rnisr.vrEit - 1 - - ,,r:..,,,v ," ..... - ... , !" SEflEW -; ' - . - ; - - "-'1 , -s - L '. r 1 Wc will be glad to ' receive conmunlcatlons from pur friends on any 4an4 j all subjects of general Interest but I I J Tho name of the writer must always be far nUhcd to the Editor. " Cknnxannicatlotis must be .writ tea "on " only ' ceptcd by j JOSH T. JA3IKS, j - a Rll'TIO S POSTAUK PAID: . ; gbCKH J Three sis v l . 1 ftnnfa H one side of the paper. j ' Bioutu", Mrrii-ra free T ' i. .. ,.art .f the city, at tlx aWe -t 1 win - . . ' Personalities must be avoided. " ' ; : " Awl It !4 especially antj particularly under-, stood thatjthc Editor docs not "always endorse lie views of correspondents unices so stated in the editorial columns. , i , ""a H.iinrnit.1":"1 hi;1- jr ... '...uW.VOL: VI.I WILMINGTON, N. C, SUNDAY. MAY 28. 1882. NOH 130. . ureRr""""-" 1KCEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. alLul,art-v S jEWr-rretty. ilrii-MvEi: ... 1 r.isf.Arn Shirts. V i;;IiLi.ti:-J)rugjrist; j, A. .Smith Furniture 'j II. JhixAKiHianiPjv ('lU!.. I). Mykks For Sale i - ... ... r , Bi-Ki; To Taxpayers. u- K. Dam- & J$os: W uuTii & Woktii Sundries. T iTi-Decker Jirosrhins. JVO. S. .Ml'tiAL-MMiS t . ....... Notice . I. M. Katz Summer (ioods. Jvk L- UoATWiiKiiiT Notice. : : H. il. JlrLNTlUE Dress Goods. 1 1 v i.i. & I'ka us a Li. Call on us. l,,s K. Kakkek l'cr Steamer ' T. J. So i i' h i. hlan i For Hire. Mi-xi5lis--rateiit-ju'edicines. C'uAi'oN fc Pickett Look Here. John J. Heiuiick New -Arrival. 1 1. M. lo wd ex & C-Iook Out. Buoavn & Roddick Special Sale. IIeinspxhgek Pianos and Organs. -Pakkeii & Taylou 'Our Dave" (f.o. R. Fkench?& Sons Stylish. IIowEitTOX & KLEiN-Warm'Springs K. J ACori To Make Home'Beautiful C E. Jevens Home Made Candy. $75 will hny a good Bugsy and Har- W.E. SnnvOEi: & Co Turpentine Tools. . KfcuciiNEK & Caldeii 1kos Sun lns. A PorE Excursion Ticket? W. W.li.R. 31. S. Willakd Insurance Extra ordinary A. Poi'E Excursion Tickets W. C. &A. R. R. Iport of the Condition of the First National Rank. For other locals see fourth pace. What arc you going to do on the Fourth? is the question now asked. It is thought that the new Roman C'rUholic Church at Farmer's Turn-out will he dedicated next Sunday. , The Produce Exchange now numbers W lnenib'crs aud two subscribers, the latter the two daily papers published in this city. The pastor being absent at the Dis trict Conference, there will be no ser vices at the Front Street' Methodist Church to-dav. There is unmailable matter remain ing in the Postoflice, addressed to Au gust Bordeaux, Lane P. O., N. C. : aud C. P. Hilton i Co. The members of the lire department ;tre auxioiN that the church bells to which arc attached lire alarms shall be nui in cases of fire. ." A mire strengthening tonic, free from whiskey and alcohol, cures dvspepsia, and similar liseases. .It has never been Nalled. Brown's Iron Bitters. The ladies of the Dorcas Society of st. Paul's Evangelican Lutheran church w ill hold a lawn party at the narsonaw n Wfdnedav o'clock. Nt UntVrtnnil whii'li!i.w i . ccurril it t4,. ..i . i . , , lV 6,i r- knTwT, r01'10"-1 -PPed chagrined. Tho . IT - - j following is the ticket hominated: 1 irs. iieunetta Humes, who is well I Clerk of Superior jCourt S. VanAm ovvn to niany of our citizens, is very j ringe. j i I uic i-oor House, and is not ex pected to recover. She ?s .Srii--fiA years of age, and is thought to be dying vt old age. cPt; JameslTAtlom, who has tt? on a busiess trip, returned Ri i yestery- says Capt. has been enraired dnrin- th week in recorking the Minmhaha, nd probably left Boston yesterday. " To Builders and others Go to Jaco i s for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, toucan get all sizes and at the iowest prices. -V ramp meeting, under the auspices the St. Stephen's A. M. E. Church, "m progress at a point about 15 miles Iow the city. A very large number to the grounds yesterday and the PPosition