It ft c:iTti. Its origin nif'.'-tatmn- v;i.ioiu. jjc'hv, .'".!"?V -VK KIDSKV and liver- WA!Nhl ,.,,.; ijf. I j Hl.tiiH priiifjp'.. It thr.t v 95 Per Cent- fi,w f :' iterated kidneys and i it -irikt s ut (inw at the root of the 'Ttt:. Tli' 'l'iin-nt- of which it is rom Mi:' . iiv tin n tlie jrri'Mt organs, loth t 1 1. 1 I'i If I-' I? "nil tv 1.1 M-itl-r L . .ii i.,-ritMuitio.i. drive disease ant I T-J lr.Mih! caused by ,.. eM lut -'-.MV Ii--.-lT f Women; for 4i trn.m-1 ' '' i'"-: ; : i i-.. iuLU'.O'is ciiinMcliims raid -r,,ii..lvsil.!.---ll'r.-i.- . H l . I!. WAI'NKK'Jc ")., . ,pill Im ..... lioche.-U-r, N. Y. i NOTED I5CT FNTITLKH WOJLAN. fFroM the Eoetoii Clobe. Mttrrt. Editors. Th boTe Im pood llkcnc83 of Mrs. y!ia E. rini: fcam, of l ynn, Mass.. who above all other human be inpa my bo trothf ally called the '"Dear Friend of Woman," Ajioma of )ur correspondents love to call her. Clio ii aloa,!;y devoted to her vrork, which is the outcome cf life-study, and 13 obliged to keep six lady Aslstahta, to help her answer the large correspondence which daily pours in upon her, each bearing its special ImrJpn of ufTerinff, or joy at release from it. Her Yetrftable Compound is & medicine for good and not ril pnrposcs. I have personally investigated it and am satisfied of the truth of this.' On account of ita proven merits, it recommended and prescribed by the best physicians in tho country. One ays: "It works like a charm and ssvos much jviin. It will cure entirely the worst form of falling of tho uterus, Lcucorrheea, irregular and painful Mrntruation,all Ovarian Troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration, Floodings, all Displacements and the con sequent sipLoal weakness, and is especially adapted to the Change of Life." , i It permeates every portion of the system, and gives new life and vigor. It removes faintnes?, flatulency, detroys all craving for stimulants, and relievos weak ness of the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indigestion. That feeling of bearing dowm, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times, and ondftr all circumstances, act in harmony with the law that governs the female system. It costs only per bottloor sis f or C5., end Is sold by drvsgg'urts. Any advice reijimias to Biscial cases', and the named of many who have lieen restored to perfect health by the use of tho Vegetal le Compound, can be obtained by addressing Mrs. 1., v. iili stamp for reply, at her home In Lynn, Mass. For Kidney Complaint of either sct this compound is unsurpassed as abundant test imonials shcv. "3fn rinkham's Liver Tills,',' says one writer, "are thtbttt in the world frr the cure of Constipation, BUiouness and Torpidity of the liver. Her Blood Purifier works wonders in Its special line and bids fair to equal the Compound in its popularity. All must respect her as an Angel of Mercy whose sole ambition is to do good to others. Paldelphia, Pa. (?) lira. A.M. D. UIE BOOK FOR THE TIMES ! On that sails. "THE WnMFN PF MnPMniilM " DO torV Of the Tlctima lhfmlr ' Wl!n- trited. AGENTS WASTED 4w WM. SHEPAJtD, 338 Broadway, X. Y. " EVERY OWE STUDYING Mucin Will . ... JT, - . ' . U W I U uianie miormaiioti r Ki;i; hv send ing; forcireular to E. TOUIMEE, liotoil, Mass. TJipprj LMT ROVED HOOT HE Ell, '2.V,. u-ll CO package makes 5 pallons of a deli cious, wholesome, sparkling temperance bev "au A.3k ronr li?jrit. or sent bv m'ail for Lk. t L. lUliES, 43 N. Dela. Ave. Philada. niay 17 tw PARKER'S gtSSiecp Ikvt Health and strength Uestoier Tsed. ib otnplaint of Women and diseases of it J"?. lto?vels, Luiij-s, Uvev and Kid uevi.andis entirely different from Bitters. i. V VS5C1V'C aut' othor Toulci. a.4 it never In ovlcatcs 5Wcf and 1 sizes. iWe S vin buying $1 .ize. HtseoxA Co., Nv Yorfe AGENTS WANTED FOU SULLIVAN- IEELAND OF TO-DAT. urn rscna tor full unit and hein 7!