The Daily Review WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1838. 3: Q B 1ST I 3ST C3-- CONGRESSIONAL. Br Tefefrap to Daily Betlew.J HOUSE. wrVrkv -l. C May 30. In rrw1in?s the journal of ,fJTiv fiovin? been read. Mr. bpnn": ir of 111 objected to its approval on t, .iiid that it Withheld all refer ence to two rery important motions which he' had submitted, and to the ap rVi? h had made from the tiror-'a retnsal to entertain them. He had -the official report on the subject read. from the uongrcssuma. uiccuru, and he then moved to have the journal corrected so as to include those two mo tions which.wero to lay on the table the report of the Committee on Rules and Uons, together with the Sneaker's, re fuial to entertain them, and his Sprwg-er'si-appeiUlrpm such refusal, and the SpcaKer's aecunin.w wi" rY Speaker dirccUxtthe Clerk to read the rule governing the case, to the -r- i,iftrprx- motion made to the House and entertained by the Speaker shall be entered on tne journal aim c said that;If the Glerk had journalized those motions and appeals, he would hare ted, improperly. - . ..Ma Mr; Spring pointed out similarcases in the .recent proceedings of the House whjsrejnptions that were not entertain ed were journalized. He argued that the motions wese proper ones and should hav appeared, on. the journal which should, show correctly and truthfully what was -done. Even though the journal, might then contain tiie con demnation oflhe man who; sat m the Speaker's r chair-mdignant , calls to order on the Republican side and a dec laration by the Speaker that the gentle man was not in order.) I have the right to speak and if I am not in order let my words be taken down'. .Tha-Speaker The Chair can very WeUafforcU- r : .A Mr. Springer attempted, amid much excitement and confusion, to proceed wifh Kia -rpmarks.' but Was toUl pe- Vv. the . fiDeaker that the Sergeant-at-Arms would be directed to force him, at least, to desist. 'The Democratic members, gathered around Mr. Springer, giving him their aid and encouragement, while many Re publican members were also on their feet protesting angrily against Mr. Springer's course. - ; ' . - Mr. Springer informed the Speaker defiantly that he conld aotbe taken from-the floor ' ' Mr. Humphreys, of Wis. You can and will. I can do it myself . Laugh- 16 ji. Springer It would take a larger pattern than you to do it. Continued laughter. . m . . The Speaker The Chair can very well afford to allow the gentlemanfrom Ills, to make improper remarks in so far as they apply to the .Chair alone, but it is quite another tiring when the gentleman undertukes to destroy the dignity of the House by his own con duct. Applause by Republicans. Mr. Springer That has already been destroyed; that is, it was so said by Mr. Reed by your side of the House. The Speaker Any proper motion that the gentleman may wish to make relating to the correction of the jonrnal will be entertained by the Chair and submitted to the Hwuse. The journal clerk, in omitting motions that were 'nok Mifcertirined. ordceeaed exactly in nihnrdfl.nee with the rule. . Mr. Knott, of Ky after some further eolloqny made a constitutional argu raent in suDDort of Mr. Springer's posi tion. The command of the Constitu tion was Dlain and nreremptory, that M(h Houso should keep a journal of its proceedings. ,If, that meant anything ft meant that everv . transaction which took place during its session, ; every motion made and every ruling on it. shonld. be. reduced to writing. The journal implied a complete and truthful loarnaL- The fact that the motion was ont of order was no reason why that motion and the rulinc upon it should not appear : on the journal. On the eontrarv. it should be recorded as a pre cedent for the future. If nothing was to goon the journal except what