is that a much larger crowd y So down" to day. The steamers on Da,cson and Vest run to the anip grounds. Her. A. M. Conway, pastor , of First Ptist Church, colored, will administer thenteofbaptbm, by immersion, in 1 rmcess street dock, this afternoon Stop It. The public seem to ileiuand that the city 1kH should only 1 ruu in cases of fire, as tin; riniii of the bell nt dif ferent hours of the day does no good and hence is : useless habit. We trust that the authorities' will do at their next meeting what thev nowhaveincantem j platioii, i. e.. jas;4 anordinanee.prohib jithi the ringing of the bell except in ! cavs of fire. Too , A colored man ; from up the) river j.eallcif ytslnlay aftemooij u.get jniy lor some stniw wnicn a coiorea uray- . V . . -v. ? maii liitdj gotten from him under tliej ; rctexc inac ne naa peen sent Dy sonic . of t he oilkials to jjurchase1 the strau'. ! No one there knew, anything about the j transactien, aud jthe coutryman Went off with the sad consciousness of knovf- iug that he had been1 imposed upon. Kitlneylbisea.se, ! Pain, Irritation, lletention, Inconti nence, Deposits, Gravel, &c., cured by "Buchupabia". Si. iDepot James C. jluncls. Hook and ladder. Owing to the stress of matter on our columns, we were forced, and very raj luctantly,cut down our notice yesterday of the anniversary celebration of tho Hook and Ladder Company: at Pine Grove, Friday morninjg. The commit tee, Messrs. WillarM Gore and Lord, in whose hands the preparation for the anniversary was entrusted,) did their best and received as they should, the commendation and thanks they so just ly deserved. -'Tlie Arion Quartette) Club enlivened, the I occjasion with fino music and several speeches were mado by invited guests. ' j i Mork About the Murderer. If reports be true Pharoah Sykes, the) murderer of Bella Tone.' has not left the neighborhood at Ortion, where ho committed the deed, was seen yesterday mor scene of the tragedy, work on the farm in the t is said- he i hing near thej The hands at; 'vicinity .were out hunting for him on but did not succeed in Thursday night getting on his trail. Much indignation is felt over the cruel murder and it is the opinion of many that if he is caught Judge Lynch will play an important pajrt in bringing the scoundrel to his just deserts. Republican dominating" Con vention, j The Republican Nominating Conven tion met in the Court House yesterday morning, jliic ueicgatcs weni; into cau cus and settled the inattorl of the con- troling delegates froni the Upper Divis ion of the First AVai'd jnnd then from the Fifth "Ward by a 'compromise. The Convention kviis called to order by Gen. S. IT. Manning, Chairman . of the County Executive Cohirnitteo. Jos. E. Sampson acted1 as Secretary and Capt. E. J. Penujpackeri was appoint ed poll-holder. The meeting was ex ceedingly orderly and the nominations were made with but little trouble. The nominations had evidently been "cut and dried." There seems to be much dissatisfaction among, some of thej fire tried. One of them remarked to us in the Convention that hthe people was lleft out:" said he, "don't you see the . Court House ring on the benph and the T r , I Custom House at the desk ; we ain't go- that till' IllliriiT1. .-..... i 1 . .i fl . ti rm. ing to stand tnat Kina oi imiig. xue Convention was m every -way orueny . . . . . i i . Sherift S. H. Manning.1 Itegister of Deeds Jbs. EL Sampson. Treasurer Owen Barney. Coroner E. D. Hewlett, j Constable Robert Sweat. Surycyor L. D.' Cherry. ' House of Representatives W. H. Waddell, Eustice'E. Green. The following arjj the 'delegates elect ed to the following conventions. State Convention W. P. banaday, H. E. Scott, Geo. W. Price, Henry Brewington. i Judicial Convention-pS. YanAm ringe, C. P. lackey, Jas. K. Cutlar, Geo W. Price, Jr.1 1 . Coiigressional Convention S. IC Manning, Jno. E. Taylor, John II. Vhiteinan,T. A. Ixjwcrj'. Senatorial Convcntion-r-E. II. Brink, E. J. Pennypacker, Jno. E. j