THIS TAPER i everr morning. Mondays ex copied by JOSH T. JAIES, oiTRrPTIOS POSTAGE PAID: Six months, $... mree; 0 7ear ' ... 41 flO-. One month, 55 cent. gjoDiB. -9 . , carrier free T,tyr vr 111 ,r Will 13 ut"' 1 1 r- iart of the city, at the abovo I nf' u . , f low and liberaL icir rate low ana nwiai- iirllrertany anUall fall- their paper regularly. toCAL NEWS. HBEX TO W ADYERTISEMEMTS. -jv Uwn 1arty It-Jet Bracelet. HElNSBKKGEK-AlbUinS g Fwktt Mosquito A eta. . nRUoKT & Co-Oroccries. ,T ATK4-1 Veker liros. Pianos. & I'KAitfAM.-r-Fresh Arrivals u- F I.kssman A Fractcal IJaker $75 will bny a gtxAl Buggy and Har- " Hassts & Smith Fine V'ood Creo- sole 02.- ,;tV ' ' ' V. V. Bichakdsox, CVmn-rPemo- Ic gxConimittee. - , ; - Boy tout a badg- ' : ; , . . Xo City Coart yesterday Changeable, ia what the. almanac My3 for to-day. This mouth has five Thursdays and fire Fridays. Stesmship lifjjulalory Capt. Doane, srrived here yesterday morning from Kew York. June stepa in to-day and promises to remain with us four weeks and perhaps a day or so longer. There is much complaint about the condition of the street lamps and the ir regular manner ot lighting them. Kindergarten excrcisei of the X. nv o ' Tileston School will take place to-mor row (Friday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock. Mr. Archie Black, who vras so badly hurt at Mr. A. Y. Wilson's. mill on Monday last, died yesterday about 2 o'clock. Col. Junes G. Burr will be attfce City Hall to-morrow, and for the next twenty working days,' between the hours of 0 and 10 o'clock, and 3 and6 o'clock, for the purpose of listing taxes. To Promote a Vigorous Growth of the hair, use Farkers liair .Balsam, it restores the youthful color to gray hair removes dandruff and cures itching ot the scalp. Pulling JDqtsti. The old frame rookery on the proper ty recently purchased ;by the Messrs Iiatimer, near the intersection of Third vnd Orange streets, is baing pulled down. The ether buildings on the ad joining lots will be demolished in a few ! days and the lots graded preparatory to building the two handsome residences which are to be erected. Laurinburjr. We are surprised to hear from a gen tleman resident in Laurinburg that the flourishing little town now has some l.'JOO inhabitants. lie tells us that new buildings are going up continually and that the population is steadily on the increase. The merchants arc all in good heart and looking forward to fine trade in the Fall. To Builders and others Go to Jaco li's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. f The Upper Cape Fear. From Capt. W. II. James, Engineer-in-chargc of the improvements of the Upper Cape Fear, we learn that the flats, steam derrick and aqaatic outfit for the work has-been completed and will be taken up the river in a day or two. AYork will be commenced on the shoals about seventy-five miles this side of Fayetteville. It is the intention of the officers in charge to work n the shoals and obstructions as long as' the appropriation holds out, but it is well known that the money appropriated is not sufficient to accomplish the work which has been mapped out. Ready to be turned. some one saturated the front gate to toe residence of the Rev. G. II. White. mtorof Ebenezer Baptist Church, on 'ween Dock and Orange streets,! with kerosene oil on Tuesday night and set fire to it. The fire was discovered &y the police and; extinguished. It is fought that the person who set fire to r6 ade an effort to burn the Jjouse, but was run off by a large yard og. and in failing to accomplish Jhis de- in t fire to the gate. The pastor d some words with a manonTues Right, and he seems to think that ne person with whom he auarrld had -something to do with the attempted in- uvaarxsm. The Rev IT WMfo Pwte4 a card on his gate this morning rlghis pariahioners "not to repair 2! -riP 104 fcnce untathepeo w TViuni coald it for themsdves," and woundup Wlt? the knowing words : "If the word of God -calls for Wttusa W mdy to burned a S .-j--.