ljjggBsjsssss 1 I THIS PAPER eTery morning, Mondays ex ceptedby jOSHTJAjMES, firroK tfB1:" , mouths, $2.00. Three v. Ouc month, Sj cents. c tlelivcrca oy carina .r th r.itv. at the above a aay . . .,ii mr wees- rV'r. r-iif Kw and liberal. lf?';i"i wi!ilKrtan.l all fail I.:.., i,,iriapr regularly, . 7)CAL NEWS. ' . .- HDEX TO HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. j iACii-Shir . n K SMiTH-Fuiiiitar. .'MKiN&Co-Stove-i. ' u5imw and Organs, cjrwcn-rai'cr Hangings. ,rJI(; Miscellaneous. Ul"-- r ... lilt- ...... IViIfTK HOW uicj iMf 'Katz Summer Goods. . -tiurch Fctival-Kankin Hall. .- I S 31 a kti x Mortgage Sale. IvVL lioATWKiGHT Notice, il A, L & 1'eaksall Call on jis. IlEissBEWiEit Live BookStpre. Mrxitf Kkos Patent medicines. H M. Bowden & Co Saddlery. dui' & FicKETTE New Firm. Pakkek & Taylok "Our Dave" Camp Meeting Stmr John Dawson K M. McIxtihe New Dress Goods. Mils K. Kakkeu iEsthetic Colors. ". J ACOBi To Make Home Beautiful C. E. J evens Home Made Candy. W. E. SriasfiEB & Co Turpentine Tools. Reuciixek & Caldek Bros Sun dries Sunday after Ascension. N'o City Court yesterday. Day's length 14 hours and 13 minutes Sunset this afternoon past 7 o'clock. at 3 minutes How they bite. Bat there's rest for the weary, at Ben White's. V:; - The receipts ot cotton at tms port jeeterday foot up only 6 bales. . One child and one adult were interred in Belle vue Cemetery during the week Only one interment that of a child in Oakdale Cemetery during the week. Only three interments those adults in Pine Forest Cemetery during the week: Nothing but unimportant assault and battery cases in Magistrate's How yes- lerdav. The Billie Taylor Combination has collapsed. The management is now on the train p. The wind has again veered around to the South, and tonlay is expected to ho balmy and pleasant. Freshwater Pcrch.Trout and Black fifch hooks and lines. A full assort ment and lowest priccs'at Jacobi's - t The work of straightening and hard ening the Masonboro Turnpike has been completed. A new Hag wai floating over the office of Mr. E. Peschau, German Vic Consul, on yesterday. , The inatrimoiial fever is subsiding. The Register of Deeds issued one li cense, during the week, and that was to a colored couple. A pure StreilirthPnintT fvmV . rm i V. w llULU wmskcy and aipolml. onroa iU-cTAorxc;., nd similar diseasps. Tf )m equalled.- Brown's Iron Bitters. The first peaches of the season passed here yesterday They were from -Savannah, bound to New York. There were only a few crates of them. -Hoisting ears made their appearanse m market yesterday morning. They were email but sold for one dollar a dozen or about one cent a grain. The wooden ornaments which were b.owu from the steeple of the First Presbyterian Church during the severe storm of last fall, WCre put back in po sition yesterday. The ladies of the First Baptist Church will hold a festival at Rankin Hall Wednesday evening. Plenty of good Unngs will be offered for sale and a fine guaranteed all who attend. Reports from the country are very encouraging. Crops never looked bet lr upon the whole and the -wheat and f crops are said to be the largest ever ised in this section. 'The Best in the World.' Asiieville, N. C, Aug. 8, 1881. ii"1,1' lL Warnei & Co.: Sirs. w!l L'our Slfe Kidney and Liver SL c medicine in the world for kItoey and liver diseases. Col. R. p. O'Brtox. T ? u J C" hite, manager of the ieiephone Exchan terday putting new instruments in the lim -l w siauons. inc new in- snuiienls and batteries are said to be :r " JPwior to those which have hith- W 1 I 1 -'! i i .. , I I IV . . I I i . x i . - I - THE JIW "MM Wm YOL. VI. Kingr Cotton. ' The receipts of cotton at this port for the week closing to-day foot! up 479 bales, as against 283 bales forjthe cor responding period of last year, an in crease for this wcekjof 191 bales. The receipts of the crop year to latq foot up 135,033 bales as against 115,750 bales to May 23d, 1881, an increase this year of 19,883 bales, , "Rough on Rats." j Clears out rats, mice, rbaches, flies, nuts, .oeu-uugs, skuiio, i cmpmuncs, i i t i i gopners. 