Taylor. Jas. H. Brown. j I . Resolutions instructing delegates to vote for W. P. Canaday for Congress and II. E. Scott for State Senator were passed. An enricher of the blood and purifier of the .system : cures lassitude and lack of energy; such is Brown's Iron Bit The new railroad bridge at Uich mond, Va., which was built to replace the one recently destroyed by fire, has I leen completed, and trains were run j over it yestordaj". The nev bridge is made of the best of North Carolina pine. To-day is known in the Church Calendar as Whitsun-Day, and is cele brated in commemoration of the descent of the Holy Ghost on the .Apostles in the shape of tongues of fire. Whitsun Day corresionds with the J ewish Pente cost, j "t , . . - In consecpience of Rev: Dr' Wilson's absence at the Presbyterian General Assembly there ,wU be no service in the First Presbyterian Chrtrch this morn ing. . Services will be held this after noon at G o'clock, to l conducted by Rev. C. M. Payne. Sabbath school service at 1.15 p. m. - i Exports Foreiffii. .1 Barque Glacier, Capt. Crawley, cleaij ed yesterday for Point-a-Pitre, Guada loupe, with 176,356 feet lumber and 50,- 000 shingles, valued at $3,554.40, ship ped by Messrs. Northrop & Cumming. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Lawn Party. rpnE DOKCAS SOCIETY OF ST. PAUL'S Evangelical Lutheran Church will hold a LAWN PARTY at the Parsonage, on WED NESDAY EVENING, commencing at 5 o'clk. Ic Cream, Strawberries, etc. -may 28-It Pretty A RE THE SAMPLES OF PAPER-HANG- ings displayed by S. JEWETT, 27 North Front Street. They have never been surpassed In Wilmington, but if they are not fine enough, he can supply them as rich and costly as you mar desire. Prices range from 15 cents to 25 dollars. - j - may 28 For Hire.! JJORSES, . BUGGIES, CARRIA ges, Fhajton8,Wagonetsf Road Wag- ons, at lowest prices. Prompt attention to aU orders. T. J. SOUTHERLAND. ' Omnibus and baggage line to and front rail road. may 28-tf $75 WILL BUY A GOOD BUGGY AND No. 1 HARNESS. Tho buggy is a Sidebar Top, cost $125 and has not been used since being thoroughly overhauled. - The harness cost $36 and is almost new. For further particulars address M. T. J., Lock Box 581, City, may 28 I Notice. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF BELLEVUE CEMETERY, Mr. GEO. H. WARD, will put Lots in order, and keep them in order, and do all work on Cemetery Grounds that lxt Owners may want done, at aa low prices as possible He Is always on the Grounds. JNO. S. MeEACHERN, my 21 It ' . Sec'y and Treas. To Taxpaiyers. J WILL BK AT. THE MATCH'S ROOM IN the City Hall from 9 a. u., to 1 p. m. and from 3 to 6 p m. during th) first, twenty working days in June, "commencing on Thursday, Jun "I ' . - - ! . 1, to receive the Tax Lists for the City, State Jnd County. Taxpayers will please hand in their lists at as early a day as possible. ' J. G. BURR, ! may 23-lt. Assessor. Look Out FRIENDS AND GET A SET OF that EXCELSIOR HARNESS, " to be found "only at the New Saddlery and TruBk House. . Prices low and quality superior. . 4 Repair Trunks and Harness, fjg H.-M. Bowden & Co.. '-1 : . " may 28 40 Market street. Pianos & Organs. JIRST-CLASS MAKE ONLY, AND A1 FULL stock to select from. The above are to your advantage by calling At ' HEINSBERGER'S. BLANK BOOKS, ' SUNDAY SCHOOL SONG BOOKS, CATECHISMS, HYMN BOOKS, And a full stock of STATIONERY, at may 23 i HEIRSBEBSER'S. Decker Bro's. Pianos O - RE UNRIVALED IN TONE, TOUCn and finish. They are the finest Pianos ever in troduced here. Call and see what s strictly FIRST-CtASS Piano is.' . ' Geo. Wood's Organs, JRE WELL-KNOWN AS THE Standard of American Organs. Cheaper Organs of other makes, on eaey terms, at " ' : ! :: . may 23 TAOTBobk STORE. NEW APTBRTISE3iyTS. WIL3nSGTON 4'WELDOK B. R, ) PA8SEXGEI1 DEPAKT3KNT, Excursion Ticket 4 RRANGEMENT FOR SEASON OF 1882, to the SUMMER RESORTS of A lrginU and Western North Carolina, commencing