r- - . t - . - . ... . . . i , PLEASE JsOTICE. ' We will be glad to receire communications from our friends on any. and all jsnbjects of Srencral Intereat bat : i ; , ; . JThe name of the writer must always be fur nlshcd to the Editor. . ComnmnScatlons must be written on only one Bide of. the paper. Personalities must be avoldell. . 1 And lt is especially and particularly under stood that the Editor does not always endorse he views of correspondents unless so stated in tbe editorial columns. . ; ' NEAV ADVERTISE3CENTS, Tnis taper. ; . every sorting, Monday ex cepted by . ' - blithe1 r 1 7i 1 JOSHT. JA3IES, .TI(,;s POSTAGE PAID: -I sUBKI r 4 " r,h- 12.00. Three Six . iter .Ha ,ontb. H-W hi on1""" .......iMiTercdbT carriers iree TW Prr . ,lf ti,a citr. at the above r'. ' ,r week 1 I 1.1 i . - - 10 or 1IM, nia.nL 0 in- rate- i" vol. yi. WILMINGTON, N. C. FRIDAY. MAY 26. 1882. NO. 128. SlflEW i.i LOCAL NEWS. una TMW ADVERTISEMENTS. row Mr t.VT.Kcrr.of Saiupsou. was in th city jc U,w was dull ami tmiii r 4Trslian. and Organs. 1 " :itnt medicines. H'r.l.nr-WillltB.InT. 11 F.l ' TV next m4k;k ii"-'- v r- r - j;i posted June 1st." 1V rccipU"f cotton at thi jKr n;lT f.Ht up oaies. k ...pintUv ot nsn weic i ,n, nl out otjiiarket yesterday. A TtliinVinthc hardware line can b,' found at reasonable prices at Jaco- ' jo-day iJthelast daylnwhich civU ,iu can be brou5ht for the June term rfthe Superior Court. The lbot"bridgo on Fourth street which pans the W. & W.'R. R was boni repaired yesterday. We regret to learti tHat Mr. Thos. Monk, who has been sick for sometime .at, h considered in a critical condi tion. It is a fac t worth nttinjg that the mem bers of the Wilmington Light Infantry rc exempt from jnry duty. Five dollars will pay for the initiation fee and a uni form. " .i . The Festival given at Rankin Hall by the ladies of the First Baptist Church on Wednesday 'night, was well attend fd and we are pleased to state, was a complete success. "'-. The squatters on the Government property, King's Row, just in rear of the Marine Hospital, were notified yesterday that they would have to .va cate the premises by the 15th of June. Rev. Frank II. Wood, Pastor of Front Street M. E. Church, intliis city, was to have preached tho opening ser mon yesterday at the District Confer ence, now in session at Salem Church. A pure .strengthening tonic, free from whiskey and alcohol, cures dyspepsia, and similar diseases. It lias never been equalled. Urown's Iron Hitters. Timuh'8. We tender our thanks to the Wil mington Hook and Ladder Company No. 1, for an inyitation, extended through Mr. M. S. Willard, Secretary, to help them celebrate their anniversa ry at Wrightsville Sound to-night. Freshwater Ferch.Trout and ?lack h hooks and lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobins, t Anniversary. Sunday is the 24th anniversary cf the organization of the Lutheran church in this city. By consent of the Council tho celebration has been postponed until next year, when their quarter-centennial will be celebrated in due form. More Shipping, 'apt. Ii. II. Beery, of this city, has rc iviu ly purchased the clipper schooner -W. of Xew Berne, of 51 tons register. and has brought her to Wilmingfcn ! nere sne will in the future hail from. Capt. Beery will command her, and she wiU he employed in the coasting trade. Fine Oats. Mr.Jno.F. Garrell left a bundle of ery fin looking oats at our sanctum yMrday. They measure six feet in eyht. The heads are well filled; and will compare favorably with any we "versaw. The land on which the oats" Jw was poor land, but had been well aiuuri beforeAcjKopjrw- planted. CityCourt. ibis morning a whito seaman was with disorderly conduct ; he was Jd 3, and upon the payment of the ne was released. Hajar Unib, charged with disorder- conduct, was discharged upon the Payment of cost T Builders and others Go to Jaco- ? Rhnds and Doors, Glass, J0' 011 c get all