- ?tmf For ful1 Particulars, address ''I. McCfRpr A CO., Chicago, lxl. 4w GEORGE PACE & CO. Mannfltctnrcr of f iteat Portabla Circular SAWHIILS STEAM ETIGINES 8 a. 8CHE0EDES ST., BALTIMORE, MD. IllX'l'.lfV.' Sead tor ctttxuczp TER WEEK can bo roado In any 71 locality. Something rntirrlv nc HaTni- outfit free. G. Y. ISGIL." Ail 4 CO., Boston, Mass. j ; v may 17-4w new A- Cosniopolitan Bar. Tft EST WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, ."jSTCr ggjwllljreoelve the.lastVINBER. ajrt JOB2QCABBOLL. ; . -t-nturie of Enjhsh oppression -t t forth it ST,1?!- "d thth,W1 tl,. lautl -was conl! ftei aathe lndiutrlcs destroyed. It ex- rUnw the und Lea-ue the Land" Act -and the Coercion Bill, v ontaing 32 engravings and man in color. Price only $2 per eoov. s.-.le in . til fli irJ, Umchrr, ShAo imi, Olrrnlar Raws The Daily Review. You walked beside me, quick and free Willi lingering touch you grasped my band; Your eyes looked langhinglyin mine- Audnow I cannot understand, i j 1 . I. long for you, I mourn for you, Through all the darknnd lonelv hours Heavy the wei?ht the phllmcn lift, i i And coverilently with flowers. ! 1 J -Sarah Orne Jewett. SHOUTS. Jumbo, he Is a raastbdon, , For all the world has daid it ; t And its 'jcreatly tjo his credit I That he is a mastodon ! For be might have leen h lnonker, A jackass or a lluuky,j tj ijv may hap a unuwh! 1 Hut in iju of ntUenintatioliL I Ie irefen vl Lis gi-oc and ratiou. Aim remains a mastodon! Elevated liaihcay Journal. A Iochester firm hits sent seed to the value of. s 10,000 H tho sufferers bv the overllow Of the Mississippi. M - The grejit-gnind father pf Sir, Homer IJass. the new .'bitter loer baronet, - was a carrier between .s1ibourne, Derbj shhe, and London. 1,1 ' . An IlJ'mois woman of 80 has brought suit for divorce against her husband "2't. She thinks he married her- for money, and not forj lbvK ( t The statement that 1 Uncle Tom's Cubin"1 has been set to! music as an opi-ra is tleckiediv deiressin.?, coming! as it Iocs, ri"iit on ton ;f the labor tronhles Quincy. 111., isj not k good plaice to enjoy the luxury of shooting an editor. It takej ,s 100,000 to bail a man in that town who has only winged ojie editor. t3;at horses have, memory, judgment. reasoning faculty and sense of duty. Then how much superior horses must be to Congressmen. An English traveler says that travel ers of all other nationalities pay I more generously that thp English, who start with the conviction that every one is trying to impose uponjthem. Bridgeport, Conn., has made a steam whistle for a Canada fsakv-mill which will require 150 pounds pressure to sound it, but which; when it does sound, will be audible to the naked car 50 miles away. ' 1 1 The engine-house where John Brown was captured at Harpers Ferry is closely watched . by thf people of the town to prevent the relic-hunters from carrying it oil". When a i stranger is seen at the railway station (with a brick j m his overcoat pocket -ne is maue to ac count for his brick or else leavo it behind him. ! Dcatli Distanced. f VbEXAXDlMA1, Va., Aug. -1, 188 ij II. II. AVahner Co.: Sirs I should 'have been in my grave to-day had it not