Tirts paper every morninpr, Mondays ex- -tit -I II I" eepied by JOSIIT. JiV3rES, i;n.i: ASII-WrRTETOK. ....i..v POSTAGE PAID: Ll lX'l ;ii ii"-' - . . month!, $2.00. Hirce .... .(. Six in Til" ,t!-. .... . .1 i;. .i-i.-l liv .nrriers free T1"' -nv i.:rt ..f the cify, at the above Mill IX" H Jl" - "J ,.,1- ll" , ..,.nt, v.t-viv. low and fiberal. .-t 1 rat - -rii.-r.- will report any a nd nil fail- t'.i.-ir j':,l', r lvjjularly, ! V M)('ALNEWS. ! I I oi'K ii:ai. i D:iv in AViliniujrtoii ! 'Hie A:m m:il Tribute t oint. ; v iKTM I--uI r:(l,liM.:1 Sus-- : IJusincs Kvory- s A1- Doiisoi , n i t -i" , ., U:i e tlx rv v fling seasons j ; ;iHUllI t , ' :md c luihny. o lore us with it 1 day on in!,u:t! tribule love and r r. iiHMidM:inr is paul i uie .1 '.r:iv- soldier oead ol , ,. ii- ;i .1 v i - !hr..im!i.ut th' atteruooi, ami . .. ,,i i!- Hags m" the city aim on me 1 1 1 1 .1! Well" at ai "M'icessiou moved to the tvin.-b-ry, Jn-aded by the Cornet Con ,, n f iu? ami the Wilmington Light Infantry. Arrivol-at the grounds in !l(ltit of nakda'le minute guns were lii.-.l l.v a .i.-tacliuicnt of the Cape FeaT 1 i-ii i Ai'ill.-rv. Mationeti on tne 11111 auove f I I I . I l.v a. i-i Memorial Services in the C(.iit''!erate I,ot were openedl with tin- following touching prayer, de i;v,.;v. ly Key. T. Fage llicaud, the Ji.ij.lain of the Day : . Wet Link Thee, our Heavenly Father, that n.ice more we are privileged to make ur annual pilgrimage to this emiM-crated spot, where rest the re-" ui :t in. of the beloved ones, who at their nu!iti''s call, and in obedience, as ihi v !ie!ieved. to duty, ruslted to the ik-fd of carnanc, and laid down their precious lives! And, O Iord, notwith . ui. Iii ilc the cause ierished with them and their banner trailed' in the dust of li ti'j'o;ntiuent,yet wewouhUvniember tin ir heroic virtues and ever cherish a .Vii.h-r and grateful recollection of them, i) i.onl.we pray "J'Jiee to bless the noble women who inaugurated this -Memorial" A-M.eiaiion, and still maintain it. Ma their li e. lie -long and happy and lh.-ir irtiiv-s be pi-Vpetualed to t he latest ueiieratioii, :ind may tliey 'lind their --m-i.ini.i-HM- uf reward'1 ' in the eon- e;i UlslieS ot doll) i ud., -and their la- bors be crowned with abundant suc- rix. Hless.Ave pray Thee, these ser vices, and may the words 'spoken by Th serxant, be tons as "apples of gold in p'n hires of silver."-awakening tender memories and inspiring noble-resolves. l'.le, O. LomI! our land and .country - .mr whole coiuiiry! the president of ihe ("niteil States, and the governors ol" the Slates, and all that are in authority oer us. We pray Thee, that we, as a peojde, may be advanced by Thy gra cious power, not for our conceit, not for -our. self-righteousness, not for our over weat'iie: pride in'ourown strength; but grant tin 'liberty, thevlrtue and true heartethiess of a noble manhood and devoted womanhood,; clothed with un exampled newer, may give hope to the world, and its light shine into the dark places of the earth, uniting all those tii.it are the constituents of one national body, ever, remembering "that "right-e.ju-ness etalteth a nation, but sinls a reproach to any pedule." Mav Thy Di- !... i i n.c .xame no magnmeu, onr Humanity iHMcied, and lorever saveil m Heaven.),. And all t he praise shall be given to i VI' ? 'r,nr, '?n,Jl LVnl ot i i u nunui iiiui giui, wno 'an ii..,! over all blessed for ever more Allien ,,, ,. , ... j Atu-r the 1 raver there was a "dirge by j tliebaiukfolloweil by a memorial ode by j the choir and then Capt C U Denson ! ol Chatham eountv. delivered the' Hl' I , . . . . , : , ! 1 1 11 1 -wimr beautitul address, that gentle- i .V. t ,i "otui'ifis: 'Mini' li;tr,'- have passed away since the call of the SUth to arms. The in- b'nt. whoe .feeble ery faintly echoed the trininet" ii.ii.