uf me pay ment of the debts of said Wm. Porter. Now, these are therefore to notify the said defend ants to be and appear at the next term of the Superior Court of New Hanover County, to be held on the 1st Monday in June, 1832, to answer or demur to the complaint in this cause now filed In my office or judgment win be granicu aecorn inz to the prayer ofJ the complaint. This 22d April, 1882. S. YAkAMRINGE. Clerk Superior Court New Hanover County; apl ziaw6w-tues. Commissioner's Sale. Superior Court of New Hanover County, House for Sale. NEAT ONE-STORY FRAME HOUSE IN GOOD CONDITION ;i 5 rooms; rood well of water on premises. Everything in good order. y iu dc sola cneap ror ean. J.J. BURN may 7-2t Photograph Gallery. Market St. h '.tit ll.l ETTT. statement Is hereby ajpj may 9-lt rored. L. SAUNDERS. Secretary of Stale. French Candies. JUST RECEIVED, A FULL LINE OF FINE French Candles, warranted pure and fresh. Also, Home-Made Candies, Frults. C. JETENS, Aeoosd street, I doors Jbdow rostoGoa. UCSUANT TO AN ORDER at the December Term. 1881. the undersi as Commissioner, under th. decree o Court, will expoeo to sale at public aucUon, at the Court Houxe door of said county, oo, Mom. lay, the 22d day of May, 12, at 12 o'clocA. M. the foliowlnr deicribel lot. iIec or el of land lying, being and situate In the city -of Wilmington, aforesaid, and boriMied as lot- ' lows vr wu; beginning on ixio .wn " Princess street, ninety (SO) feet from rront the corner of the National Bank jLot, tbcoce Northwardly Mlth the Hue of tbo National Bank Lot, sixty -ix feet to Edwin E. Bur ross line, thence Eastward ly with bis llfte for ty-two (42) fCCt ten (IO) llwW Uf i wrorecr, thence North with Id back Ilne ninety-nine (90) feet to the line of the lot itcjoosmg estate of Ell W. Hail, deceased, thence Lat. wardly with that line seventeen (17) fee t two (2) inches to the corner; thenco Northwardly with his back line sixty-nine feet Mrs. Mearc' lino, tbewe Westwardly with her line fifteen (15) feet to the corner, thence North wardly with her line thirty (30) feet, thctn-o East "twenty-nine (23) loet. two (2) Incbe with her "line tbeiAs Southwardly hundred and nhaety-elght 11i , with the back line of Mrs. .Cowan's nd.'r Whiting lots to Sherwood's line, thence i V et wardly twenty-nine () feet two (2) inches w Sherwood's corner, thence Southwardly with hi lino sixty-six (W5) feet, to Princess street, thence with the line of that street to the begin, nlng. Texms cash. .. Q RICAUD, I anll0-law6w&dj Comintsiloner. " - - - - -1 i a i