THIS PAPER every morning Mondays ex- copied J$ Ijtfi Vi --. . : JOSH TJAaXKSW rPlPTIONS POSTAGE PAH): , il oo Six month, $2.00. Three 0a -..,! On month, 33 cents. " r ill be delivered by carriers free Tbel in H.iv part of the city, at the above "CrU will report any and nil faU- ircceii' ' . XOCAlTWS. iiflfX TO HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. o . ... 'owder. ianos. J iimk-:f.k'.ku Fancy Baskets. &c. I V II aui'EK Family Excursion, v V. Manning. " Prop Pig Fish nnd Oy5tcrs1- ' . lkef cattk' are scarce anil very high. UMrt" III J V" ." ., ' 7 f .UnB1"' , . i ' .'7 H- 5 t fIsvfuotup.' 03 bales. Mr. I - Volleri is having an elevator - A. . A 4 put in hi htoro on t rom street. Fish w,'re ,,itin nie1-r at Inl ,.n Monday. Tw o "old stagers' can- Inlet ht 70 nheepli'-atl. ' - j Hereafter the city bell will be rung only in ( of lire, and , then the , lire .listrirtywiH he struck. Mr. Stephen (irahani, of Duplin, is in the city, He is the guest of his nepiiew. C:pt. WllKcna. Col. E. U. Brink, Postmaster at this .i ,.m11 liorpnftpr have the infills JUStt, "HI 44V-4V.1-. - on for distribution at 7 o'clock in the morning instead of 8 A. M. as hereto fore. " '" n An unsuccessful attempt was made Sunday night to rob tjjc drug store of Mr. J. II. Hardin, at "the New Market. The robbers were chased off by the po lice. ; The large t o-story Irame dwelling n South Second street, adjoining Judje Russell's residence, was sold at public auction Monday last, Mr. Philip t:hri?t being the purchaser, at $3,080. .... James M. Dcboo, the little colored Ihv who was caught stealing charcoal Monday night, was remanded to the city prison yesterday by Ilis Honor, Mayor Smith, until tlie boy's father could be pent for. A family excursion on the steamer Piusiwrt will bo given Friday, June ith. There will be music and dancing xudCapt. Johnnie will do all-in his power to make the day a . pleasant one to the excursionists. See ad. elsewhere. The- steamer Minnehaha, the disaster to which was reported in our columns yesterday, left Foint Lookout at 5 o'clock yesterday evening, in tow of the revenue cuuer loifar, ana it-is ex- eetrd that she will arrive at Smithville this morning. Not So. ! V It in rcporlcd in the upper part of 4the judicial district that Judge McKoy will not accept a renomination if tendered him. We are authorized to state that though the Judge is not seeking the office for a second term, he will not "re fuse the renomination if his friends should be of the opinion that he ought to serve another term. New Music Rooms. Mr. J. R. Farrar has established in connection with his New Home Sewing Machine Agency a branch of Mr. J. 1 Stone's Music Rooms, of Raleigh. Mr. Farrar has several fine organs and a number of orguinettes and music now on exhibition and will be - pleased 'to shovs- them to any one wishing to pur- tuase. tor music and comfort give him a call. See advertisement other column. in an- A.ything in the hardware line can be found at reasonable prices at Jaco ui's. - j To be Repaired. The interior of the Rank of New Ilanover is to receive some attention. The walls are to be thoroughly over hauled and cleaned. The work "will be under the supervision of Mr. It. B. . ood. The large pile of lumber, which has for several days been in front of the building, will be used for scaffolding. Several persons hare suggested that it was placed there as collateral but we thought-the Bank would hardly take such lumbering collateral. The Moon in June, t , . The waning moon is .in conjunction Wlth Neptune on the 12th, and with Sa trn on the 13th. The waning crescent th? day before lier change is very near Jupiter, passing 37 minutesouth. The !ew moon on the 15th is in conjunction ith Mercury on the 16th, and with on the 18th. As Venus 7 w, t the time more than ?ix "de srees north of th 'Hnnoithe moon,-the conjunc-j., t,0n will not lw nf t;-i f. tu m not be of special interest. The n,4, flwt, and near TTr,,,,,- " .u' vi : ' iv.4i itAJUS UU IIIC -VI 11. . .r Guilders and othersGo to Jaco bs s for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. - j nm?