- li.ij" renehed to-tlav I the hill years of inMnhnod The maiden I al whose cradle was decked wit1' the first 'or ......... ... i f1' of peace, has won the grace" ;uid i eauiv of w. 0 i f' " . , . , ;r,-i -,,.1 1' i""1 Y iH.-i.uiu iuu rust ut.iv ivumei UL their "randiuolhers of revolutioTiarv Must so glorious, wing laureis ; onng mi ,!,., bonratii Okthde s Mlent and , ,lut only wrong thej pale and unresisting Beutouville. where llaukin died: -j rAhei ,1 11 S immortal bavs! f?oimd tnmiRts, the fiP5lnfl i Thi tribute was paid j forms which lie in serried ranks be- y - t. ' ' . ., ( -.il.oi . ' . .1 I ..It. 1 T icv wont in urmiil arrav MUUl IIIIU, allU rtlUni 111 JlOUOr Or III i a , , . P , i ..i . 1 . ' 4 1111 ,,, A s ;: udblwI,an envayV deaths . I I "f,?", AY! 0N ST: , 1 . .. ,,, !,. .-if v to "v 1 V IV 1 " ' Their names will live for ave, ? You who have made nilo-Vime -if- i -oiiu . eaiouua . . Jiow ra y ..;,;... u-iud niov.-d ni" '" t.n u : snatches the diadeni o! renown trom his The brave -11 lnfantrv.'' ! ... 0.V!no. u V. ,.L VllPlKmn". M 1 tn ilook in r,r,irl. ivmpmhM.Hv 0,,, apt. lto. ton : -v u:,.. not a- h'trg a, usual. ! lnotl,cl. State: lie steals fro,,,; the child- . . j ? 'yu3.??,U) inis s?oc ,ow" ! aves no Morv i 7 " 1'. i'-'-' '"""-' , ., . .I,.,,,.;,,.!,,, ii,.;..., ,rfi,,;ri-1n, , The btiad-roll of . onr etmorn U wlio tuemosL priceless jewels ot your nearrs " l"" wu ,.,.i.Uto th.-l.-Mtand..., um aim u.-; . j " - I died wiUi their inen is a scroll of last- casket that enshrines your con... j '-Never yet,in.o ui& h, Paradise I tiokktjs 50 .,. ,! nKHvh. n. i ' 'i"a lb,. b,i.r i,A,,.- r v il iii iiod on niiT lame. V Jilting and Kamseur. . v,"u,4 H, uue l , " 1 " 'Ul , 1 .VlVi '.,nlll,,..dwiihthosewh.had as- ; ,,e i Vaid " In tle is ir aY ,10 s,m I Branch ami AndersTni, ; WUliams and jre that ot the heroism f earth, . r". -y ....... 1 1...1 iL.-iv to take, part in the -ser- . m ur broad land where suci,;iiuiversai i fi"?.". ituu"'' Kmuiiy "-"V- , " f?l : J 7 ? "vw 1 uum im tug been, introduced by Capt. ; charge at Appomattox, i Ihey shared j Ci-dns. tin t hief Marshal, in a lew thc dangers of every battle of inmort-j , -lonuent -o.d . ' 1 Alice throughout the conflict. At V in most W.HIIUIU atlU lUlliressivo vomorL-c: , . .i . i iJ l . i. I a .... " ........ cnoster. wnere me neeaioiiius aieaaun It : a new -eneratiou of voun and etl and broken remnants at bloody cost ! the women of the South to bear the bur-i-atriotic hearts that stands to-dav to I to Confederate lves, the number of I den uuparallalcd m history- Distracted ht the jordi of remembrance beside the dead and wounded from the grand j with anxiety.in watchmgs oft, enduring 'he mausoleum of the noble dead.- ' old North State equaled that of all oth- hope deferred, t hough .powerless to lhe mists of time are gathering about j er States of the South combined. ! j spted her coming, left unguardetl among the actors in the scenes of the past ; Bancraft. the historian, declares that ! a servile population ot alien race, she are departing one by one. yet the wo- ; "North Carolina was isettled by the i must forget self to feet! her little ones, of the Stirth "still keei faithluUfrat of the lh3c.'-: Andi well djd they to clothe the very slaves ot her fathers ateh and ward over the relies of her 5 maintain the honor of the free. Would j fields with raiment, she must accept the "roe-. U.ve hath com picred death: vou seek the most magnificent spetrta-1 repulsive task of the hospital ward, ami d evotioiu smiles at the flight of vears. lc of dauntless bravery- and undying j wipe the maniac's brow, and cjoe the -'i d sings vet grauder strains at the : courage? Sec It in the 1 Fourth North dying eyes, and knel by a husband s tomb of her heroes. Carolina at Seven Pine; behold it in the ':coiyse. ; , . his,tvi:.ion. with its outpouring of; Fifth North Carolina at Williamsburg; , Some ATitcr has said , "the capacity nud-young, the tolling bell, the I find it in the Third Nor Hi 'Carolina at) of sorrow belongs to our grandeur, snartial arm v. the deen voii-e offamion. 