TIIW VWK.ll .. ; .Ued ercfy, nxornlngY Monaays ex cepted by JOSH T. JAMES, rJ.ITOR AM VKOPKIKTOK. , mkkIITIONS POSTAGE PAII I no. Six niontlis.. fiOO. '.Three ""'n .r will i delivered by carriers free Tl" in nv part of tlie city, at the alwve ,'f,b:i!i;,'..,-,-..t;r week. tTimt will'reiwrt any aud.ali fall-v- ( .iv. xuvic paper regularly. )(!AI-'KWS. ,DEX TO NEWJYERTISEMEIITS. c. uak Xotiw. 'U P.kos da water. .u.wKTT-ThinkortliiB. j: .M. M 1ntii:k Big drives. II 1 UnwiuiN ;& Co Saddlery. ,,',HN Werner Practical barber. .. ... ... i i.v Parson s business j ov. M v kv A . M i i.i.i;i:-Pri vatq ! .th Physical eye. The sun is now -pasff-' j ing through the maximum of sun spots. ,.ipli'.n- So City Court yesterday ; , Whxt bin Income of the electric firo alaua? ,,oiits of cotton atthis poit ,, .t,-nl:y foot up 42 ' Ism than two months now to the J::tl(.non Fourth". VJl.,M-. H. M. Uowden & Co. threw lrt.H their doirs to the public-yesterday. Water piies are to be put in tlie Court House building- ' Kotwithstanding the cloudiness yes trrday was very warm and sultry. .The fish market was wcllsupplied V'Htenlay. . , Showers, with hail and high winds, early yesterday morning. Steamship Benefactor, Capt. Tribon, cleared yesterday for New York. Workmen are .busily engaged in putting water pipes in the county jail. Freshwater Perch.Trout and Black fish hooks and lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at J acobi's. t The fine rain which fell here to-day extended to the Sounds, where there was a delightfully refreshing shower . The Messrs Shrier expect to have the new uniforms for the police force com pleted this week. Early vegetables are coming in quite freely, but the prices are above poor people's means. To give your suffering rheumatic neighbor a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil, is irue charity. The steamer A. P. Hurt is on the Marine Railway undergoing a thorough overhauling. The "Billee Taylor" troupe are -rehearsing with a view of giving the opera about the first of June Anything in the hardware line can be found at reasonable prices at Jaco m's. Mr. Leins, who has charge of Mr. R. Portner's leer depot in this city, informs us that he has another car load of the Tivoli bock beer on the way to this city. 1 A true assistant to nature in restor ing the system to perfect health, thus enabling it to resist disease, is Brown's Iron Hitters. Capt. Harper gave the gentlemen of t he Cornet Concert Club a little excur sion down the river on Wednesday evening. To Builders and others to Jaco ki's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, l ou can iret all sizes ami at thf lowest prices. t The steam tug Commodore Fdotc put into this port yestenlay for coal. She is hound from Savannah to Philadel phia. Any of our citizens who have a desire to take a little trip can go down the river this afternoon and return by tea time. The Passrt will leave her wharf at 4 o'clock and return at 8. A party of ladies arrived in this city yesterday morning on the steamer Xortfi .state, from Fayettevilla. They spent most of the day shopping, and started on their return trip about 4 o clock yesterday afternoon. Tlie work of constructing tlie steam derrick and scows for the improvement the upper Cape Fear river goes brave- ly ou. It is now expect ed that the der rick will be completed on or about tho "first of June. The Champion Comnress squeezed down 341 bales of cotton yesterday for tlie New York steamer. We are told ihat it is the first time that so large a Quantity was ever compressed here at this season of the year for domestic fnipment. Exports Fqreigrn. Barque Grenada, Capt. Richardson, reared yesterday for Georgetown, Dem rara, with 300.000 feet lnmberrand 50. 