-Insect 1 V 4 tfq Decker Hros.l vol. yi: Reminiscences olf Fort Fisher Blockade Runners ami Blockaders. , ! It was in the early days of the war. ! that a steamer left this port Iwith a val uable freight and a Yyilmington ',4boy" on board a supercargo. II w fitness for the position was, not doubted, and his determination to "stick" to the steamer and cargo, under, difficulties, Was certainly well' demonstrated by subsequent events, although' he failed to - ..l . "'-,..,- ..... f .. ' reallXO the antfpinnfAfl 54Ki nrnfiU" or ' 5hQlelUhe wharfTrent .dow), the river, tarougn tne inlet and over the i bar, under the most favorable circum stances, and all were indulging! the hope that she would make a speedy and successful! run, when, suddenly, the" 44 watch" on the look-out gave the warn ing cry, "Steamer ahead!" and Another and another on. every quarter and in a moment it seemed that the whole blockading . squajdroii)! has risen from the deep to confront the little steamer, ami all on board became quickly con vinced that "every one of 'em" meant business. " ' In a jiffy the steamer's head was turned about arid she mlade for the in let, but one of the blockaders had an ticipated this moyp, arid had so manu vered 3 to cut off all hope of her ever reaching that haven Jin safefey. Her course was then changed and her head was pointed for ihe beach sj as to, strike it as near the Fort as possible. ' On and on she plunged, quivering in every timber, closply pursued by the blockaders, and as evejry fresh barrel of rosin went into her fuanace, another volume of smoke would curl up and form a black cloud athwart the heavens, telling plainly that hpr speecj was being increased to the utniost capacity. As the blockaders and! Iblockalle-runner neared the shore, the excitement in the Fort became so intense as to be almost sickening, for everyone expected that our little steamer 'would be "gobbled up" before she could reach within the protecting range of thq guns. But on sho came to within a half mile of the beach, where she grounded with a lurch that came near sending ' every thing and everybody .overboard. For tunately,' she was too near the Fort for the blockaders to venture, j It was at that time near sunset, and the crew, knowing that a storm was. brewing, made immediate preparationsjfor leav ing her. When . the boats wrc ready to leave, our Wilmington I boy very ! r coolly told the men in them "that he had been put nboard that steamer to look .aftecher cargo, and he was going to stick by it as long as there was stand-, room - on. - the ship's deck." . Argument ana persuasion nayiug iauea to mo ve nim ironi nis position, iney icic mm to his lonely and perilous watch and pull ed for, -the shore, landing just abreast off the'"pulpit" or angle of the Fort. ! When the crew had landed night had thrown its sable mantle over the scene, utting out all sight of the blockading eet as well as of the stranded steamer, and, as if to add to. the discomforts of the situation, a blinding rain storm set in, which prevented any attempt at" res cuing the young hero frorii. his perilous position. His aged father, i being 'on duty in the Fort, was I6ld by! the crew that his. son had most positively refused to abandon the steinier, and knowing, full well, that his situation was one of eminent peril, he walked the beach the entire night, trusting, without one ray of hope, for the safety of his boy, but with emotions welling up in his heart. too sacred for any attempt of ours to describe. f ' ! 