.. . ,. Jr- . t .. ; 1 : - j 1 " - "'"-' "" H ,. . i Tins TAPER eTery morning. Mondays ex cepted by JOSH T. JAMES, TPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: X3 w Six onths, $2.00. Three ai 00- One month, 55 centa. oU. - deliTCred by carrier, free T Pspr T part of the city, at the above 'Lnt; per week. ' , " low and liberar. - tiSSber. will report any and all fail fT'jKTl BT1er regularly. LOCAL NEWS. iica T W AnEBTlSEMTS. I! C.BttOCK-IS3- . "Window fehaacs, , ? rtcAn: iconcL THE 1) Ml KITIElro , . ' '"'-'i ' ; "' ' .'A.. ... ; ....... :'' i , . i .' " ' ; . . . s . . ... ,'. .... ., :.; i . , . . .... . . :: , I ......... .. . ) - - r !TOL. VI. ' - - i - - WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY. MAY 24, 1882. NO. 126; k,tl .S.JEVTKTT p if McISTiuE-Dresi Goods , : 'V .b Patent medicines. n & KLEIN-Wann Spring H0 rrMirsion Library Ahso- Confirmation. ... - ; i Thi3 morning, at 10i qVlock, tpc Rev. I Dr. Mendelsohn virill administer the rite of confirmation toj fi yc pjf his congrega tion at the Temple of Israel. The can didates are 3fis?es Mamie Bear, Pauline Bluraenthal and Masters Isaac Bear, Jr., Marcus Slernberserj and .Tjicob Sternlerger. The interior, of the edi fice will be beautifully decorated with flowers and evergreens. - , District Conference. ! j The Wilmington District Conference of the M. E. Church will be held to-day at Salem Church, near Fayettcville. Capt. W. M. Parker and Rev. J. W. Craig, accompanied by several ladies, left yesterday on the steamer Hurt for the Conference. y noticed delegates from churches near here in the city yes terday. All of them left on the steamer. -House for Sale, market Id in for sixty yester- cents ier- !. T. . ... h&rt were tv nai umwi , Mr McGinn fhnrwUy night- i ( - The TVarm Sprinjfs. To Builders and othersGo to Jaco- j Attention is asked to the advertisc ki's for Sash, Blinds an Doors, Glass, 1 raeii of the Warm Spring a J it ap- &c. You can get all sizes lowest prices. and. at the i in expected to arrive The stealer A. P. Hurt made her :rst tri? since she received her summer orhiuling, yesterday. ' The scows for the work on the Up nrCpe Fear are completed and the Hprrick flt is ready for the engine. Mr E G. Polley left yesterday to tin, the roof of the new saw miUs of Messrs. J H Chadbourn & Uo., a snon aistance from this city, on the W. C. & A ll: R. Union School, on Sixth, between Nun and Church streets, camq,to a close for the scholastic year yesterday. ; The ex- ercisci were wm ju,,....-. The W. Jj, I. We arc nleased to know that dulte a number of applications are being - sent in -to the Wilmington Light Infantry. Capt. Cantwell received six applications yesterday and as many more are prom ised which will be handed in by or be foro the next meeting. It? gives us pleasure to chronicle the impetus which has lately been given t(his old organiza tion and we trust ere long to see it one hundred strong. v pears in this issue. This famous resort, with accommodations for a thousand guests, is now for the first time directly I on a railwav line and has all of th ad- Attempt at Suicide. .Tetterday afternoon, about 3 o'clock. ! Mr. Samuel II. Bell attempted to com mit suicide by taking laudanum. He went to a drug store and purchased two ounces of the deadly drug and startad off up the street. When about a square from the store, he put the vial to his lips and drained it of ijs contents, and continued his walk in the direction of the house in which his. wife lived. He waa overtaken by his sister, who hap pened to bo going uv that direction, and walked with him to the house of a friend on the cornerof Seventh and Ann streets, when lie announced tha the NEW AIVEirriSEIIENTS. Window Shades : r WITH CORD OB SPRING 1 FIXTURES, A nice assortment on hamu, at , - S. JElffiTTS, . 