rLEASE NOTICE. erery momlns, Moad7 cx- j ... 1 - i - We will be glad j to receive commu&JcatloBJi from our friends on any and all subject of general interest but j The name of tho writer. xnut always l fur nlsbed to the Editor. ." ' , I '.. Communications must be written, on only one Eide of the paper. " : . . Personalities must be avoided. And it is especially and particularly under stood that the Editor docs not always endorse he views of correspondents unless so state d IVj" ASI PROI'BIETOK. -..TTf (HvJ nlsS POSTAGE. PAH tt;Bt" 42.00. T Three f -nr rrt- one month, 35 teuts. U'' rl be delivered by carriers free : i-rt f tho dt5. at thc K)TC ! - T '.' i-r work, i . ft !f 1 .... WILMINGTON, N. G., SATURDAY. JUNE 10. 1882. ri-iH,rt any aii.1 all- fall-; Jj. V i. u!r'rl .....ir i.aiier regularly, - NO. 140. in the editorial columns. . - - - i . ,....-. T- . ; ----- ..-- . .. I V ' I I- ... i i r j j I .iBEl TO NEW ADVERTISEMEXTS, I? TFDecker Bros. Piano I lNKK..nXoye s Dictionary j j ' i haVs of cotton recen ei annus , hardware liiw can . 3t reasonable I7riee at J ACO b foam- T t-1, pifiah have beenbrouht .t:, market durins: the past iew-t Tvrpptv-fizlit- linns on Water street 'tar? sifHl tllL' 2"L'em.eilt to close husi" k i). m. on and after next J ! I of tho Knights and Ladies of H.urvill be instituted in this city nt Tups dav -evening. There . are sMit fifty charter members. jer , ..',, ti. f'orrilinfi lros Assoeia i . A:,.,. i.n in Rsinn nt Mar.oit this wees, paiu a. jlci Jay to Waccamaw Iake. The Superior Court was occupied all ot yesterday niuiniujj m jicuh mo tions on the docket, and at 1 o'clock adjourned until this morning. The Court will probably be in session all of next week. . Dr. A. J. PcUossct returned to the city on Monday night from New York where he went for the purpose of being present at the ordination to thc Priest hood in the Protestant Episcopal church, of his son, Rev. F. A. DeRosset. ,. - t .. , I5r. barque Contest, Capt. Anderson, cleared at this port to-day for Bristol, England, with 1,250 casks spirits tur pentine. Tallied at $30,500, and 2,189 barrels rosin, valued at $6,500, a total value of $37,000 for the cargo. Dr. S. A. Richmond & Co.," the Samaritan Nervine men who have been advertising pretty extensively in some of our exchanges, are frauds of the first witter. They are, in fact, first-class y-oundrcls who have never been known !o pay au advertising bill. "Buelmpaiba." Quick, complete cure, all annvinr fvidnev. Bladder and Urinarv Diseases, $. Druggists Depot, James C. Mimds. River News. We are informed by steaniboatmen : that a- few days ago there was some freshet in the Cape Fear river, but that it has now subsided, and is falling be-, low the point it held before the freshet boiran. A Large Orchard. Capt. K. P. Paddison has the largest. orchard at Maultsby's Point, about '20 miles above this city, in the State. He r it has between 5,000 and 0,000 peach trees, under live years of age, and 1,200 apple h tree j. All of his trees are loaded down with fruit and we are dad to know that is realizing handsomely from then! i ..-..,! e Told You So. At the Republican Congressional j Convention t,.i.i o.i. . J ' Hizabetlitown. Bladen -county, Sheriff tannine, of thi nitv u-'' ,n,in ,,. . vlVi v" OLU lui-i a anent chairman, and M. X. Lear nrv j ' ,? Jtrmanent Secret arv. Mr. W Cann,v x.-., , ' i . j "-iiwuunaiuu lor nepresen-),paid wive to Congress, without anv oppo- sition. The action of the Liber il Re anblican -Demrx-ritie ,tn, iav " Convention n I 'v r,hrtnUGn ?ntion at Ralei dorseil. The Committee on-Resolution. were not prepared to "resolute " w they were granted further time. The Mon cupied but a very few Iiours w every delegate was of the unani jaons sort, causing everything to go though with a rush, to the satisfaction f the wire-pullers and tho salvation d glory of this g-r-r-e-a-t and galori yhepublic. . Magistrate's Court. v -nmus Delaine, colored "Justice Millis