000 shingles, valued at $6,300.50, ship- oy Messrs. Northrop & dimming. ' 1 70 i i VOLvVL The Planets in May. The month of May is agrawl sal a j season among the pjaneta. 5 The an- j junction of the tiiree i largest planeU of the system with the pun; the. conjunc tion of six planets with each other; the' HUierior coiyuuetion of Mercury ; the total eclipse of the siin, and tbo occul tation of Jupiter form a brilliant uc cessiou of. phenomena ah imposing to the mental eye as they are beautiful to The Turnpike. There H one thing of which Wiluiiugr ton can Wast, with reasoiC and that is the beautiful shell road to the Sound. It is now in excellent order, and a fast horse can easily cover the distance to Wrights ville in an houri When the young trees which ha vo becu set out all along the line of the road grow large enough to . .. ; .. .J. . . . . 1 I shade tlie road, t win oe auoutti e most delightful drive! in the United States. At present it far surpassed the famous shell roads of New Orleans and Mobile,-as seen by; us in 1869. . . Flies and Bugs. Flies, roaches, ants mice, gophers, chipmunks by "Rough on Rats." 1 To Bead. Mr. J. W. Hartley Will give dram- 1 J2i atic recitations, under the auspices of boat and get my medals and jewels out, onSt iic took his table cloth, chinaware, congestion of the brain. He was a fine tle Library Association, at their rooms I would like you to see them !" Capt. wineglass, napkins, castor, "a small physician and did an extensive prac on Monday night; the 14th inst. Mr. Boyton struck out in a brisk trot up the bottle." : If was but little trouble to 5 ArS'SSJii!! Hartley, it will be remembered, visited this city about two years ago with Prof, Denck and made at thaftime a very "favorable impression, he will be greeted by a We trust that large audience upon ins seconu appuaiaiicc m mu l I Left Out.! i ' - : 1 - Tl. A 4l.tr-. I ve d 3 of 1,1 n,rnthr, I Xr rnnhin. a.v,.., " 7- 'j terest, aiter tney were m tjpe, gicuu columns. This 1 . r- i -i 1 r i i vn38 wT retary of the Sovereign Grand Lodge, feature was. the explosion of a minia- the engineer who pulled the Clyde syn matters of general interest. We hope iSodncedW passed vessel. A full schooner rigged dicate's special car, from Atlanta to this trt AnlfirirA nft-rt Pall, hilt in thft-mean- WaS inWOancea ana passeu. . . , , , m'tv ker. Snnf.iv PVfin nr. and w ifill lfi timenstmanageHSoestwe mayith , . ; i i our nmitea space. 