- . ,.. . i - - 1 . - - , .. . . ... . , ... : UJL 11 11 II J LLy ,ai-JLLJU JL JLLUUl V JJLJJ-J Y Y 0 I -i -!. . J ; ' -h i I -..Pi ... - 1 ttt TfT V (JL,. V I. The Kxcursion. I The excursion down the. river on, the PassportJEuesdiiy lught, under the aus pices of the Library1 Association, was a very enjoyable affair and, we are pleased to know, was a financial success. The gentlemenin whose bands the matter was left, tell us that it was the first of a series of excursions and that the tick ets for each excursion will be limited m mwHHl 1 runuui. order not to have the bob-t overc Tlie.Summer Uniforms. Th nlinnifnns arrived vestenUv I nd vw nut tAhfat , Tneiactien looking to the reyiialof dormant suits aro madeof blue fnel. The die of -the police button Racing been "lost l?y the manufacturer in New lork, the suits are supplied with North Carolina i i State buttons. Messrs A. & I. Shncr furnished the uniform and Messrs. Harrison & Allen the hats, which are broad-brimmed white Panamas. : i : I Ior Boys and Girls." We have received the June number of Golden Days, and t is a real gem for the young people. Bycry number of this magazine is replete with matter in teresting and instruc ivc to our young friends, and this last is fully up to the standard of excellence established by its -nrod pressors. Published at IS. w. corner of Spruce and A Ninth streets, Philadelphia, by James Elverson. Sub scription price $3 per annum. The Minn eliaha. t it . i . A postal was received here to-day from Capt. Bisbey, dated at New Lon 1 - .. . :-M . don on Sunday last, the, 2tn. ; captain Bisbev arrived at! New London, which is about. 40 miles above New Haven, with his new boat, the Minnehaha, on Saturday. AU were well, but the boat was detained at New London and will have to remain there a day or two to replace a crank-pin, which was broken. Capt. Bisbey expected to get to New York yesterday andi to leave there to day and we may look about next Tuesday.' I . or him here A Nuisance. Some of the boys in certain sections of the city are causing a great deal of an noyance to families byr throwing smal pebbles upon the piazzas and against the windows and even going so far as ring ing the door bells. To-day we heard a lady in the eastern section of the city rebuking a great lout of a colored boy, who ought to have ; been out on some farm lioemer com or ecru Doing, lor 1 r ringing the door bell of her residence, and he stood and laughed insolently in her face all the while. It is au intoler able, nuisance which we hope to see abated. line Grove. One of the prettiest places of public rrt. on tlie Atlantic coast lis Capt J E W. Manning's, at Pine Grove, Wrights ville Sound. During the past Wipter Capt. Manning has wonderfully im proved his place, by fencing in a large lawn, adding to his house? and building cottages under the shade of the large pines from whi?h the placb takes its these he has name. v In addition to built a large pavillion for dancing, and off in a secluded corner, a'j neat little club room for the benefit of his guests. The pavillion is open to the treezes, in full view of the ocean, and has a smooth even floor. He has engaged for the Summer a good old-fashioned string hand, which furnishes 4 f the old Frank Johnson music." We where one could mo know of no place e pleantly spend the Summer than at the Sound, w'here pig-fish, oysters, soft, , channel and hard crabs abound. TVliat It Was! , , The large fish which was caught a few days ago at the fisheries .of essrs W. E. Davis & Son, and which puzzled every one hereabouts to tell what kind offish it was, Was sent on to Professor Spencer F. Baird. at V ashington, p. C. Yesterday the following letter ,was received by Messrs Davis & Son: Smithsonian Institution, Washington, May 29, J882. Dear Sirs: , 1 J Yours of May 26th to (hand. The specimen ot fish, referred to therein, ramin admirable condition and'proves to be the well-known tanrum, a fish of the herring and shad family,soraetimes also called the "kin r of the shad." W e not infrequently receive them from va rious pans of the coast, but veryi rarely in such trsceellent condition. We shall take great pleasure in liavingj a plaster cast made ana piaoea on exmomoa m our Museum. The fish is i bcst known in Florida, where its capture is a sud iect of intense interest: the flesh, how ever, is not considered especially! edible. mi . 