THIS "err mon.. MooO-y. copied by JOSH T. JAMES, KI.ITUR XSDFROPKIETOR. M'B-CRIPTIOSS POSTAGE PAID: SL r 40n. Six month, 2.00. Three One y ODC montb, 35 cents. Ti!Imi-"r win Iks delivered by carriers free , 'I, i.. any part of the city, at the above . .. lo.vr.f rr week. raw'' anil li!ral. ij--,bTii will report any ami all fail- . -ins - ' , ive their paier regularly. 1 LOCAL NEWS. JUDEX TO HEW ADVERTISEMEKT8. V. Fakkak Music and Comfort. V.TKvrmWt5Pnll. Mt sis Iiuos Insect Towdcr. Y vT, ;h Docker Bros. Piano. 1 1 i:tssr.r.::r.EK Hcrvr Pleasant. XIio n eeij'ts of cotton at this port yo.- t .. r .. tin 1i1p. rk-t!. arc the bet passport anions j . irtiitr-r. character amon;' acquaint tttw- , . ' - j.vr nothing too violently r hate i.frthuiz tH passionately; fear nothing What we learn in youth grows up I with us and in tiniebicomes a th mind itself. part of j Then1 was a better supply of fish in ::.arket yesterday afternoon than has 1 neu the case here before in a week. Bucliupaiba.n- Quick, complete cure, all annying Kidnev, Bladder and Urinary Diseases, il. Druggists Depot, James C.-Muhds. badges are not selling like hot cakes, and the indications are that many a dog will bite the dust before long, A little colored boy was arrested in an alley on Water street, - last evening, charged with stealing charcoal. He npeiit the niht in the guard house. Attention is called to the fact that the wooden crossing on Third street, crossing-Mulberry, is in a very dilapidated condition. It should be repaired or re moved, at once. Some rogue broke into Mr. A. Weill's residence, on South Front street, on Saturday night and robbed the larder of a number of articles whien had been lreparefor Sunday's dinner. It is estimatid that there are ten millions of umbrellas in use: and four million new ones uro bought annually. ( )ue half of them are old handles and frames fixed up with new coverings. But what becomes of the other half? The presentation of the gold-headed canes to Judge Russell and Mr. Cutlar, which was intended to take place last night, was necessarilly . postponed be - cause of the absence of tlie former gen tleman from the cit he having gone to - Italeigh. The Superintendent at the Poor House is "Savage'' on turnips. We have one' raised this year by him which measures HI inches in circumference and 7 inches in diameter. It is a fine-looking speci men, and we are told that he has ' a plenty more of the same sort. A Solemn Pontifical Mass of Requiem will bo sung this morning at 9 o'clock at St .Thomas1 Church for the happy repose of Sister Cecilia Gross, a sister of the Very Rev. M. S. Gross pastor of the above church. Sister Cecilia died in Jacksonville, Fla., May 25th, 1882. She was a member of the Sisterhood of - St. Joseph. a thing in the hardware line can be found at reasonable prices at Jaco Exports Foreign. , Br. barque Traveller, Capt. Passehl, cleared yesterday for Pernambuco, S. A., with 183,991 feet lumber, valued at $4,IS6, shipped by Messrs K. Kidder & Son. Saved. A little white girl, Jennie Hill, while out in the vicinity of Hilton a few days ago hunting wild flowers, slipped and fell into a deep pool of water., Mr. Willie Turley, who saw the little thing go under, plunged in the water and suc ceeded in pulling her out after she had twice. To Leave Us. Major James Reilly and family are oon to move to Farmers Turnout, on the W. C. & A. R. R:, about ia miles south of this citjr. A neat, onestory frame dwelling has just boen completed by Major Reilly, and he proposes to move Ms family in about one month. Wc dislike to lose him asa citizen, but we know that it will be' to his interest Jo make the move he has decided upon. Mr. Solicitor. . We were pleased to receive a call yesterday from Capt; -Swift Galloway, the genial and pleasant gentleman who has the honor of being State's Solicitor for this judicial district. Qapt. Gallo tt-ay was a gallant officer in the Third X. C. during the late unpleasantness aod bears the marks of his devotion on Jus person to this day. He , is an ex cellent officer and will be suns. we thipkofaraomiaatioo, - UJL. V I Personal. j Judge Gilmer U a