u THIS PAPER eTery mornlnsr, Mondays ex cept. b7 . V JOSH T. JAMBS ,ITOR OPRreTOK- RIPTION-S POSTAGE PAID: i 00- One month. 35 cents. "B ' llni be delivered by rarricra free Tbe PP,iu anv part of the city, at the above eBsr -n.r week. ; r irtwr and liberal. ijf,.ti!. rt RIiy n,i all fall- i .-r i - TOCAL NEWS. ,0EX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. V.lXAKDS-t. , v,i:A:"-sh,rt:;-s Jvm-WePull. i mu'ti Hirnitur;. 1'- i : V fl.lAv!:-??llwanl. ,. '. K'IN(; - Co Stoves. ' T T . .... . ii Uai.i.ako iiann-5. , IF i:, et & fo-Cheee, &c. : MrVN liiy s Insect Towder. y4Tl)('ck r Iros. l'ianos. Ifnvij-.Ki:.i.i'How rieasai.t. M .M. K vi Suiuiiier (iobds. h. I.. r.o.TWi:n;iJT Notice. V U'. K'Nonrl link Business. VM x tV XViJ n Monuments. II am. l'r.AKSAi.L Cow lVas. -(, j:T4 -.;--The People's House. M, K. Kakkf.k Per Steamer. F. A. Sciilitk Lost or Stroyed. II. M. Bowden & Co Saratoga. A. A. Wiliaki Man in's Sales. j'50. II. Giles Tonsorial" Artist. Hansen & Smitii Pine Wood Oil Abram Joxen The Reason Why. j D. Divis When at Smithvillc. Rrowx & Roddick Diuna Forget N'. J Af oiii To Make Home Beautiful En Wilson- Manning Pine Grove. Ckai'OK & Pickett Do You Know. I Paukf.u & Tayuu Facts and Fig urea. XV. E. Davis & Son Kennebec Flint Jee, Geo. Ji. French & Sons Best in Town. R. if. McIntike Traveling Public No City Court yesterday. 1 )aj's length 14 hours and 28 minutes. Sunset this afternoon at 11 minutes past 7 o'clock. The days are about at their longest now. So far only 135 persons have listed their taxes. Xo interments in Bellevue Cemetery during the past week. The first watermelon may be looked t r in the next week or two. If .Time continues as i lias begun it will prove a wet month indeed. The anti-Prohibitionists will hold their convention in Raleigh Wednesday next. -'The Superior Court, Judge Giimer presiding, will convene in thi3 city to morrow. Two adults and two children were in terred in Pine Forest Cemetery during thewetk. The wind is again, from the South, and once more it is warm and like unto summer. The Register of Deeds issued mar riage license to one colored couple du ring the week. The barges, flats, etc., for the work on the upper Cape Fear will leave here Tuesday next. apt. T. J. Southerland lias made ;ome very decided improvements in Jhe imeriur of his livery stables. vur huoscrihers will confer a favor i , upon us by promptly reporting to Mr. j Craig, our City Agent, any failures to"! Set their papers. One adult and two children were in lerrert in ( lakdale Cemeterv during th i 1- fTCTTSPAPEK . . . - . - . . .. ,a j , week. One of the children was brought I name s Buffalo, applied at the Guard here for interment. ? j House Friday night fordodging, stating '-- - - - ' - - that she had lost her way and could not Messrs. C. XV. Worth, Thos. Rad- get to her home. Her conversation chffe, E. A. Alderman and Jesse B. with the janitor was rambling and in Hiiwes, four young gentlemen of this ! eohereut, and she was locked up, as she city and students-at Chapel Hill, are ! was thought to-be dcmentetl. She said home for racat ion. she w:is to le married at nine o'clock - Yesterday morning, but her cxected "Rough on Rats." groom did not call ibr her at the Guard vicars OUt rats. niipf rrknii: 1Irc in ..r. ii-!U li Jn.miroil intiv her!3' Pibvuiianto-mornw.-. , . iv inii . - T-i " little Stars" and the "Sun- od game of base- ball yes-' tenhy and the fonucr beat by a -core ofii ... , 4 lo l-a close game. Master-- - "1J iHinung is the Captain of the : "Uttle Stars" and Master Ancntm i burr of tle 4Sunbeam ' ' i ; have published, wa not tired by Mr. The New Church. j Berry Binford, after all. A careful vx- the new Catholic church at Farmer's j aminatioii before the jury of inquest es itrnoutwUl be dedicated; to-day. A ! tablished this fact. The shots tired by pecial train will leave this city at 9 0 clock this morning, and retnrn at 3 clock. Bifchop Korthrop and Rever end Fathers Gross, Wright and Oberley take put in the dedication scrriccs. 