e;ery horning; Mondays" cepted by - l p '"jOSHT.-JAMBS.:; motion POSTAGE PAID: - .T -CB5C J month,. $2.00. 'Three ,w 7'" ... . ueiuouiir r' n" .m lie delivered My carri- n . ,v ..at of ti.o clty.-nttha JlioY V ail fail-lVOIj. ""''" ' .,...;r ,,:nHjr regularly. I t I" I I J H ,DEX TO KEWAOVERTISEMFMTS I rod ! Ml M . f. vTT4 nrriVOfl. 1 - r IIWIS - ' u- ,ir f ' Wisi -A 110W slock' Mt. i i l -I '!ivi-rl.-,:1 t - . ; - fl ifc v, j . -f cotton at tm l)rt V r i,. i .,r it l:de . Vitv. and is j I if I I Tit tu' Jn t Tl i . i ?n nrono3el foilll- i- i, ruinoi""1 1H-11 1 1 . ..i" for the "itv Hali lrk ,s to ,c pur ' -Sunnnoi ..,; ;n the hardware line can vnni rrmable pr.ices at JACO- this for May Ice has . i down to zroai Ull -... ;,0 up amor-liectics ; n-..- Vnrthron is expected to preach ; st Viufs Church in Ncwbern, on. nt Sunday ( orman -barque Augusta Jcannelte, lliuracn. hc; for liiga, Ilftssia, was iV n,r.Eng.,JiayioHi.- ... . Frrshater Verch,Trqut and ;Black fch'bfHtaand Hne. A full assort ment nd lowest prices at, jACOCfSr t Dvln.h "barque Traveller, Tassiful, rleaml'at .rhiUdelphia, IIay13th, for ihis port. The first roasting ears of the season pa-ntl here :i day or two ago. They were from Savannah, bound for Kich- niond. An enrieher of the blood and purifier of the svstem ; cures lassitude and lack .f energy; such in-Brown's Iron Bit icrs. roar in mind h strawberry festival wliiehistftbe jiven this evening: A pli-asant hour is promised to all who mav attend ; To Builders and others (io to Jaco ki's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, fco. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. f Kavly risers report a slight frost visi ble here yesterday luorniug. In all of our experience, ve have never before n -corded a frost in this section in the middle of Mav. The electric fire alarm was being placed in position yesterday. The work was not quite completed, but tho alarm will be ready for use somo time during the day. To Promote a Vigorous Growth of me hair, use 1'arker s Hair Balsam. It restores the youthful color to gray hair, removes dandruff and cures itchin of itieH'alp. The latest novelty in fans is ova1 toipcd with bright colored satin. One fide is hand painted in graceful flowers, the other has a small pouch made of atin for holding tho handkerchief. At a m-ent meetiug of the two socie ties at Wake Forest College, Mr. Ed. S. Alderman, of this citv. .was chosen as the Orator of the Phi. Society, on the evasion of the next anniversary ceie hrati.m in February, 1883. xJrT. m lnai;' v VLittle Ca tJull lasant to take, sugar To i fv r h- ,llaiK Standard Cure ?'m JkraU MrCOt' Ncw York' The latest rage among the" juveniles . Is "keeping store'1. They turn'out a dry gtXxls box, lit it with shelves, put "!,? ,sUvk of eandy and lead pencils and ilor i.rimecost! In ;this wav thev driving lt)usines.v ' the last mepting oftheAVihiiins Meam Fire Fic Company, No. . anmimiftim ... . as aniKinteti .to.sniA(t Ulw uniform for the Company. One! V t!u committee is nnw -Vnrtii ' '..!.! ; fwk around toelect new and kn- M unifonns for the Conny? - Infant O' are hojing for an unusuallv r;e turnout Of tbo I momWT-c nf tv. Company on the occasion .of the anni vrsary parade and drill, which falls e on tlie 20th. ., T cr' Works have " already proved a blessing to Vilmington, for o0hold purposes as well as for ser- tUterf rffiro- The plumbers and rdrr kej,t supplying the JeirJ we hrxvc not