gentleman of very pleasing appearance and looks, every inch of him, like gentleman j 'native and to the manner born," and a pro-j found jurist.': We predict ; that he! will win golden opinions from thb raerabers of this bar as he has at othejr courts at which he has presided. -Superior ; Court." The Superior Court for Uiis county met yesterday Judge) Gilmer presiding, andMi Sol ici tor Galloway tlx atten dance, " The following" Arsons were drawn as-juixrs 'for the" first week: George Chadbourij, AV. G. Craig, J. W. Carrawayj, L. Jl Otterbourg, John John A. Hewlett, JSyander JklcBride, Galloway. ! Fire of the regular ve nire were excused ifor the week. The remainder of the day was taken up in arranging the (calendar for the term. Thuiide and Lightning. Just after the rainstorm which pass ed over this city Sunday last, and when the sun was shining brightly, a terrible peal of thunder and flash of lightning startled a great many persons in ihe northern section of the city. The elec tric fluid struck the chimney of the eat ing house of the Wilmington & Wcldon depot and knocked jt dowri. Three per sons, who were jin: the house at the time, were shocked and were somewhat stunned by the j stroked - Hail Storm. A terrible hail storm passed over that portion of the county adjacent to the northern terminus of the Wilming ton & Weldon .Railroad, on Sunday. At Halifax the storm was very severe and hail stonesj as large as a turkey's egg were picked up. Ai Garysburg, a small station a few miles above Wel don, two small colored children were killed by .the stones. (The damage to the fruit crop is said to have been great, by reason of the fruit, which was nearly ripe, being beaten from the trees. Sentenced to be Hung, On Saturday, the 3rd inst, at ihk Su perior Court of Sampson County, held at Clinton, Judge Gilmer presiding Philip Faison, colored, was convicted of the murder of Henry Sellars, also colored, and sentenced to be hung July 11th, J882, The murder was commit ted on the 25th of May last, so that from the time the deed was committed until the crimeiwill be expiated will be one month andj sixteen days, unless the Wheels of justice are delayed by some unnecessary interference. There is no "foolishness" iu Sampson justice, j Water as a Disinfectant. The disinfecting power of water has been receiving considerable attentioii of late. With the exception of charcoal, it is said that; no other substancS is so I j - perfect ah absorbent of j odors. It absorbs its own volume of some gases, and more than six hundred times its volume of others. For instance, of ammonia gases J which is' one of the largest products of decomposition, six hundred and seventy cubic fejet is absorbed by one of water.- Another offensive odor, always present where animal matter isj decaying, arises from sulphide of hydrogen. Water absorbs two and a half-times its Ownr volume of this. These tacts aje worthy of rememT brance and' practical ( attention. A! quantity of water placed . in an open vessel in a sick, room, and changed often, makes an excellent , disinfectant County i domraissioners. The Board of County Commissioners met in regular montly (session yesterday, pTescnt, Chairman Bagg andi Commis sioners Worth,Monjtgomery and Pearce. Annhcation of I Duke Brvant to be re lieved of listing bis poll tax was not fc M . The Treasurer submitted his report for the month of May, snowing for Gen- prnl Fund, balance on hand. S24.753.22: showing for Specia) Funk, balance on hand, 375.55' and exhibited 1 coupon, number 100. of $15,1 which said coupon was destroyed in the presence of the Board. Educ:itional Fund, balance on hand, 10,936.87. f J The Register of Deeds submitted his monthly report of fees received from marriage licenses for (the month of May, amounting!) $7.60, and exhibited Trea surer's receipts for same. , . A petition was received for a public road from , the Soutbenk line of the city to Barnum's Creek ovlr the bridge at Mcllhenny's ' mill-pond. Referred to Commissioner Montgomery, "j 1 cornmunication - in regard to the llilton Ferry was referred to the Chair man and Commissioner Moore with power to