Til 1 3 PAPER c1(i;jc,l every morning, Mondays cx cepted by - C , JOSHT. JA3IKS, b1,it.;i ASUrttorRIBTOK. ..,T,avs 1'OSTAGK PAID: .. Six months, $2.0.). Three '''l.Viii)' one month, 33 cents. pi I"" will W delivered bv earners free 1'" !?.'' m: ;iii v purl of tho city, at tlio aljve , U "J ,,",...r, per week. , - !.m' -iTi.fi v.ill.ivport any ami nil fail . ' v!-li e i'.:-;r paix f regularly, LOCAL NEWS. , 7 ,un:X TO NEYV ADVEBTISEMEHT8. I"1' o - y M. Kin e'e C Stoves. ,;j,,.3Lvi:u5 Frosli, Y C. A. AK,etiu. . ... ir,. j ni: Must be Sold. j.'.hn-L IIkiuick New. . Mii.i-ki: Druggist.. Y Pianos and Organs, j H. Mallard Harness. V J a( oni I he liest Kule. , ()ui i:!-,)! ;i:; For Ten days. U'.'Uin i: Woutii Sundries. jw M.'McIxtikk Embroidery. M M Iv at v Summer Goods. )v. b. i'oATWKi;iiT XMice. jUL & Pears all Gallon us. ... Nolan Mules and Horse. jlM. iiownEX & Co Saddlery. W K. Davis & Son Cold Wave. .1 M. MfiioWAX Oir for Iloston. KuiiAKi' Dlmitii The 1 st bleats. C b. Jlvi.xs Home Made Candy. ,j . . 1 1 a im'LKV Dramatic readings. Mi ;s K. K a kkei: Esthetic Colors. M. S. W i i.i aud Insurance Agency, li b. rmruv New Summer Resort. (Ir.o. lb Fj:kxch & Sox Summer (tOOtls. ' j yt ii AinT.K First Blackilsh Ex t'ur?ion. . -' 1'ailkfj: & Tay i on Great Stove Eni-rium. W. E. Si'KixiiFK & Co Turpentine Tools- ' V See ad grouting Ladies "Memorial As- hociatioji. Mi nds Bkos or Jas. C. Muxds For Sale. II. M. Korn The National Sa loon. - Kekciixek ec Calder ISnos im IriiN. IlKiNr.r.K;F.u Cologne, 'Parasols Sr. " For other locals see fourth page.. Fifih Sunday after Easier. Davs length 11 hours and 2 minutes. Sunset this afternoon at 57 minutes pat o'clock. The receipts of cotton at tills port U'stcrday foot up only 1-0 bales. Two children were interred in Pino Forest Cemetery during the week. Only one adult interred in Rellevue Vmetery during the week. Two adults and one child were inter red in Oakdale during the week. . ('apt. dames Nolan has another lot of tiue mules and horses for sale. See his ad. elsewhere. Anything in the hardware line can be found at reasonable prices' at Jaco- "S'litabs" are rare and delicate, but loves and Jpigeons are plentiful and . A true assistant to nature in restor ing the system to perfect health, thus iiabhng it to resist disease, is Urown's iron Hitters. .. Work on the Masonboro Turnpike is pro-ivsing favorably. The road is i ving sin utened and hardened. A gang of hands have been hard at work on it for the past week! I re.-,lnvat.r Pereh,Trout and P.laek hsh hooks and lines. Aiull assort ment ami lowest prices at Jacokis. t Poverty is Iiard, but debt is horrible a man might as well have a smoky house and a scold wife which are said to W the two worst evils of our life.. To Huilders and others Go to Jaco kl for Sash, Hinds and Doors, Glass, Ac. You can get all sizi and at the lowest prices. t . Messrs. V. E. Davis & Co. have two cargoes of Kenebcc Hint ice on the way tor them. Thev nropose to keer nn rv ixxlntss among the citizens of Wil ngton and surrounding country. ' n 01 ee advertisement of 1. Miner m an- thor column. The goods must Jbe sold ; Within two weeks, lvgardless of cost. He means business. ' It M'isrg. Hancock & Dairgett's new st'n; is fast approaching completion. '1 he cornice was placed on the building yesterday and attract ed very general. aucntion. Tlie annual meeting of the I-adics Memorial Association will be held next Tuesday afternoon, atTli o'clock, at the school room in rear of St. James' Church. H 1 VOL. VIJ Fine One.s i We wcrcshown .sbme of the largest and finest