7 ITmnt MtTt- ! Upholstering. Paper HaBgtnf, AwnlnslJak iny, Framing, 4c. nay 24 'CITY OF WILMINGTON, y..C., . OFFICS CHIEF OF POLICE, May 21, USS. ,. We will b glad U recelra coaunu3i!eat!oas troxa our frteada on aay and all sabjects of general iatemt bat . , ., . ;L J Ttie name of the mrlter nut ahrayii be to. slahed to the Editor. I Communications xauat be written on calr one aids of th paper. Personalities inaat bo avoided. And It la especially and particularly under stood that the Editor doea not always endorse be views of correspondent unless so stated In the editorial eolumM. j ,: m . .... " ! ! - h - NEW APATEKriSEaiEyTS. For Sale, Kent or Leaso, gOUSE AND LOT CORNER FRONT AND MULBERRY 8TS. .Apply t I may 2-tf I. T. ALDERMAN. Dogs kN AND AFTER JUNE 10th, ALL DOGS had takon landannm Offiner Fred. n vantages as wen ei-ine leiegrapmc lf: thovtown; wag , caUcd on fo found running at large, without badge, wUl vm r m 4as c. n nin t b iti v irii ifvii i - '.,--;,. . Warm Spri ngs, ( r; Western North Carolina, IS OPEN FOR THE SEASON. FINEST climate and scenery on the Continent. Pan aeUo'e Cornet Band,from Phuadelphta, will furnish the -unalc The Hotel la complete la all Its ?!'atment. KAIL POADA-ND TELrv LOAI'UIC COUMUMOAliO.V. pplyfof vuuurw XXJ tl BW.JJ I -T-1 f may.'Si-lm .Proprietor. sistance. and at once took Mr. Bell out be killed. l 3 V ' '1 ' J -a 'T1 I may H. C. BROCK,, Chief of police. Tuesday, May 30th. Th small boy is preparing to s kneel biz holes in the knee part of his pants, playing marbles this summer, and the woodshed shingles will be worn bias till winter comes. : ' A little boy, who was playing truant the other, was asked if he wouldnrt get a wippins when he got home, he re plied : " What is five minutes1 licking to five hours of fun?" A pure strengthening tonic, free from whiskey and alcohol, cures dyspepsia, and similar diseases. It has never been equalled. Brown's Iron Bitters. Th Sn.bba.th School Convention of the A. M. E. Zion Church will hold its annual meeting , in this city to-day. Delegates from all parts ot the State are expected. An eutertainment for the benefit of the delegates will be given at Maria's Hall to-morrow night. One of the horses belonging to the Stsam Fire Engine Adrian stuck a large galvanized iron hail in his foot on the corner of Front and Dock streets yes terday. Ths nail was pulled out with pincers aud remedies to preyent. lock jaw were applied. An enricher of the blood and purifier of the system ; cures lassitude and lack f energy; such is Brown's Iron Bitters. A Bee Clock1. ' A Mrs. Stone, living oh the, Wacca maw river, has an old clock frame sit ting on her mantle-piece which has hftp.n taken "charge of by a swarm of by a swarm of bees. ,The little workers found their way into the cock through a hole in the back, and havo lived in it durinsr the winter. MrsJ Stone fed them during the cold weather, and now the busy little bees " are making comb and honey. -? IersonaI. . - K Rev. F. W. E. Pcscnau, Pastor of S. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church in this city, left yesterday afternoon on the Carolina Central Road for (Charlotte, where he goes tq attend the General Synod of the Lutheran Church, South, which convenes in that city on Thurs day, the 25th inst. It is expected, how ever, that the reverend gentleman will return on Saturday and conduct the regular services in tne church here on Sunday next. 