act. -'l?f:':':i;'::' ApplictionToiPrimuj Moore for as sistance was not granted. Board adjourned. WILMINGTON, N. C, TTJESDAY. .TUNE 6. Board of Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen met in regu lar monthly session last evening. His Honor the Mayor and Aldermen Hug gins, Alderman, Worth, Northrop, Bqwden Sampson and 'Willis 'being present. - - . ' . . (''': , "fl i. The Committee onj Fire Department on the removal ojf one of the steam fire engines to the North -side of the W. & I W. railroad, reported against said remoraL Alderman Worth moved that the report be referred back tothe :? committee for tvreport a to the reasons against removal. The same committee reported ad versely on dispCbing of one or more of the steam fire engines. Adopted. : u Alderman Worth moved that the re port be referred back to the committee for a report as to the reason against the dispensing with any of the engines, and that the committee be requested to take rthe matterundcr immediate considera- I A.! 1 j . .11 5 it- m noii anu report a. a cauea meeting ox the Board. Adopted. ' The same committee on the resolu tions in regard to the storage, of Petro leum beg to say that they aire not pre pared to make any recommendation in the matter, but submit sundry letters and papers for the information of the Board, j i ; On motion the report, with said let ters and papers, was received. Aldermetf Northrop moved that it be the sense of the Board that an or dinance should be passed covering the storage of Petroleum, and that the Committee on Ordinances be instructed" to draw up a suitable ordinance. Car ried, j The Committee on Publio Buildings, in regard to the sale of the Bucket Company's house on Ninth street, re ported progress and j was granted fur ther time. . '"") :f--- The Committee on Streets and Wharves reported that the whajf at the foot of Chestnut street and; , the bulkhead at the foot of Red Cross were finished. The same ..committee, on opening Twelftn "street, reported ad versely. Adopted, The special committee on park and fountain, on the site of this old market, reported adversely on account of want of funds. The report was adopted. The Committee on Water Works, in the matter of locating 30 additional hydrants, reported that 29 had been placed in position and recommended that the payment for the use of the hydrants be commenced on the first day of June. The same committee, in the matter of putting water in the City Hall, reported progress. The matter was referred back to the committee with power to act in conjunction with the Board of Au dit and Finance, L (The Mayor reported that the Pauper Burial'Ground had been turned over to the county and that 'the deeds had been transferred. ' . I " ',: ! The Committee on Hospital made a satisfactory reporti and stated that the expenses were less' last month than for any previous month, and that the ei4 pense for June would be still less. - A communication from the Board of 'Audit and Finance approving the action ot theBoard of Aldermen in reference to thmatter of the Pauper Burial Ground license tax on insurance agents -and awarding the listing of taxe - to Col. J. G. Burr, wa3 read. . The Committee on Fire Department recommended the appointment of an Assistant Chief of the Fire! Department without pay. Adopted. ? Mr. Miles C. Smith was unanimous ly elected Assistant Chief of the r Fire Department with full power. It was recommended by Alderman Huggins that the matter of improving Fifth street be referred to the Commit tee on Streets and Wharves. Adopted. The Wilmington Acrobatic Club notie fied the Board that they had organized a Hose Reel Company and asked that the city give them 500 feet of hose. Re ferred to the Committee on Fire De partment. j i " r - . Permission was granted to the Cape Fear Fire Engine Company to visit Charlotte on July 3rd and to be absent three days. f Alderman Northrop moved that in the future the city bell be rung only in the case of fire and then the district only be struck. Carried. , The matter of the wash on Ann street, between Second and Third streets, was referred to the Committee on ' Streets and Wharfs. : "i-S" The