15c. Uepot. Cool aiidj Clear. I A couple of cargoes of Kennebec flint : ice have just been received f bv Messrs. W. E. Davis & Son. The iice is of the very best quality, and clear as crystal. The Captain jof the schooner Ella M. Ifaives, whb has been in the ice business for fifteen years, avers that he never saw clearer ice. i The cargoes av erage 433 pounds to the block, and I a newspaper can be easily reaa tnrougn one of the immense cakes. i The New Grocery, j Messrs Crapon & Pickette last nigh; threw open the doors of their new gro cery house on South Front street!. They have a beautiful stock, all nw and fresh and direct from first hands, and they will, we think, do s. fine busi- i LT 4 ness. mey are ootn very clever an enterprising centlemen.-and srood busi ness' men, and they deserve success. They will be open regularly for I busi ness to-morrow. An enricher of the blood and purifier of the system ; cures lassitude and lack of energy ; such is Brown's j Iron Bit ters. ' ; M Wilmineton- Timber. "We understand that I Messrs. Colville i i - i $ Co.. of this city, havej secured jthe contract for furnishing the timber for building the bridge over the T?ar River, atTarboro, for the Seaboard & Raleigh R. R., now in process of construction. Thefirst inftallment of this timber has gone forward, and a friend at Tarboro, who is a good judge in such matters, writes ustbatit is thefinest timber he has ever seen for large timber,arid wp think, with him, that it speaks well for our city that the contractors sjioujld have had to come to us to get the timber they need I A Monster Alligator. Mes'srs. John Risley and William Craig killed an alligator yesterday in Greenfield Creek which measured 10 feet, 6 inches in length. These young men were at the creek on Thursday and saw the 'gator and got a shot at him but he got away. They went back yes terday and traced him1 to his lair, near which they found hftn sunning himself. They shot him under the fore-paw and killed him, with a load of buckshot. This alligator was an old coaster and had been seen a number of times by parties straying in the vicinity of the creek, and he is said to have killed and devoured a number of dogs. A.ything in the hardware , line can be found at reasonable prices at JA.C01- bi's. - - - : - ' ') , t Missing. Wc have had two complaints to-day from subscribers in Richmond, Va., to the effect that the Review had not been received by them for several days. It is evident from this that the j entire Richmond package must have mis carried. We are at a, loss to) account for the fact otherwise, as the niail leaves this office regularly every morning in full thrift' 'for the Northern mails. If there are any further omissions after this we trust that our Richmond friends will notify us once inore but :we think that the papers will go correctly here after. To Promote a Vigorous ' Growth of the hair, use Parker's Hair Balsam. It restores the youthful color to gray hair, removes dandruff and cures itching ot the scalp. ' ! Fell Overboard. A devout old colored man, giving his name as Prince, fell overboard last night in trying to ! get on the camp meeting boat. Ofiicer Griffith ran to the rescue and