been for your Safe Kidney and Liyer Cure, f Mrs. Burgess. PERSONAL. General I). H.TIilUis from the presidency of Industrial School soon to retire the Arkansas, Senator Bayard's wife, who has long been an invalid, is now at Warm Springs, Va., where her health has been much benefited. Ilerr Von Kalfay has accepted the portfolio of Imperial Minister of Finance of Austria, with the adminis tration .of Bosnia 'and Herzegovina. Miss Belle Bra den is the only femi nine railroad officer in the country. She has just been elected treasurer of the V ay nesburg and W ashington rail road, and is acting paymaster. Amons: the pictures in an album of his drawings which Victor Hugo is to give a few ot his friends, .is one which represents John Brown hanging on the gallows in darkness, with a few rays of light breaking Irom a, distant cloud. An inscription on a stone at the head of a grave in the cemetery at Oswego reads : "In memory of Mrs. Catharine Howe, wife of Maior Thomas Howe Died Dec. 16, 1829, aged 37 years and 9 months. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of the saints." Cath arine Howe was the mother of Jane Howe. Jane Howe was the mother of Charles J. Gujgte'au. 1 ' While preaching fervidlj- at LafajTette, Intl.. 'the Rev. II. A'. Buchtol suddenly dropped out of sight behind the desk. The congregation thought he had been stricken by heart disease or paralysis, and there was a great hubbub. But the pastor slowly arose, and explained that he had inadvertently thrown his weight on a weak knee, (which was 'dis located by the strain. ' Revitalizing the blood is absolutely necessary for the, cure of general debili tv. weakness, lassitude, &c. The best enricher of the blood i iil 1 1 J T Js Brown's Iron Bitters. I A jJIouster Telescope, The principal beodest of the late James Lick, of California, was V,vui 000 to be devoted to I the purchase of land and to putting upon the same a telescope, superior and more- powerful to any yet made, besides all (the neces sary machinery, together with a suitable observatory connected therewith.. In order that it be made useful in the pro motion nf astronomical research, it was stipulated in the will', of the deceased philanthropist that upon its completion it should be transferred to the fcdate, to ! be kuown as "The Lick Astronomical ? Department of the Universitiy of Cab i r - - i l . loiuia. i ! The contract for the Icoustniction of the achromatic astrononical object glass, having thirty-six1 inches clear aperture, was let ito the firm of Alvan Clark Al- Sons, of Cambridgeport, Mass., in January, 1831, for the sum of 50, (XH, srj,000 ot wlucn was paid on sign ing. The glass is deliverable at Cam bridgeport on or 1 before November 1, 1883. The definition of the .glass shall be in all respects not inferior to that of the telescope of twenty-six inches aperture of the United States Naval Ob iservatory at Washington, and the amount of light shall be greater in pro- . . 1 aL loriion 10 me , mcreascti , area tu me objective, allowances being made for the absorption of light by the. glass. It is also stipulated that the constructors shall give to Hhe objective such focal length between fifty and sixty feet as they may determine to be best.T The trustees are allowed to designate .what two rays or portions of the solar sp3Ct rum shall be brought to one focus by the combined action of the lenses, or failing to do this, the contractors may fashion the curres of the glass so as to give the most perfect achromatism. The objective