TIU8 PAPER i. every Imoming, Mondays ex tflmblfeb! every I , . JOSH T. JAMES, taIOR AMFROFKlETOK. ' -PIPTIOXS POSTAGE PAID: Sl'n MOO month., $2:00. Three 0 reft!" View One month, 35 cents. t Villi .lelivered by carree Tb? P 'T, m v part of tha city, at the alwvc U week. ;., rate low and liberal. AJT, ,;! rigors will rei.ort any anil all fail- iiruaix?r regularly, : LOCAL NEWS. -IIDEX TO W ADVERTISEMENTS.. s jEWLTT-Onler. , 'ILLAKDS Salt. ' Yates Stationary, (jr.o. MvE' Fresh, ' j Fji:a n Shirts. i-C Mn-i i:,:-1)niit' " pK,;,:TAr('0-Butter. f A. Sen ltte Lunch, f il. Kin; (Jo Stoves. I i; . IU UKTax listing. j Mai .laud Harness. iVoin u & Woirni Sundries. JifUmSkt & Co Cheese, &c. M. Katz Summer Goods. .y . L. ATWKHIHT Xoticc. j W. KviT Junk Uusiness. K S, VvM;n( K I ioy wanted. kv E. S. Wauuock Removal. man & Wnox Monuments. IIai.i. it Tkausall Cov Peas. C. Kv axs The People7 s House. V. A. Wii.i.aki Marvin's Safes. A,. II. (In-ES Tonsorial Artist. Haxskn & Smith Pine Wood Oil Jso. J. IIkiikick- Open this day. Bkovn & PtODDiCK Dinna Forget . Jacobi To Make Home Beautiful Ki Wilson Manning Pine Guove. Crai-ox & Pick ett Do You Know. D. A. Smith & Co Bless the babies.. J. V. Harper Blackfish. excursion. Prof. VaxLf.au Soiree and concert. Hr.ixsr.EWiKK Pianos and organs rxiiKKu & Tatlok Facts and Fig ures. W. V. Iavi & Sox Kennebec Flint Lv, C,yo. 11. French & Sons Best in Town. ('. E..J evens Home Made Candy. Miss K. Kakrer Fans and Para sok Otterdou kg Commencing "to-mor row. J. F.Oarrell Milch cow for sale. KKKfllNER & C.VLDEK BlIOS Mo- la-cs. salt, &c; ' Henry Savage, Treasurer City bonds. Henry Savage, Treasurer Notice. T. J.Soytheklaxd Wagonvtte for the Sound. R. M. McTxtike -Extra Induce ments. L. T. Bowdex ec OTiiEus-rKxcur- Mn. There were no interments in Bellevue ( "einetery this week'. ' The sole agents-for the. "Monarch" shirt are Dyer & Sox, Tailors and Hab enlashers. - There were three interments two adults ami one childin Oakdale Ceme tery thi$ week. i There iwere eight interments four adults and four children in Pine For. wt Cemetery this week. .Attorney-General Kenan is in the city tonlay and is stopping with his brother, CW. R. Kenan. .The Register of Deeds issued four marriage licences this week, -two for white and two for colored couples. A lady's straw hat was picked up on the Turnpike, near the two-mile pwt. about daybreak on yesterday morning J.v a truck farmer coming into thtl'cicv. re rite of bapt4an by immersion will be administered this allernoon, at jo clock, in Princess street dock, bv Kev. A. M. Conway, pastor pf 'the t irst Baptist Church (colored). Bead the article entitled -The 1W ' iuuv page 01 tins issue. It will ttW you. You will laugb. It is a dipping, but it is from the pen of a young Wilniingtonian. . Hon. D. L. RuseFhvinJ returned to the city the presentation , of the caries to him and to Mr. DuBrutz Cutlar will fcte place at the Little Giant Hall to" PonoweTcnins. at S oVlock. George Phillips, a young colored bov, m caught Friday defacing a fence and a taken care of. by the, police. His toor, Mayor Smith, "reprimanded a severely yesterday naming and iMed hhn, . - . . RoilJrli mi Ifr.t, a r L.?r rats mi roaches, flies wA J . iuS skunks, chipmunks, . . . At Mcfntirft'a. i aPtv Mclntirc has determined to clear m i . me oaiance of the stock of car now on hand and with this object tsofferinssome extra fine bar- that line. The ladies will also re a full line of lace eurtain dres3 goods for the Summer of which are offered very f 1 4 VOL. VI. Mr.L Van Lear's Concert. The concert to be jii en by Mrl Yan liar's pupils will take place at the Opera House on the evening of the 16th inst. The proceeds wilu be given to tb,e Ladies' Benevolent Association. The Arion Club and Prof. ILobbs have con sented to assist in the entertainment. See advertisement in another column. Fowl Idings. I ' Thieves made