saved the old man from a watery grave, who upon.reaching the cap of the wharf, knelt down and pray ed fervently for the safety of his res cuer. The officer was moved to tears and fumbled around in his pockets jfor some minutes in search of a nickletith which to warm and) comfort the old man. He succeeded at last in finding . . L i jl a ongnt button ana toia tno man w go on his way rejoicing, j Best ever made, Emory's Little Ca thartic Pills, pleasant to take,J sugar coated; no griping; only 15 cents a box, of Druggists or by mail. Standard Cure Co., 114 Nassau Street, New York. WILMINGTON, N. C, OUR BOYS IN GREY. Twenty-Kin th j Anniversary of the Wilmington Light Infan tryTarget Practice at" Hil ton, and a Prize Drill, at the Opera House A Handsome Testimonial for the Gallant Cohunauder. I The Wilmington Light Infantry cele brated their anniversary yesterday by a parade through the streets, and target practice at Hilton, the prize being the beautiful gold badge which was worn last year by private Johnson. I The members met promptly at thq Armory at o'clock, and marched- to t Hilton, where a rifle range 200 yards long had been selected. Three shots were allowed each man, and at the con clusion (he judges declared private George McDuflie the winner of the con test. After the practice, the Company marched back to their Armory and broke ranks, to meet again at 8 o'clock in the evening. j I At night the Company was formed in the Armory and marched to the Opera Hous;, where the competitive drill in the manual of arms took place. Tae prize for the best drilled member in the manual was a handsome silver cake basket. The Company was formed in singU rank across the stage and facing the audience, after some preliminary marches, when quite a spirited compe tition tdok place in the presence of the Judges, Messrs Jno. C. James, H, C. McQueen and F.' A. Lord. The audi ence was quite a good one and manifest ed great interest in the rompetition j.ne wnoie numoer oi memoers com peting were first carrfed through the entire manual and the least proficient then dropped, under direction of the Judges. This, programme was repeat ed until the competitors were narrowed io Orderly Sergeant B. WV Dunham and Coporal George Harriss. .These two were very closely matched, but after two triats between them, the de cision was finally rendered in favor of Sergt. Dunham. non. a..jm. vv addeii tnen maae handsome little presentation speech, be stowing the prize for the best shot in the target practice upon Mr. McDuffie and the prize in the competitive drill upon Sergeant Dunham. Mr. !V. B. McKoy received the prize on behalf of Sergeant Dunham. Then came the most pleasing inci dent of thefevening. Col. Waddell call ed up Capt. Cantwell and presented this veteran commander, on behalf of the members of his company, a handsome gold-headed cane. Though completely surprised Capt. Cantwell was equal to the occasion and returned his thanks in a very happy manner. ! The ranks were again formed and the company marched back to the Armory where a nice little collation had, been prepared for them, and thus very hap pily ended a pleasant anniversary. We must say in conclusion that many compliments were passed upon them for their very creditable drill in the manual of arms. ; i Promoted. j Dr. Fairfax Irving, Surgeon ineharge of the Marine Hospital, in this city, has been promoted to a Passed Assistant Sur geon. His promotion was received from the War Department on yesterday. A compliment justly deserved and worth ily bestowed. ' ' To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. j t St. Paul's Lutheran Church, The installation