is to be completed and per fected within two years after satisfac tory rough discs are obtained by the constructors. . , Henry's Carbolic Salve v Is the I BEST SALVE for Cuts, Brnises, Sores, Dicers, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns' and all kinds of Skin Eruptions, Freckles and Pimples. Get HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE, as all others are counterfeit. Irioe $5 cents'. j Dk. Green's Oxyokrated Bitters is tho best remedy for Dyspepsia, Bil- liousness, Malaria, Indigestion and dis eases of the Blood, Kidneys, Liver, Skin, etc. ' ! DURXO'S CTARRH SNUFF cui-see all affections of the mucus membrane, of the hca and throat. f DR. lOTT'S PILLS Cathartic Rejpjlators are . the best Malaria, Chills and Fever, and Bil ious attacks positively cured with Em ory's Standard Cure Pills an infallible remedy : never fail to cure the most ob stinate, long-standing cases where Qui nine and all other remedies had failed. They are prepared expressly for mala rious sections, in double boxes, two kinds bi Pills, containing-a strong ca tharjic and a chill breaker, sugar-coated; contain no Quinine or Mercury, causing no griping or purging; they are mild and efficient, certain in their ac tion and harmless in all cases $ they ef- lectually cleanse the system, and give new life and tone to the body. As a household remedy they are unequaled. b or Liver Complaint tneir equal is not known ; one box will have a wonderful effect on the worst case.i They are used and prescribedby Physicians, and sold by Druggists crerywhere, or sent by mail, 25 and 50 cent boxes. Emory's Little Cathartic Pills, best ever made, only 15 Cents. Standard Cure Co.,' 114 Nassau Street. New York. 8m d&w. Quarterly .Mectingrs For the Wilmington District Methodist E. Church, South, third round, in part : j . ( Brunswick, at Macedonia. . - June 10-11 Smithville, at 8 P. M June 13 Whiteville .,. .June 17-18 Elizabeth, at Union -. . . June 24 25 Robt. O. Burton, i Presiding Elder. Unprecedented Attraction! OVER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Leg islature for Educational and Charitable pur poseswith a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of . $550,000 haa ainco been added. By an overwhelming populai vote Ita fran chise was made apart of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D., 1879. Its Grand Single Number Drawings will take place monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at tho following Distribution : GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT, during which will take place the Jf4 145th Grand Monthly AND THE EXTRAORDINARY 8EMI-ANNUAL DRAWING r i At New Orleans, Tuesday, June 13th, 1882. Under the personal , supervision and manage ment of Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louis iana, and Gen. JUBAL A. EARLY, . of Virginia. Capital Prize, $100,000. NOTiCE-Tickets are Ten 'Dollars only. Halves, $5. Fifths, $2. Tenths, $1. LIST Or 1 lilZiKS, 1 'Capital Prize of $100,000... $100,000 50,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 25,000 80,000 40,000 60,000 100,000 1 Grand Prize of 50,000 i 1 Grand Prize of 20,000 2 Large Prizes of 10,000. . . . 4 Large Prizes of 5,000. ... 20 Prtzes of 1,000 50 , 500.i.. 100 500.... 200 " 1 200 600 44 100 10,000 44 10.... APPROXIMATION rRIZES. 100 Approxlmatloa Prize of $200. ,100 100. $20,000 10,000 7,500 100 75. 11,279 Prizes, amounting to Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of La. lipil .TlTRAT. A. Kahlt. of Va. . $522,500 Com. Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the office of the Company In Sew Or leans. For Information apply to j ;M- A- DAUPHIN, ).. New Orleans, La, or M. A. DAUPniN. 1 127 La Salle Street, Chicago, Ills, or M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. The New York Office Is removed to Chicago. N. B. Orders addressed to New Orleans will receive-prompt attention. 1 1 may Il-wed-sat-4w-dw Best in Town -yyE CAN SHOW THE PRETTIEST Kid Button Boot for lia- dies' Wear. ) io ue iounu in me tatc. t We do display , the largest stock of Boots and Shoes in town. We sell better goods and give more for your money than any house dealing In our line. Try ijis and see If It Is not so. ' GEO. R. FRENCH A SONS, June 4 59 North Front et. For Sale. fVD neOspapers. "; JxineS- this orncE. MISCELLANEOUS. - I From the Toledo Blade.' SUEPEISING EFEOTS OF EXTRACT OF CELERY AND CHAMOMILE UPON THE NER VO US SYSTEM AND DIGEST IVE ORGANS. AS INVARIABLY PRODUCED BY DR. C. W, BENSON'S CELERY AND CHAMOMILE PILLS. They have been tested time and time again, and always with satisfactory result. This preparation just meets the necessities of the case. Let me state just what my Pills are made to cure, and what they have cured and trill cure: Neuralgia, Nervousness, Sick Headache, ferrous Headache, Dyspeptic Headache, Sleeplessness, Paralysis and Dyspepsia. These diseases are all nervous diseases. Ner vousness embraces nervous weakness, irritation, despondency, melancholy, and a restless, dissatisfied, miserable state of mind and bodv. indescribable. ' These are some of trie symptoms .of nervousness: now, to be fully restored to health and happiness is a priceless oon, ana yet, lor 50 cents, you can satisfy yourself that there is a cure for you, and for $5. at the very furthest, that cure can be fully secured.! These Pills are all they are represented to be, and are guaranteed to give satisfaction if used as directed and will cure 'any case. Sold , by all druggists, Price, 50 cents a box.1 Depot. 106 North Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md. By mail, two boxes for $ I, or six boxes for 2.50, to any address. ' ' C. W. BENSON'S 54 u ' ia Warranted to Cure ECIEKA, TETTERS, HUMORS, IKrLAWMATlOH, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, P:MPLE3 & t- 1-4 M j TENDER ITCHlNCSonaUxwrtsoftho -4 body. It o&kes the skin vrhite, soft and emooth KmOTH tan and freckles, and is tke 13 EST toilet dressing in TH2 WC21.D. laejanfy put np, two bottles in on. packags. consisting of both internal and ei .ei-nal txeatmont. i-U 'Qrst class dmgzixt?. hiwo it. OLperoaokace. J I . . ,. ; i : b -b b; b ' bi b ib C. N. Crittenton Sole Wholesale Agent for Dr. C. W. Benson's Reme dies 115 Fulton St., New York, i New Summer Resort! Hotel Brunswick, I SMTTIIVILLE, N. C. TIEECTLT IN FRONT OF THE OCEAN, and twenty-five miles below Wilmington. The HOTEL BRUNSWICK Is a new struc- r ture, and will be open for the reception of quests on THE FIRST DAY OF JUNE. It commands a splendid view of the Harbor and Ocean. Steamers and ships pass In front of the doof. . Sailing and fishing are unsurpassed. Bath Houses for the use of guests. A good Band of Music and Ball Room will be open dar and night. Ten-pin Allev, BULard Hall and Bar attached to the Hotel. THE TABLE will be supplied with Fish, Crabs, Oysters, Clams, Terrapins, and every product of the sea. First-class Passenger Steamers will leave Wilmington and Smithville morning and even ing, making two trips each way. The