i i f ' THISPAPEK' s IBUIU"'! . . . i jOSHTJAHES,. T,PTlONS POSTAGE PAJ Six month.;- $2.00. Three -w' mAnth S5. cents. - xj .... m be deliver by carriera free fM - ...-r of tno CUT, "V ..kirr--1 ,-,-week. ft" 1A II W I " j- . i m orat ion - or fail rw, x-s iner ri'- i n win report any aim ' tbeir paper J; .4 UP ' rtD.X TO JVMJM11 ;r i muES-Root beer. - . latte, Ji'UncwandOrsan.. i TTT-Hou9e cleaning. - ,7 .K.iO;iil,c fB w,;t& Co-Saw .m.l. ., t ( V 30 tier week. Wll.MlMIO- j J V -. ' " - WetwinbeglUlt& receive tommd&lcauos - IT nlfn f 1i vJcHj " "TZI-'l- ' " ' II Y '"J" from our friends m any and auatibJ:of F l"TT TTT "I ' ! U ' A '"""TT" f I) WW 7 federal interest but ". J.'.r ; .: i" ".I :r.(j?.' ' , ,1 .. S I I : II A , VW 1 -J ! A " ' The naiMe of tbe wrtter must always be fur 4 . II Vy T M 1 I W "1 J WAV nlshel to the Editor. . 1 - i - J W f ' jl " II J J V J Y Y Q Communications must be written on only 1 i r - "7 ' one fiii of the paper. S i - ' ' . Personalities must be atoi Jed. " , VOL. VI. WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY. MAY 17. 1882. NO. 120. general intrest but The name of the writer must nLshed to the Editor. Communications must be written one side of the paper. 4 i .- Personalities must be avoided." i And It ia especially an.1 particularly under- stowl that tle Kd'.for doo not always endorse he views of correspondents unless so stated in tlie editorial, columns. Ladies Memorial Association. The annual meeting of the . Ladies' Memorial Association was .held yester day afternoon' at the i school house in rear of St. James' Chuoch. ng was called to order! by t of the Treasurer's report. Jt us. then. I beseech you, continue our services of love as long as there are any to join us. I would suggest that the time of starting be put at a later hour, Say 5 o'clock, another year. The meet-1 -V,uru ""MVf "v J" tinO IJiUsL Gtr, lilU ad jjcvtjonj io reauing i f nrlHin.r a larcre number ot departed vote of ( names to our list of the departed, and ! . . .i i - a: 1 . C f V. thanks was tendered the musicians who i marking uieir sacreu rew8P; our nine wuiw swuc. iv"'v, tr-.ll-.nt. soiiIa liavo riaasetl awav. but VuwstStbket i Ci i rite ii Strawberry Fkbhch & Sons IJest in disroursed such exuuiaite melody dur-i ing the. services on Memorial Day. After'readins; the President's report the follow in sr officers- and ''manager were elected lor the ensuing year: ; President Miss Hettie Jatnes. Vice President Mrs. A. L.!lJeRo3set. ever l)less our noble Association Supreme IiOdsre KDisrlits or Honor. This bojdy met in Baltimore, May 9, and was called to order by Supreme Dictator V. B Hoke. From his annu al report we collect the following for the good of the Order: This U the ninth aunual session. During the period of AIVKRTISEMEXTS. TUK BtOK FtTt TIIK T1MKS ! On tnat sells. "THE WOMEN OF MORMOKISM." The btorv of the vlctnin themsche ! Ulna t rated. AGENTS WANTEI. 4w WM. S11EPA1U, SS3 Dmndway, N. Y. the existence of the Order, $5,967,003 I their names are written forever upon-i nau dbwi pam ou a,ww wam, tu-u . memory: aiiu now,.: by uw assessments. Jiuring irb iiscm year ending April 29, 1882, the sum of 2,211.135 has been for death claims. To tho tablet of memory : Ana i Ladies, inv task is ended and I retire, wishing my successor as pleasant :i j labor and a3 courteous fellow-workers ! -e liavft fnllon to mV lot. MT God cwcdv rniir 5T00YI E-fVirvi w au a m u Will cet valuable Information t KEKi bv en n nt- Ing for circular to XTOi;KJEE, Boston, Ma?.. .. TT IMPROVED ltOOT BEKR,;23c-J r XI 11 Co package makes 5 Rallon of a delW Maolis5l t rnTfTi T)afre. other kvais tw- r Treasurer