Tnis paper' mornlng, Monaaya c.v- JOSH T. JAMES... AIPKOIBrETOR. EDITOR m Vr 1 T 1 sCBRt ! l oo Six months, $2.00. Three , ci 00" One inonin, - isoci"3' - l1eiivcred by earners irrc ft P3r ...rf of the city,, at the above . in nil T I'- r-r 1 ... ,u low HWraL llTf-i. rciKirt any an ..revive their im 1-cr regularly, LOCiVLNEWS. "llOEX TO MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HnEKGEic-Aums IwKrrIIair Mattresses. r;TFI)e(kerBros.rifliK)S. Sorti-& HonciKS-Notico fll bnv a 1JuSSJ and Har- mshiP B' tiefactor, Trihou, hence, .tearoMi'r z ni:i, . , ,t Vew York yesterdaj . . , nveaat j ilTlV Stuer Xh-r filar, from eworfc ,rCliarIeton, put in here tor coal yes t,nhv afternoon. V- - il i.ic nic of Misses Burr & Xhpanniu i i .ni ho ffiven on Tliurs- at WrisbtsYiue .-ouuu. !3V, The lawn iiarty at the Lutheran Par n3e IisU lwii postponed from AV cd ,l3Y to Tlniriclay evening - Kpt. T. D. l'itts of this city, has ac Ul an invitation to 'deliver an ad d4 before the young, ladies of St. Marv's Ualei-li, on Tuesday next. There were only two trifling cases j MWre His Honhor Mayor Smith yester One was uismisseu, aim mcutua 1 3 il.. called' for a fine of .1, which was paid. The officials at the City Hall speak in high terms of the conduct of the How ard fight Infantry of Fayetteville, who are quartered at the Mayor's office. Mr. E. W. McGann, who has been in charge of the Signal Office ; in this city 'for some time past, left here last Saturday for his new station at Roch ester, X. Y. The alarm of lire at the dinner hour yesterday was caused by the burning of a chimney on the premises of Mr. Jas. CVMuuds, comer Third and Mulberry stretts. No damage. Sunday last being Whitsunday, an important feast in the Lutheran, Epis copal and Catholic Churches, all the German shipping in port were decora-U-d with evergreens at their mastheads and yardarnis. . V We understand that the revival of re ligion in progress at the Presbyterian church in Burgaw continues, and in creases in interest and power.- The ser vices are all largely attended, and there were over fifty peuiteuts at the altar last Sunday night. , ..-Anything in the hardware line can ir found at reasonable prices at Jaco ut's. j UtiniailabK's. The. following unmailable matter re mains in the potofiice in this city : Mits L. laddix, Boyce Sound, Cedar Tt. P. ()., X. C. ; Charlie Roundtrec, Washington, N. C. : Fred MeKoy, Sha ken, X. C. Excursion. The Passport will bring up an excur sion party from Smithville Friday morning. She will leave for Smithville on her return trip at 3 o'clock and return this city by 8 o'clock. This will he a favorable opportunity for those who wish to take a little trip down the river in the aflemoon. See ad. elsewhere. ; To Promote a Vigorous Growth of the hair, use Parker sHair Balsam. It stores the youthful color to gray hair removes dandruff and cures itching of the scalp. A Bold KascaTT A young lady in this city, who was a Wtle belated, while hurrying to her home last evening, about 8 o'clock, whs robbed by some rascal ot the satchel sic was carrying in her hand at the time The lellow came up behind her and sud denly seized the hag and made off with " and when the lady recovered from her surprise she found that s'he held the handle m her hand but that the satchel gone. She could not make out Aether the man was white or colored, amsneu too quickly to be eogmzed. re- Life-Longr Parting:. 1 Mrs. l. G. Hashagen, of this city, has Jtaicnmned to return to Germany with jer two younger children and will sail aSCV OrL rn tl-. Ottl. ; i remen, rith the view of passin" the"Dn seen before in thirty years,! and aiudcrof her life among her family that the .promise of all abundance of iriends m the old eountrr. Airs, i I I -' u8tn s denartnr -wrill W o orriCrs. he savs nm bnovnn ?ad All of her marrietl life has w ftw . v t. j i hea passed ;a WUmington, where her ! xn wre born nml hflm Urn i -.sea.. Mr. Fred Hashagen will He the 7-J member left fcerc of what was a Z Uy at onc time numbering persons. , - - f1hee?the blood and Purifier of 1 a lack energy, 8uch is Brown's Iron Bit- VOL. YJ, From Here to Juaur iiiburr. We: are glad to Ijear that thebrop prospects along the liie of the Carolina Central Railroad, between this city and I Laurinburg,' and inclusive of the rich farming sections in Uiphnjond county, are, thus far, quite promising. The complaints' so general from other sec tions are not so frequent therp. -Cotton and' corn., both promise