" " - . .. . . - 1' : ' yy ... ; y -y,-.v yy - ;y:: y., y- y, . --v:y yy' yyyy y.v;.. , - . ' v. fef rrarAPEK . . . " - Y" ' t - y4. W ', ,i Y, ' Y;XY : ' . 1YY ". "r ' r 'V' ' i ,rn. . ; ' "Tiro ft a tt r J Tmrnnni w-. .PTIONS POSTAGE PAID: rf' J s:v mouth. $2.00. Three nU' ' ;,. slivered by carrier. Iree --.-i .,r the citr. at tD ai.Kve u .... . - i --Tiber 1 - ,1 i ,-nri TO W ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 1 TTT-raitrllaug 1 in T Ti'I,;l',!roS' Ratios. Dictionnrvi " ; ,,f rotn yestrdaj lV.t? S. Y.' tip ' new l"r:is d to se ill tin? streets to-aay. ii ........ We : . f , .kit win IW,H1 !lu ! tnsf'. H is perfect Mf itf Imxl matfrial. ! The ,. , ... Tuini .tntfi nwr r on- tho Titv Hall, has been tilled up. X ..ibstantial -'"'or now tonducts the in, W. Shackelford is in the B res'i stored at the I'urcell II .n. Waj.Johu C. Winder, General Man. s;er of the Seaboard Hne3, was in the : city yesterday. ! The graduating exercises ol the be-; nior Class of the Tileston Normal School will take place at the Tileston Upper Room this evening. Messrs. Edwin W. Kerr and Joha I). Kerr, of Sampson county, were in the city last night, en routerfor the rail road 'meeting at I'oint Caswell to-day, We are authorized to state that Mr. F. If. Darby, who has recently been nominated for Judge of this Judicial District by tho "Liberal" Convention, will not accept the nomination. In reply to a question, U. S. Treas urer Gilfillan has written that United States coins, affected by natural abra sion only and not mutilated in any way, must be received by government offi cers at their faco value. . Don't Die in the House. "Rough on Rata." Clears out mice, roaches, bed-bugs flies, molos, chipmunks, gophers. 1 6c. rats, anta, It is stated that frequent observa tiona have tended to show that the year that ends with 2 is generally extremely wet. The present year seems thus far to have partially verified this state mentbut we will wait to see what the hot summer and early fall ' months will be in this Jcspect. Tho same authori ty also says that years ending with 0 and 1 arc very dry, which was tnic of the past tvro years. Exports Foreign. ier barque 2inXCapt.Langhcinrichs wleami yesterday for Triume, Austria, with 3,176 barrels rosin, valued at $7, 650, shipped by Messrs. E. Pcschau & Postponed. All of the cases of Swann ct al., UgaiDst L. A. Hart, J. C. Bailey and he vestry and wardens, of St. James' ctarvh, haveliecn postponed until the next lerm of the Suprcrior Court, on siavunt of the illness of Mr, L. A. Hart. . " ; City Court. OlKiliah Jenkins, disorderly conduct ; j -r 1 days. " ' ! Angi P.uffalo, tho luny woman who applied for lodging a few nights ago, was arresjed for disorderly conduct,, but was discharged. Jas. llolden. a small colored boy, who had been arrested for disorderly conduct, was also discharged; v Motion Granted. The-motion to remove the case of Virginia B. Matthews vs. I). R. Mur- ehison and others, from the Superior Court of New Hanover count v to l lux TT S. Circuit Court at Raleigh, was argued 1 m that city Wednesday and the motion was granted. The motion to appoint a Receiver for the road will be heard at the Novem ber term of the U. S. District Court irt this city. Vo Builders and others Go to Jaco 'k's fox Sash, Blinds and Doors, Gdass, f- Vou can get all sizes and at" the weat prices. t Ke-Election. a meeting of the Congregation of Temple of Israel, held in the vestry foonasofthe Synagogue, a few days Ko, the following officers were re-clect-d to serve for the coming year: " President Sol. Bear. - mco President A. Weill. ' Treasnrer-H. Brunhild. becreUry-J. I. Macks. directors Messrs F. Rheinstein, S. Fishblate, Wm. Goodman, 31. M. ,H.H.Kasprowicz. VOL. VI. Charged VTith Larceny. I I