Mrs. Dr. Andoi-son. Secretary Miss Ivatc Btirr. Managers Mrs. Jolm Cantwell, Mrs. Roger Moore, Mrs. W' T. Daggett, Mrs. T. II: McKoy, Mrs. Norman Mc-R-i- MiHtiBettio Pried. Mrs. Vm. R, . s- i Frmioh. Mrs. Dr. G. U Jnhn Ilednck. Mrs! Mrs. Dr. Everett, M Mrs. Wiggins, Mrs. Jolm Brown, Mrs. John Poisson. Mrs, Josh. 4ames. fires wero in order For -rrnats and T-e,trdaj andlartnight. ' some nnelanSUn this city yester Jay morning- . As yet the body of Mr. Griffin Flow--rshasnotbecnJbund. V veryheATy rain passed over Smith tn yesterdayMt rained all day. r.eiDt of cotton at this port iiv r --MtffdaytupMbalc. New moon this morning at 19 min utes i'ast2 o'clock. ' ' i h Pleetric fire alarm has arrived and will be plawl in position in the bell tower to-day One of the largest business establish, menw on air wharf was found open last night by the police. Thomas, Mrs. John Rankin, iss ,j una j ames, Will av Celebrate? We have been asked if the 20th would j insurance. be celebrated as a holiday in trus cny. We sec n reason why it should not be. It is the anniversary- of the Mecklen burg Declaration of Independence and the law of the Stato makes it a legal holiday.. North Carolina should ob serve with pride the day which marks the greatest period in her colonial his- pay this sum 18 assessments have been required, an actual cost to each mem ber1 efcgo-45-yej- m4lwiMlr j9 por thousand dollars for a safe aud reliable Within the period ol one i i i. i vear. iSa.oou new memoers imo-uwu initiated and 335 new lodges instituted. The present membership is 146,500. All monies paid into Supreme Treas ury from assessments, is known as the Widow and Orphan's Benefit Fund. It is held separate and distinct by Subor- -i -mm din ate and Sunreme Lodges, and is methods by which he may provide against such a calamity,' if he is prudent and considerate. It claims among its members some of the very best men in bur country. Its permanence is now conceded and the most sceptical have been compelled to admit it a grand suc cess as a beneficent Order. Intelligent members who have studied its methods and principles have entire faith- in its permanency and usefulness. T. - It cardinal features are to unite fra- tcrnallv all acceotable white men of I every profession, business or occupa tion : to give all moral and material aid in its power to its members; to estab- lisii a luiiu Jiui mu xciiv;i vt. -iv.i--v- distressed anembers; to establish a benefit fund of $2,000 to be paid at the death of & member to his ? familyror to b-rdipo3-o may n irincr, '. ; Freight Facilities. Yesterday Ave spoke of the changes and improvements being made at tn tti TT A TVTTl HP fPfi Tl A TT machine and car works of the Wil- lKLiiAJNJJ UJt 1U-UAX .- Ask vour tlmsnrlst. or ient ht iuaII for , . .V. aw H Ilk. tl-. .14 1 . mv 17-4w . crage. PARKER'S V88W Best Health ami MrenjrU Itcatorer - Laed. : ; Cures Complaints ot omeu nni useases ox Uio Stomach, Bowels, lainprs, uw-anu -jvui Ulufftr l-sscnccs ana ouier ionrc, m intoxicates, soe, ana pik-. -unrpr- c,uk. v buying tl size. Hl!COX t Co., ew ors. . AGENTS WANTED FOR MJLL1VANS The following is the President's ad- j tory. dresa: i! Ladies of the Mtmoria I Association : Tho. fourth vear of my service as President of y our j Association is draw j To-Morrow Night, i The Sunday School Social Society of the Front Street M. E. Church will hold inf near its end, biiit I feel that I cannot a strawberry and ice cream festival at resign my position j without a parting Rankin Hall to-morrow evening. A M -Sn'SSShSh Pl-ant time promised to all who at- you have extended to me at an times, teuu, aim vro auuvy xjl ll