THIS TAPER CTery morning Mondays ex cepted tby ; JOSH T. kWTOB A-VDrKOPKIETOK- PIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: SCBR" ... CI, ths. $2.00. Three year 1 rtno month. S3 cents. - moDtl". liv eArriers free The iair t of the 6ity, at the above raw low and HberaL a,,tcb;,,--ui w ar,y and al1 fal1- 70C AL NEWS. "lIDEX TO HJWJRTISEMENTS. k iF.v rrr-Ten cents. Y-'-rj pianos mid Organs. n, cis Buos-Patent medicines. Jv H Korncuiu& Co-Shirts, m ' vn:i:-First-class . humbug. . r m-iiite-To iubscrihjrs Tele- Pbjr 6. S.-Twenty- inutU anniversary tv, mvipti of cotton at-.tliw port I i i - .a a' I I I I Lla&lV IV. I. . . - ' ' W a.' fine Uvr jo-daynt I5jcents per quart. : Vi.lo!vi cam i-inw'ting began to-day in y Point, a low miles from the ..!H' OOU UL"S J" ,M it reported as falling the river, but off r.ow. " It is a fact that N. C. hams sell here now for 18 (rents a pound. Poor men taml irom under. There will be a game of base ball at the Athletic Grounds this evening. The 'amc begins at 4 o'clock, sharp. A .Jthihginthe hardware line can bo fnund at reasonable prices at Jaco- ri's. The steamer John Dawson left here to-day at 11 o'clock, with those who de ired to visit the school entertainment At Point f aswell. To UuiWera ami others Go to Jaco kis for .Sash, Uliiuls and Doors, Glass', fec. Von can get all sizes and at the lowost price?. . t 1 )utch brig Jantjc, Capt. Lever, clear ed At Stettin, Germany, with 1,400 bar rels roam, valued at 2,950, shippe'd by Mera. E. Peschau & Westermann. Freshwater Perch,'Trout and Black- fish hooks and lines.. A full assort ment anil lowest prices at Jacobi's. t To-morrow will be generally observed here as the anniversary of the Meck lenburg Declaration. The banks- and the produce exchange, and, we suppose, the public offices also, will be clostd. An enricher of the blood and purifier of the system ; cures lassitude and lack of energy, such is Brown's Iron Bit- KTS. Our thanks are due the Marshals for an invitation to be present at the annual oration to belclivered before the Lite rary .Societies of Davidson College, which is to take place at 11 o'clock, a, m., on the 14th of June next. jQuitea number of those who were hungry for a pull at the blackfish went down on the excursion on the Passport yesterday. The easterly winds were against them, however, and only about 200 fish were caught, but nevertheless verybody had a good time. " Attention" is invited to the advertise ment of Messrs. W. II. Rothschild & Co., as it appears in this issue. Thoser m want of anything in their line are Advised to send for their new spring cir cular, which contains directions for self measurement. It is also well to bear in mind that these goods are delivered free everywhere. d&wlt: The strawberry festival give at the Rankin Hall last night by the ladies of Front Street M. K. Church, was a very happy success. The attendance was large and enjayment of those who wcie prasent was proportionate. "Ye thank v-upi. rarker tor his kindly bnmceof u. .... remem- Ieclijie of 3Iari. vCH,cWea,kns' dyspepsia, Im ANIs Health Renewer." $1. Depot 3Iaist rate's Court. ilary Jones, coloreil, was arraigned lefore a Magistrate on the charge of as sault and battery on tho person of Mary Iewis. Defendant found guilty, and ordered to pay the costs. Jiarr Iewis, for an assault on Mary j -'ue?, was adjudged guilty, but judg mt was suspended on payment" of Escaped from Jail. On last Tuesday night Tom Metomt co-ored prisoner confined in jail at mithville, escaped and is now at large, "e was confined on the charge oflar y. a truo bill having been found at the but term of Brunswick Superior t-ourt, and the case continued to the ;cto!er term. The charge was being implicated in the larceny of which Jef frey Robinson was convicted at the list term of Brunswick Superior Court and or which he was sentenced to the peni nturj for two years. 