services to be held in the Lutheran church will take place to night and be participated in by Rev. Dr. donrad, of Philadelphia, and Rev. Dr. Bikle, Mt. Pleasant, this State. To morrow (Monday) night a service will bo held at 8 o'clock P. M. . . For the Camp Grounds The steamer John Dawson, Capt. Sherman commanding, will leave for the camp ground this morning at 8 o'clock. A splendid opportunity is iaf- forded persons who wish to spend the day on the grounds to do so. The boat will return to this city on her last trip for the day at 5 o'clock. Caught. Last night four colored boys robbed a Sounder's cart of a quantity of crabs and made; oft with them. OfficerBow den was notified of the theft, and kept an eye to the windward for them. He succeeded in running up with them, and tenderly folded them under his wing, and took 'em in. The boys will spendjthe day in the guar dhouse. Row den shame for their little came of crabs. SUNDAY, MAY 21. 1882.: Our City Idst. Mr. Walker, Meares has resigned the position of City Agent of the Dxjxt Review, and will be succeeded by Mr. 8. A. Craig, the new arrangement to take effect on and after Tuesday, the 33d inst. Saw Fish. The run of saw fish at! the Inlet has been very good. During the past week eighteen large ones were caught at the fisheries of Messrs. W. E. Davis & Son. These fish are only valuable for the oil which their livers yield eight gallons being the average and is worth from 0 to 75 cents per gallon. . It is used for lubricating purposes. r in5W ADVERTISJuNTS. Camp THE STEAMER JOHN DAWSON willloaTe her wharf this morning at 3 o'clock, for the Camp Grounds, returning at 5 o'clock. Fare for round trip 25c may 21-lt . : "Our Daye" HAS QUIT THE "Porut" and goes for "St. Jaeobt". Mu, O my back, says he. All from tugging those HEAVY COOK STOVES of ours. Bath Tubs, Tin Ware, Freezers, Water Coolers, 4c, at - Parker & Taylor's may Church Festival. ! OF THE FIRST BAPTIST npHE LADIES Church wUl hold a FESTIVAL at RANKIN HALL, WEDNESDAY EVENING NEXT, Ice Cream, Strawberries amd other delica cies will be served. may 21-St Paper Hangings. ; s OMB NICE STOCK NOW IN STORE and we are ready to put it up for you. Leave orders at S. JEWETT'S, t 27 N. Front Street. Upholstering, Mattresses, Window Snades, Cornices, Frames, &c. may 21 The; Live Book Store QONTATNS THE LARGEST f AND CHOICEST STOCK OF Popular Literature, Miscellaneous Works, , i Stationary of very variety and style. At HEINSBERGER S- ... i Pianos and Organs. MY STOCK OF PIANOS and ORGANS IS alwaya complete. SELL TO EVERY ONE AT VERY LOWEST PRICES, at may 21 HEINSBERGER'S. Mortgage Sale; BY VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF the provisions contained in a mortgage da ted the 29th day of November, 1873, ancf exe cuted by George W. Price, Jr.. and his wife Sophia to Edward Kidder, the undersigned as Attorney for said mortgagee, will seUfor cash, at public auction, at the Court House door in the City of Wilmington, on Saturday, the 10th of Jnne 1882, at 12 o'clock, M., all that lot of land in said City of Wilmington, bounded as follows : 1 On the North by Church street, on the West by Thirteenth street, on the South by Castle street, and en the East by Fourteenth street; being the whole of block 606 according to the official plan or the saia city or v liming- ton E. 8. may 20-tda Att'y for Mortgagee. New Dress Goods ! JUST RECEIVED new and pretty. SOME THINGS BOTH Embroidery. A large addition to previous stock, very nice. - " . I ' Invoice Fancy Mattings. GOOD MATTINGS AT CLOSE PRICES WHITe' GOODS, LACES, NECKWEAR, c. EMBROIDERED WHITE FLANNEL, 1 IN VARIOUS WIDTHS. may 21 R. M. McENTIRE. To