Iri-sh potatoes yesterday we have seen in a Ions itime. Thev were 1 ' raised by Capt. Savage, Superintendent ci.v u 1 . . . , .u-mi,wuvob oftbe eountv Poor House Iv the wav I 01 me coumy i oor iiousc. i tnc w aj , Mr. D. L.TIale. of Pender COUntV. who ; , T ' ' I ' i I na oee 11 spentung a uay or ijvvo at ine Poor House, told pus yesterday that he was going to mye ' to this! county in hopes of being sent to the jPoor House to share .some of its comforts and luxu ries. . ' . j I We find that -the only true way of preach the Golden Rule, is to practice it; at least such seems '.'to be the way of Re . Mr. F. M. Winburne, Pastor M. E. Church' South, Mexia, Texas, who writes as followsj:: Several months since I received a supply of St. Jacobs Oil. Retailning two bottles, I distribut ed the rest among niyj friends. Ji is a most excellent remedy for pains and aches of various kind, especially . neu ralgia and rheumatipk affections. f- . St. James Home. We have before us a copy '.of the 13th Annual Report of the Sisterhood- of the (Jood Shepherd of New York, in which we ilnd a very interesting reterence to the St. James' Home imthis city. Fejfr persons among us are? aware of tlie great good whicliis being accomplished by this excellent instjtution. Sonio knowledge of the. workj may.be had from the following extract from the re port: . j I We have continued to work on St. James1 Church, Wilmiugton,! N. C. under its Rector, Re Alfred A. Wat son, D, U., having charge of its Home Parish School anil Mission. The work in St. James' Home lias increased dur ing the winter. A booking school for the larger girls of the j PaTish has been opened to meet a want, very generally felt. ! j ' The Parish School calls, loudly for more accommodations!. Class-rooms have become a. necessity." The names of over ninety scholars j are on the roll, while eighty-four Svere present at church on Ash-Wednesday, j These are daily in attendance and must be kept in or der, while two classes are taught in one crowded room. This 'condition of things over-taxed the strength of the sister-in-cliargc, and the school had to be closed i'ox 0 week- I " The Sunday School, numbering one innfiro1 nnl thi rtv. 'is crowded into the same room. Cannot something be idone to meet the great ! need ot the school.'' When it re-opens in the Fall'mustlchil fnrMl ndmiUarice? We un- derstand $1,500 would bmld class rooms, ana add a chancel for Sunday services that arc held j here for the bene fit of the families with which the chil fr.ipl. t i Will not the friends of this work come to the aid of these poor - cnuaren ana tW-mnms where Stheir health will not sulfer, -and where all who apply may be received r" 1 ne couage reau-in-s and "house to house?' visitations j,-. Koon ortntinnpfF TheiSisters have appreciated the gift of a parlor cdrpet ana many oiner iukuus 01 micican in their work. Useful gifts have been sent to the Sewing scnooi, wxue em pathy and appreciation hare been shown in many otiiei . Escape and Capture. On Friday last" Sahdera Griffin, a white inmate of the insane of the Poor House, made department his escape, but was recaptured and carried back to lii-n1d miarters. He had been allowoa fine liberty of the stockale, hnd took ad vantage of a favorable opportunity 01 digging the heater room, where he found a sptide,- and dug down under the wall and "lit" tfut for the j woods. Captain Savage saw him in time to givei chase, and after a few minutes' race overtook nnd caDfured him. Griffin was convey- ed back to the Poor a House and placed in closer conlinemedt. To Promote a Vigorous Growth of the hair, use Parker Ilair Balsam. It tii i-rkiitbf ill !oolor to irrav hair. removes dandrutl and cures itching of the scalp; ; - Kins? Cotton.; - , The.receipts of cotton at this port for the week ending with yesterday, foot up 38S bales as against 530 bales for the corresponding period of last year, a de rivase of 1 12 bales. For the crop year to date the receipts foot up 135,154 bales as against 115,402 bales to May 16, of last year.