the Speaker chose then the will of the Speaker, and not. the Constitution, on the rules would bo . the last of the uie House. Where was would -then become 0 the provisions of the Constitution which . require that the . proceedings of . tho House should be - truthfully recorded ? Had it come to this that the arbitrary will of the Speak- er, right or wrong, was to supersede and override the Constitution ? He had as high respect Tor the Speaker as auy other member "had,. yet he could not nay that the Speaker was infallible or . incapable of making, a mistake. When the Speaker refused to entertain a mo tion ,that was perfectly legitimate, in ' iuch. refusal he (Knott) could not say . that the . Speaker was not mistaken. On the contrary ,ie saw that the Speak r was mistaken, because the rules give -the right of appeal from the decisions of ' the Chair."" , The' Speaker admitted the accuracy of the general " provision stated by Mr. Knott, .but he repeated that the journal clerk had acted strictly in accordance with the rule. ' . Mr." Haskill argued that the journal was to contain the proceedings of the . House, to be a record of the things done by the lonse. The motion that was not entertained could certainly form no . part of the proceedings of the House. After further remarks byj Messrs. . Kassou, .Kelly and Randall; the motion to correct the journal was agreed to ayes 89, nays 134. - Mr.Mttler, of Pa., tnen started with tjxo openingof his speech in the con tested case, but had not finished the first sentence when the attention of the Speaker was called by the Democratic members to the the fact that the jour nal had not yet been approved. They demanded the ayes and . nays on the question of approval. As the vote pro ceeded and as the Democrats with held their votes there was a likeli hood of the failure of a quo orum, but an ; active hunt of Re publican absentees; and the fact that 'Wilson., of W. Va., and Morse, of Mass., who, were paired, carried out their promise to vote if necessary to make a quorum, resulted in .146 yeas and 3 nays, so that the journal of) yes terday was approved. Miller then pro ceeded, with his speech in favor of the report of the Electibn Committee. In the course of his speech, Miller !caused gome amusement by an exposure of tis sue ballots, which he called little jokers by which the Democratic 4 frauds are said to have been committed in South Carolina. He rare an illustration of the use made"' of them, and Suggested that in some of the close Northern dis tricts it might be convenient for the Democratic candidates to ' understand the game. j I Mr, Davis, of Md.. spoke against the report and Mr. Paul, of Va., in favor of it. . On the conclusion of jMri Paul's speech Mr. Calkins in4uirekl whether, if an evening session iwcre r dispensed with and the House now adiourn the discussion would be resumed to-riKirrowJ trithmit anv obstruction from the Deni ocratic side. The answer came back rcsolutelv from Messrs. Morrison, At kins, Kandall and other j Democrat! members that no agreement whateve would be made. Mr. Calkins then gave notice that 1m would call the previous quesstiou on the contested eleetion ,case at 5 o'clock to-morro!w. Sereral Re publican members suggested 2 o'clock. Mr. Morrison, of Ills., asked defiantly why he did not no so now.r Ihe hour of 5 o'clock having arrived the' House took a recess till 8 o'clock. The House reassembled at B o clock. Mr. Athcrton, of Ohio, who va3 en titled to the floor, moved to take a re cess till 10 O'clock to-morrow morning? A vote was taken resulting tin.! 15 ayes and 96 noes ; no quorum1 . (Thereupon a call of theIIou3e ordered arid 119 quo rum appeared. A vote was thenjtaken onMr. Atherton's motion to tike a recess until 10 o'clock to-morrow and , result ed, yeas 93, nays 14; the