t nifi PAPER ' 1 ' ' " ' ' 1 ... ",. " , ,..",v...,:"-., , ' : ... -. - . . .. .. , . . . V" . . I r , jfr.bll.bed every rmomlng, crted:by Mondays ex JOSH T. JAT.IES. Ton A J-KorRreTou. rinioNs WTage paid: it' tbs $1 00; One month, 35 cent. - M .r will delivered by carriers free 7"!":; , an, part of the c!tv. at the above ,s';; ra ' ' v., rau i law and mral. i!f - ;1 .prt aay mi.i-all fail- rear 4.00. tlx months, $2.00. Three rCi''" 1"' " ' toCAL NEWS. IXDEX TO NEW ADVEHTI5EWIHTS rTES Stationary. v,,bv Court -yesterday. jIr;vsnni:i:-A Full Stack. Mi nih HuCS-Insect Powde jnyi;xT Mosquito Canopjr-s. irmts and the Independents 1(5. Mr i . wif s k ?.I ANXiN; Pincr Orove. i John J. Fowler acted as Umpire. IV Alle:hr:mand Altachmont. lt y.urta.vand ive the ne. r.,i,-..H lH'cn'parchasin": Li-h' 'I'.hreaiJ urLr (rum l)YV.n. f ; . oflefc"mlrc.Und;uncty-nineiK.r!5oij. ihr.c taxes 3 im. Bndor, l-zpi. Tribou. - , w. t.. Vnliiini. X. Y.. 'to snpiid i iinii"nn r. , ; Th, electric lire alarm Avas a little j out ! nnter yosieiciay, out a. j:eui during the afternoon. Quite a number of persons went to Smithviile yesterday to spend the sum mer at the Hotel Brunswick. Those of our citizens who would like to spend a pleasant evening should not fail to visit the Lawn Party at the Luth eran parsonage to-niht. - Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish hooks and lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at jAcoui's.f ' The work of demolishing the old Can non house, on the corner of Third and Orange streets, goes bravely on. Jost ot the third story has been takeii down. Quite a large number ot persons went down the river yesterday on the ex cursion of St. Thomas (Catholic) Sun day School. They had a pleasant-time. No rain of any consequence has'pass ed over the Moore's Creek section of Pender county since the latter part of April, and crops are suffering in conse quence. The excursion to the Blackfish Grounds to-morrow on the steamer Passrt bids fair to be a very enjoy able one. The boat will leave her wharf nt 4.30 o'clock a. m., sharp. It seems as though there will not be usual Fourth of July race between the between the yachts of the Carolina Yacht Club this year. Can't you pull 'em out, Commodore Wiseins9 The boiler of the steamer Minnehaha has been examined and pronounced by the chief boiler maker of this city, and a man of much experience, as the finest ioilerhe ever saw, being made of steel and only two years old. Our amateur fishermen are looking forward to a big haul to-morrow. The wind has been in the right quarter f r the past two days, and the indications are flattering. .The Passport will leave her wharf at 1:30 a, i rh. sharp. It! oatinsr headaehesi nervous nrostra- i yon and spinal weakness cured by Lydia j 1 lnkha esctable Compound. ! k.,-, uiiviMi at ew i orK jcstertiay. wl "to ins ooiy vi7tct uwic Mviumy magazine u one Hundred dollars per acre, when a iron, Copper, Bra, Lead,- Zinc, . , : . .,. i i i ii . f. i a i . t.i . 4. rv ir it?., tr t . r -T" - - i : TZ . . iiromtlic upper deck and Ins 'gatorship ! ot JNew lork, and promised that the snort while ago Uiey sold for twenty-. 