Proprietor has an experience of many years in charge of summer hotels at Beaufort, Includingthe late Atlantic Hotel. Cheap Excursion Tickets will be sold on the different railroads. . i Terms moderate. Special rates to families. , ' B. L. PERRY, Proprietor, and of Purcell House, Wilmington, N. C. may 14-Sm. Chewing Tobacco. E RESPECTFULLY OFFER TO OUR patrons and the trade generally, allgrades of hewing Tobacco of our former manufacture, of which we hold a large stock, and which we i will sell at reasonable prices. We shall con tinue the Tobacco Business in all itsbranch es, and shall add a Cigar Factory, which will be known aa the CHAMPION CIGAR FACTORY and thereby be enabled to sell Flrst-Class Goo4 at lowest prices and to compete with any mar. ket. i "' - .i DO NOT FAIL TO CALL UPON US FOB CHEWING TOBACCO, and our salesmen will from time to time call upon you to solicit or 1 ders. Respectfully yours, 1 I may 2-lm H. BRUNHILD BRO f 2 - Cjiagcr, kiuchu, Man drake, StiHingw, said many of the best medi cines known are com bined in Parker's Ginger jtnc, una manre such varied powers, as make it the eeatest Blood Purifier and the EtstRsata ft smtgd . Bestartr Ever tun. It cores RheuTOatsn, Sleeplessness, 8c lirar of the Stomach, Bowels, . . Parker's i Moi EcMMmkaU llvr DntM. and other Tonics, as it ; imf. Nmr fail to tmtotm ceverintoxicates. Hmcox ; yWlifmlcori.fyUJr. & Co.. Chemists. N. Y, ' We" l " L'"'i?81,gpnr8fa- - J John Werner, PRACTICAL GERMAN BARBER AND PERFUMER, 9 MARKET ST., WILMINGTON; N. C. MANUFACTURER OFPARISIAX BRIL lantine. Friction and Loslon. Also, Ex tracts, (lorncs, BeantHler, Hair Oils, Tonics, Renrwer, Reaofrator. Hungarian, -CowneUc, and Hair Dyes of every shade. I beg to Inform the public that I can be found at Mr. John Werner's, Trrpared to wait upon all who favor me wttha call. inajll JAMES CCARR AWAY. Icq CJ 1 -'?Jt- 1 MISCELIiANEOUS. For Sale, Eent or Lease. OUSE AND LOT CORNER FRONT AND MULBERRY STS. ftifAJlII ; APpiy to t?revli may 24-tx I. T. ALDERMAN. Warm Springs, Western North Carolina, IS OPEN FOR THE SEASON. FIST2ST climate and scenery on the Continent. Fan zello'a Cornet Band, from Philadelphia, will furnish the music The Hotel Is complete in all It appointments, i RAIL ROAD AND TEL EGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION. Apply for ular to UOWERTON & KLELN, may 24-lra , Proprietor. Snndries. 75CCBo res Soap Jumbo, Taylor? and other Brands. lOOCBoves Starch, 100 Cases Lye, I 7 " Ball and Can Potash, 50 Boxes Candle, ' 100 Cases Soda, 100 Cases SnalT. 25 Bui 100 Boxes Tobacco, all grades, 100 Cases Ovsters, v 75 Boxes & Bbls Crackers & Cakes. t For sale by . ! I mav f KERCHNER i CALDER BROS. Wilmington Shirt Factory l(the only one in the State) No. 27 Market St. J. ELSBACH, Proprietor. i THE ABOVE FACTORY U ready now to offer to the public great Inducements in White Shirts at the following low prices: The "Congress" 5hlrt open back 75c; do. open front, 75c Of these popular Shirts we have sold hundreds of dozens In the city, a well as In the country, and therefore Is well known to the public, and need no comments. The "Roy al", a Wamsutta Shirt, With 2100 linen front. 