THIS PAPER ihel e,T cepted by JOSH T. JAMES, EDITOR AJfl PROPRIETOR. ... PPIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: SLI MOO Six months, $x.X. Tkree , rear f w- Ji ... , ,, One month, 35 cents.. The pair in any part of the city, at tbe aliove u ni ic nr iu r'uw r-- - r'-' Usinc rate low and liberal. . - ,u,ire their paper regularly, ttrra w LOCAL NEWS. IHDEX TO NEW AOVERTISEMEHTS. DTEB's-Local ad. , ..rMorf lleiD. fc JKWtii ML-xns linos-Insect Powder. YATliiI)ecker Bros. Pianos. (:erm3ni:i Lodge No. 4 K of P. jjl,IstnLr.'.Ki:i,ancy Baskets, &c. KAlfKKi: rans uu x aru- (, , 4rT0N Gil E, " ustr-oiina jouge. ol Honor. So far only about seventy dog badges hve ln sold- xWsjSi ; Tlir1" " fl'.oM fr to-day CnMon was to have lectured in ! ! (Ion nriojh. Lia't o?Mlini'. i i.vb - i l h receipts of cotton at this port yos- ('piny foot up only oaies. TV liftin hut slowly. ; of taxes is progressing, Why don't you list your .Steamship Erfnlator, Capt. Tribon, trriTed at this port yesterday from Kcw York . Elegant French Lisle Thread Hosiery in bright Roman stripes, can be had at Dyer's. t A little colored boy fell overboard at the Market dock yesterday morning, but was pulled out. . Wc regret to learn that Capt. Thomas Jacobs, of the steam tug Blanche, is ly ing quite sick at Smithville. "We trust he will soon recover. The Democrats of Greene county, in convention assembled, last Saturday, endorsed Capt. Swift Galloway. for So licitor, and urged his renomination. The only case before His Honor Mayor Smith Yesterday was that of Dick Martin, the apcordeon ficncT. He was fined and paid $5 for being disor derly. Tho bodies of the horses and mule which were burned on Tuesday night were removed yesterday, and the sceue of the late conflagration was thorough ly disinfected. Air. E. Peschau was damaged to the extent of about one hundred and fifty dollars by the fire last Tuesday night. His fences, cow sheds and other out buildingsfon which there was no insur ance, were destroyed. The attention of the Superior Court was taken up yesterday in hearing the eridence in"the case of Swann vs. L. A. Hart et al. One of the jurors was taken sick, and the case was postponed until Friday, the 9th inst. The reunion of Company K, 18th Regiment, will be held at Burgaw Sat- urday. There will be speaking, and the tales of the camp-fires will be told again. The festivities of the day will be brought to a close by a basket pic nic. To-Day. Capt. Joseph Bisbcy, of the steamer Minnehaha arrived in this city last -night. Capt. Bisbey left the steamer yesterday morning af Morehead. The Minnduiha is expected to arrive here this morning in tow of the Cutter. Exports Foreign. Nor. barque &ra;j,Colbensen, clear ed yesterday for Hamburg with 300 caiVsspmu turpentine eml 1,849 bar rels rosin, valued at $9,46, shipped by Messrs Paterson, Downing & Co rA-J tiling in the hardware line, can be found at reasonable prices at Jaco For the Pen. Iputj Sheriff Daniel Howard- will leave for Raleigh this morning, having m charge the .prisoners who were sen tenced to the Penitentiary at the last term of the Criminal Court.- The prisoners are Robert Robinson, lar ceny, fira years, and Murch Campbell, same offense, two years. County Work House. Yesterday Captain John n. Savage took out the prisoners who were sen tenced to tho County Houso of Correc n,atthc last term of the Criminal Court. They are as follows : Emanutl Haggctt, sentenced for. 30 Jys; Lcrx Walker, two years; Chas. U, 60 days; Daniel Oxendine, two Jeart. . t,! ever made, Emory's Little Ca Jzl Wis, pleasant to take, sugar r ' n. griping; only 15 cents a box "orby maif. Standard Cur g-gssau Street, New York. Best ijjLjnj VOL. tlf.1, '! .. WILMINGTON, N. C. THURSDAY. JUNE 8. 