well, 'and the fruit crop is expected to be very fine. - . YV e are sorry J reports from the The Duplin Crops. to her j discouraging reports irom me crops insiiupim coun ty. The cotton ha3 been . injured in many localities 1y the cool nights and such of the farmers as can obtain seed are busy replanting, while others say that they will put the laijd in peanuts. The corn, too, is sorry, there being a species of bug which has cut it down in many parts of the countiyi I These facts are learned, from a geiitleman who came t down the road this morning and who j conversed with farmers! from several localities. lersonai. Col. W. T. Craighill is registered at the Purcell. Col. Thos. S. Kenan, Attorney-Gen eral of the State, was in the city yester day, the guest of his brother, j (jjapt. W. R, Kenan. Col. P&erMallettj formerly of North Carolina, but now of New York, who ! i has been in the city for several weeks past on a visit to his daughter, Mis. Gabriel Holmes, leaves here to-morrow morning for Newbernl where he has two pons in business, arid with whom he will remain a few days before his return to New York. j Flies ami lMigs. . j Flics," roaches, ants, bed-bugs, rats j mice,- gophers, chipmunks, cleaned ot i by "Rough on Rats.'; 15c. tj j 3Iore Improvements. The brick building on North Vater street, near Nut t, for iomc time occu pied by Mr. II. AY. Bryant, on the first floor, and Mr. I. T.j Alderman asjan office on the second floor, is oeing torn down to make rooni for ajnew and handsome structure o be erected on that spot. The new building is to be also of brick, with a glass front, and it is expected it will be completed by Juty 1st. The store will b occupied by its late tenant, Mr. II. W. Bryant. The building is the property of Mr. L. Toi lers, of this city, a;u enterprising mer chant and property j owner who has faith in our city's future, and wio has within a comparatively recentdat eerect ed other handsome store buildings here. To Builders and ot lers Go to Jaco- bi'S for Sash, -Blinds hud Door Glass, at the I t &c. You can get all lowest prices. sizes and Criminal Court. This tribunal wa3 in isession yester day morning, andadjourfred at 1 o'clock until this morning at ft o'clock. The following cases were disposed of State vs Marsh Cam rbell, larceny guilty. State vs. Robt. Robiison, larceny defendant submitted. Judgment pray ed. Sentence, 5 years in penitentiary , State ' vs. R. Robinson, submitted ; judgment suspended: j State vs. R. Robinson, submitted; judgment suspended. -j Stafc vs. Chas, Williams,' alias Hovv ard; assault and battery. Called and failed. ' . 1 The grand jury entered the following true bills: State, vs. V. Brown, larce ny ; Daniel Oxendine, larceny; Joseph Gann, larceny; Eliza! Jones, false pre tense. Not Partial,' but Complete. Alexanduia, VaU Aug. 4; 1831. II. II. Wakxei: & Co.: Vr.Yoi our Safe Kidirev and Liver! Cure has effect ed an entire cure in my case. I sutler ed every formf kidney difliculty.. ' j W . J. Soimeks. The Crois Near Charlotte. A' subscriber, writing lis from Char- lotte, gives a very flattering description of the prospects "of he crops in that section. He has recently passed over ill C fUrt rnnili ninnino' Jntlr fIifl rlotto nml cri-c tViof cnsK mi?n nmna Jioro Tint fiue fruit was never better, j The farm over their crops. Our correspondent ' w y j says .that' he never before saw such wheat, oats and clover, and corn. There is a drawback to the picture, however, in the back ward condition of the cotton w lich has been injured very much by th; recent cool weather. HowcVcr jhe says, many of the farmers arc re-planting and are confident that they jwill yet make good crops, provided they arc blessed with fair; seasons. WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY. MAY 31. Badly Mashecl. Mr. Martin. : Davis, an employee at the cotton factory, in the South- westem part of the city, met with the misfortune yesterday of having the Ihunib on his left hand caught in a leavy j piece of machinery and badly mashed. Dr. V. J. II. Bellamy dress ed the wound, and thinks he wiil be able to save the thumb. It wasi so badly crushed that it ! was at first thought that amputation would have to be resorted to. Episcopal Visitation. Last week Right . Reverend Bishop Northrop visited the Newbera missions, which are under tho charge of Rey. J. J. Reilley. AtrNewbern the Bishop confirmed six, persons, and at Golds boro nine, who "had been prepared for the reception