uHuo me larccuv 40Q1 the lam! rrf m, ?ncriot beinir deemod nmt ea.i:i .wui, uscnargeu. - noon ,?mf ny "wa then arraigned 0 p p Char-e of Greeny from Mr. thi,'' Sr- The allegation in the ,v f that Mr- Parsly had bought th fs a hired Delaine, to haul lter i Place n the So and the u one lQad and delivered them d butthe remainder he haul- V' G' Parsley-Jr- until tvv casc was Postponed errnU- d in niean with ndantis Paying chequers tr -til Et windows of the A The steamer John' Jiawsoh left this yesterday morning for Point Cas- well, uavmg on board Messrs. A II. van ivKei:iJ. v,. r.. omim. ,1. vJ. I .1-1 1 4 n 4 . . -w- McKoy, K. W. ! nicks. goL Samuel Samuel Bear, Jr., II. 1 -w - 1 . I ( ttruniiiw, t. v. Kerchner, . L. jMeaaows, ot this city, and Messrs. JE. V . Kerr. John D. Iverr and J. "A. Ferrell, of Sampson Thc party left to j attend a mass meeting of the subscri bers of the Point Caswell and Clinton Railroad, and "of course a rIeView re porter accompanied thcm.Tlle tripup the rirer wass nleasant onei ahVTtnesteani CI litUUOl III lilt! lllLlllU LtTUIlUUS Jl LUC railroad, in due time. ; A good crowd were in waiting to meet the boat and her jjassengers, and after the j delegates disembarked and walked about: ex chdnging ideas for about an hour, the crowd assembled at die stdre of Mr. John R. Paddison. Th meeting was called to order by that zealous work- Capt. R.P. Paddison J Mr. John D. Kerr was called to the Chair,: and Messrs. H. Brunhild anfl J. H. Eerrell were selected as vice officers, and Messrs. W. B.McKoy, !J. R. Paddison and J. N. Henry actedj as secretaries. Mr. Kerr, in taking thej chair, ex plained the object of the meeting ancl srnfpil rvlsr tbaf it was called with a viewot ascertaining it the pres ent subscribers would change their sub scription from an iron to a fwooden rail road. " The Secretary read a letter from Mr John Colville giving mueh valuable in formation as to the building and equip ping of a wooden railroad, and shewing its practicable use. ' . ' Upon motion of Hon. Ai II. Van Bokkelen, a committee was appointed to draft resolutions exppessive of the sense of the meeting. The chair ap pointed the following gentlemen : A. II . VanBokkelen, S. Bi Andrews,, J. Ci. Stevenson, Dr.'Jno.'R. Hawes, 'Dr. J. F. Simpson, and Capt R. P. Paddison. During the absence ot the Committee Mr. E. A. Kerr was ' called upon and spoke earnestly in favor oil th0 enter prise, showing the probable cost of con struction and thc Iprobablc receipts of the road. Mesrs C. E. Smith, F Wi Kerchner, J. C. tcvensou, R. W. j Hioks. Sanvl Bear Jr.. Duncan! O'Han- j Ion and W. B. McKby were tailed upon and made "brief speeches, urging the building of thc road, andfshowed their faith in it by increasing their sdbscrip- tions. . The Committee on Resutions ap peared and reported, through their Chairman, lion. A. II. VanBokkelen, the following, which; was unanimously adopted : I j Mesolved, That an effort having been made to construct a railroad from (Clin ton to Point Caswell witli iron rails, and Wiieueas, After an earnest enort to aise a sum sufficient for such purpose, appears impossible, on account ot the h price ot iron rails ana ine present ancial condition of this Section, apd fin Wttiti?v. a. A l.irtre sum has 'been raised, and it is the sense of the subn scribers to the original enterprise mat -r. ' .. . f .,. a wooden railroad will do the work for the present, and leave in the bauds ot the company a net earning sufficient to Put down annually five or six miles of iron track, at the same time keep up tl, m,lor'tronennrtfit.Jn!i,nn thft roadL and iifthe opinion of this meeting in an other seven or eight years the company can completo and equip an iron road from Clinton to Point Caswell at a cost oi oo,uuu, stock iuuscnpuuu "J .n, with addition ot net earnings, which will be worth $200000 free from incumbrance, and willl be owned and controll id by the original stockholders. Jicsolved, That the Chairinad of