1 Sbamsbnr.r. sit m the EighUVnth I The loitiest ot our race are those who :."d the hallowing presence or woman, ' xilenin sacrifice to patrirtism from '-en who gave all to' their country. . r . . m a iS moiv.".Jt is a .school of the M'iiiil in t10 traditions of a glorious east. It is the apotheosis of the grand- st element of human character.0 It is j -enu m-arts. ii is a tender menion-; m the i wcnty-Mxth. - at iieitjsonrg; m , :,t the dead, from those who held ! -lory in it as it envelopes Fort Fisher f The sacrifice of the Confederate sol- hm in loves dear embrace It is a ! with the halo of the imperishable fame dicr was complete when he yielded up ' uestie ceremonial, upon a holiday of iof Whiting and his glorious men. his life. But the sacrifice of the mother, Ntate, in resneet to the mnmorv of em. ! v.i i.ow cboii ret nnnlntf. !. crallant I the aged father, the crief-stricken. w,d- ri I . . 4 . . 1 1 w . r s VOL. VI. the crown ami flower ol all days, wher- j ever tle cares of lift? are put away, and j the judge from the bei)ch, the merchant j from his counting-roo(n. the schoolboy j front his" nime. the inaideU iroui her ; tryst of hope and love, the way-worn ; oatriareli Iroui Ins i r vinw Uk i.-isr. : a!I gather liere to render homage to the ; i virtues which are tJie true end of the i activities of life, which alone diiniifv man aove he beasts whiclOerisli.aul clothe ( nun with the likeness 1I the blaster ol ; Nations and (he "Father of the living and ol the dead : One day of all the yar justly 'belongs to those who ditl not shrink to vield all their days. to the demands ol a duty fll"3t IV1; 'llIkVi If'lIlV -lluit'il llvO t ! . V . ...... . u'miivi v.i .i.v I.. ... i liiiiiLrti iiitrii tnuu Jiuuuifvi ueoiion 10 JI. who would dishonor the meniorv ofdutv Titf oat nor oeaa in com neieci. tioe jbraiice has honored this day. Thucy dides has represented PericJes, in th present ea 1 ericjes, in me exordiumof his funeral ovation, when j hesi)eaksof the peril in honoring the i dead by words, a declaring that the memory ot their virtues may be endan gered, seeing they j depend for fauie or discredit upon the vords of one man whetlier he speak well oi ill. Not so with tljeJ heroes we lament. The spokesman of thc hour but stands j where, in days gone by, the great and good men or North Carolina have pic tured the deeds of the. past. Poetry here has struck her softest measures music here has chanted her loftiest an thems religion has breathed 'here her. sublimest prayers to the Infinite Father. The voice ot to-day can only echo lor the younir, the judgment of the wise and irood. lonir smee approveu by tne noblest of earth. N The speaker here pictured Memorial Dayas the school of tradition, and brief ly traced the salient points of the mili tary and civic glory of mpn of the .South from the battlefield of 'Alamance and the Mecklenburg Declaration, through the Revolutionary struggle, the war of 181-J and the war with Mexico, and (ex hibited their influence iii moulding; di reetly three-fourths of the national his (ory and doubling the national terrilo ry. lie proved that Southern trejops iiad snatched victory fnm- defeat, jind made the -independenci. of the United States a, reality, and that the "rrcalost rt.ilnsiiun find most aii'-iist, minister's of justice in our history were men of South. I : ! the lie resumed as follows It would scarcely befit the time and place to discuss the oncoming of the po litical revolution that plunged tho States into the horrors of Avar. Leaving to the historian t'o Explain the reasons;for the severance of ties jwrought; by so much of Southern genius, it is plain that the dread arbitrahi cut of "arms could only have been accepted by such a people, under the over lowering ncces sitv to preserve their sacred honor. I North