1 1 But the night wore away, arid the day, after weary hours of watching, dawned1 at last, when it was light enough to see the stranded steamer, j One object only was visible upon her wheel-house. which, as the light broke nnon it. was. Supposed to "be "ourboypV and all eyes were ceniereu upon uiai opjecc. ooon after all were startled, when one of the Lsoldiers exclaimed, By , George! he's overboard P and sure enough, he had jumped into fhe ocean and was making- lor the shore. hen the lather became fully aware of this-fact,' he f turned his back upon the scene and with heart too proud to speak, went rwin i nr F too lull of , emotion to int, hu v tont iLf I thn fln I But the soldiers kept up the watch, and ever und anon, as the vaveslled up, J . . ... - . I the lorm oi the boy could be seen upon; , , " . , , . . , , . , 'fiures to the family of each member their crest, as slowly, but sorely, he wast r i-.-V.- , ftJ P uoon his decease a benefit rangmg from -icxwpiiis suorewaru. along the shore and m the Fort was . .. . ..!,.-.. e ion was :jo suspended and great that all duty was all eyes were bent in one direction Co the manly form which was bcimj buffet ted by the billows of the ocean, and, as he camo nearer arid - nearer the, shore. WILMINGTON, N. C. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 7. the soldiers ran into the water to meet him and when he was -near enough to "touch bottom." they caught him in their arms and bore him to the tent of his father. The jmeetxng between father and son was more charateristic than dramatic. The old man, seeing that his boy was safe, suppressed all emotional feelings, and a little impatiently re marked, 'R- d, why in, the d 1 didn't you come ashore with the5 balance of tHe crew?" Since then the door of the father's UlllkV IMCll IlUC VtVxl VI tMj 444 4.44,4. 1 . J . ... tit hi restin ft wU1 Um n0 more. Bat thci t boy is with us yet. Personal. William H.l Chadbourn, Jr., of Mr. t this city, has just passed a triumphant examination for admission to the Insti tute of Technology, at Boston, Mass. His preparatory course has been pur sued at the Tileston school in this city, from which he will graduate-on Friday next.That his preparation has been thorgllp is evidenced by the fact that his admission to the Institution is"with out conditions." Decline of Man. ; Nervous "Weakness, Dyspepsia, Im potence, Sexual Debility, cured by "Well's Health Renewer." $1. Depot Jas. C. Munds. Conventions. The Democratic Executive Commit tee of Pender county met at Burgaw on Monday last and elected Mr. Bruce Williams a member of the committee, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. B. C. Bordeaux. The eomm it tee also requested that each township of the county should hold a meeting on the 17th of June to elect delegates to the County ponventtoQ. which is to be held at Burgaw on the ,19th,. when dele gates to the State, Congressional, and Judicial Conventions will be elected. At the same time an executive commit tee to serve for the ensuing year will be elected. Important Action . ! ! The Board of Managers, of the Pro duce Exchange met yesterday afternoon and among other proceedings the fol lowing action was had : Further action was taken by. the Board, looking to reduction of the rates of fire insurance. ' ! j It was recommended by the Board that business be continued until 4 j P. M., without the intermission now pre vailing at 1 o'clock, thus affording prin cipals and employes an opportunity I to close up the day's business at an earlier hour and obtAin j recreation during the Summer months. In the Sacred Name of Charity. The many votaries of Fortune through out the world are looking forward with eager eyes to the Grand Semi-Annual Distribution of the Louisiana State Lot tery (the 145th), to take place June 13th next, under the exclusive direction of Gen's G. T. Beauregard, of La., and Jubai A. Early, of Va., when over half of a million of dollars will be scattered abroad. jAnvone wanting to know all about it can Jearn by applying to M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La. The world famed Charity Hospital receives in in stallments a ri liilion of dollars from the Louisiana Stat e Lottery. U. S. Bene volent Fraternity. A Council of 1 this Benevolent Order was instituted .rn this city last night by Supreme Secri"rtary and Deputy Su preme President, Louis N. Hirshbcrg, of Baltimore, unde r the name of "Han over" Council. Th ere was a large