Buo.i. andforwhiclil assure you I am most antec that the promise will be carried gratefuL : L!'t 1 out than the fact that our genial eSTJtTnl friend. Capt. W. M. Parker, will assist LUU Pl"- V . I , i ! L , , ' -TTI 1. - ? a.x.: vmr hptween the present moment and tnc ladies. v nere ne is, au uuugs iU. of our first orcranization asa La.im" r UiW UMJ V T 9 1 V- QWUiU memorial society, ana . ever; uung uzu , .1 IVv.. miii- lomonton OAfifl thf. oeen uouo xu u" rnr. Tt is well known that Alfred Cozzens, bor is ended, save the labor of love, Esq of Green Bay, keeps a hotel m f th rorlv ril model stvle. even wnen trouDied witn ' utviAoo nfmiv incf hnnoa Rheumatism, as he was until he tried ih hida ns once a veai-be it cold or St. Jacobs Oil with splendid success n uivu i - i i hot, dark or sunny to gatner, ourselves together, young men and! maidens, old men and children, for that sacred, aye! at-pi -with sweet, fresh flowers and'pious words from reverend of Audit and Finance have adopted our lips, wo bury our braves anew ! j Shall suggestion, and have concluded to put 'WSST;I?S!S thelO cents per .lay deduction back on iio rio-htir.fr fw4- onr firi-idps the wages ot tno police iorce. inemen oh vioTd tr the vearlv suarcrestion irom t certainTv deserve and earn every cent mington Weldon Railroad. Our in quiries then elicited so much of inter est that wo continued our investigations for to-day's issue, whereby we learned much which will be of importance- es- sacredly applied to the payment of death pecially to tlie commercial and business work at once th citv and those transacting J. c. McCcrd UCIlUil 1S , IL CiVll UX2 UOtU 1UI uvw.u- i -... v . business here. Two new freight warehouses will soon be in course of construction, one of which will be for the Wilmington, f-Tnttv-iiiftirtn livThos. rowcrO'Connor.'M.l.) Centuries of KnHsh oppression net forth. It j tlescrlbes Ireland's ruin ami the people's aes- titration, it shows hovr the land waa oouiw -- ex-- K cated ami the Industrie destroyed. u . .1.. I .t. T t siacr-no thfl TjtTKI C. ATlll Coercion BilL Contains 32 engravings and mapv. m colors. Price only ?2 per copy, bales lm- mense. Send 50c. tor full outllti and Ijegln c For full particulars, aaorw j McCcrdv & Co., Chicago, iut 68 be- pose. One assessment call now pays nefits,-equal to $132,600. The General Fund ot the supreme odge, whidh arises from per capita tax Columbia & Augusta Railroad, and tne - other for thp. Wilminsrton & Weldon GEORGE PAGE . CO. Manvflaetorera of Patent Tortabla Circalar ")-'-; igs puuccarT a4on--u The Police "Wagres. We are glad to know that the Board a ythine in the hardware lino can . k f,,nnl it reasonable prices at J ACQ- Bi'8. t- iTnlAHH'tliFrA'is a change of wind, me blackfish excursion advertised ir some, uiau "f r. X X:, " tney are paid TWaywiU be postpone! until next Mum JJ 5-310 wrek. th Lost Cause " and ner iaiien oraves, : TT. r. ' nn Urriirv oav keen it udJ even though Fanny (iore, who was "in" ior oy -"" for then we know! only days, paid her fine yesterday.and siiook those ;om our ranks whose hearts are t, hmt of tho iraard house Irom ner ith ours." Can we not one uay 1 lit l....tsA anl o?-v-tirfiirii lvrr Ui"W -vr - .- - . An enricher of the blootl and puriner weary march, not oniy oore itb upu- Columbus county; tt the aystem; cures lassitude and lack yenience during the iieat ot ttie day, of energy: inch is Brown's Iron "Bit- but had no resting placo at night save ienn. ; Unmailables. The following is a list of the unm ail- able . postal matter remaining in the Posioflice in this city : Mrs W J McDiarmid, Manchester, N C ; James Hall, Cffadbourn station, B Spooncr, Kenton, the earth; diteu tlie sca,nt supply 01 wator which their canteens lurnisneo, hflwlv sufficient to cool their 1 cry Everybody's Book. nn. 1 n rm. i?;f I V"r r - . x l i " insnew una wan mouw io"Mbeinir barely sumcienu cuui wi,-,-.;i fro, Mr PJM 1'rPshvtPriftn Churrh. and the new nave- rnrchftd tongues : compelled to lie down -' ' I . 