1 J VOL. YI. ; m:; j- WILMINGTON, N. C FHIDAY. MAY 19. 1882. NO. 122. The Fire Alarm I What is said to have been a full and fair test oj tliencviire alarm was made this afternoon in thc,presence of Capt. k. tr. Kobinson, Chief of the Fire De partment, and a numbep of the mem bers of the department. It i declared to be a very satisfactory test. It is an electric alarm, and is worked at the City Hrll, the alarm being sounded by a bell at the Howard Engine yard, on Fourth street. In. case of a ! fife the alarm is communicated by telephone or otherwise to the City Hall, arid th alarm is sounded from that points. T1ie Best in the World." ASIIEVILLE, N. C. Aug. 8, 1881. & Coi: Sirs. Dr. H. H. Wakner I consider your Safe .' Kidney and Liver Cure the best medicine n the world for kidney and liver dieases. Col. 1UC. Q'Bryon. Aii Immense Corporation. We have received, the report of iHpn. Chas. G. Fairman, Insurance Commis sioner of New York, on! the examina Insurance Ca. t.inn of thft Alutual Life of New York. This corporation U by far the largest moneyed institution in the world, possessing for th(j.. security of its policyholders over : ninety-five jmillion dollars in securely invested assetjs.and a surnlus over all liabilities of over twelve million dollars r. Fairraan in his report says : "Thn SiiDcrintendent feels no besitan cy in saying, on the basis ot the reports made bv more than fifty department ap nraisers. actinir lnuepenueuiiY ox eauu " - . . j- Li" ai le i- other, in widelv different narts bf five r i O'aran f- Sfotpa tiit-.i th mnrtffairft.sfi' curities now held by the Company, amounting to more than jBfty million of dollars, if subjected to foifeclosurinthe aggregate, would produce, even on forcecUsale, at least double the amount loaned. It would be, quite superfluous to comment on the security I of invest ments of which such statements pan be true. -. ' ! H i ! 4 'The balance of the assests is invest ed mainly in United, States bonds and other unquestioned securities jof similar character.' The Superintendent; certifies that, upon examination, all these secu rities are duly hela ana ownea oy me Company, and that, as a basi? of ability to respond when caDed upon to meet any accrued or -accruing liability, they may be depended i upon with absolute confidence by all policy-holders of tho Company. "I ! ii . . " In other words, the Company is sol vent, safe, and sound as any human in stitution well can be. Long continued years of wise and honest! management by able officers have produced these re sults." : I jj The Mutual Life is represented in this city by Mr. M. L. Willard. j Death of Captain Ward. Capt. W. P. Ward, a prominent citi zen of Onslow county, died at his resi dence in Swansboro, on the 13th inst., last Saturday, of pleur6-pneumonia. Capt. Ward reprepentedj the district composed of Jones land Carteret coun ties for two years iii the $tate Senate, prior to 1860, and in 1880 was' sent to the House of Representatives from Onslow. He leaves' a wid6w, three sons and one daughter to! mourn his depart ure. A good man has gone. . j A pure strengthening tonic, freeifrbm whiskey and alcohol,' cures dyspepsia, and similar diseases; It has never b6en equalled. Brown's Iron Bitters. Took French .Leave. Charles Reed, colored, escaped last night from the CityHospital,' to which place he had been! recently " removed from the county jail,; where he was con fined under the charge of larceny of wood in Brunswick jcountyj and selling the same in this market. It will be Re membered that at the time of Reed's arrest, as reported by us, he attempted to escape, and was shot by the officer sin charge, ,the ball penetrating his leg, making a flesh wound, j The case was to have been examined on the 15thinsjt., but the janitor reporting jReed too lame to appear, it was continued, and on tjie recommendation of the CJty Physician, Reed was remanded jto the City Hospi tal, from which place he