the works ..r, in i . ' ! - " ...l ,i Montevideo April "Jtn. Lhii-e was a report m circnla ! - 'rwo; ''IVibou, hence, i yesterday to the ell ect' that there vannip been a jail dehverv at Smith villo ,Tl.,l -m . Tuesday niffht. J Wc tried, to tn - nri: . n win. . - - . "I J c HI.' VI. We call the attention of our lady readers to the advertisement of Mrs. Kate C. Wines as it appears in another limit She has just roceived a new j i . L atOek of spring millinery, hats, flowers, Jotc. and invites Jhe-attention of the ladies to her toclc, which U new and choice. ' H There is some talk here of another . - - i . J .V... . J . . . V- trust that it will not be all talk, andthat ! Im n,-! ' . - if n o fi ed with better houses than he has had j liere this weelv, lie4 is !' gentleman of rare sifts, and should !alwa vs attractra j tioii on had on ace the j-rinrt In if-;; foimrAin-honri Knf ynJill r . i' " r llot do so From ,a subscriber at Pate's, we learn that all that .section of country West 'of Lumbertou was visited by a heavy frost on Tuesclay night. Our in formant states that a great deal of re planting has been necessitated by the frost. . Numerous arrangements are being made for; a holiday here on the 20th- provided. Some want to go to Char lotto, others to Smith 'villi' and , still oth ers to the Sounds. It is unfortunate that flic anniversary shouldj fall on Sat urday, but there is consolation in know ing that it must come on that day some times. oome ioiKS wiu, 'so m p ii n i on their own hook" and afterwards bewail their fate. despite - the constant i warnings of the Press. Not so, however, vLth Mr. L. W. Stclhvag, Springfield, lo., who in speaking with otir reporter, observed: I had Occasion to prove St A Jacobs Oil an excellent remedy for sprains. II sprained, my toot and knowing that the remedy had done.splendid service in a similar case, I sent fori a1 bottle. The confidence I had in the larticlq was not mispiacen ano was - wen rewarded, lor in four days, I could walk withont any inconvenience. That no physician could prescribe anything i better under like circumstances, I ani perfectly satisfied. For SlieriffV e mentioned yesterday that the contest for the shrievalty in this county would be. a very waim one and that Mr. II. El Scott was in training for the fight. We understand now, however, that Mr. Scott declared yesterday after noon that he had given up all idea of contestingtheLnomination as the out look for him was not a very promising one. This leaves Sheriff Manning an almost clear track. Disaster at Sea. i , - i Some fishermen,- on the , 16th instant, "discovered an unknowrn two-masted schooner, with all sail out, on her beam eeds, and with no signs ot any one being on board. She was off Drumhead Inlet, and was drifting South when seen. It is presumed that she was struck by a violent squall and knocked over before sail could be shortened, and it is feared that th creW were all lost. The. tugs in this city i have bien notified of the circumstance Skinny pjlen. "Wells Health Rei ewer" restores Dyspepsia, Im- health and vigor, cures potenee, Sexual Jas. C. Munds. Debility . 