THIS PAPER - -,-r morning, Mondays ex-L bliibel Ii p ceptod by 7 -JOSH T. JAMES, A' FKOPRTETOH. j?!ITOB MOTIONS POSTAGE PAID: si It,'1 .i no Six months, auto: moDtii". ' . b carriers free Tbe par" o the cltyt at the above rM ' , in? rates low and liberal. . . u t thfcir paper regularly. in - f ,100 TO WEWADYEBTISEMEWTS. ' H J'.Ahi:kxis Ice. 1 riM.L.Ir wt TlilU " IIi::ri.KY Dramatic readings. ..sIkkkkk. - Tarson's busings h- -.. VCitv Court yesterday. Nothing 'l"1"? 5n magisterial circles , have any .yacbt racing this J .iiiiiMi-r .' -IV truck aniens herealxjuts look pink ;, pretty as a (;,hm1 DMrtH of the fruit crop contin , apt leave tor his new -Monday evening. !hihI oil Most ..rtli visiting Odd Fellows left tWr Uioir honx yesterday. j Tl. rvipts of cotton at this port yr-tmlay f.Htnp 10 bales. v Uhin in tlic hardware line can l J fouiul at reasonable prices at J aco- t Our quondam fellow citizens Captain 1. Y. llinson and Maj. J. II. Hill, w',-iv i th? cityyejerday:- - ' Cotton sold here to-day On a basis of li (TiiH pt'r ll,lltl for middling, the highst point attained this season. true assistant to -natureCin restor-m-' tire system to perfect health, thus enabling it to resist disease, is Brown s Iron Bitters. The weather permitting the Passport will make a trip to the blackfish grounds on Thursday next. , . Hri" Cora Green, Thilbrook, hence, forMayaguez, was 'spoken May 3d in lat.30. iong. 75. ? -Freshwater rerch,Trout and Bla'ck fih hooks and lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobins. Thirteen carloads of vegetables and stawWrries passed here yesterday goin North. . . . Fanny (lore was "run in" by the po-lii-o last niffht for trnins to curse an n - officer off his beat. ('apt. C. H. Benson lctt here yester day afternoon on his ireturn tb Bitts- boro. Mrs. Benson is still in the city. (Jer. hanjue Kniykcit, Schmidt, hence, arrived at London Mav 10th. with loss of sails, bulwarks and deck load. The new wharf in front of the Cus tom House has been completed and that at the foot of Chestnut street is under way. ' The River and Harbor bill, as it will be reported to the House, contains an item of $140,000 for the Cape Fear river from the ocean to Wilmington. . For aged men, women, weak and sicklv children, without a rival. Will uot eause headache. Brown's Iron Bit ters. . . We understand that the authorities of the Wilmington & Weldon R. R., will at an early day establish a telegraph othce at W arsaw and. will erect a hand some brick warehouse at that place. Quite a large number of our friends fnu.&mthville were in the city yester day feaift excursion which was 'given for the Knietit of the Smithville Library Association. A colored boy stole some monevfrom a till in a butchers shop on Second street yesterday and succeeded in getting tlwith his booty, nqtwithsdanding the tact that hot pursuit was given him. .,.are sorry to hear of the extreme niness of On. Basil C Manly, of Ral-S- A dispatch received here yester day by (Jen. Taylor stated that hecould lue throughout the day. , Ustenlay afternoon during the exhi bition in the river, two men plunged in the - turbid waters of the raging Cape 'Wand swam with the tide for two w three bUx?ks. One of them came near losing his life. reamer mz&bcth is stiU at Smithville.. She has been waiting for the to go down. We understand that t na, for the nast. tu-n - a.. ,u "winff fresli from the Southwest nuinat;.thS seas have been high. running. e