-ah increase this C92 bales. ; year of 19,- j One one of the Alabama Men. There is an tnglisiiraan uw iuuuv V .... rz wWiia oi nowara, on iir. i;i -place at Greenville Sound, who was on the .Confederate ship Alabama, when shie was sunk by the KcarsagAlo says that he was in the water two jhours be fore he was rescued by the Greyhound. He loves to talk about the exploits of I the famous Confederate cruisr. 1IEE. LEMMEKMAX In this city, Mav 13th, ai " p. iu., THOMAS, only child of II. T. and M. Lmmerman, aged 5 months and 12 days. I ; Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral this day at 5 p. m. from the residence on Princess street, between Sixth and Seventh streets, to Oakdale Cemetery. 1 J l r I OL. ii Ji - I ;i L - WILMINGTON, N. C NEAV AIVERTISE3JCEXTS. Off For Boston ! J JVILL BE ABSENT PROM THIS CITY ior a lew a ibiliujt cn ion, imjs ljii ami other markets where I will select a stock of the oWegt and purest Liquor8 to f0umi. Mr. for a few uaya vwiting- Ner York, Boston and 1 T a t k ... 1 . Isaiah West will have charre of the Bar until I return. J. M. McGOWAN. may- 14.1t. Mules and Horses. . 1 J ATiGE AND WEIJL-BROKE, 5 j to8 yeara old, 14 to 17 hands high, for sale. Can be seen for next f-mr iliva Ht t'nrrict'a St!lp- may J4 2t JAMES NOLuVN,. Great Stove Emporium. 19 Front Street, I WILMINGTON. i Parker & Taylor's may 14 WE IIAVK CONCLUDED TO OFFER For Ten Days! JTARE BARGAINS IN MEN'S, YOUTH'S, BOY'S and CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, pur object Is to rednco our 8PRING STOCK In order to secure more room for the display of SUMMER GOODS now receiving. To further this end during above stated time mi " t 18 00 20 00 (i c. 1600 180o . . . 14 00 16 00 .. . .. .. 1150 M 14 00 c . . 11 00 12 50 t 10 00 11 50 . 8 50 " 10 00 You. You. You. You. You, ;You. 1. t. 300 4 00 Proportionate reduction In children's '! ' ' 1 Cassimere Suits. GAUZE UNDERSKIRTS, fair quality, 25c. In short we'll run a small cyclone through former prices on all GOODS IN OUR LINE. OTTEBBOTJRG, may 14 CLOTHIER. New Summer Resort! Hotel Brunswick, SMTXIiyiLLE, N. c. JQIHECTLY IN FRONT OF THE OCEAN, and twenty-five miles below Wilmington. Tho HOTEL BRUNSWICK Is a new struc ture, and will be open for the reception of i- guests on THE FIRST DAY OF JUNE. ' - i It commands a splendid view of tho Harbor and Occani Steamers and ships pass In front Of the door. i . Al i Sailing and fishing are unsurpassed. Bath Houses for the use of guests. A good Band of Music and Ball Room will be open day and night. Ton-pin Alley, uuiaru xiau ji attached to the Hotel. ' THE TABLE will be supplied with Fish, Crabs, Oysters, Clams, Terrapins, and every product of the sea. " 4 i rtrst-Ciass i'assenger oicamu ,,111., Wilmington and Smithville morning and even ing, making two trips each way. j The Proprietor has an experience of many vcars In charge of summer hotels at Beaufort, Including the late Atlantic Hotel. Cheap Excursion Tickets will be sold on the. different railroads. i A . ... I Terms moderate. Special rates to famihesj B. L. PERRY, Proprietor, and of ,Purcell House, Wilmington, N. C. - may