'il'V , v?ie ape,r y iVr., fc Th. n,v.,iue Cutter' has taken j s?lllk 1;,neath tltC Slirfflce of the Avater. i magazine should reach the subscribers ? . This boom has come from the j Ll.MuoYs wuK.Stn 'V C h,r summer quarters at -SnuthMhe. ; i about the loth of May. As. vet the ! t1.cklD carn ,on bichhas wonder- June 2-lm . , The I1 ire YesterutiA' i i e i i - ' -miy cnuauceu uie price 01 reai estate. ; zz z z rr Mr. H.nry G. Latimer and family! . J J ' paid for and promised magazine has For the same reason city real estate 1 TllG PeODle S HOUSC. Have you'bou'ght your ticket for the j tin, J. L. Costin, C. Z. Costin, Gaston concert to-morrow night?. Remember ; Costin, J. F. Croom, G. H. Croom, G. t w given for the benefit 'of the Ladies' i F. Debose, R. F. Debose, J. J.De Henovulent Association; but apart ! b.;se, J. J. B. Eakins, O. Z troiu this fact Mr. Van Lear will give I Eakins, A. Flanigan, J. R. Fultch, you a programme which is bound to : Richard Garris, G. A. Garris, F. D. plcasc- -. ' ' j Garris, J. W. Gurganus; R. A. To Builders and nt'w, r r i Henry, R. M. Henry, W. B.Henry, Sr I Hezekiah Henry, J. T. Highsmith, -""iw ami llKlSS ic. Tou cari get all sizes and. at the lowest prices. At a meeting of the Democrats at Newborn on Monday last, resolutions were adopted endorsing U. II. Brvan for Judge of the id Judicial District, ! und Hon. Chas. C. Clark for Comrresi -"-."4;r. " e imnK me Uonsress- ! man at large should coma from the j liiu.i 1 XI- j. l i . u District. Exports Foreign. Ger. barque jAtcy Paul, Capt. An reis, cleared yesterday for London ' with 3,379 barrels rosin, valued at $8, ISO cV.;.i u r t. . . MeSSrSV 1 :UerSU' ' Personal. ' aj. Jesse Wilder, a former resident J f this citv. hut ..- f Ttr.indrft ,4orgu. is here on a visit. ... t t 1 Arof- Gaston M. Ilobbs arrived in nis city Tuesday, and will take part in e concert to-morrow night. Mr. Jas. H. Hill was in the city yes terday. p. Kidney Disease,' Irritation, .Retention, Inconti jence Deposits, Gravel, &c, cured by Mpa.hia". $l. Depot James C. The VOL. VI. Base Ball. uaae wan iccr waxeth warm. 1 estcrday afternoon a match game was , Tl.,. 1 I lt f - f : played a. too Athletic Ground between ! j and tho ludependeuts, Capt. Fred. P. jllowland. The llecreation made 30 ! " ,,7 0ll t,c I;!,t trip lmvu tlm river oflbe steamer. John Dwson a large alligator about feet.loiyvas shot while lying r kn!,relinto the water nnd at. ! tacked the Hleitmer. and it Aas thought ! tbat.it would crawl upon the deck. ScvJvassed the city for subscriptions to the j . . - . 1 l he alarm ot lire was sounded yes- i tcrday afternoon, about 3 o'clock, caus- i cd by the burning of a chicken coop on premisesJ of Jolm King at tbc I southern extremity of Front street. The lire department turned out prompt ly, but were turned back before the en gines reached the lire. Mr. King had been smoking his chicken coop and in structed a boy to watch it, but the urchin left, and the coop took fire. The Fire Alarm. "A As a success the lire alarm is a com pete failure. The members of the fire department complain most bitterly against it and with good cause. It is almost a matter of impossibility to hear the bell at a distance of three squares from tlie tower. The. firemen ask that in case of fire the church bells, to which are attached fire alarms, be rung. They are anxious and willing to go promptly to a fire but the majority of the time the engines have been out and get to a fire before the firemen are aware that there is a conflagration. It seems to us they ask but little and we have no doubt that the authorities will order the church bells rung. Ay thing in the hardware line can be found at reasonable prices' at Jaco Bl'S t The Original Roster of Co. E., 18th Regiment. Mr. I). J. Moore, of Moore's Creek, whowas one of the original members of Company Ejmd who was wounded September 1st, 18C2, at the battle of Ox Hill, losing both of his eyes, has kindly furnished us with the list of officers and men in the Moore's Creek Rifle Guards (Company E, 18th regiment N. C. Troops) prior to the passage of the first conscript act. The stars indicate the dead. The list is as follows : Captain J. R. Hawos. m 1st Lieut. H. A. Colvin. '2nd Lieut. C. V. Ilincs. 