June 1, 1882. noUDTRIP TICKETS to all the Sum incr ResorU reached by this line will be. on sale at UNION DEPOT TICKET OFFICE, Wilmington. Good to return until October 31st. For tickets, time cards, tourist guides, and all Information call on Ticket Agent, or the undersigned. A. rufK, may: 28-3t Gen'l Passenger Agent. WILMINGTON, COL. & . AUG. R. B., ) ; PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, j ) Wilmington, N. C, May 28, 1882. j 1 Excursion Ticket ARRANGEMENTS FOR SEASON OF 1882, to the Summer Resorts of Upper South Caroli na and North Georgia, commencing June 1, 1882.' ROUND TRIP TICKETS to all the Summer resorts reached by this line will be on sale at UNION DEPOT TICKET OFFICE, Wilmington, good to return until October 31st. For tickets, time-cards, tourist guides, and all information call on Ticket Agent or the un dersigned. A. POPE, may 28-3t Gen'l Passenger Agent. coairjiErjcirjc To-Morrow, Monday, Great BIG REDUCTION ! IN Ready-Made Clothing' AT THE FAMOUS OTTERBOTJBGr'S Men's Wear Depot. IF YOU HAVE HALF AN IDEA OF BUY lng a suit call on us and we'll do tho other half. . We arc dcfiroug of visiting. Europe this Sum-mej:--hcnce the necessity of . reducing stock. . ' ' I :"' ' : OTTERBOURC, CiX)THIER. may 28 i ',.-'. Report of the Condition QF THE FDiST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMINGTON; at Wilmington, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, May 19th, 181. j ' ' " . ' RESOURCES: Loans and discounts ....$611,489 30 Overdrafts . 9.85i 50 U. S. Bonds to securo circulation... 50,000 00 Other stocks, bonds, and -mortgages 44,127 40 Due from approved reserve agents.. S4,371 15 Dae from Other National Banks Due from State Banks and bankers. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes paid.... Bills of other Banks,.. Fractional payer currency, nickels, - and pennies. Specie Legal tender notes Redemption fund with XJ. 8. Treas urer, 3 per cent of circulation.. . 17,644 78 S50 84 91,317 22 9,484 63 23.344 00 324 19 96,349 00 10,647 00 2,250 00 Total $991,361 93 INABILITIES: .; ' r Capital stock paid in. .-$250,000 00 Surplus fund 35,316 74 Undivided profits 53.C83 47 National Bank notes outstanding. ... 44,990 00 Dividends unpaid.. 2,663 00 Individual deposits subject to check 188,760 81 Demand certificates of deposit. ..... 305,426 71 Due to other National Banks. ....... 29,055 74 Due to State Banks and bankers. . .. . 6,597 76 Notes and bills re-discounted. 74,863 73 I TotaL..... ............. .$99161 93 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, V I CoorrY of New Hjucovbx, bs. ) I, aJ iC WALKER, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. "A. K. WALKER. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of May, 18. H. M. BOWDEN, , Notary Public. Correct Attest : ALFRED MARTIN, D. G. WORTH, . B. BURRUSft. . Directors. J J , Wllmlatrton. L' Mar S!f. NEW APVERTISE3IENTS. SPECIAL SALE ! t BROWN & RODDICK, 5 and 7 North Front Street. JJAVING JUST RETURNED . FROM THE Northern Markets and hjaving maxio very ex tensive purchases, we take great pleasure in calling thcvery parflcular attention of all our patrons and friends to our t SPECIAL SALE TO COMMENCE Monday, May 29 th, 1882. Every one who reacU a newspaper is folly aware that the firm of A. T. STEWAKT & CO., are about to retire from business and are closing out their immense stock, j - . We have made a Special Trip North for the purpose of looking over and selecting what would be suitable for our section of the country and will SHOW A FEW of the results. We will offer soma of the moat decided bar gains ever exhibited in this city under any cir cumstalices. Don't wait for further develop menta but come at once. Our store la full and they must be. moved. We would state to those who reside out of town, that we will be very t happy to forward samples to any who really mean business, and they can rely that their In- I " . . ".' te rests will be studied, and every care taken of ! ! i . any and all orders we may be favored ylth ; it Is our interest as well as yours that you'should be treated just the same as if at tho counter i - -and you can rest assured that we do our busi- ne i In no other way. f Several lots of most desirable DRESS GOODS, At lialf market valuo. PRINTED LAWNS, '"!' 