sizes and at the Wfreat prices. . , To Acal.f ! J riuest of the "oi m. 1ark'sJ.utheran Church, of i-'W.E. Peschan. : lh 1 CiT. will remain in rWn. remain in Charlotte on a a lo ist in the installation of Rer. T. U. Strohecker, who has Jheea called as pastor. Mr. Pes- will wsistRev.Dr. Conrad in the UaUou .erviceJ. OX THE "WING. A Hurried Trip to New York and Boston Captain Bisbee's New Boat. A friend ot ours who left here a few -Mor-;ilavs since u a trjp to 'sotiie, of Ihe ! ortlicm (utieshaatraiismitteilto us a iew iiems oi ins exjK.Ticnce. msieiiers, two of which Iiave been received, are very interesting but the first was de- i layed so long on the way that it is now i rauier out. i wre are a i?v poiuis m u . . 1 rm'm l- T . . I - it, however, of which we shall avail . y, nitrt it tli I'ACIiaU'-C '; urs!!vs ITr flls n thttt. hc. iTftivi in ; li.MHwuic anu icw tierney are looKUig very fine and that tbe merchants in New York say that they are doing a very lare ..tfpay " t business tins fcpnng. irom JNew lork i;ihp Northrop, of this city, preach- j he went to JUiHbrd, JtM where lie was j Wfldon last Tuesday night. j the guesi of Mr. O: T. Earlej This - " : 'r ITZZrZLAui trentleniaii, in connection with some business this Spring. From New York recently established a I i riiiii na.i horse-shoe manufactory, making the shoes from both iron and steeli one ma chine turning out 6u! a minute and others 30 a minute. lAt Frovidence, R. I., lie was so simply disgusted that he left as soon as possible. Colored men paraded the streets with white wives and were allotted some of the hest seats at the hotel tables with the whites. The place is overrun With th'e colored population. At Fall jRiver he found everybody busy, and more than forty cotton factories at work: The b lildings are very nearly'.' alii of granite, which is cheaper, there than bricks. He met with many courtesies at Fall River and mentions having met with Mr W. II. Amsworth, who was first in cha the Cotton Mills in "Wilmington, and who is Capt Bisbee's fafher-in law ; also Mr. A.R- Borden, who 'concreted the top of our cotton mills, and Capt. Dyer, who fitted up the mills, all of whom enquired very particularly alter their acquaintances here, j L ' ! ! 1 At Boston, our correspondent saw much which was interesting, but he failed to fall in love with the place, high, E very tlrig .there was scarce and and the contrast with New York was very great, in many ways. He describes Capt. Bisbee's new boat, the Minnclia- fut, as a very handsome boat, and a fast - j boat. He says, and we will let him tell this part hfmself : ' Capt. Bisbee has got the Minnclwa. She is a beauty and will be repainted when she reaches her nhv home. She has two cabins, and is a 14-nrile boat, with room on her Ifor 300 people. Capt. Ed. Bufriss and Frank Wilkinson and engineer Smith, with the fireman came on;from New York, fringing1 Tommy Morse and Willie jDavis, of Smithville, with them. The )oat will start, if thej weather is favorable, on Monday even ing, the 22d inst., and hopes to be there in. a lew days. The bovs are all well and take this method ot informing their friends, nearlv a oi whom are subscribers to your livelv little paper. l met in the Custom House here a very clever gentleman, Mr. Fred. Grant, who was a class-mate of Col. S. L. Fremont's, at A Vest Point;, and who asked very kindly after his bid friend and class-mate. "I also met! another, Maj. Chauncey C. iDeansr who has shown a great maiy courtesies to us as Southerners remaining hi his office some three hours after time to facilitate our business. There are some clever gentlemen here, but a good many who are not. Mac. Remedy for.Koaclies. Many housekeepers in this city are very much troubled ' by the roaches which infest their premises, alid would no doubt be glad ot a simple method to get rid of them. The best iway, says the Sunitaru Ewritieer. to 'ret rid of water