application of F. r Martin to attend to the electric firealara.wasierred tb the Committee on Itn Depauitinent: The application of the street hands for" iuCTeatsed pay was referred to the Board of Audit and Finance. ; ; ' Thepetitioa of Mccsrs. J. Hahnand H. M. Bowden & Co. to erect a station ary wooden awning frame in front of ttleir stores was not granted unless in compliance with the ordinance of the city. - i'tt' The reports of the Superintendent of Health and Chief of the Fife Depart ment for the month of May were read and ordered on file. v; The Board adjourned to meet during the sammer months at 3:30 o'clock. School Entertainment. ; The pupils of the school of. Misses Burr &r James " have; in preparation a series of calisthenic arid musical exer cises for the entertainment of their pa rents and friends, to be given at the Opera House ( on Thursday evening next. Upon the list of the pleasant ex ercises will be the "Broom Drill," which has created such a-4Turore" in Northern cities, and also. Addison's celebrated "Fan Drill," as suggested by him, in the Spectator: June 27th, 1711. . I The Thompson Case, r Mrs. Catherine R. Gause sued out a writ for damages before Mr. S. , Van Amringe, clerk of the Superior Court, on Saturday last, against Mr. Herbert D; Thompson claiming damages of $10,000. !Mr. Thompson eluded te officers and went to Goldsboro, where Sheriff Grantham arrested him; Officer Bunting took the papers calling for his arrest to Goldsboro Sunday. Mr. J. W. Thompson, the father of the prisoner, went up on the same train with the officer, and gave bond' for $15,000 for his appearance at the Feb ruary term of the Superior Court for this county. Distress of the "Minnehaha." The following telegram was received here last evening from Capt. Bisbey, of the steamer Minnehaha: ! Cape Lookout, June 5th, 1882. Capt. McGowan, Wilmington, N. C: We are laying in distress East of Cape Lookont light. Send the Cutter off at once . to our assistance. Shaft broken and out of grub and coal ; please an swer. . : ! . The Revenue Cutter. Colfax left last night, and it is thought reached the Minnehaha this morning. Coast pilots say that the steamer is lying at anchor in a comfortable position, and will suffer no damage. It is expected that sue will be towed into port to-day. ' Dedication of St. Paul's Church - . - v About two hundred persons left this Lcity, Sunday, on a special train, for Farmer's Turnout, where the new Catholic church was dedicated, Arriv ing at the station, the excursionists found about one hundred persons in waiting to meet them. After deposit ing the excursionists the train ran up to Brinkley's, and there took on quite a number of persons who wished to at tend the dedicatory services. At eleven o'clock Bishop Northrop, accompanied by Rev. Fathers Gross, and Oberley, proceeded to dedicate the neat little buildiug. ' The church, named St. Paul, is a frame building 50 by 25 feet, and has a clear pitch of 14 feet. It was built by Mr. Charles Morrill, "of this city. '"". .-'"'!' The processional around the church, whilp the outer walls were being blessed, was very imposing. The cross bearer led the procession, and was fol lowed by the candle bearers. Next came the Bishop and Priests, and 'then the train-bearers, holding up the skirts of the elegant . Pontifical robes worn by the Bishop ; the bearer of i the Bishop's staff and theacolites bringing up the rear, After the journej around the church was made, the procession stopped at the door and chanted a hymn, and then moved into the church, followed by the choir, Mrs. John Bauman, Miss Sue ReUly and Mr. John W.Reilly. The Lit any of the Saints was sung inside of the church, and the interior of the building was sprinkled with holy water and dedicated. The Mass was said by Father Gross. - :r .r J -: ' :; Concone's Mass was' sung by the choir. Bishop . Northrop preached an eloquent sermon, and at S o'clock ser vices were held I and- the Rev. Father Oberley preached a Jfine sermon. . St. Paul's Church has now a membership of fotry-eight members. A litte after 4 o'clock the train started on its return trip to this city, and