of the sacrament of con firmation during the missions given at these places by Rev. F. J. Oberley. At Halifax two persons received this sac rament. The Right Reverend Bishop, who, by his kindness and affability everywhere gains not only the reverence of his own people, but also the love and esteem of all, has secured lots in Weldon, Tar- boro, and Goldsboro, on which he in tends to erect churches. Liberal sub scriptions have been received for the purpose, and the Bishop expects to be able to dedicate the churches in the above places before the end of this year. The church at Farmer's, as we have previously stated, will probably be ded- icaieu next ouiiuay, auu iiouup nui throp intends to visit the Raleigh and Hickory missions next month. 1 This article was prepared for yester day's issue, but was unavoidably forced out. ( . Decoratioii Day. The National Decoration Day was duly observed in this city yesterday The various colored military and civic organizations, together with the How ard Light Infantry f of Fayetteville, formed iii line in front of the City Hall, and, headed by a band of rjisic, march ed to' the National Cemetery on East Market street. Arriving at.the Ceme- tery the ceremonies were opened with music byjthe P. and S. A. Club, and the Rev. J. F. Thomas read the prayer. Hon. Geo. B. Everett delivered the orationJ His effort is said to have been a fine one and his address is kindly spoken of. At the conclusion of Mr Everett's remarks the benediction was given and the graves were decorated. The crowd at the Cemetery was unusu ally large, but the small number o whites in attendance was generally no ticed and commented upon, During the ceremonies the national salute of 38 guns Avas fired from the Revenue Cutter Coffax, Lieut. John U. Rhodes com manding, which was at anchor in the river at the foot of Market street. The Court House, Post Office and Custom House were closed, and! the flag on the latter building was at half mast. The Court House, Post Office and Jail were decorated with small flags. Re-Union of Veterans at Point i Caswell, There promises to be a good time at Point Caswell on the 4th of July next, the occasion being a reunion of the sur viving members of Co. E., 18th N. C. Regiment, and to which all members of this glorious regiment are invited. The following proceedings of a meeting held for the purpose will explain the whole matter: . At a meeting of members of Co. E., ISth regiment N. C. V., held at (Point Caswell, May 27th, 1882. Capt. !j. R. Hawes was elected President, Captains F. Thompson and John Moore, I Vice Presidents, D.. J. Corbett and H. A. Colvin Secretaries and Capt. John Moore Treasurer. The following resolution was then adopted: ltesolvcd, That on the 4th of July, 1682, a re-union of the surviving mem bers of Co. E. be held at Point Caswell, N. C, and that members of the 18th regiment N. C. V. be invited to meet with us and participate in the good things and festivities of that occasion. On motion, the following were ap pointed a committed to invite a (speaker to deliver an address on that occasion : Capt. John Moore and Messrs. G. W. Woodcock and II. A. Colvin. ; Resolved,, That a copy of these pro ceedings, be t sent to the Wilmington Journal and Weekly Slat for publi cation. Cait. j. R, Hawes. Chairman, j D. J. COUBETT, H. A. Colvix, 1 $ Secretaries. The citizens of Point Caswell, in ,vicw of the proposed re-union of the veterans of Co. E, have taken action to give in tcrcst to the occasion, as the follow inj will show. At a meeting of the citizens of Point Caswell and vicinity the following reso lution was adopted : Evolved. That we cordially invite Ieyiew the public generally to a basket picnic, to be given at Point Caswell on the 4Ui day of July, 1882, on the occasion of the re-union of the surviving members of the 18th N.'C. regimen by special in vitation of Co. E,,of the same regiment. All persons are expected to bring js liberal supply of the needful, as a very large crowd from thi3 and r adjoining counties is expected. 1 lhe following persons are heieby ap pointed on the part of the citizens, a committee or arrangements : Messrs. J, R. Paddison. L. Vollers. E. A. Hawes. C. C. Woodcock. O. J. Hollingsworth, R. P. Paddison. C. P. Moore. W. F. Monroe, R. C. Johnson and Drs. G. F. Lucas and James F. Simpson. ; ' The committee of arrangements have appointed the following gentlemen as managers of the "Ball" to be given at the same time; " Caswell Township -Messrs. Jas. F. Moore, John Vollers, Jas. II. Colyin, Walter Gailor. W: R. Walker. Caintuck John G. Parker. Columbia Joab Johnson. Unionf-Dr. W. C. Murphy. Holden John Moore, Jr. Rocky Poiut Jas. Satchwell. Lincoln-!. Q.. Bell. ! Holly Jas. Shaw. Grant R. K. Bryant, Jr. Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons. This body convened at St. John's Hall in its Thirty-Fourth Annual Con vention last evening.. Grand Officers were present as follows : James South gate, Grand High Priest; H H Mun- son, Deputy Grand High tern; J H McAden, Grand Priest, pro King, pro tern; Audrew J Blair, Grand Scribe; Wm Simpson, Grand Treasurer; D W Bain, Grand Secretary ; 'Samuel North rop, Grand Capt of Host; F H Glover, Grand Prin'l Soj'r; Isaac Patterson, Grand) Royal Arch Captain; H M Strouse, Grand Master-3d Vail; R H Bradley, G ftj 2nd Vail, pro Urn; W L Wall, G M 1st Vail, pro tcm: B. G. Bates, Grand Tiler. J B Neathery, T E Bond and Charles R Jones were appointed a committee on credentials, who reported ten chap ters represented. The report was re tained by the committee to add other arrivals on to-morrow. The Grand High Priest presented an interesting address, furnishing valuable information concerning the condition of Royal Arch Masonry and his labors durinc the nast year. The revival of old chapters and contemplated organi zation of new ones in different localities of the State, point to an increase of this branch of the Order. The address was referred to C R Jones, W H Chad bourne and Thos Danielsas a special committee who will report thereon this morning. The Grand Secretary's report set forth in detail his official duties during the Masonic year and the indication of greater progress in Royal Arch Mason ry in North Carolina. His report was referred to the Committee on Finance. Standing committees were appointed as follows: - Charters and Dispensations Sam'l Northrop, Ferdinand Ulrich, F II Glover. f Unfinished Business W L Wall, J W Gerlick and H G Springs. Returns of Subordinate Chapters J B Neathery, N II Cohen, J II Carter. J I Macks, Committee on Foreign Correspondence, made a report an nouncing the review of the proceedings of the several Grand Chapters through out the country and, .at his request, the Grand Chapter authorized him to fur nish the same to the Grand Secretary for publication with the proceedings. On motion of W L Wall, an invita tion was . extended to all Royal 'Arch Masons in good standing to visit the sittings of the Grand Chapter. On mo tion of E H White the election of Grand Officers , was made the special order for to-day at 11 o'clock. At the opening of the Grand Chapter, J I Macks, in a well-conceived address, welcomed the members of the body and visitors to the hospitalities of the Royal Arch Masons of Wilmington. The Grand Hight Priest very appropriately acknowledged the invitation. The Grand Chapter and visitors are to be given an excursion to Smithville to morrow on the steamer Passport, by Concord Chapter No. 1, of I this city. We are pleased to observe that the vis iting Masons are enjoying their stay in Wilmington. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Excursion from Smithville QX FRIDAY THE STEAMER PASSPORT will br-ng up an excursion party under the auspices of tho M. E. Church at SmlthTllle. The boat will leave this city at 3 o'clock and return at 8 o'clock. may Si lt Hair rJattreGsea AT 40, 45. 50 55. CO, 80 and 85 cents per pound, made up to order of good ticking and Just the slxe to lit your bedstead. We hare the material to a good Mat tress, a rood one can not be made without. I Examine the goods and leare your orders at g.JEWETTS, i my 7 rroot street. 1882. NO 132. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SPECIAL SALE I BROWN & RODDICK, 5 and 7 North Front Street. TXAVESG JUST RETURNED FROM THE ju. - . . . Northern Markets and having made very ex tensiye purchases, we take great pleasure in calling the rery particular atteotiotf ot all our patrons and friend to our r . SPECIAL SALE TO COMMENCE Monday, May 29tli, 1882. Every one who reads a newspaper is fully aware that the firm of I- - A. T. STEWART & CO., are about to retire from business and are closing out their immense stock. We have made a Special Trip North for the purpose of looking over and selecting what would be suitable for our section of the country and will SHOW A FEWof the results. We will offer some of tile most decided bar gains ever exhibited in this city under any clr cumstances. Don't wait for further develop ments but come at once. Our store Is full and they must be moved. We would state to those who j-eslde out of town, that wo will be very happy to forward samples to any who really mean business, and they can rely that their in terests will be studied, and every care taken of any and all orders we may be favored with; it is our interest as well as yours that you should be treated just the same as if at the counter and you can rest assured that we do our busi ness In no other way. Several lots; of most desirable . DRESS GOODS, I At half market value. PRINTED LAWNS, 6 cents a decided bargain. 