3rd Lieut. Fred. Thompson. Privates W. II. Alderman, L. T. Alderman, S. S. Averitt, Columbus ! Barnhill, W. 1L Barnhill, C. W. Blake, j E.E.Blake, D. P. Bland, G. W. Bon- ham. II. T. Brown. W. F. Brown. W. j. Ceok,-P. C. Colvin, T. R. Colvin, D. J Corbettt G. w. Corbett, S. B. Cos- Zeb. J. Hunt, John Herring, J. B. Herring, W. F. Hufham, G. E Keith, Owen Kinion, Nathan Lewis, R. C. Lewis F. N. B. Lewis, G. W. Malpass, L. H. ilalpass, J. D. Mnhuis Amos Malnass T. I). Mal- pass, David Marshburn, C. Mc Auslin, I John Moore. J. M. Moore. W. A. I Moore, Henry Moore, 1. .1 . Aloore, J. R. MooreT Murray J. Moore. H. L. Peterson, AV. S. Pigford, J.L.Pigford, ! Alouzo Pridgen, II. II. Pridgen. Brad ley Pridgen, J. F. Pridgen, C. J Pridgeu, C. V. Pridgen, I. W.Rayner, ! R. R. Reaves, i. J. Register, A. Ii. i Rooks, .1. J. hook, . ;eaAeu, j U Simmpns, T. M. Simpson. Edw'd J i Stanton, J. P. Stringfield, D. J. String- Seawell, field, W. F. Stringfield, C. M, Ttiylor, Taylor. G. W. '.Woodcock, II. M. Woodcock, J. M. Woodcock, J. .J. ! W OOOCOCK, .J. XT. Y aiKCl, J . . llCCi- Y . . . T ir If It t ir er, Joseph White. Quincy Williams. The above list does not include those who joined the company after Septem- ber 1st, 1S62. Jt is suggested that some ono prepare a list of those members, and that both rolls be called at the re union -olTthe company at Point Cas well on the Fourth. , We will be pleased to publish the list, if some one will fur nish us with it. WILMINGTON, N. C THURSDAY, JUNE 15. The Pender County Buildings. We understand that ' the Building Committee of the County Commission- crs of Pender county have not put out jail for that county, and there is a Ming of considerable disanbointmenttliromrh- lappbintment tli rough out the county that it should be so. We presume, however, that the gentle men of the committee have good reasons for non-action, which they may make known before long. We have been (con ipellcti to ) tiong mi ilQ s decline two com mimical subject. ' Lookout for Him. About the first of Ma V a stranger ran I . - . . . . has not come to hand. A few davs ago, one of the "sold" directed' a letter to the American Fireside Monthly Mag azine, and yesterday received a letter from the Postmaster at New York, stating that there was no such publica tion in that city. More Stolen Goods Recovered. Officer Richardson was out again yes terday in search of the articles stolen by Eliza Green. He succeeded in gather ing in one breast-pin, one pair of ear rings, one seal ring, six gowns, eleven pieces of lace-trimmed undergarments and one black crepe veil. He has got ten all of the stolen articles, save one piece of jewelry, which he hopes to get to day. The woman, Eliza Green, had sold the articles to different parties and they. were gathered in from twenty dif ferent houses, in which she had sold them . The officer deserves much credit for the manner in which he followed up the clue and ferreted out the articles. Special Correspondence Daily Review. ON THE AVING. Laurinburg, N. C, June 13, 1882. Editor Daily Btvitw : My last com munication was from Rockingham. This town is going ahead improving. The fire which nearly destroyed the business part of the town has been rapidly rebuilt, and many of the