a raid dn thehinrhouse at Mr. S. A. Curried farm, on the old plank road, near this city, Friday nightrind "carried k 6ft attifgg'uuiul I I! rf chickens. The same night a j raid was, made on the hen-rjost of Mrs. Thos. Monk, and all c f her stock of fowls were takan off. The "tnoon shiners" are again on the war-path1. To Kiversftle. The Sunday school of the Second Presbyterian Church will Indulge m an excursion to Iliveiside, up the North west river, on Tuesday next. ! The steamer Vesta will leave her wharf at Ik o'clock. The commute, Messrs. L Tate Kowden, J. C. Stewkrt, and W. C. YonGlahn, have tickets for sale. See advertisement.' ' Funeral Obsequies!. The remains of the late Levi k. Hart were borne to their last restin I place, ng and in Oakdale, yesterday morn were followed by a large concourse of friends. The paU-bjearers were Messrs. James IlrChadbourn, Edward Kidder, Alfred -Martin, B. F. Mitchell, Bl G. Worth and Jrio. Colville. ' The casket,, whicb held the remains . was carried from the residence to- tlie First Presby terian church by old family servants and former employees of Mr. Hart. i 4 l.:-. i . x eav-u lu 11 is asiica We noticed Ed. wearing one of the latest "Crown" collars at the pic nic. f Fersonul. . Our quandom fellow-townsman, Mr. Thos. A.. Darby, who is now onej of the largest and most prosperous saw-nlill owners at Cedar Keys, Fla., is in the city on a short visit to) his -family. Ho will leave to-morrow for the orth on a business trip. I ;l - ' - Lieutenant J. E. ! Davis of , the Colfax, who has been off on a1 sick fur lough for several weeks, returned to the City last night, and will report for du to-day.; ii 1 V Maj. Frank 11. Cameron, oti Kaleigh, is in the city. j Mr. II. B. Wood, Jr., wrjo hak been absent from the city for several weeks past recruiting his health, has returned and looks much improved. Mr. D. M.'Dart, who as been North for the past seven months, has returned to the bity. He is undecided whether he will again locate here in business. New Cliurcli tp be Dedicated. Myrtle Branch Baptisti Church, in Brunswick county, six' miles I from this city, on the Fayetteville road, is to be dedicated on Sunday, ihe 25th inst. The church is a neat little wOoflen struc ture 30 by 20 feet, and has a comforta ble seating capacity for one hundred and twenty persons. For, the past three years Mr. J. G. Duke has been preach ing in that vicinity, sometimes 1 in cab ins, dwellings and hi 4the open air- He labored Ions and hardl and finally' suc ceeded in forming a nucleus on which to build up a congregation of Mission ary 15aptists. The churchlorganization was formed, and' the preacher and members work assiduously to erect a place for the worship ' of God. Their efforts were crowned with success, arid thev now have a neat, little church, which they propose toi dedicate on the 25th inst, The church numbers sixty members, and we understand about a half dozen will join shortly. It is said that the church is the first that has ever been built in that section the country, and that some of its members live thir teen miles from it. It was built by contributions, the mill owners in this city contributing most 'of the lumber. The colored people living in the neigh borhood 011 one occasion went in a body to a meeting, which was being held in the interest of the church, 1 and con tributed a neat little sum of money which they had raised among them selves. Revs. J. B. Taylor and W. M. Kennedy will officiate in the dedicatory services. On Saturday, the 24th inst thc.licentiatc, Ir. J. G. Dukes, will be ordained, the Revs. J. B: Taylor, W. M. Kennedy and J P. Lennon conduct ing the services. Mr. Dukes has been called as pastor of the new church, and will assume all the duties of an Elder, as soon as he is ordained. A largo number of persons are ex pected to be present from the surround ing country, and quite a