Republicans all voting in the affirmative. ' . i Mr. Calkins, of IndM withdrew tho notice that he would jall the previous question at 5 o'clock to-momny and stated that he would call ft at an earlier time. , . ' antjv, tcall it now.1' r Reed, of Arid if his matter fault of pinches somewhere it is not f Ilia airto the this side. Randall We have passed the pinch. Reed You are still groaning under it. The House then, at' .O.vlo, bn motion of Mr-Calkins, adjourned. I WASHINGTON. I uecoration JLay. By TelesrapU to pally Kcvlcw. Washington, Mav'30 tfcht. -To- day, Decoration Day, ha3 been observ ed hroughout the country wholly i or in part as a holiday. No markets were held, excepting in the live stock trade, and the memorial observances were m keeping with those of former 1 years. President Arthur, who is in New York, participated in the exercises thereas did also Gen. Grant. An elaborate t pro gramme was carried oik. at Gettysburg where ex-Governor, now Senator Haw- ev. of Conn., was Orator of the Dav. and ex-Secretary Blaine was one of the speakers. Telegraphic Brevities. The Supreme Court of Ohio has de cided that the "Pond liquor tax bill" is unconstitutional. ' , " The Wyoming Hotel, 'at Wilkesboro, Pa., was burned yesterday. Loss $100,- 000. Insured at about &90.000. , 1 The graves of the Confederate dead at Baltimore were decorated yesterday by Wilson Post, G. A. R. The Greenbackcrs of Maine have nominated Hon. Solon Chase for Gdv ernor and have adopted a greenback, anti-monopoly, anti-National bank plat form.. Judge Houston yesterday at New Orleans, rendered a decision in favor of James McConnel for $57,00q for proi fessional services in' the of Mrs. Gaines against the city of New Orleans. The, American Baptist Missionary Society convened in Sew York yester day. The affairs of the Sociefy afe in a Prosperous condition, the report of .the Yeasurer showing a balance of $3o0, 000 in the treasury. '(. 1 The supervisor of registration at Charleston, S. C, was arrested twice yesterday for refusing to allow the U S. Deputy Marshal to remain! so near him as to Impede free registration. Two Lri, i .j redress and whJrTru;:: TZZ.tT:, on umv. vrx vuowuvwuu. Dr. Hoffman, editor of the Gcrmania at Quincy, 111., was shot on the night of tue w.n insc , oy uus. ana uasper Hell, baketand Dr. T. R. Spear. He is still alive, but in a precarious condition. The attack was entirely ' unprovoked, and there is intense feeling. Thos. Egan, the wife murderer, at Sioux . Falls, Daki, upon being sen4 tencftl tn he. hfinfrAil .Tno Ufli cnnnlA. mentedjhe sentence with "Amen I guess I can stand it." - 1 , kt Iancaster Landinc. TIL. MHtnn Clifford strangled his infant twins in the cradle, and told, what he had done, hoping that his wife would be dead when he returned. He then fled, but a posse is scourinc the eountrv in nnpsi of him. I T 1 W. B. Rogers. ex-President of CM. sachusetts Institute of Technology, at Boston, dropped dead yesterday ijsvhile addressing the graduating class of that institution. His death is supposed to nave ueu irom, ncart aisease NAVAL STORES. Charleston, May 30 Night.Spir its turpentine steady at 39 cents; rosin quiet at $1.65e$1.70 for Straiiied and Good Strained, j ' Savannah, May 30 Night. Spirits turpentine quiet ar 39$ cents; Rosin, $1.75&$1.80 for? Strained f and Good Strained. Don't Die In tho House .Roueh on Rats " Clear out rats. mice, roaches, bed-bugs, flies, ; ah ts, i mint-, cmpmunKS, gopners.i oe. Best ever made, Emory's Little Ca thartic Pills, pleasant to take,! sugar coated ; no griping ; only 15,cents a box of Druggists or by mail. Standard Cur Co., lH Nassau Street, New York. ea d&w. , .WASHINGTON.. Action, of Democrats in Con gress Statement, of Jfcepre sentative Speer in Relation to Alex; II, Stephens By Telcsrravli to DaUy Kerlew. WASHrxGTOJiv Llay 30 Night. The Democratic members of the House have decided to submit a resolution 1 at the first opportunity, which will recite the action of the Speaker in refusing to en tertain Mr. Springer's appeal from the Speaker's decision yesterday, and de claring that in the judgment of the mi nority the Chair ruled arbitrarily, and in so doing violated .not only the rules of the House of liepresentatives, but the Constitution of the United States. 