see by the New York Herald that - nuicate composed of Scotch firm! " been formed to buy out the busi ,l Of A T . t- A r , jfccan, oc o., now run IvOdflwV f It!. . ... . "wiyt are mentioned as j ir ui me syndicate. r rr ft VOL. VI. A New Establishment. - Wo drifted yesterday -into tlie new saddlery and harness house of Messrs. II. M. Bowden & Co., on Market street, and found there a complete tock of ev erything in theiHine. Mr. B. J. J acobs presides and cheerfully sltowed us the novelties in their business. .The stock in all of the departments of ihe estab lishment is full knd complete and socibb to have been selected especially to please the eye and tickle the pursc.j We wish the gentlemen every suecesslin their en- terpnse. ...!-. j - , - , . - , . '" 'j To Builders and others Oo to Jaco ni's for Sash, Blinds! and Doors, Glass, &c. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices t L,ost His Money. I verdant sable' youth from up the river, arrived in the city on Thursday night on a river steamer, and soon fell in with the "Doves-" from tlie Whit field and the iAitoi House, who went through him witjh neatness and dis patch. He lost what money he had, but perhaps it taught hinia lesson which he will not soon forget. Prize Numbers. For the benefit of the 1 many anxious seekers in this city wo publish the num- bers of the tickets which drew tne Dig nrizes in the last drawing; of the Louis- t rv. 19.102. 30- iaiu """rrr ..I: t" ' : oou 10, i i , rt-fc ro A1Q rnoAA oofiTA 21,627, 22,605, 52.048, 59,300, 92,874. : r; I The L.ast Opportunity. Tho wbalo will be on exhibition to- ; y4,ojo, w,w, with the most severe and excruciat, no- ,822, $2,500 ; 84,726, $2,500. The fol- pains (apparently rheumatic or neural- ..,mV.mi irou' i H.t:ii : i uu iuc ioiii niuu ui in v iicck. mill dav until 12 o'clock. Capt. Boyton as- rious remedies, meal and hops, bella uay uuui , ... , ' rnniw in doua plasters, crude petroleum and tnr a na tiiof. bp will be nersonaliy in f .11 'f v - 1 nuico aj . - x - I attendance in the whale pavilion, ana will for the first time in this city, have to. cases of medals and jewels, gunJ and . other implements 01 wariAre exhibition in the tent, ana .win oe meaicmes. 1 wa? presented witli a bot i a tiiAm nd xrive their tie by a friend, to whom I had stated piea&eu. ,r V.o mwl history, etc. W e were shown the med als and a silver wreath last mght, ana unhesitatingly say that they alone are on the platform. ' Mr. Jones, tne lec tnrpr will be pleased to tell the little . 1 f I hi 1 nnd nar- ones all he knows ot whales, ami par ticularly the one m exhibition, which is claimed to be : the , greatest 1 natural ouriositv in the country. f Capf. lioyton r ' . . 1 , v,0;- Minp and his party will take up their line f march" at 3 o'clock this afternoon, and will go to "Richniond on the I James," ' 1 ' ' ' . -T i Quit I The aroiiuu, ti,o c 4f ofMrs.VirginiaB. Jlattnew.J of New York, vs. D. R. JMurchison, the Pomlina Central R, R., et aL, was carried before Judge GUmore,inCham- bers at Goldsboro, , yesteraay, out tuo hearing was continuea,ior. me wi"i' until Tuesday, J uly 11th, before Judge McKoy, in Chambers, at Clinton 1 1 X. a a lio TTfiaV Select. well worth seeing. an. ch, dren -xvill ho iriven the preference ot position fl 1 nrl yw .nta.xt annlinatinn. the. o or such otner piuc j . . i T V tne naitenng noucea we uavc rewivcu ora ftre said tobe veryvolumi- ; . kind brethren of the