number are expected from this city. ' ; ' . ; v. ' - J l - WILMINGTON; M C.v . j ' Sheephead. Possibly the last opportunity of the season, on the Passport, to - visit the Blackfish Grounds is offered to our an glers. The boat will gj to the Grounds Friday next, and as she will soon com mence to run her regular schedule ot two trips a day to Smithrille, she can not be -taken off the line. See ad. elsewhere. To Builders and others Goto Jaco bi's fo.r Sash, Blinds and Doorsl Glass, &c. You can get all sizes ' and at the The Chatterbox. . The 3Iay and .June numbers of the CtaUcrbox haye-been received from the publishers, Messrs. Estes & Lauriat, Boston. The two numbers are. just splendid we know of no other word which1 can express it so well. The little ones who get them will surely be charm ed with the beautiful illustrations they contain. A-jthing in the; hardware line can be found at reasonable prices at 1 Jaco Bl'S. . t Exports Foreign. Swedish briac Bort, Capt. Sundgirst, cleared yesterday for Queenstown, for orders, with 967 casks spirits turpen tine and 550 barrels rosin, valued at $20,245, shipped by Chess "Carley Co. The Ger. brig Express, Capt. Fret wurst, cleared for Rotterdam with 500 casks spirits turpentine and 1,758 barrels rosin, valued at $13,920, ship ped by Messrs. D. R. Murchison & Co. The Nor. "barque Agdcr, Capt. Johann esen, cleared for Londpu with 4,283 barrels rosin, valued at $9,175.39, ship ped by Messrs. Paterson, Downing & Co. I Biff Beets. Wc saw yesterday three large beets not of the animal species at Capt. JasS B. Huggins1 store. They weighed 8 lbs.J nearly 3 lbs apiece. They were raised by Mr. B. S. Montford, on Ma-t sonboro Sound and are, known as the blood turnip beet. They, were plan tad about the first of March and are conse quently young and tender. They equal in size any Northern beets wc have jever seen ( Freshwater Perch,Trout and Black fish hooks and lines. 1. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jjlcobi's.I j : j Church Services To-Day. First Baptist Church, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Rev. J. B. Taylor, Pastor. Ser vices to-day : bunuay school at Ms a. in. ; Preacliine at 11 a. m. and S p. m. Tuesday 8 D. ni. Bible Class. Thursday 8 p. m., Prayer and Praise meeting. Cordial invitation ex tended to be present at any and all of the meet ings. i - t , St. James' Church, corner Market and Thiftl streets. Rev. A. A. Watson, D. D., Rector. First Sunday after Trinity and Festival St. Barnabas, June 11, 1882. Celebration 7 a.m. Morning Prayer at 11 a. m. ; Sunday School at 4 p. m. ; Evening Prayer at 6 p. m. St. John's-Chnrch, corner Third and Red Cross streets, Rev. Thos.1 D. Pitts, Rector. First Sunday after Trinity, June 11. Early Celebration at 7.30 Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock, Sunday School, at 5 p.m. Evening Prayer and Sermon at 8.30 o'clock St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, corner of Sixth and Market streets. Rev. F. W. E. Peschau, Pastor. SnhdaySchool, 9.30 a. m. English services at 11 a. m.. German services at 8p. m. Second Presbyterian Church, corner of Fourth aud Campbell streets. Rev. C. M. Payne, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m., and at S p. m. Sabbath School 4 p. m. Prayer Meet ing Wednesday at 8 p. m. St. Thomas' Church, Dock between Second aud Third Street. Rt. Rev. Bishop Northrop, Pastor. Morning Services at 6, 4:30; and 11 o'clock. Evening Services at 7 :30 o'clock. Second Baptist Church,! on Sixth, between Church hnd Castle streets. Rev. J. P. King1, 'Pastor. Services at 11 a. ra. and 8 p. m. Sun day School at 9 a. m. Prayer meeting every Tuesday night. " St. Paul's Episcopal Church, corner of Fourth and Orange streets. Rev. T. M. Am bler, Rector. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock; Evening Prayer at 8 o'clock; Sunday school at 3 o'clock. Seats free. ; First Presbyterian Church, corner Third and Orange streets. Rev. Dr. Joseph R. Wilson, Pastor. Morning service at 11 o'clock ; evening service at 6 o'clock; Sunday school at 4.45 p. m. ; Thursday night lecture at 8 o'clock. Front Street MT E. Church, South, corner of Front and Walnut streets. Rev. Frank II. Wood, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sabliath school at 3 p. m., W. M. Parker, superintendent. Prayer meeting and lecture Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Christian Association Tuesday evening after first and third Sabbaths, at 8 o'clock. Seats free and strangers and visitors cordially Invited. Fifth Street M. E. Church, between Nun and Church streets, Rev. T. Page Ricaud, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. ; Class meet ing at 3 p. m. ; Prayer meeting Thursday even ing at 7 o'clock. , Cnrlst Church (Congregationalist)Nun street, between Sixth and Seventh. Rev. D. D. Dodge, minister. Preaching services at 11 o'clock, a. m. and 8 o'clock, p. m. Pastor's Bible Class at 12.15 p. m. Prayer and Praise meeting, Wednesday, 7.30 o'clock, p. m. Snnday School, 3 o'clock, p. m.. In Memorial Hall, corner 7th and Nun sts. The unhappy wife who suffers from the petulance and ill humor of a ner vous husband, should name the real cause in her complaint to "the court, or remove that nervousness by presenting the defendant with Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills. Death Distanced. Alexaxdkia, Va Aug. 4, 1881. H. II. Wabxek & Co.; JSrI should have been in my grave to-day had it not been for your bafe Kidney and Liver Cure. . Mrs. Bcbgess. . 1. ! ii 14 It ' t , i i ? " . " . dLUULJ V JLiiLi V V 0, SUNDAY. JUNE 11. 1882. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Tax Listing. JIST YOUR TXES AT OXCE AND avoid Ue rush of the last few days. The tim is .i- passin rapidly, jttnell-lt J. O. BCER, Assessor. For Sale. TWO PARLOR CARPETS WITH WIDE border, fine Brussels, fashionable Shades and quite large. Also rery handsome polish-; ed overlaid Dining Table and SkleboartL These articles have- been used only one sea son and, are sold only because ef , owrer leaT ing tiw euy. , A. inn-gam offered jtaporchawrs. ForparUuUr adaress postal to "ir.'Bor $61, Cltj.-..' '' v- . junell Excursion. THE SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL, will gve an Excursion TUESDAY 15th inst., on the Steamer VESTA, to RIVERSIDE. Boat will learei Wharf, be tween. Princess and Market Streets, at 8 o'c'k, sharp. Tickets Adults 50c, children 25c, for sale oy the Committee. ; - 1 I. T. BOWDEN, J. C. STEWART, W. C. VON GLAHN, Committee. ' June ll-2t Order MATTRESSES, HAIR, MOSS OR STRAW made to order. Awnings, Overstrung or Uuderstnrng, put up to order. Wndow Shades, all coiors, hung to order. Piclure Frames and Window Cornices made to order. Carpets and Matting, put down to order WaJ Paper (you should see it), hung to or der. Leave your order at t S. JEWETT'S, 27 N. Front Street. Upholstering done by skilled workmen. June 11 - , j j , Sheephead and Blackfish Grounds. 1 i . FRIDAY 16th Inst., Steamer PASSPORT will leave her wharf at o'clock, a. m., sharp, for above fishing points. Fare to Black fish Grounds, fl. Inlet. 75c. J. W. HARPER, I Capt. and Agent. junell-lt Soiree and Concert. THE PUPILS OFfMR. VAN LEAR, assisted by the Arion Society, Prof. G. M. Hobbs, Violinist, and others, will give a Soiree and Coneert at the Opera House, FRIDAY EVE NING, June 16th, for the benefit of the Ladies' Benevolent Society. Tickets ofiadwlasion 25e. lteservea Seats at Dyers, junc 11 2t.Sun & Fri Wagonette for thfe Sound. - i ON AND AFTER THURSDAY, . 