i i i . - THIS TAPER u pnbltoHed every morning. Mondays ex cepted J)j .TOSH T JAMES, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. .CBSCBIPTIOXS "POSTAGE PAID: L $4 00. Six months, $2.00. Three B 7 ths $100; One month, 35 cents, r -ZLxr will he delivered by carriers free f lrTin ny pari ot the city, at the above "Cve-tlMlus mte. low and liberal . .ub-rritrSHl report any and all fail tt4 t nivo their paper regularly )CAL NEWS. IHOEX TO NEW ADYERTISEKTEIITS. yoTICE-Closing of banks. Xr Co Ship notice. Y vtf Pianos and Organ3. S jf.wktt Headaches cured. MrMi Hiios Patent medicines. ilnssiiKWiEis-Groeers' pass books. i:ah for the Twentieth. N,.wLrh77jute laetorv. Why not ' . ' j receipt of cotton at this port fj!daj fiot up 40 bales. Steamship Ingram, hence, arrived at New Vork yesterday. Steamship "iterator, Cant. Doane, i,,r, verterday morning from Sew A Uhinsintho hardware 'line can he found at reasonable prices.at Jaco- - Rl Hon A M. Waddell will deliver an address before the Collegiate Institute at Kinston on thejth of June. - There are7 biues., : 7 brigs and U ohooncrs in port here te-day, and there are 7 barques and G brigs bound for this port from foreign ports. - . The repaTrTtolhe" wharf at the foot of Chestnut street have been completed! and it is now as strong and substantial as ever. Silk wornwhich are iiow. much talked about, feed readily on the leaves of the Osage orange. This is a point to be noted. V pure Ptrengthening tonic, free from whi-kcv and alcohol, cures dyspepsia, and similar diseases. It has never been rjuallt'd. Brown's Iron Bitters. Grant has come to grief financially. Wall Street was his Appomattox, and Iiouisville & Nashville Kailroad.stocks h'n conqueror. Freshwater Perch.Trout and Black fish hooks and lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Ja corn's, t Messrs. Crapon & Pickette are to-day hard at work opening the new stock of groceries recently purchased by them in New York. -. An enrieher of the blood and purifier of tho system; cures lassitude and lack of energy; uch is Brown's Iron Bit ters. The Independent Order of Immacu lates (a colored association) will pay out next Monday night a benefit of $1,060 to the family of a deceased mem ber. We saw some garden peaches yester day taken from a tree m this city, that were as large as walnuts. Vegetables hereabouts are developing rapidly, not withstanding the cool weather. Gen. M. P. Taylor and Capt. W. A, -dimming, of the Second Brigade, N. V. S. T., left here last evening for Char lotte, and will most likely take a part in the parade there to-morrow. To Builders and others Go to Jaco ri's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, Jtc. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. t A little chiKl was found wandering about the streets yesterday. Officer lllen took tho little fellow in charge, and soon found its father, who was on the hunt for it. To Promote a Vigorous Growth of the hair, use Parker's Hair Balsam. It restores the youthful color to gray hair, removes dandruff and cures Itching ot tho scalp. Hon. A. M. Waddell, of the Veteran Corps of the "Wilmington Light Infan try, will deliver the prizes to the best shot and the best drilled man in the manual at the Opera House this evening. Reports from all sections confirm the rumors of heavy frosts. In some sec tions replanting is necessary. The fruit crup, it is said, is too far advanced to be seriously damaged by the cold snap. Mr. J . Y. Hartley will give dramatic readings at the rooms of the Library Assoeiation, on Monday night. He is aline reader and deserves a good audi ence on this, .his last appearance in this citv. Best ever made, Emory's Little Ca- &rf VMS, pleasant to take, sugar tt; no griping; only 15 cents a box, Jf druggists or by mail. Standard Cure V 1 4 Nassau Street, Sew York. m d&vr. IVouldit not be a good idea now, wnee the fire alarm bell has been made stationary, to do away with the ringing Vfhe breakfast, turnout and dinder beUs? The ringing of the bell is a useless bbitand so far as' we can see benefits xo oat. t i ' ! . i VOL. VI. In A large number of excursionists are expected in this city on! Friday next from points along the line of the Wil mingtou, Columbia! & Augusta Rail- road. Special cars will be attached to the train, so we are informed, for the use of whites who are expected to par ticipate in the excursion. .