1882. NO' 138. The Rice Mills. The work oi" erecting the new Rice Mills at Washington, s. C, for Messrs. Norwood Giles & Co. of j this city, was commenced a few days airo under tho supervision of Mr. James F. Post. The building is to tie of woodjthree stories j high and 125 feet long. Mr. Giles will notgo to Washington until Some time in August, when the machinery will be setup. i Onslow County, At a mass meeting ofl the citizens of Onslow county, held at Jacksonville, on Monday, June 5th, Uudge A. A. Me lt oy and Mr. Solicitor Galloway were the ToITo w rn g res6TuTOnpvftOoptU : Resolved. we thoroiiffhlv an. prove aud heartily m endorse the course of our worthy Representative in Con- tps nrn -inn v ?srifirnirirft r r i ii r. . t D " ' u.v think his acts and course while in Con- grass stamp mm as wormy ot a re commendation Convention. by j the next County 3Iilitary Spirit in Monroe. ' i i The military spirit has reached Mon roe and permeated thoroughly the spirit of its young men. A, meeting was call ed there last. Saturday and the whole town turned out. Gen M. P. Taylor was present and spoke to the gathering. His speech seems to have had an excellent effect for it was resolved then and there to organize a new company which by this time has prooably been fully ef fected. The company, rank and file, will muster about 50 meja. 1 .- t i Personal. Colonel John W. Gordon, of RicbJ mond. Va., was in I the city yesterday. He has been rusticating on j the Sound, at Captain Manning's place, for several days. Captain Van Richardson, of Col im bus county, Chairmali of the Executive Committee of the Third Congressional District, and Mr. A. C. Huggins, Clerk of the Superior Court in Onslow coun ty, are-now in the iity and registered at the Purcell House. Making 3Ierchandise of Our Beauties. An enterprising nurseryman of Pas saic, N. J., has had af gardener in our neighborhood for 'the ast twos weeks gathering plants peculiar to our region. Among other things hej got ; 300 fly traps, many spoon iilies(Xanthasomas), and some Summer iris, but the biggest haul was 1,200! rice fiekk blue bells, j Iook out now for the ladies who order plants from pie Northl "Next year they will get j a catalogue with a cut of a beautiful new flower with the sounding name of clematis crispa (blue bell blue jessamine) willingly paying 50 cents to $1, whereas J a half hour's walk to Little Bridge would secure many of them for nothing. It is a pity to make merchandise of our beauties. The Fire Last Night. We stated in Yesterday's jiss'ue that Benj. Scott, the proprietor of the livery stables which were burned on Tuesday night, was partially insured, and we are clad to know now that we were correct. He was insured in Messrsr John W. Gordon & Co.'s ' Agency in this city for $3,050, a follows: $250 on stable building, $150 on stable and paint shop in the rear, ig 1,750 on car riages, &c., $50 on stable and office furniture, tools,! &c., $50 on hay and other leed and &8Q0 on horses and mules. This does not, however, cover the entire loss. ) 1 The origin of the lire is still a great mystery. . A colored man by the name of George , who wa in charge during Scott's absence ifrom the city, says that he. locked ijip -and went off home about 9 o'clock and that at that time there was so sign anywhere about of fire. There were eight horses and - - t i ,; f one mule burned alive, one of the horses having been the property of Sheriff Manninr. the others aud the mule all belonging to Scott. One mule was saved but he is badlv. burned Freshwater Perch.Trout and Black fish hooks and line. A full assort ment and lowet prices at JjLCOBi's.f - X ! We are sorry to report that Mr. L. A. Hart's condition is no better. He is very low and his physicians thought last night that he would not live until morn ing. 1 i , . A Card. To all who are! suffering from the er rors and indiscretionof youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c, I will send a recipe tbat will cure you, free of ciiabge. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to Ret. Joseph T. Ixman, Station D. New York Citv. deod w6m. DAiLT Fisherman's Iaick. A party from this city 'went on a fishing excursion to the Inlet yesterday and were quite fortunate in catching a good supply of the finny tribe. Mr. George Doyle, one of the party, had the good luck to haul in a steamb oat which he has very generously divided with some of his friends. Stray steamboats are not usual in these waters, but when they are floating around loose Mr Doyle is perfectly willing to take them. in out of the wet. The s steamboat was a fish bv that name. Nomination Tendered. It will be seen by our telegraphic dis- nominated by the Liberal-Republican- Democratic-anti-Prohibitionist Con , i vention now in session at Raleigh, as their candidate for Judge in this Judi cial District. , -1 Mr. Darby received a telegram from Judgo Russell at U o'clock last night but has as yet made no response. We do not see how he; can possibly accept, and we do not suppose that he will. . , j A Handsome Publication. We thank Col. A. Pope, General Pas senger Agent of the i Associated Rail ways, for a copy of a really very hand some jpublication, handsomely gotten up and handsomely illustrated," entitled "The! Summer of 1882 Among the Health Resorts of North Georgia and Western North Carolina." It is gotten out by the Richmond & Danville R. R. and in addition to the beautiful illustra- tions an(J the interesting descriptions which accompany them are some very interesting statistics in reference to the water powers of Virginia the Carolinas and Georgia, a list of the timbers grown in those Statep, the mineral re sources, manufactures, etc., which will at once attract the speculative commer cial eye. The publication will have a very wide circulation. Through some mental hallucination, hard to account for, our noon market reports of spirits make sales ai 41 cts, a gallon, when it should have been 42 42 . - - - - '-. ' . i : . i The Democratic Congressional Com mittee for this, the Third district, will meet at the Purcell House this morn ing to select a time and place for hold ing the Nominating Convention and for transacting such other business as may come before it. . 1 There is a schooner unknown. in below, name To Guilders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. 1 ; t , : THE MA1XS. I Themails close and arrive at the 'city Post office as follows : . CLOSE. Northern! through malls, fast 4.45 P. M. Northern through and way malls. . . .5.40 A. M. Raleigh 5.00 P. M. and 5.40 A. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad and routes supplied therefrom Includ ing A. & N. C. Railroad at 5.40 A. M. Southern Mails for all points South, daily 8.00 P. M. Western mails (C. C. Railway) daily, (except Sunday) 5.00 P. M. All points between Hamlet and Ral eigh 5.00 P.M. Mail for Cheraw and Darlington Rail roads .. 8.00 P. M. Malls for points between Florence and Charleston. 4 8.00 P. M. Fayetteville and offices on Cape Fear River, Fridays. i 1.00 P.M. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays 5.00 P. M. Onslow C. II. and intermediate offi ces, Tuesdays and Fridays 6.00 A. M. Smithville mails, by steamboat, daily (except Sundays) .....8.30 A.M. Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shallotte and Little River, Tucs- davs and Fridays. 6.00 A. M. ! " OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way malls. . . .8.30 A. M. Southern Mails 8.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad... U. 10.30 A. M- Malls collected from street boxes every day at 3.45 P.M. I , Stamp Office open from 8 A. M.o 12 M., and from 2 to 5.30 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. I Stamps for sale in small quantities at general delivery when stamp office is closed. -General delivery open from daylight to dark and on Sundays from 8.30 to 9.30 A. M. Salt. Salt. 1 I i . - 1 50 TONS AGRICULTDTSAL SALTj 15 000 I4VEKFOOL, SALT. 1 200SACKS rt!?E TABLE 8ALT 500 SACKS COARSK ALUM SALT, Fine Table Salt in small pockets. New Crop Cuba Molaaea, 22Qnhdi Tierce and Barrel New crop Cuba, Porto Rico, Old CrrpJ Cuba and Nectar Syrup for sale at lew price. June 4 j "TfTLLARPg." D. A. SMITH & CO. jyjANLTACTUREBS OF ANDDEALKRS W CHAIRS. - BEDSTEADI AND rUBNITUlUS. Large stock, low price and bet quality of good. !. A call and examination la rwpcetfuily solid ted. apftWy lEYIEW. Throwing Broken Glass in the ; Streets. j Editor Daily Review: Allow me to call the attention of tho city authori ties to the increasing daily violation of the law, by throwing broken bottles and pther fragments of glass in the streets and roadways. The law is sufficiently stringent but the execution of it has been neglected so long that its violation is now of daily occurrence. T. . Frank Leslie's Sunday Mafja V sine, j The number for July presents suet attractions as to commend it to public favor and insure increasing patronage. The opening article gives an exceeding lynteresting history of "Martha'sVine yard" land has seven illustrations. i St. Petersburg, the City of Contradic- toJ Hervev ( twenty illustrations). v 2 ' The Society of the Red Cross (six il lustrations), "Some of WomanRights,' by Rev. Dr. Talmage, Kompert's Stories of Jewish Home Life,' and "A Visit to Abbottsford and its Vicini ty" are some of the prominent features There are serial and short stories (by Marion Harland and other popular writers; some admirable sketches and essays; poems by Longfellow, P. Bourke Marston and others, several of them tastefully illustrated ; and an abun dance of other good things that we have not space to particularize. "The Home Pulpit" ha3 a sermon by Dr. Talmage, "Lost Sheep." "Religious Facts," -The Collection Basket," "Information for the Curious," etc., etc., are exceedingly interesting features. The price of a sin gle number is 25 cents, or $3 per an num, sent postpaid. Address Frank Leslie, 53, 55 and 57 Park Place, New York. ! JSTThe well-known and popular au thoress, Marion Harland, begins a new serial entitled "A Good Fellow," in the August number oi Frank Leslie's Sun day Magazine, written expressly for it pages. , ; "Kougrh on Rats.' Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants, bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 15c. Depot! IIEI. 1 THOENHILL Near Bonham, Pender Co., N. C, on the W May, 1882, Mr. W. II. THOENHILL, agd 67 years. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Carolina Lodge, No. 434, ' Kxligh.'to of EConoit .... SPECIAL MEETING TO-NIGHT at 8 o'clk, for the purpose of Conferring Degrees. CLAYTON GILES, Dictator. Geo. N. Hjlrriss, Rep. june 8-lt , Germania Lodee No. 4, K.ofP. i BRETHREN : You are requested to meet at your Castle Hall this (THURSDAY) eve ning, at 8 o'clock. Business of importance, june 8-lt By order of C. C. More Help HAS BEEN EMPLOYED AND WE IN tend to employ more when the work de mands. We mean to serve our customers without unceoessary delay. Send in your Up-j holstering, Ac. 1 I je 8 S. JEWETT'S, 27 N. Front Street. For Sale. HEAD OF VERY FINE BEEVES, just &) from the Cane Brakes. Can be seen at my Plantation, in sight of the Navassa Facto ry, fifteen minutes ride from the city. Qome and make your selections, and in one hour I will have them in Wilmington. ! june 8-2t I F. M. MOORE. Fans and! Parasols. i "N ADDITION TO MY ALREADY LARGE and elegant stock of MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, I have received another large assort mentof SHELL, R. and B,, LACE and TUS CAN ( HATS, BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS, TRIMMINGS, FANS and PARASOLS, Ac. : i Respectfully, MISS E. KARRER, june 8 Exchange: Corner. Family Excursion ! o N THE STEAMER PASSPORT, FRIDAY, JUNE 9th. Music and Dancing. Fare, round trip, 50 cents ; Children 25 cents. june7 2t J.W.HARPER. Pig Fish and Oysters. J AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH Pig Fish and Oyster to nay guests at Fine Grove, Wrlgbtavllle Sound. Come In and try them, june 7-tf E. W. MANNING, Prop. Pig Fish and Soft Crabs A LL THE TIME AND AT ANY TIME when in season. t MYRTLE GROVE OYSTER BOAST at anytime during the year. Accommodations and fare unsurpassed. Give u a call. Sail Boat always ready. W. 1L STOKXEY. ! may 25-lm Wrightsrille bound. Lost or Strayed npBOM MT PLACE ON WRIGHTS VILLE bound, one medium size red and white COW, and a black and brown colored COW, with bras Up on horns- A suitable reward will be paid for their "return or information that wifl lead to their recovery. . -Jna4 , r. A.SCULTIX. NEW jOVERTSEMENTS. Butter. i A FEW PACKAGES (Large and Small) of the very finest. JQQ PACKAGES ALL QBADZS. Consigned and most be sold. : i une 4-tf i DEEOSSET & CO. When at Smithville I JJROP IN AND SEE WHAT 1 HAVE. Best ot Wine, Liquors! COOL BEER and Cigars. Canned Meats, Sardines, etc. lor lunch. k i D. DAVIS. june 4-1 m Near Court House. Music and Comfort. ritHE CELEBRATED AND EXQUISITE England ORGANS andORGUINETTES. Come and see them at the New Home Office. (Be wise) Respectfully, juneG-lwk. J. B. FARRAR. J. W. Knott jpAYS THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR Rags, Iron, Copper, Brass, !lad. Zinc, Bagging, Bones. White Paper, Old Sail, &c, Ac. Foot of New Market, Wilmington, N. C. Capt. A. C. Moore Is with its. june 2-lra Jnoi H. Giles, rjlONSORIAL 'ARTIST AND MANUFAC TURER OF PERFUMES. Shop near corner of Front and Castle street. None but best work turned out. Prices reasonable. GivemeacalL june 2-tf j j The People's House jyj-EALS FURNISHED AT ALL HOURS. Private families supplied at reasonable rates. I have established an ICE CREAM PARLOR in connection with the People's House. C. EVANS, Prop., june i-lhi Dock near Front street. Insect Powder AND BELLOWS FOR USING SAME. Kills Bedbugs, Roaches, Fleas, Ants, Flies and Insects of all kinds. Good for using on Dogs and Cats. Imported and for sale In any quantity by MUNDS BROS., Druggists. Prescription prepared at , all hours of the day and night. june 4 Fancy Baskets, jplELD CROQUET, ." FABER'S LEAD PENCILS, j. RUBBER PENHOLDERS, THERMOMETER AND BAROMEK, ; xxx x . auiw 1 ..-. PIANOS AND ORGANS, I. FINE. LEAGUE BALLS. At june- i HEINSBERGER'S. Do You Know -yriiy a -woman always looks hp py on Monday morning ? If not call at I CRAPON & PICKETT'S I . 1 1 and find out. Our "Mother Hubbard Laundry I Soap" is the best in the city. ! I I ' .-1 No boiling Clothes necessary, it save labor and fuel. . Full directions accompany each bar. Try it. To be had ONLY at CRAPON & PICKETTS. - I . 