Carolina, at' least, can lift her hands to Heaven, free of blood-gnat 1 blOOCl-gUUIl- ness. What she did WaS done ill the j plain path ot duty, when all other ire source had departed; long and anx iously considered, but performed with a tenacious determination that left her almost without a parallel. J The annalist of another age will stand astonished at the completeness and per lection of her sacrifice. -With a ! white teetion of her sacrifice. iWith a ' white ; ien nfnnlvfiMftftn hbo Jcnt to tiie fieia mon than a hundred and twenty thousand nien, or one in ! five of the men, women and children loft he whole commonwealth. Out of the 0(d,CHX) troops in battle array, on the side of the South, she contributed one fifth, or double her proper .share, And what manner of mien Were they YnoVJve come" P?1! t0 OU(?r A0" dav ? They rave the tirst.martvr in the struir.rb. :it liethel thev biade.'the last miliary battles, North Carolinians lie j in number lar exceediug the meian- eholv arrav of anv other! State. I At Vii'drieVs 1 Mirer whirr the Feder- i tiiwrns louirht with the romantic val- ! i . . -i . . . that Irish soldiers lent to liruislt 1 arms under Wellington, and where the j. hn of Ktisiffimi took- baek their crush- at Sottslvania: lehold it in the Twentieth at Fntzer's , Farm ; wateh it few from all the sons of Carolina, and j how shall a single day's exhibition of I God - like self surrender and indomita-j ble daring, represent to 1 us the daily j etmggle, tke repeated conflict, the I i 1 ....::- .. 4 l.. P:i .K in whnsfi n-imft inn oivrorofl vir tiiiPKua vim owul uuiuca. rui VviU- 01 VOlll COUUIXV S lame, imam Ol ail '1 1 111 W r V 111111. -Willi II, 111 I'lllll'l 1 I "I I ll'l I I t -m. v .vv v, IVLX I .-o.l ir tbo vitvri nt in. ilozen san- WILMINGTON,! N. CJ, THURSDAY. MAY 11, -'.. t .- ! ..-'- weary inarch, the long, night's watch, the agonizing wounds,) the dreary im- prisoumeut,- the slow! starvation, the wearing anxiety for the sake of wile- and child, the sorrow for a broken won ntrv. the unsieakabIo pain of final defeat. " I vrntrt rd"r. Ilio-h lloivnn tb-it to have been a veteran of the Third North Carolina i to linr rnn iii fair field a prouder title than the Garter, a more resplendent jewel than the GoHle: len Fleece.' Four years to battlu for the rijcht ' And warfare with the world utaiu; ' Vet on lier scutcheon not one stain, No blot uiKjn her banner white. Kven nntn tu. hit. i .mtbi t mi. th :i . . (' I. i: . i ;wuyiuiui - oaiuiiua, nei sons nam- ancient territory with a mantle of hon vm lLyjL D"a" ou.ii vuiuinu- ans who ; lei on distant lields. as the "oWp ollicofier, the intrepid MeCul- lough, and that majestic soul, the lJish op-General ot the YY est. But the words of General Lee point us to men greater than their generals. In days of dire extremity, at Peters burg he exclaimed : "The men of this war who will de serve the most honor and gratitude are not the men of rank, but the men of the ranks the privates." It is of such warriors that Wise poured forth his burning eulogy : he noblest band ot men who'ever j fought, were the private soldiers of the great Confederate cause. "I have seen them fire their last vol leys at Appomattox ? and oftentimes in marches and in camps and trenches, I have seen them sad and almost sink' but I never savy their tears until their beloved eommander-in-chief ordered them to surrender. Then they wept, and many broke their trusty weapons ! The blessed dead were not there to sur render.1' 'Steep In peace with kindred ashes Of the noble and the true, Hands that never failed their country. Hearts that never baseness knew." Like the flowers that bloom and die in solitude, many a lonely thicket and gloomy swamp and narrow glen shrouds bones of the unknown heroes whose lives were poems worthy the tragic muse. . Kven tho boys .whom the stern neces sity of the hour welcomed to the des perate fray, have left