7-8 Printed Oambrics, 8 cents 25 per cent, under value. COTTOWADES, .1 For Men; and Boys, 12$ cents, a real good article. Linen Damasks, Towels and Napkins. Shetland Shawl . ' ; . -I From 50 cents to $2,50 Imported G WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. P. S. We have just received a miracle la cheapness in Ladies' and Gents mosaic Pins. THE REAL FOR HALF THE . i PRICE OF IMITATION BROWN & RODDICK. Sand 7 North Front St. may ST '. . I PLEASE OTICS. wwinigUa.t$, receive commuafcaUoni from our friends on any aad aU aubjeota ' of general ntere4t but aifA ,'.Ti ";7.,kV ' ' Tho name of the writer must always be tax. mshed to the Editor: :'! i I " Communications must, be written on only onosldeotthepaper., 7 j Personalities must bo avoided. - - - And it Is te9pyialr;anCi tood that the Editor does not always endorse he views of correspondents nnlots o stated in the editorial columns. , t KEW ADVERTISEMENTS, A Card. rriHE INSURANCE BUSDHESS WIIICU I have carried on ixas been purchased, together with my good wlU, by Messrs. XORTJTROn A noDOE: ":U :V-' h1- As this firm will renresent ill m wiuhii vvuiMwn wiuca us re gamea sucn an envuK ble repuUtion In this city and throughout the entire btate, my friends (to whom I am In- i I.!.. . . r'J ueutea ior noerai patronage daring the past thirteen years) cannot secure greater protec tion than U afforded by them. - wery ttespectrnuy,- " , - . - NORWOOD GILES. Wilmington, K. C, May SO, 1SS2. TJotice. BAVIXQ PURCHSAED TUB INTEREST of Mr. NORWOOD GILES in the rjunranoe business, we are prepared to effect insurance in the following reliable Companies : i : c U ,1 Phoenix Insurance Co.. of Ilartfonl. Conn. , Home tw " New York' - Westchester " , , . . " , .M 3 - . Royal .. . "Iirorpooi: 1 x4on - ' ' ; : ': - I f - Franklin Georgia Home Western Assurance Philadelphia, Pa. Columbus, Qa. ! Toronto. Canada;' Sollcltlag a liberaf patronage we are . ' .Very Respectfully, , r NORTIIROP & HODGES, t : '' t '- . -1 ' ' i Agent. may Sl-lw The School Children's TJEAL PEN-WORK AUTOGRAPH I ALBUM and Library of Selection. Price only 10 cent. At HKIN3BEKGKR'3. Hektograpb. A NOTHER LOT JUST RECUTED,' ' -X . - . . . YIELD CROQUET 1 . Another lot at 89o and $1.50. may 30 , HIIKSStRSEITeV New Arrival" !i QP TABLE LINEN GOODS. BARGAINS in Turkey Red and AVnlte Damask Dovlas and I , - . - Mourning Handkorchlefs. f' 'j , j IN DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT . 30 pieces Lace Bunting, at 12 tt per yari Ulster Linens, Embroidered ft" wis, Lace Striped Ecru, Piques. ; Also another instalment of 6c Lawns. may 23 JNO. J. lXEDRlCK, NEW GOODS! A DRIVING CONSTANTLY. ; It ,XS A PLEASURE TO SHOW TH08K New Lacea IN VARIOUS 8TTLES. 4 K . Table Damask. SOME VERY NICE THINGS IN THIS LINE Napkins, Tray Napkins; - , . . - I ! Black Silk Fringes. Alargelot Just received. f L, (NEW ALL WOOL BUNTINGS, In black, C S75 WILL BUY A GOOD BUGGY AND No. 1 HARNESS. TheboMT UnfiMctMrTrm. cost $125 and has not been used since bclnr thoroughly overhauled. , The harness cost tZA a"(J isalmojt new. ror. further particulars ' ' may 23 , - . Decker Bro's. Pianos ; jRE UNRIVALED IN. TONE, TOUCH andflnlsh. Thr!imtlilnMt PimAakMi j - ivq vrti .. troducedhere. Call and see wbat a atrtctiy . FfRST-CLASS Piano 1. it ' Geo. Wood's : Organs; A RE WELL-KNOWN AS THE Standard of American Organs. Cheaper Organ of ethct makes, on easy term, at V -;: - y r 1; may M - j YATES BOOK STORE. Look Here I JJAYE YOU 6EEX TnB. AND THE BOSS FIVE CENT CIGAR 7 , ' ' ' -' ' : : ". " ' -. r . - -tuoAArgestmspuy ana tne FINEST CAKES IN THE CnT.. - ' r i . - PICKLES, Just the ticket for Pie Nlce 'trd. Excursion. - '... J ONLY TEN CENTS A JAS f Call and see for yourself. . -v , ' CRAPONr& TlthU'l',' 0 15aadllS. FrcmtSU suy tS-tf ."5 5

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