'i j I The Carolina Yacht Club. An effort is being made by a commit tee of the Carolina Yacht Club to per fect some arrangement by which) the interest of the mem pers I of thei Club will be better protected and to devise some means of arousing a lively inter- -est in the races. The Club has some money which will be judiciously expen furtherance of the Welfare off the members. None of tjie J plans ' of) the enmmittee are far enough advanced as yet to make them public, f i tern. The scenery there is magnmcent. wxnnf nin air n1 TV rHTf ? dUD lUUUUIiaill vuv i , - J m. - '. J ' jm ' .M , j ? ana wantea mm arounu, ana nnauy climate aro unsurpassed, and the emca- . . ... . - , - . .. ... . iooc mm u) ais laiuer h reaiunnce. nuere cy of the water is Known oi many. - 4, ITAAnlULf j?vntiolAn I : no nas inxu living xor ui past . muoia. i iLLJUXiaallt jJlIiui oiuu itico jrianiaiions. Physicians were sent for and the usual Liliiput, Kendall and Orton, three of antedotes wera administered, but before the famous ante-odium rice plantations, they arrived Mr. Bell s . haa gone situated about 15 miles below the city, to sleep. ' A colored woman saw . him Under the auspices and for the benefit of the presents a beautiful sight to parties pass- take the drug and thinks he did not lini i - a " s-aill'-' ing down the river on the Passport, swallow allof it as it seemed to caff him nr LlOrary MSSuCldllUII Everything is well under way now and he spat some of it nn the ground. for the new crop, and rich harvests are Officer SkiDner says that the unfor- MUSIC expected this year. Kendall and Lilli- tunato man told him during the walk put are worked by Mr, Geo. Kidder, and before he lost eonsciousnness that who ha recently purchased them, ana be -'had two ounces; of laudanum in Orton belongs to the estate of the late nim . that he was tired and wanted rest," . ' T-k 1 . ... - . uapt. v. iv. xuurcmauu. The cause of Air. Bell's rash act is Ulan Overboard. assigned to domestic troubles and it is wu;f .,mon I,-,! t avn trm thought he took the poison ; in faparox- nmvw . ...... T . , . mi . O much corn juice! aboard walked over- ysm oi mental aberration. At a late rie UUttOIl HOOb 05 Dlipp6r FOR LADIES AND CIULDREN, AND REFRESHMENTS. Steamer PASSPORT will leave Market Dock at 7.30 o'clock. r. m.. returnlur at 11 o'clock. 'icaieu limiutcL. - ror aaia as urvrwr. rnc. round trip, - 50c- . Positively no tickets, told at Boat may swt-w-s Exports Foreign. Greek brig Elias, Capt: Andrico, alearad yesterday for Marseilles, France, ith 3,000 barrels rosin, valued at $8, 101.46, shipped by Messrs, Paterson, Downing & Co. . ------ v "Rough on Rats." Clears out rats', mice, roaches, fiies, .... i bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks. iw;. Liepot. re- Unmailables. Th following unmailable matter aaius in the potoffice in this city: Henry Tate, Duplin Co., NJ C, Wei lington Progette, care E. M. Wheeler, 'nilford Co., N. C. ' Altpunion. The surviving members of Company V., Eighteenth lUgiment. propose" hold in,; a reunion of all the companies 'of e gallant old regiment at Point Cas e 11. on the 4th of July. A pic nic will ' indulged in dnring the day, and a bsIi i: niffht. The steamer John I)aic vj will be run from this city for the 'Wuntrf those who wish to aUend. City Court. raacie Hargrave, drunk and -down, discharged. - "V- ipio Hill, for being drunk and bating the police, was fined $10, or entto prison for 30 days. He went "below." , Frwi Richardson was drunk and aoTJ, and he was discharged. Stylish I lit board at the foot of Princess street last niirht about 10 o'clock. A colored man who was on a flat in the dock attempt ed to rescue the sailor but was pulled over the side of the flat, when Officer March Walker went to the assistance dfthe men and Dulled them out. The hour he was still unconscious but his I physicians entertain hopes for his ulti mate recovery. .-. Later. At 1 o'clock this A. M., Mr Bell was much better. He had been aroused and was walking about his room -when our reporter called. He colored man had the white man by the was much stupefied and talked inco- hair and never let go his hold until they nerently were safely ashoro. 