90c Boy's Shirts all sizes, 75c Mght Shirts 75c CoL Dress Shirts from 25c and upwards. Cotton Drawers from 25c upwards. Ilervy Jeans Drawers, double lined on the seat, 50c Shirts ana Drawers made to order at low ng ure's and a good fit alwavs guaranteed: Country orders . strictly attended to. These articles, whieh we now offer for sale are made up at home by well trained and long expert enced hands and no northern make can equal in sizes, fit and quality. These Shirts are all reinforced and cut lentghways the cloth', thor oughly examined before being put In-stock. Every bnirt is guaranteed to nt, ana war ranted as neprescnted or the money will be re funded. Come and save money and buy your Biurts at tno iactory. Very Respectfully, i J. ttLSUACJl, miay 21 Manufacturer. New Rest a u rant. npiIE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT! fully announce that he has just fitted up at No. i 3, Granite Row, South Front st., a restaurant for Ladies and Gentlemen, where meals and I, refreshments may be had at all hours of th i day. Everything ls new and first .class. Poj lite waiters and courteous attendants. ' i JOa-Game and Oysters In season. . Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars.' nov l8 t F. A. SCHUTTE, Prop. COW PEAS. lOO Bushels Clay and Mixed Peas. FOR SALE BY HALL & PEARS ALL juno2 , First National Bank of Wil mington. CAPITAL STOCK $250,000 v SURPLUS FUND. GG,000 Deposits received .'and collections r made on all accessible polnfs in the United States. DIRECTORS: ! E. E. BURRUSS, D. G. WORTH, A. MARTIN, JAS. SPRUNT, JAS. DAWSON. I OFFICERS: E. E. BURRUSS.. I. ........... PresldenL JAMES DAWSON j Vice President. A. K. WALKER.. 4..... Cashier W. LARKINS i..... A'tBt Cashier apt2S-tf v Facts and Figures TELL ON STOVES, ' REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOLERS. PURE WHITE OIL at I f Parker & Taylor's jane 4 Marrin's Celebrated piBE AND BUEGIAR PROOF SAFES, All Sizes and Prices, from"it50.00to $2,200.00. Acknowledged by the best authorities to be the BEST SAFE MADE. - - : . ' ; Extract from Scitniijle ricoiedltorial of Feb. 11th, 1S82: "We are also asked as to the beet fire proof safes. Wa say MARTTNS. ! ;'; " A. A. WILLARD. V juae Agent at Wlhalngton. ItAILKOADS, Sc. Wiliiiiiigton & Wcldon Railroad Coinpany. I ! . - 14, 1SS2.' ) OrncE of General S crniixTEN df(t, Wilmington, N. C. May ; - - ; - ' 3 . f 5 Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER APRIL 2, 1, 'AT 3.S7 P. M.. Pafeneer Trains on the Wilming ton Weldon Railroad will nm its follows : AY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS DA1LT, Nos. 47 North axd 43 South, i Leave Wilmington, FrontSt. Depot, fi.4q A Arrive at Wcldon. 12.50 1 M M Leave Weldon. 3.37 1 M . Arrive at Wilm'gton, FrontSt. IVpt, 9.55 V. M, Fast Through Mail's Passen-ger Trains Daily Nos. 43 North axi 40 South. IaveWilmlngton,FrontSt.,Iervqt, .1.r5l M Arrive at Wehlon liooi M. Leave Wcldon .J , .! r.10 j Arrive at Wilm'gton.FrontM. lytj 10.55 K M Train No. 40 South will stop only1 at Rocky Mount. WiiiKn. GoUUboro and M?inolia. V Tralus on Tarboro Branch Road l ave Rocky Mount for Tarloro at 12 M. and 7.15 P., M., . . 1 1 . . .... i i . . i . , . i a.-. . andi P. M. Dailv. t I t Train No. 4 make close connection at Wcl don for all points. North Ihdly. AH I rail (via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. ' 1 i ' Train No. 43 runs dallv and makes close ron. nection for all points Norfhia Rlchnionl and Washington. No. 47 - makes close connection for Tarboro. ; : I . All Irakis run sol.d between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pulhnhn Palace Sleep ers attached. ! ! JOHN F DIVINE, . General Suierlnumdcnt. A. POPE, General Passenger Agent. . apl 4-tf I Wilmington, 1 Columbia & Augusta R. R. Co. . i 1 Office of.Gexeral Superiktcv-dekt. ) Wlmlngton, N. C. May 14, ISSi ) f r olL.j.