John Johnsou. coorect, was arrested vnd taken before Justice Millia yestor jdayona warrant, charging him with I tho larceny ot a watch,, d worn j out by Henderson Davis. .JobaLson wad ac I nitted and discharged ( and the case "-"m i-- Dfivi apicalcd to the Criminal Court. I To Close at 5 P. 31. I An a2rcmenl to contiiina business until 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and then to close for tho day. In accordance I ' s with the recommendation of the Board of Managers of the Produce Exchange, yesterday .signcd.by twelve "oftfie "most nriiininpnt houws on Water Streets agrccjnent is to . go into effect on - uonuay next, me mn inst, r Ieathof an AjredLiady. Mrn. Li ney 1'ope a la(iy of "very ad vanced years, died at the residence! ot her son, Capt. Pope, section master i on the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, near Burgaw, on too 1st inst. Mrs. Popo was 90 years of age, having been bern in Sampson county in the -year 17W. She was the- mother of 13 chil dren, six of whom are now living. Three years ago she was stricken with. paralysis, and since that timej she has been as helpless as a child. She was a member of the Baptist church, and died in full communion with that church. In Port. The steamer Minncliaha.in tow of the putter, arrived in port about 12 o'clock yesterday, and! was put to her dock at the loot of Market street. The crew and pilot repoft very severe weather during the past week ; two or three times they h.ad but little hopes tx3KT she could live through the storm J The steamer attractec quite j a crowd when she arrived. Sue Js a schooner rigged craft, has two cabins, one for ward and one aft, which are supplied with comfortable seats,5 cushions, etc. The steamer needs'some paint and look ed a little dirty yesterday on account of the bad weather through (which ishe passed. The accident to her machinery is not as bad as was feared. Shi will be thoroughly repaired and will in a few days take her place -on the rivor. Of -the officers of the revenue! cutter Co1faxt Lieutenant John U. Rhodes, commanding, the officers and crew of tho Minnehaha speak in ihe highest terms. The crew of I the disabled steamer were broken down with fatigua and unable to work longer. Engineer Hall, of the Colfax, was v put on the steamer, when he did everything in his power to save her from the impending dangers with which she was threat ened, even going so far as to pass coal and fire her. Lieutenant Rhodes con duct is spoken of as being very gallant. The Minnchaha As said to be a good sea boat, and stood thotonh in a beautiful manner. I , Meeting of tho Executive Com mitted Tho DemocraticExecutive Committee of this, the Third Congressional, DiS; trict. met in this city yesterday in the parlors of the Purcell House and was called to order by. Capt. V. V. Rich- ardson, the Chairman of the Commit tee - Tho ' 'following gentlemen were present, viz : Capti, A. C. Huggins, of Onslow; Dr, Matti Moore, of Duplin, proxy for D. Bascom Nicholson; J.jAl Ferrell, of Sampson; Capt. .A. W. Reiger, of Brunswick; Maj. D. J. De vane, of New HanoverJ; Maj. T; D. Love, of Bladen; Capt. V. Richardj son, of Columbus, also proxy for H. R. Horne, of Cumberland, J A.? VVorthy, of Moonv and Dr. E. Porter, of Pender. Carteret and Harne represented. t counties were not i Warsaw was selected as the place for holding the Nominating Convention and the 20th of July as the time. The following resolution was! unanimously adopted: - . .Resolved, That the thanks of this Committee be tendered to Capt. V. V. Richardson, the Chairman of .his Com mittee, for the energy zealousness and ability with which he had discharged his duty in the last general election. And this also: Mil Resolved, That the- - Chairman of this Committee be requested to j solicit re duced rates, for delegates, from steam boat and railroad companies, in atten ding tho Convention, ill The plan of organization of the Exec utive Committee of the tate for elect ing Congressional delegates was recom mended. 