bugs and cockroaches that we know of, is to stop feeding them. If no crumbs are lying on the table or floor and thorough cleanliness and neat-i ness is maintained I throughout your whole apartment, they will soon change their boarding place to the nearest neighbor's, where the fare, isbetter. We know of no way to effectually prevent their passage from one (ordinarily con structed) room to another. Their (passage, along water pipes tnrougn walls inny.be stopped by closing the holes about the pipes with plaster, and borax is sometimes' used with good effect to keep fhera from some particu lar place, but oh the whole we think the cheapest and mst certain way is to starve them out. . j Don't Iie in the House. I i 1 "Rough on Rats." Clearsj out rats, mice, roaches, bed-bugs, flies, ants, moles, chipmunks, gophers.l 5c. By notice published elsewhere, it will be seen that Capt. C. D. Myers offers for sale that very handsome property of his on WrighUville Sound, three tracts, with a front of 395 feet, and comprising 60 acres. This is ope of the most oesiraoie propcnics Wrightsvillc Sound. ( on DEEORATION DAY. May 3H1i, 1882. Rooms National Memorial ' Association, Wilmington, N. C. May 25, 1882 . , The annual service of decorating the grave of the Nation's dead, wlu sleep beneath the green sod near this city, will take place at the National Ceme tery ou East Market street, Tuesday; j May 30th, at 4 :30 P. M. The public are repectfully invited to be present and participate in. rif- f now. the service. Societies and organized, bodies will march to the grounds in .such manuer a they may elect. 1 ' Col. Ceo. L. Mabson will conduct the services at the Cemetery. Col. Daniel Kline will be the Mar shal of the Day to keep order on the grounds; PROGRAMME. Music P. and S. A. Club. , I Prayer Rev. J. F. Thomas. Music P. & S. A. Club. I Oration Hon. Geo. B. Everett. Music P. & S. A. Club. 1 , Benediction. Decoration of Graves. Minute guns will be fired from the revenue steamer Colfax, Lt. Rhodes commanding, jcommencing at 4.30 p. m. ' E. R. Brink, Chairman General Committee. Military News. j A meeting of officers of the State Guard was held at Charlotte last Sat urday afternoon, at which about thirty were present. Adjutants-General John stone Jones presided, and Lt.-Col. F. A. Olds and Major J-.- G. Young were sec retaries. The purpose was announced to be to adopt suitable resolutions of re spect to the late General B. C. IJanly. Speeches eulogistic of the deceased were made by General Jones, General M. P. Taylor, Col. Harry jskinner, A. D. Cf. to Governor Jarvis, Col. F. II. Came ron, and Lf. S. V. Goodson, of Lin colnton: The lasLnamed !was a mem ber of "Manly's Battery." Iis remarks were pathetic. A committee, composed of Gen. Taylor, Maji W. A. Cumming, Lt. S. V. Gooclson, Capt. Ernost F. Young, and Major George H. Hall, was appointed to prepare resolutions. These will be published in a few days. A resolution directing that the armories of every company in the State be draped in mourning for a period of 30 days, and that all officers wear crape for a like period; was adopted. Some Politics, 1 Some Solomon, ja real smart Aleck has written a letter from Raleigh to the New York Suii, in which he says that Maj. C. M. Stedman, of this city, will be the candidate at large for Con- grest, against Col. O, H. Dockery, who is to be run by the anti-Bourboi, anti- Prohibition,; liberal Democratic, Green back Republican party. ! Maj. Stedman has been spoken of very quietly by some of his friends in connection with this nomination, but it is understood that he does not desire it Should it fall upon him, however, and should he be induced to accept it, there could be no doubt about the issue of the contest as between him and Col. Dock ery. ! Base Ball Match. Yesterday afternoon a- match game of base ball was played at the Athletic grounds between the Recreation Xine, Capt. Jos. D. Smith, and