1 1 Ja ! a ftn xnanKing you ior inia couuuu""11 of many previous favors, j 1 am, very truly yours, 1 Spencer F. uatrd. ything ih the hardware line can ung in i bA fnnnd at reasonable rjriees at J ACO- WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY. JUNE 1. GRAND CHAPTER R. A. M. ProccedlUBS of Wednesday. i The Grand Chapter of Hoyal Arch ilasons resumed, its session yesterday morning. The proceeding of Tuesday evening's session were read and ap- proved, John Nicola, P. G. H. P., and D. P. MaSt' Graad ter.M'V"1' aPP1 i nrliliHftnnl mnrnsp.rtt.itivcs from sev- I 1 - 1 eral Chapters. me urana napier took important uptera auu uic uwwa of the work among Chapters. It being reported to the Grand Chap ter that Robert F. Bower, of Iowa, General Grand High Priest of the Gen eral Grand Chapter of the United States, had recently: died, the Body took ap propriate action by the appointment of a committee j composed of John ,iich ols, Wm. Murdoch and J. I. Macks, who submitted a report expressing in fitting terms the feeling of the Body at his death. ! i Amendments to the constitution were j adopted reducing the; fee for warrants for new Chapters to $25, and changing he time of the annual convocations of the Grand Chapter to the 3d Tuesday in May. j j The financial reports of Wm. Simp- son, Grand Treasurer, and D. W. Bain, Grand Secretary, were presented, refer- red and favorably reported on. The following grand officers for the ensuing Masonic year were elected, viz : J James Southgate, of Durham, Grand High Priest. ; Eugene Grissom, of Raleigh, Deputy Grand High Priest. Andrew J. Blair, of Asheville, Grand Tvinor snl Northroo. of Wilminston. Pn,i cprihp c?" -titMnh r AVilliam Simpson, of Raleigh, Grand Treasurer. Donald W. Bain, of Raleigh, Grand Secretary. j Rev. Solomon tool, of Cary, Grand Chaplain. Isaac Patterson,! of Newbern, Grand Captain of the Host. ; ; The Grand High Priest appointed the following officers: F. H. Glover, of Charlotte, Grand Principal Sojourner Thomas E. Bond, of Wilmington, Grand Royal Arch Captain. J, W. Gulick, of Goldsboro, Master! 3d VaiL Grand D. P Mast, of Winston, Grand Mas ter 2d Vail. j J. H. Carter, of Asheville, Grand Master 1st Vail.' Robert H. Bradley, of Raleigh, Grand Tiler. The ofiicers were installed in the af ternoon, by Alfred Martin, P. G. H. P., exceot the Deputy Grand liign iTiesc Standing committees for the. ensuing year were appointed as follows : On Finance T. E. Bond, 15. . Briggs, W. H. Mitchell. On Foreign Correspondence J 1. On Jurisprudence H. H. Munson, John Nichols, Eugene Grissom. The citv of Raleigh Was selected as J . . , the mace of holding the next Annual Convocation, oh the 3rd Tuesday in May, 1883. i Resolutioiis of thanks to Concord j Chapter for its hospiiable reception of the visiting companion, and to the rail road companies for courtesies, were adopted The Grand Chapter closed at 6:30; p. m. i Mr. Henry Hewlett's Deatb. A friend has furnished us! with a copy of theJacksonviile Oiton,containing full particulars of the death of Mr. Hew lett J formerly of this city, but ever since the close of the war a resident of Jacksonville. Mr. Hewlett was a na! ivc of this section, and learned his trade, if we are not very much mistak en, in the W. & W. R. R. shops at this place. He ran the first engine that was ever run on the Florida R. R. Thejarticulars of the accident as given . '. . Tr-w . t t 1 1 i in jtne union were puonsnea oy us i the time as thej were receired Ihere bj iciegrapn. xnc lOMuwiug, wwuu vu clip from the Union, will show the high esteem in which Mr, Hewlett was held in his adopted home : No tenderer, truer man fever lived than Henry Hewlett. Along the quiet nathwav of his life glisten many chan ties and s weet deeds of kindness that would be widely heralded -in men more widely known than he. The poor will miss him. and the children crow serious when they hear that he is dead ; and after all. this is his best epitaph, and no rman could have a better. Full moon this afternoon at 19 min utes past 3 o'clock. ' , , Criminal Court. , This tribunal met yesterday morning aDd 'tLl? the case of Hp.rhrt Thomrjson. chareed with au a3sault witll intent to jdu. Messrs D. K. McRae,C.M.Stedman and Junius Davis appeased for the defence and Mr. SoBcitor lIoore appeared for the State and was assisted by Hon. D. t- Russ-n and Mr' TmBrntz