this meeting appoini auuiuonai couiuui teem en from Clinton to Point Caswell which, with those already appointed, shall solicit further subscriptions for the building and equipping of a wooden road from Clinton to Point Caswell, to con nect with a line of steamers from Point Caswell to Wilmington, and to bbtain the consent of those who have already taken stock in an iron road,' to change the same to stock in a Kyooden , road ; said committee, with the committee heretofore appointed, shall report to and snhWt to the call of the uresent chairman of the committee in the city l(Wthnll hnvn Wn snbsnrihinL for the Vpx: of effecting a permanent or- jm1117!, mn 0t tu i inton. I'oinc vas- rt i m 9 z . .1 -ri x ,ilirni,, J of H llmington, whose duty it shall De to r cau a meeting oi an ine suunutis ui mis enierpnse, to ue iiem i -i-j oi wood . H l mimrton as soon as the sum ot szo,- Weil te Wilmington K. Ki ana rueam aoat Transportation Co. j Resolved, That from I information, obtained from men who have had prac tical experience in the construction and equipment of wooden railroads, it is the opinion of tins meeting that a wooden, railroad of sufficient capacity to do all the work required ; can be built and equipped in good working order for the sum of $50,000. Those of the subscribers present came forward and changed their subscription from the iron to the wooden railroad, and most of them increased their sub scription, 'j The following, gentlemea i wore ap- pointed al committee in compliance j with the above resolution : J. W. S. iRobinson. Thos. J. Hobbs. Marsden Peterson. J i J. Bronson.Livingstou llrtTinir. A. J. licn'insr. H. K. Shaw. w - m v v ' ! deo. S. Beatty, E. A. llawes. Thos. L. Pugh, J. C. Robinson. I The meeting was very enthusiastic and harmonious, and the Point Caswell -and Clinton Railroad is now looked upon as a fixed fact beyond peradren- ture. It was determined by the com mittee that the road should be built without debt. Mr. F. W. Kerchner, chairman ot theVilmingtoncommitr teVHas set apart Giarsday , Jane 22df as the time when the New Hanover," Pender and Sampson should report, and as soon committees as their re- ports are in, with lists properly signed. an organization of the company will be made. I : At a called meeting of the delegates on board the steamer John Dawson, consisting of Messrs. A. H. VanBok kelen, F. W. Kerchner, E. W. Kerr J. A. Ferrell, Sol. Bear, H. Brunhild, J. C. Stevenson1, W. B. McKoy, W. L. Meadows, it T. Alderman, Samuel Bear, Jr., Geo. N. Harriss, C. E. Smith, R. W. Hicks, Mr. A H. Van Bokkelen was called to the Chair and R. W. Hioks was requested to act as secretary. Mr. F. W. Kerchner stated the object of the meeting. On motion tlpe following committee, consisting of Messrs. McKoy, Stevenson and Mead ows were appointed, and the following resolutions, drafted by them, were unanimously adopted : Aboakd Steamer John Dattsox, Ox the Trip Down, Black Rivek, 9th June. 1882. Resolved', That whereas, Capt. Pad4 dison, of tbe steamer John Datvson, did so generously tender his boat to the subscribers of the Clinton & Point Cas well Railroad, and so kindly and assid uously entertained us on our triD. we lds guests, express our appreciation of ins atwjiiuon anu me interest ne.nas sTiownJin the enterprise, and hereby ac knowledge that the success of the meet ing to-day was mainly due to his exer tions. 