1- : 4i, i, 1 witii (instr-staiiiiiu iikks. uujj iiv iwi va v n-nw ery xuu uiipvc the bumiiig lieat of of a neat little volume entitled "Every T f Di WlAr I I 1 I - iuc nv. I il fx- o ronnan lllOll T.nO SOU I . , . , -.i j; i. ;i. me un, iui DO(jy s iSoOK. AS lts uue muicaws jl To Ruiltlrs and others Go to Jaco- wmcu i- :V:Lrr "f i "of interest and use to North Caroli- ' 1 ni-t- rra nn i 1 rtri 11 i ri i i 1. v ir i 1 1,111 ej.ii rw si's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, lnariM hav nassed between them and &. You can get all sizes and at the us? This question is brought forth from fe30.953 in the treas- other for aiiu 1 ' 7 1 11-ir Thp ordpr is nrosDerinfr. and soon Railroad. tii. 7 j-iv -... x ' as advisable we will give some further details of the session. SUPREME OFFICEKS ELECTED FOK THE ; ENSUING YEAR. Judge R. H. Cochrane, Wheeling- Supreme Dictator. F. T. Ireland, Nebraska City Su preme Vice Dictator. G. jF. D. Slort, New Haven, Conn. Snpreme Assistant Dictator. r B. F. Nelson, Ashland, O. Supreme Reporter. Judge R. W. J. Breckenridge, Ky. Supreme Treasurer. S. W. Holland, Newberry, b. C Suprenie Chaplain. ! Nelson Poe, Jr., Baltimore Supreme Oulde. E. J. Davenport, Minneapolis Minn. Supreme Guardian. P. C. Carleton, Statesille, N. C Supreme Sentinel. j Judge W. B. Hoke, Louisville, Ky. Supreme Past Dictator. Supreme Trustees J. W. Walker, Erie , Pa.; ! Geo., S.. Woodman, Au burn, Me.; C. II. Ross, Milwaukee, Wis. Thirty-five States were reprsented. Representative men, men of distinc tion and prominence in their own States and who have a national reputation- is certainly a strong recommendation of the Order to the confidence of the people. STEAM They will be alike in size, 5 5. SCHROEDEB ST., ofrnnfnrfl o vrl onriOoronV H 11 fl Will DG 300 feet long by 50 feet in width; wil be buiitiii the most substantial man ner, of brick, and covered with a slate roof. They will stand parallel and on a line with each other, with a street 60 feet between them, for the accommoda tion of drays and trams. The estimated cost of each building is $15,000, and Blunts r m - i v 1 1 ft 1 i . BALTBIOBE, MD, - Mills, Water WhX Wood ,ot trim aiiuh Irtst and Flam and iTtHiin"j u fOfA PEU WEEK can be made In tmy 90U locality. Something entirely netr 7T1 rtntnt tree G. W. INGUA- thpv will be Dtished to completion as ham & CO.. Boston. Mass. apl l7-4w "" ' x " I soon as possible. Capt. J. F. Divine, the Superintend ent of both these roads, also occupies the same position on the Northeastern Railroad, which extends from Charles ton, S.-C, to Florence, S. C, where it connects with the Wil., Col. & Augusta roaa. jl?ov the benefit, accommodation and convenience of the merchants of Charleston and men transacting busi ness in that city, tho Northeastern road has erected two new warehouses there, each 400 feet long and 50 feet wide, and has filled in about seven acres of swamp lands, the most of which is 'floored over. These improvements give vastly in creased facilities for the handling of cot ton and other freights. About $100,000 have been expended in these changes, made necessary by the constantly in creasing demands of accumulative busi- APRTFT Picked Up.. i-. rnnn FLAT WAS FOUND . ' 1 , about Big Island. The owners can obtain the same by provi'nproperty