Cutlar. His Honor, Judge Mearcs, charged the : ' ,i i i c IJurJ auu gave iiiciu uiio uucaii v w v- At about 8 o'clock thev announced that taej were ready with their verdict and Hia Honor was sent for. Ui?on his ar- rivai the jury filed into the room ana Jendered a verdict of guilty. The case of Richard Gause, charged with an assault with a deadly weapon. is set for the first thing this morning. The Grand Jury found two true bills. How to Cook Rice. Ricejis becoming a much more popu lar article of lood than heretofore. It is frequently substituted for potatoes at the chief meal of the day, being j more nutritious and much more readily di- gested. At its present cost, it is rela- tively cheaper than potatoes, oatmeal or gram-grits of any land. In prepar- ing it only just, enough cold water should be poured on to prevent the rice from burning at the bottom of the : pot, which should have a close fitting cover, and with a moderate fire the rice is steamed rather than boiled until it is nearly done ; then the cover is taken off, the surplus steam and moisture allowed to escape, and the rice turns out a mass of snow-white kernels, each separate from the other, and as much superior to the usual soggy mass as a fine mealy ptato is superior to the water-soaked article. j"BucIiupaifoa. Quick, i complete cure, all ahntying Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases Druggists Depot, James C. Munda. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Lawn Party AT THE LUTHERAN PARSONAGE, wil take place thla, '.THURSDAY, EVENING. junel-lt Lost. LADIES i - - JET BRACELET, EITHER on Market street, between. Front and Fourth, or on Front street between Orancre and Mar- j tel. The finder will be rewarded by leaving it at this omce. june X;si" A Practical Baker yANTS A SITUATION AS BAKER AT a hotel or bakery. References given, j j Address, June l-3t W. F. LESSMAN, P. O. Box 504. Mosquito Nets ttade and hung by S.JEWETT. 37 N. Front Street. I expect a nice stock of Nets and Fixtures in a few days. In the mean time we will make and hang your own., . june 1 fE DESIRE TOBRLNG TO THE NOTICE throu?hout the country, the pine wood an FT CREOSOTE OIL, liljACtt. KAKSisn, as- PHALTUM. CHAKCOALi. WUUarBUUt paint, pyroligneous acid for disin- j est in the market. These Goods aro sold at very low prices, and manufactured only by the Carolina Oil Comnanv. 1e itf - Hansen & smith. Prop'rs. Third Congressional District. Meeting of the Executive Committee. V WHITEVILLE, N. C, May 81, 1882. rpITE MEMBERS OF THE DEMOCRATIC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE of the Third Congressional District, are requested to meet at the PURCELL HOUSE, in the City of Wil- t aAH rrrTTTt?UTi A V ha fifh lov vf Tim a 1882, to fix the time and place for holding the Convention to nominate a candidate for Con irrese. and transact such other business as may come before them. . V. V. RICHARDSON, junel-dAwtd Chairman. Fresli Arrivals, gULT EDGE BUTTER, CRACKERS AND CAKES. JUMBO" SOAP, "CHAMPION GLOSS,r STARCH, -STERLING" BALL POTASH, ALL GRADES RIO COFFEE, j REFINED SUGARS, PORTO RICO MOLASSES, "BUZZ SAW" TOBACCO, CHOICE TIMOTHY HAY. ALL GRADES OF FLOUR, C, &c At low prices. JJLL & REARSALL junei Groceries. JQQ PACKAGES BUTTER, 200 1,0X18 STARC QQ PACKAGES CHEESE, All grades. AU kinds. Very good. 100 c c . Prices very low Dxsossrr & co. jane l it 1882. NO 133, NEW I ADVERTISEMENTS. SPECIAL SALE ! BROWN & RODDICK, 5 and 7 North Front Street. TTAVING JUST RETURNED FROM THE XL Vnrthpm and havlnf made TCrr ex- tensive pnrcnases, we taxe great pjeaaurem calling the very particular attention ot all our patrons and friends to oar SPECIAL SALE i l . TO COMMENCE . ' i Monday, May 29th, 1882. Every one who reads a newspaper la fully aware that the firm of A. T. STEWAET & CO., i are about to retire from business and are closiag out their Immense stock. We have made a Special Trip North for the purposo of looking over and selecting what would be suitable for our section of the country and will SHOW A FEW of the results. We will offer some of the most decided bar- ... gains ever exhibited in this city under any clr cumstances. Don't wait for farther develop ments bnt coma at once. Our store la full and . - they must be moved. We would state to those i who reside out of town, that we will be very happy to forward samples to any who really i mean business, and they ban rely that their In terests will be studied, and every care taken of any and all orders we may be favored with; it Is our interest as well as yours that you should be treated just the same as If at the counter and you can rest assured that wedo our busi ness in no other way. Several lots of most desirable DRESS GOODS, ! At half market value. PRINTED LAWNS, 6 cents a decided bargain. 