1 E VOL. YI. Exports Foreign. liritish schooner Kalp Cartyton, Ct. ! I ThornilikccIeariMl vtenlav for ISritlge ! town: JJarbuiloen, . I., K itli ,'JK).()jn feet luniU-r ami 26,700 sliingle value4; at $3,803, -shipped by Messrs. -Korthi-op cc L iimmm . ! , I . ; OfT for Europe. ! Our youns friend. Mr. Chas. .XV. Worth, will leave in a few dav.s lor an ; extended trip through Knl.'jind and tin .Continent. lie exiecU to isail from f w York on the 10th inst., and will Ik; the act ot' inserting her niglit latch key gone from home several months. IIe!mtue door, when a man rushed upon has our best wishes " . her and grabbed a hand pocket book A Reward. ! A valise containing ;a vcrv valuable i j set of surgical instruments, belonging -to ! Dr. W. J. Love, was 1 stolen from "the j train tit the depot in hi city on Friday ; j night. A regard will be paid for their ; return and no questions ad. iu another column. I aske Sec ! I I Quarterly Meeting. Rev. Robt. O. Burton, the P Elder of the Wilmington Dis resmmg rict, in j accordance with his published! appoint ments, will hold his third quarterly meeting for the present Conference year, at the Front Street Methodist phurch this morning, and at the Fifti Street Church this evening. Unmailables. The following unmailable matter re mains in the postoffice in this city : . One stamped enrelope, illeg'bly ad dressed ; 1 governraeut stamped envel ope, addressed Timmpnsviile, S. C. ; Miss L. Maddix-, Bogue , Sound, C 2dar Pt. P:0., X. C; Charles Roundtree Washington, N. C. 1 i Presentafien. The young men of this city will pre sent Hon. D. L. Russell) and Mi Du Brutz Cutlar each with a handsome gold-headed ebony walking cane as a token of esteem and appreciation of thcin efforts in the defences of Mr.Gause. The presentation is to take place to morrow night at the Little Giant Hall. More Ldjjht Xeedcd. At nine o'clock last night none of the street lamps on Fourth, South of Dock, on Orange, Ann or2sf"un,East of Fourth streets, were burning. The streets were very dark as was noticed'-. by pedes trians. There seems to be a grca,t deal of complaint, of late, oiji account of tlie lax and irtregular manner in which the street lamps are lighted. , Knights and Iiadiesj of Honor. Mr. Kaphan, of South Carolina, Deputy Supreme Protector of the Knights and Ladies of Honor, is here for the purpose of organizing a Lodge He is also Past Dictator of Allendale Lodge, No. 1818, Iv. of II., and will be pleased to see the members of Carolina Lodge at their regular meeting on Mon day, the 5th inst.i at their jIall and cpn fer with the members with a vievof establishing a Lodge of the above order. AReer Story. Here is a beer story, fhe latest. It is said that a certain1 Wilmingtonian, of German birth, and three of his compa triots; the latter beingj sea captains, made a regular sitting of it last week and succeeded, in eight hours, in having emptied eight boxes of beer. Each box held two dozen bottles and each bottle a. pint of beer. This, at the rate of a pint to the bottle, made 24 gallons of beer, or G gallons to each man lin eight j hours. This is told usi as a fact, j Another Unfortunate. i - A vouns colored worn ant giving her i . i "i rJ-, lllot- i ii'" i. i . ..J.. j -. ----- uVh hooks and linos. A full a.s.ort- j met and lowt-st prices at Jaoodi's. 1 1 r-r . , , ; The Viltill Sliot. ' 1, , . , u c iiiuicrsianu uku mihu killed the refractory prisoner at, Monroe last week, a full account of which i we i Mr. Binford were not necessarily fatal but the death-wound was inflicted by j some one eise in loe crowu, uui, nu not known. This is the official declara tion. 1 --1 -Ij WILMINGTON, N. C. SUNDAY. JUNE 4. 