stores are now brick in place of wood. Sev eral new brick buildings are being started for stores, and one to be en larged and an additional story added, to be used as a hall on the upper floor. Many new and neat dwellings are now near completion. Laurinburg is a thriving town, and a large business is done here. This is a famous point on the C. C. R. R. for fertilizers. Crops are very fine throughout the county, and an abundant fruit crop of the very finest ever raised. The business out look for the fall is very flattering. . -yr., c. & a. k. it. SHOPS. I was shown through the extensive shops by Capt. James Maglenn, master machinist. Capt Maglenn is no new hand at the works, and the superior work turned out at this point thorough ly attests his skill and efficiency as a master of his profession. He is now overhauling a number of engines, coaches and cars preparatory to the Fall business which will be done by this road. Since my last visit here a largo and commodious hotel has been built here, kept by Captain Wm. Legget t and situated just fronting the depot of the Carolina Central Railroad, most convenient to the travelling public, and where they are well cared for by him. I found here sevorai Wilmingtonians engaged in business-J. D. Nutt, Robt. L. Harriss. The former is at his old business as a druggist, and is doing well, and the latter driving a good business in the furniture and cabinet J business. There are few better mechan ics in the State than friend Harriss, which is well known to our Wilming ton people. THE MAILS. Themails close and arrive at the City Post office as follows : CLOSE. Northern through mails, fast 4.45 P. M. Northern through and wayjnaUs. . . ..40 A. M. Raleigh 5.00 P. M. and 5.40 A. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad and Aunnlied therefrom Includ- - ifiuhr'' l1?"! ,;; VrV i" n" WiV "8" Ins A. & S. C. Railroad at 5.40 A. M. 00 P. M. ' fMfra miii v- j J ..-j , rpvront Sundavl.. . .5.00 P. M. All points between Hamlet and Ral eivrn Mail for Cheraw and Darlington Rail- .5.00 P. M, .8.00 P. M. road. Mails for points between Florence and Charleston. 8.00 P. M. Favetterille and offices on Cape Fear River, Fridavs 1.00 P. M. FayetteTille, via Lumberton, daily, exrent Sundays 5.00 P. M. Onslow C. H. and Intermediate ofQ- ces, Tuestavs and Fridays 6.00 A. M. SmlthvUle mails, by steamboat, dally s& M5S? xcept smnaays) ,.oa.ji. lor iiasy mn. Town ureeK, Mhllntte and Uttle River. Tues days and Fridays 6.00 A. M. OPEN FOR DEUVEBY. Northern through and way malls. . . .8.30 A. M. Southern Mails a.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad 10.30 A. M. Stalls collected from street boxes every day at 3.45 P. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to "i M., and from 2 to 5.30 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. Sumps for sale In small quantities at general delivery wnen sump omce is cwstu. General delivery open from daylight to dark ana on bandars rroi ra 8.30 to 9.30 A. M. RevitalUing the blood is absolutely necessary for the cure of general debili ty, weakness, lassitude, irc. The best enricherof the blood is Brown's Iron Bitters. STATE NEWS. Robcsonxan: Col. W. Foster French, one of the ablest lawyers in this judicial district, aud who would reflect credit not only upon himself, but upon his county and the Democratic part v. will not enter the contest, for the judgeship in this district. Greensboro Bwlc: We have listed the taxes in Morehead for ten days, and have asked every farmer we have seen, and the same report comes from every one that is that there has not been such a crop of wheat in this coun ty in twenty years. Next week the $i mosteof the crop will be harvested if 1 tuc weamer xeeps clear. vW'.;-.