1 V SOLD BY 1 Geo, R. French & Sons, AT 39 NORTH FRONT- STREET, ARE VERT IIANDSOME AND STYLISH THEY FIT PERFECTLY. Wy24-tf -. v V". : "m- is j.. i ri iuuuiuigm uii lug vvatci:. j The most delightful event of the sea son, thus far, is offered in the moonlight excursion proposed by the Wilmington Library Association on next Tuesday evening, on the steamer Passport. The boat will leave at 7.30 and return about The Tho Gracie. pnoj; do at uracie was at the kir, foot of Market street, yesterday "- emoon. The cabin is very hand aely and conveniently fitted up, and he appointments in her culinary de Prtment are hard to beat. Quite a num- of our citizens took, a look through her, and were well pleased with the 5ndsomo jittle craft ghe iongs to c- G. Smith and others, of tthrille, and is used exclusively as a Pilot boat. School Exercises. The closing exercises of the Hemmen way School, on Fourth, between Red Cross and Campbell streets, took place yesterday, between the hours of 10 a. m and 2 p. m. Quite a! number of lady and gentlemen visitors were present. many of whom had children in attend ance as pupils The exercises consisted of a review of the different studies pur sued during the session, and were in the highest degree satisfactory. The recitations developed; the fact of constant ! care and watchfulness, combined with thoroughness on the part of the teachers Tt seems to have been the effort of the teachers to teach the pupils to' think, and not be satisfied with what is most frequently the case, parrot-like perform1 ance of repetition from, mere memory In grammar, geography!, and particu larly in mental arithmetic, the several classes manifested a, knowledge and power of analysis whichwas very grat- j ifying. In the latter science, problems ! which would have puzzled old$r heads with slate and pencil, were1 analyzed, and the solutions given with remarkable clearness and precision, and unknown quantities were sought and foimd readi ly by mental algebraic (demonstration. " Mrs. F. J. Wise is the Principal of this school, with Miss M. O. VaUaca as her assistant. Miss M. C. Duguid has charire of the intermediate uepari ment : Mrs, M. L. McLeod has charge of the first primary department ana miss A, J. Yarborough has charge of the second primary department. Each teacher, in her individual department, is painstaking, thorough, watchful and earnest in the special duties and in the particular department over which she exercises supervision and for which she is responsible. ( ' . I The total number of pupils enrolled for the term was ISO, and the average attendance, in each department, was between 30 and 40. Information Wanted. A capitalist has -written to a gentle man in this city asking for information as to the amount of small fruits, vege tables, etc., which, are brought to this market. The I information is desired with a view ot erecting a canning es- midnignt and there will be music and tabUshment here. Nearly all of our refreshments onboard. The moon will truckers and farmers would increase bo very nearly at ita full at that time their crops if they were but sure that and delightfal trip for aU must sureiy tney coma seu ineir prouueus usre, auu e e result. we trust that the gentlemen who con template establishing the canning iac- Literary Society. tory may oe iuuuucu tu wiuu u. Thft rft0ilflr mpAtl-no. of tb: T.ltorrw If there is any one in the community Ciub of the Library Association was who can give any information as to the hdd lagfc eveninff Mr F L Ue&Te - 11 C ' I .1 -.. I Jk. amoum oi smau iruua auu vcftcMH deliTCred the -bration. ', and : aeonined i . a trrn j " I raisea contiguous to vvnmmgwn, wo himseif handsomely. His subject, win oe pieasea uj receive it, auu cum- Fruffalitvand-Industrv. was well hand- mumcate tne same to tne gentleman re- led and showed much forethought and ierreu to aoove. qa1i fr dan T Afoori'o IiinDincott's Magazine. dramatic reading, a scene from the LipvincoWs for June opens with an Archipelago, entitled "Mangar and Sa- interesting and well-illuatrated article dra," was very nne, ana fully snstamed on "Toledo," by