Dress will i.uc jijv,. p ' A nous. Messrs. McRae & bti-ange ana Russell & Ricaud are for the plaintiffs, and Hon. Geo-lavis.iittj. vane and Messrs. Stedmau uumr for the defendants Dramatic Readings . .in : Mir :rs will notice in -r- T V As our readers wm r- - columns, Mr. J.iw. naruey vertising , : V:ul' " aLZ is again engage oy --- ciation. inis u ; CG.,Z has appeareu m tms . - jrp- ure " '7Zr lltiejs last memoereu. - -r, ia;t bnre. at least ior a long, time, as he is about starting on a very, extended tnnr abroad and we hope he may! have tour aDroau, auu j as large an audience as on previous oc- casions. Transit of Venus. Venus is now receiving a good deal of attention from Jupiter, so they say and they have an appointment to nieci ,n time this month. A enus will be. inthc summer, a beautiful telesropw . obieot. chibitiugthc phnieofa cres- cent moon and shining with cxtraor- oinary spieuuui . "7 1 wouna on tnis siue ui r rt.W transit across his disc in December, which is one of the most important of all andtorthcobsetton.of wf1 rioiis governments have already begun The astronO- oV. on nrrrin for it for tWity:ycars; it theji - sit of v ejius before tne year -w. - Kidney IiaeasS if Pain, Irritation, Retention, Inconti nence, Deposits, GraTel, fcc, cured by Buchupabia". $1.L Depot James C. Mundi. . . ' 1 WILMINGTON, N. C SATURDAY, MAY 13. . Xcsterday'8 Aquatic Sports. ' By far the largest crowd ever assem bled upon any occasion in this city lined the wharves, house tops and balcdnies on Water, between Dock and Chesnut street, .yesterday, to witness the aquatic exhibition of Capt. Paul oyton. ? Every avaiUbhvspaco was occupied, and thb river was -covered with: boats of all descriptions, loaded with human freight. Several large flats were taken out and anchored ; in the stream, .on yhioh were men, women and children of all ages, sizes and con ditions. The programme given by Captl Boyton was the same as that of Thurs day afternoon, a fall account of which appeared in the. Review of yesterday. To say that the large multitude of wit nesses were pleased would be but a mild form of. erpresteing ; their sentiments. They were delighted, .and, at times, stood dumb with amazement: - The" exhibition of yesterday proved conclusively that Capt. Bovtou's suit is alltHatis claimed for it, and will no doubt be ektensively used at life saving station8 We look upon it as one the grcatest inventions1 of the age. of Its simplicity and easy adjustmenl is bound to make it popular, with life-saving sta- tions an masters of vessels. a Card of Thanks. Philadelphia, November 5. 1880 For the benefit of others I whb may 8ucr A Bare-. 1 write to say that on Thursday, October 21st, I was attacked head, accompanied with stiffness of the -muscles. The paroxysms of nain would come at intervals of two or three hours jay ana msht, from which I lost sleen and suffered intensely. After trying va- i H- 111,1 11 fr I'll 11 iniif inn lnirnpnr tj wirn out experiencing any apparent relief, having seen your advertisement in one AttS'S having muchfaith in so-called patent my intentions, and to say that its action wg . doS to me? convey what I would, express. It was simply wonderful. Applied and thoroughly f "7 - JT X "1 " jast 0t which was Tuesday, 4 a m., the pains were entirely subdued, and I have not haa a return 01 them. 10 say l am thankful and feel tbe greatest gratitude to Gotl ami through Him to man, for the means of obtaining