Make Home Beautiful AVE YOUR WALES KALSOM1NED with our superior Tinted MarbcHne in all shades; it costs a fourth the price of Painting i ' and is both durable and beautiful; can refer -1 1 ' ' 1 you to some of the best work In the city. Onr Extra Pure White Lead and Paints we are selling as low as inferior grades are offered. SASH, DOORS AND BUNDS, , At Factory Prices. Agency for the celebrated EMERALD AND ZEB VANCE COOKING STOVES. Our large line of Hardware is wsll known and we are every day receiving new soppllea. Give a call at NATHANIEL JACOBrS, ' Hardware Depot,; msytltf NO. 124. , i NEW AIrERTISIE3iTS. How ithey Bite T: fosQurro NETS, STEP LADDERS, Window ' Shades, Moss and Hair Mattresses. Rooms Papered, Upholstering, Carpets ana Matting laid and anything in the Ilonse Flt tiug , Line. CaU and see REST FOR THE WEARY. BEN WHITE, '1 ne I'aper li anger ana may 21-lt Overstrung Awning Maker. Donft Forget : rjlHATf I KHKP FULL AND COMPLETE Stocks of Drags and "nave Ingredients to fill ANY PRESCRIPTION. Full stocks of Patent Medicines. Prescriptions compounded any hour of the night. -: F. C. MILLER. Stores : Fourth and Nob Sta., Fourth andlilan orerSts. 1 ., . . - - may Sl-if . A New'Eot O T HARNESS JUST RECEIVED AND FOE sale low. I have full lines of Trunks 'and Y&r Uses at prices to suit the times. , jT Repairing executed neatly and with dUr patch. J. H. MALLARD, Smocessor toMallard A Bowden, r may 21-tf " No. S Frftat Street. Awake ! J EVERY ONE WHO GETS THE BEST Goods for the Least Money Why not then try the NEW SADDLERY AND TRUNK HOUSE of H. M. Bowden & Co., I 40 Market street. Repairing promptly done. may 21 Wilmington Shirt Factory (the only one in the state) xsp. Z7 juartet st '.. J. ELSBACH, Proprietor. rpHE ABOVE FACTORY Is ready now to I offer to the public great inaacements in White Shirts at the following low prices: ' The "Conarress" Shirt open back 75c: do. onen front, 75c Of these popular Shirts we have sold hundreds of dozens in the city, as well as in the country, and therefore Is well known to the public, ana neea no comments, xne "itoy al". a Wamsutta Shirt. With 2100 linen front. 90c; Boy's Shirts aU sizes, 75c. Nightshirts 75c. Cof. Dress Shirts from 25c and upwards, Cotton Drawers from 25c. wpwards. Ilervy Jeans Drawers, double linea on the seat, due. Shirts and Drawers made to order at low fig ures and a srood fit alwavs cruaranteed. Country orders strictly attended to. These articles, whieh we now offer for sale are made up at home by -we U trained ana long expen enced hands and no northern make can equal in sizes, fit ana quality. These smrts are an reinforced and cut lentghways the cloth, thor oughly examined before being put in stock, Every Shirt ia guaranteed to fit, and war ranted as represented or the money will be re funded. Come and save money and buy your Shirts at the factory, i Very Respectfully, ' - 1 J. ELSBACH, may 21 , i , Manufacturer. New Firm I New Goods I ' . J ': ' . OUR NEW STOCK WILL BE OPENED : ; ' - - TO-MQRROW. Our Stock is all Fresh and Good L And Directly from First Hands ! PRICES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Our entire stock was selected by our Mr. Crapon and all orders will have his personal attention. r 1 CRAPON A PICKETTE, may 21-tf , 16 and 18 S. Front St. rJiscellaneous I T ADZES' AND GENTS Travelling Trunks, UMBRELLAS AND VALISES, Gauze and Open Work Underwear, Celluloid Cuffs and Collars. Bacton Garters and Fancy Half Hose, Neckwear and Percale Shirts, Men's, Youth's, Boys' and Children's Clothing, Ac, Ac, Ac JGTOrders from the country ileclry. Suits sent C. D. Express, with privilege of examination