-. . Newbern Journal: F.irmimr Innrl around Newbern has advanced in a few ?hrv r . . . A . . . ' I II 11 1 .1.1 . " . will soon take a similar rise. x Charlotte Observer: The big law suit of the widow of Michael O'Donnell, the engineer who was killed on the 7th of January, 1881, near Lexington, by the rock slide into which his engine ran, against the Richmond and Danville Railroad Company, was ended in Salis bury last Saturday night about 11 o'clock. The widow sued for $25,000 damages, but the jury retarned a ver dict allowing her $12,000. Greensboro Patriot: There is a little section of South Alamance county that deserves honorable mentiou as having the first cotton factory, and the first iron foundry, ever started in North Carolina. The latter has been in the same family (Dixons) for about fifty years, and without suspending during she entire half century. Cane Creek Quaker church, in the same vicinity, is one of the oldest in the State, and the only one which can show an uninter rupted record of semi-weekly (Sundays and Wednesdays) meetings since 1751. Lord Cornwallis camped around the old church several days on his retreat after the battle of Guilford Court House, and some of his wounded, who died at Cane Creek, lie buried near the church. News end Observer: The collections in this revenue district last week were $24,028.65. -Major John W.Hins dale is one of the most successful bee raisers in this section. His aoiarv is managed on the latest principles, and he has no less than 100 hives. Kev. Robert Burwell, D. D., who lor forty years has been a remarkable educator, in charge of female schools at Hills boro, Charlotte and Raleigh, yesterday celebrated his 80th birthday by a fami ly reunion. The meeting of the National Medical Association, now in Erogress at St. Paul, Minnesota, is a ig affair, many hondreds of delegates being in attendance. Drs. Eugene Grissom, of Raleigh, and Charles W. Woolen, of Randleman's Mills, Ran dolph county, represent North Carolina, the former gentleman being one of the vice-presidents of the association John W. Norwood, Esq., of Hills- boro, whose health for a long time has been quite feeble, is now, his numer ous friends will be glad to learn, quite restored in his 80th year, sent yesterday to the department of agriculture a buuch of oats, the product of a single grain, of which the stalks, carefully counted, were found to reach the as tounding number of 182. - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mosquito Canopies, JUST TO HAND WITH-ALL NECESSARY fixtures and we will be pleased to put them np for you If you leave your order at S. JEWT5TTS, 27 North Front Street. Upholstering, Paper Hanging, Mattress and Awning making at same place. June 15 Pine Grove, WRIGHTSVILLE; N. C, SITUATE AT the 8 Mile Post on the Turnpike. Per pons Yluitinsr the SOUND FOR A DAY'S EN JOYMENT can itet an EARLY "Fisn SUP- PER" before starting home, by asking for It. No trouble at alL ED. WILSON MANNING, Propr. June 15-tf A Full Stock QF BASE BALLS. BASE BALL BATS, " INDIAN CLUBS, WORCESTER'S AND WEBSTER'S ' UNABRIDGED DICTIONARIES. NOYJT3 DICTIONARY HOLDER. At Heinsberger's. june 15 The Adelina Patti Hand Attachment "POR ALL SEWING MACHINES. IT CAX be essily attached in a moment's time to any old or new Machine. It can be as readily de- tacltsd or can remain on the machine whether used or not. REMEMBER It can be used by the opera tor or by an assistant. It can be used with the feet as a help, or alone. Prices rivea on application. Address, UNIVERSAL, ATTACHMENT CO.. June 15-lt 257 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. For Hire. JJOR3E8, BUGGIES, CABJtIA- 4S g, PBJetoss,Wagonets. Road Wag 0, at lowest price. Prompt attention to all nlers. T. J. tOPTTTKBTi ND. Ommlbn aad baggmgs line to and from rail road, suj SS-fct 1882. NO. 145. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Jno. H. Giles, rjK5SORIAL;ATSTIST A5D MA3UTAC- TITIEU OP PEE FUMES. Shop near corner of PriMiJ jind Catt streets None bnt lct work turned out. Price renftbl4. Giro mo a calL jun -tf PtTRCELL HOUSE. -J-JXDEK 5EW MANAGEMENT. WILMINGTON, y. C B. L. PKRRT, Proprietor. Late Proprietor Atlantic Hotel. Flrnt Cl tn all 1U appointmenta. Term tso to 1 vt "y. - - -xwt-.xeuait-iv J. W. Knott -pATS THE HI13I1KST PRICK FOR Ua$, ItagSlng, People jyjEALS FURNISHED AT ALL HOURS. Private families supplied at reasonable rates. I have established an ICE CREAM PARLOR in connection with the People's House. C. EVANS, Prop., June 3-1 m Dock near Front street. Private Boarding. HAVING RENTED THE WELL-KNOWN and beautifully situated Reynold's Place, in the city of Asheville, I am preparad to take Boarders on the following terms: $30 00 a month ; $10 00 a week ; $1 50 a day. Apply to MISS MARY A. MILLER, may 12-2m Asheville, N. C. Salt. Salt. QQTONS AGRICULTURAL SALT. 15 QQQSACKs:LITERPOOLSAL'T 1 '200SACKS TA"LE SALT. '500 SACKS COARSE ALUM SALT, Fine Table Salt In small pockets, n r 1 aicw urup iuua jtioinses, J2QIInd8 Tierces and Barrels New Crop Cuba, Porto Rico, Old Crop! Cuba and ieciar byrup tor sale at low prices, june 4 "WILLARDS. Fans and Parasols. TN ADDITION TO MY ALREADY' LARGE A. and elegant stock of MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, I have received another large assort mentof SHELL, R. and R., LACE and TUS CAN HATS, BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS, TRIMMINGS, FANS and PARASOLS, Ac. Respectfully, MISS E.fKARRER, Exchange Corner. June s FRESH ! pi VERY STEAMER BRINGSjUS NEW AND FRESH 8UPPUES OF FAMILY GROCERIES, IWINE8, CHOICE LIQUORS .AND CIGARS. Every article we stills strictly as represented, Omrs is the oldest established grocery house In Wilmington, and we are determined to keep up the high reputation it has enjoyed for more than quarter of a century. We respectfully invite an examination of stock. aplSt OBO. MYERS, 11 and IS South Front OPENED THIS DAY ! NOTHER LOT, 50 pieces, 1 c Bunting. A handsome line of 1 WHITE GOODS. LACE. GLOVES, and HANDKERCHIEF'S. June 11 JNO. J. HEDRICK. "Bless the Babies" ! B ABT CAERIAGKS AND PERAMBULA- tors In full stork; large variety and low prices. ..' , v ALSO, . . . ' - FURNITURE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, 0 all styles and at all prices. d. A. SMITH CO., June 11. North Front street. T AUGUST STOCK COOS STOVES IX THE 1 1 ' State and lowest prices. Call or write for Cat logos. aplS F. 1L KING CO. PLEASE KOTIC3. O f ! - I We wd" be glad .to receive cotamuidcadom from our friends'on aay and all subjecti ef trneral Interest bur Jhe name of the writer must always be fnr nlahcd to the Editor. , Communications mcst bo written on oajy ono''aldeof spaiw v Personalities mast be avoided. And it is especially and particularly uadr stood that the Editor does twt always endorse be views of coirespoadonts . Vales jui UUd hi the editorial columns . . - , ,. XKW ADVEIITISK3INTS. Lutheran Lawn Party. A LAWN PAETI WIlW 'BE HELD AT the Lutheran Parsocajspe, to tnomw (TnURt- DAY) night Supper from G o'clock on, Al- mlsslou freeu "Sapper 5 cents v . - -june 14-2t " Notice, iy-vi,.' THERE W1LI. BK A MINTING" OF TTOi Democratle Executive Committee of Kes' lUnorer county, at tine oUlce ot the Chairman m Thursday evenlufi Juno 15th. at Tcloct AHj?ilcndDCO u i'hrd. x Bvorr!eT ofth Chairman. j am tr kiw For Sale, Bent or lease. JJOUSE AND LOT CORNER " V FRONT AND MULBERRY SI-S.kT"! Apply June W-tf , . 