'Ir ' ; ! The thanks of the Committee were extended to frt Perry for courtesies shown them, . j ' I The meeting then aAjourned We regret tc learn that thern is no improvement in Mr; L. A. Hart's con dition. - WILMINGTON, N. C. Another Concert. The pupils of Mr. E. YanLear'aschooi j will gire a concert athe Opera Rouse in a hort time Several ladies and gentlemen, . including the Arion Club, j ha yi been invited to take part. Wo un-! derstand that the proceeds of the con- j cert will be given to the Ladies1 Benev- olent Association. 1 Correction. The following resolution was passed at a mass meeting of the people of Onslow county, held at Jacksonville .on Monday last: Jiesolvetl, That we thoroughly ap prove and heartily endorse the course ot out worthvpjrdjtaU vermin.- COD-r . vuuu ?t . ouiUACuum, iuiu 4 imus. uit acta aim course wane in vxn- gress stamp him las worthy of a re nominatiou by the 1 next Congressional Convention. We published this resolution on Mon day, and republish it to-day, as there was a uerious error" in it, I not of our making,' as we had followed the copy. It reads all right now. i The Revival at jsursraw. The meetings held in "the Presbyterian church at Burgaw, during several weeks past, came to a close last Sun day night and the Evangelist, Rev. C. M. Howard, is now engaged in conduct ing meetings at Mt. Williams Church, i A friend at Burgaw writes to tells us that this has been the greatest revival ever known in that section of country. The effects will no doubt be permanent, for it has been conducted with more cautionboth with adults and children, than is often the case. Hasty profess ions! were discouraged and persons were not jroceived into the church during the stay of the evangelist. Crowds came mas never before and new inquiries were made every night up to the last. Over 100 persons haye decided to make profession, mostly adults,; many young men and heads of families. I Our correspondent adds: "We can but think of the fact that a few weeks agoja terrible cyclone passed within a few hundred yards of our little town, tearing down houses" and great trees of the forest and changing the appearance of everything that was in its way; and to-day we see that a mighty spiritual cyclone has entered our town and torn down the evil spirit of wickedness, and profanity and the lips that cursed and took God's name In vain an heard in the prayer meeting willingly and cheer fully tittering most devout and earnest prayers at the throne of Omnipotent Grace." , Capt Wilkinson's Account of tile Storm. j - The storm through which the Minne liuJia passed mnst have been terrible in its effects and appalling to think of. Capt. Frank Wilkinson gav3a the fol lowing: "WelL yon know it blowed; we was corning along hugging' the lee shore of Hatteras when we were struck by a sou'wester blowing a gale from thonor'east. Just about that time the construction pin which works on the connection withThe main shaft worked out and the wheel spun around like a top. I By that time the sea was high as the mast just look at the mast, ain't they beauties but we had to see if we had earned away the propeller ; well, I just lowered myself by a rope and went down under the boat and looked about the propeller and saw that ishe was all right; 'fore I knew it, the waves carried hie way off to the starboard of the larboard watch and I swam around for nine hours 'fore I could catch ap with the boat again. When 1 1 got aboard I was powerful hungry, and I commenced to look around