S. P. Scott. Dr. Felix I his former reputation. Mr. R. B. Jew L. Oswald has an entertaining paper on ett's rendition of Lochiel was good and "Traps," which is also illustrated: Wil- was well received. The following gen- liam H. Rideing gives an account of tiemen were appointed for the next reg- "English Lawyers and Law-Courts," ular meeting; Orator, Capt. W. G. Mc- and Lucv H. Hooner summarizes the Kae; Readers, Messrs . W. Weill and " - i i - . .. recently published recollection of a Jas. Stuthers ; Declaimers, Messrs. R. French comedian, Samson. "Art and H. Grant and Chas. Gerhardt. Art-Life in New York," by an an'gny mous writer,- is not a critical paper, but List of Letters: a lively sketeh giving all the- mforma- .The following is the list of unclaimed tion in regard to art-societies, studies, letters remaining in the City Postoffioe, exhibitions, and receptions which the Wednesday, May 24th, 1882 : DRESS GOODS ! AND Trimmingol Patent Medicines, i R. CLARK JOHNSON'S INDIAN BLOOD mro. Green's Acue Conouerer. 50 oonU -oer Bottle ; Lrdla Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound , luaney-w on m uquia or. rowaer forra. . .'. t. Agenu tor kock imcso Alum water. A run une of Ulneral Waters freah. maj21 : MUNDS BI103., Drugslata. 1 2 , For Smithville A OK AND AFTER THE 8TH; INST THE - i - - -)-- - ,1 ' ' Eteaaer FASSPORT will resume her rerilar trips tor SsilthTUle, learlnr wharf foot of 1 ket Street, at 9 a. zn., except on Sat when she will leare SmlthTUle at 7.S and Wuznisston at 4.30 p ar aaarT-lm J. W. HARPER. -Maaterand Asent. Church Festival. . . . . . rpHS LADIES OF THE FIRST BAPTIST Church win hold a FESTIVAL at RANKK HALL, WEDNESDAY EVENING NEXT. 1 . Ice Cream, Strawberries and other delica cies will be serred. , may 21-Jt ? Don't Forget. rpHAT I KEEP FULL AND COMPLETE Stocks of Drugs and hare lnfrredlents to All ANY PRESCTOPTION. Full stocks of Patent Medicines. Prescriptions . compounded any hour of the night. F. C. MILLER. Stores : Fourth and Nun Sts., Fourth and Han orerSta. , aaayll-tt A New Stock - t fT S.PRING HATS, NECKWEAR, PuTLLlN Q REAM DOTTED SWISS, NEW LACES, VERY FINE VAX LACES, MATTINGS, White and Colored. Church Carpets and Mattings, Embroidered White Flannel. may 24 enable terras, ERY, etc, jnst Ireceived and for sale on reaa At ,. " ' . MRS. KATE C. WIN"ES Second street, next South of Postoffloo. may lS-lwk Livery and Exchange Stables and Cart House. M.MCINTIKE. MS" New Foulard Silks, Just in. WE HAVE COMPLETED A LARGS building with all conveniences for a 1,1 t- ery and Sale Stables and Cart House, and offer accommodations for man and beast. Horses and Buggies for hire on reasonable terms. Everything flrst-clasa and new. Ambulance and Wagonettes for Excursion parties. i MERRITT A HOLLINGSWORTH Livery aad Sales Stables, T Comer Fourth A Mulberry streets, may S-lm dAw . , t , f H' Best ever made, Emory's Little Ca thartic Pills, pleasant to take, sugar coated; no griping; only 15centsa box of Druggists or by mail. SUndardCur Co 114 Nassau Street, New York. tm d&w. -, . i general reader needs in order to under stand the discussions on the subject now so frequent in cultivated circles as well as in the journals, and to appreciate the influence winch art is begumm to exercise on our social- life. "On the Wheel," by "Kol Kron," treats of travelling by bicycle." The fiction in this number merits par ticular notice. The conclusion of "Ste phen Guthrie' is well managed. "An AfinHAfl Hero." 1 bv Celia P. Woolley, is an unusually well written story. 