has! just made his escape. The officers jof the law are now on the lookout for him.l Rescued from -Death William J. Coughlin 6f Somemlle Jkiass., says : In the fall bf lb6 1 was taken with bleeding bf the lungs follow ed by a severe coughi I lost my appe tite aud flesh, and I was confined to my bed. In 1877 I was admitted to the Hospital. The doctors said I had a hole in my lung as big as; a half dollar. At one time a report went around that I was dead. I gave up! hope, but A friend told me of Df. William Hall s Balsam for the lungs, I j got a bottle, when to my surprise,! I commenced to feel better and to-day I feel better than for three years past j -1 "I write this hoping every one afflict ed with Diseased Lungs will take Wil liam Hall's Balsam, and? be convinced that Consumption can bepured. I can positively say it has done more mod than all the other medicines I nave taken since my sickness. AfterMany Years. Capt. Jas. I. Metts, of this city, for merly of Company, G., 3rd X. C. In fantry, w ho was wounded very severely inthc Second Day's fight at Gettys bury, having been shot througli the lung, received to-day by expresa the sword which he gave on thai day in charge of same one unknown to hi m at that time. This proved to be a Mary lander by thej name of Reeves, a phy sician; who had hastened to the succor of the wounded, in the rear of the Fed eral lines whither Capt. Metts was car ried after hia. wound and" cap ture. There was no expectation of Captain Metts' recovery at the time, and in surrendering his sword he only knew that he was giving it into kind and synrpathizing hands. We have heard a member of the Third N. C, now, 'alas! among the "departed, who saw Captain Metts when he was struck, say that he (Capt. Metts) was gallantly cheering his men, his hat in one hand and his sword in the other, both aloft, at the moment he was shot. Recently a notice was published in the Neivs and Observer calling for the owner of the sword, if alive, as the party holding it was desirous that it should be restored. We published the card in the Review", at the timej and Capt. Metts wrote to the direction indi cated, and to-day this precious memen to of many a hard fought field is in its rightful owner's possession. It lis -a war-worn blade' and scabbard, and a spot of blood on the hilt of the sword, which has remained there for nearly nineteen years, tells its owntale of those terrible da vs. Accompa nying the sword, Capt. Metts received the following letters, which, at our re quest, he has kindly permitted us to publish: . j Ciiaptico, Md., May 11th, 1882. Dear Sir : Yours of recent date came duly to hand and I avail myself of ear liest leisure to acknowledge its receipt and note contents, i I have little, if any doubt, that you are the owner ot-tne sword wmcnu brought with me from Gettysburg in July, 18(53, and it is "a source or peculiar and especial pleasure to me, tnat 1 snail be able, alter a lapse ot very nearly nineteen years, to restore it to its right ful owner, in the same conditioiwn which I received it from the wounded lieutenant (shot through the lungs)from North Carolina, who, believing he was going to die and not wishing his "trusty blade" to fall into ; the hands of the Yankees, begged me to take it with me and keep them from getting it. I It would be Very interesting to you, I am sure, to hear how I had to con trive to conceal it until I left Gettys burg, and the narrow escape I made in passing the guard with it to get on the cars for Baltimore; but the story is too long for my present sheet, and I must content myself with stating that I have no desire to retain the sword, and if, when you receive it, you should find it to be not yours, you will be more likely to find an owner for it than I will, as it certainly belonged to somebody who hailed from North Carolina in '63. I have delivered it to Mr. Glenn, of the S. ii. R. R., with the request that