1 , s I Charley Strode and John Statcber, both runners for the magistrates, had a quarrel last night about 7.30 o'clock, on fh'o nnrnr of Second and Princess streets. Both drew pistols and were "iwine to shoot" but they didn't. Onr informant states that the quarrel CTew outof the assertion made by Statcher that Strode was a negro. No lives were lost buta lot of gas was let off. 5 ! I . I Shot and Arrested. A warrant was issued by a Magis trate, in this county a few days ago, for the arrest of Charles Reed, colored. charged with the larceny of wood in Brunswick county and sent to the latter countv for endorsement I by a magis- trate there. Recti was arrested yester- dayand while being brought to this citv he broke from! the officers and tried to make his escape! The chase was long one the; officer collipelled to shoot ueed in tne tuign to recupiuro him. He was brougat to tnis city and placed in jail where his wound was aressea oyir. u . whofpronounccd it alflesh wouud,Reed, it seenrs, has been in the habit of steal- ins: wood in liruuswicK county anu bringing it to this city for sale. The day the warrant was : i issued i for his arrest he was in the city with a ilat load of the stolen wood but heard of the warrant Demg oui ajamsi mm nuu icii, ... - . - '-Jl.ft for Brunswick. Warrants have been i frr nthr rmrties imnlicated in ioowv. v - - J 1 thelarceny but Ithe theircs have not yet been arrested. Reed will, have.a preliminary examination on me ijiu ;nt 1! . . ... ii pal- ........ i Clearing out -Jbkinsrs now." The U. S. District Attorney for this district, Mr. v w 15. itoomuon, ar- rivpil here on ednesday nisht and on yestenlay was busy in drawing up pa-, its of eiecx- KOW, Dacs 01 tire luaimu junuu. For several years past ! the houses in , several ytr y tnese rows," which o "wtt J the Government; have Deep occupied Dy .-u """r7;K::7 rent or move out. - - here for the purpose of legally ejectmg them and placing the Government in . i possession ot its own. xnero re aooui. frotr tUlimiaM ThPY WPTO TSllllt nio iviooj. r hv tho late Dr. .T. F. KlHff and are Sit- F. King and are sit- of the Marine Hos- uatedjust in rear pital. il For itged meni women, weak and sickly children, without a rival. Will not cause headache. Brown's Iron Bit- ters. I p I X.u.i s. v WILMINGTON; N. a, f What Capt; Frank Knows L Capt.Frank Wilkinson called on Capt; J Boyton yesterday aftenwoH and gaye him his idea about "matters- and f things". After discussing the merits of Capt. IJoyton's suit and showing haw his ibfcC one Capt. ' Wilkinson wore wheii engaged in the whaling business in the Arctic oceaiirrwasf made, Gat? Wilkin son slapped his new acqnarn-4 taue on the shoulder and YoluRteered some information. Said he : Whpn you were on your larbord tack steefipg thc swimming business I got medals from overvbodv. Why; when l was swimming irom the head v w . Neuse river,. Sitting Bull came i.ve me a medal he made himself. Bull c - - : , 1 fnlii tiP tlmk T wfl Ihft onlv white man I r" - - , " n" T7v 5a ; a mw"Wi , JM BuU 1S a. clever fellow. You do that torPedo business different from whafrl used to. My great forte is m bemg able to stay under the water. I can go down show you anjunng aDoui tms swim- ming business you want to Know. "Hold on here until I step up to the street and hurriedly threw out a picket line to give ithe alarm upon the approach of the man-with-the-medals. . Grand IiOdgrenI. O. O. If. . Th Grand Xrfxlco was called to order vesterdav at the usual hour Twl. . . V Official announcement was made m 1 a j..i.