aud paying charges. A.pply to may 17 3t II. aJiglameyer., A TIMBER LEAD MULES Wanted, WAGON, AND A Apply to may 17 eod lv II. Ii. SHORT Flerolngton, T House Cleaning, HAS COME AND WE ARK NOW ness. MMKS preiiared to render asMintance In making and laying Carpets, Mats and Matting, I making, nr-doing over Mattresses, making Mosquito, Nets, hanging Window Shades and Avail Pa lter. If j-ou want anything yon will find ' Statesville Landmark: At the con clusion of his sermon last Sunday morning, Rev J B Boone, pastor of the Strawberry Festival. loweat prices. The weather yesterday was very cool and unseasonable. The wind was from the northeast, and was evidently from off a snow bank. Fires were quite comfortable. Freshwater Perch.Trout and Black tiiih hooks and lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. t 1 . i.. 1 Annm -v renewed suggestions mai oui piwcsiuii De aiscontiuueu iiwi an. i'- -j,0'(VmPtprv lor the services which might satisfy for a lew years those who crv. "Give it up IV Then would ks- sihlv kfollow a suggeslibn to leave! oa two ofldrpss. because it! is a worn out subject, and what would oe ine conse quence? There would -still be iound thnsn to suirsest that the prayer bp omitted ; there would then be no heecssi- na farmers, merchants and business men generally," and is really one of the most valuable works of the kind we ever iw. It was compiled by Col. Walter Clark and is for sale bv Mr. Hale at 25 cents a copy. 1 CAROLINA LODGE. Carolina Lodge, No. 434, K was 1877 1200. of II. instituted in this city July 9th, Its present membership is near Sinpp. its organization it has lost TLntiot nl,.l, of fhifl r,lPP tndprpd riMIESUNDAY SCHOOL SOCIAL rOCIETi jji.liou v..iftft- - I ' " " I I nf k'mnt Klrwf M H ( lilim. Will IlAVA 11 . to me congreguiion ms iwiuuuuii ii the pastorate. Three old soldiers who left here together for the war in 1861, and who parted at its close and had never met together si nee, until a Festival to-morrow (Thursday) night, at the. liankln Hall, where they will furnish HttKW lerries, J e Cream, Cake-i and lots of goo Let everybody go. ' inay li-2tj bv death live, members. $2,000 is the full amount ol benefit paid. In the State the Order now num bers about 2,500. The objects and aims of the Order are lully set lortn at its oro-nniy.ation. and from which we ex Thp eiim nf few days ago, met here-then and lound I hnf rr rra Best in the State ! up 21 children. nay IT Anniversary. The Association of Ofllcers of the Third N. Q. Infantry celebrated ttieir fcwv,- . i t ' . . . tv for a gatnenng at ie uumcueiaw; ioui anmyersaij csioiuaj tract the lollowiug in unei : Lot, and tne interest j woum umuiu. dence of Capt3. W. a. summing aim Xone but sound men are admitted; . . . , . . . . Iir.l XT 1 I 1 III! IT I 1 - . . TU 1: i . m t- . - no lumwwiuuB jviih. mj u ii eiy cuii- I tinrie our 1 test lor the nomination of Sheriff for would devolve upon iuc iiiiww"! II I aence oi vapts. - -- vui-m.a n one but sound men are auiuitteu, SetSn40nwhW,racrdm -W. H. Northrop, on Greenrille Sound tUo medica examiners must be mem- were this county in th lWihli-pn ,rtv auppose, would give satisfaction to some the committee of arrangements r 1 - I mmnnirv for the TaterS WOUld rn-'dmannpr r. u . K. Scott U putting on his war thVotl the Confederate rJSTS..T"' th pamv, ana is doing some lively canvass- dead had been decked, and, tnus, wnat m w- would be done bv a handful ot women, cdsion. Letters were reau irom xx- I m-i.11 satfl th rpnntation of Wilming- Tlavis.' Gen. W. R. Cox and lo Promote a V t the. world that this , . C " . w T w I ft.t.. ut wp- . . . . -r u . mr, . i. fb .h. . w - - members present, and among them removes uandrun" and enre it-hintr of -,-rthin-- some of whom, like Whit- several non-residents. 