1882. HIGHWAY ROBBEKV. IJoIrt and Successful Attempts. rt iiiSht, aljout 0:30 .o'clock, a bold a,M successful attempt at robbery was practised on lxs. A. Shrier, in front of her residence on Front street. She, to- Either with two other ladies, had been l,ovvn , town .shopping, and was return- lu& ,l"lc when the robbery was com milted. The ladies were m front of Mrs, Sliricr's residence, and she was iu , which she earned by the handle, !-The t thief . made two -'."efforts -"to take it from her before she .released it. The rascal also jerked a bunchrtjf keys om Mrs. Slirier. The ladies ave the alarm and a crowd soon gathered but the robber, who dashed off down Front street, made good his escape. On the key ring was a metal tag bearing Mr. Shrier's name. The stolen bag or pocket ltfok ermtnined nnlv fivft nr aiv dnl- lars. The ladies were naturalW very much alarmed and cannot say whether the thief was white or black. All they know is that he was a large man and wore a white straw hat. He evidently had seen the ladies down town shopping and tracked them up until they got to Mrs. Shrier's residence and then made their assault. Criminal Court. , The following cases were dssposed of yesterday: 1 r State vs. Eliza Jones, false pretense; a juror withdrawn. Mistrial. State vs. Herbert Thompson. Judg ment prayed by the Solicitor. Judg ment by the Court : Imprisonment , in the county jail for 30 days and pay a fine of $200. Appeal to" Supreme Court. Appeal granted. Defendant required to enter into bond of $1,000 for his appear ance at the February term, 1883, of this Court. - . " State vs. W. Brown, larceny. Mis trial: The defendant entered into bond for his appearance at next term of Court. ' t State vs. Joseph Gause, larceny. Not guilty. i ' ' State vsv Rich. Gause. The defen dant comes into Court and not admit ting his guilt says noli contendere, thereupon the Solicitor for the State de clines to pray the judgment of the Court, prdered by the Court that judgment be suspended upon the paynient of the costs. State vs. Thos. Gause. Same entry as in the'ease of Rich. Gause. State vs. DanT Ojsendine, larceny. Sentenced to 2 years in the County House of Correction. State vs. Luey Walker false pre tense. Sentenced to 2 years inj County House of Correction. ( , ' State vs. March Campbell, larceny. Two years in the Pjenitentiary. State vs. Charles Bell, forcible tres pass. Sixty days in County House of Correction. 1 Church Services To;Day. St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, corner of 8ixh and Market streets. Kev. F. VV. E. Peschau, Pastor. German services at 11 a. m.. English services at 8 p. m. St. James' Church, corner Market and Third street. Kev. A. A. Watson, D. D. Kectoi. Trinitj Sunday, June 4, 18S2. Morning Prayer .and Communion at 11 a. m.; Sunday School !at 5 p. mi ; Evening Prayer at 6 p. m. St. John' Chnrch, corner Third and lied Cross streets, Kev. Thos. D. Pitts, Eector. Trinity Sunday, June 4. 1 Morning Prayer and Celebration at 11 o'clock. Sunday School, at 5 p. m. Evening Prayeriand Sermon at 8 o'clock Second , Presbyterian Church, cornier of Fourth and Campbell streets. Rev. C. M. Payne, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m., and at 8 i ii. m. saouatn ftcnooi p. m. r-rayer Jicet- uig v eunesuay ats p. m. St. Thomas Church, Dock between Second and Third Streets, lit. Kev. Bishop Northrop, Pfor Mornins Services at 6, t :30 and 11 o'clock. Evening Services at :.iu oxiock.. Second Baptist Church, on Sixth, between Church hml Castle streets. Kev. J. P. King, Pastor. Services at 11a. m. and S p. m. Sun day School at 9 a. to. .Prayer meeting every Tuesday night. St. Paul's Episcopal Church, corner of Fourth ami Orange streets. Kev. T. M. Am bler, Hector. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock; Evening Prayer at 8 oYclock ; Sunday school at 3i 2 o'clock. "Seats free. First Prcsbvterian Church, corner Third and Orange fclreef. liev. Dr. Joseph K. Wilson, Pastor." Morning jervice at 11 o clock : evening erviec at 6 o'clock; Sunday srhool at 4.4. i. m. ; Thursday night lecture at 8 o'clock.- Front street M. K. Church, South, corner -of. Front and Walnut streets. Kev. Frank II. WoimI, Pastor. Services at 11 a. in. and 8 p i" - Sabbath school at 3 p. m.. W. M. Parker, (lupcnnipmi.'m. i raver mcvimj; ant iwiuiv vvelnes.iar evening "at 8 o'clock. Christian 5 ats ?r5e and strangers and visitors cordially invited. i Fifth Street M. E. Chunh, between Nun and Church ttrecU. Iter. T. Page Kicaud, Pator. CnristChnrch(CngregatlonaUst)Nnn street between Sixth and Seventh. Kev. D. D. Dodge, minister. Preachinjr services at ll o c iock, a. Preaching services at 11 o'clock, m. and S o clock, p. m. 1 Pastors Bible Class at 12.13 p. ni. Prayer and Praise meeting, WednebiT. 7.30 o'clock, p. iu. Snnday School, 3 o'clock, p. m.. iu Memorial Hall, corner 7th and Nun alt. ' To Builders and others Go to Jaco- bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c. You can get all sizes and at the lowest pricct. I ' t NEW AmRTISEMEXTS. jriie Reason Why fJHIB CORNET STAU COMPANY DID NOT have a full turnout on Decoration Day was that so many were wounded at Canip Meet- lrii f. A BR A3! JONES, I i Captain. une 4 It ! Found. i i BUNCH OF KEYS, EVIDENTLY OF value to owner, with whistle attached. J . Apply at ' ' I June 4-1 1 ' THIS OFFICE. Lost or Strayed "PROM MY PLACE ON WRIGHTSVILLE Sound, one medium size red and white COW, and a black and brown colored COVT. with brass tips on horns- A suitable I reward will ue paid nw their return or Information that will lead to their recovery.. , june 4 j F. A. SCmiTTE. J. W. Knott i TAYS Til HIGHEST TRICE FOR Rags, Iron, Copper, Brass, Lead, Zinc, Bagging, Bones, White Paperv Old Sails, &c, Ac. Foot of New Market, Wilmington, N. C. Capt. A. C. Moore is with us. , june 2-1 m I Jno. H. Giles, j rjlONSORI AL ARTIST ANyD MANUFAC TURER OF PERFUMES. Shop near corner of Front and Castl streets . None but best work turned out. Prices reasonable. Give mc a call, june 2 -if - WE DESIRE TO BRING TO THE NOTICE of our friends and the general trade throughout the country, the PINE WOOD CREOSOTE OIL, BLACK VARNISH, AS PHALTUM, CHARCOAL, WORM-PROOF PAIHT, PYROL1GNEOUS ACID for disin fecting, which are the most reliable and cheap est La the market. These Goods are sold at very low prices, and manufactured only by the Carolina Oil Company. . , , je l.tf HANSEN & SMITH, Prop'rs. The People's House. M EALS FURNISHED AT ALL HOURS. Private families supplied at reasonable rates. I have established an ICE CREAM PARLOR in connection with the People's House. C. EVANS, Prop., june S-lm Dock near Front street. S10 Reward AND NO QUESTIONS ASKED, FOR THE return of a Black HAND-SATCHEL,con-taining Surgical Instruments, taken from the Second-Class Car of the W., C. & A. R. 11. train last night, live minutes before the train left the shed at Wilmington. Leave at Merritt & Hol lingsworth's Stables, Fourth and Mulberry sts. june 4 W. J. LOVE. Insect Powder AND BELLOWS FOR USING SAME. Kills Bedbugs, Roaches, Fleas, Ants, Flies and