-.ru u unmr Porr. of IMeigh. fonner Gnd Her- eaat-half-east bjsast you dippetl yourl oW .sen &osf blew, up hla mbljer air paddle to the starboard and brought I cbambera; plan Jntano y iaa v6nreuTiarH7arr and luffetl tu in the eye of the wiud. When I was in Mine'Vthe little tender that carried his appropriate resolutions Tar."'"Wi oo- Dassed I ' v .1, p a resoiuaon m regarutu luc cu w t t i:ii,r fXwiiT. vi uih islh ,j 2UUC3 xa. iliuict. iui liiv kj The follog were appointed .ta-g mitteoon the suhiect of the proposed f fifr, .Anim? tn renort at the next session of the Grand Lodge; J. E. garden. Grand Warden, and Past Grands N. Jacobi, J. K. P. Neathery, and W.T.HoUoweU. The final reoort of the Finance com- mittee was submitted and adopted, The Grand Lodge next proceeded to the installation of the Grand officers elected in the early j part ot tne aay, as follows : B. B. Woodell, of Raleigh, M. W . G. Master. Jas. F. Payne, of Monroe, R. W. G. Master. J. E. Woodward, of Wilson, R. W. G. Warden. t t TUfcfnrrf nf Ralftiffh R W G J. J. Lltchford. Ot KaieigU, it. W . ix. Secretary. R. J.Jones, of Wilmington, R. W. tr Treasurer. Jl resolution of thanis to tne retiring Grand Master was unanimously adopt- ed by a rismg vote. The following appointments were made by the Grand Master; . inos. uarncK. v . vx. v,uapiai. h. ii. 15ates, ot nanotte, uiami Marshal. j t . xu.. wunu,, , , Conductor. ! . J. H. Mastin, of Salem, Grand Guar- uian. J. H, Pugh f Wilmington. Herald Resolutions or thanks to tne ""- mington Lodges for the use of - their hall, for the entenammeut at . wnis- mi. J . 1 tKa rilT.-.alK Tfir yjue oouuu, w - their accommodating rates, were.unan- I immmlv nassed. , w j j " The Grand Lodge then adjourned sine die, without fixing upon any place for l . a. z . ninr T no tne next meeuus, " ndi of the Lodce. necessarily carries i - - t tr. w-iio., ' , A Card . a11 win nrfl snftrini? from the er vnA n1ittinn of vonth. nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood. occ, l wm wuu raapc in 30UIA Amenca. iaenu a Bcu-auuicoa- ed envelope to Rev. Joseph T. Inma, station D New York Oitv. deed w6m. 1 Those of our readers who may con- I template s sojourn in the mounUins Summer are refe to the carf of ... r . -fcrni0- .a nVj;tww? in thia M"- issue. We know personaUy whereof we - - ni " " " "i v.f nnr .Tfnlnd Attentive host- l.rzi ' . JT . . : ' . . , - , h? "d old f"mon pitauty. ; Nineteen carloads of vegetables pass- ,"n" XZZZ routTfor ed through here yterday en ronU; for the Northern markets, and fourteen cai loads passed her day before yesterday, 1 ! FRIDAY. MAY 12. 1882. The Kintr f the Wares ,vhn th -nttv Pasirt hove in t at ; obinn Crusoe's landing. yesterday aftenioon,-at 4 o'eiock, the rubber clad form; of Paul Bbytonwas seen for the first time in ' North Caroli na waters. Th.e- Win-storm of the af ternoon, while it deterred m auy - front going, did not kt: all detracX from tin: keen enjoyment of those who were for tunate enough to be Captain j Harper's guests After making fast, the star- board side was at once crowiled, as the foodf gun and wardroW on his last 3, 1 ri : iuvunivtivu, 10110 n ,u ax a j. j 4 iia? .t rr-i ; ,xuu uue a mosfc pracUcal ilmsfratwn of raft-build- ing At different points about the river lay remnants of spars, old vessels and drift-wdbd. Quicker than described did thh nsnta;n flwim th .f- - the Captain swim these into place, and Froni the depths of " Baby Mine's " hold, which is but ten inches bv twelye inches w(de and thirtv inches cteh a nice dresg him and have him boiling, while onions, radishes and blackberries were beinff prepared. a . . 