'P- - :. r ?: ingandSte' ates, being sworn to exercise their best inrio-ment. The fcroveriiment is uior- .1 v . - r UmtrMv democratic. Bv its met nod 01 i-j, j :.!.: asessments Dcneuts are paiu wumu w davs from official notice. Founded on business principles, it i ca.icujft to perpetrate itseli as it is to the inter est of every member to have it managed svstematicauy anu uoucslij.. Kidney Iisease, Pain, Irritation, Retention, Inconti nence, Deposits, Gravel, &c, cured by "Buchupabia". 1. j Depot James C. Munds. NEW AIVEKTISErENTS. Wilmington Commandery, No. 1, Kwiglits Templar, WILL OIVE AN EXCITIiSION TO SMITII VILLE AND THE FORTS. XXTK DISPLAY THE PRETTIEST LINE OF Ladies', Mines' and Children. Kid Button Boots UUU MIIfJWI M To be found In the Btate. NEAT AND NOBBY, AND IJV FRTCESi At G;o. It FRENCH A hOSHffl . may 17 31 N. Front btreet.. k. Awake ! 9 ury Jones was disorderlv on the TCAf-Tnorial Dav has ever yet been "Greets Monday night, and was "carried too hot or dusty, to prevent those who police, lesterdav she was of Stevenson, givim up even lite i -hes were made and many a rernm LromDts to see that the benefit is itself in her defense by tlie ned $2, or two day's in the city prison, oj the Mayor. Marv was "buated," nd the went below. AorAto. their private walking out in crowds, durin of the dav. with a burden Krn oaVis the case on last T f Alt", A " " . i al Day. there were scarcely enough a ..r. ntribnted to the Association IT xv... i . , 1 1 to make decent decorations to be placed from the heat flowers, Memori Hon. J. Whaokelford hn intro- ?Qced a bill asking for six thousand d6l- on the mound, for those whose undying survey the lands between More- Mwole v ity and New River, northeast j!'" Unr. Were that vast mini- ber manv ofwhom losttneir own ui -. sntvlo rfinse- to ioin our pixces- sionits rear would scarcely havo Ueft the heart of the city when its front would be entering the Cemetery gates. AVere the many who go m I vehicles, to take the places apportioned them, as "Citizens' m Carriages", it would be of still irreatcr length. It 1$ not necessary branch of the Cape Fear, river, Wacea njaw. South and Coharie rivers. North Carolina. camp-fire. tMU VUU OLTS TUK BEST, Appropriate pathy. pride ffiX A Kln.Nn.r Tllnxr flnnrlB fnr t.hft T.fiast. MotlftV: SeiUSU lULt'icata j ift....-- -jrj. xilUluuj iuiij i ww .,-- ' .... c . Why not then try the NEWSADDLEBY AND TRUNK HOUSE t -' ' j , i n -r- a i- f J. .Vf;r-- Jl. M. bowaen bo;; 4oaiarketBtreefc-f Repairing promptly done. may 17 iscence of past days of suffering and adjusted at once, upon satisfactory evi- the death of a brother, and all h rr "around The lesUve HuderstandUat this can scoured only Steamer PASSPORT will leave her dock at 8:30 A. M. ' Tickets 50c ; Children under twelve years, may 17-3t wc-su-wc hv nromnt navment of the individual assessments. There is no large accu mulation of funds in the Hands oi ou- Tiasurer. The "vriuow anu 0 . , , o. J. Mnxnm I I remains intact being OUU a ffdlCI i i OUUa ffaici ii sacredlv applied to payment of bene I . 1 1 lV --.- ?-5 f .