1 . Depot City Count. Pomijqy Harris, alias W. W. Harris was arraigned for disorderly conduct. He was fined $1 or two days, He paid p- '" -'. Obadiah Jenkins, sa me charge, was fined $2. Tie paid also. . , Frances Mallett likewise paid $1.50 for being disorderly. o . A. irovn, same charge, w; as dis- charged. "Tiie Best in the World." - Asiteville. N.jC, Aug. 8, 16S1. I Dir. II. II. WAKNt-K & Co.: Sirs. I consider vour Safe I Kidney and Liver Cure the best medicine in he worh for kid no v and liver diseases. Coi- R. C OBuyoS'. Champion Cigrar Factory. laiuiuiiiuu v:t r - . - r i i We dropped into theiChampioh Cigar Factory: on "".yesterday and found all hands up to their eyes in worJc and ! somewhat behind m taeir orders. Messrs Brunhild & Bro. tell us that they ccm template putting on from J5 to 20 more hands, and in. order to secure this Mr, I. Ilirschburg, the foreman Of the factory, will, leayeherc for; the North 'toitglit fbrengage! and bring the hands back with him. 'Thecapac ity of the factor-, when working full force", is 50,000 cigars per week. Differ ent grades of cigars are made in the factory r. The proprietors import their own Cuba and : Havana tobaccos and make fine grades which they offer at WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 18. A Home Enterprise. J, JMr. Jacob Elsbach ; has just turned out, afhis shirt factory, a lot of shirts which will compare favorably with any made(in the United States.! A day or two aijo his stock was almost depleted in filling orders for the city and country trade. But he has "fitted ud"' a sain. i . 4 Jmi ii it. . uu . . "a au vcr' " nil mprpq sni hi a Inroo iml nrnmuoa ! that ho will never asain lot his orders ... . " S61 W h m. c are ciaa to ! i : a- 4 "UY- iu: that every one will do as they should do - patronize a home enterprise. Not So Bad. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Doual jMcMitlan, of Topsail Sound; was not as seriously attacked as was at first feared. ; While Avalking through his farm a few days ago he was seized with I vertigo, and was discovered before he had regained his consciousness. It was at first thought that ho wa3 attacked with paralysis, but subsequent develop ments have proven that it wasJb-nly a slight attack of vertigo,' and we are pleased to state that he is out again, pursuing his usual avocations. I . I : Crops"Gen. B. C. Manly's Fu ' neral. ' . : . - We learn from our special reporter, who has just returned from a flying trip to Raleigh, that the crops along the route on the Wilmington & Weldon R. R., North Carolina R. R., Raleigh & f Augusta R. R., and Carolina Central R. R. are suffering very : much from the cold snap, and in. many sections from the joint worm, which will necessitate, in many localities, replanting. He reports Gen. B. C. Manly's funer al one of the largest ever held injthe State, and a total suspension of all busi ness during the funeral! All public, and a large v number of private, buildings were draped in mourning. He was par ticularly struek with the perfect order which seemed to prevail in Stfch a dense crowd during the entire procession to and returning from the cemetery. Ral eigh was indegd mourning for the loss she. had sustained, and the immense ffatherimr of lier people sho wed in what high esteem Geni Manly was held by them. Peace to his ashes. A pure strengthening tonic, free from whiskey and alcohol, cures dyspepsia, and similar diseases. It has never been equalled. Brown's Iron Betters. I STATE-NEWS. . News and Observer: Died on yester day, the 15th inst., at 6 a. m., Miss Louisa MJ Hill, oldest daughter of the late Wm. Hill, Esq., former Secretary of State, in the 78th year of her age, from debility consequent upon advanced age. Asheyille Citizen: Reports of the wheat crops in this section come in with unusual encouragement. There is no dissent from the general verdict that it is the best crop ever seen here. Greensboro Bugle: A daughter of Henry Barnnger, ot VV arnersville, aged about twelvejyears, died ysterday under very painful circumstances. She was studying her Sunday School lesson Satr urdav night, when tne lamp was over turned, and she was burned to such an extent that she died the next day. preensboroATetr5 Mike Walkingstick, Saggy Jackson and Anderson Miller, convicted at Asheville court for break ing! into a government warehouse, and sentenced to two years inBuffalo (N.Y.) Penitentiary, were brought down by the officers last Saturday night and lodged in iail here. The two; first named are full-blooded Cherokee Indians, and can speak but very little English. Durham , Plant: It is thought the Democratic Convention for this, the 5th, Judicial District, will be held on the 4th of July. Prof. Burcham died at his residence in the eastern part of Dur ham Friday evening, the 12th inst., af ter a brief illness. He; came to America from England only ome six months ago. Since in Durham he had been en gaged in teaching in the school of Dr. Dean, proving nimself to be a1 ripe scholar and fine instructor. Robcsonian: Dr. R. VanipilL! of this i town, is having some unfortunate cx- t i r ii 1 t Tl ii.. penence wim iur. wamei r. .realty, the celebrated piano and oran fraud. Several months ago he sent Mr. Beatty an order for a piano, and like is tho prompt paying man that he is,' ho seut the money with the order.. He is oue of both yet, and likely to remain so. Mr. J. S, McQueen, of Shoe Heel, returned home on the morning of the 6th inst., with his bride, Miss Lucy Butler.! of Richmond, Va. rr Mr. Daniol l McCaskill, of Cumberland ejountv, and father of Mr. J. C. Mc CaskilL of Shoe Heel, died at his resi dence on Tuesday, the j 9th inst. He was in his 90th year, but his death iwas hastened by a fall which fractured one of his limbs. He was a native of Scot land; ! i I 1 ' - " ' Flies and Bags. Flies, roaehes, iant, bed-bugs, rats, mice, gophers, chipmunks, cleaned out by "Romjh on Bats." 15c " Church Calendar, j .Vscension Day Thursday. May lSth-There will be Morning Prayer with Sermon and Cele bration of the Holy Communion at St. James' Church at 9 A. M. - . There will be the same service at St. John's at 11 A. M. Evening Prayer will be said at St. John's at 5 rj If. L: ; : , I: . THE MALLS, i Themails close and arrive at the City Post office &4 follow : . . i --- I CLOSE. 1 Northern through malls, fast.... ....4. 45 P. 31. Northern through and wav malls. . . .5.40 A. M. Kaleigh ..5.00P. 3L and 5.40 A. M. Malls for the X. C. Uailroad ami in?: A. & X. C. Railroad at 5.40 A. M. southern Mam for all point south, ilollr IMP V i Western maiU (C. C.lteilwav)daUv, Y 1 (except Sunday) ........... I. .5.00 IV M. ; All polnU between Hamlet and Ral- I eigh 5.00 P. MJ Mail for Cheraw and Darlington Rail road i, ..R.00 P. M. Mails for points between Florence and CliarlesUm S.00 P. M. Fayctteville and offices on Cape Fear liiver, Fridays... .....LOOP: M. Fayetteville. via Luniberton. daily. except Sundays ..5.00 P. M. Onslow C. H. and Intermediate offi- ces, Tuesdays and Fridays .6.00 A. M. Smithvttlc malls, by steamboat, daHvi (except Sundays) ......8.30 A. M. Mails for Kasy-'Hlllr-Tww- Cr-ook, . Shallotte and Little Kivcr, Tues days and Fridays 6.00 A. M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY". Northern through and way mails. . . .8.30 A. M. Southern Mails. - 8.