15th inst., the Wagonette will be run to and f xom the Sound, leaving Wilmington, corner Seeond and Princess streets, at 6 p. m.i Returning, leave the Sound at 7 a. m. i -. . .. junll-tf T. -J. SOUTHERLAnD. Jeff r THE FINE DAPPLE GRAY NEVER look ed or felt so well, as he has since he don ned a set of that EXCELSIOR HARNESS to be found at the New Sadd'ery and T.unk House, No. 40 Market stj Our Trunk and Satchel de partment is complete. We guarantee best goods for the least money, june 11 H. M. BOWDEN & CO. Boy Wanted TO 18 YEARS OLD, ABLE TO READ. Apply on Monday morning, between 8 and 10 o'clock. E.(S. WARROCK, Job Printer, Cor. Chestnut and Water streets, june 11 i Office in Review Building. Removal. (TEMPORARY.) MRS. E. S. WARROCK, FASHIONABLE Dressmaker and Agent for Domestic Sew ing Machine, respectfully announces t9 "her patrons that she has removed from the corner of Third and Orange Streets, to the residence next 'to the Southwest Corner Fifth and Wal nut sts. (on Walnut), where she will be glad to sec them. june 11-lt fWrE DESIRE TO BRING TO THE NOTICE T'Y of out friends and the general trade throughout the country, the PINE WOOD CREOSOTE OIL, BLACK VARNISH, AS PHALTUM, CHARCOAL, WORM-PROOF PAINT, PYROL1GNEOUS ACID for disin fecting, which are the most reliable and cheap est in the market. These Goods are sold at very low prices, and manufactured only by the Carolina Oil Company, je l.tf HANSEN & SMITH, Prop'rs. Molasses, Salt and Bacon. J0 QQQ SACKS LIV. SALT, ' 125 Hhds. and Tcs. Porto Rico Molasses1. 50 Boxes D. S. Sides. For sale by, june 11 KERCHNER & CALDER BROS. XTTAGONS. CARTS, TRUCKS "and Drays of VY the celebrated Wilson & ChUd's make, at manufacturer's prices. For sale bv : june 11 KERCHNER & CALDER BROS. A NO. 1 WELL BROKE MULE, In perfect condition, and one second hand two-horse Wagon will be sold cheap by june 11 KERCHNER A CALDER BROS. For Sale QNE EXTRA DURHAM COW, WITH A young Calf, full blooded. ! A fine Milch Cow, Apply to june 11-lwk ", ' . F. GARKELL. Extra Indncements I JT IS MY PURPOSE TO CLEAR OUT aU CARPETS now on hand, and to this, end will offer some real good bargains for any stock in this line. DO NOT FORGET OUR LACS CURTAIN GOODS, LACE LAMBREQUINS, CORNICE, ODL CLOTHS, Ac. CREAM AND WHITE DOTTED SWISS, FOULARD SILKS, SUMMER, SILKS, XrNS CLOTHS, SHUDAS, TAMUE, Ac. NEW nOSrERT, for Ladles and ChUdren. Tra veiling Dtcm Goels to ereai variety. New Collars and Neckwear. R, 2L MX35TTEZ- NO. hi. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Lunch ! j jJERCHANTS AND CLERKS WHO WILL close business hereafter at 5 o'clock will find a SPLENDID I LUNCH Every day at SCHUTTE'S. Best the market affords and prices very reasonable. F. A. SCnUTTE, ' . s.-iJ Proprietor. june 11-tf i - . . - JJABY CARRIAGES AND PER A MBULA- tors In full stock; large jrariety ad low; prices. . j also, FURNITURE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, r .. ' - - : of all styles and at all prices. D. A. SMTTII & CO., jjunell. ' North Frot 8t!-eet. lonery gUjTABLE FOR BUSINESS OR PRIVATE USE''. ' ; I BLANK .BOOKS adapted td all uses. READLNG MATTER of all kinds. A gx-eat variety of other articles usual to my line. . ,. OBGANSXaND PIANOS AT BOTTOM PRICES, at I june 11 YATES BOOK STORE. Pianos & Organs. - i TULL STOCK, TERMS EASY, j HAMMOCKS, HAMMOCKS, ! ! PICTURE FRAMES. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, I , POCKET BOOKS, ' I STATIONERY IN GENERAL, at june 11 HEIRSBERGER'S. White Bronze. i THE UNDERSIGNED, AGENTS FOR THE Monumental Bronze Company,- of Bridge port, Conn., invite attention to the work offer ed py them. These monuments are Indestruct ible, cannot be chipped, cannot be thrown over and may be had at one-half the price of stone. AMAN & WILSON, june 2 lm Princess St., near Second. , Commencing To-Morrow, Regardless of the ' Weather, Ot t erbpur g J3ROPOSES TO BUTCHER HIGH PRICES and literally SLAUGHTER the CLOTHING fit his Iron Front Men's Wear Depot, nearly op- -' . poslte the IPorcell House. Call and see and handle and try on one of the new "Triumph Baits' embodying the very stylish' English Walking Coat. These Suits are worth fully ... - -. -$17.50 but by a certain tarn of the wheel," (m to speak) we are enabled to offer them to our f ..."'