7- 8 Printed Cambrics 8 cents 25 per cent, under value. For Men and Boys, 121& cents, a real good article. Linen Damasks, . i Towels and Japkins. Shetland Shawls, From 50 cents to $2,50 Imported Goods. WHOLESALE . . AND " RETAIL. P. S. We have just received a miracle in cheapness ta LadJes and Genu rjosAic Pirjs. t I THE REAL FOR HALF THE PRICE Or IMITATION BROWN & RODDICK. 6 and 7 Nortli Front St. " -'i I -mbX-.o ft T. jWc trill be glad . to receive communications from our friends on any and all subjects of general Interest bnt '.-'. i " , The name of the writer must always be for , ntshed to tho Editor. , , , Communications most be written on only one side of the roper. , ; ; I Personalltie must be avoided, .rv - And It is especially and parUoularly under stood that the Editor doc not always endorse ' Tlew8 of TOrondents mnlcsa sb' stated in the editorial columns. - ' NEW APVERTISEHIEyTS. A Card. T HE ISUKANCE BUSINESS WHICH I JL . i - ., - , L have carried on has been parcha&od, together with ray gooKl will, br Messra. XOETHTiOr & IIODGE. " ' , P As this flrni will represent all tpIUIiU Companies which have gained such an envla- oie repuiauon in tma cay ana throafhoat the entire State, my friend (to whom I am In debted for nberal patronajr dnrtnic the past iuukxu yemrs; . cannot secure greater proteo uuu iiuui is anoruea oj inem. i . .. very isesBecimiir. . , -c : NORWOOD GJLES. tv lunmgion. u., aiay 15. Noticed HA UNU I'UUUllSAED THE INTEREST 0f Mr. NORWOOD GILES In the Inanrance r - . . ri t . . business, we are prepared to effect lnsuranea In the following reliable Companies : Phoenix Insurance Co.. of Hartford, Conn,' Home Westchester. Royal i Lion Franklin Liverpool. ; PhlladelphlarPa. " Columbus, Gav -Toronto. Canada. ' Georgia Home Western Assurance ouuuung v, uoerat patronage we are Very RespoctfulJy, . i NORTHROP H0DGE3, . ; v" -vi- -1 - ' x ' ' Agents. may 31-lw The School ChUdren's 5 JJEAL PEN-WORK AUTOGRAPH .". ALBUM and Library of Selection. Price only 10 cents. At HEIQSBERQER'S; He&tograpli, NOTHER LOT JUST RECEIVED. xTELD CROQUET Another lot at 99c and Sl.50. may 80 HEIKSBERSER'8. New-Arrival - -1 OF TABLE. LINEN GOODS. BARGAINS in Turkey Red and White Damask Doylaa and , Napkins. Handsome i Colored Border and Mourning Handkerchiefs. ' IN DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT : SO pieces Lace Bunting, at 12 cts per ya d. Ulster Linens, Embroidered Swiss, j - ; Lace Striped Ecru, Piquos. K ! Also another instalment of 0c Lawns. may 23 , JNO. J. HXDRICK. fEW GOODS! RRrVING . CONSTANTLY. IT A PLEASURE TO SHOW THOSE V M"ew Laces ' IN VARIOUS STTXES. 3 Table Damask. SOME VERY NICE THINGS IN THIS UNJ3 ,1 ' 'i j Napkins, Tray Napkins, &Ci Blabk Silk Fringes. ' A large lot Jutt received. (NEW ALL WOOL BUNTINGS, jln blackj -very cheap.) '- -. " - n may 80 ,lL IL MctNTIRR. J S75 WILL BUY A GOOD BUGGY AND No. 1 HARNESS. The burr Is a Sidebar TrmJ cost $123 and has not been used since being thoroughly, overhauled. Tho harnes ticost $& and is almost new. For further particulars address M. T. J., Lock Box Wl.Clty. , Decker Bro's. Pianos A RE UNRIVALED IN TONE. Toucrr and finish. They are the finest Pianos ever in-, trodnced here. Call and see what a strictly FIRST-CLASS Piano Is. : f;:l Geo. Wood's Organs, : ARE WELL-KNOWN AS THE Standard of American Organs. Cheaper Organs ot Other makes, on easy terms, at " ' ' ; i" ' ; may 2S YATES' BOOK STORB. ' Look Here ! JTJAVE TOU SEEN THE AND THE BOSS FIVE CENT CIGAK7 , Argesi isupiay ana in- . FINEST CAKES IX TUB CTTa" J PICKLE3, just the ticket for Flo Kles and Excursions. .rV 1 ONLY TEN CENTS A JAB I 1 V- v Call and see for yourself. , .. i:- Vn.. ; - .1 CRAPON A PICKETT." lSaaai38.lTCSt8t. mayJS-U