he forwards it to you as speedily as pos sible ; and I would be glad to hear from you on its arrival. Very truly yours, - F. R. T. Reeves. Charlotte Hall, Md., May 11th, 1882. Capt. Jas J. Metts,- Wilmington, N.Ci: My Dear Sir It is with the greatest of pleasure that I forward, per express, your sword, which has been in. the hands of a stranger for 20 long years. I know that it will be received by you and yours with the greatest joy, for I "know how my family love and revere the scabbardless blade of my poor fatlfer, who was killed at Boonsboro. When Dr. Reeves first informed me that he had the sword of a North Caro linian, who, even when he thought he was dying, was so careful of his own, and his State's, honor, as not -to wish that the sword of one of her sons should fall into the hands of the enemy, I re solved, at once, that, if possible I would find the owner and return it to him, aud should he be dead, which I thought, from Dr. Reeves" account, more than probable, I would restore it to his fam ily. I am a . Tar Heel " myself, and were you in my place, you would le gratified, as I am, to hear, daily, the praise be stowed, by both friends and foes, upon the bravery and endurance of the gal lant sons of North Carolina in our un fortunate civil war. In conclusion, I will state that Dr. Reeves has shown a most praiseworthy desire, all through, to restore the sword to its rightful owner. Hoping you will receive it in good order, andf that you will let me know, at once, of its, arrival, I remain, yours, Very respectfully, E.T.B.GLEXX. Mr. F. Wilke, Lafayette,, Ind re ports a case where a man suffered so badly with Rheumatism that he could not move. He had most terrible pains. Twelve hours alter the first application of the St. Jacobs Oil the pains were gone, and the swelling had disappeared. The Texas Greenback State Conven tion is called to meet at Galveston on the 29th of June. ; The .Light Infantry Anniver- ary. The anniversary 6T the Wilmington Light infantry .-.will be celebrated to morrow. There will be a naradu and . - target practice in the dav and a com- .f;.. . i i . petitne rill m the manual jof arms at night. The Company; will parade for roll call, at 7 a. m and will proceed f ai.m.cjui uic regular pnzp, me goia medal, which is annually awarded for the best shot. They will then return to the city, and at 8 p.-ui. will form at the "Armory and march to the Opera House, the use of whlcTihas beeii kindly donated by Capt. Pennypacker for th occasion, where the drill in the manual will take place, the prize for this being a beautiful silver cake basket, at the conclusion of which they will jreturn to the Armory where thev will find some "fiTinira" nrpntri f.T-f 1 .r. nnA uU 1 -k pX -tr . A 1 H members of the Veteran Corps and the4 Honorary members. Messrs. Jno. CJ James, H. C. McQueen and F. A. Lord are the judges for the drill. There will be no charge for admission to the Ope4 ra .House and the ladies are especially invited. The Lutheran - Church. Kcv. F. V. Conrad, edifnrnf th Lutheran Observer, of Philadelphia, is1 to arrive to-night, in this city. He will' be the guest of Mr. H. B. Eilers, . and Rev. Dr. L. A. Bikle, of Blount Pleas ant, this State, comes to Wilmington to-morrow morning and will be the guest of H. Vollers, Esq. . These distinguished, divines come to our city to take part in the special ser vices to be held in St. Paul's Lutheran Church next Sunday, at the installation of Rev. F. W. E. Peschau as pastor of that Church; The services will be held as follows: Sunday morning preach ing, by Dr. Conrad, of Philadelphia; Sunday School at 3 p. m., with ad dresses by Rev. Messrs Bikle and Con oad; night services at 8 p. m., act of installation, the charge to the people to be delivered by Dr. Conrad and the cnarge to the faster by Rev. Dr. Bikle. On Monday night a missionary meeting will be held, in which the above-named gentlemen will