1 Kepresentatire Speer, of Georgia, lias fnrnishofl for nublication the foilowinfr statement with regard to the alleged is- sue between himself and Hon. Alex II. Stephens: i "There is no issue between Mr. Ste phens and me with regard to my, tele gram to Dr. Felfon, which I also gave to the Associated Press. I called on Mr. Stephens at his room Sunday mor ning, Uth inst., as I had learned that morning that a committee of hide pend ent Democrats was to meet in Atlanta the next day. ' I at once told Mr. Ste phens that I would -telegraph them to i recommend him as a possible candidate for Governor. His secretary furnished me some telegraph blanks, and I wrote the telegram "in his room, an.1 read it to him and at his .suggestion, altered it in two particulars. 1 have the original draft. ;TJ 10 telegram recited,: 'I know positively 'he will not1 regfR such re commendation, and that it plectea lie will be Governor of all the people with out regard to party.1 The telegram was truk every word. of it. Mr. Stephens' cleiual does not apply to this telegram , but to a "telegram .sent from "Atlanta- to a Western paper stating that he -had telegraphed to the Convention of Inde- j pendents that he would 'accept their i nomination lor Governor. He sent no such telegram and I s-3ut 110 such tele gram. The telegram I sent to Dr. Fel ton speaks for itself. Mr. Stephens ex presses himself annoyed at the attempt to make an idsue between Senator Hill and me when none exists. , Emery Speeh. , Mr. Stephens appended to the forego in; the following statement over his sig nature. f i 1 1 'The above is substantially true. What Mr.-Speer telegraphed Dr. Felton Was strictly true, though not by author ity from me. - There is no issue between me and Mr. Speer. (Signed) Alex. H. Stephens. FOREIGN NEWS., About the Ejryptian Troubles.. ' , Br Cable to Dallr Review. Loxiox, JMay 30 Night ,A Cairo dispatch to the Standard says that the military party is greatty incensed at the terms of the Khedive's order reinstating Arabi Pacha as minister of war. They consider themselves insulted by its pas sage, stating that Arabi Pacha Was only reinstated to preserve thepeace which the military otherwise have bro ken. A deputation of oflicers visited Arabi Pacha and demanded as a repar ation for tho insult the instant deposi tion of the Khedive. They stated that they had their men well in . hand and 'ready at a moment's notice to march on the Khedive's palace. Arabi ; Pacha succeeded in calming them and further stated that he and the Khedive had de finitely agreed to leave the settlement of all pending questions to the decision of the Sultan. ' A. Cairo dispatch to the Times says that all the entrances to the palace were guarded on Sunday by soldiers who were all ready to cut the telegraph line and open the bridges i harder to, aestroy communication with Alexandria. r , For the South Atlantic States slight ly warmer, fair weather, variable winds, mostly southerly, stationary or lower pressure. I List of Letters. The followingis the L'st of unclaimed letters remaining in the City Postoffice. Wednesday, 3Iay 30th, 1882: A WniAAvant. ) ! B Eliza Byrd, Dennis Brown, Rev W H Bowden, W M Rrown, Robert G Blake, mrs Martha Barr, Jane Burney, J AV Brinkley, James Bryant. C George W Carteen, Maggie Caw ans, E S Cowan, Mary Connor, J S Cam, Elizabeth I Carrol, Charlie Cald well, Abigil Crawford. 