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad... 10.30 A. M. Mails collected fromstrcet boxes everv dav at 3.45 P. M. ( I Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 toJ.30 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. Stamps for sale in small quantities at general delivery when stamp office is closed. j General delivery open from daylight to dark' and on Sundays from 8.30 to 9.30 A. M. Bishop Iiymaiis Appoint meuts. May 18 Tuesday, Williamston. . ; May 19 Friday, Jamesville. rl May 20 Saturday, Trinity, Beaufo County.. May 21 Sunday, Washington. May 22 Monday, South Creek. May 23 Tuesday, Durham's Creek. May 24 Wednesday, Bath, j May 25 Thursday, Zion's Church, Beaufort county. j May 26 Friday evening, Pantego. May 28 Sunday, St. James, Beau fort county. I May 31 Wednesday, Makelysville, Hyde county. y June 1 Thursday, Swan Quarter, Hyde county. June 2 Friday, i Fairfield, Hyde county. ' June 4 Sunday, St. George's, Hyde county. . I June 11 Sunday evening, Fayette ville. June! 18 Sunday, Pittsboro. Holy Communion at all knorhing ser vices. L' i ) Collections for Diocesan Missions. new advertisements; A New Stock QF SPRING IIATS, NECKWEAR, MILLIN I511Y, etc., jnst received and for sale on reas onable terms, At i MRS. KATE C. WrINES,' Second street, next South of Postoflice. may 18-lwk 1 Patent Medicines. i D R. CLARK JOHNSON'S INDIAN BLOOD Syrup, Green's Ague Conquerer, 50 cents per Bottle; Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Kidney (Wort in Liquid or Powder form. Agents for Rock Bridge Aluflt- Water. . A full Hue of Mineral Waters fresh. may IS , MUNDS BROS., Druggists. N EW HAIR MATTRESSES TO FIT YOUR Bedstead, made to order at 40, 45, 50, 60, 80 and 85 cents per pound. . . SHADES from 10 cents each to $2.50 each, j At S.JEWETT'S, 1 27 N. Front Street. Upholstering and Paper Hanging done. 1 Has Arrived ! gCHOONER E. M. IfAWES WITH j Four Hundred Tons KENNEBEC FLINT ICE FOR may 13 W. E. DAVIS & SON. For Sale. ON MRS. WM. WRIGHT S SOUMD PLACJS a lot of Lumber, suitable for building a commodious Bath House, or for fencing. This lumber being useless to owners will be sold remarkably cheap. Also a good Bateau with Oars and Oar-locks. For further infor mation applv to may 14 M"UNDS BROS., or J. C. MUNDS. First-Class Humbug ! rTIHE JESTHETIC JOKER ! I ' I'M IN LOVE ! The above Is something entirely new and I - attractive. Price 10c At ' HEIRSBERGER'S. j JEsthetic Joker ! WHO SAYS YOU ARE A DARLING ! KISS ME QUICK ! Price 10c. At may is. . HEINSBERGER'S. j : j Strawberry Festiral. 11UE SUNDAY SCHOOL SOCIAL SOCIETY . of Front Street M. E. Churcn will have a Festival to-morrow (Thursday) night, at the Rankin Hall, where they will furnish Straw berries, Ice Cream, Cakes and lots of good things. -..! Let everybody go. ' ' may 17-2t Bock Beer ! Bock Beer ! Tivoli Bock Beer ! J-OT THE FIRST OF THE SEASON BUT THE BEST. ; In fact BETTER THAN THE BEST. ' ! Our Eefrigerator car is here with our t " V . ' - , : i second shipment of the Season. IT CAN BEAT THE BEST. may 10-3wk R, POETNER. NOJ 121. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Picked Up. 15 CORD FLAT WAS FOUND ADRIFT ; about Big Island. The owners can obtain I the m proving property and paying charges.' Apply to 1 may -1 St " Jl. A. ULAMEYER. Awake I " ! - JS EVERY ONE Wn.O GETS THE BEST Goods for the Least Money Why hot then try the NEW SADDLERY AND TRUNK HOUSE of . ' Hi1 M i Bowden A- Co., ; j 40 Market street. Repairing promptly done. may 17 Best in the State ! " DISPLAY THE PRETTIEST LINE OF Ladles', Misses' and Children's - Kid Button Joots and Slippers! To be found in the State. NEAT AND NOBBY, j LATEST STYLE. AND LOW PRICES, At U1SU. t KKCli & SOiSfc may 17 . 39 N. Front Street. Aesthetic Colors and Shapes. J RECEIVED BY STEAMSHIP ' "GULF Stream" a large Invoice of Millinery, all the new new Straws, Esthetic Trimmings, Flowers, AeJ I have on hand a beautiful assortment of Fancy Goods, Neckwear, Fans 'and Satchels, Ladles' 1 -I : : and Children's Underwear and Hosiery. ! Respectfully, MISS E. KARRER, may 5 Exchange Corner. Notice. Q ERTIFICTB OF DEPOSIT ISSUED BY the First National Bank of Wilmington, N. C, No. 3203, dated April 12th, 1882, for seven thou sand three hundred three, and thirfy-threc one hundred dollars ($7,303.83) in i favor of tho undersigned has been lost in transmission by mail, and all persons are cautioned against 1 . I trading for same, as payment has been stop ped, j ' A. C. LEAK. May 8th, 1882. may 12-tf j First National Bank of Wil mington, i CAPITAL STOCK... SURPLUS FUND.i .... $250,000 ... 66,000 Deposits received and collections jinade on all accesslblejpoinfs in the United States. ' DIRECTORS: , -E. E. BURRUSS, D. G. WORTH, A. MARTIn i J AS. SPRUNT, ' r. ' i JAS. DAWSON. . - OFFICERS: E. E. BURRUSS..... President. JAMES DAWSON Vice President. A. K. WALKER. , W. LARKINS apt 23-tf Cashier A'sst Cashier John Werner. PRACTICAL GERMAN BARBER AND PERFUMER, 29 MARKET ST., WILMINGTON, N. C. MANUFACTURER OF PARISIAN BRIL lanttne, Friction and Lusion. A1m, Ex tracts, Colognes, "Beautifler, Hair Oil, Tonics, Renewer, Renovator, ! Hungarian, Coametlc, and Hair Dyes of every shade. 1 I beg to inform the public that I can be found at Mr. John Werner's, prepared to wait upon all who favor roe with a call, mav 13 JAMES II. CARRA WAY. Turpentine Tools. JULLERS, HACKERS, DIPPERS, TfflET ters. Picks, 'nackwclgnts. Truss noops, Joint ers, Adzes, Axes, Coopers' Planes, Punches, Chisels, Acc. Large amount of the above goods bow tn stock and on the way. Good goods and Vfgg&n C0. Successors to Jno. Dawson & Co., 19, tl 423 Market St., may 14-ly Wilmington, N. C, I Private Boarding. HAVING RENTED THE WELL-KNOWN &nd beautifully situated KeyiioWs Plare, in the city of Asheville, I am preparsKl to take Boarders on the following terms: $30 00 a Tu.: ,.. 5i&ftMAj&, tnyl2m . AjhcrlUe, i. C.. 1882. , PLEASE NOTICE." to IWelra mmmnhlMtfAiia general interest but V " 1 f The name of the miter mnst "ahroyaiS'Sp Communications must bo wrUten on pnljr , one side of the paper: 1 1 '7 f J. ' Pereonalltfei must be avoided. J T1 Antl It Is especially and particularly under stood that the Editor does not always endorse he vlewsof correspondent idssoi staled In the e-titorial columns. ; j) " . -" NEW VmrTOTlSEMBXTS. SUMMER GOODS) ! . '., AT rj. rji. iC A T Z ' s, . . . ; $5 MARKET STREET.' ' L-.,. ' Extraordinary Bargains 1 ' DUESS G OODsYt y LL-THE LATEST NOYELTlt IN JlT, ln, Snrrah and Brocade, 811k J. Moire A tique. TUxsel, Eoule, Nun's Veiling,' Benga!itt Buntings, all wool Beiges, Lawns, bee re ackers Percals, &c. . Ever so innj- 1 --r-1 wttn riUnmmgB to lualch. w.iM White Goods -7 ... . . 