us sublime lessons of resignation to duty. At Chancellors ville a boy of barely seventeen receiv ed his death wound. . As his musket dropped he raised his hand to the wound and with fortitude that Latour d' Auverg ne might haye envied, he cried to his commander, "Major, Vm killed; tell father that my feet were to the enemy." So fell "Wilson Kher,of North Carolina. At Pocahontas, near Petersburg, lies the last man of the retreating army of Lee. He was a boy of sixteen, who volunteered to fire the bridge in the face of certain death. He reached the mid dle of the bridge and applied the match, and then though torn by a grape grape - shot, he walked back to the hint- and vWddod nn his nree.ions life. 'Pliaro b oilrinoi'mr unnmv mvp him -"WAVy , J q a soldier's burial iu his blanket, the only shroud of his fair features the apron of a solitary woman who ventur ed there to weep. So died Cunimings Mebane of North Carolina. O, Grecian Leonodis ! O, Roman Cartius ! Welcome such souls to thy companionship for all ages. Well might Mr. Bright of Tennessee declare that the Old North State "has deeds and heroes worthy the tongue of a Demosthenes and the harp of a Ho mer." What a picturo ! That dauntless boy, walking into the jaws of death, resigned to inevitable fate, that his com rades may be saved, "Hi.-t country was the lady of his dreams, Her erosa his knightly sign He died ! And there he lies, A stately slender palm Felled down, in tender blossoming . Across her grave !" But were those mangled forms in "Tewonce more to gather from the clods of the valley, their ghostly regiments maisaaneu m uuu ijiitim mej would sav would say : "Miiomau speaK augnt of us. until ho have remembered the army at home who snfteretl and brave- , , ., 13 norc more tnaii we. W ith no burnings ot martial an or, with no relief of daring-action, it tell to i have had. the profoiradest grief., because fthey bave had the profoundest sympa- ow ; these are renewed day by day and vear bv -vear Ob, can you not hear tliat motner 3 . cry as she peers into tho night from her cabin door; 1 VThe winter night Is dark, ray child ; The winter rains the trenches fill. Oh! art thou outhe outpost wild, Mr soldier bov? Temper the wind to mr dear child, O God! aud curb the winter wild, And keep in Thv embraces mild My soldier bov!'' ! On' i M.v !.. .,-'!, J a j i'fr lllllJi(l7 j llPVOr ffrrrt t on t!w m i-l. f,il lies under the irrassvi .Mvl Or l.v .mnnn! bosom of the leen.v I would not rudely awaken sleepin o-riefs T lnv in Kilotit nwrpnee lieiore the venenible forms of nv countrv- womcn who said in 'the lan-niase of lyslc says that heroes are those who habitually rest their thoughts and acts On the eternal truths, and surely, re vered and beloved mothers of sons who died for us, ye are they. To the grief-stricken widow of the gallant dead, what shall I say? Tully could not declare the glory of the war rior nor the sorrow of the widowed heart. Speech is dumb in the presence of such mighty sacrifices. The struggle was over. Worn away by ceaseless attrition, the little band that so long had kept at bay ten times their number, returned to their shat tered homes, "In tattered coats of dear old grey, In dusty, weary, worn array, Their banners flaunting once and gay, Now drooping drearily." Then came the sweetest task and no blest work of Southern womanhood. With ruined fortunes, with blackened homesteads, with oppression and mis rule, and a catalogue of wrongs and ills that would have made cravens or des peradoes of an inferior race, the sub lime influence of woman lilted the bro ken and despairing up to the heights of her own moral heroism. Taught in privatfons bitter school, she shared poverty, accepted the hardest labors with a smile, and while she put on the garments of mourning for the dead, she bade the survivors quit themselves like men, she kept alive the holy fires of pa1 triotism she gathered