bisects of all kinds. Good for using on Dogs and Cats. Imported and for sale in any quantity by MUNDS BROS., i Druggists. Prescriptious prepared at! all hours of the day and night. june 4 We Pull rilQGETHER AND SO KEEP UP WITH L our work, aid are now ready to do yon a good piece of work on a new or old Mattress or your old Furniture. We also supply Win dow Shades with Cord or Spring Fixtures, and make Zimmerman's Overstrung Awnings, If you want any Paper Hanging look at the samples just received at ! je 4 S. JEWETT'S, 27 N. Front Street. QHEESE 50 BOXES, gTARCH 200 BOXES, rpOMATOES-50 CASES, C BANNED CORN, I . PEACHES, Ac, &c. Prices very low. june4.tf DEROSSET &.CO; utter. A FEW PACKAGES (Large and Small j of the very finest. j 100 PACKAGES ALTj GRADES. ' "' 1 . . ' Consigned and mu&t be sold. " june 4-tf DEROSSET A CO. Pine Grove, Wrightsville, AT THE EIGHT MILE POST ON THE TURNPIKE ROAD. 250 of the Biggest and Best PIG FISH you ever saw, jnst brought In by Old Man Falls. je 4-lt ED.WlLSO When at Smithville ROP TX AND SEE WHAT I HAVE. Best of Wines, Liquors, COOL BEER and Cigars. Canned . Meats, Sardines, etc., for lunch. J.D.DAVIS, june 4-1 m -u Near Court House. Facts and Figures TELL ON STOVES, REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOLERS, FREEZERS. PURE WHITE OIL at Parker & Taylor's juoe 4 , Marvin's Celebrated JpiRE- AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES, All Sizes and Prices, froti$50.Xto t3.200.00. I - i Acknowledged by the best authorities to be the BEST SAFE MADE, Extract from ScUjtfiJtc AwtericmmZtdltoiiMl of Feb. 11th, 1S2: "We are aLo ' asked aa to tb best fire proof safes. W say MARTrvs.- ' "-'.-: . : A.A.WrLLARD. June 4 Ajreat at Wllalngton.' f NO 136. XEAY ADVERTISE3IENTS. How Pleasant It Is rpo LIE DOWN IN A , L X - COOL HAMMOCK, X following low prices : $1.23, $150, $2-.V) and$J, at IIEINSBEKGER'S. Pianos and Organs. FIRST CLASS MAKES 'OXLY KEPT ON sale. WEBSTER'S AND WORCESTER'S Una bridged Dictionary, at ' ' june 4 HCIRSBERGEITS. Kennebec Flint Ice S TILL HOLDS THE LEA D t FREE FROM You always get your mojneyV worth SNOW, a purchasing our ! KENNEBEC FLINT ICE. No wastage, no snow, but good, solid, r lear Ice. Packing and shipping Ice a specialty. . june 4 It WM. E. DAVIS & SON. Do You Know "yym A WOMAN ALWAYS LOOKS hap- I . ! py on Monday morning ? Jf not call at CRAPON & V CKETT'S and find out. Our 'Mother Hubbard Laundry Soap." Is the best In the city. No boiling Clothes necessary, it saves labor and fuel. . Full directions accompany each bar. Try it. To be had ONLY at . CRAPON & PICKETT'S. 16 and 18 sJ Front St. june 4-tf Best in Town yE CANi SHOW THE PRETTIEST Kid Button Boot for La dies' Wear. i to be found in the State. We do display the Largest stock of Boots and Sb?s in town. We boII better goods and give jnorc for your money than any house dealing in our line. Try us and see if it is not so. I GEO. 1L FRENCH SONS, juue-ll 39 Nrth Front at. I) INN A FORGET ! BEOWN &H0DDICK, 5 and 7.North Front Street. THE EIGHMIE SHIRT, $1.00 Each. I Q.ENTLEMEN, REMEMBER WE CARRY a full line of the above CELEBRATED SHIRT. They are acknowledged byALL who have worn them to be the best fitting Shirt ever in troduccd. The Patent is the most Valuable of anything ever. Introduced Into the manufac- by alL Tliey lit any shape and the Bosom can not be broken. . , HAVE TOU EVER WORN OUR Duke of Argyle SHIRT COLLARS? You require NO TIE WITH THE3I We are the Sole Agents for the Ijre.' BROWN & RODDICK. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 5 and 7 North Front St. -jun.4 -' V": ' - I . : :1 - W will bo glad i to rtoclTe connxnaxxicAan from our friajdstm any and, ah , tubject Of "I general Interest bt- - -. - - i - Tbe name oTtrrt wtitcr aoU al'w?y be fL' nUhed to the Editor. - . ..." : Communications must be written, a only one fkle of the mt.'