list of charter members,, who organized by tae election and installment i of the fol lowing officers: i President John C James. Vice President Saml Beiir, Jr. Counsellor Geo. R. Dyer. , Secretary Jas. J?. Post, Jr. Financial Secretary N, Jacobi. Treasurer Wm. Goodman. Guide B. J. Jacobs, Jr. Chaplain Rev. S. Mendelsohn. Warden WJB Davis. Sentry T. B. Yopp. Judicial Examiner F. W. Potter, M. D. Trustees P. Heinsberger, Sol. Bear, John T. Keen. I This order was incorporated under the laws of the State of Maryland scarce more than a year ago, and is making rapid strides m membership -o"- - wMiftKI of asumnts. ana &s- one to five thousand dollars. Best ever made, Emory' Little Ca thartic Pills, pleasant to take, sugar eoated; no griping; only 15 cents a box ef Druggists or by mail. Standard Cur Co., 114 Nassau Street, New York. 8m d&w, . Stricken With Paralysis. It is with great regret that we learn that Mr. Levi A. Hart, one bf the old est and most highlyj esteemed citizens of, this place, was stricken with par alysis yesterday afternoon. The stroke extends along his entire right side. Kis condition is considered very critical and at 1 o'clock this morning the ut most fears as to the result were felt by his physicians. I The Fire Last Niffht. about 12 o'clock last night the alaxurof fire- was sounded' and a big glare which flashed up in the East be tokened a serious conflagration. It was caused by ' the burning of the livery stables oCBenj. Scotti colored, a large frame building; located on Fifth, be tween Mulberry and Walnut streets. The fire caught from within and. from an unknown cause. It spread with alarming rapidity and before help could arrive the buildings were all in flames. All of the contents of the stable, including the animals, were burned, except one mule, a calf and a carriage.! These were all that could be saved, so. fierce were the flames and so rapidly ' did they spread. It is said by some that there were be tween fifteen and twenty horses in the stable, but there is a more reliable re port! to the effect that there were but eight horses and two mules there, one of .the former being a fine animal, which belonged to Sheriff Manning. Scott, the proprietor of the stables, is absent, having gone to Baltimore to purchase stock J It is said that the sta bles and stock were insured, but to what amount we were unable to as certain. ,' ' ' list of Letters. The following is the list of unclaimed letters reinairiing in the City, Wednesday, June 7th, 1882 : A Fannie Avant. I B Ann Eliza Berdeaux, Carrie L M Baker, Clarracy Bradley, Clarra Bryant. Elizabeth Brown, Geo P Brdger, Isabella Bruice, MattieBoyed, Oscar Fiierfrman. O Walter Cannon, Rebecca Canady, Mary JC.CJulpeper, Lucmda Cannon, -bliza Chaddwick, Abram Cook. port, John L Davis, J J Dray, Gibbie DCiStt. i ' F Alex Ford, W. C. Fellers, Amaka Foskey. HAbbie Henry, Caleb Halsy (2, Dannie Howe, Washington ti High smith, Rev W H Howard, W C mil, W P Hicks, OL. Hicks, Mildred Hug- gins, .John Hooks, John W Hawkins, Ella Hill. " J W J Jordan, Tenah Jackson, Randall Jackson, Henry Jumdan, Belhe Johnson, Bnnkley Jenkins. 1 Li Adaulphus Linch, David Lock, F H Leggett & Co, Hagar Leak, James A Ixjwery, Maggie Lettlow, busan Lee, WTLucfan. I M Henry McCallistcr, Henry Mills, Andrew Merrick, Rev J C McKneil, Maggie McGill, Thomas E Mitchell. N Anton Navolrey, H L Nepville, Mollie Nicholls. O Eliza Orrell. P E Potter, Jessie Pope. I R W A Reuben, R S Rivers, J W S Robertson, J C Rowell. ' S tDonas Smith, Ann Swan, Christo pher Saunders.lEmanuel Smith. Henry F. -.-r4.L Il . O 1 tt o: spears,- xxamauiei ouarrow a ii oijii mons, Alice Smith (2), Rev C II Smith. W Abel Walker, Laura S Walker, Liddia Williams, Ixuise WaddeU, G W Wilson, Caroline Wheeler, RedinWhit- ed, John J Williams, Jennie Wash ington, Susan Walker. i1 Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say "advertised ;" if not called for within ten days will be sent to the dead letter office at Washington, D. C. Eo. R. Bkhoc. P. M. Wilmington, New Hanover County, N. C. , . " THE MAILS. Themaila close and arrive at the City Post office as follows : I CLOSE. I Northern throtigh malls, fast 4.45 P. M. Northern through and way mails.... 