the Indepen dent Nine, Capt. Fred. P. Howland. Mr. A. G. Ricaud acted as umpire The ganie was won by the Recreation Nine. The score stood, Recreation 19 runs,1 Independents 16,runs. The game was closely contested, and was played with much interest by both nines. Stole a; Watch. A colored boy who was employed 1 to cut wood at the residence of Captain John Fitzgerald, on Bladen, between Seventh and Eighth streets, burglari ously entered the residence, during the absence of the family, on yesterday, and stole a watch and some other jew elry. An officer was put On the track of the boy and succeeded in 'securing the watch. The young thief has not ! yet been arrested. . . Queer Fish. A queer-looking fish, measuring five feet, fbnr inches in length and weighing about 100 pounds, was caught at the fishery, of Messrs. W. E. Davis & Son yesterday. . The fish is a stranger to these waters and is supposed by some to be of the salmon family. Its under jaw protnded about two inches. It had a large tongue but no teeth. The ques tion is, what is it? Mr. L. D. Cherry surveyed yesterday the panpers burying ground, and found that there were 31 acres in theplot. f The- cemetery will hereafter le known. as Oak Grove Cemetery. ' - Robert Beaslev. a colored employe at j thn Pfirftlino T?i fill 1,U rAti i r- hand crushed yesterday under a pestle. Th6 lxnes of the little finger were broken, ' The Murr. We succeeded, yesterday in gaining soine further irilbrmation in reference 1 to the Innrder at Orton, on Wodncsdny. Theuame of the munlerer is Ferro Sykes and not David. He brained his Victim With an axe and did not cut hei j can plan their work according to its predie thrnat. as wni tlrsf niwii4i1. TI, hiT.r. ! tl.1- It willsave fifty times Its cofct In a ftln- derer is supposed to direction of Shallotte. have gone in the i i Primary Meet iuffsJ. The primary meetings for delegates to the Republican nominating conven tion for county officers, were held last night, and passed off quietly with the exception of the upper division of the First Ward and the Fifth Ward. When our reporter visited the first named pre cinct he found all confusion, j and the poll-holders calling on the police to close the house. The factions were wrang ling and a free fight and general knock down was imminent, but the police quieted the disturbance and left the poll holders in quiet possession of the ballot boxes. Bill Howe, armed with an axe helve, walked through the crowd and around the building in which the polls were held, and 4uie reigned inWar sav. The Fifth jWard meeting broke up without electing delegates. The fol lowing are the delegates elected to the nominating convention : I I First Ward Upper Division Henry Brewington, Emanuel Nichols, A. J. Walker. 1 First Ward Lower Division-40wen Burney, Josh Tucker, Monroe Bird. Second Ward -E. J, Pcnnypacker, George E. Burden, S VanAmringe. Third Ward J. E. Sampson, S. H. Manning, David. Jones. Fourth Ward J. K. Cutlar, Louis Boyd, W. P. Canaday.t George L. Mabson asked us to state that there would be contesting delegates from the Upper Division of the First Ward. The j contest seems te have dwindled down to , County Treasurer. The most prominent candidate are Dlyah Hewlett, Owen Burney and W. II. Howe. Bishop Tty man's Appointments. May 26 Friday evening, Pantego. . May 28 Sunday, St. James, Beau fort county. ? May ! 5l Wednesday, Makelysville, Hyde county. , - i June 1 Thursday,' Swan Quarter, Hyde county, I June 2 Friday, Fairfield, Hyde county. s I June 4 Sunday, St. George's, Hyde county. June 11 Sunday evening, Fajette ville. I June 18 Sunday, Pittsboro. ' ' Holy Communion at all morning ser vices, i Collections for Diocesan Missions Quarterly Meeting's For the Wilmington District Methooist E. Church, South, third round, 1 IN part!: Wilmington, at Front street, at 11 A. M "... J June 4 Wilmington, at Fifth street, at 8 P.M..