1 i D Amos jDevane, Benjamin Dry, Cesar Dawson. 1 F Everline Fisher, Augustus Foster, Jahe Flemming,Margafett Fisher, Col R B Foster, W C Farson, C B Futch. G Maggie Gaston, Ida Gordan, Herbert Green, George Grimstead, Georgia Gause, Calvin Gregory. - II Annie Jane Hunter. Clarracy Heath, Mike Henry, Alary Hudley. JWG James. ' , I- B AI Lucas, Henry Lucas, j 3I Reuben Monroe, R Maxwell, Re becca MeKenzie, James II McKoy, Jane Mclver, (anzy 3lclx;an. ' X Emma Nelson. ft- G Richardson, S P Runels, Ryan llolla. . , I S W LSmith.Susnn Sandlin, Phoebe Slater, CandacC Smith, Iany Simmons, L II Shaw- John Stanson, II AI Stan ley! H-M Saunders, Abbi Saunders. T Romeo Tucker, Pollie Terrell. M 1 'Taylor. Mary Tate, Elizabeth Tavlor. 5eo W Thomas, E L Tramb. 2. " G AY 4-Jerry White, C C AVoodcock, Joseph Webster. Nancv AA'illiams, Robert AVaddell, Thomas "AYhite Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say 'advertised ;M if not called for within-ten. days will be sent to the dead letter oflicc at AYashington, D. C: Ed. R. Bmxk. P. M. Wilmington,. -Xpwf Hanover Gountv. ! "V r4 a! -1 f Dentistry. J AM DOING PIITE WORK, USING CEL-! A i - j luloid and Rubber as a bas plate. I Terms: For Celluloid. .... 1 "Rubber. rSatisfaction sruaranteed. 1 SO. 25. : J. H. DURHAM, Dentlat, -Prince s etrect, between Fjtffct and Second, apl S8-lm. f i STATE NEWS. , Newbcrh Journal : Spring chickens are ofleredjjt twenty-five cents per pair. We le&fnfrom Mr. G. AV'. Bragg, of Franklinton, who passed down to Newport yesterday, that the' wheat crop in Granville is the most promising seen there for . a long time.. The cotton is looking bad on account of cool weather. y AA'ith the prices truck has been sell ing at during the season, Mr. J. A. Meadows has made not less than $5,0CK) clear profit this season. And it is thought that Mr. Jos.' L. Rhem has cleared at least $20,000. ; Statesville Landmark: The two great demands of this community arc for more dwelling houses and more me chanics. But the houses first, other wise we will have nowhere to, put the baeehanics, if they come. Mr. J. S. Moore, of Alexander county, who was so nearly killed about two months ago, the night, before he wa3 to have been married, his horse having fallen with him into a ditch, has fully recov ered, and on the 10thinst he was united in marriage to Miss Lilly, daughter of Mr. J. Sydney -Morrison, of Concord township. 1 Concord Sun : The work on the new cotton factory is progressing with un exampled rapidity. , The Messrs. Odell have shown great energy in its erection, and from all appearances it will be in operation this summer, rThe weath er has been entirely too cool all this month for the young cotton, and there is much complaint of its being very backward and of a "bad stand. AArheat is badly injured in spots, but much of it is very promising. AVc hear very extravagant stories about the probable yield of some cropsi . i Goldsboro Messenger: I Hon. J. AAr. Shackelford, member of Congress from the 3d district, was in this- city Thurs day nigfit, en route for Onslow county. Mr. Shackelford is a candidate for re nomination. 4 The wife of O. C. Sasser, Esq ., l well-known citizen of Fork township, was found dead in bed Thursday mornin g, at the house of her daughter, Mrs JohnLynchj, where she was visiting. -The recent cool weather is very untavora Die to tne young corn and cotton in this section of country. Much of the cott6h has died, and many farmers have ploughed up and planted their cotton again. Corn has suffered fsom the worms and the stand is bad in many localities. Hews and Observer: The class to be graduated at the University in June numbers 21. - -The Supreme Court has finished the docket, and will hear no mjre arguments in cases. The Court