U-3m. Pj. S. Willard, y IFE. riRE, MARINE & ACCIDENT IN SURANCE AGENT. , j REPRESENTING ! MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 1 ! of New York. (The Largest INSURANCE COMPANY in the world.) PAMLICO Insurance & Banking Company. SWISS Lloyds (Marine). Accident Insurance Company of North Amerlcalwith aggregate assets of over $97,- 000,000.00. Agents wanted for the Accident Insurance Company of North America, In every town of importance in the State. For information apply to M. S. WILLARD, ' . State Agent. Office in the building occupied by Messrs. DeRosset A Co." may 14-1 1 First Blackfish Excursion xF THE SEASON WILL TAKE PLACE Thursday, the tSth' on .the Steamer PASS The Boat will leave her wharf at 5 o'clock, A. ffit i. W. HARPER. Y. M. C. A. MEETING OF THE ABOVE WILL BE held on Monday night next. In the Lecture Room of the First Presbyterian Church at 8 o'clock, to enroll members and elect a of Directors. Young men especially and au others Interested in tho work are invited, may 14-lt . j ' .1 Erhard Demutfo i T3UTCHER, NEXT DOOK CUttJfc -.r T kct and Water Streets, WILMINGTON, X. C. - The lest Meats of all kinds always n hand. mayli-lw SUNDAY. MAY 14, 188'i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ! IOO Dozen I 3D GLOVES SLIGHTLY SPOTTED, 20 Cents Per Pair ! . Worth $1.00 ! 'T'5 e ,50 Pieces BLACK GRENADINE AT 121-2 Cents! Worth 40 Cents ! W ASH POPLIN" I AT 6 Cents Worth 10 Cents. . AT 38 MARKET STREET. Cold Wave ! riOMINGTOUS. Schr. ELLA M. HAWS sailed May 4th, Schr. CORRIE BELL sailed May Gth, with Kennebec Flint Ice. "BEST IN THE WORLD." may H it . W. E. DAVIS & SON. A New Lot fXT HARNESS JUST RECEIVED AND FOR sale low. I have full lines of Trunks and Va Uses at prices to suit the times. S3" Repairing executed neatly and with dis patch. J. H. MALiARD,f Sttcceaeor to Mallard & Bowden, may 14-tf No. 8 Front Street. . Turpentine Tools. pULLERS, HACKERS, DIPPERS, WHET- ters, Picks, Hackwelghts, Trnss Hoops, Joint r ' A A-nm A -v-aa C.nniwra Planfts. "PlUinhea. Chisels, Acc. Large amount of the above coodfi now in ntock and on" the'wav. Good goods and prices guaranteed. K SPRIXfiERACO. Successors to Jno, Dawson & Co., 19, 21 A23 Market St., mayl4-ly Wilmington, N. C, ; Bear, in Mind - HPHAT I KEEP FULL AND COMPLETE Stocks of Drugs and have ingredients to fill ANY PRESCRIPTION. FuITstocks of Patent Medicines. Prescriptions compounded any nour or tnemgnt. x.t.miijui-jk. Stores : Fourth and Nun Sts., Fourth and Han over StS. may x4-ii ! 3STEW Black Spanish Lace, g ASH RIBBONS, LISLE THREAD, AND LACE GLOVES, LACE COLLARS A TIES, ; WARNER'S HEALTH ABDOMINAL AND NURSING CORSETS. Jno. J. Hedrick. may 14 I Embroidery. XTAJNSOOK AND JACONET IN GREAT variety, from low-priced to line, just opened. EMBROIDERED WHITE FLANNEL, $1 00, $1 50 to $2 25 per yard. 1 We keep a great variety of these. Fancy Mattings. Large quantities selling, the Prices must be right. Some novelties to arrive In DRESS pOODS ..;' ' - 4 : early in the week. . ! Udies Trunks 32, 34, 36. Headquarters on these Goods. Respectfully, may 14 kTm. MCINTIBE. " The National Saloon I Kertneast Corpe Market A Water Streeia. writr rtvrc-r WTW T.IOTTORS AND - CI 1 GARS In the city. SODA WATER, SAB- SAX Alfcl 1. 