before paying for same, j Write to the now famous OTTEBBOXJRG, CLOT! Koric;" I IF M 8?3 tt rccelTo commws !52?.te? 9 aaX anl . H subjects cl general Interest bci ' , , - The name of the writer mutt always be far- nlihed to the Editor. Commn&IcaUoDS must -be written on onSj ' one side of the paper. . - -J , - j --A1'' Fersonallties must be avoided. And it U especially and particularly under stood that the Editor does not afrrays ehdorso he views of correspondents unless sal stated in the editorial coiumnsl ' - M - .i 2fJRW A1VERTISE3IEXTS. Patent Medicines. JR. CLARK JOHNSON'S, INDIAN BLOOD byrup, Green's Ague Conqucrer, 50 cents per Bottle; Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Comnound. ege table Compound, j "vii iu wiiiu or i owner lorm. Agents for Kock Bridgo Alum Water. I A full line of Mineral Watersfresh. may 21 j MUNDS BROS., Druggists. Best in the State 1 XTTE DISPLAY THE PRETTIEST H N E O F Ladles, Mioses' and ChlldrenV, . ' L Kid Button Boots : i 1 To be found in the State. !j NEAT AND NOBBY, , '.j , ' LATEST STYIJE, ' ! n A.u LOW TRICES, - GEO. R FRENCH A SONS, At may 21, 33. N. Front Street. Aesthetic Colors and Shapes. I RECEIVED BY STEAMSHIP f GULF -I i Stream" a large invoice of Millinery, all the new new Straws, JCsthetlc Trimmings, Flowers, &c u ' j I have on hand a beautiful assortment of Fancy Goods, Neckwear, Fans and Satchels, Ladies i and Children's Underwear and Hosiery. I - i (. , -. . - Respectfully, i MISS E. KARRER,! ' . - it may 21 Exchange Comer. BUY YOUR IClTFROMjl fc W. E. Dav i s & Son - o- - Jr. '. r ISTO TICE. ( ' HAVING SOLD OUR ICE nOUSE AND bnsiness to Messrs. Wj E. Davis A Son, we ask for them the patronage so liberally be stowed upon us. - J. E. LIPPITT A CO. may 7-3t-7-14:21. . ! Wanted, TIMBER WAGON, AKD LEAD MULES. A PAIR OF Apply to H. B. SHORT, , Flemlngton, N C. may'.17-eod lw Ship Notice. A LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY cautioned and forewarnod ""J J? alnst harboring or crediting any -v. the crew of Br. barque "CON- TEST," Capt. Anderson, as neither 1 f the Master or Consignees will bo rsponslbla forany detbs contracted by thorn.1 I HEIDE A CO.. I may20-3t Consignees. , A New Stock i QT SPRING IIATS, NECKWEAR, PHLLIN. ERY, etc!, jnst received and for sale on rea enable terms, At , . MRS. KATE WINES, Second street, next.South of Postofflce.' BAylS-lwJc. : v I j Wilmington Commandery, . Ko. 1, Knights Tempiar, WILL GIVE AN EXCURSION 1 TO SMITH1 VILLE AND THE FORTS. I , On Thursday, May 25. Steamer PASSPORT will leave her dock at 80 AM. ; 1 Tickets 50c; Children under twelve 'years, 25cJ may 17-3t we-'su-we -- . ' Bock Beer ! Bock Beer ! Tivoli Bock Beer ! ' J"OT THE FIRST OF THE SEASON BUT THE BEST. In fact BETTER THAN THE. best.: . ' ' v,,:.'': '. , .'! .; : . JS3- Our Refrigerator car Is here; w th our second shipment of the Season. I. I IT CANBEAT THE BEST. i mayl0-2wks U. PORTNEB. Bock Beer ! Bock Beer I rjIHE FIRST OF THE SEASON AND BEST OF ALL , ' I BEBGNER A EXGEL AGAIN AHEAD fi . We received our first Instalment of ?BOCK BEER yesterday In our refrigerator cars. IT CANT BE BEAT I ! WM. GENAUST, j . Agent. may S-2wks Notice. CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT ISSUED BT the First National Bank of Wilmington, N. C, No. S2C3, dated April 12th, 1833, for seren th n.. and three hundred three and thlrfy-three o :e hundred dollars (S7.S035) In favor of ifce under Irned has been lost in transmission ty .... , J . ... -. - . .. I- . mall, and aU persons are cactloned agalnt t trading for same, as payment has been! stey ped. A. C LEAK. ma

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