5.40 A. M. Raleigh....... 5.00 P. M. anl 5.40 A. M, Mails for the N. C. Bailroad and routes supplied therefrom lnclnd- i 5 ln A. & N. C. Railroad at. t 5.40 A. M. Southern Mails for all points South, daily 8.00 P. M. Western mails (C. C. Railway) daily, (except Sunday).. .5.00 P. M. All points between Hamlet and Ral eigh 5.00 P.M. Mail for Cheraw and Darlington Rail road 8.00 P. M. Mails for points between Florence and Charleston. .' ..8.00 P. M. Fayetterllle and offices on Cape Fear RiTer, Fridays ...J. .1.00 P. M. Fayetterille, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays.......;. ......5.00 P. M. Onslow C. II. and intermediate ofll , ces, Tuesdays and Fridays 6.00 A. M. EmlthTille malls, by steamboat, daily i (except Sundays). . &30 A. M. Mails for "Easy III11, Town Creek, SaaUotte and Little' Rirer. Tues days and Fridays. S.OOu L OPEN FOB DELIVERY- . Northern through and way mails. . . .8.30 A. XL. Southern Malls. 8.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad 10J3Q A. M. Malls collected from street boxes every day , at 3.45 P.M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. toll M.. and from 1 to 5J30 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp oScc Stamps for sale in small quantities at general delivery when stamp office Is closed. General delivery open from daylight to dark and on Bandars from to 9.30 A. XL, , ., ' Rheumatism, disordered blood, genes ral debility, and many chronicrdiseases pronounced incurable, j are often cured by Browne Iron Bitters. ' . - vi;y; vm It 1882. NO 137; 1 A Card. To all who are suffering from the er rors and indiscretion of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c, I will'send a recipe that will .cure you, free of ciiaroe. This great remedy was discoveretl by a missionary in South America." Send a self-addressed envelope to Rev Joseph T Inm an,. Station V. New York Citu. deod wCm. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Sale. QLD NEWSPAPERS. June 6- THIS OFFICE. Family Excursion ! ; O N THE STEAMER PASSPORT, FRIDAT, .JUNE 9th. Music and Dancing. Fare, romd trip, 50 cents: Children 25 cents. June 7 a i , J. W. HARPER. r Fancy Baskets, JplELD CROQUET, ' ' FABER'S LEAD PENCILS, " RUBBER PENHOLDERS, THERMOMETER AND BAROilER, GUITARS AD VIOLINS, " PIANOS AND ORGANS, ! FINE LEAGUE BALLS. At June HEIHSBERGER'S. Pig Fish and Oysters. I AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH Fig Fish and Oysters to my guests at Pine Grove, Wrightsvii: Come in and try June7-tf e Sound. them. . E. W. MANNING, Prop. Pig Fish and Soft Crabs A LL THE TIME AND AT ANT TIME -Ml . j . . . ' . ; when in season.. 1 4 MYRTLE GROVE OYSTER ROAST at anytime during the year. Accommodations and fare unsurpassed. Give u a, call. Sail Boat always ready. W. H. STOKLEY. may25-tf Wrightsyille Sound. Music and Comfort. - . 1 t : rjlHE - CELEBRATED AND EXQUISITE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINES f New England ORGAXSand ORGUINETTES. Come and see them at the New Home Office, (Be wise) : Respectfully, junc6-lwk. J. B. FARRAR. Lost or Strayed . JROM MY PLACE ON WRIGHTS VILLE Sound, one medium size red and white COW, and a black and brown colored COW, with brass tips on horns A suitable reward will be paid for their return or information that wui ieaa ro tneir recovery. - : Jubc 4 F. A. SCHUTTE. J. W. Knott jAYS THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR Itags, Iron, Copper Brass,' Lead,' Zinc, Bagging, ixmes, yy nive i'aper, uia sails, c., c. I Foot of New Market, WUmington, N. C. Capt. A. C. Moore 4s with us. june 2 -1 m 2 ; Jno. H. Giles. rpONSORIALf ARTIST AND MANUFAC TURER OF PERFUMES. Shop near corner of front ana uastie streets one but best work turned out. Frices reasonable. Give me a call. juneS-tf I 1 The People's House. ALS FURNISHED. AT ALL HOUR. Private families