for some grub, and I found it was all gone. So overboard I went and swam to Hatteras Light, east half east by sou to west, Well, I got a good square meal, anjl telegraphed for grnbj because I knew the boys couldn't stand it, and then swam back and took charge of the boat. It blew pretty tolerable hard now, and don't youor- getit; but it j didn't scare me, 'cause when we were in the Arctic ocean I got used to it. You orter have seen Jeff Smith and Ed 3urris; it was a circus to me to see how badly frightened they were. Well, she's here now, but if it hadn't been for me, I don't know what would have become of her. Anything in the hardware line can be found at reasonable piioes at Jaco BTS j : ' t There is to be a large mass meeting at Point Caswell to-day in the interest of the Point Caswell & Clinton Rl R. Quite a number of gentlemen in this city, in response to an invitation from Capt, R. PAPaddison, will go up this morning on tho John Dawson, FRIDAY, JUNE 9. 18821 Music and Calisthenics, The exhibition given by the pupils of Misses Burr d: James' school, at the Opera House last night, was one of tho moat pleasant entertainments of the; kind it has ever been our good fortune! to witness, barring one cr two draw. backs, of which we shall apeak before we close this article. There was a large audience in attendance to i greet and give encouragement to the pupils, and the latter looked lovely and interesting as they thronged the stage. They num bered, we should judge, about seventy five, and their ages would range from eight to. Utu year.' A Urp major- vjti luit pupil werw jounj lauitns nuu j Dt1sftbere"1 dozen boys among them. The exercises were carried out with much spirit, and remarkable prompt- j ness. fcThe. "clapping exercise," the 'fan drill" and the "broom drill' were all Jexcellently well done, the two latter being both very interesting and amus ing. The marching and counter-marching were fine and would do credit to old soldiers, while the manual of arms; in the "broom drill, was better than old soldiers could do wijth such an awk ward implement of warfare. But then, a. broom is a woman's weapon, and, as a matter of course, she should be ex pert in its use. ' I A very touching and impressive por tion of the entertainment was the reci tation of Father Ryan's beautiful poem, "The Conquered Banner," by a young lady pupil, who held in her hand a fold ed Confederate flag. The vocal Jpart of the entertainment was good, and the instrumental portion (what we could hear of it) was also fine, and in two or three instances ex ceptionally fine. There was so much talking, however, among the audience that it was impossible to hear some of what -we knew, to be the best passages. In the two last ipieces this annoyance was excessive, and while the portions that we could hear showed that the fair instrumentalists were playing most difficult pieces with a precision 0f move ment, delicacy of touch and skill of ex ecution that would do credit to a pro fessional, there was 1 much ; of both pieces that was entirely lost to us Tho above takes care of drawback number one, and the others were that the performance commenced too late and continued a little too long. The principals of the school deserve, and we are glad to know that they re ceive, the commendation and praise o the citizens of Wilmington for their un tiring efforts and well directed zeal in the cause of education. Capt. John 'M. Robinson, President of the Carolina Central R. R., arrived here on Wednesday morning from Ra leigh, in his ! elegant private car? and left that night for Portsmouth. DIED. J BELL In this city, yesterday afternoon,! at t.SO o'clock, LIZZIE LEE, aged 8 months and 17 days, daughter of Samuel R. and Mary M. The frlenda of the family are Inyited to at tend the funeral thla eTcnlng, at 4.Sp clock, from the residence of her parents on Sixth be tween Nun and Church streets, thence to the Cemetery' I . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Paper Hangings F ALL GRADES, I ROM. is r.n. roll to 25 dollars per roll, can be bought a i s. JEWETT8. 27 X. Front Street You will not hare to go North to get nice goods in this line. Look before you buy. Noye's Dictionary Holder. rpHIS IS ONE OF THE HANDIEST things out for holding WORCESTER'S and WEB- i STER'S Unabridged Dictionaries, at HEINSBERGER'S. Another Supply OF COPY PRESSES, I I I MUSIC BOXES, I FIRST CLASS PIANOS AND ORGANS, On the eay instalment plan, at June 9 HEINSBERGER'S. rJevv Goodsl Shuda Cloths and Nun's u Veiling, (Slagle and double width, black and colored.) Ladies' Linen Collars, White, Colored and Mourning several good styles. j - Hoop Skiris, Just m to-day, 50 to 75 cent. . LINEN AND MOHAIR CTSTEE3, I I SARATOGA. TEUNES, sixes 52, M, 36. jna9 1 B, XL McTNTIRE. NOT 139. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Butter- A FEW PACKAGES (Larfo nod Small) of the verr finest. - 1 i 100 TACKAGES ALL r.KADE. Cusigveil and iuut be -sold. T f June 4-tf - i kD eKOSS ET & CO. QUEESE 50 BOXES. ARCH-200 BOXES, rpOMATOE3-iO CASE'S, CAJSNED CORN, PEACUES, .Jtc, Ac. l'ricea verr low. , I jane4.tf UeEOSSET Jt CO. When at Smithville ,1N AND SEE W J IAT I HAA'E. Wines, Liquors, K COOL BEER and CigV Canned MeaU, .Sardiues, etc.l for luncr J..D. DA VI Si june 4-im T Near Court House. Music and Comfort. rjlHE CELEBRATED AND EXQUISITE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINES New England ORGANS and ORGUINETTES. Come and see them at the New Home Office. (Be wise) Respectfully, -1 June 6-lwk. J. B. FARRAR. J. W. Knott JAYS THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR Rags, Iron, Copper, Brass, Lead, Zinc, Bagging, Bones, White Paper, Old Sails, &c, &c. Foot of New Market, Wilmington, N.iC. Capt. A. C. Moore is with us. I juno 2-lm I The People's House. M EALS FURNISHED AT ALL HOURS. Private families supplied at reasonable rates. I have established an ICE CREAM PARLOR in connection with the People's House. i C. EVANS, Prop., i juneS-lm Dock near Front street. Insect Powder AND BELLOWS FOR USING; SAME. Kills Bedbugs, Roaches. Fleas, Ants, Flies and insects of all kinds, i Good for using on Dogs and Cats. Imported and for sale in any quantity by MUNDS BROS., 1 1 Druggists, i Prescriptious prepared at all hour of the day and night. . jjune4 ratoga, jp-UGENIE, FRENCH. ENGLISH AND many other varieties of Ladies' and Gent's Trunks. Large assortment Satchels and Hasc Bags; celved. second lot Excelsior Harne ssjnst it Full line Saddlery Goods, f Prices the lowest at New Saddlery House. H. M. BoWden & Co., june, 4 40 Markot street. Decker Bro's. Pianos RE UNRIVALED IN TONE.jj TOUCH and finish. J They arc the finest Pianos ever in troduced here. Call and ce what a strictly FIBST-CLASS Piano is. ;: , ' Geo. Wood's I Organs, RE WELL-KNOWN AS THE Standar of American Organ. Cheaper Organs of other makes, on easy terms, at june 4 YATES BOOK STORE. Job Printing ! JTOW TRICES I ' GOOD WORK I - PROMPT I Ascertain prices at'Uy office before hav Ing your PRINTING done elsewhere. , JSWork carefully done for persons residing out of the city, and sent to them by mall free of postage. E. H. WARROCK, ! Job Printer. Cor. Chestnut and Water SL, Wilmington N. C. P. O. Box 402. apl 23 Do You Know i. i ., w IIY A WOMA2 ALWAYS LOOKS hap py on Monday morjilng ? If not call at CRAPOX A PICKETT'S and find out. Our "Mother nubbard Laundry - -; II--'.. I . Soap" is the best In the city. No boiling Clothes necessary, it saves labor and fueL Full directions accompany each; bar. Try it. To be had ONLY at , ' CRAPON A PICKETTS, . 