such relief, is on leeoiy expressive 01 my leeungs my uuty to let oi know of and rlief from same source. , Fked W.'Wakd, 2004 Titan Street. Thanksto Our Brethren. We have not yet thanked our breth ren Gf the press for the many very kind 1 fluttaritiir.kitires of our new yenture we have received during the weets. We would be clad to h them noof on0 an(i aut for jfa&uxt thing? the have had to say Qf U3t and the pleasant manner in which have said thenK y0 win nQt aWe to reproJuce in our dolumns L, n . . . ll ' I ,1 know that we appreciate their notices :ust nigniy if w'e published a, new notice every aay Petition to Congress A petition is in circulation to-day and being very extensively signed, address euwiuc """- - m vprny Congress, renresentin- the r - r ; fW .J very inadequate accommodaaoBf affer by the preseht Custom Houseland Postoffice buildings, for the transaction of the public business, setting forth the claims of Wilmington for. larger ,md mDre imnosins structures and praying r ori -nnmnriationof 100.O00tor the purpose of erecting new buildings here. The petition is teine circulatedunder win wdrfntpd bv the Produce at tYeif ecen annual meet- mg. Bishop Liynian's Appointments May 16 Tuesday, Scotland eck I " Tl A. Mav 17 Wednesday, Hamilton May 1$ Tuesday, Williamston. Mav 19 Fridav. Jamesville. May 20 Saturday, Trinity, Beaufort 4 I . - ... SESffiSff;. South &v. May 2Tuesday, Durham's Creek. oItiVa r- VmnU Chnrch. Beadbrt county u : i PwiriSSSSri: -r.t May 2S Sunday, St. James, iBeau -Wednesday. Makely.ville, Hyde county. . ' Jnne iursday. Swan Quarter, I TT mnnfr. - June 2-friday, . Fairfield, Hyde p50 Monday. St. Geoije's. Hydrf county. 1 June 11 Sunday erening. Fayette: Tilled " ' J li i. - June 18 Sunday, Pittsboro. 3 JJoly fmmunion at all morning tr- CoUections for Diocesan Missions. ST ATE NEWS. Greensboro Bugle: W. L. Kirkman of Morehead township, sheared a two year old sheep yesterday aitd secured Hi pounds of wool. This sheep is half Soutbxhwn. Lost -year the same sheep yielded 8 pounds. " Henderson Gold Leaf: Henderson is centrally .located i n the heart of the great Golden Tobacco belt, of which it is the principal -market. This is a big industry millions of pounds being sold here every year and one that is des- unea 10 grow to sua greater. ' Chatham Argus: The family of our former townsman, lloti i J ohrr Man ning; moved to Chapel Hill, a few days ago. Mr. W. J. Hackney, of this "county, informs us t hat within four days he has hived three dinerent swarms ol bees from the same stand, and they arc all doing well. Ashevillo Citizen:. Mr. (ieo.GehagaTi informs us there is living 011 Laurel, Madison county, a Mr. Sxnomon Staun toiu who cast 'his first vote for Presi dent of the United. States before the war of 1812, and wras a .soldier in that war, and now draws a pension for that ser vice. Raleigh Visitor : The revival at Per son street church is growing in interest. There were fourteen penitents at the altar Thursday night, -r-rhe hosts ot friends of Maj. B. C. Ianly, in this city and throughout Ihe State, will be pained to hear that his condition is ex tremely critical. 1 . . FayetteviUciZrawmer: .Messrs. Row land & Spohn are manufacturing spokes and shuttles at their wood worfcs. three miles north of Fayetteville. They use steam power and obtain their material from the country around. : Captain Benjamin - Robinson, formerly ol this place, is now city editor of the Advance Gazette, a large neatly printed and well edited semi-weekly paper, published at Pensacola, Florida. - x Statesville American : A correspond ent from Jefferson, Ashe county, says: A fatal accident occurred on Old i? leld Creek. 