arrived about 15 minutes to 5 o'clock. Best ever made. Emory's Little Ca thartic Pills, pleasant to take, sugar coated ; no griping; only 15 cents a box or iJruggists or by mail, btandard (jut Co lUNassau Street, New York. - 8md&w. . - ' , - , i i M ': ,,. - - . .. ' To Builders and otherro to Jxoo bTs for Sash, Blinds and spoors, " Glass, c You can get all sizes and at tfie lowest prices. - - f 1882 NO 136. : Steamship i?c7r.aor,"Captain Doane from this' port, arrived at New York yesterday. - r ' ' " "Y A Card. r To all who are suffering from the er rors and indiscretion of youth, nervous weakness, carl v klecav. loss of manhood. &c, I will send ? recipe that will curei you, fkee of . charge.' Tins great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-address-edenvope to Rey. Joseph T. Inmak. Station V: New JTork Oitv. deed w6m . TRIBUTE OP RESPECT. v At a regular mtlng- of the Hibernian Be-t ruiv,u Aowvuuy-, U1V lUj( JT9VIU Uods, giving expression of sorrow on the death of one ot ltd most esteemed members, were unanimously adopted : - Whebbas, It has been the 'will of an All. wise Providence toremoro from onr midst our worthy member, THOMAS AIONK, who de parted this life May 2th, 1882; be it Resolved,' That, as members of this Society; while acknowledging the loss of -ono ot its brightest ornaments, we meekly bow with sub mission to. the inscrutable will of our merciful Father, who doeth all things for his own wise Lpurpose.': - - " ; i - v 6 jxesoivea, xnat as memoers of this Society we wiU ever cherish the memory of him who while in life became characteristic for his be nevolence toward the distressed, and whose patriotic love for his country he liroved finan cially by supporting such lawful measures that would ameliorate the condition of her peo ple. I : f-,;' ' Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with the family of our deceased Brother, in their affliction; in him they have lost a i loving hus band and a kind and indulgent father; Ibut knowing they will find consolation in Htm who will be to them a father and protector, j Resolved, That a icopy of these resolutions be transmitted to the family of our deceased Brother, and that they also be published in the Review and Star of this city. , Jxo. W. Rkillt, M. Carroll, . i Walter furlong, ! JA8. Corbett, h: Jas. McGaritt. NEW AIVERTISEIENTS. Music and Comfort. ; - . t rjIHE CELEBRATED AND EX(jtJISITE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINES I New England ORGANS and ORGDINETTES. Come and see them at the New Home Office. (Be wise) Respectfully, j June 6-lwk. f J. B. FAERAR. Lost or Strayed T7ROM MY PLACE ON .WBtGHTSVILLE a: Sound, one medium size red and white COW, and a black andbrown colored COW. with brass tips on horns- A suitable reward will be paid for their return or information that win Jeaa to their recovery. June 4 " , -j ' r. A. 5CH17TTE. J. W. Knott pATS THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR Rags, Iron, Copper, Brass, Iead, Zinc, Bagging, itones, vvnite iraper, uia sails, c., axv ! Foot of New Market, Wilmington, TJ C. Capt. A. C. Moore ia with usw . ' june 2-1 m - , ; ' . Jno. H. Giles, rpONSOBIALf ARTIST . AND 3IANUFAC TURER OF PERFUMES. Shop near corner of front ana uastre streets . is one but best work turned out. Prices reasonable. Give me a calL june -Mi . s T)irE DESIRE TOBRTNG TO THE NOTICE ff of our friends and the general trade throughout the country. the PINE WOOD CREOSOTE OIL, BLAC UK VARNISH. AS- PHALTUM. CHARCOAL. WORM-PROOF PAINT. PYROL1GNEOUS ACID for disin fecting, which are the most reliable and cbca estinthe market. These Goods are sold at very lpw prices, and manufactured only by me taxoiina uu company.