- w v. ..(. Perooalitle m?t be nVofded. ' " tZi And It U especLUIy; And, particularly under spd 'that the Editor doeV not always endorse he view of correspondents Unless stated liji Um editorial. commas f J : ' . MONUMENTAL T.RON7.C COMPANY, ' -t, O BUIIHiEPOirr. CONNECTICUT. YttADQCAKl El W WILMINGTON Agencr! JLJL NiwliliiAillr thcrarpiugsof a c'ertahi W ilmington Ma ride Iealor, the alMT( Cemua ny wiU offer M,iQ reward foranyle Montr, ment made by them that Will iamlh. All Monuments are ivcrfectly Indestructible, and all the parts are cast together, If dlred. We defy smieUtion-,Mith matbie dealers, (ilur invention ha caused the greatest . revolution in tbe Monument business exer made, and tit less than five year will entirely take the place f marble. No polish is needed; no mosa fralh ersou in surface. Prices raner from ei to f.",wio, and arc at least one half U cost -of marble. 1 Oomnam prices and call ami see frpeehnensat the I'udorUker's eitabUhmeot of Chas. Klein, oh Irinces street. I n-- .-f ,1 AM'vN A, WH.SOX.t je Mf , . ;p j-: . .Agenu.! JICGEnJe, ; STRIiNCII, ENGLISH AND many other raricties ot 'Ladies' iand Gent's Trunks. Large assortment Satchel aud Hiud Bag$; second lot Excelsior Harawj, just re ceived. Full line Saddlery Good.' Prices the lowc'st ; I . -f'-. . -I? i: :.?:, i-jl at New; Saddlery House. . i . VI i H. M. Bowden & Co.. juue4; 40 Market treet. Decker Bro's. Pianos" : A RE UNRIVALED IN ; TONE, . TOUCH and finish1. They aro'tho finest Pianos ever in. Am. i .i troduccd here. Call and see what a '"strictly FIRST-CLASS Piano is. ' I ' p Geo. Wood's , Organs, RE WELL-KNOWN ; AS THE' Stands rd of American Organs. Cheaper Organs of other makes, on easy terms, at . , ' " , ' . june 4 YATES BOOK STORE.- The Traveling Publia;', WILL FIND AT HE ADUARTEttS t ' 1 Fine Saratoga Trunks, , I 1 . . Linen antl Mohair Ulsters, j f ; " andRaglaos, LINEN COLLARS AND CUFFS, ' V J- i ' . Gloves, Ties, Scarfs,- Ac. VAL AN. D OTHER LACES.- : V i i Special attention Is called to a NEW LOT VAL LACEJS. in lace neckwear ' ,; f ... ,,' ' .We have t he finest stock In th'e city. i . . 1 i j une 1 : K. M. McINTJREj i The JIajority rif ,,t EDITORS & PEINTERS IN WI LMINGTON BUY THEIR'" CLOTH i'w J 'i AT THE FAMOUS MEN'S WEAR DEPOT. o class of citizens are better ppsted as regard the proper plaice to secure bar gaiiU; thah arc the 'men oftijo OUR REDUCTIONS STILL CONTINUE, and inen of every calling arc daJy reeking the i" ' , - . 7 i ad vantages we are now offerinr. ' I Examine and profit thereby. I ' L, , ? DURING THE NEXT ELEVEN DA Y8 A $10.0i Suit for$ 73c srarf thrown In." A 12.) Suit for 10.00 a trJCc snsp'd'rs 1 ' A 15.00 Suit fort 12.50 a l.i) scarf thrown In. . V ' A 17.50 Suit for 15.00 a p? 1.25 MtffYn U .'X A 20.00 Suit Tor 17.50 a'L50 shirt thrtowa-la. - a 22.50 Suit for Sti.Ort a ur 1.7J sup'dm " ' BOYS' AND CIirLDREN',4 ' SUITS X iaf mense Bargalus, WITH. A TIE TilRQWN INl FJNE TRUNKS at coat to make room. ' i f ? KINrJ CLOTillEli. v ,: fJ4; JAJXiEST STOCK COOK STOVES IN THE State and lowet price! CaU or wxitk tar CM- Iokuc, ' . . .. .... , ,f .. . - ap!3 i F. JL. KING CO. - White Bronzes v4- 1THE CNDERIGNED,AGENT FOR THE . Momuneatal Bronze Company; of Bridge port, Conn., Invite attention to the work ofiir-; ed by them. These taoDuments axe indestraet- ' itle, cannot be chipped, cannot be throws Ter and may be had at one-half the prie of atone. ' ' - , ? AMAN A WILSON, june 2 lm Princeea U, sear tfecoad. - r i . i - -

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