- June 4 Brunswick, at Macedonia . . J une 10-1 1 Smithville, at 8 P. 31 June 13 Whiteville -.June 17-18 Elizabeth, at Union. June 24 25 Rout. O. Burton, Presiding Elder. THE MAILS. Themails close and arrive at the City Post office as follows : 1 I CLOSE. Northern through mails, fast 4.45 P. M. Northern through and war malls. . . .5.40 A. M. Raleigh 5.00 P. M. and 5.40 A. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad and . routes supplied therefrom includ ing A. A S. C. Railroad at 5.40 A. M. Southern Malls for all points South. ( daily... : 8.00 P.M. Western malls (C. C. EaUway) dally, (except Sunday) 5.00 P. M. All points between Hamlet and Ral eigh., i ...5.00 P. M. Mall for Cheraw and Darlington Rail road 8.00 PM. Mails for points between Florence and Charleston. .8.00 P. M. FaretteTille and offices on Cape Fear i River, Fridays. 1.00 P. M. Fayctteville. via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays 3.00 P. M. Onslow C. IE and Intermediate offi ces, Tuesdays and Fridays ...6.00 A. M. Smithville malls, by steamboat, dally i (except Sundays) 8.30 A. M. Malls for Easy HUL (Town Creek. 8haDotteand Utile River, Tues days and Fridays 6.00 A. M. I OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails... .&30 A. M. Southern Mails ...... 8.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad 10.30 A. M. Malls collected from street boxes every day at 3.45 P. if. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5.30 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office, h tamps f ocsale in small quantities as general delivery when stamp office is closed. General delivery open from daylight to dark and on Sundays from 20 to 9.30 A. M. An enricher of the blood and purifier of the system; cures lassitude and lack of energy; such is Brown's Iron Bit ters.' . . XEW AI VERTISEJFENTS. Frames and Window Cornices N HAND AND MADK TO ORDER, AT . J EWKTTS, 27 N. Fruut street. i:nhoist4?rlnK, la Making promptly apcr llanjnng ami Mattrcs ra;iv -M an l neatly uone. Will it Rain To-Morrow ? () kLD PROBABILITIES, OR BAROMETER AND THERMOMETER Comblneil wUl teU you It will detect, and Indicate correctly, any rhanre in the weather, twelve to forty-clsrhfc hours in adTance. It will tell what kind of aJ titorm is approjichinjf, and Irom what quarter ffle s-asoa. There Is an accurate thermometer attached, which alone U worth the priee of the, j combination. This Urettt Veathcr Indicator ) only co-t-i .V) cenu, at ' ' :" 1 may M 4- ntlKSBtniitn 5. -1: For Sale. riiHE MOST VALUABLE AND p"" CONVENIENTLY LOCATED prop- I - Eli erty on WRIGnTSVILLE. i ' V I offer my place- for Bale, either as whole of sixty acres, with three hundred and ninety Ire feet water front, or in the original Flem ing, Davis and Cutlar tracta: equal thirds, Dwelling House, Cottage, Kitchens, Serv ants Quarters, Shade Trees, Good Water. Premises shown and Information giren by may 2G-2t-f ri-sun CHAS. D. MYERS. Pig Fish and Soft Crabs ILL THE TIME AND AT ANY TfME when in season. MYRTLE GROVE OYSTER EO AST at anytime during the year. Accommodations and fare unsurpassed. Give us a call." Sail Boat always ready. W. H. STOKLEY. may 25-Im 1 Wrightsville Soynd. Per Steamer. r ADDITION TO MY ALREADY-LARGE ! I .- ' and elegant stock of MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, I have received by steamer to-day, another large assortment of SHELL, R. and R., LAOE and TUSCAN HATS, BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS and TRIMMINGS, &c Respectfully, MISS E. KARRER, may 2j Exchango Corner. Li very and and Exchange Stables art House. WE II AVE - COMPLETED A LA UG E building with all conveniences for a Liv ery and Sale Stables and Cart House, and offer accommodations for man and beast. Horses and Buggies for hire on reasonable terms. Everything Urst-clais and new. Ambulances and Wagonettes for! Excursion parties. MERRITT- & 1IOLLINGSWORTII, Livery and Sales Stables, Corner