-. 1 1 . In the future the fire alarm bell will only strike the fitp districts. The alarm can be distinguished from the "turnout and close up bell' taps when the dis The "jingle- bell" omitted. by a cessation of the rict has been struck. will in the future be Backj Again. Alary Moore is evidently well pleased with the fare; and accommodations of the hotel cU vttlc. The police f ranjlicr n" a few days ago. Shej served a term in the city prison, and was released on Thursday morning. Mary breathed the unconfined air of this salubrious cli mate for six short hours, when she com menced to pine for her quarters in the station house. She kicked up a row Thursday nightj and was again " run in." His Honor said yesterday morn ing, five daj-s. The Janitor will moor Mary Moore out of the door. Exit. Decline oif Man. Nervous Weakness, Dyspepsia, Im potence, Sexual Debility, cured by "Heirs Health Renewer." Jas. C. Munds. . ' . I 1 $1. Depot At Point Cabwell. Quite a large crowd assembled in the town hall at Point Caswell; on Thurs day night, to. witness the closing exer cises of the school of Miss Sallie Bur gwyn. The entertainment consisted of recitations, charades aiidiableaux. The school children did Remarkably well, and we are sorry we have not their names before us to particularize. If it were in our power to be ubiquitous we would speed on to Point Caswell and get the name of each little one who took part and give hmi or her the public praise they so justly Reserved i Between the tableax Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hawes gave some delightful Instrumental music, and Mrs. John'R. Paddison sang several sweet little ballads, much tothe edification and enjoyTment of the delighted audience. j Our young friend Toilers was placed in a very trying position and hie bore his part well. He "stood the.fire" as though lip. vn n.n nlil lmnrl of tin Vltxva Vinf we felt so sorry for him, ahem that we started out of pure disinterested mo tives to take his place. If he ever gets in a scrape like that again, we want him to call on, us to1 relieve him.! At the close of the entertaimhent the ladies of tlie village spread tab es laden with del- icacies fit for the gods . i The prices were and the ladies never Rooked lovelier in their lives. To say that the affair was a complete social success, is harhly saying enough, and weare deligbted to know that the most sanguine financial expec tations of the projectors were more than "The Best in the World." Asheville, K. CL, Aug. 8,1 1881. Dk. H. H. Wakner & Co.: Sirs. I consider your Safe Kidney anjd Liver Cure the best medicine in the world for kidney and liver diseases. Col. R. C. O'Buyox. Black Kiver. We notice in the Producej Exchange a petition which was left there to bo for warded to Gen. Ransom, praying the Congress for an appropriation of; $15, 000 or $20,000 to clear out Black River, fromPoint Caswell to Lisbon. The paper has been very, numerously signed by residents along the line of the river, and is accompanied "by a letter j from Capt. S. W. Skinner j to Senator Ran som, setting forth j the 'need of the ap propriation and the great danger, as it is now, to navigation above Point Cas well. We happen to know something of the condition of this river, having been over it many times in former years and we arc only surprised that an ap plication for relief hits not teen made long ago. -There are places there, between Point Caswell and Beatty's Bridge, w here the water runs like a mill race, while the channel is ex ceedingly torturous ! an6 the j bed of the river is covered here and there with sunken logs, which render navigation at times exceedingly perilous. We think that the appropriation asked for is suffi cient to open up the: river to such an ex tent that the Dawso?i can run to Beatty's Bridge, and the Lisbon to Herringsville at all seasons of the year. W! trust that the appropriation may be secured, if not from this Congress then from the next, and that a (resolution which we understand that Hon. Joo.W. Shackel ford has introduced for the surrey of the river may go through at once. WILMINGTON, N. C