speak on the foreign and domestic mission work ot the Lutheran Church. Editor Daily Review : Dear Sir: In consideration of the very few legal holidays we have, it stems to me that our business men might well afford to observe them moreJ closely than they do now. This could be accomplished by preconcerted action in such a way as would not prove det rimental to any one, and would aflbrd their employes an opportunity to devote an entire day to much needed recreation and not a very small part of one, as has been the way in the past. Requesting the insertion of this com munication, with "such well-timed re marks as you may deem advisable to make, all of which is respectfully dedi cated to the Produce Exchange and Board of Trade and Banks, I am, in behalf of the interested. One of Them. We insert the above with great pleas ure. Great Britain has three holidays to our one, and if we would but follow her example, we doubt not it would be better for both employer and employee. The confined and sedentary life of many of our clerks and bookkeepers is inju rious to health, which might be reme died by more frequent opportunities for recreation in the open air. Bishop Lyman's Appointments. May 18 TuesdayWilliamston. May 1& Friday, Jamesvillc. May 20 Saturday, Trinity, Beaufort County. -May 21 Sunday, Washington. May 22 Monday, South Creek. May 23 Tuesday, Durham's Creek. May 24 Wednesday Bath. May 25 Thursday, Zion's Church, Beaufort county. - May 26 Friday evening, Pantego. : May 28 Sunday, St. James, Beau fort county. May 31 Wednesday, Makelysville, Hyde county. June 1 Thursday, Swan Quarter, Hyde county. June 2 Friday, Fairfield, nyde county. -; ; " June 4 Sunday, St. George's, Hyde county. : i June 11 Sunday evening, Fayette ville. June 18 Sunday, Pitts boro. Holy Communion at all morning ser vices. Collections for Diocesan Missions. Best ever made, Emory's Little Ca thartic Pills, pleasant to take, sugar coated; no griping; only 15 cents a box, of Druggists or bv mail. Standard Cure Co., 114 Nassau Street, New York. 8m d&w. MED. TAYLOR Mar ISth, ISSf, ARTHUR LOTUS TAYLOR, sou of Mr, and Mrs. B. a Taylor, red 5 vears. The mends of the famllr are invited to at tend the funeral this day (Friday) at 3 o'clocK P. M., at the NsUonsl Cemetery. 1 STATE NETWS. reensboro Patriot: The work of en larging and improving the Methodist church will) begin soon. The building fund, amounting to. 3,000, Jacks only' $300 of being made up. - - -txcwiiKruitiurtrjHuz iuessr. arson j & Danielf ?hippeii ft finc lot f mackcr jeli by the Xeto Berne yesterday, among ; which was a giant fish; -about four feet Greensboro Jittglc: Mr. James J. Ogilvie, of Staunton, Va., lias just rent ed from- Dr. Benbow the buildings known as the machine shops, near Glas socks foundry, for the purpose of estab lishing a fruit drying establishment on an extensive scaler "' a ' Laurinburg Enterprise: The citizens of the Spring Hill neighborhood in this county were (painfully thrilled on'Fri da,p morning last by the announcement that Mr- Jno. Johnson, an aged and highly esteemed citizen of the ".commu nity, had suddenly died.- Mr. John nity, had suddenly died.- Leach, who was stricken, withparaly s about two years ago, and from the effects of which ho never recovered. died at hi3 home near Red Banks.Robe- son county, last Tuesday, 9th mst., at the advanced age jof sixty-odd years. Charlotte Observer: The many friends of Mr. JohnW. Miller,one of the prom inent cotton bu-ers of the city, will hear with regret that he has decided to leave Charlotte next season. He is going to .Norfolk. ' The Observer yesterday received a letter from Governor Vance, in which, after speaking of some private matters, he says : "We leave here on next Thursday night, at 11.40 o'clock, with Bayard, Butler and Hampton, Ransom, Armfield, Cox, Dowd, Scales, Evins, and others (are coming." Goldsboro Messenger: Our merchants complain that