1 Resolved, also, That a copy of . these resolutions be presented to Capt. Paddi son by the Chairman of this meeting, and that the Daily Review and Star be requested to publish the same. ' How Is It? Our nautical reporter has paid a visit to the steam yacht MinncJialia, and, as the result of his observations, he says that she is a trim little craft and that when she gets new reef-tackle on her scupper gaskets, has her lee , taffraii gammoned amidships, her garboard streak belayed I to windward and her main royal fiferail stowed in the after nightheads, she will be all ready to take passengers up and down the river at a pretty good jog an hour, ' 1 ' 1 I The sole agents for the "Monarch" shirt are Dvek& Sox,Tailorsand Hab erdashers. , t Death of Mr. Hart. It is with great regret that we chron icle the death of Mr. L. A. Hart, one of the oldest, most enterprising and most highly esteemed of our citizens. He had been sick for some little time past and on Tuesday last was stricken with paralysis, from which he never re covered. He died yesterday morning about 4 o'clock, surrounded by the mem bers of his family. '-Mr.. Hart was born in Southington, Conn., August 7, 1809, and was conse quently nearly 73 years of age. He was a descendant of Stephen Hart, who epiigrated from England to Cambridge, Mass., in 1632. Mr. Hart came to Wil mington about 1838 or '39 and embark ed in the tinning business here with Mr; S. P. Polley, who sur vives him, and who is now a resident of Cromwell, Ct. The firm did business in the building on South Front street now occupied by Messrs Parker & Tay lor. The operations of the house were gradually "enlarged and in 1858 Mr. Polly retired and Mr. Hart became as sociated with the late John C; Baiely in the foundry business. Mr. Hart was very successful in all of hfs busines ventures and as a iconse quence had amassed a handsome com petence. He has been known for many years past as one of the solid business men of our city. He was a man of large heart, of genial manners in his intercourse ..with others-and of strict business integrity and his death will be sincerely regretted by all who' knew him. ' The funeral services wjll take place this morning, at 10 o'clock, from the First Presbyterian Church. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bins for Sash, . Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. - ' I f . .. . ' . For tho Keiew. Captain Swift Galloway for So licitor. Me. Editor : The near, approach of the Judieial Convention to be held at Magnolia, J unc 27th, renders proper the agitation of the question who is the best man for our next Solicitor. From information received from various portions of the district, it is evident that Captain Swift Galloway gives great satisfactiomand is entitled to a re-nomination. It is the! general voice of the Democracy of the district that he will add; more strength to our ticket than' any man we could select. He has made a faithful and efficient officer, and Is one of- those bold, eloquent, magnetic men who, while a terror to .violators of the law, carries the masses with him wherever he goes. Wo need such men now as solicitors as well as standard bearers of the Democracy in the coming campaign, in all these lower as well as upper counties of the district, he is evidently the. choice of the people, and ought to be nominated by acclamation atMagnoltaon the 27th inst. Let us show Such a . united appreciation of this gallant soldier, able officer, j high-toued gentleman, good .Democrat, ana true friend of the people.. 1 Pender. June 9th, 1882. THIS MAILS. ( Themails close and arrive at the City Post office as foUows : ; CLOSE. - ' ! ' Northern' through mails, fast ...4.45 P. M. Northern through and way mails.... 5.40 A. M. Ralelarh 5.00 P. M. and 5.40 A. M. r Mails for the N. C. Railroad and routes supplied therefrom includ ing A. & N. C. Railroad at 5.40 A. M. Southern Mails for all points South, 1 daUy 1 8.00 P. M. Western mails (C. C. Railway) daily, ' 1 (except Sunday) 5.00 P. M. All points between Hamlet and Ral eigh 5.00 P. M. Mail for Cheraw and Darlington Rall i road 8.00 P. M. Malls for points between Florence and Charleston. 8.00 P. M. Fayetteville and offices on Cape Fear i River, Fridays 1... 1.00 P.M. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, dally, 1 except Sundays ....5.00 P. M. Onslow C. n. and intermediate offi ces, Tuesdays and Fridays. 6.00 A. M. Smith ville mails, by steamboat, daily (except Sundays). 8.30 A. M. Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, S hallo tte and Little River. Tues days and Fridays.... 6.00 A. M. ; OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails. . . .8.30 A. M. Southern MaUs ..8.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad 10.30 A. M. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 3.45 P. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5.30 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. Stamps for sale in small quantities at general delivery when stamp office is closed. 1 General dllverv open from daylight to dark and on Sundays from 8.30 to 9.30 A. M. The unbappy wlf& who stuTtera from the petulance and ill humor i of a ner vous husband, should i name the real cause in her complaint to the court, or remove that nervousness by presenting the defendant with Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills. ' DIED. HART In this city, June 9th, 1882, LEVI A. HART, aged 73 years. Friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral at the First Presbyterian Church, at 10 o'clock, this (Saturday) morning. XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Carpets and Matting PUT DOWN OR TAKEN UP. PLENTY of hands ready to do thc work if orders are left at ! I S. JEWETT'S, 27 N. Front Street. Upholstering, Mattress Making, Paper Hang ing, Window Shades at same place, Awnings too. i june 10 Commercial Hotel Wilmington, N. C. M. SCHLOSS, Prop. piRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. i 43- First-class Bar and BILLIARD SA LOON ATTACHED, apl 27 A New Lot O F HARNESS JUST RECEIVED AND FOR sale low. I have full lines of Trunks and Va lises at prices to suit thc times. 43- Repairing executed neatly, and with dis patch. I j J. H. MALLARD, accessor lo'Mallard & Bowden, may 21-tf J " No. 8 Front Street. Scarborough's Saloon and Restaurant! T7TBBYTHING FIRST CLASS MEALS AT all hoars. Qea a Lodging. Everything gua n ted as good as .s .n the city. j i Bar is supplied with the best of Liquors. 1 Board by the month........ $1$ 00 Board by the week... , 500 Board by the day. . . ... . . 1 1 U And yoa cam get "your meals any boar of tha day. R. J. SCARBOROUGH, No 8 South Water St- a33- PUECELL HOUSE. -TJNDEX NEW MANAGEMENT. j WILMINGTON, N. C B. L. PERRY, Proprietor. Late Proprietor Atlantic HoteL First Clara in aU Its appointments. Term f2.50 to $4 per day. febS-tf CD. Morrill. TJNDERTAXER, CABINET MAXES AND CARPENTER. Ofiee aad Work Shop on Sec- ond street, ppoaite Soctherland's stable. - Refpectfalry solicits orders asd guarantee good work, prompt deUvsry aadssturartiomin tvry retpect. i- saylt-tf XEW AmRTisEMiprrs. Kerchner & Calder Bros., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . I - 1 - AJC0 Dealer in GROCERIES and FERTILIZERS. GENUINE "GERMAN KAlNfT apl 2S-tf ON FIAND. Decker Bro's. Pianos A1 KE UNRIVALED IN TONE, TOUCH TONE, They are the finest! Pianos ever in- and finish. troduced here. Call and see what a strictly fFIRST-CLASS Piano is. i Geo. Wood's Organs, RE WELL-KNOWN AS THE Standard - I . of American Organs. Cheaper Organs of other makes, on easy terms, at June 4 YATES BOOK STORE. Worth & Worth. O FFER AT LOW PRICES TO PROMPT buyers : I 10,000 Bushels CORN, 1,000 do.. MEAL, 500 Barrels FLOUR, 150 Bags COFFEE, 100 Barrels SUGAR, 100 Boxes BACON, 100 Bales HAY. 250 Hhds. and Bbl. NEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES, 2,000 Bbls. LIME, CEMENT & PLASTER, 1,000 SPIRIT BARRELS, I New and second hand. rjTobacco, SnuffLSoap, Lye, Potash, Matches, candy, cancues, Jaoop iron, ria is, sc. sc. mayl4 NOTICE. O N AND AFTER MAY 1, 1882, I SHALL dlscontuiue the sale of. Wines Liquors and Lager , Beer And shall confine myself exclusively to - v i ' sale f 1 1 ' ' . ' Family Groceries. i Should be pleased to receive tha orders o our cltiaen. Respectfully, apl2S JOHN L. BOATWRIGHT. $75 VilJJL BUY A GOOD BUGGY AND No. 1 HARNESS. The buggy is a Sidebar Top, cost $125 and has not been used since being thoroughly overhauled. The harness cost $3G