1 1 11 A cigar: was then enjoyed, an umbrella hoisted, beneath which he smoked and I . -2 A. 1. T . - I j 1 T umAKviisw, anu noatea m luxury. TTp Vixt QtnwpH nn mr woo nim'nnnri Heext stowed up and tor a loner vnvnero with nia inr,n-r in L"1. ' f. 1 . S tneaocK ana a vessel in. distress; Unmuted anH rrall-ntlv vocr.no! 0 n,nn -"--o--, ovcrDoaru. 1 no last a nri mnst nniniie i ' t. 1 y wrpeao, means of warfare. The boat was blown to atojns, and so utterly destroy- ed :that even Oscar Wilde could offer no criticism on its aemoiution. ahis alter- uWuayuWK wPi. dojwa wm, fbysspecial recluest of a committee, ap- pointed to wait upon mm, give a repe- tition of his exhibition in the river between Market and Princess streets- wiuuiui iwj un me s"- erosity of the' public to repay Capt. Boyton for his labor and expense in . . . . i.-v.-i- ; giviug iae ciuiumuu. DIED Rf! AtiTtfiROTTfiTT on tim nth inat in thia city, tabitha Adrian, daughter of Robert anu ocruoruugii, agcu iwu year8 and seven montha.. - ... The menas oi tne ramny are invited .oat- ttrl h fimml nt InVWfr thia flfi-lrUT af. urnoon, at the restdenc of her parents on fromThencTto Bishop Lyman g Appointments. May 16 Tuesday, Scotland Neck. May 17 Wednesday, Hamilton FraT" M - oosaturday, Trinity, Beaufort County. lljjay 21 fnnday, Washington f - au'isov. Thirham fTrrvdr Mav 24 Wednesday, Bath. ! May 25 Thursday, Zion's Church, Beaufort county. May ao r naay evemng, j-antego. at -a . . x OQ 6iin'i)av fit- lamMQ Ttrfco n fort countv. May 31 Wednesday, Makelysville, iijue tw. nn!irt(,r IHvde countv. i I , - -v ' June 2 Friday, Fairfield, Hyde countY. ' . I . n o si TT 1. June 4-aunaay, t. n)ue Jm nu-nday enui& Fayette- i - vine.. June 18 Sunday, Pittsboro. lioly tommunion at an morning ser i T . .- . it . . vices. . Collections for Diocesan Missions. Fanner & MccJianic: status of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley R.R. , . - r- .v. TO A,i' -f"' , " VWl Fayetteville to Shoe Heel. These are valued by President Grey m his official Sf0- iS'" a ;n f th 47 milp of iron ?or the veur ending March 1st, were . e -- ; - $42,7162, an increase of $10,160.52 over the previous year 4 Operating ex- penses $32,246.65,' an increase of three ti-c.j rtu, MW nrw'rwnc tc "? . """ i-X " I " mvw.- .w.p... ... mortiragebonds, $93,895 due the Mate for convict labor; and $115,398 floating This is a heavv load for fifty rnrnvi 1W-1 CtllH !fi final in 9 hnilofrnad - Bnt the Dossibilitiesof the road, when completed across tne State, m so greatthat its completion twelve mpnths, to Greensboro. is as certain as any rauroad event on the map. 1 NO. 11G. STATE' NBWS. Pittsboro Artus : Mr Charles Crutch- field, of thi-i county . found a4 litter of Vounr minks and carieil two of them to tli liiii and nut them witJi an old rat : that liad kittens.' 'rjiecat suckles them and takes as much pre of them -as if Greensboro tfttatcl A letter iVom-Ed. Brockmaji,.vjio is now . in ha ; Salle county. Tcxa sjivs there are but three young .ladies in the county". -He Siys that a couile of hundred-girl could find good IfUsbands lout there if they would eome.