the bones of the departed, and erected the cenotaph that emblazons their achivements. Year by year she tended with loving ltands the aged fathers whose only fu ture lies beyond the setting sun of life, where they shall rejoin their loved and lost. Year by year she taught the lisp ing child to mingle the name of Leo with Washington, and found the les sons of virtue in the lives of tho dead we honor. - Was it" unyielding heroism she would teach ? She found it -Whiting amidst the battered walls of Fish er. Was it chivalry? Ashby's name rose to her lips. Was it superhuman daring? Who but Stuart of the cav alry ? Was it romantic gallantry she loved to name the boyish Pelham, with his giant's heart! Was it profound and reverent piety who stood with awe before the sight of Jackson on bended knee in the deep silence of the night watch before the battle morn! My fellow countrymen, if there was ever any period when the Soutli was in danger of losing the grand individ uality that is her birthright, our wo men have saved us - 'With hope severe, devotion high, Unwavering hearts, unflinching eye." With such mothers the children will preserve the traditions of the true gen tlemen, in the word3 of Preston his "piety, faith, honor, courage, gener osity and politeness." Words fail; to depict the grandeur of this people, if with the opening de velopment of our material ' wealth, and the dotting of our plains and mountains with new homes, and the filling of our ports with the commerce of the seas, we shall faithfully- cling to the virtures that make man master of circum stance. I repeat, that to perpetuate the vir tues of th6 father,, is to guard the fu ture of the children. . The day will come when the sleeping genius of the South will mle this land again not in hatred or revenge, but by the freewill and for the common good of a united country. - Who does not see that the sands of oblivion are already covering out of sight, by common consent, the names of a Stanton, a Pope, a Hunter aye and a Butler, too? Who canuot see that Ixj and Jackson, and the North Carolina!! Polk, anil Pender and Petti, grew, in the words of an honored man 4iiave convinced mankind that the sol dier of Christ can exhibit piety as the supreme of nobleness, and that it is the Christian who - is - the flower of chivalry." Tell me not flattering tales of a land of teeming populations and busy factories, and commercial glory, without the saving influence of relig. iou the prcvervation of the integrity that scorns the treasures, of the Credit Mobclier or the Star Contract? What would the wealth of the world be to the South, if heaped upon altars of idolatry or debauchery? " After referring to the rnightv dead who in all countries have .yielded up theif lives as martyrs In 1 a lost cause, the speaker concluded as follow ? And now, prepare to fulfill vour pious task. The roll-of honor which yearly gives back to earth the beloved names of your firesides is your own ocean beach she watches the thunder of j bkXM rmsoiw that flatlunt will dc- line waves with the ma est ic 111111.' I that they ever beat upon Fishers sands. ;t". His story will be told by other for one sailor d.-ad "INxdod in t.!. ! g" to theF ears, when that pre- 1882. NO. 115. especial treasure. It will ever be the resplendent coronet; that adorns the genius of the Cape Fear. i on, wterans of the Thinl North Carolina, must bej reminded, sadly to day, that you are on the march to'ioih the longlmeoi votir depart el com ratles. by the chivalnnis Meares. You nnv histand"b.v :l "ow-1 gvave. , Ah. it is face 'that I l'rlpss ldier, tlie bravest of the l.vc.n.nl''S "ur gallant Adjutant, whose 'FV- our gallant Adj eious lvuc recives the reverence ot a hundred. years troni U-la ! Swtvt hs thy peaceful sleep, noble, ! acnes! And now tho hour of mourning is over. Let us lav no sad cypress upon thousand comrades that we loved, "sym bol of