30thAnriL Mr. Trov Phimos accidentally shot himself with a rifle. He had taken the gun out of the house, thinking it not loaded, put his foot on the hammer, pushing it back, and then place 1 his mouth to-the muzzle to blow in, when his foot slipped off, and being loaded the ball entered his mouth pass ing out back of the head, killing him instantly, Goldsboro Mcsscnqer: The Board of ... .. .. Education of our sister county, (jrrcene, has voted &1000 to the Wayne county Normal school,' to be held in Goldsbo ro. commencing luesdey, June 13th, and to continue several weeks. An old colored woman is now living on the lands of Mrs. Marv Smith, in Bentons ville township, Johnston county,named Hacar Williams, over 100 years old. Slie says she carried water and meals to the soldiers during the revolutionary war, and was then a small child. Newbern Journal: Mr, Howland, of Beaufort,- brought up to the Memorial Services the old battle flag ot the 48th N. C. Troops. It is all tattered and torn bv minnie balls and it bears the name of many liard lought battlefields, Sharosbunr, Fredericksburg, Jjrazer's Farm. Harper's Ferry and Bristoe Sta tion are to be seen there, but none of those Of the campaign of 1864 the hardest during the war were to be seen. During that campaign Cooke's Brigade, to which the 48th belonged, never yieldedjan inch of ground while in a contest with the enemy, but al ways drove the enemy or held their own. . . News and Observer: : The ladies of the Second Presbyterian church have undertaken to puna a parsonage. -Treasurer Worth yesterday received a telegram from High Point, announcing that his large saw mill near Ashboro, RandolDh county, was completely de- stroved bv fire at 11 o'clock Tuesday nigHt. A quantity of rough lumber was gaved. Dr. Worth says his loss is not less than $4,000, and that there was no insurance on the property. - While several little boys were playing in the streets of Graham yesterday, a young man rode a horse I at a rapid rate into their midst. The horse knocked down a little son of Mr. James Holt! (a broth er! of Col. T. M. Holt),! about eight years of age. The child's leg Was bro ken, and the flesh was lacerated in a terrible manner. Amputation!- was ren dered necessary - THE MAILS. Themails close and arrive at the City Post office as follows r j i CLOSE. ! f Northern through malls, fast. 5.1 P. M. Northern throuzn ana way maiis....o.o jv. n. Raleigh. ,...5.00 P. M. ami 4.40 A. M. Malls for the N. C. Railroad and j routes supplied therefrom Includ-1 tmr A. A S. C. Railroad at $.40 A. M. SoulHern Mail for aU points South, I daily. 8.00 P. M. Western malt (C. C BaU way ) dally, I (except Sunday) 5.00 P, M. AUpoiato between Hamlet and Ral- eurh ..5.00P. M. Mafl for Cheraw and Darlington Rail- J - road S O" F- M. Mails for polnU between Florence i and Charleston 3.00 P. M. Frpttv11W xndnfneM on Cane Fear ! River. Fridava. . . . . 1.00 P. M. YnrnttrTlU Vis T jimhrtnn dallv. excent Sundavs -' .5.00 P. M. Onslow C." II. and Intermediate offi- ce, Tnesdav and Fridays..- e.oo A. at. Smithrille malls, by steamboat, dally (except Sundars) 830 A. M. Malls for Earr "Hill, Town Creek, ShaUotte and Little River, Tues days and rrMam... .00 A.M. - - OPEN "FOR DELIVERY, Northern throngn and way malls. . . .8.30 A. M. Southern Malls. 