6 cents a decided bargain. 7-8 Printed Cambrics, 8 cents 25 per cent, under value. COTTOISTADES, For Men and Boys, 12 cents, a real good article. 1 r Linen Damasks, Towels and Napkins. Shetland Shawls. From 50 cents to $2,50-: Imported Goods. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. P. S.We have justeeelred a -n!racle In cheapness In Ladles' and Gents' i rjosAic Pirjs. THE REAL FORIIALF THE PRICE OF IMITATION BROWN & -RODDICK. 5 and 7 Kortu Front St. XEAV APVEItTISE3IEyrS. Now Arrival CkF TABLE LINEN GOOD?. BARGAIN " ' - ' f": ' :v': " In Turkey Etxl aud White Damask Dpylal and Napkins, llandiomc .Colored liordcr . i . - ' aiut Mourning HandkemfalefcJ 4v , IN. DRESS GOODS tit.lKKVyitf2: V 30 pieces Lace BunUns: Ulster, Linen, EmiJro! 4 - ..... vr' at Hs per rr.: . 1 . .J r. Laco Striped Ecrupiqde. n 4 I Also another rwtalraeat" of Ca liwtw?? " may 28 "JNO. f J. JIEDRicX , Loo Ic Here ! P- H AVE YOU SEEN THE' AND THE BOSS FIVE CENT CIGAlif Tho Largest Display a:id tho , i ' FINESTr CAKES IN THE CITV. PICKLES, just tho ticket for , Pic NlcWi-d ONLY TEN CENTS A JAR ! 1 w -)' Call and sec f or yoursclI CRAPON & PICKETT. may 28-tt k . 16 and 18 S. ! Front St. Insurance Extfaof diriary ! QOTIl ANNUVL STATEMENTOF POLICT OONO. 2942 for $.-..000, held bv Mr. A. I II. VanBOKKELEN, Wilmington, X C In the MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK. 27 Annual Premiums were mid. from 184C;to 1873, of $124.50 each. 3,301 60 Since 1873 the'eash dividend has moro 1 than paid the annual premium and, , ' . , the Policy is incrcaslna: yearly. I " ' Additions to Policy by uivi- - - , 1 dends.. .5,73100 Original Policy.. ... ...5,000 00 '-" ? . Present valuo. ... , .10,731 00 ? -I'' In excess of premiums paid 7,309-M This is an example of a Plolicy now In force This is an example of a Plolicy now In force 1 Oils city, and it is confidently ! asserted that In Oils city, and it is confidently asserted that no other Company can make as favorable a showing. j - j It will pay tho assared's estate over ; 0 per cent, compound interest on the money invested. my;27tf'. M. S. WHJlaUD, Agent. 1 ; -1 ! Ice Kennebec Ice. 1- vir 'E HAVE EECE1VED THE TWO Kenneliec Ice -4! Ever brought to this city. Clear as crystal and 1." t.- free from snow. 4 49 Special attention paid to orders from the country. ' PACKING ICE A SPEriAlTV" may 28 , W. E. DAVIS & SON., "Our Bare" HAS QUIT THE '."Porta" and goes for Jacobt". My, O ray back, says he, i All from tugging those HEAVY COOK STOVES of ours. Bath Tubs, Tin Ware, FrceicR. Water Parker & Taylor'j may , I - T 'rfl Moonliglit Excnrsion ; Tuesdayay 30tH; ' - i .. under the auspices and for the bcneflf of tl ft Wil. Library Association. MUSIC AND REFRESHMENTS. leave Mark it Steamer PASSPORT will ledve Market Doci at 7.30 o'clock, p. m.: returning at U o'clock, r.. Tickets limited. For Hale at Dvers'.- Price, round trip, 60c- Potttirtlg no 'Hrlrtt told et Hoot t . may-St-iv-SHi. -4 For Sate. . l T HE MOST VALUABLE AND yw.i Mibibi uvvsAiiuv prop J" erty on WRlCnTSVILLE. I offer my place for gale, either as & wbo? of sixty acres, with three hundred and ninety? five feet water front, orU te oi I'aal flea t f 1 Ing, Davis and Cutlar tracts C'lcal .Lblrtb; ' . - -ft It ; vh V" ; Dwelling House, CotUgeJiltcJYTUs, , bcrvanti n Quarters, Shade Trees, Good WajerJ J r - -' Prcjnise shown and information given by, may 2V2t-frl sun 1I Aff; V. ?MTtftK- JARGEST STOCK COOK STOVES IN THE State and lowest prices. Call or write for Cat knroe. 1 i s ters. nayS3 S3A7S7 ' ftplS r. XL KING CO.

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