-i. , unange ot ocneauie 0N AND AFTER MAY 14T1I, 1S82, At 1.00 P. M., tho-following Passenger Schedule win be run on this roau : NIGHT EXPRESS TRaVINS4 DAILY Nos. 43 . West and 47 East. ' j Leave Wilmington... J..10.15 P. M. Leave Florence J. . 2.57 A. M. Arrive at C. C. & A. Junction....... G.20 A. M. Arrive at Columbia 0.40 A. M. Leave Columbia 4. ...... 1 lO.Off P. M.; Leave C, C. & A. Junction..... ....10:26 Pj M. Leave Florence.... ................. 1.5a A. M'. Arrive at Wilmington,.... CCO A. M. NionT Mail, ani Passenger Trai.v, Daily, I No. 40 West, and Day Mail, and Pas senger Train, No. 43 East. 1 i1 Leave Wilmington .; .11.10 P. M. Arrive at Florence......... 2.47 y. M. Leave Florence. 1.00 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington. ..f ... 5,15 P. M. xram 4. stops ni an iauons. , No. 40 stops only at Flcmlngton, Whiteville, Fair Bluff and Marion. ' - Passengers for -Columlda and all Jolnt3 oh G. & C. R. It., Cw & R.iR. Stations, Aiken Junc tion, and air points beyond, h6uld take 4S Night Express. I , Separate Pullman Sleepers for Charleston ana lor Augusta on Train 47. All trains run olll bctTtfceu Charleston iukI Wilmington. : JOHN F. DIVINE, . , 'Ucnerai nupprirjienueni. apl 4-tf a Carolina Central R. R. Company. Office of General 'Superintendent, sti:ndent, ) tli.lff?. ). Wilmington, N. C, ArrH Etli, Change of Schedule. o N AND AFTER ARIL 9th, 18S2, THE following Schedule will bo operated on this Railroad : 1 PASSENGER, MAILANDEXPRESS TEAIN,: DAILY. : .v , v i Ix?ave Wilmington at.. 45 P. M. 0 lm Arrive at Charlotte at.. .....7. 40 A. M. w 9 I Leave Charlotte at r'.v7.55 P.M. 0 im Arrive at Wilmington at....0.5J A. M. Trains Nos: 1 and 2 stoj at regular stations only, and points designated in the Company' Time Table. 1 1 Train No. 1. Dally except Sunday. ' t Do. No. 2. do. do. Saturday. - SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER,, MAIL, EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. : I , 1 Daily except Sundays. ' Ixave Cliarlottc.. 8.40 A. M. Arrive at Shelby.............. .12.401'. 31. Leave Shelby 1.40 P. M. Arrive at Charlotte.... 5.40 P. M. ' iTrains No. 1 and 2 make close connection at .Hamlet with R. A A. Trains to and from Eal 'eigh, and at Charlotte with Shelby1 Division Tram., ... 1 Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington uml f!hnrlntti and ILftlrlrrh and Charlotte. Train No. 1 makes connection at Charlotte with A.. T. A O. It. It., for tf taMTlI!e, ccn nccttnhjere with W. N.CVR. R. for all polnu on saVkuL , Trains Nos. 1 and 5 make connection at Char lotte with A. A C. IL U for hnartanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and all iolnts bo yond. - V. Q. JOHN8ON, mch 23-tf General Superintendent. To Make Home Beautiful HAVE YOUR WALLS KALSOM1NED with our superior Tinted Marbellne tn all - ' 1 shade; It coft a fonrth the price of Falntinjj .. . . ... ( , and is both darable and bctratlful; ran refer yon to some; of the best work In; the city. Onr Extra Pure White Lead and Paints we r . . . -. - .. ,j . '- . . j ; ;' 1 j are sclUng as low as Infcorgralea'aife offered. SASH, DOORS AND BLIND3, ' 5 i ! At Factory Pricef. Agency for the cclebratejii . EMERALD AND ZED VANCE 1 - ( 'cOOKINO 5TJOYE3. Our large line of Hardware' Is well known 1 -1 . wo r exert dar rcceiviDT new Glreaeallat. j ."' . "" y . - NATILVNIEL JACOBlf. : Hardware Depot, mayOtf ' 10 South FrontSt ll.vtj.w! 14f,-ru ft 1 :ruw II

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