8-30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad...:. 10.30 A. M. Mails collected from street boxes every day atS.5P. M. - btajap OtSee open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., ami from i ft.30 P. M. 'Money order and Register Department open same as stamp otfiee. Stamps for sale la small quantities at general delivery when stamp office Is closed. General delivery open from daylight to dark sod on Sundays from &30 to f .30 A. M, f 4 1882. NO. 117. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Dramatic Headings. MIL J. W. HARTLEY'S FABEWELL T0UE. MONDAY NIGHT, MAY 15TII. MOST ATTRACTIVE. PROGRAMME HUMOROUS AND PATHETIC, ., .". -school rem scandals "YARN OF THE NANCY BELL," --:' . ': ! ' : "LA CICA," AC, AC. This Ls 3IR, HARTLEY'S SEVENTH READ- I ..''. 1NG In this cUv. To legin at 8 o'clock. Notice. piERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT ISSUEI BY tlie First National Bank of Wilmington, N. C, No. 3203, dated April 12th, 1332, for seven thou- - I - sand three Irondrcd three and thlrfy-threc one- hundred dollars ($7,303.33) in faror of the undersigned has been lost in transmission by mail, and all persons are cautioned against trading for same, as payment has been stop ped. A. C. LEAK. May Sth, . . may 12-tf Our New Saddlery and Trunk House SNOW OPEN AND READY FOR BUSI- ness, and we hope tojiaye alibcral share of the Public Patronage. We have a large assort ment of all classes of GOODS IN OUR LINE, and feel that we can meet the wantS of every one in QUALITY and PRICE. II. M. BOWDEN A CO., " mar 12-tf 40 Marketstreet. Big Drives JN CARPETS AND MATTING. , Lace Curtains. Of these Goods wc send sample packages by exuress to any responsible ltfirty and iav ex press one way The assortment is by lite Yard and by the Pair. ' BEAUTIFUL EMBROIDERED White Flannel,' At $1 00, $1 50 to $2 2." per yard. WHITE LAWNS A LINEN DE INDIA. ' ALSO, . Other LAWNS of Beautiful Texture. Linen Sheetings. P. C. LINEN, all widths. ) LINEN & MOHAIR ULSTERS. t maylHf R. M. McINTIRE. Ice Ice--Ice ! T WOULD RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY THE citizens and public generally, that I have laid in a ful supply of choice ICE and am now ful ly prepared to fill oruers to all points ou the Kailroads and Rivers at low prices, anil hope to secure a reasonable share of iiatronage. i 11. II. J. AH REX'S, 1'mp., wpl 2S-law -5w-sat New Ice House- Parson's Business Laws Enlarged & Improved. rjHE FRERES, I Mrs. Alexander. THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER, - m m i rw fe ay a wain. FAITH AND UN FAITH, By the Dutchess. HEINSBERGCR'S. At For Choirs. TIIE AMERICAN TUNE BOOK, THE STANDARD, !' THE TABOR, THE PRESBYTERIAN PSAMODIST, may 13 At HEINSBERGER'S. Bock Beer ! Bock Beer ! Tivoli Bock Beer ! jtT TnE FIItsT OF THE SEASON BUT THE BEST. In fact BETTER THAN THE BEST. , f T Our Refrigerator car is here with oar first shipment of the Season. ' ' IT CAN BELIT THK BEST, may lO-Swks ' , K. POKTNEU. Worth & Worth. QFFEB AT LOW PRICES TO PROMPT buyers: ie.000 Bushels COUN, 1,000 do. MKAL, 500 BarreU FliUIt, 150 Bags COFFEE. 100 Barrel SUGAR, 100 Boxes BACON, 100 Bales HAY, ' -30 Hbds. and BbU. NEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES, 2,000 Bbls. LJME.CEMENT & PLASTER, 1,000 SPIRIT BARRELS, .. New and second liand. Tobaeeo, Snuff, Soap, Lye, Potash, Matches, Candy, Candles, Hoop Iron, Nails, Ac, Ac. ... . apl SWT " y k ..... ..