- Them is no lack of ."any thing -except American girls. . I4C rain did the cotton some damage, hav ing washed the land badly m many E laces. Senator M. -Wv -Ransom as l)een selected to read the Meeklen- ? rpn yesterday and will 1 na onnnniiAii u nnnr nu nnn winn 1 I i , : 9n ; ewberri Journal: Strawberries and blackbciTies arc sellin-m the market at Pf ten cents per quart. Garden peas are offered at twenty cents per peck, s Seneral J?, L-JSJ complaint among the farmers, . but it is JL Alt. ester- of stores and cotton ' , . Sr ane brokrboth le ,is above the ankles. She is some seventy-five 7ar ol(' vT7"fs l11 lr; ,J B' v aiKer naa mo iioor 01 tne ieeu room to his stable :takcn up nad killed one hundred and fifty - rats. - The next I r .m1 trrn o T ri Irk Art f 1 A 1 T "J"uo - am.. Stokes' barn, near the same place, and - t i bffi BiddlIn" ip be removed . and m its , place aoncK structure costing $w,wv,! aiwimns iu the arcnitect s plans, is to dc erecteu contract has already been givei 1 . t - tt n- niif, inr inR wn k . 1 1 r ifii rviu"" wus concluded to show the travellers what he could do At the end of i the nme ffll ih exactly eight minutes. Newsand Observer: Bishop Lyman made his annual visit to. St. Mary's on the evening oi the lourtn unaay attcr astc tMg district for the week ending last Saturday evening were $w,wvu- On Saturday some. 250,000 shad were brought up on the Ralegh and Cs tram and that night deposited in Is euse River at the railroad bridge.- Rev. William A. Green, pastor of the First Colored Baptist church, on Sunday baptized no less than IVJ converts to . i . i i rr "l t . i.1 that church. Tavior's pond beinff the scene of the ceremony. . lie baptized them a 1 m one hour and ten minutes. . T?lirc cfanw Knfiw TTv. :, xo j I Wrtrtfl fnr nP. WSS enJletl OV OOth n.HllfiS. ix Sunday morning. lie was one of rjr"Cl TiST loQ,w ftihr, n city Brass Band of this city. His age was about 45. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Private Boarding. HAVING RENTED THE WELLrKNOWN arid beautifully Hituated lieynold'a Place, in the city of Asheville, I am preparod to take Boarders on the following tcrma : IVA 00 a month ; $10 00 a week ; $1 SO a day. Apn! v to 3I1SS MAUY A. MIUfclt, - fc may 12-2m . Asheville, . C John Werner, practical German jiarber and - ruRFUMER, IIAKBLET ST.. ? WILMINGTON. N. C. Ti CASUrACTURER Or PAKISlAN BIUL- i .N i-'-i- " ... . . XtX. lantine. Friction and Lu6iou SviS'SS: S7h7Sfc that t n i - - . found at Mr. John Werner', preitared to wait upon all who favor rac with a call. may ix jAsna n. uiuuAn ai, Think of This ! SnOULD YOU WANT ANYTHING DONE in Unholsterhiir. Paier Hanflrin?. Mat- gjfj-j treaft-Makinf , we are prepared to io it ana roperiy. hliouhl our work noi Rive uui.- o uw,w d vou wm oua no inuiie in iwids '2.7 S. Front St. Parson's Business Laws . . . 1 Lnln xnnH At mnpnua1 M j rf1HE FRERES, . fr. Aiexamlcr I the prince and THE pauper. IT" By Mark Twain FAmi A?D UNFAITn, By the Duu-he. At c HElltSBFRCFRR. For Choirs. AMmcANTUNE booic. JgTAwSi ' the presbytecjax tsamodist. niay 12 At . HCIRSBER6R'S. please Notice. Wc will be glad ,to receive communication tm ffjfS ol fCll-e,c of general interest but" I ! ! I The name of the writer mnst alwayp be f ur- .'. ' . - - ' I . Communication: must hi trritteri on only one shleof the jxipor. 