courage and fortitude, and faith: looking above the petty struggles and sordid cares of to-day, aiid beyond the fleeting throngs that come and go straight into the infinite future, where devotion to duty will shine beyond the "crash of words. M Around you lie but mouldering coflius. Hearts that were warm and true, now cold and still arms quick to grasp the blade, now dropping away to dust. Rank and place are with' you no more. The star of the Colonel, the stripe of the Sergeant, and the simple gray sleeve of the private, alike fall away to ashes in the narrow house of death but the grand heroism, the unflinching resolu tion, the unfaltering faith, the sublime endurance, the knightly honor, live be yond the grave, defying dissolution they hallow this sacred soil they will hover forever about this touching trib ute of woman's love and gratitude ;t hey will descend to children of such fathers they will live to ennoble mankind ! "Sleep here in peace ! This is the gate for thee to walks Immortal, This is the entrance to the pearly portal. The pathway trod bv saints and sages olden, Whose feet now walk Jorn s:i leni t he golden ! Sleep here in peace !" At the conclusion of the address an ode was sung by the choir, then the Doxolo gy and after that the benediction was pronounced and the services were at an end. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. " - See ad Louisiana Lottery. E. Levy Ice depot and market. - Excuksiox Steamer Passport. LinitAiir 'Association Excursion. Heinscerger: Full stock of organs. Capt. Boyton Grand excursion to day. . - S Jcwett Newspapers and Period icals. For other locals sec fourth page. The steamer Elizabeth left Charleston yesterday afternoon. for The receipts of cotton at this port yesterday -foot up 42 bales. The wood work of the exterior of the First Presbyterian Church is being repainted. Anything in the hardware line can be found at reasonable prices at Ja co rn's, f Mr. A. C. Davis, Collector of Cus toms at Beaufort in' this State, was reg istered at the Purcell yesterday. Freshwater Perch.Trout and Black fish hooks and lines. . A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. t An incipient fire was discovered yes terday afternoon on Nuii. between Fifth and Sixth streets, and suppressed before the general alarm was given. An enricher of the blood and purifier of the system ; cures lassitude and lack of energy; such is Brown's Iron Bit ters. ; - ' "" - ' ' We were pleased to receive calls yestcr day from Mr. W. C. Wolfe; of the Mon roe Enquirer, and Mr. N. G. Thomas, an enterprising merchant of the pros perous little town ofl'olkton, in Anson county. Don't Die in' the Honse. "Hough on Rats Clears out rats, mice, roaches, bed-bugs, flies, ants, ; moles, chipmunks, gophers. I 5c. Very, little, if any interest, is maiii festetF in yacht racing, by the Carolina Yacht Club this season. The first Mon day in May is the time apjointed by the constitution to-hold the rcgtilar an nual meeting, but tin account of the cack of interest the meeting was not cailed. In the becinninff of March, says Mr. i ll. Schnltz, Winneconne, Wis I hal occasion to call on Mr, August V ill, who had the Gout so . badly that he could neither lie down or sit, the pains were so terrible; his Atife was also suffering with rheumatic pain. I gave them a bottle Of St. .J acobs Oil. anil by the next morning both were complete ly cured. I never saw two more thank -tul people. . FLEASE NOTICE, .Wc wllllK) gbd.to rccclrc.ciommuiilcatlon.