-- il1 V6 RH'l 4 rcceiirc c(?mniiraUons rai nrrtim.lpft air fttn rtfl frtibpcts of A from f The name of the trrltr mtisi aWay 1 fnr- nished to the Klitor. Conimunkations jmit , lc; vrrlttCTl on onlj one sblc of th" pajior. . v j j Personalities must le avoMcl. ,! Anl U U csivciaU'antlrfiCHlaTtj'- ;nler- ttool that the Elitor lo .'vot ajvrays ctlorsc he views of corrc!JiMnlent-? unl3 go minted In thee!Uornl K!timi3.- v -XEAV AUVEUTISKMES'rS. Croquet. Ol fL50,-fi 1, PER SETT S KAUi rLVIXETS, - . .. ." t .-BABY BASKETS, ,trar Hand 13. 1 ..' J - i Lunch, Work anil Fancy Flower Ra.lcl-. JAPANESE CUK)l$ramioh Fan?, Mai, Ac., Ac, at w' "may 7 ; C. WV YATES. Soda Water!! Soda Water!! TyK OFFER "T-l)AY irE COLD SODA WATER, with all the "nwlai .Frtilt Svrui, iitaiMition to which Ave ltHV.;Iecp JJock, Gin. ir Ale, Btrrh Wvr, Fresh .'reniu--ju.v; Mar tlnslque IJme Juice Syrups. -Pronounced the bestMnlu in the CUv." 1 may 10 MCNDS BROS,, DrjisrgUls. SUMMER GOOhS.y AT M, M; IA T Z;' S, SG MARKET STREET. Extraordinary Bargains ! DRESS G00DSJ A LL THE LATEST NOVELTIEjS IN SAT- ina RiiTTwili ' nnil ! T!rnpirtir milra Mrtiro An. tique, Tinsel, Eoulo, Nun's Veiling,. Bcngaliiiq. Buntings, all wool Jieiges, liawns, &ecrsu kersj. Pcrcala, Ac. Ever so many styles 'anl shades with Trimmings to match. White Goods : In every style, texture and quality possible... Pique, Tucking, Linen and Linen Lawns. F.mhrnifTflriftS V In Cmbrics, aNiiitsooks and Scvisac uns ur passed in Workmanship and Price. Laces Imported from almost every viutj-y, 'bought ami Fold as siKH-ial jolM. '.' (JLOA'KS ! HOSIERY ! COliSETS ! HANDKERCHIEFS, roLI.VlWJ. J SCARFS, RIB HONS, -' 41 VKILINtJS, CliEPElNt: ' ' & CUEPK VEILS . . FANS,' PARASOLS,' In endless variety and asbmUliiug IjvJ,,rlre-. ' ' i- .;'..'," v" -V ' ' ' r"'37 ' Housekeeping Goods ! :.- " . : ' f '' '';!. ', LINEN & OTTON SHEETING, DAM ASKS, Napkins, Towcli 4!V MEN and BOYS' WEAIfi LADIES' ViENTS, & CHILDREN'S OAllzE MERINO UNDERWEAll i. In short everything desirable ; tij an oiltutf and at Prices that defy competition.'' I " Call anl save money by patronlkinr - IW. IW. KATZT, anl 30 30 MARKET STt ICIiciTins Tolmcco. -yyE ILIi:SPECTFU:LLY OIKR TO OUK patrons and the trade generally, : 11 grade ot Chewing Tobacco of our former t lauufaeture, of which wc bold a arge ftock, aiid whU hwu will sell at rcaionablb prices. -Vf' f-iall cfon- Unue th Tobacco Business In all lUbranfch es, and shall atjd a Cigar Factory,!. which ill be known as the CHAMPION CIGAR FACTCBY i . it and thereby le enabled to sell First Ulif a pocl'l mir. at lowest priced and to comictc wltb anj ket. ; - - : ' . "v IK) NOT FAIL TO CALL UPON- fS! FR L' '' ' c HEAVING TOBACCO, and our salesmen will from time to tunc call tiion ron. to sollrtt cr- der. I Respectfully your. . I may Mm it. BRUNHILD & BRO "'.' i : I r -"i r-" IIew Restaii rant.1 v - - .,--'. I I THK UNDERSIGNED WOtiLD RIrKCTl ' i -' . i l fully announce that Iuj ba- jntfitteJ. upt No. S, Granite Row, South Front st.,"'fM jeiauraut - i , . V: .!.' ,n'z:ric Y for Ladies audiGtntkanen, vravre CH? and .. ." - . . . : -1 refreshments may Ijc ha'l at all bonrs'of .; tu day. Every Uuns , Is new and fin 5 daft- l' lite waiters and coarlcons attendant. p L nrGaino and Ornters In eaon,v Fine wirwa iJnuors and Cixars. t I novia F.A.SCIigTTVrrop. "A White Woman rtJLS GET AGCKD JI03XEAUUBEirAL 1