will sit some time longer, in con sultation. Mr., AV. F. Askew has purchased the entire interest in the pa per m ills of the Falls of Neuse Manu facturing Company. AVe learn that Col. AV. H. H, Tucker had some $50, 000 insurance on his life, of which $10, 000. was in the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company. The Mayor is determined to strictly enforce the Sunday liquor law in Raleigh, and had a conference with the barkeepers yesterday, in which they pledged their aid to secure the absolute suspension of the traffic oy that day. '- W. II. Dean, of Neuse. River township, Who last week exhibited some notably fine oats, 01 stalks from one grain, the stalks 5 feet, 10 inches high, yesterday brought in some which far surpassed it. . One specimen sheaf was 0 feet 6 inches high, and another had 94 stalks from 1 a single grain. The open ing of the AArestern North Carolina Railroad from Asheviile to Arni Springs, and the quick connection ar rangements with the Tennessee, rail roads, are beginning to effect a revolu tion in travel East and West. Pullman sleepers are put on at Greensboro. ' At Henry's passengers going AA'est get breakfast, and then take seats in an observation car, from whence 'they get views of the grand scenery all the way from Henry's to AVarm Springs. The ride ovr the entire mountain division of the road both 'ways is by daylight. Passengers to and from Chattanooga, Memphis and such points are using the new line. "A pure strengthening tonic, free from whiskey and alcohol, cures dyspepsia, and similar diseases. It has never been equalled. . Brown's Iron Bitters. For the RcviewJ Pender County Farmers' Meet ' ingr. tin pursuance of instructions from a meeting of farmers held at Spring Gar den. Rocky Point, I hereby give notice to the following gentlemen,appointed at said meeting, as the Executive Commit tee iof the Farmers' Association of Pender County, viz: Messrs. Isaac Shepard, R T Williams, John Banner man, Jr, James Durham, D H Arm strong, John J Moore, Tate Collins, J D Powers, E M Johnson, J E Riven-t bark, Ar AV Larkins, J AVr Herring? Dan AV Bordeaux, T II W Mclntire, Geo AV Herring, A C AVard, Jasper Corbett, James Colvin, J T Foy, C W McClammy, Geo E Shepard, Drs E Porter, AV C Murphy and J F Simpson that there will be a meeting of said committee atBurgaw, Pender county, on the 20th day of June, 1882. All the committee! are earnestly requested' to be present ; also as many farmers as can or will attend, and aid in every way practicable in organizing a more useful Farmers' Association. Every man en gaged in our noble calling is invited to cooperate with the association . in its errand of usefulness, and its efforts to raise our profession tc a higher nlain of respectability to a . more progressive method of farming, and to that power and influence it jusly deserves. James M. AAjestbpook, Pres't . Geo. E. Siieparp, Secy. - : A Funny French Jeweller I The Fort AVayue (Ind.) Sentinel tells a. laughable story about a popular jeweller of that flourishing lloosier metropolis named Louis Sauscr, of No 223 Calhoun St., who is a Frenchman and has the viacity of the rsnJ ilv seated. The othrr rfkv . oollar to a r r ' uwguuor iornaii ot ticket; :.NO. .6o7 III the Ann! ! nntn-nn 111 ine "Lf otuiu iajuctj m tiio wav of kindness, and a few days after Ind : snippcti mm in gold from New i Orleans, !. He took it so hard that I M postixned the remainder ot hU ness lor that day and sent his customers nomu. yju. june utn lien Is G T Beauregard of La., and Jubal A. Early of a., will scatter orer i00,ooo, and any one may haye a hand in the affair on application to M. A. Dauphin, Kew Orleans, La. Who is the nextH A Card . ; : - - .: To all who arc suffering from the er-; rors and indiscretion of youth; nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c; I will send a recipe'that will . cure you,i FKEE of charge. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to Rev. Joseph T. Iniian. Station D. New York Qitii. deod w6m. MARljNjB NEWS. ARRIVED. f Steamer Passport, Harper, Smith ville, Master. v Steamer AVave,Robeson, Fajretteville, Geo. AV. AA'illiams & Co. Steamer Bladen, Skinner, Fayetteville DeRosset & Co. i ' Steamer A P Hurt, 1 AVorth, Fayette-' Tille,t AVorth & AVorth. 1 CLEARED. Steamer Passport, Harper, Smith ville, Master, Steamer A P Hurt AVorth, Fayette ville, AA'orth & AVorth. Steamer AVave, Robeson J Fayetteville, Geo. W. Williams & Co. - Steamer Bladen,' Skinner, Fayetteville DeRosset & Co. i ! 1 Steamer John Dawson, Sherman, Point Caswell, R. P. Paddison. Schr Northern Light, Ross, Balti more, Geo Harriss & Co ; cargo by Colville & Co. ', Schr Lavolta, AVhitmore, Baltimore, Geo Harriss & Co cargo by II B Short, Exports. ; COASTWISE. Baltimore Schr Northern ; Light 129,820 ft lumber I Baltimore Schr Lavolta 100,991 ft lumber, 159,100 shingles. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, For Hire. OKSES, -BUGGIES," CABBIA- J.J. 1 : gos, injeton3,V agoiiotii, Kond Wag- oiw, at lowest orders. Trompt attentio to aU J. SOUTHERIiAND. I ices. IT. .1 Omnibus and baggage line to and from rail road. . I may 23-tf WnMIXGTOX & WELDON R. R., ) PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, ) . - i -!-.' Wilmington, N. C, May 23, ISSi ' Excursion Ticket RRANGEMENTS FOR SEASON OF 1882, to the SUMMER RESORTS of A'irginla and Western North Carolina, commencing Jnnol, 1882. ROUND TRIP1 TICKETS to all the Sum mer Resorts reached by this lino will bo on salo at UNION DEPOT TICKET OFFICE, Wilmington. Good to return until October 31st. For tickets, time cards, tourist guides, and all information call on Ticket Agent, or the undersigned. . A. POPE, may.28-3t ' Gen'l Passenger Agent. 1 WILMINGTON, COL. & AUG. R.4J,, ) PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. J Wilmington, N. C, May 23, 1882. Excursion Ticket A KRANGEMENTS FOR SEASON OF 1882, to the Slimmer Resorts of Upper South Carol! na and North Georgia, commencing June 1 1SSZ. ROUND TRIP TICKETS to all the Summer resorts reached by this line will be on pale at UNION DEPOT TICKET OFFICE. II"! . - . ' t, nmmgion, gooa to return until October 31st ror nereis, time-cards, tourist guides, ana an information call on Ticket Agent or the un uersigneu. a. rUPE, may2S-3t Gen'l Passenger Agent. Marvin's Celebrated THIEE , AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES JL i - Ail fcizes ind Prices, from $50. 00 to $2,200.00, Acknowledged by the best autnoritles to be the BEST SAFE MADE, ( - Extract from Scientific mericanXedItoria of Feb. 11th, 1882: 4jWe are also aaked as to the best fire proof safes. We say MARVIN'S." ' A. A. WlLLARD. Plr2S- Agen at WUmlngton. D. A. SMITH & CO. jyj"ANUFACTURERS 'OT ANDDEALERS TS - IcnAiRs, I ! BEDSTEADS AND FURNITURE. Xarge stock, low prices and best 'quality f goods. , A call and examination Is ' pj ietfvlly solictf api aa-iy Look Out i us a:su get A SET OF that i . - . j EXCELSTOR HARNESS, to be found only at the New Saddlery and ' - i ' ' - i Trunk House. Prices low and quality superior. 5" Repair Trunks and Harness. H. M. Bovvdeii & Co., may 28 40 Market street. JAEGEST STOCK COOK STOVES IN THE State and lowest prices. Call or write for Cat P1 T. If. KING CO. Pig Fish and SofTcraib J- AND when iateasoau . . AT AX.T ; MYRTLE GROVE OYst-vf at anytime during tha year xT AS? i For Sale, Bent or Lease JJOUSK AXD LOT COIKer ' . FROST AKD MU LUEBS STS Sb may 24-tf Warm Springs, Western North CaroJinV TStOPEN FOR THE SEAiv Viw?' X climate and scenery on the few.' "StjjT zello'8 Comet IUnd, from Phn M,neat- furnish the music. Tb? HoW W)lWt all iU apiwintments, B AIL fo AiW?S EGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION A? am mystmh proprietor. Sundries. 