4rhe Romance of a CbffinT" by Jane G. Austin, embodies in a spirited manner and with strong local coloring a family tradition of Old Nantucket, and "A strange Night's Lodging," by Hart Ayrault, deals wnh incidents, which, if not very probable, are vividly told. There aro several poems, and the usual complement and variety of papers in the editorial department. A new se rial, entitled "Fairy Gold," will com mence in the July number, and run through the rest of; the year, j Anything in the hardware line can be found at reasonable prices at Jaco- Judge Thos S Ashe, of Wadesboro, is in the city, the guest of hi sister-in- law, Mrs. Parker Quince SteamsMp JJKketort Capt. Tribon, from New York, arrived here last night A WJ Adair, Thos AllenSusan Alford, L I Alston. B C M Bushee. LK Blackwcll, Hes ter Banks, G W Bowers. - C F D Capps, mrs M A Cotton. T CeMai rvrEoa, 9uui DW, Amelia Dixon; Aaron R Davis. E Sallie Edwards, York Elkins. F Robert Farmer, G W Frierson. G Theodore S Gaillard, J D Gilbert. H Allison -Henderson, W Hand, William T Harriss, Hester Howard, Wilhelmenia Hedland. ' J John Jackson, mrs E Jackson, Rebecca James. Amelia Jewett. L Jno Lane.' ? " M Gracv Moore.- Tenah McKov; Alexander Mingo, II A MeiTiman, John McKenzie, John Mints, Sarah Merrick. N Martha Nelson. OG W Owens, John Olsen. P R G Pittman. ' R Willis Richardson. John Reamy, James Rhoan. MTE Regan. - b iv bessions. Daniel bannders, Harry C Stanley. Calton Seasoms. miss J Stredick, Molly Spicer, Mary Jane T Mary Thompson. Emma F Tay- W Lizzie Wiggins, Eliza H Wilson, EmmaF Wadcliza Whitfield, Ida J Williams. Jane Wadlev. Lizzie WU- liams. A D Williams, Amanda Worth am George Williams. Person calling for letters in the above list will please say "advertised ;n lif not called for .within ten days will, be sent to the dead letter office at Washington, P. C. - Ed. JL Brink.-P.' M. Wilmington, 'New Hanover County, N.C. For Sale. OUSK AND LOT CORNER THIRD AND MULBERRY Streets. j Apply to mav 23-2t JAMES A. WILLABP. Drumming S A FINE ART, PISHNESS ISH BOOMING, Der Drummer rash der most Innocent man en der Road, Rebecca. ? j j PRICE HALLAFA DOLLAR, 1 At MDXSBEESER'S- ELEGANT BOUND POEMS, , ' f:nr n pens AND PEJfCTLS. RUBBER STAMPS, made to 0Te ,h0rtMaC' HllBSStHCirS. A New Lot fY U ATtHESS JC3T nECEIVRn AND TOR sale low. I hare full lines of Trunks and Va- Uses at prices to suit the times. Repairiat executed neatly and with dlr patch. . - -'-"1-1 f - ' jj gj. 'vt A T.LARD, Saceesaor to'Malla.rd Bewdeo, may 4l-tf " Ko. Front Street. New Firm I ; New Goods I OCR NEW STOCK WILL BE OPENED TO-MORROW. Our Stock is 1 all Fresh and Good ! j: ; And Directly from First 1 PRICES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Our entire stock wa selected by 'our Mr. Crapon and ah orders will have his personal attention, . may 21-tf Wilmington Commandery, No. 1 9 Knlffhts Templar, . WILL GIVE AN EXCURSION TO SMITH . VILLE AND THE FORTS, h I On Thursday, May I 251. ' M . " Steamer PASSPORT will leare her dock" I r. ,at820A.M. : ;. ' L : ' Tickets 50c; Children under twelve years, 5c . may 17-3t we-au-we ' ' F Aesthetic Colors and Shapes. GULF T RECEIVED . BT STEAMSHIP A Stream alarxe lnrolce of Millinery, all the new new Straws, Alhetlc Trimmlnrj, Flowers,Ac: I hare on hand a beautiful assortment of Fancy Goods, Neckwear, Fanajand Satclels,'Xadlca - -v- - I .... and Children's Underwear and Hosiery. . . ; - 1 Respectfully.' ' . ' MXSS;E. aLiRRER, may 21 ' - Exchaaze Corotr. P ian og Ci O rfjano, Wood's Organs, 7 AND Decker Bids. Pianos! gTRICTLT FIRST-CLASS INSTRUMENTS. Aak for price list and terms. J U TATES BOOK STORE. oticc. I- CRAPON A PICKETTE, t- .. ' IS aadlsS. rroatsu CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT ISSUED BT tha First National Bank of WUmlsxtoa, 21. C, Ne. S2S3, dated April 12tb, 1S82, for seven thoa ,-- - - . ' ' ' ' -.. . - I sand three hundred three and thirty-Huts one hundred dollars ($7,303.23) fa favor of the SBdersixned has been lost In transmission by mall, and aU persons are cannoned against trading for same, at payment has beea stopt red., A. C IXAJL . Kay tth,im. ,: .; ; ; : ma UU C : .'- . -i -:.t- - t i ! - - , i

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