16 and 18 S. Front St. june 4-tf ' Best in Town "yyE CAN SHOW THE1 PRETTIEST Kid Button Boot for La dies' Wear. j to be found in the State. We do display the largest stock of Boots and Shoes In town. - We.seU better goods and give more for your money than any house dealing In oar line. Try us and see if it is not so. , GEO. E. FRENCH A SONS, june 4 ! 39 North Front sL) New Arrival 1 QF TABLE LINEN GOODS. BARGAINS in Turkey Red and White Damask Doyla and Napkins. Handsome Colored Border and Mourning Handkerchiefs. IN DBESS GOODS DEPARTMENT : 30 piece Lace Banting, at 12' cts per yai. t Ulster Linens Embroidered Swiss, Lace Striped EcruyPique. Alo another instalment of 6c Lawns. may 23 I JNO. J. HEDRICK. Third Congressional IMstrict. Mcctins: of j the Exccutivo Committee. WniTEVILLE, N. C, May 31, 1885. rpHE MEMBERS OF THE DEMOCRATIC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE f the Third CoDrelonal Ditrirt, are requested to meet at the PURCELL HOUSE, in the City f WU mlngtonLon THURSDAY, the 6th day of June. lt2, to fix the time and place for . holllnr the !miTentlon to nominate a. eruHAmt - graca, and transact such other busine a t'-J VVIW MV4 . , j,. V V' RICHARDSON, jtoe:l-dwM . Chalnaan. PLEASE NOTICE. We wUl U gUd j9 reealre communlcaUoa from our friend on any and all anbject of general Interest but I Tba nam of the writer mvti alwa ra be for. xnb43d to tha Editor. Commruilcatlon mutt ' b on side of the papar. wrlttan on only Peraonallttea orait f avoided. And It la especially and particularly under tbod thai toe Editor does not always endorse b view of correspondents c&leti o stated In theediiorial cohwuis. ! . - 1 XEW APVEKTISiacyTS. Saratoga,! jjgUGENTE, rEENCn. ENGLISH AND many other rarieti of Ladle' anil Cenfa Tnaika. Larr aaaorlxaent Satchels and llanv. Bagi; aacond lot Excelalor Uarna t)xt it ceivad. ! - . i rullllna Saddlery Good. Price the loWe4 at Nw Saddlery Houm. .:-;! j.-'-,. H. M. Bowden & Co., JMW ' 40 Market street. vDecker Bro's.1 Pianos, A BJ: UNBJVAIXD IJI TONE. TOUCH wni - . , i' . . - trodoced here. Call and cee what a strictly-FIRST-CLASS Piano 1. ! Geo. Woodjs Organs, RE WELL-KNOWN AS THE Standard of American Organ. Cheaper Organ of other makes, on easy term, at '.( " ' ' 4 YATES' BOOK STORE. Job Printing ! JOW PRICES.! j GOOD WORK I JPROMPT I i ! ! Ascertain nriccs it'nrAffiMtwfAMio.. Ing your PRTNTTNG done elsewhere. . nJfmfl,?? uily done f0' P"ona residing out of the city, and sent to them by mall free of postage. E. S. WARROCK. Co- Shu ni StL witolngtonN. C. P. O. Box 402. f t apl4 The Traveling Public yiLL FIND AT HEADQUARTERS Fine Saratoga Trunks,1,! I Linen and Mohair Ulsters, and Raglans, LINEN COLLARS AND CUFFS. Gloves, TI cs, Scarf, Ae. VAL AND OTHER LACES. Special attention is called to a ,1 .. , NEW LOT VAL LACEfl. IN LACE NECKWEAR i We have the finest stock In! the olty. 3VEA.TO?nsrC3rS. . V. anf something NICE in Mattings, call and we will please you. i jnne 4 ,- R. M. McINTIRE. INNA FORGET ! BROWN &; RODDICK, Snd 7 North Front StrMt. - . I ' . o : THE EIGHMIE SHIRT, , $1.00 Each. Q.ENTLEMEN, REMEMBER WE CARRY a fall line of tbe above CELEBRATED SUIBT. . ' i - They are acknowledged byaLL who hara worn them to be the best fitting Shirt ever la. trodaced. The Patent Is the most valuable of anything ever introduced j Into j the manufac turing of Shirt :4tt Ufullyj ackaowledged by alL They -ft hap and the Bosom can. not be broken. HAVE fOU EVER WORN OUR Duke of Argyle SHIRT COLLARS? Ton require NO TIE WITH THE We are the Sole Ageou for the above. BROWN i RODDICK. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. X5and 7 North jFront St Jt . . ' '

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