- from our friends on any and all enbjccts o rcricra interest but ; f T' l, 1 j : ' The name of the writer nwsti always fur- nlshcti to the Editor. Commnnications mut oncjiideof the jaicr. le written cn 1 onf reisonallUes mnt lc avoliled.' And 'tis e?iHvjalIy and iarUctilarly under stood that tlHrEiUtor does not nhvaya endorstv itw views of correspondents-' nnIcU so slated In the 'editorial colunms. xi:w An)vi:iiTisE3ii:NTs. Ice Depot and Market. J can now ri KNisu ici: to mv u s tn?SJZ a!.TiL,,s Vw r stall fe-1 liKKF. iY.ui., mi ri(i. vu; All MeatH !;n;Vilw In7ed,MC an "l,c klH In VT'FvT01' j wd Ktreot', ltwecn Market and' I'Vinccs. may li-it Sunday School Excursion. ,4 STEAM El I WILL LEAVE PUlNCE. V. Sirtet DiK-k. on next Thursday afUrnoon. at I ocloek, for Point Caswell, wlien a Suu day Si hod Exldhition and Fe.-tival will held for the ltcnefit ,.f the Pivsl.yterianSund.ir School at -that place. Fan for j round trip :iv fynts. Dramatic nali l.y a reittieinan oC s viij . may lixLtw U Excursion To-Dav. KAMET pASSPOKT, Tt WITNESS 'S most lnterestinir and tiuioiai Steamer starts at 2:.m p. m. E- . the I'aiK.rl ONJ.Y r au see ttic I'cntis. piav li lt Excursion. THIE IJUKAIIY ASSOCIATION F SMITH- ville will give an excursion to this c - i . ' ty on Fit. day (12th Inst.) The TASSPO.I.T(lfrHl learn Sinithvillc Friday morning and return- at S o clock. Favorahle opportunity to make a short trip. ; iliay n il Full Stock of Organs. "piRST CLASS IN KVE'KY 1U:SPKCT. Warranted for Six Years At HEl.NSllEKOEirS. Envelopes FA BEH PENCILS, - -ESTHETIC WKITINO PA PEIf, may 11 At IIEINSllKKGEKS. Unprecedented Attraction f OVER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED, Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated in 1 SOS for venri y the f- Isiature for r.dmvuioiial and Ii:ii itable pur- mres wilh a eanital of ?l.fKMNK :i u h.i h it. reserve find -of Vi.lW has 'idnru been, added. ' I - Iiy an overwhelming populai volo ll frati ehi v":i made a-part of Hie pri-sent Malo Constitution adnplcdi'eeeiulier 'M, A. !.. IT;i lis. ijam sjngi.k M:.Miu:n :IiAvi;i will take place monlhlw- . j - It wrtr tctris.1 cr jmstporui. Look at the following Ohtrftjulioh ; GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT, durinar which will take place the -H'.tli Grand Monthlv j ami tiu: EXTiuonm.vAirv semi-axximl diuwivo At New Orleans, Tuesdav-, June !l:Uh, Jss-.V Under the personal Ktiiervihlon mid manage ment of - - i Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louis iana, and Gen. JURAL A, 1'ARLY, pf Virginia. ... Capital Prize, $100,000. JWNoTlci: Ticket are Ten Do Jars oitlr. .Halves, j?.".. Fifths, ?.. TehthL?l. . LIST OF PHIZES. 1 Capital Prize of $100,000.,,. ?100,f. .Vl.liOll 2o,oi nit 20,01 HI 2,0i '20,(Ni 20U 40,0fxr 'Ci).oo lOO.OIKI I Grand Prize of 1 Grand Prize of .Vl.OKO... 2),(KJ0... ii, ;... 2 Iaro Prizes of "4 Iirc Prizes of 20 Prizes of ,,00l... .vo... 1W 200 10KlO 3 )0 9 m 300.-. 10. . J. ruizK's. APPIIOXIMATION 100 Approximation I'rizes of 2fi0, $20,0Trfl "10,WiI ; W 100 . .. pto. 100 " 11,270 PrizcB, amountine to..... Gen. G. T. llKAruKOAUO, of La. ( Gen. JcisAT. A. Eaki.v. of Yu. S Cm. Application for rates to eluhs should only I made to the oflli-e of the Company in New Or leans. .. . - For Information apply to si. a. u.i riii.. New )rlean, Ja. or M. A. DAUPHIN. 127 11 frallc Street, C dcao. Ills. or 31. A. DAUPHIN. 007 SeTenlh St., W;u4ii03rton. I). C. Th New York Office In removed to Chleas. N. IJ. Orler addreascd to New Ork'an will receive prompt attention. The pariicttlar attention of the P,Aie i cathJ. to the fact that the entire numbrr tf the Ticktt for each MtmlMy Drawing in ! and co'nxr- q uentt g all the priz'M in each dratrinq are moUL mnd drairn and paid, may 11-wedj Mm 4trd w V Croquet: 1 gj ei.rAi, peu Mrrr, t . S UALI.s.fcMAIXins, i - ! IJAHY KASKKTs traw Hand Bas. Luik-Ii, Work ami Fancy Flower '.akett. JAPANIEGXiH Ac., Jtc, at . may 7 Pa robots J C. s . YAT. Soda Water!! Soda Water!! "YrB OFFEi: TO IAY ICE COLD tp WATER with all the regular If rult .yruit InwMltlon to which we have Iei'i I'wck.Gin jrer Ale, liirrh Hirer, Freh Cnm purr, 3Ji tmsloue Uiue Jukc rrvit. Prtmounixtl tl$ beut wla la toe City. ' mar lo MtNI DKO.L Urvl-Ut ..I t 1 'I i . i ' 4

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