- In obedience to orders issued by His xcellency. the Governor of the State, general M. V. Taylor left by the yes- , .....a 1 illtl V, laiVlft.U KA.AAA j. O ,i Present at the burial of General Ba- to'pon f C Mni i li a. ' ' only those, who are pnysicairy arjie, m - .Manly, at Raleigh.last evening at ever been requested to do so; but uavv " ft . . . , we do wish, and have expected, au wno go m vehicles, to sweU , the procession, which is a memorial to their dead, as well as ours. I was truly sad to note the diminished number j on our ias we ieei mat with us. J?re this board for examinaUon, or have their hearts m tho cause and de uiier the rjenalHA. -.r tv im to raroetiiate the memory or our Wit into e&t lUrch.18i&' t f i s nohle soldiers. ; Sach will never fail us. 3 o'clock The next annual meeting of the State !rl of Dental Rtanyners wiU be held AUSalem' N c- on the 6th day of June. V ALinerai ourmg. preme Tint few of our citizens are aware of Orphan I und" tne lact mat iiiuiv i-ii.wc.v "'"s. caries all tne incident expenses iu us v i with water stronglv impregnated with -collection and disbursement are paid w ater, witbydl the regular Fruit Syrup, ; , ,... .t. it-.,;, from the monev raised bv the Per capi- In addition to wldch wc have Ieep ltock,(.ln t!i .tax and revenue from supplies. It furnishes a species of insurance that is best so-U in the City, cheaper, as it is obtained at bare cost ; mayio munds BROS.. more secure, as tne money is mobuy m persons commencing the practice of Memorial Day, yet w dentiitry without a diploma must go tho few who were iron and sulphur, within the city limits, This spring is located in the Northeast section, near the old Athletic Grounds and Oakdale Cemetery., It was dis covered previous to the war and one of our city physicians had some attention paid to cleaning it out and placing there a cup for the accommodation of those w ishing to partake of the water. We had forgotten that there was such a spring until .our attention was called to the fact by a gentleman, a stranger here, who found his way to it last Sun day. - - . - . " -' Decline of Man Nervous Weakness, Dyspepsia, Im potence, Sexual Debility, cured by 'Well's Health Benewer." Jas. C. Mondi al. Depot the twk-eta of the members until need ed, and easier carried, because it is called for m si nail sums and only as re quired. . .. . . . . .,i : 1 no uruer is not in tne neiu as ar i val to kindred institutions, but as an allv to them. Recognizing the good -.. m i work;they have done ana arej uoing, u claims to meet a special want in the community. Neither is it an opponent of lite insurance associations, as it reit erates the arguments which reveal the absolute necessitv of some sort of insur ance. The man who dies and leaves a family without means of education or support, at the period in life when they most need such aid, is looked upon in this enlightened age as guilty of wilful neglect, at least. There are so many Blank Books. LL SIZES. At llKL2lit,lJ'U .-. INVOICE BOOKS, ' At IIElNSBEEGER'3. POCKET BOOKS, i At iieinsberger;.. rilOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, At HEINSBERGER'S. ' ' '; FIRST-CLASS PIANOS AND ORGANS, At HEINSBERGER'S. ORG ANETTES, At i nr:rx?.BERGEirg. OF 31, CKONIA", Auctioneer.-H BY CRONLY & MORias. ,. Public Sale V UGl'RT.vOF UAKT1I. NET IiFXilSTER TOSL AX WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAT, il-U 22. liWI, NOON. ' r ILL. BE SOLD, IX THE CIT oir w iy W lIS'f:TOV. N. f at tnatot Wilrninirton Cot-. - - . . a - i narr, ur KtmUmayoo Mater,'0 ton Compress Corapanj WharT, for accogn of Underwriter, and for w1kpi U may &brnJ hr rder of Julio Innk, Mater,;0 " DAY, THE KI 3!aY, at lf&&0?tl the GERMAN BARQUE A UV BARTH, 5- Nirr KW;jTI-B 7; Bj'T IS it. HERETO FORK CLAS1NM A GERMAN LLOYDS, metal &te?tii!".A? now lying at foot of above named W Urf. rUU one it Saib. Chains, Cable.; Anchor jjinU Appurtenance belonelnjf Oiereto. and as Wy be aeen on board of said ve.eL Term, Cau e. resell au w Or CRO H jJ.uux-f. ., 9 may H-2twed-eat Auctioneers,; ,-', -'fr: -I .JU - i --- -