1 Personalities roust bci ar i - And it is csrccially,, aiul jtarUculaxly vuvr- tool tiiat the Editor doea iwt always endorse Ito view; of correstiiilchts 'unices so ''Mated i the rU)fucoimni.fr' 7 r-r. -- - Notice. c 1 KlITIFiCATM OF DK1M ?!T i lSlT:i RY the First National i;.vnkf AVi!aiiu:UUi X. t. " " ' .''! v -t J X. d:totl AriiTirtli,.ls?2, for A"eir thou L - S!iml thlvo ait-MhfVtrthn-f m.c- iAU&W,&M i. fJ r of iiiv- I t has in Ki hi trju nilitn bv uiall. aud all iwr.n aiv r;iuU iel against lorsaiue. as luvinoiu lun won toT - ped. -; Mar ftli, 1-SS2." Aj U LEAK, in ay 1 t f 1- Saddlervjv v. t : and Trunk Hoilse I JS SOW OPEN A.y 11KADV FOU Jll. nes, and wc 1iqic to hare aliljenil-Bhareof the ( , j 1 t . ... - We have a lirj. assort 4 Public Patronage. ment of all claries of GOODS IN Olrn ItXK, - i i . 1 t-t md feel that we can moot the want of every - one in QUALITY and riJR'J-'. II. M. IJOvtDEK & ip6.; ; 40.MarkeJ street. may 12 tf Big Drives p CARPETS AND MATTING. Lace Curtains: - Of theto Goods we send wiruplo packafre by cxircss Wny rosponiblo pavtv and ray- cx- preseono wav, The assortment Is by th Yard ana ovine I'air. .11 . BEAUTIFUL EMBROIUEUED .1 WhiteFlannol At $100, $1 50 per yard. 4 WHITE LAWNS & LINEN piHNDIA. ALSO, 1 . i Other LAWN 8 of Beautiful Texture Linon-Sheetings P. C. LINEN, all widths. LINEN & MOHAIR ULSTERS may 13 tf l!. JI..MclNtlPfcE. Ice Depot and Market; J CAN NOW FURNISH ICE TO MY CUS. lomcrH as woll n.s the Best 'of Stall-fed BEEF. UMR, MUTTON, VEAL, etc. i All Meat... bought. from mo can be kept In : Itef rljreriitor until wanted.' K. LEV Y, .Second utreet, bctwceji Maikct and Prince. may ll-2t ? ,; J Bock Beer ! Bock Beer ! Tivoli Bock Beer ! N. OT THE FIRST 'OF THE SEASON HUT THE BEST. In fact T5ETTER THAN THE BEST. &S OuriRefrigcratgr car 1- here with our first shipment of the SeasoB. s IT CAN BEAT Tini BEST. i I - r may 10-2wks ii. rgfxi:iL Croquet. g $1.50, ?2, es, ri:n .sett, 8 BAEKS. S 31 A I J.ETS. BABY BASKETS, Straw Hand! Uaff,' Lunch, Work and Fancy Flower Baket JAPANESE GOODS Parasol, Fans ' Mats, , . ' i , ' - tf-V" &c, &c, .at may C. W YiVTE'. Soda Water!! Soda Water!! i r rE , OFFER Tt-DAY ICE CXJLO pODA WATER,1 with all the rejnjlar Fruit Hvtiiim, hi addition U which we have Deep, UAJk,iin jrer Ale, Birch Befr, Fn-h Cn-axn pnre, Mar-. Unique Lime .)uu Sj-rui.' I'rpnounced Uc let?t sda in tho Cltv. may 10 MlJNDS BRO, irn?r?1ts. Trrrr 50 TONS A G Ri C LT LT Lit At J SALT. 15,0W SACK LIVERPOOL 3ALT. J 2QQSACKS FINE TABLlTAIr. Fine Table it In wnaTl jiockeU, ' New Crop Cuba Mrtlaf4i. v ; I irrIIhd(. Tiercea and llfirreU, New 12U - ! , t rop Cuba. I'orto JZico, OU C'riU,;Ci.b and N--Uir yrtnfor al at low prit-; ."T loltn : 'WILIARTS." Bear in Mind rpHAT I KEEP 1TJLL ANT 'CDMPLKTK rl . .. ' " ' .'. -- T ' J ' ' Storks of Dni2"! and Iiaro f injrredlenU to fill AN V Pi:ECRIPTIUN. FjtilaxJf PaU-i't Melu.iiM. Pivwcription- rompunW'd. nJ' hour-of ttte'niht. V. . MfLLKR. stores : Foarthand Nun H-.. Fourth ftfU II-"n' ovcySU. ! inay..tf , , . . ..... JL ... ' n Worth & Worth. "AFFER AT IW PRICFS1 Tl 'PK'ollPT iuycrs : , , in.nno r.uheU Co ux. Urtl d. meal.; &f Barrels FI'R, 11 Pis COFFEE. .100 i:arrtl stf ;ar, -100 P-.xcr BACUN W ILiUHAV. - ?:-.) HtHl. and in.!.. !"t Je SVW4 Uol'CirBA MoLtL?. 2 00.1 Bill. LlilE.CMEJSTJtlTiASThR, i.itm .spirit BARla:is, .-.' . jj , Toiuwro, Snuff, .Srtap. LyeJ Pa. lftjiH, Calj. Candk?, llooi lru. NaU, Ac. f- . apt zyij....,,.,i v-r f-'v,- ' ;it Mm . ii 1L