business is exceedingly dull. Mr. J. F. Southerland lost fully $2,000 during the winter by horses dying from " pink bye" The name of the postofnee at Warrensville, Samp son county, N. C, has been changed to --, fl T?rT-l- Tu T"i party of Johnston pounty will assemble m cohvention at the court house, in Smithfield, on ' Saturday, June 10th. Mr. John D. Gnmsley, former clerk of Greene county Superior Court, had the misfortune on Tuesday to have his hand badly crushed in his brick machine, necessitating its amputation. - Snow fell on Monday in portions of HJohnston county. The ground at 'Mill' Creek Church, m the Bentonsville sec tion, woo oovd itii snow. VVe hear ot hail m other neighborhoods The Democrats of Carteret county held a meeting last week and recommended Hon. C. C. Clark for Congressman at Large, Hon. A. A. McKoy forjudge Third Judicial District, and Capt. Swift Gaily way for Solicitor. - -We learn from Mr. II. McLean, superintendent of the Midland Road construction, that he contemplates having the . rail put down to Smithfield by the 1st. of June. We learn also that the work of putting down new rail was begun on' the Atlan tic Road near New Berne yesterday. THE MAILS. Themails close and arrive at the City Post office as follows CLOSE. Northern through mails, fast........4.4' V. M, Northern through and way mails, . . ..r.40 A. M Raleigh 5.00 P. M. and 5.10 A Mails for the N. C. Railroad and ' routes supplied therefrom includ ing A. & N. C. Railroad at -.5.40 A, Southern Mails for all points Bonth, daily 8.00 P. M. M. M. Western mails (C. C. Railway) daily, (except Sunday).. 5.00 P. M. All points 1-etween Hamlet and Ral eigh .....5.00 P. M. Mail for .Cheraw and Darlington Rail road........ ...8.00 P. M. Mails for points betweep Florence and Charleston.... ..."..8.00 P. M. Favetteville and offices on Cape Fear River, Fridays 1.00 P. M. Fayetteville, via Lumbcrton, daily, except Sundays .5.00 P. M. Onslow C. II. and intermediate offi ces, Tuesdays and Fridays. ...... . .0.00 A. M. Smithville mails, by steamboat, daily (except Sundays) . .......... . . '. ... 8.30 A. M. Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shallotte ami Liulo River, Tues days and Fridays COO A. M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails. . . .8.30 A. M. Southern Mails ...8.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad .....10.30 A. M. 3Iail collected from street boxes every day at 3.45 P. M. ': ' . Stamp Office open, from 8 A. M. to 12 M.. and from -2 to 5.30 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp omce. stamps for sale in small quanUtiefl at general delivery when stamp office is rlosed. ' General delivery ppen from d.-y light to dark and on Sundays from 8.30 to 9.30 A. M. - : NEW AI VElfcTIS E3IENTS. To Subscribers : V . . , . . . Telephone Exchange ! TUE "TWO DRUG STORES? ARE CON nected by Telephone No. 63, F. C. MILLER, Cor. Fourth & Nun, No. 64, do. do. Ho ft Hanover maylS-lt J. C. WHITE, Manager. Ten Cents pOR A QUIRE OF COMMERCIAL NOTE Paper on a Package of White "XX Knvelope- At - . JfWETT?, - ' 7 N. Front Street. . . Upholstering and Paper Hanging done. f UI. QR.. WTL. LIGHT INFANTRY,' ' ARMORY, WILMINGTON, 3. C , v ' , MAY 19TH, lfi 29th Anniversary. 1 (OrdekNo. 2.)-1 ; v rpHE MEMBERS ARE HEREBY SUMMOX- ed, and the Veteran Corps and Honorary Mem- bcrs requested,, to 'meet at the Armory at 7 o'clock, A. M.. and 8 o'clock P. 31. . on Satur day, the 20th Inst., for Parade, Target Prac tice and Competitive DrilL . - uy order ot the Captain. , BW. DUSUAM. " ' Orderly fiarfeaat. ' may W-?t t " PLEASE NOTICE. , ' ' . - - . , We Will Be glad 'jo receive cbmmuaicaUon from our friends on any and all subjects f general' fateretbt.?--t ' . ; .-" The name of the Writer must always hi fur- nluihe! to the Editor. V ; Communications must be written on ! !onlr one side of the paper. Pcrsonalitlesmust be avoided. And it M especially and particularly under- stood that the Editor does not always endorse he views of corrcsiondent9 unless &6 stated in tlie editorial columns. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Patent Medicines. -QIL CLARE, JOHNSON'S INDIAN BLOOD a ' - aa,. . a. mM a7j -a a Y .11. 1T.I .. V 1 . . ' I . . f r.'V f i" "kimiu s rjji'iaiiie iomponi. iiiuic or m i.Miu.. or I'ow uer rorm. AgenU for Rock Rrldp Alum I Water. A full line of Mineral Water .fnh may 1 MUNDS BROS., Prufqrlsts. Wanted, A TIMBER WAGON.f ANI A PAIR OF LEAD MULES. Apply to li: B. SUORTv ' 1 I " I ,. FlemihtrtATi V r! nutv 17-eod lw i rat-f!In s9 TTn m h 11 cr I f: rjlIIE -ESTHETIC JOKEi:? . I'M IN LOVE I The aboe I something cutlrely iicwi and attractive, rrico 10c. At , . HEIRSBER&tR'S. Esthetic Joker I VHO SAYS YOUVRE A DARLINGi ! rt , , 1 KISS. ME Price 10c. At jQCICK! may 18 ! HEINSBERGER'S. Bock Beer !. Bock Beer ! Tivoli Bock Beer ! VfOT THE FIRST OF THE SEASON BUT THE -LI i K ,. . I THE BEST. In fact BETTER THAN BEST. ,. Our Refrigerator car Is hero rlth our second shipment of tho Season. IT CAN-BEAT THE BEST. may 10-2wks R. PORTNER. Rothschild's Shirts. Rothschild's-Custom Shirts mado to Measure ! 6 for S9. i i Wamsutta Muplln, Rept Irish Lncn. . DELIVERED FREE EVERYWHERE. In eerv-ro.ect the verv best Shirts; that we can produce AT ANY COSY- ()ur larsre and ervowiHpr buniuuM, ;iiiijir facilities, mauy yearn experience, long list of customers in principa TOM SHIRTS excelled hy none. (Gentlemen who have hitlM-to Wn underthe imi)i-e.s8ion that the very best shirts could not be sold at our prices are invited to give u a trial, WEH3UARANTEE SATISFACTION! Onr Spring importations of Fancy Shirtingr include all the new dealm in FRENCH CUE TONNES, PERCALES, AND SCOTCH CHE VIOT SHIRTINGS. , j Underwear. We have now on hand the largest and selected stock of GENTS' KNIT SHIRTS jAND DRAWERS for Spring and Summer wear. ROTIISCinLD'S WHITE MERINO SHIRTS at f0 cents each. " " ROTHSCHILD'S ROYAL MERINO -SHIRTS AND DRAWERS at cents each. J"; ROTHSCHILD'S SUMMER CASIlMKRE SHIRTS AND DRAWERS nt 1 each. I ROTHSCHILD'S INDIA GAUZE SHIRTS, whole or half sleeves, at 50 cents each. J j ROTHSCHILD'S SUMMER M ERIN O SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, at CO cents eachu ROTHSCHILD'S BEST JEAN I) GO cent 9 oflch ' ' ! I Alw), Iieautiful Lines of BALBRIGGAN and SILK UN UEU1V liA 1. ; Spring Neckwear. Onr ctwfc 1 nnxc e nmislpte. and includes all the latent novelties and choicest pnxluctlons of the Foreign and Domestic markets. Iarjc' lines of CJnb House, DeJolnvIlle, Claudcnt and Inl Stanley Scarfs, in plain ami fancy color ed Silks and Satins, 40 cents to 1.50 each. Also, large lines of Folded Silk ami .Satin Tien, In Plain and Fancy Colors, 3c. to Wc. each.; Kid Gloves. AU manufactured In our own factory from imported Skins, very best quality, fl.23 per pair. Spring shades. Rothschild's Fancy Half Hose All tho newest designs in imported Fancy HALF HOSE from Xic. to 9l.f ier fair. PLAIN, COLTJRED AND URlTISH HALF HOSE from cts. pee pair upwanls. - , Umbrellas. J All grades, onr own manufacture. Beet Gingham Umbrella, $1. ! General Stock of Furnishing goodt, C91LARS AND CUFFS, CAMBRIC, UN EH AUD SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, SUSPENDERS, AND "GEN TLEMEN'S JEWELRY, allat popular price. An elegant set of COLD PLATED C3UAB AND SLEEVE BUTTONS, or elegant SET (3) Qf SHIRT STUDS' given with each half-dozen of Kotb child's Custom Shtrti. , Samples,. Directions for self -measurement, and descriptive circulars mailed free. Special IrW List to the tradj. We refer to all New Yort,. - W. H. Rothschild & Co., Broadway & th .St., New York. maylS-Iyd&w ' Bock Beer Y Bock Beer ! rjtIIK.FIR.ST OF THE SEASON AND BB6T of all .; ' '. - BERGNER A EN GEL AGAIN AHEAD! -We fecclred oar first instalment of r BOCK BEER jturterday to our refrigerator cars, r IT CANT BI2 BEAT I : - W3L GENACST, X'-