and is almost 'new. For further particulars address M. T. J., Lock Box 581, City. I may 2t Don't Forget fJIHAT I KEEP FULI AND COMPLETE Stocks of Drugs and hate ingredients to fill ANY PRESCRIPTION. Full stocks of Patent Medicines. Prescriptions compounded any hour of thc night. F. C. MILLER. Stores : Fourth and Nun Sts., Fourth and Han over Sts. may 2l-tt Lost or Strayed JjlROM MY TLACE ON WRIGHTS VILLE Sound, one medium size red and white COW, and a black and brown colored COW, with brass tips on horns- A suitable reward Swill be paid for their return or information that will lead to their recovery. June 4 if. A. SCHUTTE. , To Make Home Beautiful H AVE YOUR WALLS K ALSO Ml NED with ' cur superior Tinted MarbcUne in, all ' ' I ..- . I fi shades; it costs a fourth thc price of PaLntinx and is. both durablo and beautiful; can refer - - ' . you to some of the best woTk In tbe city, j i . . . . Our Extra Pare White Lead and Paint w are selling as Iowa Inferior grades'are offered. l SASH, DOORS AND BLIND?. " ; ' I -- ', 1 At Factory . Prices. Agency for the celebrated EMERALD AND ZEB VANCE H COOKING STOVES. Our large line of Hardware t well knewa and wa are every day receivinf; supphaa Give a call at NA.THANIEL JACOBTS, Hard ware Depot, Bayfi tf NEW AD VEKTISE3INTS. SUMMER GOODS ! AT . RI. ai. KIATZT'IS. 11 38 MAIUvET STREET. i . - . i ' . . ' . I : Extraordinary Bargains ! DRESS GOODS! , A tli THE LiVTEST NOVELTIES IN SAT- ins, Surrah and Brocade. Silks. Moire An tique, Tinsel. Eoule, Nun's Veiling, BengaLna Buntings, all wool Belprcs, Lawns, Seersuckers, Percals, sc. Ever so many styles and bade witli Trimmings to match. White Goods in every style, texture and quality possible. . - l I 1 jrujutr, xucKing, xnen ana uncn iawns. Embroideries In Cmbrics, Nainsooks and Swisses unsur piwseu m v orKmansnip ana rrlce.j Laces Imported from almost everyjTOuntry," bought and sold as special joba., i GLOVES ! ! HOSIERY ! .' ii. m j m r a i - j a v x . .. II I I ft 1 111 I 1 I HANDKERCHIEFS, COLLARS. i SCARFS, RIBBONS, I I .VEILINGS, CREPEING S & CREPE VEILS, FANS, PARASOLS, In endless variety and astonishing Low Prices. . i . i TT-. ri . . 1 1 nuusrjKeepmg vjooas I LINEN & COTTON SHEETINGS, DAMASKS,' i NapMns, Towels, 1 MEN and BOYS' WEAR, LADIES' GENTS CHILDREN'S GAUZE MERINO UNDERWEAR. I In short everything desirable for an out It. and at Prices that defy comjctitlon. Call and save money by patronizing ' IUJ.rJ3.KATZ, apl 30 3G MARKET ST. : : : 111' Noye's Dictionary Holder. rjiHIS IS ONE OF THE HANDIEST things out for holding 'WORCESTER'S " and WErt STER'S Uuabritlp;cl Dictionaries, at , . HEINSBEEGER-k t Another Supply COPY PRE: ESSES, I"' -USIC BOXES, MUSIC BOXES. I! FIRST CLASS PIANOS AND ORGAN'S. On tho easy Instalment plan, at ) J June 9 j . HEINSBERGER'S. Fans and IParasols. I-N ADDITION TO MY ALUEADY LARGE and elegant; stock of MILLINERY ami FANCY GOODS, I have received andther large aasort mcnt of SHELL, R. and"' It.; LACE anJ TUS CAN HATS, BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS, TRIMMINGS, FANS ami PARAfI, Ac. 1 Iiefejoctfully, j MISS E; KAUREK,. Exchange Comer. Jane 8 Pig Fish and Oysters. AM NO W . PRE PARED Td FURNISH Pig Fish and Oysters to my gueU at Pine Grove, Wrightsville Sound. Come in an trthem. junc 7-tf K. W. MANNING, Prop. Pig I-ish and Soft, Crabs jLL THE TIME AND AT ANY when in season. . (ME. V MYRTLE GROVE OYSTER ROAST at anytime daring the year. Accommodation and fare unsurpassed, i iive m a call. Sail tsoat always reauy. w. U. STOKXEY. WriibUville Sound. New Arrival QF TABLE LINEN GOODS. BARGAINS in Turkey Red and White Damask Doylas and Napklna. Handsome Colored Border and Mourning Handkerchief . - I1 IX DRESS GOODS rJEPAETMENT : ' i i . 30 pieces Lace Banting, at 12 ct per yart. i Ulster linens. Embroidered Swiss, I , Lace Striped Ecru.' Pkj ties- . , , Also ant&er instalment of (c Lawns, znay JNO. J. UZDSICK

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