SATURDAY. MAY 20. The Kiver and Harbor Bill. We thank Senator Ransom for a copy of the River and Harbor Appro priation Bill, as reported iu the House by the Committee on Commerce, where it was twice read and recommitted and ordered printed. We copy from it the followiug relative to points in North Carolina for which appropriations have reported : . j Improving Dan. River, Virginia and North Carolina ; continuing improve ment, seven thousand five hundred dol lars.' : 1 ; t . ; Improving North Landing River; VTr giniaaridj North : Carolina; continuing improvement, eieht thousand dollars . "' Improving Cape Fear River trom the ocean to Wilmington, North Carolina; contmumg improvement, one hundred and forty thousand dollars, j Improving Contentnea Creek, North Carolina ; j continuing improvement, live thousand dollars. - Improving Currituck Sonnd and North River Bar, North Carolina ; con tinuing imnrovement. including- Cnan- jok Bay, twenty thousand dollars. T - 1 T" IT- -fc'r- auijjroviug r rencn liroao: ruver,i ortn Carolina ; continuing improvement, five thousand dollars. Improving Lillington River, North Carolina: continuing improvement, three thousand dollars. Improving Neuse River, North Caro lina; continuing improvement, five thousand dollars, i Improving Pamlico and Tar Rivers, North Carolina;! continuing improve ment, five thousand dollars. Improving Trent River, North Caro lina; continuing improvement, five thousand dollars. Improving Waccarhaw River, North and South l Carolina ; continuing im provement, four thousand four hundred dollars. - i An Interesting Letter. A spirit of gratitude! prompts me to address a brief note of thanks. Three months ago I returned from Mobile, Ala., and was immediately attacked with what is known as Sciatic Rheumatism. I em ployed three physicians in succession, giving each one ample time to afford re lief if it had been in his power. I was not materially benefited by their ser vices and was beginning to despair, when a friend who had experienced the effects of St. Jacobs Oil advised me to give it a trial. I refused, because I; did not think Rheumatism could be cured by outward application. Insisting updn a trial of it he sent me two bottles. Unable to meet his kindness by further refusal, I had the remedy applied to the parts affected. My case was so severe that after a few applications I scarcely seem ed to be benefited. But before the first bottle had been used up, I began to be relieved of the painful lameness in my hip and knee, and when the second bot tle was used out I could dress myself and walk jabout. I continued to use it, and am now able to go down to my offico and attend to business, Shoiild persons afflicted as I was desire a stronger testimonial, I shall tell them, if they call upon me, to give St. Jacobs Oil a fair trial ; and I now feel as though I could assure them the same grateful and speedy relief that I have experien ced. Weslet Sissons, Atty at Lawt 179 Washington St Chicago, 111. Weather Forecasts. Vennor has published the following predictions of the weather for j the re mainder of the year 1882 : The season will merit the designation of cool to cold and wet, generally. Not that there will not be terms; of summer warmth, and even intense heat, for periods, but rather that these last will appear in the retrospect as of but comparative in significance, or 1 as the exceptions to the general rule The season will be marked by not only great precipitation, but by a mug giness of atmosphere, generally, caused oy the reeking condition of the earth and the long continuance oT clouded sky. This will result in periods of ex treme sultriness and heavy weather, during which thunder and hail storms will occur. In other words, the sum mer will be the reverse of clear and dry. . '. There is a likelihood of June and August frosts in Northern, Western and Southern sections, and. a general cold wave may occur toward midsum mer. ! j The autumn months will continue moist. September will probably give rains and floods fn Western and South ern sections of tho United States. Octo ber will be much the same, with early cold and snow falls. November will be gin the winter of 1883-,83 a winter like ly to be memorable on account of its exceptionably heavy