1. A, C, VC- iwuis-w IjlSSf" w. H. M. KOCH, Proprietor. G L 0 E S NO. fis. NEW AD VERTISlptENTS. Dramatic Eeadings. MR, J'. W. HARTLEYS ', FAREWELL TOUR. A.C5T X3I-A.3L,X, - ' MONDAY NIGHT, MAY 15TII. MOST ATTRACTIVE PROGRAMME. HUMOROUS AND PATHETIC, "SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL," "YARN OF THB NANCT BELL,' ! "LA CICA," &C.I AC. This is MR. HARTLEY'S SEVENTH READ ING In thU city. To begin at 3 o'clock. ADMISSION 50 Cents. For Sale. ON MRS. WM. WRIGHT'S SOUND PLACE a lot of Lumber, suitable for building a commodious Bath House, or for fencing. This lumber being useless to owners will be sold remarkably cheap. Also a good Bateau with Oars and Oar-locks. For further infor- mation annlv to may 14 MUN UNDS BROS., or J. C. MUNDS. Home Made Canty. TURE AND WHOLESOME. JL ... All kinds made fresh every oay at C. E. JE YENS', Second Street, three doors below the Post office. may 14-tf Pianos & Organs. Wood's Organs, AND i Decker Bro's. Pianos. S TRICTLY FIRST-CLASS INSTRUMENTS. Ask for price list and terms. may 14 YATES' BOOK STORE. Must Be Sold ! JgALANCE OF STOCK OF DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, LACK GOOUS, Jce., in store o. 47 Market Street, next West of Dr. Green's Drug StorcMust be sold within the next fort nighf. I am offering many articles at 1 - - A Great Sacrifice ' As I am determined to close out balance of stock regardless of cost- ISA AC SHRIER, mayU-lt 47 Market Street. j We Can SUIT YOU IN PRICES OR WE CAN SUIT on in nnalirv and stvle of Window Shades. Another lot just in to-day. Don't this warm weather make you wish for one of Zimmerman's Improved Overstrung Awnings? Report at may 14 27 N. Front St. NoticeV THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE LADIES ! MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION will bo held at the School Itooni In the rear of St. James' Church, at 5 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, . - . . . . . i m 11 l 'I a ! - M t ft 3iay Join, at wnicn nine jjivjciiou uivui cerswill take place and the yearly member ship renewed. A full attendance is requested, may 11 2t Hoyt's German Cologne ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. JAPVNESE PARASOLS, I FANCY BASKETS, ENVELOPES AND PAPER, - I. LATEST PERIODICALS. i ' FIRST CLASS PIANOS & QRGANS. All Standard Novels. MAMMOTH FALCON PENS, PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES. may 14 At HEINSBERGER'S, Bock Beer ! Bock Beer Tivoli .BockBeer ! J-OT THE FIILST OF'THE SEASON BUT THE BEST. In fact BETTER THAN THE BEST...' j - j- Our.Ref rigerator car Is here with our flrstsbipment of the Season.. IT CAN BEAT THE BEST mayl0-2wka R. PORTNER. Worth & Worth. OFFER AT IjOW PRICES TO PROMPT - i - ' ' ! "M . buyers : -1 10.000 Bushels CORN, 1000 do. MEAL, ! 500 Barrels FLOUR, 150 Bags COFFEE. 100 Barrels SUGAR. 100 Boxes BACON, 100 Bales HAY, -250 Hhds. and .Bbls. NEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES, SOOOjlbls. LIME.CEM ENT A PLASTER, 1)000 SPIRIT BARia-S, New and second hand. Tobacco, Snuff, Soap, Lye, Potash, Matches, C&ady,' (jancues, iiaop iron, zu, .cw, u mayW - ,- , rLEA5?E "nOTTCE. " We Win be glal ;to ry felvoorniHlc4tIoi5a from our fricmU onany and ail subjccU of ; general Interest but , , , . The name of the Trriter must always be fur nla!icil to the4 Editon - j Communications must be written on only one side of the paper. Personalities must be a voided. . i And It l? especially and particularly under stood tint the IMitor dec not nhxav - endorse Jhj vhnrs of corrc?ponlonts uillc?5 o." .stated ' In tlic.oditorlal columns. NEW ADVrntTISKMICN'TS. SqdaWater! ! Soda Water! ! WTK OFFER TO DAY iCt: COLD SODA WATER, with all the rosisUlr Fruit S' mav 10 Ml'NDS BROS;, Ero&tol's. iiuy ou is ce riioit W. E. Davis & Son 3STOTICE. TTAVING SOLD OUR ICFJ HOUSE N D we ask for Wu:m the patron;:p3o UteraXJt be stowed upon us. ; J."E. LIPPJTT & CO.