supplied at reasonable rates. I have established an ICE CREAM PARLOR in connection w ith the People's House. J. EVANS. I'rOD.. june S-lm . Dock near Front street. Insect Powder AND BELLOWS FOR USING SAME. Kill BcdbuKH, Roaches, rieas. Ants. Flies and insects of all kinds. Good for uslrie on uogs ana cats, imported and for sale in any quantity by 31UI BBOS., ' iJrnjrzUts. s Prescriptious prepared -at all hours of the day and nigbt. , , June 4 We Pull 1 TOGETHER AND SO KEEP UP WITH . our work, land are now ready to do yon a good piece of work on a new or old Mattress or your okl Furniture. We also supply Win dow Shades with Cord or Spring Fixtures, ana maae Zimmerman's uremnmsr Awnings, If you want any Paper Hanging look at the samples just received at , je 4 s. jEWtTTS, 27 N. Front Street. QHEESE 50 BOXES, 1 OTARCH-r 30 BOXES,! rpOMJLTOES-50 CASES, CANNED CORN, I ; - , f V PEACHES, c., Ac. - f -- Frtree Terr fcnr - ' i DeROSSET & COV White Bronze; THE UNDERSIGNED, AGENTS FOB THE Monumental Bronx Company, of Bridze Tort. Conn., invite attention to the work oliWw ed by them.' These saoaaunents are hvlestlluct ible, cannot be chipped, eanoot be thrown over &nd mav be had at one-half tbo price of stone. June Sim Prineesa St., near Second. FoTsthville. QN AND AFTER THE fiTH INST THE trips for Smithville, leavtogwharf foot of alar' and Wllmlncton at iJSO p. m. ., .i." mar 71a. - ' - Master asd Artnt, PLEASE NOTICE. ftomttfrltoaionlnayifllfb it teneiallntMtimt-r ' 4.44444444: w wrucr pus arvraTa do tar. nlshed to the Editor. i - . CommunJcatlonsnrost be Twrlttea'oa only oneskleof the paper.,- . I " .-I '-.;r PersoWjluemustbe ftvoldei' rsj M" And It Is especially ' and pardcoUrly tadcr ood &at tnc Editor doei nH slwftfs ra4ore he views of corresponxlcntai xm less, so Stated' i in tlc editorial colum mns J ejF NEW ADVERTISE3INTS. 1 f EUGENIE, FRENCH .ENGIJSJI I AND many oUier varieties of Ladieyiu4 Gcnt! TrunKs. L.-rre assortment Satchtela anil . ITmi Bags; secohd lot ExccialoV'luVnisVjulit' hr2 celvcil. . . , . , , .FuU line Saddlery Coods.l Prices the lowest at New Saddlery House. v - ? ; i H. M. Bowden & Cb June 4 ,. , r 40 MarKet seet, 'Decker Bro-siTmnnif r ; -t - ' " 4-4.(w jREI UNJUVAIED IN4 TONE; TQyCH anil finish. They are the finest Piana4 p to. trodticed hero. Call and see what k strictly Aiiax-viuss jriano is. ' .l . t ' . . iGeojlofrs; Organs,1;: ARE WELL-KNOWN AS THE Soiadard of American Organs. Cheaper Organs of other makes; on easy terms, at :' T' !- June 4 YATES BOOK STORE. Job Printing! T OW PRICES ! JLJ . . ; ... '!. i. ' GOOD WORK ! I'BOUFT I Ascertain prices atny office before hay lug your PRINTING done elsewhere! i i . . " ' -- , ..i1! I "Work carefully done for persons residing out of the city, and sent to them by i mall free of postage. E. S. WARROCK, ' ' : v . Job Printer, . Cor. Chestnut and Water St, Wilndngton N. C. The Traveling! Public rrriLL FIND AT HEADQUARTERS line Saratoga Trunks, 4 t Linen and Mohair Ulsters, ' . i - ' 'v- nd Raglans, LINEN COLLARS AND CUFFS, - !, . Gloves,'Tle, Scarfs, VAL AND OTHER LACES.' ' r Special attention Is called lo a ' .tolVALUCXS. TS LACE NECKWEAR I ' . J . fo bare the finest stock In the city. If you want somctlilnrr N'iCE Ju MaUinir. iuiu ivo wm pieaee yon. ! - junc4 - j R. M. McINTjRE. DINNA -FORGET; ! it m 'iff "!;'. ,; ' J ; 4.'-4 BROWN & RODDICK, ' ' K-ii ) .f..l. .1 ,' 4.1', ':'. ! '. 5nd 7 Nortn Front Street J f 'I THE EIGHMIE SHIRT, $1.00 Each.; ;- iENTLEMEN, REBrorBER tVE 'CARRY A . f. . -. J 1 . 11 a full line of the above CELEBRATEDsnjRT. ' . . i-. I' Jrhey w riroowiwd , hjZxuu t who iuve worn them to be the best fitting Shirt ever ln- trod need. The Patent Is the mort valoliTbie of anythliij ever tatrodneed , Into the Wfiwfsc-' turing of Shirts ; thar Is fully" suik-tiowfeaged by alL They fit any shape an J the Bosom ran ;: .Tr z,j At -1-14. WRr-' not be broken. fc . l ' HAVE YOUJEVER WOR OUlt' . j Duke of -Argylo f . i ' r '- en i . .-4' vaiojuux -aw XJU W ITH TliESL I We are ue i f BROWS & RODDiCK.