snow falls and very cold weather over the whole Northern Hemisphere. That a "cold and wet summer is invariably folio wed by a cold and stormy winter," is a truth now so well proven and borne out by the testi mony of past records that we cannot lightly put it aside, and if we have good and sufficient grounds" for predicting the former as we most assuredly have at this time it is but right that we should warn the people of the latter in good season. - i The approaching season will proba bly be the first of a couple of wet sum mers, and, as 1882 is, so is 1883 likely to be. . : " j' ' Personal. ; Frank D. Kooncej Esq., of Onslow, is in the city and favored us with a call last night. We leArn from him that the crops in his county are very, prom ising, although the cotton and the late corn have been cut down by "the cold weather, necessitating replanting in many instances. The fruit crop is ex cellent in its promises and on the whole the farmers are hopeful of good harvests. j . , r Kidney Disease, J Pain, Irritation, Retention Inconti nence, Deposits,- Gravel, &c, cured by BuchupaDia". $1. Depot James C. Munds. ' . - . " ! v We are requested to state that all of the members of the Veteran Corps and the Honorary Members of the Wilming ton Light Infantry, are invited to at tend at the target shooting and the drill and presentation of prizes at the Opera House and afterwards at the Armory to-morrow without further notice. Indications. For the SouthAtlantic States, fair weather, variable winds, mostly south erly, stationary or lower pressure. Interesting Exercises. Quite interesting were the exercises at the Williston School.colored, on the cor ner of Seventh and Nun streets yesterday They consisted of recitations, declama tions, music and the reading of essays by the pupils, some of whom acquitted themselves with genuine credit. A con siderable number of visitors were pres ent, who were highly pleased with the intellectual entertainment. Eustis Green is principal of the school with his wife and four other assistants to aid him in his labors. He is compe tently educated, has a fondness for his duties, and is doing wonderful work irl advancing the educational standard oif the colored race. The school has an average attendance of 285 pupils, a slight njajority of whom are females. The studies are such as are generally pursued in the public schools, from the primary to the higher English branches, embraces rhetoric and algebra and Lat in. " ' . . " ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice. SATURDAY, THE 20TH OF MAT, BEING a Legal Holiday, no business will be trans acted by the Banks of this city on that day. 3 A. K. WALKER, Cashier First National Bank. 8. D. WALLACE, may 20-lt Cashier Bank of New Hanover. Headaches Cured ! , B Y COMFORTABLE REST AT NIGHT, TO i. nn on TCiaatfo TTjifr M&ttress. We make them to order at 40, 45, 60, 53, GO, 80 and 85 cents per pound. Call and examine Hair and Ticking and leave your orde may 20 ' 27 N. Front Street. Ship Notice. ALL PERSONS ARE HfcKttisi cautioned and forewarned against harboring or creating any oi tne crew "ihuv TEST." Capt. Anderson, as neither the Master or Consignees will be responsible forTany detb. contracted bylem may 20-3t ! Consignees. j Ice Ice Ice ! J WOULD RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY THE citizens and public generally, that 1 1 have laid in a full supply of choice ICE and am now ful- f ll .4aH tn all rkniTitA on the IV prepares vu uu ui- i " - Railroads and Rivers at low prices, and hope to secure a reasoname oi apl 2S-law 5w-sat ' New Ice House- Goces, Pass Books, BUTCHERS PASS BOOKS, - . . i T- rw MERIT (JAKDS lor ounaay anu net j School, CATECHISMS for all Denominations, SUNDAY SCHOOL SONG BOOKS, CHOIR BOOKS, j THE ORGAN YOU WANT. COME AND LOOK AT THEM. FULLY WARRANTED, mav 20 At HEINSBERGER'S. 3Ii CRONL.T, Auctioneer. BY CRONLY MORRIS. Public Sale oF .ir.RMAX ...qj-e Grwr. or WILMINGTON, N. G, MONDAl, MAI 22. 1SS2. NOON. r . -TrrlLLBESOLD.INTUE UlAi w T T . . irihnlnirtiUI f!t- MINGTON. J. . U., ioo ton compress torapany s " Vuttr. on MON- DY?THE 22D MAY 1. at Ugfi&ofo Appurtenances belonging 7ur,m be en on board of said vessel. Terms, Cash. ! FOTPMUS,LONNIES. Master, may 17 ttwersat , Auctioneer. 