- mav 7-3C-7-14-21. ' M r ! otice. QERTIFICATEOFDErOSIT IUKD BY tlie First National Bank of WilmlngtoivN. C.,. No. C'203, dated April 12th 1SS2, for seven thou- ! . i sand thrco liundrcd three nnd thirfy-thrcc one- -: -. . S. i 1 hundred dollars ($7,303.03) ia 1 favor jof the undersigned has been lost in tnuismbftibn by mail, and all persons arc cantioned "lgain9t i - -1 trading for same, as 'payment has been stop- i.ped. A C. LEAK. May8th,lSS2. may 12 tf Our'New Saddlery 1 and Trunk' House JS NOW OPEN AND READY FOR BUSI ness, and we hoixj to have alibcral iSharc of tho Public Patronage. Wc have a largo assort mentof all classes of GOODS IN OUR LINE, and feel that we can meet tho wants of every one in QUALITY and PRICE. II. M. EOWDEN & CO., may 14-tf 40 Market fitrcetj Bock Beer ! Bock Beer ! rjinE FIRST OF THE SEASON AND BEST of All .". "; I . .'- '.' BERG N Ell & EXCEL AGAIN AHEAD! We received our. first instalment of JBOCK BEER yesterday iii our refrigerator cars. , IT CAN'T BE. BEAT I WM. GENAUST, v may 3-2wks Agent. John Werner. ' I . . ,'.7 PRACTICAL GERMAN BARBER AND PERFUMER, . 29 MARKET ST., WILMINGTON, N. Cj "I T ANUFACTUltKU OF PARISIAN BUIL ItX lahtin'c, Friction and Ijtislon. ALjolOx tracts, Colognes, Beautillcr; Hair -Oil), -Tonics, Renewer, Renovator, Hungarian, Cosmetic, and Hair Dves of evcrj' shadi. I beg to'biform the piiblic that'll ran bo found at Mr. John -Werner's, pr0iared towalt upon all who favor me with a call. : . t i itpj ii n mi i nr I r' mav 12 1 Aesthetic Colors and Shapes. T RECEIVED BY STE AMS11 1 1," 'GVrLF Stream" a large invoice of Millinery, '111 the new . t I - 1 new Straws, Esthetic Trimming Flowers, Ac. I have oliharid a beautiful asHorteicnt of Fancy Goods, Neckwear, Fans Jand Sai&Hcls, IadU- and Children's Uudcrwcar and lio.'rlcrj.. t Respectfully, -MISS e. karrek; mar 5 Exchange Corutr. Summer Goods ! QENT'S LOW TIE.-, GENT'S LOW BUTTON. LADIES', MISSES' and CHILDREN'S L '..it PERS, and -Low ".Shoes in . i'ci-at .tariVJi a:n i latest styles at LOW PRICE at G EO. R. FJ1ENC1 y & SON, may" "' 39 Ndrttt Front trtt. Wilmington Shiri Factory itie Only one m - - J. ELSBACII, Proprietor. riHIE ABOVE FACTOR1 U ipa ly tow I -offer to the jmuiic grei jnur-nieui m White nirfc nt the following' low iiTlN w: Krhe "( 'ongrr'-" Siiirt open.bnfk -do,, .. front, 7.V. Of thee iopnlar Shirt, -wf -ihave sold huudrcd f izn in the city . a; wUI a in the country, and theryfort U we it tfco-n t. the public, and ne"l nacooion nU. TbaXJ&oy al a Wauisutta Shirt, With 22UO Hncp front, lor. Bov's Shirt all t!zc.-, 7V. N!?tiCUirH 7.V, Cof. Drea SI Jrt.4 trow aul upwanl. Cottr.n Drawers from 2-V. up'wanj. Ilrvf Jenn Drawers, ilouhto Uipd en. tlse rcaU.'A . shirts and Drawer made to orlcr at fei', fig ures and a good lit alw3T guarantee I. "J Country onler trictly ;undt.-d t. "Ite articles, which wc now offer for sle arc u'so uxat home by well trainct awlt lflng cxn enccd harnU and no nnhcn m-ike fV in fclzes. f.t and quality. TW -lIrtj 'arc ai reinforced anl cat ltttbway H e cltb, tang oughly examined U fore U.g Lrjt,,'" ,r.' Evenr Shirt bi narnnt to Qti tnlirjr SS& as repented or th U !g. fundcl. Come and save money at. 1 17 tur ShirU at the factory. . ' f j VerylpectfoBAC I mw- -Unafcturer. , ; M 'WW ' w " . - 1AN GET A GOOD nOME AND LIBERAL wage y appiyw - ,j. r. rrnpf, in addition ti wlsich ve have "Deep L'6ck..!n--or Alo, Birch V-ocr, rrc-!i Civf:n-oinm Mar1 tinsique Ijlme .Tnv Syrum. 'J,rcnmwd, tiro best So'Liiu the Citv. ' . . . ; f - I i'-

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