1 r In every style, texture and quality possible. i . . ! --I,: ' v 1 Embroideries' : ;"J In Cmbrlcs, aNlnsooks and Serlsses uaiur passed In Wtrkmanship and Price. . . ' - 1 iTt 1 1 1 Laces In iported from abnost overy country, bougat id sold as special jobs. 1 t' a. GLOVES ! ' HOSIERY ! 'A- GOESETS'i handkerchiefs, COLLARS' SCARFS, RIBBONS, r . 1 VEILINGS, CREPEING ' & CREPE VEILS, . X 4 FANS, PARASOLS, In endless vatiety and astonishing Low Prices'. Housekeeping Gopds;!; LINEN & COTTON SHEETINGS, DAMASKJB, A ' ' i ' -. - . Napkins, Towels; MEN ancl BOYS' WEAtt; LADIES' GENTS' & CHILDREN'S GAUZE MERINO UNDERWEAR. ; In short everything desjblc for an outfit, ana at I'rices mat aeryxompeution. f Call and save money by patronizing j -. . M. tUJ. KATZi' apl 30 30 MARKET-ST. Jt j . - : ' ' 'r r 1f' y. ' Wilmington Shirt Factory - (the only one in the State) jsb,- 27 Market St . J. EIBACII, Prbprietor.t rilHE ABOVE FACTORY is ready no.wto X offer to the public great inducements In White Shirts at the following low prices: , The "Congress" Shirt open back 75c; do. open f roiit, 75c. Of these popular Shirts we bar. " sold hundreds of dozens In the city, as well as In the country, and therefore Is well known to the public, and need no comments. The MRov al", a Wamsutta Shirt, With- 2100 linen front, 90c.- Boy's Shirts all sizes, 75c. Night Shirts 75c. Col.-Dress Shirts from 25e and upwards. Cotton Drawers from 25c. upwards. Hervy Jeans Drawers, double lined on the- scat,' Shirts and Drawers made to order' at low fig ures and a good fit always guaranteed. Country orders strictly attended to. These articles, whieh we now offer for said are mad up at home by well trained and long expert enced hands and no northern mako , can iual in sizes, fit and quality. , These Shirts are all '. reinforced and cut lentghways the eloth, thof--oughly examined before being put In stock, Every Shirt Is guaranteed to lit, and war ranted as represented or the money will bo re funded. Come and save money aud buy your Shirts at the factory. H ' f --Z-fi Veiy Respectfully, , ' t-e fjvi i J. ELSBACH;' " - may 7 f .: Mannfactnrer: -4- Bock Beer ! Bock BeenI THE FIRST OF THE SEASON AND BEST . ' . i I Of ALL , : U U. -. BERGNER A ENGEL AGAIN aIIEAD t. We received our first instalment of BOQK BEER yesterday m per refrigerator cars." - IT CAXT BE BEAT 1 H T ' : . .. . - -I i! .-'.m Wil. GENiU3T , . 1 - - i r---pr; - may$-2wk Vk;.:!!! A511!' Mova Slimmer Rocnrt ! 5 1 MU II WUIIIMIVI WWW! 0 f12 Bruncvicfr; TIRECTLT IN FRONT OP THE OCEA3T, jiod twenty-five miles below Wlhnlnijtynj ; ! The HOTEL BRUNSWICK Is a new strnc ture, and will be open fjri the reception pt guests on THE FIRST DAT OFJUNE.- It commands a sptendir yfisni aine nariw and Ocean. Steamers ani ships pa In, front of the door. - - hJAr.j .-:-; Sailing and fishing are niunrps(rd, . Balb nouses for the uc of guest..' A gooa xazwor Music and Ball Boom wUk lifP night. Ten-pin Aller, BlUJiriT1-1 ntl 5r attached to the Hotel. ' . '...1 J THE TABLE will bo tappUed. with rton. Crai, Oysters, Clams, Terrapin, and. every product of the sea. - t , n..... SfMmm will leave nni . . wn.titi.iTV mornln? and evrBr- iimmjiim im rw. c . mrf lug, making two mjw k r. The Proprietor has an experience of TDny years in enarge o "" , , . , Including the jale Atlantic Hotel. in ivbu will bb sold on the Terms moderate. Special rate to tunlBe. . iVTJa. . B. L.I FERRY. lroprktor and of pnxceu ixousr j uuaivu rasy H-Snu low prices,; . - ----- :" it