1882. NO. 123. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Unpi recedented Attraction ! ( ' - . OVER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. Louisiana State Lottery Company, Incorporated la 1863 for 25 rears by tho Lei- ilature for EdacaUonal and CharitAhl nnr. poses .wUh capital of $1,000,000 to wtuch a reserve fund added, or vxxi.uuo bas aince bec ,JJ an oTejwielmlnar popular rote its fran- i.uisc wa maue apart or tfte present stare vosniuiion aaopteu vecemher 2d, A. D., 1879. US CiKAKD SlNOLE XriMRCT will take place month lr. D&AWIXGS . It never scale4 or postpone. Look at the following Distribution : " GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT, during which will take place the 1 45th Grand Monthly AJfTJ THE KXTK AOBDIN KB. X SEXI-AXJCUAI. DRAWIXG At hew Orleans, Tuestlay, June 13th, 1832. Under the personal supervision and manage- mentof i Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louis iana, and Gen. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia. I Capital Prize, $100,000. JNotice Tickets are Ten Dollars onlv. IJn 1 An 1 An m . . - LIST OF PRIZES. T TCP "TTI TTTT-o 1 Capital Prize of $100,000.... $100,000 50,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 l'Grand Prize of 1 Grand Prize of 50,000. 20,000. 2 Large Prizes of 4 Large Prizes of 20 Prizes of 10,000 5,000.... 1,000 500. 300.... 200.... 100.... 10.... 50 " 20,000 25,000 30,000 40,000 60,000 100,000 100 " 200 " 600 " 10,000 " APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Approximation Prizes of $200. 100 " ioo. 100 " " 75. $20,000 10,000 1,500 11,279 Prizes, amounting to i $522,500 Gen. G. T. Beactregard, of La. ) J, Gen. Jubxl A. Eaely, of Va. tj?m' I Application for rates to clubs should! only be made to the office of the Company in New Or leans, j For information apply to ; ' . ; M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La. or M. A. DAUPHIN. 127 La Salle Street, Chicago, Ills, or M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh St., Washington. T. C. The New York Office is removed to Chicago. N. B. Orders addressed to New Orleans will receive prompt attention, j 1 The particular- attention of the Public is coiled to the fact that the entire number of the Tickets for each Monthly Drawing is sold, and conse quently all the prizes m each drawing are sold ana arawn ana paid. may ll-wed-sun-4w-d w . i T : : HI). QllS. WIL. LIGHT INFANTRY, i -, ARMORY, WILMINGTON, N. C , ' i - ! - MAY 19TH, 1882. 29th Anniversary. (Order No. 2.) rjpHE MEMBERS ARE HEREBY SUMMON ed, and "the Veteran Corps and Honorary Mem bers requested, to meet at" the Armory at 7 o'clock, A. M., and 8 o'clock P. M., on Satur day, the 20tli inst.!, for Parade, Target Prac- A.! 1 J-t IH V III lice anu ompeuuve utui. By brdcr of the Captain. V. W. DUNHAM, Orderly Sargeant. may 19-2t The Best Rule JN THE HARDWIRE .TRADE CAN BE found at JACbBI'S Hardware Depot. It is to sell at small profits, and therein is the secret of our Increased trade. We keep one of the fullest and best stocksn the3SUteJ,in the fol lowing lines : ' GENERAL HARDWARE, BAR IKON AND STEEL, BUILDER'S HARDWARE.! CABuIAuK MATEUIALS, and FARMERS' TOOLS, ! Of every kind. MECHANICS' Paints, White Lead and Brushes, Coach faints and v arnisnes. WINDOW GLASS, ALL SIZES. Manufacturer's Agency for the f oUowlng goods : i . ATLAS 'AND STONEWALL PLOWS, BATMAN'S UNIVERSAL PLOW, JACOBI PLOW, NEW YORK ENAMEL PAINTS, COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, From two of the bent factories. DOORS, WINDOWS AND BUNDS, i A stock of each of the above always on bandj Allwho have not yet done jso are solicited to give us a trial. j i . . - j - Correspondence. attended to promptly. j NATHANIEL JACOBI, apl?3 tf KCSouth Front St. , rJotice. QEBTTFICATE OF DEPOSIT I55CED BY the First National Bank of Wilmington, N. C., Ne., 3203, dated April 12thJ 1S?2, for seven thou- -I .....--.--: , . . sand three hundred three and ihlrfy-three one .