116 and IS S. Front St. june 4-tf Best in Town -yyE CAN SHOW THE PRETTIEST Kid Button Boot for La dies' Wear. - '-! ' to be found in the State. We j do display the largest stock of Boots and Shoes in town. We sell better good and give more for your mosey than any bouse dealing In our line. Try us and see if It U not so. GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS, Jane i ZH North Front ft. . r LEASE NOTICE. We will be glad to rccrfre comaaunliatloat ' from our fxleada on any and all-tabJecU pt general Interest btxt The name of the writer must ahrart be fur nlsbed to the Editor. Communications moat b trritiaa sm oalj. one aide of the nr.cvJ - - rorsonaUtlea iauat be avoldctl. i And It la specially ahd particularly onder- stood that the Editor doea not always endorao ho ievrsof corrrspotidfnti tmlicfes In the editorial column. .. so sUted XEV AIVERTISE3rXT. SUMMER GOODS ! AT iiV. IVJ. K A T z s, J - S MARKET STREET, i Extraordinary Bargains ! ! DRESS GOODS! i A LL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IX I SAT- ins, Stirrah . and Brocade, Silis.- Molro An tique. Tinsel. Eoule, Xun'a VciUnjr, Bcnsahno Buntings, all wool Beige?; Lawn, Seersuckers, ; Percals, &c Ever so many styles auH shade with Trimmings to match. : . I. White Goods In every style, texture and quality possible. Pique, Tucking, Linen and Linen .JawnB. Embroideries In Cmbries, Nainsooks and Swis unsur ijasauu in ormansnip ana nce. f. Laces -, Imported from almost every'J'TOuntry, bought and sold as special jobs. i ft2a I n ! . GLOVES ! 1 HOSIERY ! . CORSETS ! HANDKERCHIEFS, COLLARS, -i ' I SCARFS, RIBBONS, ,1 i VILLNGS, CREPEING 1 , & CREPE VEILS, 1 FANS, PARASOLS, In endless variety and astonishing Low Prices. Housekeeping Goods ! v LINEN & COTTON SHEETINGS, DAMASKS, Napkins, Towels,1 MEN and BOYS' WE Alt, LADIES' GENTS' & CHILDREN'S GAUZE MERINO UNDERWEAR, "rl " . In thort everything dcs.rablo for an outfit, and at Prices that defy competition, i Call and 6ave money by patronizing IWiH3. KATZi apl 30 36 AlARICET ST. For Sale. .1; HEAD OF VERY FINE BEEVES, just &J from the Cane Brakes. Can be Isoen at my PlanUtiou; in sight of tho Navaiwi Factory-, fifteen minutes ride - from the city Come and make your selections, and In one hour 1 will have tltetn in Wilmington. I . jnne8-2t F. M. MOORE. Pans and Parasols, JN ADDITION TO MY ALBEApY LARGE and elegant s,toek of MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, I have received another large assort -raentof SHELL, R.anl IL, LACE and TUS CAN HATS. BEAUTIFUL !fLOWERS, TRIM3IINGS, FANS and FAKAfcOLS, U. I I Respectfully, I MISS E. KAKRER, unc8 Exciliangd Comer. Family Excursion t X THE Y i STEAMER PASSPORT. I . .-.i . FRIDAY, JUNE JHh. Music and, Dancing. Fare, round trip, 50 cents; Children 25 cents, june 7 2t J. W. HARPER. Pig Fish and Oysters. AM NOW PREPARED TO fErnish x ! i , Pig Fish and Oysters to my gu?U at Pine Grove, WrlgbUvIlIe Sound. Jj ' r Uome in ana tryihem. juneT-tf E. W. MANNING, Prop PigFishand Spft'Orabd JIJ THE TIME AND AT ANY TIJ when in season., E .MTirTLE GROVE OYSTER ROAST at anytime during the year. Apc?uiEuoiation ami tare unaurpa-L Gir Ui! a call. Mil iMai always reaay. w. JI. fcTOKLEY". may 21m WrUhtsvilti Sound. New Arrival QF TABLE j tlNEX GOODS. BARGAINS In Turkey Redj and White Damask Doylas and i ' '! :- i Napkins. TLaUome Colored Borlcr i and Mourning IlazKlkerchlefs. " , : : - -,1 ' ' ' i . J-' : IX DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT : SO pieces Lace Banting, at 12! CU per yaiu. J ; i - , g. i . . -LTter linen; EDjroIdemi SwU, i I " i' Tr,; , Lace Striped Ecrn.Piueii. , " AlbO another msUlsicnt of $c Lawn. . ay , JNO, J. HEDUICK,

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