750-Boxes Soap Jumbo, TykrV 1IM T - . ' i 7 4w JHjit-j oiarvu, 100 Cases Lye, 73; " Ball and Can Potash, 50 Boxes Candles, 100 Cases Soda, 1 100 Cases Snff, 23 Bhls xe8 Toacco, aU grrades, 100 Caes Oysters. ISS? Bbl Cracker9 ckW' may 9 KERCHNER & CALDEIS UEo Per Steameri JN ADDITION TO MY ALTtEADT UBJE and elegant stock of MHX.INEUY antt KAXcf GOODS, I have receired bj stemtt kniif, another large assortment of SHELL, ft. M1 LACE and TUSCAN HATS, BEAUTIFCL FLOWER8 and TRIMMING3, r4 I T Respectfully, L I " Miss E.karrkr, r may 25 aanggrncr; Wilmington Shirt Factor? (thQ only one In the State) No. S7 Uirket SQ , J. ELSBACn, Proprietor. - TMIE ABOVE' FACTORY U wadj ow M W hlte Shirts at tho following low price- t "Congress" Shirt open baek 73c' S front, 7oc. Of these popuhir Shirts we j,8 sold hundreds of dozens in the citr, as well u ' In the country, and therefore Is well know the public, and need no comments. The UiT- al", a Wamsutta Shirt, With 210Q lines front 90c. Boy's Shirts all sizes, 75c. Night Shirt! 75c. Col. Dress Shirts from 25c and upwards Cotton Drawers from 25c upwards. Herri Jeans Drawers, donblo lined on the scat, 50c. Shirts and Drawers made to order at low flr ures and ajrood fit alwavs guaranteed. Countrylrders strictly attended to. Tho articles, which vrc now offer for sale are made up at home by well trained and long expert-, euced hands and no northern make can equal in sizes, fit and quality. These Shirts are all reinforced and cut lentghways the cloth, thor: onghly examined before being put in stock. Every Shirt is gmarantccd to fit, and war-v ranted as represented or the money will be n funded. . Come and save money and buy your Shirts at the factory. ' , Very ltcspectfally, J. KLSBACH, , -may 21 Manufacturer. For Sale. . ivN MRS. W1L WEIGHTS SOUXD PLA.CB J a lot of Lumber, suitable for building commodious Bath H6use, or for . fenrtnf . This lumber beinsr useless to owners will Iff sold remarkably cheap. Also a food Bstess. with Oars and Oarlock e. For further lnfof mation apply to mar 14 MUNI IDS BROS.. r J. C MUXDS. John Werner, PRACTICAL GERMAN BABBEB- Asm PERFUMER, . , 20 MARKET ST., WILMT5GT0S, C MANUFACTURER OF PARISIAN BBIL, lantine. Friction and Losioo. Alw, tracts, Colognes, Beautifler, Hair OU$,Jwa, Renewer, Renovator, Hungarian, unneuc, and Hair Dyes of every shade. ' . I beg lo Inform the public that l ea found at Mr. John Werner's, prepared tovw upon all who favor me with a calL may 12 JAMES IL CAEBAW1T. , Turpentine Tools. ' pULLERS, HACKERS, DIPPERS. WHTT-j tersj Pick, nackwelghts, Truss Hoof, Jol. ers, Adzes, Axes, Coopers' -Planes,, uPaeB5 Chlsela. &cc. Large amount of the sootj goods now In stosk and on tho way. -goods and, prices. guaranteed. - v - LIUIAUBBUia W"B - 19, 2 A23 Market SU' Wlhalngloa, . may 14-ly Home Made Candv. PURE AND WHOLESOauw j . All kinds made fresh every uaj Second Street, three'doors below -r office. ; jamiTZ The National Saloon ! Northeast Corner Market & Water Streets friHE FINEST WINES. SODA WATEB, 8A- RAPARILLA. Ac, Ac IxdgingKoam ir nttea up. mayl4-lm VT. H. M. KOCH, "ProprW Livery and Exchange Stables and Cart House. WE nVK COMPLETE" A ,STui f.,,nHinWirith all mnvenlences for try and Sale Stables and Cart House, aoJ accommodations for man and beast and Bnggios for hire on reasonable Evervthimr first-class and new. AmM" and Wagonettes for Excursion pjirtie. u . MEURITT & IIOLLLM3 w , Livery and Sales Stables, Corner Fourth 4 Molbcrrystre may 3-lm dw . - . "Our Dave!? r TTA3 QVlTTilEfToruf and goes for a H Jacob!'. Alt, O my WJnXStf frJm lugging thew HEAVY COOK ftTO ours. C5th Tubs, Tin Ware, JTeezers, Coolers, Ac., at " , - r. Parker &. Taylor q way S , ' J ' i