1. t. ALDERMAN. Wagonette for the Sound. 07kASP AfTE THURSDAY, 15th !nt. the W aronette will be run to and from tho Sound, leaving Wilmington, corner Seeond and Princess streets, at 0 p. m. ItetuTnlng, leave the Sound at 7 a. m. junell-tt T. J. SOUTHERLAND. Jeff TSF T1?$ DArPtE GR.VY NEVER look JL ed or felt so well, as he has slnee he don ned a set of that EXCELSIOR HA UN ESS to be found at the New Saddlery and Trunk House, No-- Market st. Our Trunk and Satchel de partment is complete. Wo guarantee best goods for the least money. juno 11 II. M. BOWDEN & CO. Molasses, Salt and Bacon, 10 000 SACKS uv SALT 125 II lids, and Tcs. Porto Rico Molaasct. 50 Boxes D. S. Sides. For salo by june 11 KERCHNER & C ALDER BROS. "TTTAGONS, CARTS. TRUCKS and Drays of m the celebrated Wilson A Child's make, at June 11 KERCHNER & CALDER BROS. NO. 1 WELL BROKE MULE, in perfect condition, and ono second hand two-hone Wagon will Iks sold cheap by Juno 11 KERCHNER & CALDER BROS. Stationery guitable for business or private use. BLANK BOOKS adapted to all uses.. READING MATTER of all kinds. A great varloty of other articles usual to my line. . - ,,.v ' OBGANS AND PIANOS AT BOTTOM PRICES, at Junoll . ' YATES BOOK STORE. Kerchner & Calder Bros, QOMMISSION MERCHAOTI, . AND 1 Dealers a if' GROCERIES and FERTILIZERS. - GENUINE GERMAN KAIN1T ap!2S tf ON nAND, Best in Town CAN SHOW THE PRETTIEr v Kid Button Boot for La dies' Wear. f to be found In the Statt. We do display the. largest stock of Boot and Shoos in town. We sell better goods and give more for your.' money than any bouse dealing In our line. Try us and see if it Is not so. ' GEO. K. FRENCH SOXV Juno 4 S3 North Front si. Insect Powder AND BELLOWS FOR USING SAMKv Kills Bedbugs, Roaches,, Fleas, -AnU, Flies and Insects of all kinds. Good for using on Dogs and Cats. Imported and for sale In any quantity by , r MUNDS BROS., ' Druggists. Prescriptions preparod at all hours ot the day and night. , . . ... r. June 4 For Sale- rpWO PARLOR CARPETS WITII WIDX X border, fine Brussels, fashionable Shades and quite urge. . Also very hn'lom Mhsh-e-i overlaid Dining Table and 81UeboarL These articles have been uel only one ses son and are sold only because ot owner tear lng toe city. A bargain offered to purchasers. For particulars address postal to "M" Box Ml, City. - - . , -..'. JwH Don't Fflrget fJVHAT I KEEP FULL AND COMPLETX Stocks of Drugs and have torredlents to U0 ANY PRESCRIPTION Full stocks of Patent Medlclce. t PrescrrpUocs compouoiled any hour of the nlzht. - '- F. C. 3tILLElC btores : Fourth and Nnn Eta., Foortta and Han overSts. may 21 tf Scarborough's Saloon and Bestaurant ! , . - EVERTTHING FIRST CLASS. MEALS AT all hours. Clea n Lgirga. EverythiBg gua n teed as good as j, .n the city. Bar Is suppDed with the best of.lAiuors- Board by the month...... ...I......."r.. 15 00 Board by the week , Board by the day 1 And you can get your meals any hour of ths) B, J. SCARBOROUGH, aplJ50-2m 5o bouth Water at. f

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