Fourth & Mulberry streets, may 3-lm d&w i New Firm ! New Goods"! OUR NEW STOCK WILL BE OPENED . - I 1 ; TO-MORROW. Our Stock is all Fresh and I Good ! Anil Directly from First Hands! PRICES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. ' . i . "I Our entire stock was selected by our Mr. Crapon and all orders will have his personal attention. CRAPON 4 PICKETTE, 16 and 18 S. Front St. may 21-tf Telephones ! , Telephones ! Telephones! ( , milE SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE x - and Telegraph Company is the SOLE LICENSEE OF THE J AMERICAN BELL TELEPHONE COMP'T, for supplying Tclephonea !n the State of Vi-W. Va.CSouttCofithe B. A O.1 R. R-)N.5C S. C., Ga., Fla., and Ala. PRIVATE LINES' Constructed. Equipped with Teleponea and ! Rented. " For particnlars address SGUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE 4 TELEtJKAPII COMPAXr; " Jen-Sm ia5 Broadway, New York Home Made Candy. t. : . - t ' w . ..... . .. pURE AND WHOLESOME. . All kinds made fresh ertry day at ' ' C. E. JEYBNS. SeeendElrcet, threeloorS below the Post T.rg. I may 1 K For Sale, Eent or Lease . ttopsk and irrr rripwp ' 1 in . ltA FRONT AND JuTLBEERY -Applv to i may 2Mf I. T. ALDERMAXl m .. 10 ' in in. i .in i m I l' Warm Springs, j; f Western North Cafolina, IS OPEN FOR THE SEASON. FINEST . climate and Hcvnerr on tlm Conilnont niruisu me uiusic mop i i otp i is coinpJAt In all its appointments. lrTIL ROAD AND TKI EGRAPJflC COMMUNKWTION. ApplV fur Circular to HOWERTON & KLEIN", , mav .'4-lm-. immJ..n. Patent Medicines. J-y K. CTVRK JOHN SON'S 1 N DIAN BLOO b yrilP. Green's A'guo Comiuercr, 5o' cents per Itortle; Lydia mnkham'sTegetableComppnnii. Kidney-Wort !in Uquld or Powder form. T Agents for Rock Bridge Alum Water. I A full Uuof Mineral Waters fresh. may 21 w. MUNDS BROS.. ljni(xglU. ; , lur uuiituvmu. QN AND AFTER THE 8TH; INST THE Steamer PASSPORT will resume her regular mps ior nutnvuie, leaving wharf foot of Mar kct Street, at 9 a, m., except on Saturdays, when she will leave Smithville at 7.30 a.., and Wilmington at 4.30 p. hi. J . . W. HARPER. may .-lm Master and Agent. Don't Forget! ( , rjlHAT I KEEP FULL AND COMPLETE Stocks of torngs and have Ingredients to 1111 ANY PRESCIUPTION. Full stocksjof Patont flieaicmcs. I'rescnvaons compounded hour of the night. F. C. MILLER., any stores : Fourth and Nun Sts, over Sts. I a vua ira auu juaiiia i may 21 tf VautCK ' 11mm "Our Dave'P i . . - r ; H AS QUIT THE "rorus" and goes toi"St. Jacobs". Mv. O mv back, savs he. 1 All from tugging those HEAVY COOK STOVES of ours. Bath Tubs, Tin Ware, Frceicrs, Water vuoiurs,. etc., at Parker & Tay. orrs may 21 Stylish ! The Button Boot & Sliptfer ! FOR 'LADIES AND CHILDREN, Geo. R. French & Sons, 1' AT 30 NORTH FRONT ST FRONT STREET. ARE VERY i i m, HANDSOME AND STYLISH. I TIIEY FIT PERFECTLY may 24-tf A New Lot fV HARNESS JUST RECEIVED AND FOK V7 ... . saJe low. I have full lines of Trunks and Va lisls at prices to suit the times. ' Repairing executed neatly and with dig- paten. J. If. MALLARD, Successor toiMallard A BowdenL may21tt No. 8 Frontj Street. DRESS GOODS I AND Trimmings! 1REAM DOTTED SWISS, V- NEW LACES, .1; VERY FINK VAL LACES, MATTESGsj White and Colore! f ' ' ' "' ' ' " ft Church Carpets and Matting, . I Embroidered White jnannel. may 24 K. M. McTNTIReI X2r New Foulard Sllki, just lu. Pianos & Organc Wood's Organs, ( t , I . ' and .-: p.r .. ' Decker Bro's, Pianbsl STRltTTLl; tl K-ST-CL A S3 I.NATRl'MTrNTF. . " . - t i-. .. . Ak for price list and term. 1 r 14 YATES BOOK STORE. Notice. QERTTFICATE OF DEPOSIT ISSUED BY the First National Bank ot WllmlngtoJ, N. C., No. 2208, dated 'April 12th, 1SS2, fo scTen thou. . -. ... . - .:,.-- hnndred dollars '($7J03JJ) In favor of the undersigned has been-lost In transmission by mall, and all persons are cautioned against trading for same, as payment fcas been tlof-ped- l A.C. LE-1K llay 8tJi,lSS. ma 13- tt