-.I ' i ' " hundred dollars ($70X33) in favor of the undersigned has been lost in transmission by v ,. . . - ....... p mail,' and all persona are cautioned against trading for same, as payment has been stops . . ' . ... ped. - - A-C. LEAK, may 12-tf May8th,lS82. Private Boarding. C HAVING RENTED TILE WELL-KNOWN and beautlfolly situated Reynold's Place. in the dry of Asheville, I am prepared to take Boarders on the following terms: $30 00 a month; $10 00 a week; $1 fiO a day. Applv to MISS MARY -A. MIJULER, mayU-Szn . , '! Asberllle, N. C I iW will be glad l to receive 'communication Irora bur friends cm any and all subject ot general Interest but ' j The name of the writer must ahrars be for nished to the Editor. - Communications must be written on nlj one side of the paper. i i Personalities must be avoided. " - And it U especially and particularly under stood that the Editor doea not ' always endorse "he views of correspondents "ufr less so stated in the editorial columns. NEW APVERTISE3IENTrS. 44- Patent Medicines. i D U. CLARK'JOIIXSOX'S INDIAN BLOOD I Syrup, Green h Ague Conquercr, CO cent per, Bottle; Ljdia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Kidney-Wort in Liquid or Powder form. Agents for Rock Bridge Alum Water; fuU line of Mineral Water frrah. nay IS- - MUNDS BROS.; Druggist. Bock Beer ! Bock Beer ! ! Tivoli Bock Beer ! OT TflE FDXST OF THE SEASON BUT THETJE3T. BEST. In fact BETTER THAN THE KB Our Refrigerator car U herc wlih our eecond shipment of the Season. IT CAN BEAT TnE BEST. may 10-2wks PORTNER. Embroidery. J-AINSOOK AND JACONET IN GREAT variety, from low-priced to fine, just opened. EMBROIDERED WHITE FLANNEL, $100, $1 50 to $2 25 per yard.. Laces We keep a great variety of thesef Fancy Mattings. Large quantities selling, the Prices mutt be right. ' -, ' 1-1 I" I i i Some novelties to arrive In DRESS GOODS early in the week. j - Ladies' Trunks 32, 34, 36. Headquarters on these Goods. Respectfully,' may 14 . IL M. McINTIRE. Bock Beer ! Bock Be er ! rpiIE FIRST OF THE SEASON AN ) BEST OF ALL ' BERGNER & ENGEL AGAIN AHEAD I -We received our first lustalment of! ; BOCK . i " I i . BEER yesterday in our refrigerator cars. IT CANT BE BEAT ! WM. GENAU3T, : -may 3-2wks . ;, J 1 j A Rothschild's Shirts. Rothschild's Custom Shirts made to K T eaaur 6 for S9. Wamsutta Muslin,' Best Irish L.neh DELIVERED FREE EVERYWHERE. In every respect tle verv best Shirts that we can produce AT ANY COST- Our Urge and growing businesti, ample fjtclHtlc,:mauy year experience, long list of customers Jlu princlpa cities to whom our goods give perfect aatlsrac tlon. justifv us in saying that we produce CUS TOM SHIRTS excelled by none. I Gentlemen who have hitherto been under tho Impression that the very best Shirts could not be sold at our prices are Invited to give us fttrWE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Our Spring importations of. FRn,tr.W5 include all the new deshrns In FRkNCH CRE TONNES, PERCALES, AND SCOTCH CHE VIOT SHIRTINGS. Underwear. uaa nAiv tr iifiml f hr larcrOMt and et eelectl stock of GENTS' KNIT SHIRTS AND DRAVERS for Spring and Summer wear. ROTHSCHILD'S WHITE MERINO SIHRTS at 50 rents each. . J ; -I .,a ROTHSCI II LD'S IMJ l Ai air.ni. v aiiiiix AND DRAWERS at 75 cents each. l-J: ItOTIISCHILD'S SUMMER CASHMERE SHIRTS AND DRAWERS at tl each. I ROTHSCHILD'S INDIA GAUZE .SHIRTS, whdle or half sleeves, at 50 cents each, h ROTILSCHILD'S SUMMER! MERINO SHIRTS AN D DRAWERS, at to rnta each. nOTIISCHILD'S BEST JEAN DRAWERS, 0 cents each. Jll.J I ' Also, Beautiful IJncs or UALUiuuiip an SILK UNDERWEAR. . i i . Spring Neckwear. .av i. .mnlMi. and Includes all the latest novelties anl choicest productions of the Foreign awl Domestic markets. Large lines of Club House, DcJolnville, Claudcntand Inrd Stanlev .Scarfs, in plain and fancy color. ed Silks awl hatlns. 40 cents to fi.oo jm-h. A1m. lartre lines or rovex r-n iuu bbuu In Plain and Fancy Colors, 3c. to tsc. ca Kid Gloves. All manufactured in our oyni txciorf trom imported Skins, very beft quaUty, fL per pair. Spring shades. Rothschild 's Fancy Half Hose . ii in imnorted Fancy II VLF IIOSB from to r P?ir. HOSE from 23 eta. pec rair upwanU. Umbrellas. , Gingham Umbrella, L ..,, GcneralStock I umwuiu :Z."Z Sven "lib each half-dWof Roth- STUDS chiVl 's Custom Shirts. Plevpir?l Directions itr rircula and -List to the trade. F"?":;i, wi refer to aU York: W. H. Rothschild1 & Co., r . Broadway & 8tH St.New York, may lMjdAw I i i ; f - f

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