-' trade for a few day at $11.90, 81190, 11.90 ! ' CALL EAEL A Big Bonanza ... ' - j rv CLOTIHNG AWAITS YOU AT MEN'S WEAR. DEPOT. lose 11 ... t T .PLEASE NOTICE. ' We will be giadjto receive commxuiicaUona from our friends on any anjl'Tali "subjects of general interest but " ! I Tle name of the writer must always be fur nlshed to the Editor. ! , ' , Communication ninst be written "on oaly one side of the paper. - . 1 Personalities must be avoided. I Ami It is especially and jiartjieularly undCT etood that the Editor dajes not always endorse he views of correspondents unless o slated la tlie editorial columns.! ;adveutiseints. r-4- OPENED THIS DAY ! ! A NOTXIER LOT, pieces. 12'c Bunting. A handsome line of s j WHITE GOODS; 1 ... i, f . , j . . ,0; I -t;LOVE5, aiU ' ITANDKEUC1IIEFS. jane 11 JXO. J. IIKDRICK. OFFICE CLERK AND TREASUKEul CITY OF WILMINGTON, N? C. ; Jone llth, I?2. City Bonds. J OFFER FOR SALE $10,000 OF CITY SIX PKR CENT. BONDS, of thoj denomluaUon of $1,000, Interest payable January and July of eacli year Bonds to mature In 1010. This Lssue v I - 1 - is authorized by an Act of the General Apscm- . bly, ratlfleil Maoch 11, 1SS1. for the purpose ot ' paying tGO.OOO falUng due July lit, ISSi Ndbid at less than par will be entertained. ! HENRY SAVAGE, Trcia surer. juno 11-lt1 OFFICE TAX COLLECTOR, CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, JUNE 10th, 1$ Notice. I AM NOW MAKING UP . DEEDS TOR the Real Estate on which the taxes rcniain un paid for the years 1S79, 18S0 aud j jAll p;ir ties interested who wish to avoid having deeds for their property made aind ; rcglstcrcl la the "Records of the County" must call fltthja ylji8S2. ,t this . office and eettle the same prior til J uly HENRY SAVAGE, Tax Collector. junc 11 It . r Don't Forget rjpiiAT i ;keep ruLi ad complctk: Stocks of Drugs and have ingredient to Hit ANT"PRESCEIPTirjNrTtn Medicines. 'Prescriptions comiounled 1 any hour of thenlht. F. C'. MILLEili. " . Stores : Foui-th and Nun Sts., Fourtlrand Han over Sts. i may 21 tf . Lost or. Strayed i pROM MY PLACE ON WRIGHTVILUG Sound, one medium size red and whSe COW,' and a black and brown colored CO Y, with brass tips on horns- A suitable reward 'will le paid for their return or information that will lead to their recovery. , ' june . F. A. SCHUTTE. Commercial Hotel Wilmington, N. C, ; . M. SCIILOSS, Prop.' , .... i .: - ! piRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. t , VW Fifpt-r1a Bar and BILLIARD SA LOON ATTACHED. ! a pi 27 A NewLotl3 ', . j -. - QF HARNESS JUST RECEIVED AND FOR sale low. .1 have full linen of Trunks and Va- ' Uses at prices to suit the t:ms. i Repairing executed neatly anl with dl patch. , 1 . J. II. MALLARD, , ,- -- Saccessor to'Mallard & Bowden, may 21-tf ' No. 8 Front i:tnet- Kerchner '& Oalder Bros, QOMMISSIONMERCHANTS, ------ Dealers In 1 GROCERIES and FERTILIZERS. , ! GENUINE GERMAN IvAIKlT apl 2:l-tf ON HAND. Worth & Worth. QFFER ;AT LOW PRICE3 TO PROMIT buyers: : . ,.' A. ; ; -' . 10,000 Bushels CO KN, 1,04) do. MEAL, '' ' MO Barrel FLOUR, l.V Itags COFFEE, 100 IkirrcU SUGAR, .. 100 Boxes BACON, .. 1 Bales HAY. 250 Hurts, and Bbl. i NEW CROP CUBA MOLARSEA, ' WO, HhU. LIME.CEMENT A PL-STER, 1,000 SPIWT BAR U ELS, New and srrond liand. yrTobacco, Snuff, Soap, Lye, Potato, Matclm, Caady. Candles, Hoop Iron, Na U, &c St. mayl , - . . : Fans and Farasols. JN ADDITION TO 31 Y ALREADY LARGE and elegant stock Of MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, I have revived another large asaort ment of SHELL, IL acd 1L, L-VCE 'ami TUS CAN ilATS, 'BCACTTFUL FLOWEIW, TRI3IMING3, FANS and PAllASOL, JLc . Reepecttuliy, ' MISS E. KARRER, jnseS Exehaxio Corctr.'

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