- - i , - , 5 je l.f ILNSEN & SMITH, Prop'rs. The People's House. M EALS YURNISILED AT ALL HOURS. Private families supplied at reasonable rates. I have, established an ICE CREAM PARLOR in connection with the reopie's House. I ; , C. EVANS, Prop.; june 8-lra , H Dock near Front street. SI O Reward V return of a Black IIAND-SATCIlEL,con-taining Surgical Instruments, taken from the Second-Class Car of the W;, C. &A. R.K. train last night, five minutes before the train left the sneu at Wilmington. lmt at JUarritt Jk ilol lingsworth's Stables, Fourth and Mulberry sts. june 4 : . W. J. LOVE. . Insect Powder AND BELLOWS FOR USING - SAME. KUls Bedbugs, Roaches, Fleas, Ants, Flies and insects of all kinds. Good for using on Dogs and Cats. Imported, and for sale In any quantity by MUNDS BROS., ... Druggists. Prencrlntiona TmmfirAd Nt all iriiri rTf fha day and night. I - ! .Jnnei We Pull rilOGETHER AND SO KEEP, UP tVlTII X our work, and are now ready to do yon s good piece of work on a new or old Mattress or your old Furniture. We also supply Win dow Shades with Cord or Spring Fixtures, and make Zimmerman's Overstrung Awnings, If you want any Paper Hanging look at the samples just reoeired at je 4 . JtwtTrs, zj rroni Mrecc ; QHEESE 50 BOXES, ARCnSOO 'BOXES, - rpOMATOES-CiO CASES, . , . i 1ANNED CORN, j , - PEACHES, Ac, Ac . '-: Prices yenr low. ' '. ' June 4 ! ; DeROSSET A CO. How Pleasant Jt Is rpo LIE DOWN IN A f ' . . X - ; - - COOL HAMMOCK, at fAUowing low prices : ' 11.25, $Uo, t2, $L50 and $3, at - s. : nEINSEEHGEE'S. '. Pianos hnCL Organs. ; JjiniST CLASS MAKES t ONLY KEPT ON ami uiiSTini S Una- brldgtd Dlctlonarr, at - ; r "1- :rxEAsr NoncTX" 15?" ?ri5cnd on nr Ur .abJectI of general Interest bet Thcnanie of the writer teust Waya" fur. alshed to the Editor. , ..; j . Coitomu-ilcaUons ciust bo writtea oa only, ooosldaof-e.papcr si A 'C;,. VV-. PersoiiaiaieViim j Aj irp espjclalJjncl jpamcaUrjy under etootl that the Editor does aot ahmys endorse he.vlevrs of correpenlcnu Tmlcss bo s late d In the editorial columns. ' - NEW AD-ERTISE3ITS. MO-UTIrVJJROXZK COMPANY. . MiJlhxtLa!, earplns'of a certain ny will ocferfio.ouo reward for a single Moan rocnt made by) Uiem that will taruJsh. All Monuments am perfectly Indestntetible, and all the parts are exst togeihcr, if dcoireil. We defy rompethlou'wlth majrMtf dtalers. -Our invention has cauet tho greatest revolution In the-Monument busineMever -made, and lu less than five years will entirely takd tho place of marble. No jolbh U nocdcU; no Cioss oth ers on it surface. Prices rancc fwmi n tn ,X, aud are at least one half iLnn;tr, marble. Compare nrlccs ami cill nml specimens at tho'CiKlertakcr's establlihracnt Clias. Klein, on Princc?ts street. 7 AMAN -t WILPOX,' 1 -; . : , , . ; Agents.- June 5-tf ratoga ICGENIE, FRENCH, ENGLISH AND many other varieties of ladles and Gent' -l ' ' . ':- - Trunks. Large assortment Satchels ahd Hand . ) I. , i -.... i. Bags; second bt Exctilor Haroiii, jast re celveiL Full line Saddlery Goods, at New Saddlery House. Price! tlie lowest H. M. Bowden & 'Co.. June 1 t4Q Ma Act street. ; .Decker Bro's. Eiaios REraRIVALEp IN TON, ! TOUCH and finish. They aro tho finest TUnos ever In troduced here, Call , and see what a strictly FntST-CLASS Piano is. p : I v Geo. I Wood's Organs,; JRE WELL-KNOWN Ia J THE Standa rd' of American Organs. Cheaper Organs of other makes, on easy terms, at ! ' juno4 ; ' -YATES' BOOK STORE. The Traveling Public "yyiEL FIND AT IJ ADQUAITrOlS ,. Fine Saratoga Trunkf , ! -; 1 , ; 1 Linen and Mohal r Ulsters,' - Jiwd Riglans, LINEN COLLARS AND CUFFS. ' j T . i: Gl0TCS. TIci,Sirf4" icl ; VAL AND OTHER LACES. . .1 j Special attention la called to$ - " il-V lAJV VAJi J.ACC3, VAi. i, IN LACE NECKWEAR ,.. ..''. ' Wcharo the finest stock In the city. straw I :. 'r ' . ; ; If you want something NICE In Mattincs call and wc. will please you. i aiungs. juuc . . i 1C M. MCTNTIRK. DINN A FORGET ! ft' -t BROWN; & RODDICK, 5nd 7 2forth Trontl Street. THE EIGIDIIE SlIlRT, $1.00 Eaclu i,, QExiLEMEN, KEMEMBEn' )VE jC'ARRY a full line of tho above CELEBRATED 4iiii2T. They are acknowfeflged byA LL "who Jiare worn them to be the best fitting Shirt ever. In troduced.' The1 Patent Li the,.. anrthicg erer introduced into tht maoufac- Shiru; tnat I f ull .Acknowledged by all. They fit any shape aixl ti.e Uout can- not be broken. ' HAVE YOU EVER WORN OUR Dukebflle r SHIRT COLLAlS, . lott-rcaulr NO.TIE WITH THEM. , -r - -."' 1 ' i ' W c are the Sole Agents for the above. imqwjt -.;.:I.0DDICK. " XniISALE AND RETAIL. , 5 and 7 2forth Front's t. June . ; " ' .